Bucharest Pride 21.-23. maj 2015
Udvalg: Europaudvalget
Startdato: 21-05-2015
Slutdato: 23-05-2015
Sted: Bukarest

Europaudvalget deltager i Bucharest Pride og de dertil knyttede arrangementer, der er arrangeret af ACCEPT Association med henblik på at øge bevidstheden om spørgsmål som solidaritet, samfundsmæssig mangfoldighed og personligt engagement som centrale aspekter i at opnå lighed og respekt for menneskerettigheder.


Draft Schedule May 21st - May 24th

Thursday, May 21st

T hursday, May 21st

16:00 - 20:00

Meeting with ACCEPT representatives and LGBT rights activists

Friday, May 22nd

09:00 - 13:00

Meeting at the Parliament with representatives of the Legal Committee and Human Rights Committee

Meeting with National Council for Combating Discrimination

Meeting with civil society representatives and human rights activists, members of the Anti-Discrimination Coalitions (human rights organizations, including Roma NGOs)

13:00 - 14:00


Public panel discussions on successful ways of combating homophobia and transphobia in area such as politics, education, healthcare, law enforcement.

Other participants include other political figures and activists.

Meetings with several pre-selected media

Saturday, May 23rd

16:00 - 18:00

Pride Parade

13.000 kr.
12.406 kr.