STATES OF ORIGIN 2004 – 2022
Peter Selman, Newcastle University, UK
These tables are based on data provided by receiving States. The statistics used for the USA are the Fiscal Year data on visas published by the US State
Department (taken from website 2004-9 and using Annual Reports from 2010-2022). For 2010, I have included the 1,090 ‘humanitarian’ visas issued
after the Haiti earthquake.
Table 1 has data for 25 receiving States. Some data for 2010 and later years have been revised in the light of new statistics provided for the 2015 Special
Commission by several States, including Canada, Germany and Luxembourg. Switzerland is reviewing all its statistics from 2010-8 and has made some
provisional estimates – these have been used for years 2016-19. Annual data for Spain 2017-20 have been revised. Some totals differ from those
submitted by receiving States (e.g., Belgium) and listed on the HCCH webpage. These have been found to be based on incomplete data being used by the
Central Authority.
In Table 2, annual totals for States of origin 2004-22 are based on statistics provided by receiving States
and include statistics submitted to the
Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) by Austria and Portugal (2005-9). Totals for some States of origin may be
too low where receiving States do not give numbers below 5 (e.g., UK and Italy 2013, 2018 and 2021) or data are incomplete (Switzerland 2016-8). Data
are subject to revision and correction as further statistics are submitted.
Comments, corrections and suggestions by e-mail are welcome
Cite as Selman, P. (2024)
Global Statistics for Intercountry Adoption: Receiving States and States of origin 2004-2022
Peter Selman, Newcastle University. 14 February 2024
These tables are available on the HCCH website at
Statistics provided to the HCCH by some States of origin may slightly differ.