Transportudvalget 2024-25
L 107
-- AKT 409450 -- BILAG 1 -- [ Opdatering Kommissionens vurdering af Transportministeriets
- endeligt
til ændring af busloven
L 107
svar på spørgsmål 16
Transportudvalget 2024-25
Kathrine Aagaard Lise ([email protected]), Frederik Find Leisner ([email protected])
Alexander Höilund ([email protected]), Michael Nielsen ([email protected])
Jens Hvid Bang ([email protected])
Opdatering: Kommissionens vurdering af Transportministeriets forslag til ændring af busloven
29-10-2024 09:25
RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009.eml;
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Kære begge
Vi har kontaktet Kommissionen for at få afklaret, hvordan EU-forordningerne skal tolkes i forhold til det
forslag, vi har afgivet høringssvar til i sommers om at ændre buslovens definition af erhvervsmæssig
Vi har vedlagt vores korrespondance med Kommissionen som bilag, så I kan se detaljerne i vores dialog.
Kommissionens svar
I sit svar skriver Kommissionen, at man ikke kan ændre definitionen på den måde, som lovforslaget
foreslår, og at de tre kriterier ikke kan gøres kumulative.
Faktisk forholder det sig lige omvendt, og ifølge Kommissionens fortolkning af EU-forordningerne skal
følgende tre kriterier opfyldes kumulativt for at en befordring kan defineres som ikke-erhvervsmæssig (og
dermed undtages for tilladelseskravet):
1. Ingen direkte eller indirekte vederlag for befordringen.
2. Befordringen må ikke generere direkte eller indirekte indkomst for føreren af køretøjet eller for andre.
3. Befordringen må ikke være forbundet med nogen professionel aktivitet.
Altså, enhver form for buskørsel, der kræver vederlag, genererer indkomst eller er forbundet med en
professionel aktivitet, kræver en tilladelse.
Det er vigtigt at understrege, at Kommissionen åbner op for undtagelser, men der er tale om meget snævre
undtagelser, som skal være underlagt strenge betingelser, hvilket ikke er opfyldt i lovforslaget, hvor at den
nye definition skaber meget brede undtagelser.
Vi mener derfor fortsat, at den bedste løsning vil være at udvide de eksisterende undtagelser, så f.eks.
pårørende på plejehjem kan køre med i plejehjemsbussen – som ministeren ønsker.
Vi håber selvfølgelig, at I vil tage ovenstående i betragtning i jeres arbejde med lovforslaget, og I må
endelig sige til, hvis I har brug for mere materiale eller en uddybning. Vi står naturligvis til rådighed for
yderligere information eller en drøftelse af sagen.
De bedste hilsner
Jens Hvid Bang
Kommunikations- og sektorchef
Dansk PersonTransport
Nørre Farimagsgade 11,
DK-1364 København K
Tel: +45 7022 7099
Mob: +45 5135 5271
L 107 - 2024-25 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 16: Spm., om der foreligger andre interne bemærkninger og/eller henvendelser, der forholder sig kritisk til L 107, og som ikke er oversendt til Folketinget
-- AKT 409450 -- BILAG 2 -- [ RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009 ] --
[email protected] (Alexander Höilund)
[email protected] (Michael Møller Nielsen)
CABAU Emmanuel ([email protected])
RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009
24-10-2024 15:06
image001.png; image002.gif; image003.png; image004.png;
Dear Colleague,
As I wrote to you previously, under the last paragraph of Article 1(4) to be considered a “carriage exclusively for non-
commercial purposes”, a carriage must meet three conditions: it should be a carriage (i) for which no direct or
indirect remuneration is receive, and (ii) which does not directly or indirectly generate any income for the driver of
the vehicle or for others, and (iii) which is not linked to any professional activity.
These conditions are cumulative and should be interpreted strictly.
It appears for example that carrying out transport for passengers not for profit-making purposes would not fulfill
these three conditions.
Kind regards
Emmanuel Cabau
Alexander Höilund <[email protected]>
Thursday, October 24, 2024 2:45 PM
CABAU Emmanuel (MOVE) <[email protected]>
Michael Møller Nielsen <[email protected]>
SV: Interpretation of 1071/2009
Dear Emmanuel
Once again thank you for taking your time to answer our questions.
