Fremsat den 20. januar 2010 af
økonomi- og erhvervsministeren (Lene Espersen)
Lov om ændring af lov om anvendelsen af
visse af Det Europæiske Fællesskabs retsakter om
økonomiske forbindelser til tredjelande m.v. og
(Forbud mod transport af visse produkter og
teknologi med dobbelt anvendelse m.v.)
§ 1
I lov om anvendelsen af visse af Det
Europæiske Fællesskabs retsakter om økonomiske
forbindelser til tredjelande m.v., jf. lovbekendtgørelse nr.
474 af 14. juni 2005, som ændret ved § 5 i lov nr. 490
af 17. juni 2008, foretages følgende ændringer:
1. I
§ 1 a, stk. 1, indsættes
efter »biologiske«: », radiologiske«.
Efter § 1 a indsættes:
Ȥ 1
b. Det er forbudt at transportere produkter og teknologi,
der er bestemt til anvendelse i forbindelse med udvikling,
fremstilling, håndtering, anvendelse, vedligeholdelse,
oplagring, sporing, identificering eller spredning af kemiske,
biologiske, radiologiske eller nukleare våben eller andre
nukleare sprænglegemer eller til udvikling, fremstilling,
vedligeholdelse eller oplagring af missiler, der skal
fremføre sådanne våben.
Stk. 2. Forbuddet i stk.
1 omfatter med de begrænsninger, der følger af
straffelovens §§ 7, 10, 10 a og 10 b, også
handlinger foretaget i udlandet.
Stk. 3. Forbuddet i stk.
1 omfatter ikke transporter, der gennemføres uden for
Danmark, i det omfang transporten sker i overensstemmelse med
internationale aftaler om ikke-spredning af
Stk. 4. Forbuddet i stk.
1 gælder ikke for danske militære
3. I
§ 2 indsættes efter stk. 7
som nyt stykke:
»Stk. 8. Med
bøde eller fængsel indtil 2 år straffes den, der
forsætligt overtræder forbuddet efter § 1 b, stk.
1, eller stk. 2.«
Stk. 8-10 bliver herefter stk. 9-11.
§ 2
I lov om udlevering af lovovertrædere, jf.
lovbekendtgørelse nr. 833 af 25. august 2005, som
ændret ved § 11 i lov nr. 538 af 8. juni 2006, § 6
i lov nr. 542 af 8. juni 2006, § 1 i lov nr. 394 af 30. april
2007, § 2 i lov nr. 347 af 14. maj 2008 og § 2 i lov nr.
99 af 10. februar 2009, foretages følgende
1. § 5,
stk. 3, nr. 5 og 6,
ophæves, og i stedet indsættes:
»5) artikel
2, jf. artikel 1, i FN-konventionen til bekæmpelse af nuklear
6) artikel 7 i Det
Internationale Atomenergiagenturs konvention om fysisk beskyttelse
af nukleare materialer, som ændret ved
ændringskonvention af 8. juli 2005 til Det Internationale
Atomenergiagenturs konvention om fysisk beskyttelse af nukleare
materialer eller
7) artikel 3 eller
artikel 3 b, 3 c eller 3 d i konventionen af 10. marts 1988 til
bekæmpelse af ulovlige handlinger mod
søfartssikkerheden, som henholdsvis ændret og indsat
ved protokollen af 1. november 2005 til konventionen af 10. marts
1988 til bekæmpelse af ulovlige handlinger mod
søfartssikkerheden, eller artikel 2 eller artikel 2 b eller
2 c i protokollen af 10. marts 1988 til bekæmpelse af
ulovlige handlinger mod sikkerheden for fastgjorte platforme, der
befinder sig på kontinentalsokkelen, som henholdsvis
ændret og indsat ved protokollen af 1. november 2005 til
protokollen af 10. marts 1988 til bekæmpelse af ulovlige
handlinger mod sikkerheden for fastgjorte platforme, der befinder
sig på kontinentalsokkelen.«
§ 3
Stk. 1. Loven
træder i kraft den 1. juli 2010, jf. dog stk. 2.
Stk. 2.
Udleveringslovens § 5, stk. 3, nr. 7, som affattet ved denne
lovs § 2, finder anvendelse på anmodninger om udlevering
efter konventionen af 10. marts 1988 til bekæmpelse af
ulovlige handlinger mod søfartssikkerheden eller protokollen
af 10. marts 1988 til bekæmpelse af ulovlige handlinger mod
sikkerheden for fastgjorte platforme, der befinder sig på
kontinentalsokkelen, der fremsættes, efter at
ændringsprotokollerne af 1. november 2005 er trådt i
kraft mellem Danmark og vedkommende fremmede stat.
§ 4
Stk. 1. Loven
gælder ikke for Færøerne og Grønland.
Stk. 2. Lovens § 2
kan ved kongelig anordning helt eller delvis sættes i kraft
for Færøerne og Grønland med de afvigelser, som
de færøske eller grønlandske forhold
Bemærkninger til lovforslaget
Almindelige bemærkninger |
Indholdsfortegnelse |
1. Indledning og
formål med lovforslaget |
Baggrund |
2.1. Den gældende SUA-konvention og
1988-protokollen |
2.2. Ændringsprotokoller til
SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen |
2.2.1. Strafbare handlinger i
ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen |
2.2.2. Udlevering og retshjælp |
2.2.3. Øvrige bestemmelser |
2.2.4. Ratifikation af
ændringsprotokoller |
2.3. FN's Sikkerhedsråds resolution
nr. 1540 (2004) om ikke-spredning af
masseødelæggelsesvåben |
3. Gældende
lovgivning |
3.1. Eksportkontrol med dual-use
produkter |
3.1.1. Det internationale samarbejde om
eksportkontrol |
3.1.2. Det fælles EU-retsgrundlag
for eksportkontrol af dual-use produkter | Dual-use forordningen | Rådets fælles aktion
om kontrol med teknisk bistand og sanktioner over for Iran og
Nordkorea |
3.1.3. Den danske bemyndigelseslov og
administration af eksportkontrolreglerne |
3.1.4. Dansk straffemyndighed |
3.2. Udleveringsloven |
4. Lovforslagets
indhold |
4.1. Forbud mod transport af dual-use
produkter, der skal anvendes til
masseødelæggelsesvåben |
4.2. Forbuddets geografiske
afgrænsning |
4.3. Straf |
4.4. Undtagelser fra
transportforbuddet |
4.5. Udleveringsloven |
5. Økonomiske og
administrative konsekvenser for det offentlige |
6. Økonomiske og
administrative konsekvenser for erhvervslivet |
7. Administrative
konsekvenser for borgerne |
Miljømæssige konsekvenser |
9. Forholdet til
EU-retten |
10. Hørte
myndigheder og organisationer |
11. Sammenfattende
skema |
1. Indledning og formål med lovforslaget
Lovforslaget har til formål at gennemføre to
protokoller af 1. november 2005 om ændring af konvention af
10. marts 1988 til bekæmpelse af ulovlige handlinger mod
søfartssikkerheden (Convention for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation), i det
følgende benævnt "SUA-konventionen", og den
tilhørende protokol til bekæmpelse af ulovlige
handlinger mod sikkerheden for fastgjorte platforme, der befinder
sig på kontinentalsokkelen, i det følgende
benævnt "1988-protokollen".
Med henblik på at kunne ratificere
ændringsprotokollerne er der behov for at ændre
bemyndigelsesloven, jf. lov om anvendelsen af visse af Det
Europæiske Fællesskabs retsakter om økonomiske
forbindelser til tredjelande (lovbekendtgørelse nr. 474 af
14. juni 2005 med senere ændringer), og udleveringsloven, jf.
lov om udlevering af lovovertrædere (lovbekendtgørelse
nr. 833 af 25. august 2005, som senest ændret ved § 2 i
lov nr. 99 af 10. februar 2009).
Lovforslaget gennemfører for det første
SUA-konventionens artikel 3 b (3 bis), stk. 1, litra b, iv), som
ændret ved ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen,
idet der indføres et forbud mod transport med skib af
produkter og teknologi med dobbelt anvendelse, herefter
benævnt dual-use produkter, der er bestemt til anvendelse i
forbindelse med masseødelæggelsesvåben. For at
opfylde forpligtelserne i FN's Sikkerhedsråds resolution nr.
1540 af 28. april 2004 om ikke-spredning af
masseødelæggelsesvåben, omfatter forbuddet alle
former for transport, herunder også transport med fly eller
lastvogn m.v.
Lovforslaget gennemfører for det andet bestemmelserne i
artikel 11 b (11 bis), stk. 2, i SUA-konventionen og artikel 1,
stk. 1, i 1988-protokollen, begge som ændret ved
ændringsprotokollerne af 1. november 2005, hvorefter ingen af
de forbrydelser, der er omfattet af SUA-konventionen eller
1988-protokollen, anses for en politisk forbrydelse.
Lovforslaget sikrer endvidere, at Danmark opfylder de
forpligtelser i FN's Sikkerhedsråds resolution nr. 1540, der
vedrører kontrol med transport af dual-use produkter, der er
bestemt til anvendelse i forbindelse med
Vedtagelsen af lovforslaget indebærer samtidig
meddelelse af det i henhold til grundlovens § 19
fornødne samtykke fra Folketinget til, at Danmark
ratificerer de to ændringsprotokoller af 1. november 2005 til
henholdsvis SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen.
2. Baggrund
2.1. Den gældende SUA-konvention og
SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen indeholder regler i
forhold til ulovlige handlinger, som bredt truer sikkerheden
på skibe og faste platforme. Baggrunden for konventionen og
1988-protokollen var bl.a. kapringen af den italienske luksusliner
Achille Lauro i oktober 1985. Konventionen og 1988-protokollen
opregner således en række kriminelle handlinger,
herunder med terrorforsæt at anvende skibe eller platforme
til at forårsage død eller omfattende
ødelæggelse bl.a. på miljøet eller at
anvende atomvåben m.v. fra eller mod skibe eller
Konventionen blev vedtaget på en diplomatkonference i
Rom den 10. marts 1988 og trådte i kraft 4 år senere.
Danmark ratificerede konventionen og 1988-protokollen ved kgl.
resolution af 7. september 1995. Både konventionen og den
tilhørende protokol er i dag ratificeret af mere end 140
2.2. Ændringsprotokoller til SUA-konventionen og
På baggrund af terrorangrebene i New York den 11.
september 2001 blev der i 2002 igangsat forhandlinger i FN's
internationale søfartsorganisation IMO (International
Maritime Organisation) om ændring af SUA-konventionen og
Forhandlingerne blev blandt andet igangsat med henvisning til
FN's Sikkerhedsråds resolutioner 1368 (2001) og 1373 (2001)
om bekæmpelse af terrorisme samt resolution 1540 (2004) om
ikke-spredning af masseødelæggelsesvåben.
De to ændringsprotokoller til henholdsvis
SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen blev vedtaget i oktober 2005
på en international diplomatkonference i IMO i London.
Danmark undertegnede ændringsprotokollerne den 9. februar
2007 med ratifikationsforbehold. Det bemærkes, at
ændringsprotokollen til 1988-protokollen i vid
udstrækning afspejler ændringerne til SUA-konventionen,
hvor dette er relevant.
Ændringsprotokollerne indeholder en række
ændringer og tilføjelser til SUA-konventionen og
1988-protokollen, der vedrører handlinger foretaget med
terrorforsæt på og mod skibe eller faste platforme samt
transport af våben og produkter, der skal anvendes til
2.2.1. Strafbare handlinger i ændringsprotokollen til
De væsentligste ændringer i
ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen består i en
betydelig udvidelse af konventionens kriminaliseringsforpligtelser.
Ændringerne medfører således en pligt til at
kriminalisere en række handlinger, hvor f.eks. skibet eller
dets last benyttes med terrorforsæt.
En central del af ændringerne består af
særskilte transportbestemmelser, hvis hovedformål er at
forhindre spredning af masseødelæggelsesvåben
(artiklerne 1, 2 b, stk. 3, 3 b, stk. 1, litra b, og 3 b, stk. 2, i
SUA-konventionen, som ændret ved ændringsprotokollen).
Disse ændringer er tæt knyttet til FN's traktater og
konventioner om ikke-spredning af
masseødelæggelsesvåben (FN's konvention om
forbud mod kemiske våben (CWC, 1997), FN's konvention om
forbud mod biologiske våben (BTWC, 1975) og Traktaten om
ikke-spredning af atomvåben (NPT-Traktaten, 1970) samt FN's
resolution 1540 (2004) om ikke-spredning af
Ændringerne indebærer, at de deltagende stater
forpligter sig til at kriminalisere transport af
masseødelæggelsesvåben, herunder nukleare,
biologiske og kemiske våben, samt transport af dual-use
produkter, der skal anvendes til
masseødelæggelsesvåben. Ved dual-use produkter
forstås produkter, der både kan anvendes til civile og
militære formål samt anvendes til udvikling og
produktion af masseødelæggelsesvåben.
Ændringsprotokollen fastsætter, at transporten af
de omhandlede produkter dels skal være ulovlig og dels ske
med forsæt. Det er således ikke nok, at selve
transporten objektivt set er ulovlig, f.eks. fordi der ikke
foreligger en tilladelse til udførsel. Der skal også
foreligge viden eller formodning om, at de transporterede produkter
skal anvendes ulovligt til udvikling eller produktion m.v. af
Det fremgår imidlertid af den nyindsatte artikel 3 b,
stk. 2, at transporter foretaget i overensstemmelse med Traktaten
om ikke-spredning af atomvåben (NPT-traktaten) er at betragte
som lovlige transporter, som er undtaget fra ovennævnte
forbud mod transport af produkter, der skal anvendes til
masseødelæggelsesvåben. Formålet hermed er
at sikre, at de lande, der har tiltrådt NPT-traktaten,
lovligt kan transportere f.eks. nukleart materiale og på
vilkår, der ikke er i strid med staternes rettigheder og
forpligtelser i medfør af denne traktat.
