Udenrigsudvalget 2024-25
URU Alm.del Bilag 139
Unofficial translation
of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
to the Parliaments and Governments of Foreign States, International Organizations, and
Parliamentary Assemblies in Connection with the Third Anniversary of the Beginning of the Full-
Scale Armed Invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine
Paying tribute to the Ukrainian people, who heroically resist the unlawful, unprovoked, and
unjustified full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which is a
continuation of the aggressive war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine that began in 2014;
Honoring the fallen sons and daughters of Ukraine who gave their lives in the fight against the
Proudly recognizing the courage and determination of the warriors of the Security and Defense
Forces of Ukraine in repelling the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine;
Emphasizing the scale of human losses and destruction caused by the armed aggression of the
Russian Federation, including numerous civilian casualties in Ukraine, the complete devastation of
cities, civilian and critical infrastructure, the loss of homes by millions of citizens, and their forced
displacement both within Ukraine and beyond its borders;
Condemning the criminal actions of the Russian Federation, which, under fabricated pretexts for
invasion and in disregard of universally recognized principles and norms of international law,
continues to commit the crime of aggression, mass war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the
crime of genocide, including the murder of civilians, torture and executions of prisoners of war, the
deportation of Ukrainian children, and the holding of thousands of Ukrainian citizens as civilian
Recalling the resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine:
Resolution No. 2942-IX of February 24, 2023 – "On the Appeal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to
the Parliaments and Governments of the World and International Organizations on the Anniversary
of the Full-Scale Invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine";
Resolution No. 3602-IX of February 23, 2024 – "On the Appeal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to
the Parliaments and Governments of Foreign States, International Organizations, and Parliamentary
Assemblies in Connection with the Tenth Anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity, the Tenth
Anniversary of the Ukrainian People's Resistance to the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation,
and the Second Anniversary of the Full-Scale Armed Invasion of the Russian Federation into
Resolution No. 4058-IX of November 19, 2024 – "On the Appeal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
to the Parliaments and Governments of Foreign States, International Organizations, and Their
Interparliamentary Assemblies in Connection with the 1000th Day Since the Beginning of the Full-
Scale Armed Invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine";
URU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 139: Appel fra Ukraines parlament til parlamenter og regeringer i andre lande, internationale organisationer og parlamentariske forsamlinger i anledning af treårsdagen for Ruslands invasion af Ukraine
Unofficial translation
Reiterating that by committing an unlawful, unprovoked, and unjustified full-scale armed invasion of
Ukraine, the Russian Federation has violated the Charter of the United Nations, the Helsinki Final
Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, signed on 1 August 1975 (Helsinki
Final Act), under which participating states recognize the inviolability of the borders of all European
states and refrain from any actions aimed at seizing part or all of the territory of any participating
state, as well as the Memorandum on Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine’s Accession
to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 5 December 1994 (Budapest
Memorandum), thereby undermining trust in the global legal order, international security
instruments, and security mechanisms for states that voluntarily renounced nuclear weapons;
Recalling that since the beginning of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation,
Ukraine has been defending itself in accordance with universally recognized principles and norms of
international law, particularly in line with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, exercising
its inherent right to self-defense;
Expressing gratitude to national parliaments, international organizations, and their parliamentary
assemblies for adopting resolutions and statements condemning the armed aggression of the
Russian Federation against Ukraine;
Highly appreciating the consistent position of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the
European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), and the Group of Seven (G7) countries in condemning the full-scale armed aggression of
