Udenrigsudvalget 2024-25
URU Alm.del Bilag 141
EP Conference <[email protected]>
11. februar 2025
Invitation 19th EUTCC Conference
The EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC) will hold its 19th International Conference on EU Turkey and the
Kurds on 26-27 March 2025 in the European Parliament. The theme of the conference is:
This year’s conference comes at a time of increasing wars and political uncertainty in the world. In addition,
the conference has a special significance in these historic times when the Middle East is being reconstructed
and important steps towards a political solution of the Kurdish question in Turkey are being taken and
discussed. In such a critical process, it will be very important to discuss what the wider public, especially the
EU, should or can do for peace and democracy. A peaceful and democratic regional process is only possible
with broad support. That is why your participation in our conference and your expertise will be particularly
We are writing this letter to invite you to participate in the annual International Conference on the EU,
Turkey and the Kurds hosted by the EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC) in cooperation with the The Left,
the Greens-European Free Alliance and the Groups of the Free Alliance of Socialists and Democrats.
For 19 years, the EUTCC has organised annual international conferences in the European Parliament,
focusing on the Kurdish question and democratic processes in Turkey. With invited civil society
organisations, academics, European, Turkish and Kurdish politicians, policy-makers and activists these
conferences have received international attention, politically and in the media. We are proud that
internationally recognised individuals like Noam Chomsky, Leyla Zana, Shirin Ebadi, and Bianca Jagger
support the work of the EUTCC.
The final resolution of each conference has urged the European Union (EU), the United States (US), the
international community and all democratic forces to use their political influence to encourage Turkey to
find a peaceful, political solution to the Kurdish question.
Hereby, we are kindly asking you to participate in our conference as your participation will contribute to the
quality of the discussions through which you have the opportunity to raise your short comments and
questions to the speakers.
As an official «European Parliament personal badge/pass» will be provided to all participants to the
Conference, all participants MUST send us the following details:
1) Family name
2) First name
3) Date of birth
4) Nationality
5) Type of ID card
6) Number of ID card
URU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 141: Invitation til konference om EU, Tyrkiet, Mellemøsten og kurderne den 26.-27. marts 2025 i Europa-Parlamentet
This information must be sent before 19 March 2025.
Please note that NO ACCREDITATION will be accepted after this deadline, according to the rules established
by the Security Department of the European Parliament.
Your «personal badge/pass» will be available at the main entrance of the European Parliament (Place de
Luxembourg—main European Parliament’s building «Altiero Spinelli»—just after the sliding doors you’ll find
a conference desk), during AND ONLY the following date/hours: 26 March 15.30-16.30 and 27 March 08.00-
Please note that all participants must take a good care of their own «EP badge/pass» during both days. If
someone loses the «pass/badge» it will be impossible to replace it, according to the EP’s internal rules.
For any additional information, please contact the conference’s secretariat:
[email protected]
We are looking forward to your positive response.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. Kariane Westrheim
EUTCC Chairperson
EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission
Instagram: @eutcc1