Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2024-25
IPU Alm.del Bilag 9
Parliamentary Meeting
at COP29
Baku, Azerbaijan
16-17 November 2024
Outcome document
We, parliamentarians, gathered on the occasion of the 29th session of the Conference of
the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), held in Baku, Azerbaijan,
the principles and objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, and the outcomes of previous United Nations
Climate Change Conferences (COPs),
Recalling also
the outcome of the first global stocktake and
the need for urgent
action and support to keep the 1.5 °C goal within reach which “requires deep, rapid and sustained
reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions of 43% by 2030 and 60% by 2035 relative to the
2019 level and reaching net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050”,
Deeply concerned
by the increasing frequency and intensity of catastrophic natural
disasters over the past few years, including severe droughts, devastating floods and unprecedented
temperature increases, and consequently cognisant of the increasing imperative for early action,
the resolution entitled
Partnerships for climate action: Promoting access to
affordable green energy, and ensuring innovation, responsibility and equity
adopted at the
148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), as well as other relevant IPU documents such as
the resolution
Addressing climate change
adopted at the 141st IPU Assembly in 2019, and the Nusa Dua
Getting to zero: Mobilizing parliaments to act on climate change
endorsed by the 144th IPU
Assembly in 2022 as guiding documents,
the importance of deliberations on setting a new collective, quantified goal on
climate finance to accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and
that encouraging
governments and societies to mobilize efforts to meet the Paris Agreement goals will contribute to
adapting and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change,
the importance of strengthening partnerships among all countries, parliaments,
research establishments, governments and private institutions, and civil society organizations in
combating climate change,
IPU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 9: Outcome Document Parliamentary Meeting at COP29
that the deepening global challenges posed by climate change
complicate achieving the targets of net zero emissions by 2050, with forecasts indicating a need for
investments of up to US$ 300 billion a year by 2030 and US$ 500 billion a year by 2050 to meet
national targets, and
the significant lack of climate financing for developing countries,
the necessity to endorse the recommendations on the role of
parliamentarians in climate-related issues as stated in the final document of the COP28
Parliamentary Meeting held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in 2023,
that the outcome of the global stocktake shall inform the Parties to the Paris
Agreement on updating and enhancing, in a nationally determined manner, of their actions and
support in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Paris Agreement, as well as on enhancing
international cooperation for climate action,
by the findings of UNEP’s Emissions Gap Report 2023 that the full
implementation of current, unconditional nationally determined contributions (NDCs) would put the
world on track for limiting global warming to 2.9 °C while the additional, full implementation and
continuation of conditional NDCs would lower global warming to 2.5 °C by the end of the century,
that climate change may create obstacles to achieving the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs),
the importance of raising the level of urgency of adaptation and of supporting
adaptation adequately, and
the need for bridging the adaptation finance gap, which is
of utmost necessity for enhancing adaptation action overall,
the need for parliamentarians’ participation in addressing climate change
and the importance of implementing countries’ laws aligned with national adaptation plans (NAPs),
adaptation communications and NDCs, as appropriate,
Call upon
parliaments to support their governments’ actions through relevant
legislation and oversight mechanisms to address mitigation and adaptation efforts in
line with NDCs, and the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement goals and principles;
parliaments to exert pressure on their respective governments to invest more in
accelerating the transition to clean, in particular renewable, energy to implement the
17 SDGs, to adopt legislation that supports the tripling of renewable energy capacity,
to double energy efficiency improvements by 2030 and to accelerate efforts to
transition towards clean energy systems through a gradual transition from fossil fuels
and inefficient fossil fuel subsidies in a just, orderly and equitable manner, while
recognizing that each nation’s path will be determined by its unique energy landscape,
economic needs, and national priorities; and encourage countries to accelerate the
phase-down of unabated coal power and employ transitional fuel as necessary, to
achieve net zero goals by 2050 in accordance with their NDCs and scientific evidence;
Call upon
parliaments to support governments to accelerate their work on substantially
reducing non-carbon-dioxide emissions, including, in particular, methane emissions,
and to include specific methane reduction targets in their NDCs;
Call upon
parliamentarians to actively participate in international platforms to prevent
the consequences of conflicts, wars and military clashes impacting the environment
and ecological balance;
Call upon
parliaments to create a more comprehensive understanding among the
international community about the environmental damage caused by mines and
unexploded ordnance in conflict and post-conflict zones, while also responding
attentively to the calls for assistance from countries in need in this area;
parliamentarians to support comprehensive, long-term policies on water, to
increase access to safe and clean water and its sustainable use, to promote adaptive
measures, such as more resilient water supply and sanitation systems that can
IPU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 9: Outcome Document Parliamentary Meeting at COP29