Herudover indeholder ændringsprotokollens artikel 5 en
bestemmelse om, at de deltagende stater skal gøre
overtrædelser af bl.a. artikel 3 b strafbare med straffe, der
modsvarer overtrædelsernes alvor. Desuden indeholder artikel
6 en konsekvensrettelse til SUA-konventionens artikel 6. De
deltagende stater forpligtes således til at etablere passende
straffemyndighed i forhold til overtrædelser af bl.a. artikel
3 b. Efter regeringens opfattelse indeholder straffelovens
bestemmelser om dansk straffemyndighed, jf. straffelovens
§§ 6-9, de nødvendige bestemmelser for at opfylde
SUA-konventionens og ændringsprotokollens krav om at etablere
passende straffemyndighed. Der henvises til pkt. 3.1.4. om dansk
Det bemærkes, at forpligtelsen til at kriminalisere
transport af masseødelæggelsesvåben, som indsat
ved ændringsprotokollens artikel 3 b, stk. 1, litra b, i),
ii) og iii), er opfyldt via et forbud mod transport af
masseødelæggelsesvåben, der er gennemført
ved en ændring af våbenloven i 2006, jf. § 5 i lov
nr. 503 af 7. juni 2006.
2.2.2. Udlevering og retshjælp
Ændringsprotokollerne fastsætter endvidere
bestemmelser om udlevering og retshjælp i forbindelse med
handlinger, som SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen forpligter de
deltagende stater til at kriminalisere. Protokollerne indeholder
bl.a. bestemmelser om, at forbrydelser omfattet af SUA-konventionen
og 1988-protokollen ikke kan anses som politiske forbrydelser i
forbindelse med udlevering. En begæring om udlevering kan
således ikke afslås med den begrundelse, at
forbrydelsen er politisk.
2.2.3. Øvrige bestemmelser
Herudover indeholder ændringsprotokollen til
SUA-konventionen detaljerede bestemmelser om adgang til at borde
skibe, der befinder sig uden for eget eller andre landes
søterritorium. Ligeledes er der bestemmelser, der skal
sikre, at der tages fornødne hensyn til søfarende, og
at disse sikres en behandling i overensstemmelse med gældende
ret. Endelig er der indsat en bestemmelse om erstatning til rederen
i tilfælde, hvorefter medlemsstaterne er ansvarlige for
skader/tab som følge af uberettigede eller uproportionale
2.2.4. Ratifikation af ændringsprotokoller
Ændringsprotokollerne er endnu ikke trådt i kraft.
Det fremgår af artikel 18, at ændringsprotokollen til
SUA-konventionen træder i kraft 90 dage efter, at 12 lande
har tiltrådt protokollen. Ændringsprotokollen til
1988-protokollen træder i kraft ved 3 staters ratifikation,
dog først når ændringsprotokollen til
SUA-konventionen er trådt i kraft.
Ændringsprotokollerne var åbne for undertegnelse
med ratifikationsforbehold i perioden 14. februar 2006 til 13.
februar 2007. Følgende lande har i den forbindelse
undertegnet protokollerne: Australien, Bulgarien, Danmark, Estland,
Finland, Frankrig, Grækenland, Italien, Nederlandene, New
Zealand, Norge, Portugal, Spanien, Sverige, Tyrkiet,
Storbritannien, USA og Østrig.
8 lande har pr. 1. oktober 2009 ratificeret eller
tiltrådt tillægsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen: Cook
Island, Estland, Fiji, Marshall Island, Saint Kitts and Nevis,
Schweiz, Spanien og Vanuatu, og 6 lande har ratificeret eller
tiltrådt tillægsprotokollen om faste platforme:
Estland, Fiji, Marshall Island, Schweiz og Vanuatu.
Folketingets Retsudvalg og Folketingets Erhvervsudvalg blev
den 5. februar 2007 orienteret om de lovgivningsmæssige
konsekvenser af de to ændringsprotokoller (Retsudvalget, Alm.
del - Bilag 352, folketingsåret 2006-2007, og
Erhvervsudvalget, Alm. del - Bilag 127, folketingsåret
2006-2007). Det fremgår heraf, at en ratifikation af
ændringsprotokollerne vil nødvendiggøre en
ændring af udleveringsloven. Herudover anføres det, at
det vil blive overvejet, hvorledes dual-use transportforbuddet kan
implementeres i dansk ret.
Danmark vil med de foreslåede lovændringer af
bemyndigelsesloven og udleveringsloven opfylde kravene i
De to ændringsprotokoller til henholdsvis
SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen er optrykt som bilag 2 til
2.3. FN's Sikkerhedsråds resolution nr. 1540 (2004) om
ikke-spredning af masseødelæggelsesvåben
FN's Sikkerhedsråds resolution nr. 1540 om
ikke-spredning af masseødelæggelsesvåben til
ikke-statslige aktører indebærer bl.a. en folkeretlig
forpligtelse for Danmark til at vedtage og håndhæve
national lovgivning, der forbyder ikke statslige aktørers,
herunder terroristers, adgang til
Desuden pålægger resolutionen alle stater at
gennemføre og håndhæve nationale
kontrolforanstaltninger med henblik på at forhindre ulovlig
spredning af masseødelæggelsesvåben, herunder
relateret udstyr. Det bemærkes, at det nævnte
"relaterede udstyr" omfatter dual-use produkter.
Efter resolutionens pkt. 3, litra d, er staterne bl.a.
forpligtede til at etablere passende love og regler om kontrol med
udførsel, transit, omladning ("trans-shipment") og
genudførsel af dual-use produkter. Reglerne skal herunder
omfatte kontrol med tilvejebringelse af kapital og tjenesteydelser,
som relaterer sig til sådan eksport og omladning, samt
transport, som kan medvirke til spredning.
Lovforslaget indebærer, at Danmark ligeledes opfylder
kravet i sikkerhedsrådsresolutionen om kontrol med transport
af dual-use produkter, der skal anvendes i forbindelse med
FN's Sikkerhedsråds resolution nr. 1540 er optrykt som
bilag 3 til lovforslaget.
3. Gældende lovgivning
3.1. Eksportkontrol med dual-use produkter
3.1.1. Det internationale samarbejde om eksportkontrol
Grundlaget for eksportkontrol er et uformelt internationalt
samarbejde mellem ca. 40 hovedsagelig vestlige lande. På
linie med de fleste EU-medlemsstater deltager Danmark i de fire
internationale eksportkontrolregimer for samarbejde om
eksportkontrol. Formålet med samarbejdet er at sikre, at
eksport af produkter ikke medvirker til udvikling eller spredning
af masseødelæggelsesvåben. Samarbejdet skal
ligeledes forhindre, at der sker eksport af produkter, der helt
eller delvis skal anvendes militært af lande, der
udgør en risiko for den internationale sikkerhed og
stabilitet. Samarbejdet er udelukkende politisk forpligtende, og de
deltagende stater træffer politiske aftaler om eksportkontrol
samt udveksler vurderinger og erfaringer om kritiske lande og
kritiske slutbrugere.
De fire internationale eksportkontrolregimer er:
- Wassenaar
Arrangementet (WA). Samarbejdet omfatter konventionelle våben
samt produkter og teknologier med dobbelt anvendelse
- Australiengruppen
(AG). Samarbejdet omfatter kemiske og biologiske produkter og
produktionsudstyr, der kan anvendes til udvikling og fremstilling
af kemiske og biologiske våben.
- Missil Technology
Control Regime (MTCR). Samarbejdet omfatter produkter og
teknologier, der kan anvendes til udvikling og fremstilling af
missiler, der kan fremføre
- Nuclear Suppliers
Group (NSG). Samarbejdet omfatter produkter og teknologier, der
anvendes i forbindelse med udvikling af kernekraft, men som
også kan anvendes i forbindelse med udvikling af
3.1.2. Det fælles EU-retsgrundlag for eksportkontrol af
dual-use produkter Dual-use forordningen
Inden for EU er det internationale samarbejde om
eksportkontrol af dual-use produkter via fælles retsakter
formaliseret og gjort juridisk bindende. De fælles EU-regler
findes i Rådets forordning nr. 428/2009/EF af 5. maj 2009 om
en fællesskabsordning for kontrol med udførsel,
overførsel, mæglervirksomhed og transit i forbindelse
med produkter med dobbelt anvendelse, herefter benævnt
dual-use forordningen.
Dual-use forordningen fastlægger, hvilke dual-use
produkter der er underlagt eksportkontrol. Produkterne
vedrører ikke alene fysiske produkter, men også
software og teknologi, der kan anvendes til såvel civile som
militære formål.
Forordningen regulerer eksportkontrol med dual-use produkter
på to måder:
1) Den
såkaldte kontrolliste, jf. forordningens bilag I, indeholder
en liste over de produkter, der er underlagt eksportkontrol. Hvis
et produkt er omfattet af kontrollisten, skal eksportøren
søge om udførselstilladelse hos myndighederne, hvis
produktet udføres af EU.
2) De
såkaldte catch-all bestemmelser, jf. forordningens artikel 4,
som fastsætter de nærmere betingelser for
eksportkontrol med øvrige dual-use produkter, som ikke er
opført på kontrollisten. Formålet med disse
bestemmelser er at sikre, at der ikke sker eksport af produkter,
der skal anvendes til masseødelæggelsvåben,
eller som skal anvendes militært af et land, der er underlagt
en våbenembargo. Hvis et produkt er omfattet af catch-all
bestemmelserne, skal eksportøren ligeledes søge om
udførselstilladelse hos myndighederne.
Ved en ændring af dual-use forordningen i 2009 er der
indført kontrol med mæglervirksomhed og transit.
Ifølge dual-use forordningens artikel 9, er det de
nationale myndigheder i medlemsstaterne, i Danmark økonomi-
og erhvervsministeren, der har kompetence til at træffe den
konkrete afgørelse om, hvorvidt bestemte udførsler
kan tillades eller ej, eller om en konkret transit skal forbydes.
Administrationen af regelsættet er henlagt til Erhvervs- og
Byggestyrelsen. Rådets fælles aktion om kontrol med
teknisk bistand og sanktioner over for Iran og Nordkorea
Udover dual-use forordningen vedtog Rådet i 2000 en
fælles aktion (Rådets fælles aktion af 22. juni
2000 vedrørende kontrol med teknisk bistand i forbindelse
med visse former for militær endelig anvendelse
(2000/401/FUSP)). Den fælles aktion pålægger
medlemsstaterne at gennemføre national lovgivning i
overensstemmelse med aktionens bestemmelser. Den fælles
aktion komplementerer således reglerne i dual-use
forordningen, idet der stilles krav om kontrol, herunder forbud
eller krav om tilladelse til teknisk bistand, der ydes uden for EU,
hvis den tekniske bistand er bestemt til anvendelse i forbindelse
med masseødelæggelsesvåben.
Der er desuden i EU vedtaget særlige restriktive
foranstaltninger over for Iran, jf. Rådets forordning
423/2007, Rådets forordning 1110/2008, Rådets
forordning 1228/2009 samt Kommissionens forordning 116/2008. De
særlige restriktioner har til formål at forhindre Irans
opbygning af atomvåben og fremføringsmidler hertil.
Tilsvarende er der vedtaget særlige restriktioner over for
Nordkorea, jf. Rådets forordning 329/2007, Kommissionens
forordning 689/2009 og Rådets Fælles holdning
3.1.3. Den danske bemyndigelseslov og administration af
Bemyndigelsesloven indeholder de danske
administrative bestemmelser og
straffebestemmelser, som er nødvendige for at anvende og
håndhæve de fælles EU-regler om eksportkontrol.
Bemyndigelsesloven supplerer således dual-use forordningen
på de områder, hvor dette er nødvendigt af
hensyn til den praktiske gennemførelse, og hvor forordningen
i øvrigt overlader valgmuligheder til medlemsstaternes
afgørelse. Bemyndigelsesloven indeholder endvidere
gennemførelsesforanstaltninger i forhold til Rådets
fælles aktion vedrørende kontrol med teknisk bistand
som nævnt i punkt
3.1.4. Dansk straffemyndighed
Dansk straffemyndighed omfatter alle handlinger, der foretages
i den danske stat, jf. straffelovens § 6, nr. 1. Dansk
straffemyndighed omfatter endvidere handlinger foretaget på
danske fartøjer (dvs. skibe, der sejler under dansk flag, og
luftfartøjer, som er dansk indregistrerede), jf.
straffelovens § 6, nr. 2 og 3. Bestemmelserne er udtryk for et
udvidet territorialprincip (flagstatsprincippet) og bygger på
en antagelse om en nær sammenhæng mellem et
fartøj og den stat, fartøjet er registreret i
(flagstaten). Flagstaten antages således at være
nærmest til at have straffemyndighed i forhold til
handlinger, der foretages på et fartøj, som er
registreret i den pågældende stat.
Bestemmelserne i straffelovens § 6, nr. 2 og 3,
indebærer med andre ord, at handlinger foretaget på et
dansk fartøj ligestilles med handlinger foretaget i den
danske stat (nr. 1), selv om fartøjet befinder sig inden for
en anden stats sø- eller luftterritorium (nr. 2) eller i
internationalt farvand eller luftrum (nr. 3). Det betyder, at
ulovlige transporter, der foretages med dansk indregistreret skib
eller fly, kan strafforfølges i Danmark, uanset hvor det
befinder sig.
Dansk straffemyndighed omfatter endvidere handlinger foretaget
i udlandet af personer, der har dansk statsborgerskab eller
bopæl i Danmark, jf. straffelovens § 7, stk. 1,
(personalprincippet). Hvis handlingen foretages inden for et
folkeretligt anerkendt statsområde, er det dog som
altovervejende hovedregel en betingelse, at handlingen er strafbar
både efter gerningsstedets lov og dansk lov (princippet om
dobbelt strafbarhed), og at den pågældende danske
straffebestemmelse ikke efter sit gerningsindhold er territorialt
begrænset til forhold begået i Danmark.
Hvis handlingen er foretaget uden for et folkeretligt
anerkendt område (f.eks. om bord på et fremmed skib,
der befinder sig på åbent hav), hører handlingen
kun under dansk straffemyndighed efter straffelovens § 7, hvis
handlingen kan medføre højere straf end fængsel
i 4 måneder, jf. straffelovens § 7, stk. 2, og der er
tale om en handling begået af en person, der på
tidspunktet for sigtelsen har dansk indfødsret, er bosat i
den danske stat eller har lignende fast ophold her i landet.
