Erhvervsudvalget 2024-25, Finansudvalget 2024-25
ERU Alm.del Bilag 132, FIU Alm.del Bilag 104
A communication from
European Parliament
WEEK 2025
17-18 FEBRUARY 2025
With the support of the Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments
European Parliament
National Parliaments
ERU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 132: Endeligt program og baggrundsmateriale til European Parliamentary Week 2025 den 17. og 18. februar
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
Session I: The future of Banking Union and Capital Markets Union
The European Union finds itself in front of vast challenges: innovation, infrastructure and
greening to name the most important. Huge sums of money have to be invested to tackle these
challenges. For years, the EU has been pursuing two initiatives that should help invest people's
savings to this end: Banking Union and Capital Markets Union. Both initiatives taken together
can help channel savings where they find the most productive investments. And through more
efficient intermediation, the two initiatives can help to fund inevitably risky long-term
investments, while mitigating the risks for savers. The two initiatives can reinforce each other:
more efficient cross-border banks can excel as providers of services and liquidity for European
capital markets, and more integrated capital markets can improve funding for banks. That said,
and despite long-standing efforts, neither of these initiatives has yet shown its full potential.
Capital Markets Union (CMU)
Some framing questions for participants:
What are the priority policy areas that need to be addressed for SMEs to have better access
capital markets?
What are the current obstacles to be overcome, and where can we find the necessary
What can be done at national level to support capital markets, for instance promoting pension
savings, accelerating collateral enforcement and insolvency, reducing possible tax bias
favouring debt over equity?
Capital Markets Union (CMU), or, as some call it more recently, Savings and Investment Union,
currently receives much attention because of the proposals in three high-profile reports by
Mario Draghi, Enrico Letta and Christian Noyer (see a separate EP
that analyses their
recommendations). The three reports unanimously suggest policies on pension savings,
securitisation, supervision and market infrastructures. Then there are numerous other policies
that appear in one or two of the reports, but not in all of them. A particular far reaching among
these concerns a harmonised legal regime, covering for instance securities and company law,
possibly as a 28
regime (i.e., a European regime that some firms can be subject to instead of
their local laws).
However, while the reports agree on certain priority
policy areas,
they suggest quite distinct
policy options
or ways forward in each area. So, one challenge will be to pick the most effective
policy options. The second challenge will be to muster the necessary political momentum. We
have already seen two
CMU action plans
with diverse legislative and non-legislative measures
and we have to recognise that in all of the areas that are prominent in the three reports, EU
policies have been tried. Note that the recent “Competitiveness
by the European
Commission announces a Package of measures on “Savings and Investment Union” for the first
quarter of 2025, specifically referring to savings, pensions, securitisation, market infrastructures,
“much more unified” supervision, insolvency reform and taxation barriers to investment. On a
related note, a 28th business law regime for “innovative companies” is announced.
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Banking Union
Some framing questions for participants:
What should be the done to speed up the creation of a genuine European single market
for banking services? Where do you see remaining obstacles for banks to go cross
What keeps savers and depositors from making use of banks from other Member
Do you see merits in a general review of bank capital requirements, or in reviewing
specific aspects (e.g. supporting venture capital and securitisation), and if so, how do
you recommend to go about it?
The institutional framework of the Banking Union consists of a Single Supervisory Mechanism
and a Single Resolution Mechanism which take responsibility for banks in the participating
Member States. There is also a Single Resolution Fund to support crisis management, but a
pending proposal for a European Deposit Insurance Scheme has not been implemented and
neither has a backstop facility for the Single Resolution Fund. The institutional framework builds
on an (incomplete) Single Rule Book for banks. The main objective of the Banking Union was
financial stability, nevertheless, the single set of rules and their uniform application facilitate
banks becoming active in other Member States and allowing savers and borrowers to deal with
banks from other Member States with confidence.
