Velfærdsmæssige forhold for opdræt af fisk
DTU Aqua
Redegørelse om velfærdsmæssige forhold ved opdræt af
fisk og viden syntese om dyrevelfærdsmæssige forhold for
opdræt af fisk under danske forhold
Description of animal welfare conditions in fish farming
and knowledge synthesis on animal welfare conditions in
fish farming under Danish conditions
This report has been produced following the request made by the Danish Veteri-
nary and Food Administration (Office for Animal Welfare and Veterinary Medicine)
on 15th January 2024.
The knowledge gathered during the preparation of the report, about the legal back-
ground and fish welfare aspects of Danish fish farming, was compiled in an ex-
tended version of the report, added here as an appendix (Bilag 1).
The Danish aquaculture sector is mostly focused on the production of fish, which is
in turn dominated by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
constituting 70% of the
total aquaculture production and 88% of the total fish production in 2021. Other fish
species farmed in Denmark include Atlantic salmon, European eel, kingfish/yellow-
tail amberjack, char, pikeperch, brown trout, striped bass, European perch and
The current regulatory framework in relation to the surveillance, protection and pro-
motion of animal welfare for fish in the aquaculture sector seems underdeveloped
and for example, there is no explicit consideration in Danish law about the
mendations concerning farmed fish from the Standing Committee of the European
Convention for the Protection of Animals kept for Farming Purposes, adopted by
the Committee on 5 December 2005 (REF).
This regulatory issue is in line with the
current situation at EU level (REF), which has been recognized as a problem in re-
cent years. Now, two new initiatives at EU level, that started activities in 2024, are
expected to elevate the welfare of farmed fish, traditionally neglected, and give it
the same consideration as to other farmed animals. The first one is the creation of
Journal nr.
CVR-nr. DK 30 06 09 46
DTU Aqua
Institut for Akvatiske Ressourcer
Anker Engelunds Vej 101
Bygning 101
2800 Kongens Lyngby
Tel. 45 25 25 25
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