Straffelovens §§ 6 og 7 suppleres af § 8,
hvorefter der efter omstændighederne er dansk
straffemyndighed i forhold til udlandshandlinger uden hensyn til,
hvor gerningsmanden hører hjemme. Dette gælder bl.a. i
tilfælde, hvor handlingen er omfattet af en international
bestemmelse, ifølge hvilken Danmark er forpligtet til at
have straffemyndighed, jf. § 8, nr. 5.
Spørgsmålet om dansk straffemyndighed i forhold
til juridiske personer afgøres efter de samme regler, som
gælder i forhold til fysiske personer. Ifølge
straffelovens § 9, stk. 1, 2. pkt., gælder for juridiske
personer, at handlinger anses for foretaget, hvor den eller de
handlinger, som medfører ansvar for den juridiske person, er
foretaget. Det vil således være muligt at straffe
f.eks. danske selskaber, der er ansvarlige for transporter
foretaget i udlandet med udenlandsk fartøj, der er
registreret i en anden stat end Danmark.
3.2. Udleveringsloven
Reglerne om udlevering af lovovertrædere findes i
Efter udleveringslovens § 5, stk. 1, må udlevering
for en politisk lovovertrædelse ikke finde sted. Omfatter
handlingen tillige en lovovertrædelse, som ikke er af
politisk karakter, kan udlevering ske for denne
lovovertrædelse, såfremt handlingen overvejende er af
ikke-politisk karakter, jf. § 5, stk. 2. Om en
lovovertrædelse er politisk, afhænger af en konkret
helhedsvurdering, hvor der navnlig lægges vægt på
arten af den eller de interesser, der er krænket af
lovovertrædelsen, og på gerningsmandens motiv.
Udleveringslovens § 5, stk. 3, indeholder en række
undtagelser til forbuddet mod udlevering for en politisk
lovovertrædelse, der er blevet indført som led i et
styrket internationalt samarbejde om bekæmpelse af
international terrorisme. Det følger af bestemmelsen, at
forbuddet mod at nægte udlevering for politiske
lovovertrædelser ikke finder anvendelse, når handlingen
er omfattet af følgende internationale konventioner: Den
europæiske konvention om bekæmpelse af terrorisme,
Europarådets konvention om forebyggelse af terrorisme,
FN-konventionen til bekæmpelse af terrorbombninger,
FN-konventionen til bekæmpelse af finansiering af terrorisme,
FN-konventionen til bekæmpelse af nuklear terrorisme eller
Det Internationale Atomenergiagenturs konvention om fysisk
beskyttelse af nukleare materialer.
Udleveringslovens § 5, stk. 3, blev senest ændret
ved lov nr. 99 af 10. februar 2009.
Udleveringslovens § 5 finder ikke anvendelse på
anmodninger om udlevering til medlemsstater i Den Europæiske
Union. Sådanne anmodninger reguleres af reglerne i kapitel 2
a i udleveringsloven, der gennemfører
EU-rammeafgørelsen om den europæiske arrestordre i
dansk ret. Det er efter kapitel 2 a i udleveringsloven ikke muligt
at afslå udlevering med henvisning til, at handlingen
betragtes som en politisk forbrydelse.
Tilsvarende gælder der som udgangspunkt særlige
regler for udlevering til de øvrige nordiske lande. På
nuværende tidspunkt gælder der en fællesnordisk
udleveringslovgivning. Med henblik på at gennemføre
Konventionen om overgivelse for strafbare forhold mellem de
nordiske lande (Nordisk arrestordre) blev der ved lov nr. 394 af
30. april 2007 bl.a. indsat et nyt kapitel 3 b i udleveringsloven
om behandling af sager om udlevering til de nordiske lande. Kapitel
3 b i udleveringsloven er endnu ikke trådt i kraft.
4. Lovforslagets indhold
4.1. Forbud mod transport af dual-use produkter, der skal
anvendes til masseødelæggelsesvåben
Den foreslåede § 1, nr. 2, gennemfører
bestemmelsen i artikel 3 b, stk. 1, litra b, iv), som indsat ved
ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen, der kriminaliserer
transport med skib af dual-use produkter, der er bestemt til
anvendelse i forbindelse med
For at opfylde forpligtelserne i FN's Sikkerhedsråds
resolution 1540 (2004), der vedrører kontrol med transport
af dual-use produkter, der er bestemt til
masseødelæggelsesvåben, omfatter forbuddet alle
former for transport, herunder også transport med fly eller
lastvogn m.v.
Det forudsættes, at transport omfatter såvel
indgåelse af og instruktion om indgåelse af aftale om
transport, som faktisk udførelse af og instruktion om
faktisk udførelse af transport. Dette muliggør, at
både det firma, der står bag en transport, og f.eks.
den skibsfører, pilot eller chauffør, der
udfører transporten, selvstændigt kan straffes,
forudsat at den pågældende efter de almindelige
strafferetlige principper kan anses for ansvarlig for den ulovlige
Det bemærkes, at hovedparten af den internationale
regulering om spredning af
masseødelæggelsesvåben, herunder FN's
Sikkerhedsråds resolution 1540 (2004) opregner kemiske,
biologiske og nukleare våben og fremføringsmidler
hertil, som masseødelæggelsesvåben. Det samme
gælder ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen og det
fælles EU-retsgrundlag for eksportkontrol af dual-use
produkter. Radiologiske våben er dog reguleret i FN's
konvention om nuklear terrorisme (2005). Det er Økonomi- og
Erhvervsministeriets opfattelse, at radiologiske våben
også må henregnes til
masseødelæggelsesvåben, idet radiologiske
våben i lighed med kemiske, biologiske og nukleare
våben må anses for særdeles farlige og egnede til
at skabe omfattende ødelæggelser. Det bemærkes,
at radiologiske våben indgår i opregningen af
masseødelæggelsesvåben i det forbud mod
transport af masseødelæggelsesvåben, der er
gennemført med en ændring af våbenloven i 2006,
jf. lov nr. 503 af 7. juni 2006.
4.2. Forbuddets geografiske afgrænsning
Ud over dansk straffemyndighed forudsætter
idømmelse af straf ved danske domstole for handlinger
foretaget i udlandet, at den pågældende handling er
omfattet af en dansk straffebestemmelse, hvis
anvendelsesområde omfatter handlinger foretaget i
Som de fleste særlove finder bemyndigelseslovens
bestemmelser alene anvendelse på handlinger, der foretages
på dansk område. Dog finder bemyndigelseslovens
bestemmelser om forbud mod teknisk bistand også anvendelse
på handlinger, der foretages uden for EU, jf. lovens § 1
a, stk. 1, og § 2, stk. 9.
Under hensyn til at ændringsprotokollen til
SUA-konventionen indeholder en forpligtelse til at kriminalisere
ulovlige søtransporter, samt at FN's Sikkerhedsråds
resolution 1540 (2004) indeholder en generel forpligtelse til at
føre kontrol med transport af dual-use produkter,
foreslås det i § 1, nr. 2, at forbuddet udstrækkes
til også at omfatte handlinger, der begås i udlandet,
dog med de begrænsninger, der følger af straffelovens
§§ 7, 10, 10 a og 10 b.
Dette indebærer navnlig, at danske statsborgere og
personer med fast bopæl i Danmark, der f.eks. befinder sig
ombord på et fremmed skib, efter omstændighederne vil
kunne straffes for at overtræde forbuddet, når skibet
befinder sig inden for en anden stats søterritorium, hvis
handlingen også er strafbar efter den dér
gældende lovgivning, eller i internationalt farvand, hvis
handlingen kan medføre mere end 4 måneders
Det bemærkes, at forbuddet hermed vil have samme
geografiske rækkevidde som det tilsvarende forbud mod
transport af masseødelæggelsesvåben, der er
gennemført ved en ændring af våbenloven i 2006,
jf. lov nr. 503 af 5. juni 2006.
Undtaget er dog transporter, der gennemføres uden for
Danmark i overensstemmelse med internationale aftaler om
ikke-spredning af masseødelæggelsesvåben, jf.
den i § 1, nr. 2, foreslåede § 1 b, stk. 3. Der
henvises til bemærkningerne under punkt 4.4.
4.3. Straf
Det foreslås i § 1, nr. 3, at overtrædelse af
forbuddet i den foreslåede § 1 b, stk. 1, eller stk. 2,
mod transport af dual-use produkter, der skal anvendes i
forbindelse med masseødelæggelsesvåben, straffes
med bøde eller fængsel indtil 2 år.
Efter straffelovens § 19 omfatter særlovgivningens
straffebestemmelser både forsætlige og uagtsomme
forhold (grov og simpel uagtsomhed), medmindre andet er
særligt fastsat.
I følge ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen
er der imidlertid udelukkende krav om at kriminalisere
forsætlige overtrædelser (dvs. ved en konkret viden
eller formodning om, at de pågældende produkter, der
transporteres, skal anvendes til
masseødelæggelsesvåben). Endvidere
fastsætter FN's Sikkerhedsråds resolution nr. 1540
(2004) alene, at der skal etableres passende sanktioner i forhold
til overtrædelse af eksportkontrolreglerne på dual-use
I praksis vil det næppe være muligt for en
transportør ud fra transportdokumenterne alene at vurdere,
om der er tale om dual-use produkter, og om disse produkter
eventuelt vil skulle anvendes til
masseødelæggelsesvåben. Samtidig foregår
de fleste transporter, og i særdeleshed containertransport,
ud fra standardiserede og mere eller mindre fuldautomatiserede
processer, der vanskeliggør, at transporterhvervet vil kunne
afdække kritiske situationer i forhold til transport af
dual-use produkter, uden at dette samtidig indebærer
indførelse af forskellige nye kontrolforanstaltninger for
ikke at ifalde strafansvar. Sådanne kontrolforanstaltninger
vil kunne have konkurrenceforvridende effekter i forhold til
udenlandske transportører, der ikke er undergivet et
sådant krav.
På denne baggrund foreslås, at alene
forsætlige overtrædelser af transportforbuddet
straffes. For at sikre at sanktionerne bliver så effektive
som muligt, vil økonomi- og erhvervsministeren følge
udviklingen på området, herunder også hvordan
andre lande implementerer transportforbuddet i SUA-konventionen.
Hvis der på et tidspunkt viser sig behov for stramning af
reglerne, vil økonomi- og erhvervsministeren herefter
overveje at fremsætte forslag om ændring af
bemyndigelsesloven, så også groft uagtsomme
overtrædelser af forbuddet straffes.
4.4. Undtagelser fra transportforbuddet
Det fremgår af SUA-konventionens artikel 3 b, stk. 2,
som ændret ved ændringsprotokollen til
SUA-konventionen, at transporter foretaget i overensstemmelse med
Traktaten om ikke-spredning af atomvåben (NPT-traktaten) er
at betragte som lovlige transporter, som er undtaget fra forbuddet
mod transport af produkter, der skal anvendes til
masseødelæggelsesvåben. Traktaten forpligter de
5 anerkendte atomvåbenmagter (USA, Rusland, Kina,
Storbritannien og Frankrig) til ikke at overføre
atomvåben til ikke-atomvåbenmagter og til ikke at
bistå disse med at fremstille eller erhverve atomvåben.
Ikke-atomvåbenmagterne, herunder Danmark, forpligter sig
bl.a. til ikke at modtage eller fremstille atomvåben.
Traktaten tillader overførsel af nukleart materiale, der
skal anvendes fredeligt til udnyttelse af atomenergi, såfremt
der er indgået sikkerhedsaftaler med Det Internationale
Atomenergiagentur (IAEA).
Ud over NPT-traktaten har Danmark tiltrådt en
række andre konventioner, der har til formål at
modvirke spredning af masseødelæggelsesvåben
m.v., herunder bl.a. FN's konvention om forbud mod kemiske
våben (CWC) og FN's konvention om forbud mod biologiske
våben (BTWC).
Efter disse konventioner er der i visse situationer mulighed
for lovligt at transportere produkter, hvis transporten sker med
henblik på destruktion eller med henblik på f.eks. en
offentlig forskningsindsats. FN's konvention om forbud mod kemiske
våben giver f.eks. adgang til at overføre visse
giftige kemikalier med dobbelt anvendelse, hvis de skal anvendes
til forsknings-, medicinske, farmaceutiske eller
På denne baggrund foreslås det at indsætte
en undtagelsesbestemmelse i bemyndigelseslovens § 1 b, stk. 3,
jf. den foreslåede § 1, nr. 2, således at
forbuddet mod transport af visse dual-use produkter ikke finder
anvendelse, såfremt transporten sker i overensstemmelse med
de forpligtelser, som Danmark har påtaget sig i forhold til
internationale konventioner og aftaler om ikke-spredning af
Da det ikke kan udelukkes, at det danske forsvar i forbindelse
med træning og oplæring af soldater vil kunne have
behov for at transportere dual-use produkter, der er bestemt til
masseødelæggelsesvåben, foreslås det
endvidere at indsætte en undtagelsesbestemmelse i § 1 b,
stk. 4, for danske militære myndigheder, jf. den
foreslåede § 1, nr. 2. En tilsvarende undtagelse findes
i våbenlovens § 8, stk. 1, for så vidt angår
forbud mod transport af
4.5. Udleveringsloven
Efter artikel 11 b, stk. 2, i SUA-konventionen og artikel 1,
stk. 1, i 1988-protokollen, begge som ændret ved
protokollerne af 1. november 2005, må ingen af de
forbrydelser, der er omfattet af SUA-konventionens
artikel 3, 3 b, 3 c og 3 d (artikel 3, 3 bis, 3 ter og 3 quater)
eller 1988-protokollens artikel 2, 2 b og 2 c (artikel 2, 2 bis og
2 ter), anses for en politisk forbrydelse eller for en forbrydelse,
der har forbindelse med en politisk forbrydelse, eller for en
forbrydelse, der udspringer af politiske motiver. En anmodning om
udlevering eller retshjælp på grundlag af en
sådan forbrydelse må derfor ikke afvises alene med den
begrundelse, at den angår en politisk forbrydelse m.v. De
nævnte bestemmelser i SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen
opregner en lang række kriminelle handlinger, herunder med
terrorforsæt at anvende skibe eller platforme til at
forårsage død eller omfattende
ødelæggelse bl.a. på miljøet, eller at
anvende atomvåben m.v. fra eller mod skibe eller
Det må antages, at ikke alle de handlinger, der med
ændringsprotokollerne vil være omfattet af de
nævnte bestemmelser i SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen,
f.eks. transport af dual-use produkter, jf. ovenfor i afsnit 2.2.1,
tillige vil være omfattet af én eller flere af de
konventioner, som i dag er omfattet af undtagelserne i
udleveringslovens § 5, stk. 3, om undtagelser til forbuddet
mod udlevering for en politisk lovovertrædelse. På
denne baggrund foreslås det, at bestemmelsen i
udleveringslovens § 5, stk. 3, udvides til at omfatte alle
handlinger, der er omfattet af SUA-konventionen og
Med hensyn til ændringsprotokollernes krav om
kriminalisering af forskellige nærmere angivne handlinger
bemærkes, at handlingerne, herunder trusler om med
terrorforsæt at begå de handlinger, der med
ændringsprotokollerne vil være omfattet af
SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen, efter regeringens opfattelse
i praksis må anses for at ville være omfattet af
bestemmelserne i havmiljøloven, våbenloven eller
Ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen indeholder i
artikel 4, stk. 6, et krav om kriminalisering af personer, som
retsstridigt og forsætligt på et skib transporterer en
person, som har begået en handling omfattet af konventionen
m.v., for at unddrage denne person strafforfølgning. Efter
regeringens opfattelse må denne bestemmelse anses for opfyldt
i dansk ret ved straffelovens § 125, stk. 1, nr. 1, hvorefter
den, som for at unddrage nogen fra forfølgning for en
forbrydelse eller straf holder ham skjult, hjælper ham til
flugt eller udgiver ham for en anden, straffes med bøde
eller fængsel indtil 2 år.
