Europaudvalget 2024-25
EUU Alm.del Bilag 296
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
António Costa, President of the European Council
Kaja Kallas, High Representative for Foreign Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission
Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark
Ulf Kristersson, Prime Minister of Sweden
Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Maria Malmer Stenergard, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden
Brussels, 14 February 2025
Dear President von der Leyen,
Dear President Costa,
Dear High Representative / Vice-President Kallas,
RE: Urgent, high-level outreach to the King of Bahrain to release EU nationals Abdulhadi
Al-Khawaja and Mohammed Habib Al-Muqdad
We, the undersigned human rights groups, are writing to request your urgent and robust intervention
with the Bahraini authorities to secure the release of two arbitrarily detained EU nationals,
Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja
and Swedish-Bahraini
Sheikh Mohammed Habib
Mr Al-Khawaja and Mr Al-Muqdad were arrested in the aftermath of the 2011 uprising in Bahrain,
which occurred between 14 February and 18 March 2011 and was
crushed by the Bahraini authorities,
who unlawfully killed and beat protesters, and arrested, tortured, and prosecuted opposition activists,
human rights defenders, lawyers and journalists.
The EU has repeatedly raised these cases privately during human rights dialogues with Bahrain, and
encouraged Bahrain to uphold its human rights obligations in two recent short statements at the
Human Rights Council.
In February,
the High Representative
reiterated the EU’s commitment to “call
for the release of Mr Al-Khawaja and other human rights defenders in Bahrain through available
diplomatic channels”. But these efforts have ostensibly been insufficient, with the two remaining in
jail for nearly 14 years at the time of writing.
We are also concerned that the EU’s latest Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy 2023
paints a misleading and one-sided picture of the human rights and democracy situation in Bahrain.
The report
'Bahrain has continued to improve its human rights record, notably in the area
of social and economic rights and women’s rights',
but the report fails to mention the
medical care
for members of Bahrain’s political opposition.
We also note that the EU and Bahrain signed a cooperation arrangement in 2021 to enhance bilateral
relations. The agreement was signed despite the continued unjust imprisonment of two EU nationals,
Mr Al-Khawaja and Mr Al-Muqdad. Both Mr Al-Khawaja and Mr Al-Muqdad have been subjected to
torture and other ill-treatment, including by the Bahraini military, as documented by
the Bahrain
Independent Commission of Inquiry,
and they have been deprived of their fair trial rights such as
EUU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 296: Henvendelse af 18/2-25 fra FreeAlKhawaja-kampagnen om opfordring til EU-ledere til at arbejde for løsladelse af menneskerettighedsforkæmperne Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja og Mohammed Habib Al-Muqdad
attending court hearings, legal representation, and access to health care, in violation of both
international human rights law and Bahrain's constitutional obligations to uphold and respect human
rights. Furthermore, in 2012, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
that Mr
Al-Khawaja’s detention was arbitrary and in contravention of international law and called for his
‘immediate release’ and ‘enforceable right to compensation’.
Bahrain continues to unjustly detain others for politically motivated reasons – amongst them those
advocating for human rights, including Dr Abduljalil Al-Singace, Hassan Mushaima and Sheikh Ali
Salman. According to documentation by Human Rights Watch, there are also
26 people on death row
facing imminent execution, many of whom allege torture and unfair trials. These include Mohammed
Ramadan and Hussain Moosa, who have now spent over a decade in arbitrary detention and were
sentenced to death in 2014 in an unfair trial marred by allegations of torture.
In 2024, Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued four royal pardons, resulting in the
unconditional and immediate release of an estimated 810 political prisoners,
to the Bahrain
Institute for Rights and Democracy. Regrettably, 2024 also saw the deaths in custody of two prisoners
held for political reasons,
Hussain Khalil
Hussain Aman,
in March and December 2024
respectively, who died of cardiac arrest, raising deep concerns about the adequacy of healthcare in the
prison. The deaths triggered
prisoner strikes,
which were met with disproportionate and unlawful
response by prison authorities, including the
use of force
and collective punishment, according to the
Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR). The undersigned remain concerned over conditions in Jau
amid reports
from the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) of prolonged
confinement, unhygienic conditions, lack of adequate health care, and punishment for congregational
prayers and rituals.
Following the first EU-GCC summit in October 2024,
both parties committed
to respecting,
protecting, and promoting universal human rights and international law. As such, it is vital for the EU
to emphasize these aspects of the relationship with Bahrain.
In the light of the above, we respectfully call on the EU to do the following:
Make urgent high-level outreach to the King of Bahrain to secure the immediate and
unconditional release of EU nationals Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja and Mohammed Habib
In line with the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders, the EU should meet with Mr
Al-Khawaja and Mr Al-Muqdad during country visits to Bahrain and, if this is not possible,
consider meeting with the family of Mr Al-Khawaja and Mr Al-Muqdad instead;
Work closely with the governments of Denmark and Sweden to coordinate joint efforts in the
case of Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja and Mohammed Habib Al-Muqdad, a Danish-Bahraini and a
Swedish-Bahraini national, respectively;
Ensure more accurate and balanced reporting on the human rights and democracy situation in
Bahrain in the EU Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy, including by increasing
consultation with civil society, including those in exile, and international human rights
organisations; and guaranteeing that human rights defenders can carry out their peaceful work
without fear of reprisals against them and their families;
Publicly urge the Bahraini authorities to end the use of the death penalty in Bahrain, calling
on Bahrain to commute all outstanding death sentences, and to establish an official
moratorium on executions;
EUU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 296: Henvendelse af 18/2-25 fra FreeAlKhawaja-kampagnen om opfordring til EU-ledere til at arbejde for løsladelse af menneskerettighedsforkæmperne Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja og Mohammed Habib Al-Muqdad
Carry out independent human rights impact assessments before signing any future agreements
with Bahrain, and use the ongoing negotiations for partnership agreements to secure concrete
and measurable human rights progress through reforms and the release of unjustly jailed
We trust that the EU will show the solidarity and determination necessary to secure the release of two
EU nationals and allow them to finally reunite with their families after 14 years of unjust
imprisonment, and we hope that these releases can be secured well before Denmark takes over the EU
Presidency in July 2025.
Thank you for your attention and we remain ready to discuss this urgent matter with you at any time.
1. Access Now
2. ALQST For Human Rights
3. Amnesty International
5. Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR)
6. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)
9. FairSquare
10. Front Line Defenders
11. Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR)
12. Human Rights First
13. Human Rights Monitor (HRM)
14. Human Rights Watch
15. HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement
16. IFEX
17. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), within the framework of the Observatory
for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
18. International Media Support
19. International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)
20. International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)
21. Martin Ennals Foundation
22. Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke / ActionAid Denmark
23. MENA Rights Group
24. Middle East Democracy Center (MEDC)
26. Reprieve
27. Sentinel for Human Rights
28. The Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD)
29. The FreeAlKhawaja Campaign
30. The Rafto Foundation for Human Rights
31. World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), within the framework of the Observatory for
the Protection of Human Rights Defenders