the Russian Federation against Ukraine in the context of the need to protect democratic values,
which have been brutally violated by the aggressor state;
Welcoming the contribution of the United Nations and the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in documenting the facts and evidence of crimes committed by the
Russian Federation in connection with its ongoing armed aggression against Ukraine, particularly
through the recording and documentation of cases of deportation and forced displacement of
Ukrainian children and the unlawful detention of civilians;
Emphasizing the importance of the decisions of the Council of Europe, particularly its Parliamentary
Assembly, regarding the exclusion of the Russian Federation from the Council of Europe, as well as
the recognition of the consequences of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against
Ukraine, including the establishment of the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the
Russian Federation against Ukraine and the initiation of work on the development of other elements
of an international compensation mechanism, including a Compensation Commission and a
Compensation Fund;
Welcoming the decisions of the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants for dictator
Vladimir Putin and the Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Russian Federation, Maria Lvova-
Belova, for the illegal deportation and forced displacement of Ukrainian children, which constitute
war crimes, as well as for the former Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu,
the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Valery Gerasimov, the
former Commander of the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Sergei Kobylash,
URU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 139: Appel fra Ukraines parlament til parlamenter og regeringer i andre lande, internationale organisationer og parlamentariske forsamlinger i anledning af treårsdagen for Ruslands invasion af Ukraine
Unofficial translation
and the former Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, Viktor Sokolov, for
committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, particularly for targeting civilian and energy
Emphasizing that the Russian Federation continues to violate international humanitarian law,
carrying out missile strikes and drone attacks on energy and civilian infrastructure and systematically
attacking Ukraine’s nuclear energy facilities. It has also illegally occupied the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear
Power Plant, the largest in Europe, and continues to mine and shell it, threatening the security of
Europe and the world—an act of nuclear terrorism;
Condemning the systematic and deliberate use of munitions containing hazardous chemical
substances by the Russian Federation since the beginning of its full-scale armed aggression against
Ukraine, which is a flagrant violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,
Production, Stockpiling, and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction;
Recalling that nearly one-quarter of Ukraine’s territory is contaminated with mines and other
explosive ordnance, posing serious dangers to civilians and hindering Ukraine’s economic recovery;
Highlighting the critical importance of ensuring criminal accountability and punishment for
individuals responsible for planning, preparing, initiating, and carrying out the armed aggression
against Ukraine, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, the crime of genocide, and the crime
of aggression, while also underlining the determination of Ukraine’s political leadership to take
appropriate measures;
Firmly condemning the criminal policies of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied
territories of Ukraine, which result in mass human rights violations, forced assimilation, destruction
of Ukrainian identity, demographic changes, and the forced mobilization of civilians to fight against
Stressing that the experience of years of Russian aggression has demonstrated the lethal threats
faced by Ukraine’s civilian population under Russian occupation;
Recognizing that, despite Ukraine’s and the international community’s efforts to end the armed
aggression of the Russian Federation and achieve a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace, the
Russian Federation remains committed to its criminal objectives, which include the occupation of all
of Ukraine’s territory, the destruction of Ukrainian statehood, and the annihilation of Ukrainians as
a distinct nation;
Taking into account the deliberate escalation of the international armed conflict by the Russian
Federation at the end of 2024, including its use of a medium-range ballistic missile against Ukraine
and the direct involvement of military personnel from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
(North Korea) in combat operations on the side of the aggressor state.