I hope I may ask you another follow-up question to make my understanding of the EU regulations
Under the current Danish legislation, it is clearly defined when the national transport services of passengers
by bus or coach are considered commercial or non-commercial. There are three criteria, any one of which
can trigger a requirement for a license to engage in the commercial transportation of passengers by bus or
coach (Community licence), as fulfilling just one of the following criteria defines the transport as commercial:
When transporting people who are not closely associated with the person, company, or organization
performing the transport.
2. When the transport is carried out for profit-making purposes.
3. When the transport is the primary purpose of the person, company, or organization in question.
With regards to the EU regulation, would it be possible to change the national legislative definition of
commercial road passenger transport by bus or coach so that the above mentioned three criteria must be
met simultaneously (cumulative) for the transport of passengers to be considered commercial? I.e., if just
one of the criteria is not fulfilled, transport by bus or coach could thus be carried out without a license for
commercial passenger transportation, as it would be defined as non-commercial due to all criteria not being
met cumulatively?
Thank you for your help!
L 107 - 2024-25 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 16: Spm., om der foreligger andre interne bemærkninger og/eller henvendelser, der forholder sig kritisk til L 107, og som ikke er oversendt til Folketinget
-- AKT 409450 -- BILAG 2 -- [ RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009 ] --
Best regards,
Alexander Höilund
Political consultant
Danish Passenger Transport / DPT
Mob: +45 60 13 00 15
CABAU Emmanuel <[email protected]>
24. oktober 2024 11:32
Alexander Höilund <[email protected]>
Michael Møller Nielsen <[email protected]>
RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009
Dear Colleague,
I am not aware of any case law or further definitions on these issues. These are exceptions and should be
interpreted strictly.
Concerning Article 1(4)b please note that the condition is not precisely that “road passenger
transport services become the main occupation of a transport provider” but that the
main occupation
of the undertakings is something else than that of road passenger transport. This is a very strict condition
and can only applies to undertakings that are not road passenger transport undertakings and would normally
concern own account operation. It is not possible to be active as a passenger transport undertaking under
this exception.
Kind regards
Emmanuel Cabau
Alexander Höilund <[email protected]>
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 2:56 PM
CABAU Emmanuel (MOVE) <[email protected]>
GARCIA DE SANDOVAL Aurora (MOVE) <[email protected]>; TOMIC
BIENKOWSKA Lana (MOVE) <[email protected]>; PTASZYNSKA Ewa (MOVE)
<[email protected]>; Michael Møller Nielsen <[email protected]>
RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009
Dear Emmanuel
I was forwarded your mail by Michael.
Thank you for your answer. It helps immensely.
We understand your answer in such a way that it is possible to engage in profit-making road
passenger transportation with bus and coach services without authorization under certain
circumstances due to the exceptions provided in Article 1(4)b and Article 1(5). If this is
indeed the correct understanding, then we do have a couple of follow-up questions, which
we hope you are willing to help us with.
Concerning Article 1(4)b, are there any definitions or case law that outline when road
passenger transport services become the main occupation of a transport provider? One
could fear that the exception to entities with a main occupation other than that of road
passenger transportation might lead to circumvention and misuse of the exception, as a
substantial profit could be gained by commercial passenger transport by bus or coach under
L 107 - 2024-25 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 16: Spm., om der foreligger andre interne bemærkninger og/eller henvendelser, der forholder sig kritisk til L 107, og som ikke er oversendt til Folketinget
-- AKT 409450 -- BILAG 2 -- [ RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009 ] --
the guise of other purposes?
Concerning Article 1(5), are there any definitions or case law regarding when road transport
operators engaged exclusively in profit-making national transport operations only have “a
minor impact on the transport market”? And concurrently, when are “the shorts distances
involved” defined short enough to exempt commercial road passenger transportation for
profit-making purposes as a main occupation (or ancillary occupation) from authorization?
I hope my questions make sense, otherwise feel free to ask me to elaborate.
Thank you in advance! We really appreciate your help.
Best regards,
Alexander Höilund
Political consultant
Danish Passenger Transport / DPT
Mob: +45 60 13 00 15
CABAU Emmanuel <[email protected]>
23. oktober 2024 12:53
Michael Møller Nielsen <[email protected]>
GARCIA DE SANDOVAL Aurora <[email protected]>; TOMIC
BIENKOWSKA Lana <[email protected]>; PTASZYNSKA Ewa
<[email protected]>
RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009
Dear Colleague,
In accordance with Article 1(4)b), the Regulation can only not apply to “undertakings engaged in road
passenger transport services exclusively for non-commercial purposes or which have a main
occupation other than that of road passenger transport operator”.
