Transportministeriets Logo
28. februar 2025
Nabotjek af Holland, Tyskland og Sverige om
implementeringen af VVM-direktivets og
SMV-direktivets høringsregler
Nedenfor er indarbejdet de modtagne svar fra Holland, Tyskland
og Sverige.
How are the directives implemented in your country?
There are several laws and regulations that ensure the harmonisa-
tion of EU Directives within the Dutch legal framework. Most de-
tails of the ‘Directive
on the assessment of the effects of certain
plans and
programmes on the environment’ and ‘the Directive on
the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects
on the environment’ are covered by article 16.4. ‘Milieueffectrap-
portage’ ‘Omgevingswet’.
Furthermore, article 3.4 of the Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht (Awb)
describes the
conditions regarding the execution of ‘zienswijze pro-
cedures’ (mandatory consultation procedures).
Articles 3.5 and 3.6 are also of importance. The ‘Algemene
describes all time limits
related to mandatory con-
sultation procedures in the Netherlands. The Algemene verorden-
ing gegevensbescherming (AVG) covers the regulations regarding
the protection of personal data of participants.
What are the rules regarding how to make the draft plan
or programme and the environmental report available to
the public?
The environmental impact assessment is made in the preparation
process of any plan or program and should be part of the discovery
in which it is made visible as such. In case it is not part of a plan or