Efter straffelovens § 125, stk. 2, straffes den, der
foretager de nævnte handlinger for at unddrage sig selv eller
nogen af sine nærmeste fra forfølgning eller straf,
dog ikke. Efter artikel 21, stk. 3, i ændringsprotokollen kan
staterne tage forbehold i forhold til artikel 4, stk. 6,
således at hjælp til familiemedlemmers flugt fra
strafforfølgning kan undtages fra straf i overensstemmelse
med den enkelte stats strafferetlige principper. Hvis lovforslaget
vedtages, agter regeringen i overensstemmelse hermed at tage et
forbehold i medfør af artikel 21, stk. 3, ved ratifikation
af ændringsprotokollen.
5. Økonomiske og administrative konsekvenser for det
Lovforslaget har ingen økonomiske og administrative
konsekvenser for det offentlige af betydning.
6. Økonomiske og administrative konsekvenser for
Lovforslaget har ingen økonomiske og administrative
konsekvenser for erhvervslivet.
7. Administrative konsekvenser for borgerne
Lovforslaget har ingen administrative konsekvenser for
8. Miljømæssige konsekvenser
Lovforslaget har ingen miljømæssige
9. Forholdet til EU-retten
Lovforslaget indeholder ingen EU-retlige aspekter.
10. Hørte myndigheder og organisationer
Advokatsamfundet, alle byretter, Arbejderbevægelsens
Erhvervsråd, Beredskabsstyrelsen - Center for Biosikring og
-Beredskab, CO-industri, Danmarks Eksportråd, Danmarks
Rederiforening, Danmarks Vækstråd, Dansk
Eksportforening, Dansk Erhverv, Danske Advokater, Danske
Speditører, Den Danske Dommerforening,
Dommerfuldmægtigforeningen, Domstolsstyrelsen, Foreningen af
offentlige anklagere i Danmark, Institut for Menneskerettigheder,
DI - Organisation for erhvervslivet, Danske Maritime, Dansk
Navigatørforening, Dansk Transport og Logistik,
Erhvervsflyvningens Sammenslutning, Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen,
Fagligt Fælles Forbund, Finansministeriet,
Forsvarsministeriet, Justitsministeriet, Landsforeningen af
Forsvarsadvokater, Maskinmestrenes Forening, Politiforbundet i
Danmark, Retspolitisk Forening, Rigsadvokaten, Rigspolitiet,
Rigspolitichefen Afd. G, Rigsombudsmanden i Grønland,
Rigsombudsmanden på Færøerne, Rigsrevisionen,
Scandinavian Airlines, SKAT, Statens Institut for
Strålebeskyttelse, Statens Luftfartsvæsen,
Statsministeriet, Søfartsstyrelsen, Vestre Landsret,
Udenrigsministeriet og Østre Landsret.
11. Sammenfattende skema |
| Positive konsekvenser/mindre
udgifter | Negative konsekvenser/merudgifter |
Økonomiske og administrative
konsekvenser for stat, kommuner og regioner | Ingen | Ingen af betydning |
Økonomiske og administrative
konsekvenser for erhvervslivet | Ingen | Ingen |
Administrative konsekvenser for
borgerne | Ingen | Ingen |
konsekvenser | Ingen | Ingen |
Forholdet til EU-retten | Lovforslaget indeholder ingen EU-retlige
aspekter |
Bemærkninger til lovforslagets enkelte
Til § 1
Til nr. 1
Der er tale om en ændring af bemyndigelseslovens §
1 a, stk. 1, der vedrører forbud mod teknisk bistand, der er
bestemt til anvendelse i forbindelse med udvikling, fremstilling
m.v. af kemiske, biologiske eller nukleare våben, idet §
1 a, stk. 1, bør omfatte den samme afgrænsning af
masseødelæggelsesvåben, som den foreslåede
§ 1 b, stk. 1, der henregner radiologiske våben til
Der henvises til lovforslagets almindelige bemærkninger
pkt. 4.1.
Til nr. 2
Den foreslåede § 1 b har til formål at
gennemføre bestemmelsen, som indsat ved artikel 3 b, stk. 1,
litra b, iv), i ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen, der
forbyder transport med skib af dual-use produkter og teknologi, der
er bestemt til anvendelse i forbindelse med
Forslaget indebærer endvidere, at Danmark vil opfylde et
generelt krav om kontrol med transport af dual-use produkter, der
er indeholdt i FN's Sikkerhedsråds resolution nr. 1540
(2004). For at opfylde forpligtelserne i resolutionen omfatter
forbuddet alle former for transport, herunder også transport
med fly eller lastvogn m.v.
Det forudsættes, at transport omfatter såvel
indgåelse af og instruktion om indgåelse af aftale om
transport, som faktisk udførelse af og instruktion om
faktisk udførelse af transport. Dette muliggør, at
både det firma, der står bag en transport, og f.eks.
den skibsfører, pilot eller chauffør, der
udfører transporten, selvstændigt kan straffes,
forudsat at den pågældende efter de almindelige
strafferetlige principper kan anses for ansvarlig for den ulovlige
Forbuddet omfatter dual-use produkter og teknologi, der skal
anvendes i forbindelse med
masseødelæggelsesvåben. Ved
masseødelæggelsesvåben forstås i den
forbindelse kemiske, biologiske, radiologiske og nukleare
våben samt missiler, der skal fremføre sådanne
Der henvises til lovforslagets almindelige bemærkninger
pkt. 4.1.
Det foreslås i § 1 b, stk. 2, at forbuddet mod
transport af dual-use produkter i § 1 b, stk. 1, også
omfatter handlinger foretaget i udlandet, dog med de
begrænsninger, der følger af straffelovens
§§ 7, 10, 10 a og 10 b. Dette indebærer navnlig, at
danske statsborgere og personer med fast bopæl i Danmark, der
f.eks. befinder sig ombord på et fremmed skib, efter
omstændighederne vil kunne straffes for at overtræde
forbuddet, når skibet befinder sig inden for en anden stats
søterritorium, hvis handlingen også er strafbar efter
den dér gældende lovgivning, eller i internationalt
farvand, hvis handlingen kan medføre mere end 4
måneders fængsel.
Der henvises til lovforslagets almindelige bemærkninger
pkt. 4.2.
Det foreslås i § 1 b, stk. 3, at transporter, der
gennemføres uden for Danmark, undtages fra forbuddet i stk.
1, i det omfang transporten sker i overensstemmelse med
internationale aftaler om ikke-spredning af
masseødelæggelsesvåben. Da det endvidere ikke
kan udelukkes, at det danske forsvar i forbindelse med
træning og oplæring af soldater vil kunne have behov
for at transportere dual-use produkter, der er bestemt til
masseødelæggelsesvåben, foreslås det
endvidere i § 1 b, stk. 4, at indsætte en
undtagelsesbestemmelse fra transportforbuddet for danske
militære myndigheder
Der henvises til lovforslagets almindelige bemærkninger
pkt. 4.4.
Til nr. 3
Det foreslås at indsætte et nyt § 2, stk. 8,
hvorefter forsætlige overtrædelser af
transportforbuddet i den foreslåede § 1 b, stk. 1, eller
stk. 2, straffes med bøde eller fængsel indtil 2
år. Det foreslås alene at straffe forsætlige
overtrædelser af transportforbuddet.
Ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen indeholder
således alene en forpligtelse til at kriminalisere
forsætlige overtrædelser (dvs. ved en konkret viden
eller formodning om, at de pågældende produkter, der
transporteres, skal anvendes i forbindelse med
masseødelæggelsesvåben). Endvidere foregår
langt de fleste transporter ud fra standardiserede og mere eller
mindre fuldautomatiske processer. Dette vanskeliggør, at
transporterhvervet vil kunne afdække kritiske situationer i
forhold til transport af dual-use produkter, uden at dette samtidig
medfører indførelse af nye kontrolforanstaltninger
for ikke at ifalde strafansvar. Sådanne
kontrolforanstaltninger vil kunne have konkurrenceforvridende
effekter i forhold til udenlandske transportører, der ikke
er undergivet sådanne krav. Økonomi- og
erhvervsministeren vil dog følge udviklingen på
området, herunder også hvordan andre lande
implementerer SUA-konventionens transportforbud. Hvis der på
et tidspunkt viser sig behov for en stramning af reglerne, vil
økonomi- og erhvervsministeren overveje at fremsætte
forslag om ændring af bemyndigelsesloven, så også
groft uagtsomme overtrædelser af forbuddet straffes.
Der henvises til lovforslagets almindelige bemærkninger
pkt. 4.3.
Til § 2
Efter udleveringslovens § 5, stk. 3, finder forbuddet mod
at nægte udlevering for politiske lovovertrædelser ikke
anvendelse, når handlingen er omfattet af de internationale
konventioner, som er opregnet i bestemmelsen. Det foreslås
derfor at indsætte et nyt nr. 7, der udvider denne
undtagelsesbestemmelse til også at omfatte handlinger
omfattet af artikel 3 eller artikel 3 b, 3 c eller 3 d i
SUA-konventionen, som henholdsvis ændret og indsat ved
protokollen af 1. november 2005 til SUA-konventionen, eller artikel
2 eller artikel 2 b eller 2 c i 1988-protokollen, som henholdsvis
ændret og indsat ved protokollen af 1. november 2005 til
1988-protokollen. De nævnte bestemmelser i SUA-konventionen
og 1988-protokollen opregner en lang række kriminelle
handlinger, herunder med terrorforsæt at anvende skibe eller
platforme til at forårsage død eller omfattende
ødelæggelse bl.a. på miljøet eller at
anvende atomvåben m.v. fra eller mod skibe eller
Der tilsigtes ikke i øvrigt ændringer i
anvendelsesområdet for § 5, stk. 3. Der henvises til
lovforslagets almindelige bemærkninger pkt. 4.5.
For så vidt angår de foreslåede
ændringer af den gældende § 5, stk. 3, nr. 5 og 6,
er der alene tale om redaktionelle ændringer.
Til § 3
Det foreslås, at loven træder i kraft den 1. juli
2010, men at udleveringslovens § 5, stk. 3, nr. 7, som
affattet ved denne lovs § 2, finder anvendelse på
anmodninger om udlevering efter SUA-konventionen og
1988-protokollen, der fremsættes efter at
ændringsprotokollerne af 1. november 2005 er trådt i
kraft mellem Danmark og vedkommende fremmede stat.
Ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen træder i kraft
90 dage efter, at 12 lande har tiltrådt protokollen.
Ændringsprotokollen til 1988-protokollen træder i kraft
ved 3 staters ratifikation, dog først når
ændringsprotokollen til SUA-konventionen er trådt i
Til § 4
Bestemmelsen fastsætter lovens territoriale
gyldighedsområde. Bestemmelsen indebærer, at lovens
§ 2 (ændring af udleveringsloven) kan sættes i
kraft for Færøerne og Grønland ved kongelig
Bilag 1
Loven sammenholdt med gældende ret
formulering | | Lovforslaget |
| | |
| | § 1 I lov om anvendelsen af visse af Det
Europæiske Fællesskabs retsakter om økonomiske
forbindelser til tredjelande m.v., jf. lovbekendtgørelse nr.
474 af 14. juni 2005, som ændret ved § 5 i lov nr. 490
af 17. juni 2008, foretages følgende ændringer: |
| | |
§ 1 a. Det
er forbudt uden for Det Europæiske Fællesskab at yde
teknisk bistand, jf. stk. 2 og 3, der er bestemt til anvendelse i
forbindelse med udvikling, fremstilling, håndtering,
anvendelse, vedligeholdelse, oplagring, sporing, identificering
eller spredning af kemiske, biologiske eller nukleare våben
eller andre nukleare sprænglegemer, eller til udvikling,
fremstilling, vedligeholdelse eller oplagring af missiler, der kan
fremføre sådanne våben, jf. dog stk. 4 og
5 | | 1. I § 1 a, stk. 1, indsættes efter
»biologiske«: », radiologiske«. |
| | |
| | 2. Efter §
1 a indsættes: »§ 1
b. Det er forbudt at transportere produkter og teknologi,
der er bestemt til anvendelse i forbindelse med udvikling,
fremstilling, håndtering, anvendelse, vedligeholdelse,
oplagring, sporing, identificering eller spredning af kemiske,
biologiske, radiologiske eller nukleare våben eller andre
nukleare sprænglegemer eller til udvikling, fremstilling,
vedligeholdelse eller oplagring af missiler, der skal
fremføre sådanne våben. Stk. 2.
