The Chair
Committee on Petitions
Brussels, 09.12.2024
To the Chairperson(s) of the committee(s)
Invitation to the Inter-parliamentary committee meeting of the PETI Committee
on “Strengthening cooperation for a timely and correct enforcement of EU law
benefitting EU citizens” on Tuesday 28 January 2025 in Brussels
Honourable Chairperson,
I am pleased to inform you that the European Parliament's Committee on Petitions (PETI) will organise
an Inter-parliamentary committee meeting with National Parliaments on Tuesday 28 January 2025 in
the European Parliament's premises in Brussels on the issue of “Strengthening cooperation for a timely
and correct enforcement of EU law benefitting EU citizens”.
The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 28 January 2025, from 15h00 to 18h30 in the European
Parliament in Brussels (please see the draft programme attached - Annex I). The meeting is structured
around two main sessions.
I am therefore pleased to invite up to four Members of the relevant committee(s) from each National
Parliament (two from each Chamber in the case of bi-cameral Parliaments) to attend this meeting.
Should you be unable to attend, I would welcome any written contribution, which would be distributed
to our respective Members and other participants. Practical details regarding the meeting will be
forwarded in due course to the services of your Parliament, responsible for relations with the European
Please note that your personal information will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU)
2018/1725. For more details, please visit "Privacy
Statement Page".
I sincerely hope that you will be able to accept this invitation and I am looking forward to welcoming
you to the European Parliament on 28 January 2025.
Yours sincerely,
Committee on Petitions
Draft programme
Privacy Statement