Forsvars-, Samfundssikkerheds- og Beredskabsudvalget 2024-25
FOU Alm.del Bilag 65
Defence Leaders
Greenwood House
New London Road
Chelmsford, Essex
Dear Danish Defence, Resilience and Preparedness Committee,
I would like to cordially invite you to join NATO members and allies at the above meeting which will be
taking place in
Helsinki, Finland
11th February - 13th February 2025.
Navy Tech 2025 is dedicated to the international naval community and is being hosted by Navy
Leaders in support of the Finnish Navy and other allies. This conference is expected to attract over
750 delegates from over 40 nations providing an unrivaled opportunity for bilateral and multilateral
engagement whilst also showcasing the latest technological developments from various industry
Throughout the duration of the event, a selection of key themes will be discussed with a view to
combating our shared challenges:
● Day One: Near-peer threats influencing naval procurement
● Day Two: A streamed day focused on maximizing off-board effects
● Day Three: Digital innovation and developments impacting operations
Attendees will have the opportunity to interact and network with operational personnel, subject matter
experts, procurement specialists, academics, research and development teams and industry.
Navy Leaders are keen to welcome you and I would encourage you to consider involving a number
of colleagues also to guarantee that your organization gains as much as possible from the
conference. Furthermore, I am pleased to inform you that attendance is free of charge for all active
military personnel and government representatives.
Thank you for taking the time to consider your participation and I eagerly await your response. You
can find my contact details at the bottom of this page.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact Navy Leaders’
Audience Executive, Ross Gower, at [email protected] or +44 1245 407 930.
I very much hope that I am able to welcome you to Helsinki in the New Year for what is certain to be
an invaluable meeting for the naval community.
Yours Sincerely,
Vice Admiral (ret’d) Kari Takanen
Chairman Navy Tech Event 2025
Former Chief of Finnish Defence Command