Forbuddet i stk. 1 omfatter med de begrænsninger, der
følger af straffelovens §§ 7, 10, 10 a og 10 b,
også handlinger foretaget i udlandet. Stk. 3.
Forbuddet i stk. 1 omfatter ikke transporter, der
gennemføres uden for Danmark, i det omfang transporten sker
i overensstemmelse med internationale aftaler om ikke-spredning af
masseødelæggelsesvåben. Stk. 4.
Forbuddet i stk. 1 gælder ikke for danske militære
myndigheder.« |
| | |
| | 3. I § 2 indsættes efter stk. 7 som nyt
stykke: »Stk. 8.
Med bøde eller fængsel indtil 2 år straffes den,
der forsætligt overtræder forbuddet efter § 1 b,
stk. 1, eller stk. 2.« Stk. 8-10 bliver herefter stk. 9-11. |
| | |
| | § 2 I lov om udlevering af
lovovertrædere, jf. lovbekendtgørelse nr. 833 af 25.
august 2005, som ændret ved § 11 i lov nr. 538 af 8.
juni 2006, § 6 i lov nr. 542 af 8. juni 2006, § 1 i lov
nr. 394 af 30. april 2007, § 2 i lov nr. 347 af 14. maj 2008
og § 2 i lov nr. 99 af 10. februar 2009, foretages
følgende ændring: |
| | |
§ 5.
Udlevering for en politisk lovovertrædelse kan ikke finde
sted. Stk. 2.
Omfatter handlingen tillige en lovovertrædelse, som ikke er
af politisk karakter, kan udlevering ske for denne
lovovertrædelse, såfremt handlingen overvejende er af
ikke-politisk karakter. Stk. 3. Stk. 1
og 2 finder ikke anvendelse, når handlingen er omfattet
af 1) artikel 1 eller 2 i den
europæiske konvention om bekæmpelse af terrorisme som
ændret ved ændringsprotokol af 15. maj 2003 til den
europæiske konvention om bekæmpelse af
terrorisme, 2) artikel 6 og 7 og artikel 9, jf.
artikel 6 og 7 i Europarådets konvention om forebyggelse af
terrorisme, 3) artikel 2, jf. artikel 1, i
FN-konventionen til bekæmpelse af terrorbombninger 4) artikel 2, jf. artikel 1, i
FN-konventionen til bekæmpelse af finansiering af
terrorisme, 5) artikel 2, jf. artikel 1, i
FN-konventionen til bekæmpelse af nuklear terrorisme
eller 6) artikel 7 i Det Internationale
Atomenergiagenturs konvention om fysisk beskyttelse af nukleare
materialer som ændret ved ændringskonvention af 8. juli
2005 til Det Internationale Atomenergiagenturs konvention om fysisk
beskyttelse af nukleare materialer. | | 1.§ 5, stk. 3, nr. 5 og 6, ophæves, og i stedet
indsættes: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | »5) artikel 2, jf. artikel 1, i
FN-konventionen til bekæmpelse af nuklear terrorisme, 6) artikel 7 i Det Internationale
Atomenergiagenturs konvention om fysisk beskyttelse af nukleare
materialer, som ændret ved ændringskonvention af 8.
juli 2005 til Det Internationale Atomenergiagenturs konvention om
fysisk beskyttelse af nukleare materialer eller 7) artikel 3 eller artikel 3 b, 3 c eller
3 d i konventionen af 10. marts 1988 til bekæmpelse af
ulovlige handlinger mod søfartssikkerheden, som henholdsvis
ændret og indsat ved protokollen af 1. november 2005 til
konventionen af 10. marts 1988 til bekæmpelse af ulovlige
handlinger mod søfartssikkerheden, eller artikel 2 eller
artikel 2 b eller 2 c i protokollen af 10. marts 1988 til
bekæmpelse af ulovlige handlinger mod sikkerheden for
fastgjorte platforme, der befinder sig på
kontinentalsokkelen, som henholdsvis ændret og indsat ved
protokollen af 1. november 2005 til protokollen af 10. marts 1988
til bekæmpelse af ulovlige handlinger mod sikkerheden for
fastgjorte platforme, der befinder sig på
kontinentalsokkelen.« | | § 3 | | Stk. 1. Loven
træder i kraft den 1. juli 2010, jf. dog stk. 2. Stk. 2.
Udleveringslovens § 5, stk. 3, nr. 7, som affattet ved denne
lovs § 2, finder anvendelse på anmodninger om udlevering
efter konventionen af 10. marts 1988 til bekæmpelse af
ulovlige handlinger mod søfartssikkerheden eller protokollen
af 10. marts 1988 til bekæmpelse af ulovlige handlinger mod
sikkerheden for fastgjorte platforme, der befinder sig på
kontinentalsokkelen, der fremsættes, efter at
ændringsprotokollerne af 1. november 2005 er trådt i
kraft mellem Danmark og vedkommende fremmede stat. |
| | |
| | § 4 |
| | |
| | Stk. 1. Loven
gælder ikke for Færøerne og
Grønland. Stk. 2. Lovens
§ 2 kan ved kongelig anordning helt eller delvis sættes
i kraft for Færøerne og Grønland med de
afvigelser, som de færøske eller grønlandske
forhold tilsiger. |
| | |
Bilag 2
Ændringsprotokoller til
SUA-konventionen og 1988-protokollen
Text adopted by the Conference
THE STATES PARTIES to this Protocol,
BEING PARTIES to the Convention for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Maritime Navigation done at Rome on 10 March
ACKNOWLEDGING that terrorist acts threaten international peace
and security,
MINDFUL of resolution A.924(22) of the Assembly of the
International Maritime
Organization requesting the revision of existing international
legal and technical measures and
the consideration of new measures in order to prevent and
suppress terrorism against ships and to
improve security aboard and ashore, and thereby to reduce the
risk to passengers, crews and port
personnel on board ships and in port areas and to vessels and
their cargoes,
CONSCIOUS of the Declaration on Measures to Eliminate
International Terrorism,
annexed to United Nations General Assembly resolution 49/60 of
9 December 1994, in which,
inter alia, the States Members of
the United Nations solemnly reaffirm their unequivocal
condemnation of all acts, methods and practices of terrorism
as criminal and unjustifiable,
wherever and by whomever committed, including those which
jeopardize the friendly relations
among States and peoples and threaten the territorial
integrity and security of States,
NOTING United Nations General Assembly resolution 51/210 of 17
December 1996 and
the Declaration to Supplement the 1994 Declaration on Measures
to Eliminate International
Terrorism annexed thereto,
RECALLING resolutions 1368 (2001) and 1373 (2001) of the
United Nations Security
Council, which reflect international will to combat terrorism
in all its forms and manifestations,
and which assigned tasks and responsibilities to States, and
taking into account the continued
threat from terrorist attacks,
RECALLING ALSO resolution 1540 (2004) of the United Nations
Security Council,
which recognizes the urgent need for all States to take
additional effective measures to prevent
the proliferation of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons
and their means of delivery,
RECALLING FURTHER the Convention on Offences and Certain Other
Committed on Board Aircraft, done at Tokyo on 14 September
1963; the Convention for the
Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, done at The Hague
on 16 December 1970; the
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Civil Aviation, done at
Montreal on 23 September 1971; the Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of Crimes
against Internationally Protected Persons, including
Diplomatic Agents, adopted by the General
Assembly of the United Nations on 14 December 1973; the
International Convention against the
Taking of Hostages, adopted by the General Assembly of the
United Nations on
17 December 1979; the Convention on the Physical Protection of
Nuclear Material, done at
Vienna on 26 October 1979 and amendments thereto adopted on 8
July 2005; the Protocol for the
Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving
International Civil Aviation,
supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
Civil Aviation, done at Montreal on 24 February 1988; the
Protocol for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on
the Continental Shelf, done at
Rome on 10 March 1988; the Convention on the Marking of
Plastic Explosives for the Purpose
of Detection, done at Montreal on 1 March 1991; the
International Convention for the
Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, adopted by the General
Assembly of the United Nations on
15 December 1997; the International Convention for the
Suppression of the Financing of
Terrorism, adopted by the General Assembly of the United
Nations on 9 December 1999, and the
International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of
Nuclear Terrorism adopted by the
General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 April 2005,
BEARING IN MIND the importance of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the
Sea done at Montego Bay, on 10 December 1982, and of the
customary international law of
the sea,
CONSIDERING resolution 59/46 of the United Nations General
Assembly, which
reaffirmed that international co-operation as well as actions
by States to combat terrorism should
be conducted in conformity with the principles of the Charter
of the United Nations, international
law and relevant international conventions, and resolution
59/24 of the United Nations General
Assembly, which urged States to become parties to the
Convention for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation and
its Protocol, invited States to
participate in the review of those instruments by the Legal
Committee of the International
Maritime Organization to strengthen the means of combating
such unlawful acts, including
terrorist acts, and also urged States to take appropriate
measures to ensure the effective
implementation of those instruments, in particular through the
adoption of legislation, where
appropriate, aimed at ensuring that there is a proper
framework for responses to incidents of
armed robbery and terrorist acts at sea,
CONSIDERING ALSO the importance of the amendments to the
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and of the
International Ship and Port Facility
Security (ISPS) Code, both adopted by the 2002 Conference of
Contracting Governments to that
Convention, in establishing an appropriate international
technical framework involving
co-operation between Governments, Government agencies,
national and local administrations
and the shipping and port industries to detect security
threats and take preventative measures
against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities
used in international trade,
CONSIDERING FURTHER resolution 58/187 of the United Nations
General Assembly,
which reaffirmed that States must ensure that any measure
taken to combat terrorism complies
with their obligations under international law, in particular
international human rights, refugee
and humanitarian law,
BELIEVING that it is necessary to adopt provisions
supplementary to those of the
Convention, to suppress additional terrorist acts of violence
against the safety and security of
international maritime navigation and to improve its
HAVE AGREED as follows:
For the purposes of this Protocol:
1 "Convention" means the Convention for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Maritime Navigation, done at Rome on 10 March
2 "Organization" means the International Maritime Organization
3 "Secretary-General" means the Secretary-General of the
Article 1 of the Convention is amended to
read as follows:
Article 1
1 For the purposes of this Convention:
(a) "ship" means a vessel of any type whatsoever not
permanently attached to
the sea-bed, including dynamically supported craft,
submersibles, or any
other floating craft.
(b) "transport" means to initiate, arrange or exercise
effective control,
including decision-making authority, over the movement of a
person or item.
(c) "serious injury or damage" means:
(i) serious bodily injury; or
(ii) extensive destruction of a place of public use, State or
facility, infrastructure facility, or public transportation
resulting in major economic loss; or
(iii) substantial damage to the environment, including air,
soil, water,
fauna, or flora.
(d) "BCN weapon" means:
(i) "biological weapons", which are:
(1) microbial or other biological agents, or toxins
their origin or method of production, of types and in
quantities that have no justification for prophylactic,
protective or other peaceful purposes; or
(2) weapons, equipment or means of delivery designed to
such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed
(ii) "chemical weapons", which are, together or
(1) toxic chemicals and their precursors, except where
(A) industrial, agricultural, research, medical,
pharmaceutical or other peaceful purposes; or
(B) protective purposes, namely those purposes directly
related to protection against toxic chemicals and to
protection against chemical weapons; or
(C) military purposes not connected with the use of
chemical weapons and not dependent on the use of
the toxic properties of chemicals as a method of
warfare; or
(D) law enforcement including domestic riot control
as long as the types and quantities are consistent with
(2) munitions and devices specifically designed to cause
or other harm through the toxic properties of those
chemicals specified in subparagraph (ii)(1), which would
released as a result of the employment of such munitions
and devices;
(3) any equipment specifically designed for use directly
connection with the employment of munitions and devices
specified in subparagraph (ii)(2).
(iii) nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive
(e) "toxic chemical" means any chemical which through its
chemical action
on life processes can cause death, temporary incapacitation or
harm to humans or animals. This includes all such chemicals,
of their origin or of their method of production, and
regardless of whether
they are produced in facilities, in munitions or
(f) "precursor" means any chemical reactant which takes part
at any stage in
the production by whatever method of a toxic chemical. This
includes any
key component of a binary or multicomponent chemical
(g) "Organization" means the International Maritime
Organization (IMO).
(h) "Secretary-General" means the Secretary-General of the
2 For the purposes of this Convention:
(a) the terms "place of public use", "State or government
"infrastructure facility", and "public transportation system"
have the same
meaning as given to those terms in the International
Convention for the
Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, done at New York on
15 December 1997; and
(b) the terms "source material" and "special fissionable
material" have the
same meaning as given to those terms in the Statute of the
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), done at New York on 26 October
The following text is added as article
the Convention:
Article 2bis
1 Nothing in this Convention shall affect other rights,
obligations and
responsibilities of States and individuals under international
law, in particular the
purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations
and international
human rights, refugee and humanitarian law.
2 This Convention does not apply to the activities of armed
forces during an armed
conflict, as those terms are understood under international
humanitarian law,
which are governed by that law, and the activities undertaken
by military forces of
a State in the exercise of their official duties, inasmuch as
they are governed by
other rules of international law.
3 Nothing in this Convention shall affect the rights,
obligations and responsibilities
under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,
done at
Washington, London and Moscow on 1 July 1968, the Convention on the
Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of
(Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction, done
at Washington,
London and Moscow on 10 April 1972, or the Convention on the
Prohibition of
the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical
Weapons and on
their Destruction, done at Paris on 13 January 1993, of States Parties to such
1 Thechapeauof article 3,
paragraph 1 of the Convention is replaced by the
Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this
Convention if that
person unlawfully and intentionally:
2 Article 3, paragraph 1(f) of the
Convention is replaced by the following text:
(f) communicates information which that person knows to be
false, thereby
endangering the safe navigation of a ship.
3 Article 3, paragraph 1(g) of the
Convention is deleted.
