The Nordic Council invites to
Interparliamentary meeting on CSW
To the committee responsible for equality
In connection with the UN Commission on the Status of Women meeting in March
2025, the Nordic Council would like to invite relevant committees from the national
parliaments to a joint Nordic interparliamentary meeting. The purpose of the meet-
ing is to discuss gender equality-related messages and issues that each country
wishes to bring forward at CSW 2025, where a Nordic perspective is deemed to be
able to contribute. This is to potentially strengthen our Nordic voice and Nordic coop-
The Committee on Welfare the Nordic Region would therefore like to invite represen-
tatives from committees responsible for gender equality to a digital meeting.
The meeting will be on February 18
, 2025, on Teams from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
The meeting will be held in English.
Link til teams-møde
The program for the meeting is outlined below. From the Nordic Council, the Chair of
the Committee for Welfare in the Nordic Region, Eva Lindh (SE), will participate,
along with ordinary member Eva Biaudet (FI). Each parliament will be allocated
speaking time for a briefing on the parliament's participation and engagement, as
well as messages for CSW 2025.
We kindly ask you to respond regarding meeting participation no later than February
, 2025. Questions and registration should be directed to coordinator Janni Juel
Kind regards
Eva Lindh
Chair of the Committee for Welfare in the Nordic Region