Yet, while much can be credited to the Banking Union in terms of banks' stability, the Banking
Union has not delivered much progress in cross-border banking or more generally, market
integration. This is documented in a series of external expertise papers from the ECON
Committee's Banking Union expert panel.
The experts suggest different ways forward to foster
banking market integration, and, in particular, point out the possible merits of:
harmonising insolvency and the enforcement of collateral;
creating a dedicated prudential and crisis management regime for cross-border banks;
ensuring a level playing field between banks directly supervised by the ECB and banks
directly supervised by national competent authorities.
Finally, and linking back to the three reports on CMU, Draghi in particular insinuates that capital
and liquidity requirements as reinforced multiple times since the great financial crisis, may have
started to negatively impact banks’ ability to finance the economy. He recommends assessing
whether these requirements are “adequate to have a strong and international competitive
banking system in the EU”.
Please find here a summary of the external papers and links to each of them.
Note that also Letta and Noyer in their reports argue in a more limited way for reassessing certain bank prudential requirements in order to
support financing of the economy.
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Session II: Creating an ecosystem for European investments
Some framing questions for participants:
What are the barriers and obstacles to creating an eco-climate for investment in the EU?
What are the first steps to be undertaken to promote the commercialization of innovations by
European companies?
What should be the involvement and role of the European and national parliaments within the
Competitiveness Coordination Framework, announced by the European Commission?
Polycrisis, aging population and changes in the global world order pose a challenge to Europe’s
economy and accentuate Europe’s vulnerabilities such a persistent low growth and external
dependency. The reports by
Enrico Letta (The
much more than a market report),
of European Competitiveness) by
(Developing European capital
markets to finance the future) are topical.
While the preceding section of this background note
looked at private sources of finance - Capital Markets Union and Banking Union - this section
turn to
the role of the public sector and the wider ecosystem to help Europe to muster the
investment needed to tackle the challenges before it.
The European savings and financial architecture could be reinforced by a
centralized Platform
for Institutional Investors, a blended finance approach,
combining public funds with private
investments for de-risking strategic projects, and
transparent metrics
for tracking investment
impact in particular in the green and digital fields.
Public finance can play an important role in
addressing market failures, bridging investment
(as proved by the InvestEU programme) and
boosting investments,
for instance by
supporting strategic projects through guarantees (EU, EIB and national promotional banks). In
streamlining access for project holders
might help SMEs and innovative Start-ups
thanks to simplified application processes and dedicated innovation funds, such as Horizon
Reforming State Aid policies
to better support
cross-border strategic European investments
while ensuring fair competition and compliance with EU rules might also support the creation of
an eco-system. It may
ensure flexibility for strategic investments and a proportional
mechanism to avoid any distortion or fragmentation of the Single
Market (for example, through
a State aid contribution mechanism). In addition, EU governments could take innovative public
support mechanism such as
equity stakes and revenues guarantees, and to improve an
efficient distribution of AI
through data-driven allocation and centralized monitoring.
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Emerging sectors may need
tailored support,
for instance, through a
Competitiveness Fund,
as proposed by the European Commission
and through enhancing EU-
supported incubators and accelerators for start-ups.
Funding barriers could be tackled
risk-sharing instruments and knowledge sharing, by overcoming challenges in
commercializing research and innovation
by strengthening University-Industry linkages
(Horizon Europe initiatives in biotech or AI), European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) Programme,
Venture Capital for start-ups and tax breaks for R&D investments.
Last but not least, given
the urgency of implementing the necessary governance reforms,
Draghi recommended to establish a new “Competitiveness
Coordination Framework”
to foster
EU-wide coordination in priority areas,
replacing other overlapping coordination instruments.
The coordination of all economic policies relevant to the EU’s agreed strategic priorities would
be merged into the new coordination framework.