withstand growing climate change impacts, to support investments and innovative
financing for sustainable water resource management;
the need for parliaments to create new legal mechanisms that encourage
innovative financing and aim specifically to activate national companies and
transnational corporations in climate change mitigation and adaptation programmes by
stimulating sustained investments into and initiatives on the application of and access
to new technologies;
the need for increased joint initiatives and knowledge-sharing efforts
among all members of the international community to establish more agile, operative
and comprehensive cooperation mechanisms, in particular for the sharing of robust
and transparent data, to prevent, mitigate and adapt to the effects of extreme weather
events such as disasters, floods and droughts, desertification and land degradation;
parliamentarians to take steps to improve legislation on the prevention of
harmful impacts of wastewater, radioactive waste, and household waste on human
health and the environment, as well as on the integration of household waste as raw
material sources in production processes;
Call upon
parliaments to recognize the links between health and climate change, and
that climate change is a health-risk multiplier, and to support multi-sectoral policies
and investments to make health systems resilient to the impacts of climate change,
including to climate-induced food insecurity, extreme weather-related illness and
vector-borne diseases, ensuring positive health outcomes for all, especially for the
vulnerable populations;
parliaments to promote international cooperation for protective legislation
connecting climate, biodiversity, loss and pollution, and addressing ecocide;
parliaments to address through their legislative, oversight and representation
functions the needs of the groups disproportionately affected by climate change, in
particular groups in vulnerable situations, including women, children, elderly, people
with disabilities, young people and minorities, and to implement climate goals in
accordance with the principle of gender equality and equity;
Call upon
parliamentarians to work with their governments to support technology
transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, to ensure access to modern
technologies that allow developing countries to utilize clean energy sources, priced as
affordably as possible, and to actively create a legislative base that encourages the
private sector to support this effort;
parliaments to harness the potential that comes with the emergence of
artificial intelligence (AI) while minimizing its risks and maximizing its benefits in the
global effort to stem climate change;
the need for developed countries to fulfill their financial commitments,
including supporting reforms of relevant financial institutions that enhance the
accessibility and predictability of climate financing for developing countries, and the
allocation of resources appropriate to existing needs, and encourage other countries
to provide support on a voluntary basis and to support the urgent transfer of Loss and
Damage funding to developing countries, in particular the small island developing
States and least developed countries;
parliaments to support countries affected by disasters in keeping with the
provision on financial and technical resources as outlined in the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement;
parliaments and governments to establish effective and agile multi-stakeholder
mechanisms for collaboration in order to coordinate initiatives across ecological,
social, economic, administrative and legislative domains in their respective countries;
IPU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 9: Outcome Document Parliamentary Meeting at COP29
parliaments to ensure that climate education is mainstreamed across all
educational levels, and to promote training programmes and public awareness
initiatives on climate change in order to empower individuals with the knowledge,
skills, values and kind of behaviour they need to understand and participate in the
transition to a climate-resilient world;
Call upon
parliaments to raise awareness of climate change, combat misinformation,
promote broader involvement of civil society in their work on climate change,
highlighting the importance of public participation in climate action, information,
education, discussion and consultation;
parliamentarians to promote transparency in the implementation of
commitments related to climate change, in particular the implementation of nationally
determined contributions, which shall be revised in 2025, and in the adoption and
enforcement of related legislation;
the importance of the participation of parliamentarians in international
platforms focusing on public awareness of climate change, environmental pollution,
loss of biodiversity and other environmental challenges;
Call upon
international financial institutions to consult with parliamentarians in
designing region- and country-based climate related programmes, enhance
collaboration with developing countries in exchanging knowledge and experience on
climate finance, preparing climate investment plans, promoting climate investments
and attracting global climate finance through global green funds;
parliaments to promote initiatives for the conservation and restoration of forests,
oceans and other biodiversity hotspots, including the implementation of sustainable
ecosystem management practices, combating deforestation, preserving biodiversity
and addressing pollution;
to review the implementation of recommendations of the present
Parliamentary Meeting and promote the stocktaking of efforts through the IPU prior to
COP30 in 2025.
The delegations participating in the Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of COP29 would like to
extend their sincere gratitude to the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Milli Majlis of the Republic of
Azerbaijan for hosting this global parliamentary meeting, which comes at a time when we all realize
that the window of opportunity to secure a sustainable future for all is rapidly closing and global
efforts at all levels are urgently needed to confront the threat of climate change.