Ministry of Foreign Affairs Asiatisk Plads 2 DK-1448 København K Telephone +45 33 92 00 00 Telefax +45 32 54 05 33 E-mail: [email protected] Girokonto 3 00 18 06 22 December 2004 Dear Madam, Dear Sir, INVITATION:   Countdown   2015   –   Sexual   and   Reproductive Health and Rights for All – Status, challenges and recommenda- tions for the implementation of the ICPD goals The tenth anniversary of the UN Conference on Population and Devel- opment (ICPD, Cairo 1994) has been used to take stock of the imple- mentation of the Cairo Programme of Action and the achievements to- wards the goal of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All in 2015.   In 2005 the Danish Government will embark on a new strategy for the Danish  efforts  in  the  field  of  population  and  sexual  and  reproductive health. Together with the Danish Family Planning Association (“Sex & Samfund”) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to invite you to the above-mentioned conference to be held on   Monday 14 March 2005 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eigtveds Pakhus 9:00-17:00 hrs. The  Minister  for  Integration  and  Minister  for  Development  Coopera- tion, Mr. Bertel Haarder, will open the conference. The Director General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Dr. Steven Sinding, will  participate  together  with  Presidential  Adviser  on  Population  and Health Issues (Ghana), Professor Fred Sai, and World Bank Adviser for Population  and  Reproductive  Health  Human  Development  Network, Elizabeth Lule, as well as other eminent stakeholders. In the afternoon there will be 4 thematic workshops focusing on:
2 HIV/AIDS;   Reproductive rights and gender equality;   Maternal mortality, abortion and contraceptives;   Youth. Recommendations from the conference will feed into the new strategy for the Danish efforts in the field of population and sexual and repro- ductive health. We are inviting the Danish development NGOs and Networks, Interna- tional Organisations, other Development Agencies, Research Networks, Young Peoples’ Organisations and politicians.   Registration (including name, organisation and position as well as which of the 4 workshops you wish to participate in) should be forwarded not later  than  14  February  2005  to:  [email protected].  If  you  have  any  ques- tions, please contact Anne Marie Voetmann via e-mail: [email protected], or by telephone: + 45 33 92 10 51. A site for the conference on the Ministry’s homepage will be launched, where you can find conference and background documents. We will in- form you about the link, once the page has been established.   Yours sincerely, Kirsten Geelan Head of Department   UN Development Cooperation