4 Article 3, paragraph 2 of the Convention
is replaced by the following text:
2 Any person also commits an offence if that person threatens,
with or without a
condition, as is provided for under national law, aimed at
compelling a physical or
juridical person to do or refrain from doing any act, to
commit any of the offences
set forth in paragraphs 1 (b), (c), and (e), if that threat is
likely to endanger the
safe navigation of the ship in question.
5 The following text is added as article
the Convention:
Article 3bis
1 Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this
Convention if that
person unlawfully and intentionally:
(a) when the purpose of the act, by its nature or context, is
to intimidate a
population, or to compel a government or an international
organization to
do or to abstain from doing any act:
(i) uses against or on a ship or discharges from a ship any
radioactive material or BCN weapon in a manner that causes or
likely to cause death or serious injury or damage; or
(ii) discharges, from a ship, oil, liquefied natural gas, or
hazardous or noxious substance, which is not covered by
subparagraph (a)(i), in such quantity or concentration that
causes or
is likely to cause death or serious injury or damage; or
(iii) uses a ship in a manner that causes death or serious
injury or
damage; or
(iv) threatens, with or without a condition, as is provided
for under
national law, to commit an offence set forth in subparagraph
(ii) or (iii); or
(b) transports on board a ship:
(i) any explosive or radioactive material, knowing that it is
intended to
be used to cause, or in a threat to cause, with or without
condition, as is provided for under national law, death or
injury or damage for the purpose of intimidating a population,
compelling a government or an international organization to do
to abstain from doing any act; or
(ii) any BCN weapon, knowing it to be a BCN weapon as defined
article 1; or
(iii) any source material, special fissionable material, or
equipment or
material especially designed or prepared for the processing,
use or
production of special fissionable material, knowing that it
intended to be used in a nuclear explosive activity or in any
nuclear activity not under safeguards pursuant to an
comprehensive safeguards agreement; or
(iv) any equipment, materials or software or related
technology that
significantly contributes to the design, manufacture or
delivery of a
BCN weapon, with the intention that it will be used for
such purpose.
2 It shall not be an offence within the meaning of this
Convention to transport an
item or material covered by paragraph 1(b)(iii) or, insofar as
it relates to a nuclear
weapon or other nuclear explosive device, paragraph 1(b)(iv),
if such item or
material is transported to or from the territory of, or is
otherwise transported under
the control of, a State Party to the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons where:
(a) the resulting transfer or receipt, including internal to a
State, of the item or
material is not contrary to such State Party's obligations
under the Treaty
on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and,
(b) if the item or material is intended for the delivery
system of a nuclear
weapon or other nuclear explosive device of a State Party to
the Treaty on
the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the holding of such
weapon or
device is not contrary to that State Party's obligations under
that Treaty.
6 The following text is added as article
the Convention:
Article 3ter
Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this
Convention if that
person unlawfully and intentionally transports another person
on board a ship
knowing that the person has committed an act that constitutes
an offence set forth
in article 3, 3bis or 3quater or an offence set forth in any treaty
listed in the
Annex, and intending to assist that person to evade criminal
7 The following text is added as article
3quaterof the Convention:
Article 3quater
Any person also commits an offence within the meaning of this
Convention if that person:
(a) unlawfully and intentionally injures or kills any person
in connection with the
commission of any of the offences set forth in article 3,
paragraph 1, article 3bis,
or article 3ter; or
(b) attempts to commit an offence set forth in article 3,
paragraph 1, article 3bis,
paragraph 1(a)(i), (ii) or (iii) ,
or subparagraph (a) of this article; or
(c) participates as an accomplice in an offence set forth in
article 3, article 3bis,
article 3ter, or subparagraph (a)
or (b) of this article; or
(d) organizes or directs others to commit an offence set forth
in article 3, article 3bis,
article 3ter, or subparagraph (a)
or (b) of this article; or
(e) contributes to the commission of one or more offences set
forth in article 3,
article 3bis, article 3ter or subparagraph (a) or (b) of this
article, by a group of
persons acting with a common purpose, intentionally and
(i) with the aim of furthering the criminal activity or
criminal purpose of the
group, where such activity or purpose involves the commission
of an
offence set forth in article 3, 3bis or 3ter;
(ii) in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit
an offence set
forth in article 3, 3bis or 3ter.
1 Article 5 of the Convention is replaced
by the following text:
Each State Party shall make the offences set forth in articles
3, 3bis, 3ter
and 3quater punishable by
appropriate penalties which take into account the grave
nature of those offences.
2 The following text is added as
article5bisof the Convention:
Article 5bis
1 Each State Party, in accordance with its domestic legal
principles, shall take the
necessary measures to enable a legal entity located in its
territory or organized
under its laws to be held liable when a person responsible for
management or
control of that legal entity has, in that capacity, committed
an offence set forth in
this Convention. Such liability may be criminal, civil or
2 Such liability is incurred without prejudice to the criminal
liability of individuals
having committed the offences.
3 Each State Party shall ensure, in particular, that legal
entities liable in accordance
with paragraph 1 are subject to effective, proportionate and
dissuasive criminal,
civil or administrative sanctions. Such sanctions may include
monetary sanctions.
1 Thechapeau ofarticle 6,
paragraph 1 of the Convention is replaced by the
1 Each State Party shall take such measures as may be
necessary to establish its
jurisdiction over the offences set forth in articles 3, 3bis, 3ter and
3quater when
the offence is committed:
2 Article 6, paragraph 3 of the Convention
is replaced by the following text:
3 Any State Party which has established jurisdiction mentioned
in paragraph 2 shall
notify the Secretary-General. If such State Party subsequently
rescinds that
jurisdiction, it shall notify the Secretary-General.
3 Article 6, paragraph 4 of the Convention
is replaced by the following text:
4 Each State Party shall take such measures as may be
necessary to establish its
jurisdiction over the offences set forth in articles 3, 3bis, 3ter and
3quater in cases
where the alleged offender is present in its territory and it
does not extradite the
alleged offender to any of the States Parties which have
established their
jurisdiction in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this
The following text is added as the Annex to
the Convention:
1 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of
Aircraft, done at
The Hague on 16 December 1970.
2 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Civil
Aviation, done at Montreal on 23 September 1971.
3 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes
against Internationally
Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, adopted by the
Assembly of the United Nations on 14 December 1973.
4 International Convention against the Taking of Hostages,
adopted by the General
Assembly of the United Nations on 17 December 1979.
5 Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material,
done at Vienna on
26 October 1979.
6 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at
Airports Serving
International Civil Aviation, supplementary to the Convention
for the Suppression
of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, done at
Montreal on
24 February 1988.
7 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Fixed
Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf, done at Rome on 10
March 1988.
8 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist
Bombings, adopted by
the General Assembly of the United Nations on 15 December
9 International Convention for the Suppression of the
Financing of Terrorism,
adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 9
December 1999.
1 Article 8, paragraph 1 of the Convention
is replaced by the following text:
1 The master of a ship of a State Party (the "flag State") may
deliver to the
authorities of any other State Party (the "receiving State")
any person who the
master has reasonable grounds to believe has committed an
offence set forth in
article 3, 3bis, 3ter, or 3quater.
2 The following text is added as article
the Convention:
Article 8bis
1 States Parties shall co-operate to the fullest extent
possible to prevent and suppress
unlawful acts covered by this Convention, in conformity with
international law,
and shall respond to requests pursuant to this article as
expeditiously as possible.
2 Each request pursuant to this article should, if possible,
contain the name of the
suspect ship, the IMO ship identification number, the port of
registry, the ports of
origin and destination, and any other relevant information. If
a request is
conveyed orally, the requesting Party shall confirm the
request in writing as soon
as possible. The requested Party shall acknowledge its receipt
of any written or
oral request immediately.
3 States Parties shall take into account the dangers and
difficulties involved in
boarding a ship at sea and searching its cargo, and give
consideration to whether
other appropriate measures agreed between the States concerned
could be more
safely taken in the next port of call or elsewhere.
4 A State Party that has reasonable grounds to suspect that an
offence set forth in
article 3, 3bis, 3ter or 3quater
has been, is being or is about to be committed
involving a ship flying its flag, may request the assistance
of other States Parties
in preventing or suppressing that offence. The States Parties
so requested shall
use their best endeavours to render such assistance within the
means available
to them.
5 Whenever law enforcement or other authorized officials of a
State Party ("the
requesting Party") encounter a ship flying the flag or
displaying marks of registry
of another State Party ("the first Party") located seaward of
any State's territorial
sea, and the requesting Party has reasonable grounds to
suspect that the ship or a
person on board the ship has been, is or is about to be
involved in the commission
of an offence set forth in article 3, 3bis, 3ter or
3quater, and the requesting Party
desires to board,
(a) it shall request, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2
that the first Party
confirm the claim of nationality, and
(b) if nationality is confirmed, the requesting Party shall
ask the first Party
(hereinafter referred to as "the
flag State") for authorization to board
to take appropriate measures with regard to that ship which
may include
stopping, boarding and searching the ship, its cargo and
persons on board,
and questioning the persons on board in order to determine if
an offence
set forth in article 3, 3bis,
3ter or 3quater has been, is being or is about
be committed, and
(c) the flag State shall either:
(i) authorize the requesting Party to board and to take
measures set out in subparagraph (b), subject to any
conditions it
may impose in accordance with paragraph 7; or
(ii) conduct the boarding and search with its own law
enforcement or
other officials; or
(iii) conduct the boarding and search together with the
requesting Party,
subject to any conditions it may impose in accordance
paragraph 7; or
(iv) decline to authorize a boarding and search.
The requesting Party shall not board the ship or take measures
set out in
subparagraph (b) without the express authorization of the flag
(d) Upon or after depositing its instrument of ratification,
approval or accession, a State Party may notify the
Secretary-General that,
with respect to ships flying its flag or displaying its mark
of registry, the
requesting Party is granted authorization to board and search
the ship, its
cargo and persons on board, and to question the persons on
board in order
to locate and examine documentation of its nationality and
determine if an
offence set forth in article 3, 3bis, 3ter or
3quater has been, is being or is
about to be committed, if there is no response from the first
Party within
four hours of acknowledgement of receipt of a request to
confirm nationality.
(e) Upon or after depositing its instrument of ratification,
approval or accession, a State Party may notify the
Secretary-General that,
with respect to ships flying its flag or displaying its mark
of registry, the
requesting Party is authorized to board and search a ship, its
cargo and
persons on board, and to question the persons on board in
order to
determine if an offence set forth in article 3, 3bis, 3ter or
3quater has been,
is being or is about to be committed.
The notifications made pursuant to this paragraph can be
withdrawn at any time.
6 When evidence of conduct described in article 3, 3bis, 3ter or 3quater is
found as
the result of any boarding conducted pursuant to this article,
the flag State may
authorize the requesting Party to detain the ship, cargo and
persons on board
pending receipt of disposition instructions from the flag
State. The requesting
Party shall promptly inform the flag State of the results of a
boarding, search, and
detention conducted pursuant to this article. The requesting
Party shall also
promptly inform the flag State of the discovery of evidence of
illegal conduct that
is not subject to this Convention.
7 The flag State, consistent with the other provisions of this
Convention, may
subject its authorization under paragraph 5 or 6 to
conditions, including obtaining
additional information from the requesting Party, and
conditions relating to
responsibility for and the extent of measures to be taken. No
additional measures
may be taken without the express authorization of the flag
State, except when
necessary to relieve imminent danger to the lives of persons
or where those
measures derive from relevant bilateral or multilateral
8 For all boardings pursuant to this article, the flag State
has the right to exercise
jurisdiction over a detained ship, cargo or other items and
persons on board,
including seizure, forfeiture, arrest and prosecution.
However, the flag State may,
subject to its constitution and laws, consent to the exercise
of jurisdiction by
another State having jurisdiction under article 6.
9 When carrying out the authorized actions under this article,
the use of force shall
be avoided except when necessary to ensure the safety of its
officials and persons
on board, or where the officials are obstructed in the
execution of the authorized
actions. Any use of force pursuant to this article shall not
exceed the minimum
degree of force which is necessary and reasonable in the
10 Safeguards:
(a) Where a State Party takes measures against a ship in
accordance with this
article, it shall:
(i) take due account of the need not to endanger the safety of
life at sea;
(ii) ensure that all persons on board are treated in a manner
preserves their basic human dignity, and in compliance with
applicable provisions of international law, including
human rights law;
(iii) ensure that a boarding and search pursuant to this
article shall be
conducted in accordance with applicable international
(iv) take due account of the safety and security of the ship
and its cargo;
(v) take due account of the need not to prejudice the
commercial or
legal interests of the flag State;
(vi) ensure, within available means, that any measure taken
with regard
to the ship or its cargo is environmentally sound under
(vii) ensure that persons on board against whom proceedings
may be
commenced in connection with any of the offences set forth
article 3, 3bis, 3ter or 3quater
are afforded the protections of
paragraph 2 of article 10, regardless of location;
(viii) ensure that the master of a ship is advised of its
intention to board,
and is, or has been, afforded the opportunity to contact the
owner and the flag State at the earliest opportunity;
(ix) take reasonable efforts to avoid a ship being unduly
detained or
(b) Provided that authorization to board by a flag State shall
not per se give
rise to its liability, States Parties shall be liable for any
damage, harm or
loss attributable to them arising from measures taken pursuant
to this
article when:
(i) the grounds for such measures prove to be unfounded, provided
that the ship has not committed any act justifying the
taken; or
(ii) such measures are unlawful or exceed those reasonably
required in
light of available information to implement the provisions of
States Parties shall provide effective recourse in respect of
such damage,
harm or loss.
(c) Where a State Party takes measures against a ship in
accordance with this
Convention, it shall take due account of the need not to
interfere with or to
(i) the rights and obligations and the exercise of
jurisdiction of coastal
States in accordance with the international law of the sea;
(ii) the authority of the flag State to exercise jurisdiction
and control in
administrative, technical and social matters involving the
(d) Any measure taken pursuant to this article shall be
carried out by law
enforcement or other authorized officials from warships or
aircraft, or from other ships or aircraft clearly marked and
identifiable as
being on government service and authorized to that effect
notwithstanding articles 2 and 2bis, the provisions of this article
(e) For the purposes of this article "law enforcement or other
officials" means uniformed or otherwise clearly identifiable
members of
law enforcement or other government authorities duly
authorized by their
government. For the specific purpose of law enforcement under
Convention, law enforcement or other authorized officials
shall provide
appropriate government-issued identification documents for
by the master of the ship upon boarding.
