Udenrigsudvalget (URU) Alm. del

Samling: 2004-05 (2. samling)

Bilag 3

Henvendelse af 22. december 2004 vedr. invitation til konferencen Countdown 2015 - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All - Status, challenges and recommendations for the implementation of the ICPD goals


Dokumentdato: 23-02-2005
Modtaget: 11-02-2005
Omdelt: 24-02-2005

Henvendelse af 22. december 2004 vedr. invitation til konferencen Countdown 2015 - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All - Status, challenges and recommendations for the implementation of the ICPD goals

Invitation til konferencen Countdown 2015 - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All den 14. marts 2005 (pdf-version)
Program for konferencen Countdown 2015 - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All den 14. marts 2005 (pdf-version)