Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2016-17
UUI Alm.del Bilag 203
The European Union faces migration challenges of such magnitude that they question
our ability to address them in a coordinated manner. These challenges will probably
be one of the dominant themes of the 2019 European electoral campaign, as already
experienced in national elections and referenda. We need to demonstrate strong and
ambitious European leadership on such a central concern for our citizens, and be ready
to deliver a common, readable message on migration.
The European Parliament is committed to acting effectively upon the Rome Declaration,
which prioritises a Europe in which citizens are safe and can travel freely; a Europe with
secure external borders and a responsible, sustainable migration policy that complies
with international standards; and a Europe that is determined to fight terrorism and
organized crime .
The European Parliament takes the lead in encouraging the other EU institutions
and the Member States to implement this Declaration, and proposes a strategy for
increased inter-institutional cooperation, with a working method including a timetable
and deadlines.
In the two years to come, the European Union (institutions, Member States, national
parliaments, EU agencies, regions, etc.) should mobilise its resources and have its
legislative, diplomatic, financial, security and humanitarian instruments drive a global
strategy. Its objective should be to manage migration flows, and ensure a stable and
prosperous environment at our borders.
To this end, and as suggested by various stakeholders from both inside and outside of
the European Parliament, a high-level conference dedicated to migration management
will be organised on 21 June 2017. Its objective is to raise the attention and create a
sense of urgency ahead of the European Council on 22-23 June that will notably discuss
migration and review progress on the implementation of the Malta Declaration and the
external aspects of migration.
The conference will be organised with the relevant parliamentary committees that
focus on migration, with participation of their Members, in particular the rapporteurs
of key files, and stakeholders.
The conference could be the starting point of a process leading to reinforced inter-
institutional cooperation in the field of migration. As an outcome, an inter-institutional
task force could be established, which would not substitute for formal decision-making
process, but would regularly gather stakeholders from the EU institutions.
UUI, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Invitation til højniveaukonference om håndteringen flygtningesituationen.
Hemicycle of the European Parliament
21 June 2017
Draft programme
14:30-15:00 Opening
President of the European Parliament, A. Tajani
President of the European Commission, J-C. Juncker
President of the European Council, D. Tusk (tbc)
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security
Policy/ Vice-President of the European Commission, F. Mogherini
15:00-15:30 Introduction
United Nations Special Representative for International Migration, L. Arbour
Director General of the International Organisation for Migration, W. Swing
President of the European Investment Bank, W. Hoyer
President of the European Committee of the Regions, M. Markkula
15:30-17:30 Round table: Managing asylum and migration
Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, C. Moraes
European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, D.
Migration Policy Minister of the Hellenic Republic, I. Mouzalas
Topics for discussion include:
Better sharing responsibility for asylum seekers, accelerating asylum procedure;
Addressing legal migration gaps;
Promoting integration;
Addressing irregular migration;
Implementing return decisions;
Ensuring coherence with the Union s human rights policy.
15:30-17:30 Round table: Promoting stability and prosperity
in third countries (in parallel, in room PHS 3C50)
Chair of the Committee on Development, L. McAvan
European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement
Negotiations, J. Hahn
Topics for discussion include:
Fostering economic and cultural diplomacy to ensure prosperity, tackling root causes;
Addressing humanitarian needs;
Helping partners prevent or manage crises on their own;
Enhancing third countries capacity building in border management and asylum;
Ensuring coherence with the Union s human rights policy;
Ensuring democratic scrutiny of international cooperation tools.
17:30-18:30 Round table: Strengthening the EU’s internal security
Member of the European Parliament A. Diaz de Mera
European Commissioner for Security Union, J. King
Topics for discussion include:
Securing the Schengen area, preserving freedom of movement;
Improving exchange of information between national authorities, between EU
agencies and national authorities, and from national authorities to EU databases;
Dismantling networks of criminal smugglers.
18:30-19:30 Closing session, with the leaders of the political groups