11 This article does not apply to or limit boarding of ships
conducted by any State
Party in accordance with international law, seaward of any
State's territorial sea,
including boardings based upon the right of visit, the
rendering of assistance to
persons, ships and property in distress or peril, or an
authorization from the flag
State to take law enforcement or other action.
12 States Parties are encouraged to develop standard operating
procedures for joint
operations pursuant to this article and consult, as
appropriate, with other States
Parties with a view to harmonizing such standard operating
procedures for the
conduct of operations.
13 States Parties may conclude agreements or arrangements
between them to
facilitate law enforcement operations carried out in
accordance with this article.
14 Each State Party shall take appropriate measures to ensure
that its law
enforcement or other authorized officials, and law enforcement
or other
authorized officials of other States Parties acting on its
behalf, are empowered to
act pursuant to this article.
15 Upon or after depositing its instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or
accession, each State Party shall designate the authority, or,
where necessary,
authorities to receive and respond to requests for assistance,
for confirmation of
nationality, and for authorization to take appropriate
measures. Such designation,
including contact information, shall be notified to the
Secretary-General within
one month of becoming a Party, who shall inform all other
States Parties within
one month of the designation. Each State Party is responsible
for providing
prompt notice through the Secretary-General of any changes in
the designation or
contact information.
Article 10, paragraph 2 is replaced by the
following text:
2 Any person who is taken into custody, or regarding whom any
other measures are
taken or proceedings are being carried out pursuant to this
Convention, shall be
guaranteed fair treatment, including enjoyment of all rights
and guarantees in
conformity with the law of the State in the territory of which
that person is present
and applicable provisions of international law, including
international human
rights law.
1 Article 11, paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 are
replaced by the following text:
1 The offences set forth in articles 3, 3bis, 3ter and
3quater shall be deemed to be
included as extraditable offences in any extradition treaty
existing between any of
the States Parties. States Parties undertake to include such
offences as extraditable
offences in every extradition treaty to be concluded between
2 If a State Party which makes extradition conditional on the
existence of a treaty
receives a request for extradition from another State Party
with which it has no
extradition treaty, the requested State Party may, at its
option, consider this
Convention as a legal basis for extradition in respect of the
offences set forth in
articles 3, 3bis, 3ter and 3quater.
Extradition shall be subject to the other
conditions provided by the law of the requested State
3 States Parties which do not make extradition conditional on
the existence of a
treaty shall recognize the offences set forth in articles 3,
3bis, 3ter
and 3quater as
extraditable offences between themselves, subject to the
conditions provided by
the law of the requested State Party.
4 If necessary, the offences set forth in articles 3, 3bis, 3ter and
3quater shall be
treated, for the purposes of extradition between States
Parties, as if they had been
committed not only in the place in which they occurred but
also in a place within
the jurisdiction of the State Party requesting
2 The following text is added as article
the Convention:
Article 11bis
None of the offences set forth in article 3, 3bis, 3ter or
3quater shall be regarded
for the purposes of extradition or mutual legal assistance as
a political offence or
as an offence connected with a political offence or as an
offence inspired by
political motives. Accordingly, a request for extradition or
for mutual legal
assistance based on such an offence may not be refused on the
sole ground that it
concerns a political offence or an offence connected with a
political offence or an
offence inspired by political motives.
3 The following text is added as article
the Convention:
Article 11ter
Nothing in this Convention shall be interpreted as imposing an
obligation to
extradite or to afford mutual legal assistance, if the
requested State Party has
substantial grounds for believing that the request for
extradition for offences set
forth in article 3, 3bis, 3ter or 3quater or
for mutual legal assistance with respect
to such offences has been made for the purpose of prosecuting
or punishing a
person on account of that person's race, religion,
nationality, ethnic origin,
political opinion or gender, or that compliance with the
request would cause
prejudice to that person's position for any of these
1 Article 12, paragraph 1 of the Convention
is replaced by the following text:
1 States Parties shall afford one another the greatest measure
of assistance in
connection with criminal proceedings brought in respect of the
offences set forth
in articles 3, 3bis, 3ter and 3quater,
including assistance in obtaining evidence at
their disposal necessary for the proceedings.
2 The following text is added as article
the Convention:
Article 12bis
1 A person who is being detained or is serving a sentence in
the territory of one
State Party whose presence in another State Party is requested
for purposes of
identification, testimony or otherwise providing assistance in
obtaining evidence
for the investigation or prosecution of offences set forth in
article 3, 3bis, 3ter
or 3quater may be transferred if
the following conditions are met:
(a) the person freely gives informed consent; and
(b) the competent authorities of both States agree, subject to
such conditions
as those States may deem appropriate.
2 For the purposes of this article:
(a) the State to which the person is transferred shall have
the authority and
obligation to keep the person transferred in custody, unless
requested or authorized by the State from which the person
(b) the State to which the person is transferred shall without
delay implement
its obligation to return the person to the custody of the
State from which
the person was transferred as agreed beforehand, or as
otherwise agreed,
by the competent authorities of both States;
(c) the State to which the person is transferred shall not
require the State from
which the person was transferred to initiate extradition
proceedings for the
return of the person;
(d) the person transferred shall receive credit for service of
the sentence being
served in the State from which the person was transferred for
time spent in
the custody of the State to which the person was
3 Unless the State Party from which a person is to be
transferred in accordance with
this article so agrees, that person, whatever that person's
nationality, shall not be
prosecuted or detained or subjected to any other restriction
of personal liberty in
the territory of the State to which that person is transferred
in respect of acts or
convictions anterior to that person's departure from the
territory of the State from
which such person was transferred.
Article 13 of the Convention is replaced by
the following text:
1 States Parties shall co-operate in the prevention of the
offences set forth in
articles 3, 3bis, 3ter and 3quater,
particularly by:
(a) taking all practicable measures to prevent preparation in
their respective
territories for the commission of those offences within or
outside their
(b) exchanging information in accordance with their national
law, and
co-ordinating administrative and other measures taken as
appropriate to
prevent the commission of offences set forth in articles 3,
3bis, 3ter
and 3quater.
2 When, due to the commission of an offence set forth in
article 3, 3bis, 3ter
or 3quater, the passage of a ship
has been delayed or interrupted, any State Party
in whose territory the ship or passengers or crew are present
shall be bound to
exercise all possible efforts to avoid a ship, its passengers,
crew or cargo being
unduly detained or delayed.
Article 14 of the Convention is replaced by
the following text:
Any State Party having reason to believe that an offence set
forth in article 3, 3bis,
3ter or 3quater will be committed shall, in accordance
with its national law,
furnish as promptly as possible any relevant information in
its possession to those
States which it believes would be the States having
established jurisdiction in
accordance with article 6.
Article 15, paragraph 3 of the Convention
is replaced by the following text:
3 The information transmitted in accordance with paragraphs 1
and 2 shall be
communicated by the Secretary-General to all States Parties,
to Members of the
Organization, to other States concerned, and to the
appropriate international
intergovernmental organizations.
Interpretation and application
1 The Convention and this Protocol shall, as between the
Parties to this Protocol, be read
and interpreted together as one single instrument.
2 Articles 1 to 16 of the Convention, as revised by this
Protocol, together with articles 17
to 24 of this Protocol and the Annex thereto, shall constitute
and be called the Convention
for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
Maritime Navigation, 2005
(2005 SUA Convention).
The following text is added as article
the Convention:
Final clauses of the Convention for the
Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Maritime Navigation,
The final clauses of the Convention for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Maritime Navigation, 2005 shall be articles 17 to 24
of the Protocol of 2005 to
the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against
the Safety of Maritime
Navigation. References in this Convention to States Parties
shall be taken to mean
references to States Parties to that Protocol.
Signature, ratification, acceptance,
approval and accession
1 This Protocol shall be open for signature at the
Headquarters of the Organization from
14 February 2006 to 13 February 2007 and shall thereafter
remain open for accession.
2 States may express their consent to be bound by this
Protocol by:
(a) signature without reservation as to ratification,
acceptance or approval; or
(b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval,
followed by ratification,
acceptance or approval; or
(c) accession.
3 Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be
effected by the deposit of an
instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General.
4 Only a State which has signed the Convention without
reservation as to ratification,
acceptance or approval, or has ratified, accepted, approved or
acceded to the Convention
may become a Party to this Protocol.
Entry into force
1 This Protocol shall enter into force ninety days following
the date on which twelve States
have either signed it without reservation as to ratification,
acceptance or approval, or have
deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval
or accession with the
2 For a State which deposits an instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or accession
in respect of this Protocol after the conditions in paragraph
1 for entry into force thereof
have been met, the ratification, acceptance, approval or
accession shall take effect
ninety days after the date of such deposit.
1 This Protocol may be denounced by any State Party at any
time after the date on which
this Protocol enters into force for that State.
2 Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an
instrument of denunciation with the
3 A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer
period as may be specified in the
instrument of denunciation, after the deposit of the
instrument with the Secretary-General.
Revision and amendment
1 A conference for the purpose of revising or amending this
Protocol may be convened by
the Organization.
2 The Secretary-General shall convene a conference of States
Parties to this Protocol for
revising or amending the Protocol, at the request of one third
of the States Parties, or
ten States Parties, whichever is the higher figure.
3 Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or
accession deposited after the date
of entry into force of an amendment to this Protocol shall be
deemed to apply to the
Protocol as amended.
1 Upon depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance,
approval or accession, a State
Party which is not a party to a treaty listed in the Annex may
declare that, in the
application of this Protocol to the State Party, the treaty
shall be deemed not to be
included in article 3ter. The
declaration shall cease to have effect as soon as the treaty
enters into force for the State Party, which shall notify the
Secretary-General of this fact.
2 When a State Party ceases to be a party to a treaty listed
in the Annex, it may make a
declaration as provided for in this article, with respect to
that treaty.
3 Upon depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance,
approval or accession, a State
Party may declare that it will apply the provisions of article
3ter in accordance with the
principles of its criminal law concerning family exemptions of
Amendments to the Annex
1 The Annex may be amended by the addition of relevant
treaties that:
(a) are open to the participation of all States;
(b) have entered into force; and
(c) have been ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to by at
twelve States Parties to this Protocol.
2 After the entry into force of this Protocol, any State Party
thereto may propose such an
amendment to the Annex. Any proposal for an amendment shall be
communicated to the
Secretary-General in written form. The Secretary-General shall
circulate any proposed
amendment that meets the requirements of paragraph 1 to all
members of the
Organization and seek from States Parties to this Protocol
their consent to the adoption of
the proposed amendment.
3 The proposed amendment to the Annex shall be deemed adopted
after more than
twelve of the States Parties to this Protocol consent to it by
written notification to the
4 The adopted amendment to the Annex shall enter into force
thirty days after the deposit
with the Secretary-General of the twelfth instrument of
ratification, acceptance or
approval of such amendment for those States Parties to this
Protocol that have deposited
such an instrument. For each State Party to this Protocol
ratifying, accepting or
approving the amendment after the deposit of the twelfth
instrument with the
Secretary-General, the amendment
shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after deposit
by such State Party of its instrument of ratification,
acceptance or approval.
1 This Protocol and any amendments adopted under articles 20
and 22 shall be deposited
with the Secretary-General.
2 The Secretary-General shall:
(a) inform all States which have signed this Protocol or
acceded to this Protocol of:
(i) each new signature or deposit of an instrument of
ratification, acceptance,
approval or accession together with the date thereof;
(ii) the date of the entry into force of this Protocol;
(iii) the deposit of any instrument of denunciation of this
Protocol together
with the date on which it is received and the date on which
denunciation takes effect,
(iv) any communication called for by any article of this
(v) any proposal to amend the Annex which has been made in
accordance with
article 22, paragraph 2;
(vi) any amendment deemed to have been adopted in accordance
article 22, paragraph 3;
(vii) any amendment ratified, accepted or approved in
accordance with
article 22, paragraph 4, together with the date on which that
shall enter into force; and
(b) transmit certified true copies of this Protocol to all
States which have signed or
acceded to this Protocol.
3 As soon as this Protocol enters into force, a certified true
copy of the text shall be
transmitted by the Secretary-General to the Secretary-General
of the United Nations for
registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of
the Charter of the
United Nations.
This Protocol is established in a single original in the
Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally
DONE AT LONDON this fourteenth day of October two thousand and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective
Governments for that purpose, have signed this Protocol.
Text adopted by the Conference
THE STATES PARTIES to this Protocol,
BEING PARTIES to the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful
Acts against the Safety
of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf done at
Rome on 10 March 1988,
RECOGNIZING that the reasons for which the Protocol of 2005 to
the Convention for
the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
Maritime Navigation was elaborated also
apply to fixed platforms located on the continental
TAKING account of the provisions of those Protocols,
HAVE AGREED as follows:
For the purposes of this Protocol:
1 "1988 Protocol" means the Protocol for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against
the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental
Shelf, done at Rome
on 10 March 1988.
2 "Organization" means the International Maritime
3 "Secretary-General" means the Secretary-General of the
Article 1, paragraph 1, of the 1988
Protocol is replaced by the following text:
1 The provisions of article 1, paragraphs 1(c), (d), (e), (f),
(g), (h) and 2(a), of
articles 2bis, 5, 5bis and 7, and of articles 10 to 16,
including articles 11bis, 11ter
and 12bis, of the Convention for
the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Maritime Navigation, as amended by the Protocol of
2005 to the
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Maritime
Navigation, shall also apply mutatis
mutandis to the offences set forth in
articles 2, 2bis and 2ter of this Protocol where such offences are
on board or against fixed platforms located on the continental
1 Article 2, paragraph 1(d) of the 1988
Protocol is replaced by the following text:
(d) places or causes to be placed on a fixed platform, by any
means whatsoever,
a device or substance which is likely to destroy that fixed
platform or likely to
endanger its safety.
