Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget (MOF) Alm. del

Samling: 2023-24

Spørgsmål 925

I brevet ”Letter to Ambassadors: Don’t downgrade wolf protection” fra 10 europæiske organisationer af 8. maj 2024 anføres: “The main argument of the Commission for proposing to lower the protection status of the wolf, is to avoid livestock depredation. However, as highlighted in the own Commission’s in-depth assessment, allowing wolf hunting does not reduce depredations. Moreover, the damage to livestock is predominantly a local issue and remains limited on a large scale. Considering that there are 60 million sheep in the EU, the level of sheep depredation by wolves represents an annual killing of 0.065%. Depredation levels are lower in the areas where large carnivore presence has been continuous compared to areas where they disappeared and returned in the last 50 years. The availability of natural prey, landscape characteristics and the use of protection measures also shape the incidence of damage to livestock. Therefore, reducing the protection status significantly undermines the continuous efforts to implement measures aimed at fostering co-existence between wolves and local communities. It creates the perception that hunting wolves is a solution to livestock depredation, while it is clear that continued investment in adequately implemented preventive measures is the only effective way to solve wolf-livestock conflicts”. Vil ministeren give sin faktuelle vurdering af disse oplysninger, herunder i relation til de oplysninger, der er givet Folketinget igennem regeringens samlenotat om EU-Kommissionens forslag jf. MOF alm. del – bilag 513?
Dato: 11-06-2024
Status: Endeligt besvaret
Emne: dyr og dyrevelfærd
Dokumentdato: 02-07-2024
Modtaget: 02-07-2024
Omdelt: 02-07-2024

MOF alm. del - svar på spm. 925 om faktuelle vurdering af brevet ”Letter to Ambassadors: Don’t downgrade wolf protection” fra 10 europæiske organisationer , herunder i relation til de oplysninger, der er givet Folketinget

MOF alm. del - svar på spm. 925 (pdf-version)
Bilag - MOF alm. del - svar på spm. 584 (pdf-version)
Dokumentdato: 11-06-2024
Modtaget: 11-06-2024
Omdelt: 11-06-2024

Spm. om faktuelle vurdering af brevet ”Letter to Ambassadors: Don’t downgrade wolf protection” fra 10 europæiske organisationer , herunder i relation til de oplysninger, der er givet Folketinget

Udvalgsspørgsmål (pdf-version)