ministeren enig i, at den svenske rapport fra Karolinska konkluderer:
1) "However, it is also clear that wind turbine noise is more annoying than road traffic noise at the same equivalent noise level”, og at dette er i modstrid med, at vindmøllestøj ikke er mere generende!
2) "On the other hand, the effects on the cardiovascular system by noise are assumed to be stress related and triggered by noise annoyance and sleep disturbance (Babisch 2002). Wind turbine noise is causing noise annoyance, and possibly also sleep disturbance, which means that one cannot completely rule out effects on the cardiovascular system after prolonged exposure to wind turbine noise, despite moderate levels of exposure,”- og at dette er i modstrid med ministerens udsagn om, at vindmøllestøj og helbredseffekter er undersøgt "igen og igen" og, at der ikke er fundet nogen sammenhæng.
Dato: 20-12-2011
Status: Endeligt besvaret