Emphasizing Ukraine’s pivotal role in ensuring peace and stability in Europe and globally, a role
recognized by international partners and demonstrated through Ukraine’s ability to act as a reliable
partner in maintaining global food security, despite the damage inflicted on Ukrainian fertile lands
by Russian occupiers and the terrorist attacks on Ukrainian trade ports;
URU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 139: Appel fra Ukraines parlament til parlamenter og regeringer i andre lande, internationale organisationer og parlamentariske forsamlinger i anledning af treårsdagen for Ruslands invasion af Ukraine
Unofficial translation
Acknowledging the readiness of Ukraine’s Security and Defense Forces, despite the immense
pressure from the armed forces of the aggressor state, to continue defending the country and
fighting to achieve a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace;
Reaffirming the unwavering objective of de-occupying the entire territory of Ukraine, including the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as well as parts of the Donetsk,
Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, and Kherson regions, until Ukraine’s territorial integrity is fully restored
within its internationally recognized state borders, including its territorial waters;
Stressing the critical need for increasing the volume, regularity, and timeliness of international
military-technical assistance to Ukraine, which is essential for effectively deterring the aggressor,
protecting Ukraine and its civilian population, and liberating the territory occupied by the Russian
Highlighting the importance of utilizing frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine’s defense needs,
particularly by purchasing weapons and military equipment from Ukraine’s defense-industrial
complex for the benefit of the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine;
Underlining that the successful progress of Ukraine’s accession negotiations with the European
Union would serve as a significant demonstration of solidarity with the Ukrainian people in their
pursuit of internal reforms, as well as a reaffirmation of common commitments to the rule of law,
universal values, and democratic ideals. The natural process of the EU’s expansion will be a key
milestone in ensuring geopolitical stability in Europe;
Reaffirming Ukraine’s strategic course toward NATO membership, which remains the only effective
security guarantee for Ukraine and the defense capability of the entire Euro-Atlantic community;
Recognizing the interdependence of Ukraine’s and Europe’s security, as well as the high significance
of joint efforts in building an effective and consolidated security and defense architecture for the
European continent—a matter of utmost importance given today’s security challenges and threats,
crucial for protecting the entire transatlantic community and ensuring the well-being of future
Welcoming the commitment of international partners to help end the aggressive war of the Russian
Federation against Ukraine and to establish a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine,
based on respect for its territorial integrity and sovereignty, in accordance with universally
recognized principles and norms of international law, while adhering to the principles of "nothing
about Ukraine without Ukraine" and "nothing about Europe without Europe";
Emphasizing the need to restore a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine and Europe,
and stressing that the only effective mechanism to achieve this goal is the implementation of
Ukraine’s Peace Formula;
URU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 139: Appel fra Ukraines parlament til parlamenter og regeringer i andre lande, internationale organisationer og parlamentariske forsamlinger i anledning af treårsdagen for Ruslands invasion af Ukraine
Unofficial translation
Highlighting the need to increase pressure on the aggressor state to force it to accept the conditions
for a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace through the application of the "peace through strength"
strategy, and underscoring the importance of fully implementing Ukraine’s Victory Plan to achieve
this goal;
Expressing gratitude to the peoples, parliaments, and governments of the nations that provide
Ukraine with military, political, economic, and humanitarian assistance and support, particularly for
the sanctions imposed against the aggressor state, the supplied energy equipment, and the weapons
and military technology provided to Ukraine’s Security and Defense Forces, especially air defense
systems, which save civilian lives in peaceful Ukrainian cities and villages;
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, on behalf of the Ukrainian people, calls upon the parliaments and
governments of foreign states, international organizations, and parliamentary assemblies to:
Continue supporting the Ukrainian people in their fight against the armed aggression of the Russian
Federation, which poses a serious threat to international peace, security, and stability;
Demand that the Russian Federation fulfill its international obligations, fully de-occupy the Ukrainian
territories it has seized, and withdraw all its troops and military equipment from Ukraine;
Make every effort to ensure the effective implementation of Ukraine’s Peace Formula and Victory
Plan, which are essential conditions for restoring Ukraine’s territorial integrity within its
internationally recognized borders, including its territorial waters, and for rebuilding the
international legal order based on universally recognized principles and norms of international law;
Support Ukraine’s Victory Plan and contribute to the practical implementation of its provisions,
which will enhance Ukraine’s resilience and stabilize the global security architecture;
Intensify joint efforts to strengthen primary and secondary sanctions against the Russian Federation,
its military-industrial complex, energy sector, financial networks, digital infrastructure, and so-called
“shadow fleet”, while also introducing sanctions against entities involved in evading these sanctions,
as well as against individuals, intermediaries, and networks facilitating such illegal activities. This
includes measures to prevent the Russian military-industrial complex from acquiring Western
components necessary for restoring and expanding its military capabilities;
Refrain from any actions that could help the Russian Federation evade sanctions and prolong its
armed aggression against Ukraine;
Refrain from any actions that could directly or indirectly contribute to the continuation and
escalation of Russian aggression against Ukraine;
Support the political isolation of the Russian Federation in international organizations, including:
URU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 139: Appel fra Ukraines parlament til parlamenter og regeringer i andre lande, internationale organisationer og parlamentariske forsamlinger i anledning af treårsdagen for Ruslands invasion af Ukraine
Unofficial translation
Removing Russia from its position as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council;
Suspending the aggressor state’s membership in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE);
Excluding Russia from the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA);
Preventing Russia’s election to the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for the 2026-2028 term.
