Grønlandsudvalget 2024-25
GRU Alm.del Bilag 62
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
Arctic Indigenous Peoples
Arctic Indigenous languages map, Indigenous Peoples’ Secretariat, Arctic Council Secretariat
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
Inuit Circumpolar
ICC is an Indigenous Peoples Organizations IPO
ICC has four member branches: ICC Chu ot a, ICC Alas a, ICC
Canada, ICC alaallit unaat Greenland
ICC was co founder of the Arctic Council and is one of six
Permanent Participants
ICC holds ECOSOC Category II to the
GO, accredited
In the
, ICC cooperates with the Saami Council in
‘the Arctic Caucus’, and with other Indigenous Peoples’
and Organizations in the Global Indigenous Caucuses
ICC actively participated in the Wor ing Group on the
Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples’
– 2 years of wor for the recognition of the rights of
Indigenous Peoples
DRIP was adopted at the
s general assembly in
ICC holds observer status in IPCC
ICC holds a provisional consultative status in I O
and Arctic Council
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
Good Governance
Security and Inuit Nunaat
Health and Wellness
Language and Culture
Hunting and Food Security
Arctic Ocean and the Marine Environment
Infrastructure Deficit
ICC 2022 Ilulissat Declaration:
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
Arctic Council 13th meeting 2023
Joint Statement
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
Arctic Council Working Groups
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
ICC a co-founder of the Arctic Council
Currently the only in-person meetings in the Arctic Council: Senior Arctic Officials Chair and Permanent Participants
Girkonjarga/Kirkenes, October 2023
Romsa/Tromsø, January 2025
Romsa/Tromsø, January 2024
Bådåddjo/Bodø, May 2024
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
ICC’s Arctic Council Position Paper
Safeguarding and Strengthening the Arctic Council
ICC’s Executive Council’s mandates from the 2022 General Assembly:
“Affirming that the Inuit Circumpolar Council is one of the founding Arctic Council Permanent Participants and we
must remain an integral part of this regional organization. e e press our deep concern a out the current pause
and call for a resolution,”
“Asserting that international instruments, intergovernmental fora, and Arctic specific developments that have or
ma in the future impact our communities, must ensure our direct participation in procedural and su stantive
aspects, including the Arctic Council, United Nations’ entities and specialized agencies, and all other
intergovernmental organizations that we deem relevant,”
“ nstruct CC ecutive Council to continue to evaluate and strategize wa s to use the Arctic Council as a e arena to
further the interests of nuit and to strengthen the uni ue role of CC as a ermanent articipant in the Arctic
Link to position paper:
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
ICC’s Arctic Council Position Paper
Safeguarding and Strengthening the Arctic Council
The position paper consists of recommendations and an annex listing
suggested activities for the current and incoming Chairships
Arctic Council governance must be strengthened through member states’ consistent support and accountability
to Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations that serve as Permanent Participants.
Continuously strengthen youth engagement in the Arctic Council.
Create a safe and welcoming environment for Arctic Indigenous Peoples and fully recognize Indigenous
Knowledge in all Arctic Council Working Groups and Expert Groups.
Replace tokenism with full and effective participation and meaningful engagement of Indigenous Peoples
throughout the Arctic Council.
Build a common understanding of why it is important that Indigenous Peoples are part of the Arctic Council.
Create space, capacity and secure funding for Inuit-led research initiatives.
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
ICC’s Arctic Council Position Paper
Safeguarding and Strengthening the Arctic Council
The position paper consists of recommendations and an annex listing
suggested activities for the current and incoming Chairships
Continue productive and meaningful SAO Chair and Permanent Participants Meetings to enhance communication, coordination and collaboration.
Develop modalities that fully accommodate the engagement of Permanent Participants in the work of the Arctic Council during the current situation and;
Ensure a strong and deliberate effort to include Arctic Indigenous youth in the Norwegian Chairship’s youth initiatives, including the youth summit.
Kingdom of Denmark
Continue productive and meaningful SAO Chair and Permanent Participants Meetings to enhance communication, coordination and collaboration.
Develop modalities that fully accommodate the engagement of Permanent Participants in the work of the Arctic Council during the current situation and;
Continue strong and effective engagement of Arctic Indigenous youth throughout the work of the Arctic Council;
Support an Inuit Youth Summit;
Implement Permanent Participant Co-chairs on SAO level and co-leads in working groups, project and initiatives, including a future assessment of the possibility of Permanent
Participants gaining voting rights at the Arctic Council;
Take steps to change the funding mechanisms and processes in initiating Arctic Council Working Group projects and initiatives;
Host the UNFCCC Facilitative Working Group Arctic Regional Gathering in Kalaallit Nunaat in early 2026 and engaging the Arctic Council in this gathering in line with the 2023
Arctic Regional Gathering;
Support an Inuit Women’s Summit;
Collectively convening an Arctic Council-wide knowledge sharing workshop based on the approach to knowledge mobilization ICC is developing for the EPPR;
Support the High-Level Dialogue Forum on Arctic Indigenous Peoples’ Health, which is being led by Saami Council, with other project partners including ICC; and
Address truth and reconciliation as themes throughout the Arctic and Inuit Nunaat and ensure concerted efforts to focus on related decolonization processes.
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd
FCCC Facilitative Wor ing Group Arctic Regional Gathering
September 202
and Arctic Council meeting
Photo: Arctic Council, Indigenous Peoples’ Secretariat
GRU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 62: Præsentation fra Sara Olsvigs foretræde for udvalget 6/2-25 om ICC’s arbejde i Arktisk Råd