Retsudvalget (REU) Alm. del

Samling: 2019-20

Spørgsmål 1835

Vil ministeren kommentere rapporten »Human Rights and Migration« af den norske professor Ole Gjems-Onstad, idet der især udbedes en vurdering af afsnittet om udpegningen af dommere ved Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol, hvor der blandt andet skrives om den norske dommer: »at the same time his judgements at the Norwegian Supreme Court and his many publications on human rights law reveal that Mr. Bårdsen is the most maximalist human rights judge the Norwegian Supreme Court has ever seen. He has penned some strong minority votes and in later lectures and articles has openly criticised the »other side« in decisions of the Court in which he has been involved. Such criticism is not especially common among Norwegian Supreme Court judges. Bårdsen has also been quite public in advocating an expansionist attitude to the application of human rights law«?
Dato: 21-09-2020
Status: Endeligt besvaret
Emne: international ret og menneskerettigheder

Endeligt svar

Dokumentdato: 09-10-2020
Modtaget: 09-10-2020
Omdelt: 10-10-2020

REU alm. del - svar på spm. 1835 om kommentar til rapporten »Human Rights and Migration« af den norske professor Ole Gjems-Onstad, fra justitsministeren

Besvarelse af spørgsmål nr. 1835 (Alm. del) REU (pdf-version)
Human Rights and Migration - A critical analysis of the jurispru... (D1655379) (pdf-version)


Dokumentdato: 21-09-2020
Modtaget: 21-09-2020
Omdelt: 21-09-2020

MFU spm. om kommentar til rapporten »Human Rights and Migration« af den norske professor Ole Gjems-Onstad, til justitsministeren

Udvalgsspørgsmål (pdf-version)