Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2024-25
IPU Alm.del Bilag 7
149th IPU Assembly
13–17 October 2024
Geneva Declaration
Harnessing science, technology and innovation
(STI) for a more peaceful and sustainable future
Endorsed by the 149th IPU Assembly
(Geneva, 17 October 2024)
We, Members of Parliament from around the world, gathered together at the 149th IPU Assembly in
Geneva, Switzerland, reaffirm our commitment to harnessing science, technology and innovation (STI) to
address the pressing global challenges of our time and to advance peace, sustainable development and
human rights.
We are meeting at a time of unprecedented technological advancement and interconnectedness. From
the transformative potential of artificial intelligence and the urgent need to combat climate change, to the
persistent digital divide and the ethical challenges posed by emerging technologies, the multifaceted
opportunities, challenges and risks we face underscore the need for parliaments to take urgent collective
and forward-looking action, informed by common ethical standards regarding STI development and
governance. We note that some nations have already taken bold decisions to pre-emptively ban certain
inhumane technologically advanced weapons, creating a good practice precedent. The challenges we
face demand a shared global commitment to leveraging STI for the common good.
We conclude this Assembly recognizing the potential of STI, when guided by ethical principles and
inclusive governance, as a powerful means for building trust, promoting cooperation, bridging divides
and enhancing the contribution of parliaments and parliamentarians to build a more peaceful, equitable
and sustainable world. We welcome the work of the IPU to foster dialogue and cooperation on issues
related to STI and we commit to continue and expand these efforts.
We note with satisfaction that the themes of science, technology and innovation permeate the important
commitments adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2024, namely the Pact for
the Future, the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations. We are committed to
working closely with the executive branches of our governments, the United Nations system and civil
society on implementing these commitments.
As representatives of the people, we parliamentarians are keenly aware of our responsibility to ensure
that the benefits of STI reach all segments of society, to bridge the technological divide between and
within nations, communities, genders and generations, and to find consensus on how to overcome the
challenges posed by rapid technological change.
We recognize that parliamentarians are uniquely positioned to develop and implement ethical
frameworks for STI governance, ensuring that scientific and technological progress aligns with human
rights standards and societal values, and contributes to the well-being of all.
Parliaments must address the complex challenges of an increasingly interconnected and rapidly
changing world, leveraging strategic foresight to anticipate future trends, opportunities and risks.
Parliaments have an important role to set legal boundaries, establish accountability mechanisms and
prevent uses of technology that lead to human rights violations, exacerbate inequalities or undermine the
rule of law and democratic processes.
IPU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 7: 149th IPU Assembly - Outcome
We must pay particular attention to the situation of women, youth and groups in vulnerable or
marginalized situations who risk being left behind in the digital age, and recognize the vital role they
can and should play in shaping the future of STI. Parliamentary action is crucial in empowering all
sections of society to participate in and benefit from technological advancements. Parliaments must
address the specific needs of these groups by embracing inclusive technological solutions that
simultaneously preserve dignity, uphold rights, reduce exposure to digital risks and provide the
conditions for them to realize their socioeconomic potential.
We especially commit to fostering the more substantial involvement of women and youth in STI,
including in education, public health, research, innovation and technology governance, and to the
effective implementation of gender-responsive and youth-inclusive STI policies by ensuring that
technological development processes integrate diverse perspectives and guarantee the equal and
meaningful participation of all segments of society.
We reiterate our commitment to evidence-based and efficient policymaking and to fostering a culture
of scientific inquiry and innovation. We urge all States to invest in research and development, promote
international science diplomacy, and adhere to global standards for responsible innovation. We
advocate for increased recourse to scientific expertise in parliamentary decision-making processes as
an essential mechanism for addressing complex global challenges.
We recognize the close link between STI, peace and development. The ethical and inclusive
application of STI is crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, building resilient
societies and strengthening accountability. Conversely, the misuse of or unequal access to technology
can exacerbate existing inequalities and conflicts, or risk creating new ones.
Our focus should be on harnessing STI to tackle the underlying causes of global challenges, which are
often rooted in socioeconomic exclusion, inequality, discrimination, lack of access to education and
environmental degradation. We should increase our focus on leveraging technology to enhance
human security, which encompasses citizens’ protection by addressing essential needs such as food
security, healthcare, shelter, education – including digital literacy – political security, environmental
sustainability and climate action. STI can also be harnessed to anticipate and mitigate the impacts of
natural hazards and public health emergencies.
We must monitor the potential risks and challenges posed by emerging technologies and take
necessary and pre-emptive action to mitigate negative impacts, foster responsible innovation and
ensure compliance with international standards and ethical principles. In this vein, we recognize the
importance of ethical AI development, cybersecurity and digital privacy protection to ensure the
peaceful use of technology that is grounded in human rights. In particular, we commit to ensuring a
safe online environment to prevent harassment, bullying and cybercrime, particularly when they are
gender-based. Particular attention must be paid to addressing, through regulation and targeted policy,
the proliferation of misinformation, disinformation, and AI-generated content that propagates hate
speech, as these can undermine public trust and threaten social cohesion.
Today’s technological challenges transcend borders and demand a collective global response. As
members of parliament, we agree on the importance of international cooperation in STI governance. It
is only through collaborative efforts and upholding ethical standards that we can bridge the STI gap
between and within nations, address growing technological risks, build digital solidarity, strengthen
common security and trust to reduce tensions, find lasting solutions to establish a shared sense of
security and prosperity in the digital age, and strengthen worldwide collaboration and exchange in
scientific knowledge development and related technological innovations.
We reconfirm our commitment to inter-parliamentary dialogue and cooperation on STI issues. We
emphasize the IPU’s unique role in fostering global parliamentary cooperation on STI governance. We
welcome the adoption of the IPU Charter on the Ethics of Science and Technology and IPU resolution
The impact of artificial intelligence on democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
We further
acknowledge the reports, recommendations and guidelines on digital transformation and AI that have
been developed through the IPU’s Centre for Innovation in Parliament, including the World
e-Parliament Report 2024. We commit to work for the implementation of these new standards.
We pledge to take this Declaration back to our respective parliaments, disseminate the outcome of our
collective work to our national authorities and seek to implement its principles through legislative,
budgetary and oversight actions.
As parliamentarians, we commit to lead the way towards a more equitable, sustainable and
technologically advanced world, pursuing informed, inclusive and innovative approaches to STI
governance. We therefore pledge to do our utmost, individually and collectively, to harness the power
of science, technology and innovation for the benefit of all humanity and the preservation of our planet.