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An Investigative Report on the Source of Human
Cadavers Used in the Plastination Industry in China
Published on Nov. 13, 2012, Updated on July 23, 2013
I. Main providers of “fresh cadavers” for plastination are public security, procuratorate and court systems
II. Many “fresh cadavers” are likely to have been persecuted Falun Gong practitioners
III. Sale and exhibition of plastinated bodies brought huge profit, Chinese regime claiming to have generated the “world’s
largest plastination business”
IV. Human cadaver plastination industry thrives due to support of the Chinese regime
In today’s China, human body plastination has become a hugely profitable business. China is the only country where such a
business has been made possible by the government. The human body plastination business started around year 2000 when
the Chinese regime intensified its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Subsequently, the plastination industry in China
thrived during the peak of the persecution.
Human body plastination is a process to preserve human body or body parts by replacing water and lipid tissues with
curable polymers, such as silicone, epoxy and polyester-copolymer [1]. The only bottleneck of this process is the
availability of “human cadavers.” Moreover, the plastination process requires fresh cadavers, which have not been treated
with preservatives such as formalin[2]. According to the rules of medical examination, a human corpse that is within 2 days
of mortality is considered fresh [3].
Dalian Hoffen Bio-Technique Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Dalian Hoffen” in this report), located in Dalian City of China’s
northeastern province of Liaoning, was founded in 2004 when Bo Xilai was Governor of Liaoning Province and the Deputy
Chief of the Provincial Party Committee. Dalian Hoffen is a “human body plastination” factory utilizing solely Chinese
The General Manager of Dalian Hoffen and Director of Department of Anatomy at Dalian Medical University, Sui Hongjin
[4] once claimed that some “cadavers” were from the Public Security Bureau, and that the reason Dalian Hoffen could
become “the largest human body plastination factory in the world” was due to the “caring and support” from “government
officials of various levels.” In fact, many Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials and government agencies have been
involved in one way or another in the plastination business.
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has published reports on Falun Gong
practitioners killed for their organs [5]. This report focuses on the source of the cadavers used for plastination. The Chinese
regime’s public security, procuratorate and court systems, controlled by the Political & Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC),
are not only the main agencies to persecute Falun Gong, but also the providers of “fresh human corpses.”
I. Main providers of “fresh cadavers” for plastination are public security, procuratorate and
court systems
1. Human body plastination process requires “fresh cadavers” with no preservatives
According to the “Regulations on Dissection of Corpses” issued by the Ministry of Health on Feb. 22, 1979, if a human
corpse remains unclaimed for at least one month, it is deemed “unclaimed” and can be used for anatomy studies by medical
schools. In order to use the corpses, medical schools must obtain permits from relevant government agencies or the Public
Security Bureau[6]. The “Regulation” has been implemented by the Ministry of Public Security.
To investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of
Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search,
to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society.