2 Article 2, paragraph 1(e) of the 1988
Protocol is deleted.
3 Article 2, paragraph 2 of the 1988
Protocol is replaced by the following text:
2 Any person also commits an offence if that person threatens,
with or without a
condition, as is provided for under national law, aimed at
compelling a physical or
juridical person to do or refrain from doing any act, to
commit any of the offences
set forth in paragraphs 1(b) and (c), if that threat is likely
to endanger the safety of
the fixed platform.
1 The following text is inserted as article
Article 2bis
Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this
Protocol if that person
unlawfully and intentionally, when the purpose of the act, by
its nature or context, is to
intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an
international organization to do
or to abstain from doing any act:
(a) uses against or on a fixed platform or discharges from a
fixed platform any
explosive, radioactive material or BCN weapon in a manner that
causes or is
likely to cause death or serious injury or damage; or
(b) discharges, from a fixed platform, oil, liquefied natural
gas, or other hazardous or
noxious substance, which is not covered by subparagraph (a),
in such quantity or
concentration that causes or is likely to cause death or
serious injury or damage; or
(c) threatens, with or without a condition, as is provided for
under national law, to
commit an offence set forth in subparagraph (a) or (b).
2 The following text is inserted as Article
Article 2ter
Any person also commits an offence within the meaning of this
Protocol if that person:
(a) unlawfully and intentionally injures or kills any person
in connection with the
commission of any of the offences set forth in article 2,
paragraph 1, or article 2bis;
(b) attempts to commit an offence set forth in article 2,
paragraph 1, article 2bis,
subparagraph (a) or (b), or subparagraph (a) of this article;
(c) participates as an accomplice in an offence set forth in
article 2, article 2bis or
subparagraph (a) or (b) of this article; or
(d) organizes or directs others to commit an offence set forth
in article 2, article 2bis
or subparagraph (a) or (b) of this article; or
(e) contributes to the commission of one or more offences set
forth in article 2,
article 2bis or subparagraph (a)
or (b) of this article, by a group of persons acting
with a common purpose, intentionally and either:
(i) with the aim of furthering the criminal activity or
criminal purpose of the
group, where such activity or purpose involves the commission
of an
offence set forth in article 2 or 2bis; or
(ii) in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit
an offence set
forth in article 2 or 2bis.
1 Article 3, paragraph 1 of the 1988
Protocol is replaced by the following text:
1 Each State Party shall take such measures as may be
necessary to establish its
jurisdiction over the offences set forth in articles 2, 2bis and 2ter when
the offence
is committed:
(a) against or on board a fixed platform while it is located
on the continental
shelf of that State; or
(b) by a national of that State.
2 Article 3, paragraph 3 of the 1988
Protocol is replaced by the following text:
3 Any State Party which has established jurisdiction mentioned
in paragraph 2 shall
notify the Secretary-General. If such State Party subsequently
rescinds that
jurisdiction, it shall notify the Secretary-General.
3 Article 3, paragraph 4 of the 1988
Protocol is replaced by the following text:
4 Each State Party shall take such measures as may be
necessary to establish its
jurisdiction over the offences set forth in articles 2, 2bis and 2ter in
cases where
the alleged offender is present in its territory and it does
not extradite the alleged
offender to any of the States Parties which have established
their jurisdiction in
accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2.
Interpretation and application
1 The 1988 Protocol and this Protocol shall, as between the
Parties to this Protocol,
be read and interpreted together as one single
2 Articles 1 to 4 of the 1988 Protocol, as revised by this
Protocol, together with
articles 8 to 13 of this Protocol shall constitute and be
called the Protocol for the
Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed
Platforms Located on
the Continental Shelf, 2005 (2005 SUA Fixed Platforms
The following text is added as article
the Protocol:
Final clauses of the Protocol for the
Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety
of Fixed Platforms Located on the
Continental Shelf, 2005
The final clauses of the Protocol for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the Safety
of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf, 2005,
shall be articles 8 to 13 of the
Protocol of 2005 to the Protocol for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the Safety
of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf.
References in this Protocol to
States Parties shall be taken to mean references to States
Parties to the 2005 Protocol.
Signature, ratification, acceptance,
approval and accession
1 This Protocol shall be open for signature at the
Headquarters of the Organization
from 14 February 2006 to 13 February 2007 and shall thereafter
remain open for
2 States may express their consent to be bound by this
Protocol by:
(a) signature without reservation as to ratification,
acceptance or approval; or
(b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval,
followed by
ratification, acceptance or approval; or
(c) accession.
3 Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be
effected by the deposit of
an instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General.
4 Only a State which has signed the 1988 Protocol without
reservation as to
ratification, acceptance or approval, or has ratified,
accepted, approved or acceded
to the 1988 Protocol may become a Party to this
Entry into force
1 This Protocol shall enter into force ninety days following
the date on which three
States have either signed it without reservation as to
ratification, acceptance or
approval, or have deposited an instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or
accession with the Secretary-General. However, this Protocol
shall not enter into
force before the Protocol of 2005 to the Convention for the
Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation has
entered into force.
2 For a State which deposits an instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or
accession in respect of this Protocol after the conditions in
paragraph 1 for entry
into force thereof have been met, the ratification,
acceptance, approval or
accession shall take effect ninety days after the date of such
1 This Protocol may be denounced by any State Party at any
time after the date on
which this Protocol enters into force for that State.
2 Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an
instrument of denunciation
with the Secretary-General.
3 A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer
period as may be
specified in the instrument of denunciation, after the deposit
of the instrument
with the Secretary-General.
Revision and amendment
1 A conference for the purpose of revising or amending this
Protocol may be
convened by the Organization.
2 The Secretary-General shall convene a conference of States
Parties to this
Protocol for revising or amending the Protocol, at the request
of one third of the
States Parties, or five States Parties, whichever is the
higher figure.
3 Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or
accession deposited after
the date of entry into force of an amendment to this Protocol
shall be deemed to
apply to the Protocol as amended.
1 This Protocol and any amendments adopted under article 11
shall be deposited
with the Secretary-General.
2 The Secretary-General shall:
(a) inform all States which have signed this Protocol or
acceded to this
Protocol of:
(i) each new signature or deposit of an instrument of
acceptance, approval or accession together with the date
(ii) the date of the entry into force of this Protocol;
(iii) the deposit of any instrument of denunciation of this
together with the date on which it is received and the date on
the denunciation takes effect;
(iv) any communication called for by any article of this
Protocol; and
(b) transmit certified true copies of this Protocol to all
States which have
signed or acceded to this Protocol.
3 As soon as this Protocol enters into force, a certified true
copy of the text
shall be transmitted by the Secretary-General to the
Secretary-General of the
United Nations for registration and publication in accordance
with Article 102 of
the Charter of the United Nations.
This Protocol is established in a single original in the
Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally
DONE AT LONDON this fourteenth day of October two thousand and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective
Governments for that purpose, have signed this Protocol.
+++Bilag+++Bilag 3
Resolution 1540 (2004)
Adopted by the Security Council at its
4956th meeting,
on 28 April 2004
The Security Council,
Affirming that proliferation of
nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as
well as their means of delivery,* constitutes a threat to
international peace and
Reaffirming, in this context, the
Statement of its President adopted at the
Council's meeting at the level of Heads of State and
Government on 31 January
1992 (S/23500), including the need for all Member States to
fulfil their obligations
in relation to arms control and disarmament and to prevent
proliferation in all its
aspects of all weapons of mass destruction,
Recalling also that the Statement
underlined the need for all Member States to
resolve peacefully in accordance with the Charter any problems
in that context
threatening or disrupting the maintenance of regional and
global stability,
Affirming its resolve to take
appropriate and effective actions against any
threat to international peace and security caused by the
proliferation of nuclear,
chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery,
in conformity with its
primary responsibilities, as provided for in the United
Nations Charter,
Affirming its support for the
multilateral treaties whose aim is to eliminate or
prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical or biological
weapons and the
importance for all States parties to these treaties to
implement them fully in order to
promote international stability,
* Definitions for the purpose of this resolution only:
Means of delivery: missiles, rockets and other unmanned
systems capable of delivering nuclear,
chemical, or biological weapons, that are specially designed
for such use.
Non-State actor: individual or entity, not acting under the
lawful authority of any State in
conducting activities which come within the scope of this
Related materials: materials, equipment and technology covered
by relevant multilateral treaties
and arrangements, or included on national control lists, which
could be used for the design,
development, production or use of nuclear, chemical and
biological weapons and their means of
Welcoming efforts in this context
by multilateral arrangements which
contribute to non-proliferation,
Affirming that prevention of
proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons should not hamper international cooperation in
materials, equipment and
technology for peaceful purposes while goals of peaceful
utilization should not be
used as a cover for proliferation,
Gravely concerned by the threat of
terrorism and the risk that non-State
actors* such as those identified in the United Nations list
established and
maintained by the Committee established under Security Council
resolution 1267
and those to whom resolution 1373 applies, may acquire,
develop, traffic in or use
nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of
Gravely concerned by the threat of
illicit trafficking in nuclear, chemical, or
biological weapons and their means of delivery, and related
materials,* which adds
a new dimension to the issue of proliferation of such weapons
and also poses a
threat to international peace and security,
Recognizing the need to enhance
coordination of efforts on national,
subregional, regional and international levels in order to
strengthen a global
response to this serious challenge and threat to international
Recognizing that most States have
undertaken binding legal obligations under
treaties to which they are parties, or have made other
commitments aimed at
preventing the proliferation of nuclear, chemical or
biological weapons, and have
taken effective measures to account for, secure and physically
protect sensitive
materials, such as those required by the Convention on the
Physical Protection of
Nuclear Materials and those recommended by the IAEA Code of
Conduct on the
Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources,
Recognizing further the urgent
need for all States to take additional effective
measures to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical or
biological weapons and
their means of delivery,
Encouraging all Member States to
implement fully the disarmament treaties
and agreements to which they are party,
Reaffirming the need to combat by
all means, in accordance with the Charter
of the United Nations, threats to international peace and
security caused by terrorist
Determined to facilitate
henceforth an effective response to global threats in
the area of non-proliferation,
Acting under Chapter VII of the
Charter of the United Nations,
1. Decides that all States shall
refrain from providing any form of support
to non-State actors that attempt to develop, acquire,
manufacture, possess, transport,
transfer or use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and
their means of delivery;
2. Decides also that all States,
in accordance with their national procedures,
shall adopt and enforce appropriate effective laws which
prohibit any non-State
actor to manufacture, acquire, possess, develop, transport,
transfer or use nuclear,
chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery, in
particular for
terrorist purposes, as well as attempts to engage in any of
the foregoing activities,
participate in them as an accomplice, assist or finance
3. Decides also that all States
shall take and enforce effective measures to
establish domestic controls to prevent the proliferation of
nuclear, chemical, or
biological weapons and their means of delivery, including by
appropriate controls over related materials and to this end
(a) Develop and maintain appropriate effective measures to
account for and
secure such items in production, use, storage or
(b) Develop and maintain appropriate effective physical
protection measures;
(c) Develop and maintain appropriate effective border controls
and law
enforcement efforts to detect, deter, prevent and combat,
including through
international cooperation when necessary, the illicit
trafficking and brokering in
such items in accordance with their national legal authorities
and legislation and
consistent with international law;
(d) Establish, develop, review and maintain appropriate
effective national
export and trans-shipment controls over such items, including
appropriate laws and
regulations to control export, transit, trans-shipment and
re-export and controls on
providing funds and services related to such export and
trans-shipment such as
financing, and transporting that would contribute to
proliferation, as well as
establishing end-user controls; and establishing and enforcing
appropriate criminal
or civil penalties for violations of such export control laws
and regulations;
4. Decides to establish, in
accordance with rule 28 of its provisional rules of
procedure, for a period of no longer than two years, a
Committee of the Security
Council, consisting of all members of the Council, which will,
calling as appropriate
on other expertise, report to the Security Council for its
examination, on the
implementation of this resolution, and to this end calls upon
States to present a first
report no later than six months from the adoption of this
resolution to the
Committee on steps they have taken or intend to take to
implement this resolution;
5. Decides that none of the
obligations set forth in this resolution shall be
interpreted so as to conflict with or alter the rights and
obligations of State Parties to
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Chemical Weapons
Convention and the
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention or alter the
responsibilities of the
International Atomic Energy Agency or the Organization for the
Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons;
6. Recognizes the utility in
implementing this resolution of effective
national control lists and calls upon all Member States, when
necessary, to pursue at
the earliest opportunity the development of such lists;
7. Recognizes that some States may
require assistance in implementing the
provisions of this resolution within their territories and
invites States in a position to
do so to offer assistance as appropriate in response to
specific requests to the States
lacking the legal and regulatory infrastructure,
implementation experience and/or
resources for fulfilling the above provisions;
8. Calls upon all States:
(a) To promote the universal adoption and full implementation,
and, where
necessary, strengthening of multilateral treaties to which
they are parties, whose aim
is to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, biological or
chemical weapons;
(b) To adopt national rules and regulations, where it has not
yet been done,
to ensure compliance with their commitments under the key
multilateral nonproliferation
(c) To renew and fulfil their commitment to multilateral
cooperation, in
particular within the framework of the International Atomic
Energy Agency, the
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the
Biological and Toxin
Weapons Convention, as important means of pursuing and
achieving their common
objectives in the area of non-proliferation and of promoting
cooperation for peaceful purposes;
(d) To develop appropriate ways to work with and inform
industry and the
public regarding their obligations under such laws;
9. Calls upon all States to
promote dialogue and cooperation on nonproliferation
so as to address the threat posed by proliferation of nuclear,
or biological weapons, and their means of delivery;
10. Further to counter that threat, calls
upon all States, in accordance with
their national legal authorities and legislation and
consistent with international law,
to take cooperative action to prevent illicit trafficking in
nuclear, chemical or
biological weapons, their means of delivery, and related
11. Expresses its intention to
monitor closely the implementation of this
resolution and, at the appropriate level, to take further
decisions which may be
required to this end;
12. Decides to remain seized of
the matter.