In this spirit, the recent “Competitiveness
by the European Commission entails a
number of elements that concern public investment or public support for private investment:
Emphasis on the
role of national budgets
making up 50% of EU GDP and thus much larger
than the EU budget: it is argued that the EU’s revised Economic Governance Framework
supports this goal by reinforcing the integration of sustainable fiscal and growth-
enhancing policies;
Competitiveness Coordination Tool (together with Member States)to
industrial and research policies and investments at the EU and the national levels;
European Competitiveness Fund
in the EU’s next Multiannual Financial Framework
to support strategic technologies and manufacturing - to invest directly or to “de-risk”
private investment;
leveraging” the EIB groups’
potential to support private investments, envisaging
better capital utilisation and making its mandate “broader, simpler, faster”.
According to the Draghi report support for breakthrough disruptive innovation remains limited in the EU. The ‘Innovative
Europe’ pillar (EUR 13.6 billion) under Horizon Europe aims to make Europe a frontrunner in market-creating innovation
under the European Innovation Council (EUR 10.1 billion) by supporting breakthrough disruptive innovation with potential
for scale-up. The three main EIC instruments – the EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition and the EIC Accelerator – are based on
the concept of providing a ‘one-stop-shop’ for breakthrough innovators at all stages of their development. A key feature
has been the creation of the EIC Fund – a dedicated equity investment fund for start-ups and SMEs selected by the EIC.
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Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
Session I: AI and the labour market with a focus on changing working conditions
Some framing questions for participants:
Which standards and benchmarks should be established at European level to ensure that the
introduction of AI in the workplace maintains or improves working conditions?
What best practices at national, regional, or company levels have proven effective in ensuring
that the use of AI in workplaces positively impacts job quality, the respect of workers' rights and
well-being, including through transparency and fairness in algorithmic management?
How can social dialogue and consultation with trade unions and other stakeholders contribute
to those ends? How has collective bargaining on the use of AI or algorithmic management in the
workplace been promoted or regulated, if so, in the Member States?
Artificial intelligence (AI)
is increasingly shaping workplaces through two primary applications:
of tasks traditionally performed by workers and the automation of managerial
functions, often referred to as
algorithmic management
. The latter is a defining feature of
digital labour platforms, but also widespread in sectors such as customer service, transport,
logistics, banking, and healthcare
. A 2020 survey revealed that 42% of EU enterprises use at
least one form of AI
, and globally, more than 75% of companies plan to adopt AI-powered
applications between 2023 and 2027
Impacts of artificial intelligence on the labour market and working conditions
AI’s impact on jobs is twofold, influencing both their
quantity and quality,
and offers numerous
economic benefits, as well potential for workers to
increase their flexibility, autonomy and
of work, including by automating routine tasks, and ultimately to
improve work-life
. AI tools can, through automation,
enhance workplace safety and reduce injuries
improve fraud detection and risk assessment,
helping to address poor working conditions and
undeclared work
. Further, global research suggests that AI is likely to create more jobs than it
At the same time, the digital transformation, notably algorithmic management, has given rise to
a number of specific challenges linked to the hierarchical nature of the employment relation,
such as
intensifying work and extending working hours
with repercussions on occupational
health and safety
, increasing
monitoring and surveillance
in the workplace, including on work
, or accentuating risks of
at the workplace
International Labour Organisation,
Artificial intelligence
International Labour Organisation,
Algorithmic management in the workplace
IPSOS, 2020,
European enterprise survey on the use of technologies based on artificial intelligence
World Economic Forum,
Future of Jobs Report 2023
Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, 2021,
Improving working
conditions using Artificial Intelligence
World Economic Forum,
Future of Jobs Report 2023
World Economic Forum,
Future of Jobs Report 2025
Nguyen, A., 2021,
The constant boss: Work under digital surveillance
Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, 2023,
Minimum health and
safety requirements for the protection of mental health in the workplace
Ponce del Castillo, ETUI, 2024,
Artificial intelligence, labour and society
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It bears, therefore, significant risks for workers’ rights, such as the right to information and
consultation, the right to collective bargaining and action, or to fair and just working conditions,
and occupational health and safety. Regarding the effect of AI, it is projected at global level that
one hundred million workers will be affected in some way
, with clerical support workers being
especially vulnerable to automation.
