ERD Alm.del Bilag 58
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Fiftheenth sitting, Thursday 28 April at 3 p.m. ADDENDUM 1, Parliamentary Questions for Oral Answers
19-05-2005 (2004-05 (2. samling))
ERD Alm.del Bilag 57
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Fifteenth sitting, Thursday 28 April at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 56
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Fourteenth sitting, Thursday 28 April at 10 a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 55
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Thirteenth sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 54
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Twelfth sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 10 a.m. ADDENDUM 1, Assistance to patients at the end of life
ERD Alm.del Bilag 53
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Twelfth sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 10 a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 52
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Eleventh sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 3 p.m. ADDENDUM 2, Energy
ERD Alm.del Bilag 51
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Eleventh sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 3 p.m. ADDENDUM 1, Energy
ERD Alm.del Bilag 50
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Eleventh sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 49
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Tenth sitting, Monday 26 April at 10 a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 48
2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Ninth Sitting, Monday 25 April at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 47
Freedom of the press and the working conditions of journalists in conflict zones, Doc. 10521, 26 April 2005
ERD Alm.del Bilag 46
Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee, Doc. 10515, 28 January - 25 April 2005)
13-05-2005 (2004-05 (2. samling))
ERD Alm.del Bilag 45
Examination of credentials of representatives and substitutes, Doc. 10504, 23 April 2005
ERD Alm.del Bilag 44
Pressemeddelelse med nyheder om Europarådets topmøde i Warszawa den 16.-17. maj 2005 og ungdoms-topmødet.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 43
Agenda og udkast til dagsorden for 3. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling den 20. 24. juni 2005
ERD Alm.del Bilag 42
Resolutioner fra IPU's 112. Assembly
ERD Alm.del Bilag 41
Kronologisk over pr. 9/5-05 over bilag omdelt til Europarådsdelegationen
09-05-2005 (2004-05 (2. samling))
ERD Alm.del Bilag 40
Nyt fra Europarådet, 6/05, 4. maj 2005 og pressemeddelelser
ERD Alm.del Bilag 39
Invitation til konference den 10. maj 2005 om journalisters arbejdsvilkår i Rusland og Hviderusland
03-05-2005 (2004-05 (2. samling))
ERD Alm.del Bilag 38
Fortroligt dokument
21-04-2005 (2004-05 (2. samling))
ERD Alm.del Bilag 37
Oversigt over komité-og gruppemøder under 2. session i Strasbourg, udkast.
22-04-2005 (2004-05 (2. samling))
ERD Alm.del Bilag 36
Henvendelse af 18. april 2005 fra Standing Committee of Nurses of the EU vedrørende rapport om aktiv dødshjælp
19-04-2005 (2004-05 (2. samling))
ERD Alm.del Bilag 35
Referendums: towards good practices in Europe, Doc. 10498, 8 April 2005
ERD Alm.del Bilag 34
Lawfulness of detentions by the United States in Guantánamo Bay, Doc. 10497, 8 April 2005