Socialudvalget 2024-25
L 66 Bilag 21
271 Winslow Way E. 10631
Bainbridge Island, WA
98110 (206) 565-5313
To Whom it May Concern:
Re: Kenneth Nielsen
This letter is to confirm that Kenneth Nielsen successfully completed the Coach
Seminar with Dr. Childress: Working in a Mental Health Treatment Team, 5/15/21.
As a family coach supporting healthy child development, Mr. Nielsen has my
consultation support for the children and families he supports and helps, he understands
In the absence of child abuse, parents have the right to parent according to their
cultural values, their personal values, and their religious values.
In the absence of child abuse, each parent should have as much time and
involvement with the child as possible.
When there is child abuse, we protect the child.
There are four diagnoses of child abuse in the Child Maltreatment section of the
DSM-5: Child Physical Abuse (V995.54), Child Sexual Abuse (V995.53), Child Neglect
(V995.52), Child Psychological Abuse (V995.51). Each of these child abuse diagnoses is
equivalent in the severity of the damage they cause to the child, they differ only in the type
of damage done, not in the severity of damage done to the child. Child Psychological Abuse
is devastating, it destroys the child from the inside-out.
Each of these child abuse diagnoses warrants a proper risk assessment when a
diagnostic consideration is child abuse. When there is child abuse, we protect the child.
As a family coach, Mr. Nielsen encounters many families, and he seeks to protect
children from the devastating effects of child psychological abuse by a parent who is using
the child as a weapon in the spousal conflict with the other parent-and-spouse. Mr. Nielsen
has my support in his efforts to protect children from the devastating developmental
effects of Child Psychological Abuse
DSM-5 V995.51.
Craig Childress, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist, PSY 18857
[email protected]