Artificial intelligence in the European Semester
As set out within the
European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan,
fostering quality jobs is key
to promoting social inclusion and active participation. As part of the European Semester, the
Joint Employment Report (JER)
by the European Commission and the Council monitors the
employment situation in the Union and the implementation of the
Employment Guidelines.
Within this framework, the JER highlights the importance of monitoring
the impact of AI on
labour markets, working conditions, and the role of social partners
in shaping these
transformations (Guideline
According to the
2025 JER proposal,
AI adoption, estimated
to impact up to 60% of employees in advanced economies - half of whom may face adverse
effects - poses multiple challenges
. Indeed, the JER proposal identifies issues such as routine
job displacement and skill mismatches
as advanced technologies reshape production and
service delivery. Moreover, it points out that, unlike previous waves of automation, generative
AI could significantly impact high-skilled workers, while challenges persist around ensuring
workers’ rights in cases of use of algorithmic management. The relatively limited
of social partners
exacerbates these challenges, with the JER proposal finding that only around
20% of policies related to digital transformation are based on co-determination or meaningful
skill gaps
is critical, as 37% of Europeans in the workforce lack basic digital skills
and only 22.8% of EU enterprises provided ICT-related training in 2024
. The latest JER proposal
highlights that 3 out of 4 companies report difficulties in finding workers with the required skills.
This skills gap presents a challenge for businesses as for workers who must adapt to new
technological demands to secure sustainable employment. To ensure a fair digital transition
aligned with
Employment Guideline No. 6,
Member States must prioritise
high-quality digital
education and training,
adapting systems to technological advancements like AI.
Policy responses
Legislative measures, including the
AI Act
(in force since August 2024) aim to ensure that AI
systems are trustworthy, safe, and aligned with EU fundamental rights, putting in place risk
management procedures for high-risk AI systems, including those used in the workplace. The
Platform Work Directive
provides platform workers and other persons performing platform
work with new individual rights, with view to enhancing transparency, fairness, and
accountability in algorithmic management, as well as rights destined to the organisations
representing them, while promoting social dialogue and collective bargaining. The
General Data
Protection Regulation
provides the more general framework for the protection of
personal data, including those of workers, while the proposed
AI Liability Directive
aims to hold
employers accountable for AI-related consequences.
For a Sustainable Economy and Social Progress - Trade Union Inputs for the European Semester 2025
European Commission, 2024,
Proposal for a Joint Employment Report from the Commission and the Council
Draghi. M.,, 2024,
The future of European competitiveness
Enterprises that provided training to develop/upgrade ICT skills of their personnel
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The rapid advancement of AI and related digital technologies is driving profound
transformations in the labour market, and impacting working conditions for EU workers,
vigilant monitoring and policy responses.
Some Member States are beginning to
address these challenges by introducing legislation to
improve working conditions in platform
and tackle issues arising from algorithmic management, with all required to comply with
the Platform Work Directive by the transposition deadline of December 2026
. Effective
implementation of these measures relies on
fostering social dialogue at sectoral and workplace
regarding the use of AI at work. Countries with strong consultation frameworks, such as
those in the Nordic Member States and Germany, demonstrate how participatory approaches
can increase worker acceptance of new technologies
. The
Council’s December 2024
employment policy guidelines
urge Member States to
foster job creation through new forms
of work while ensuring compliance with social rights.
This includes supporting social partners
in representing workers in atypical roles, such as platform work and telework, and strengthening
enforcement through labour inspectorate training and guidelines. Key measures also contain the
promotion of ethical AI tools, up- and reskilling workers, the respect of mental health at work
and work-life balance, algorithm transparency and accountability, and effective enforcement of
consultation rights and collective bargaining.