Under the last paragraph of Article 1(4) to be considered a “carriage exclusively for non-commercial
purposes”, a carriage must meet three cumulative conditions: it should be a carriage (i) for which no
direct or indirect remuneration is receive, and (ii) which does not directly or indirectly generate any
income for the driver of the vehicle or for others, and (iii) which is not linked to any professional
As you indicating therefore all profit making road passenger transport services by bus or coach are
covered by Regulation 1071/2009 and require an authorization under this Regulation.
The only possible exceptions would concern undertakings which have a main occupation other than
that of road passenger transport operator, or road transport operators “engaged exclusively in
national transport operations having only a minor impact on the transport market because of: (a) the
nature of the goods carried; or
(b) the short distances involved” (Article 1(5)).
As for Regulation 1073/2009, it applies to operations carried out for non-commercial and non-profit-
making purposes. In any event it only concerns international carriage and allows for an authorisation
to be granted, so it would both not be possible and not make sense for a Member State to restrict its
I hope this helps.
L 107 - 2024-25 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 16: Spm., om der foreligger andre interne bemærkninger og/eller henvendelser, der forholder sig kritisk til L 107, og som ikke er oversendt til Folketinget
-- AKT 409450 -- BILAG 2 -- [ RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009 ] --
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
With kind regards
Emmanuel Cabau
PTASZYNSKA Ewa (MOVE) <[email protected]>
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 6:28 PM
Michael Møller Nielsen <[email protected]>
GARCIA DE SANDOVAL Aurora (MOVE) <[email protected]>;
TOMIC BIENKOWSKA Lana (MOVE) <[email protected]>; CABAU Emmanuel (MOVE)
<[email protected]>
RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009
Dear Michael,
Thank you for reaching out to me and sharing these interesting plans of the Danish
government to change the access rules to passenger market by bus and coach. Actually, I am
not working in the road transport policy unit any more. Shocking! I know.
I have moved
to transport investment unit on 16 October. But I am sure my colleagues in copy will be glad
to address your question.
All the best
Ewa Ptaszyńska
Deputy Head of Unit
European Commission
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
Transport Investment
DM28 06/071
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 (0)2-296 54 24
[email protected]
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Michael Møller Nielsen <[email protected]>
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 9:07 AM
PTASZYNSKA Ewa (MOVE) <[email protected]>
Interpretation of 1071/2009
Hi Eva
L 107 - 2024-25 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 16: Spm., om der foreligger andre interne bemærkninger og/eller henvendelser, der forholder sig kritisk til L 107, og som ikke er oversendt til Folketinget
-- AKT 409450 -- BILAG 2 -- [ RE: Interpretation of 1071/2009 ] --
Trust that you are well and are enjoying autumn in Brussels even though it probably is gray at
this time of year as usual.
I hope you can help me a bit about the interpretation of regulation 1071/2009 and regulation
1073/2009 regarding the definition of commercial and non-commercial road passenger
transport by bus and coach services.
The reason for my inquiry is that the Danish Ministry of Transport is considering liberalizing
the rules for bus and coach services with an upcoming legislative proposal. The upcoming
proposal suggests that, in the future, it will be possible to conduct road passenger transport
by bus and coach services for profit-making purposes without a license for commercial
passenger transportation (Community license) under certain circumstances.
To my understanding, the EU regulations clearly indicate that road passenger transport
services by bus or coach carried out for profit-making purposes are always considered
commercial, no matter the circumstances, and thus require a license (Community license)?
Can you think of any circumstances, where it is possible to engage in profit making road
passenger transport services by bus or coach, and still being defined as non-commercial and
thus not require a Community license?
I will greatly appreciate any help you can provide on the matter and do not hesitate to
contact me in case you have questions or need additional information. If you think someone
else is better places to answer, you are naturally free to forward the mail to them. However, I
cannot think of anyone better placed to answer this than you ;o)
All best and do give me a buzz in case you visit Copenhagen in the future,
Michael Nielsen
Adm. Direktør / CEO
Dansk PersonTransport / DPT
Nørre Farimagsgade 11,
DK-1364 København K
Tel: +45 7022 7099
Mob: +45 3133 6900