Assist the International Criminal Court (ICC) in executing arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin and other
Russian war criminals, ensuring their detention and transfer to international justice;
Support the need for criminal accountability of the highest political and military leadership of the
Russian Federation for the crime of aggression against Ukraine by establishing a Special Tribunal for
the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine;
Condemn the Republic of Belarus for its support of the Russian Federation’s armed aggression
against Ukraine;
Condemn the involvement of military personnel from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
(North Korea) in combat operations against Ukraine, recognizing this as complicity in the criminal
actions of the Russian Federation, which contributes to the further escalation of armed aggression;
Condemn the supply of military equipment and weapons to the Russian Federation by the Islamic
Republic of Iran and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and take measures to immediately
stop the delivery of weapons to Russia, which are being used to attack civilians and destroy Ukraine’s
critical infrastructure;
Increase the supply of air defense systems, ammunition, military equipment, and other weaponry
to Ukraine to protect civilians and critical infrastructure from massive terrorist attacks by the
aggressor state;
Continue political and sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation until Ukraine’s territorial
integrity is fully restored within its internationally recognized state borders, including the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, and occupied parts of Donetsk,
Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, and Kherson regions;
Support an increase in foreign investments in Ukraine’s defense industry, which will strengthen joint
defense capabilities, develop cooperation through the implementation of joint projects, and
urgently expand localized production within Ukraine, despite the ongoing armed aggression by the
Russian Federation;
Focus joint efforts on attracting additional investment and financial support for projects aimed at
the reconstruction and transformation of Ukraine’s economy, particularly in key sectors with the
highest growth potential, including energy, transport and export logistics, the agri-food sector,
manufacturing, information technology and digitalization, environmental protection, green energy,
and metallurgy;
URU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 139: Appel fra Ukraines parlament til parlamenter og regeringer i andre lande, internationale organisationer og parlamentariske forsamlinger i anledning af treårsdagen for Ruslands invasion af Ukraine
Unofficial translation
Condemn the crime of ecocide committed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, including the
destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant, as well as the devastation of flora and fauna
caused by massive bombings and landmines across Ukrainian territory;
Support initiatives aimed at ensuring Ukraine’s environmental security and addressing the ecological
consequences of the Russian Federation’s armed aggression against Ukraine;
Continue consolidating international efforts to assist Ukraine in the protection and preservation of
its cultural heritage, and to mitigate the consequences of Russia’s full-scale armed aggression for
Ukraine’s scientific and educational infrastructure;
Demand that the Russian Federation fully comply with international humanitarian law regarding the
treatment and detention of prisoners of war and civilians, recognizing that executing prisoners is a
grave violation of international humanitarian law, particularly the Geneva Conventions, and
constitutes a war crime;
Increase efforts through the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to ensure access to
Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilian detainees held in Russian Federation territory and in
temporarily occupied areas of Ukraine;
Facilitate the safe return of prisoners of war and civilians, especially children and women, who have
been deported or forcibly displaced due to Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine. This includes
consolidating efforts to identify and appoint a protecting power for Ukraine to assist in the return of
Ukrainian prisoners of war and unlawfully detained civilians;
Unite efforts to build a political consensus on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union and to
secure an invitation for Ukraine to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO);
Maintain international unity in supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression, as this unity is
essential for restoring a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine, Europe, and the world.