Session II: The role of social and employment policies in the EU's reviewed
economic governance
Some framing questions for participants:
Does the EU economic governance framework allow for sufficient room for investment in the
social and employment field? How could investments and reforms be further promoted in the
How could the involvement of the European Parliament, national parliaments, social partners
and civil society be improved in the European Semester process?
The EU’s economic governance framework refers to a system of institutions and procedures
to coordinate Member States’ (MS) economic policies and to achieve the EU's economic
objectives. It comprises an elaborate system of policy coordination and surveillance. The EU
economic governance tools are integrated in the European Semester, including the EU-level
multilateral and bilateral surveillance of MS' fiscal policies under the Stability and Growth Pact,
economic and structural policies under the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure (MIP), and
employment policies under the employment guidelines. In previous years, the focus of the
Semester has widened to better take into account the employment and social aspects, i.a.
through the integration of the
European Pillar of Social Rights
(EPSR) and the
Social Scoreboard,
the inclusion of employment headline indicators in the scoreboard for the surveillance of
macroeconomic imbalances
, however, without triggering effects on in-depth reviews as well
as through increasing emphasis on social objectives in its priorities, key messages, country-
specific recommendations (CSR). While progress was made towards a stronger social dimension
already before last year’s reform of the economic governance framework, concerns about the
International Labour Organisation,
Mind the AI Divide
Following revisions to the MIP scoreboard in 2024, the number of employment headline indicators in the MIP scoreboard
decreased however from four to two; the current ones being unemployment and labour force participation rate.
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imbalance of the framework as well as calls for strengthening the role of the social and
employment policies persisted.
Reviewed economic governance framework
The revised rules of the EU’s economic governance framework with the medium-term fiscal-
structural plans at their centre entered into force on 30 April 2024 (Regulation
(EU) 2024/1263,
amended Regulation (EC) 1467/97
amended Council Directive 2011/85/EU).
The new rules
reply to the calls for a stronger social dimension mainly by encouraging MS to implement
reforms and investments that contribute to the EU’s common priorities, i.a. fair green and digital
transition, social and economic resilience, including the EPSR, by integrating the social
convergence framework and improving national ownership.
This year’s
Autumn package
launches the first implementation cycle of the revised economic
governance framework. As part of the package, the Commission
MS’ medium-term
fiscal-structural plans
that according to the new rules should bring together the fiscal policy,
structural reforms and investments including in the common EU priorities. The Commission took
the view that MS have included in their plans a broad reform and investments agenda covering
the policy areas related to the EU’s common priorities and the challenges identified in CSRs.
Examples of measures taken in the plans include reforms of social protection and pension
system, measures to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare, to support skills
development and life-long learning and improve the availability of childcare. MS’ implementation
of the medium-term plans will be assessed as part of the Semester Spring Package 2025
following the submission of the first Annual Progress Reports by MS. A further element of the
Autumn package, the
draft Council euro area recommendation on economic policy
several calls to MS in the social and employment fields related e.g. to upskilling and reskilling,
quality jobs, labour market participation and integration of underrepresented groups, active
labour market policies, vocational education and training, early childhood education and care,
long-term care, incentives to work by shifting the tax burden away from labour, fighting poverty
and access to affordable and sustainable housing.
A major social element of the revised economic governance framework is the integration of the
social convergence framework.
While earlier initiatives to introduce a Social Imbalance
Procedure similar to the MIP were not adopted, a new
Social Convergence Framework (SCF)
was included for the first time in the
draft 2024 Joint Employment Report (JER).
Following this
pilot, in the revised economic governance framework,
Regulation (EU) 2024/1263, confirmed
this approach
laying down that the surveillance of the employment guidelines and of the related
CSRs within the Semester shall include the progress in implementing the principles of the EPSR
and its headline targets, ‘via the social scoreboard and a framework to identify risks to social
The SCF comprises a two-stage analysis in order to assess challenges to upward social
convergence in MS. The first stage is predominantly based on the
Social Scoreboard
indicators and identifies potential risks to upward social convergence using a traffic-light
system. Each of the headline indicators is assessed and in a second stage, further analysis
follows for MS where six or more headline indicators are flagging red (‘critical situation’) or
The Autumn package marks the launch of a new cycle of the European Semester. It includes several Commission
documents offering an overall overview of the socio-economic landscape, highlighting key priorities and risks and
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orange (‘to watch’)
. This second-stage analysis relies on a wider set of quantitative and
qualitative evidence in order to determine the existence of actual challenges and the key driving
factors. It also describes measures to be taken by MS.
Accordingly, the
2025 draft Joint Employment Report
(part of the Autumn package)
incorporates a country-specific first-stage analysis of labour market, skills and social
developments. This year’s edition highlights continued upward convergence in the labour
market in 2023, while the skills and social policy areas showed more limited improvements and
risks to upward convergence. It identifies
ten Member States
(including seven identified already
in 2024)
showing potential risks to upward social convergence
and thus requiring a deeper
second-stage analysis.
Proposals for improvement
Several concerns were raised about the insufficient
level of reforms and investments.
European Parliament
that the reform of the economic governance framework does
not provide EU financial incentive mechanisms to support and promote national policy reforms
and investments. It expressed concerns that some MS will not have the financial capacity to
finance the just green and digital transitions on their own.
Confederal Secretary, Ludovic
the national spending plans showing no sign of the investment needed. ETUC
called for the
introduction of ‘an EU-financed instrument for investments and stabilisation
of social expenditure’.
Employers’ organisations
took the view
that the possibility of extending the fiscal adjustment
period under the new rules shall not result in growing national deficits but should be used
responsibly and contribute to implementing reforms and investment commitments stemming
from CSRs.
Further requests were raised regarding
participation in the Semester process.
for its increased engagement in the Semester, including ‘instruments that allow it to
apply consequences based on its assessment of the performance of the European Semester’.
European social partners
in their
joint statement
called for their meaningful and appropriate
involvement in the Semester process, with requirements to be set in a European rulebook.
For the methodology, see
2025 draft Joint Employment Report,
page 40
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Committee on Budgets (BUDG)
Session I: Bridging the competitiveness gap: how to increase synergies between
the national budgets and the post-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework
Some framing questions for the participants:
The role of the next MFF
How could the architecture of the next MFF contribute to improve the synergies between the
funding at national and EU levels?
What about the intention of the President of the Commission to introduce in the next MFF “a
plan for each country linking key reforms with investment, and focusing on our joint priorities”?
Are there any lessons learned from the RRF in this regard?
How can co-financing arrangements be optimized to ensure that both the EU and Member
States maintain political ownership and share the financial burden equitably in strategic areas
of mutual interest?
How can the EU and national governments create joint investment mechanisms to fund strategic
projects in areas like infrastructure, R&D, and green technologies?
The role of the coordination frameworks
What role can the European Semester play in ensuring greater policy coherence between
national budgets and EU strategic objectives? How can the European Semester process be
better integrated with the EU budget cycle?
Looking ahead, which structural reforms could be introduced alongside the MFF or national
budgetary frameworks to ensure more effective and flexible coordination between national
governments and the EU? In particular what about the proposal of Professor Draghi and EVP
Séjourné to establish coordination frameworks for competitiveness?
Beyond competitiveness, which specific policy areas present the greatest opportunities for
synergies between national budgets and the MFF? In this context, how can a smart design of the
system of own resources finance the EU budget create fiscal or policy co-benefits?
Governance aspects
What improvements could be made to the current mechanisms for dialogue between national
parliaments, national governments, and the European Parliament to better coordinate
budgetary planning?
What role should the European and national parliaments play in existing and potential EU
coordination frameworks?
The European Union’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) is the EU’s long-term budget
aligning the financial resources of the EU with its strategic priorities and objectives. National
budgets, on the other hand, reflect each Member State's fiscal policies and priorities. In some
areas such as research and innovation, a lack of coordination between the two levels may result
in some inefficiencies, misalignments, or missed opportunities for greater impact.
In his report on the future of European competitiveness, Mario Draghi criticises that we spend a
similar amount on research and innovation as a share of GDP in the EU and in the US, but only
one tenth of spending takes place at the EU level. As a consequence, EU public spending is
fragmented and lacks scale to spur innovation.
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In this context, the Draghi report calls to focus EU spending on strategic priorities and for
increased coordination between the EU and the national level including through a new
Competitiveness Coordination Framework. Under such a Framework, the European Council
would adopt EU competitiveness priorities. These priorities would be further broken down into
‘EU Competitiveness Action Plans’ by areas which would provide the means of action for each
area: governance, financial incentives, and measurable objectives. In this content, the report
recommends establishing a “Competitiveness Pillar” under the next EU budget to direct EU
funding towards priority projects identified under the Framework and calls to leverage better
the large spending power of the Member States by incentivising and co-financing multi-country
industrial projects. Executive Vice-President Séjourné also calls for more coordination to
support the competitiveness of the EU and suggests the establishment of a Competitiveness
Coordination Tool translating EU-wide competitiveness objectives into coordinated national
policies, ensuring public and private financing for each strategic priority.
As the EU faces pressing challenges, such as competitiveness, climate change, digitalization,
and geopolitical shifts, it becomes increasingly important to find the right framework to better
focus and align the MFF and national budgets in order to optimise the use of public spending.
The aim of the session would be to explore what frameworks would be best suited to better
coordinate competitiveness related economic and social spending at EU and national levels and
how to proceed in order to translate common strategic priorities and economic rationale into an
effective EU budgetary architecture post-2027. Additionally, the session could look into the
possibility to extend the approach to other strategic and underfunded priorities such as
Session II: European Public Goods: how to identify and finance them?
Some framing questions for participants:
Defining and identifying European Public Goods (EPGs)
What criteria should be used to define a European Public Good (EPG), and how do these differ
from national or local public goods?
How can we ensure that EPGs are identified in a way that reflects both the needs and
preferences of individual member states as well as the collective interests of the EU as a whole?
Given the diversity of EU member states, how can the EU ensure that the identification of EPGs
does not disproportionately benefit wealthier countries at the expense of poorer ones?
What are the key lessons learned from past EU initiatives in financing European Public Goods,
and how can these be applied to future projects?
What role do national parliaments play in identifying potential European Public Goods, and how
can they be involved in this process?
Governance aspects
What institutional mechanisms should be put in place to ensure that EPGs are delivered
efficiently and that their benefits are equitably shared across the Union?
What are the political challenges in financing and managing EPGs, and how can these be
addressed? In particular, how can the EU balance the demands for greater integration and
common action on EPGs with the subsidiarity principle?
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How can the governance of EPGs be effectively organized at the EU level, ensuring that EU
institutions such as the European Parliament, but also national parliaments, have clear roles in
the decision-making process?
How can the EU ensure that citizens and stakeholders are actively engaged in the process of
identifying and financing EPGs and that
the added value of EPGs is communicated to
citizens and businesses?
Financing European Public Goods
Given the increasing pressure on public finances, how can we ensure the long-term sustainability
of financing for European Public Goods, particularly those with high upfront costs such as
climate change mitigation or defence infrastructure?
Which types of European Public Goods best lend themselves to being financed or co-financed
by the EU budget? Are there good examples of EPGs that are already financed under the present
MFF and which ones could or should be included in a post-2027 perspective?
Can the EU’s NextGenerationEU recovery fund serve as a model for financing future European
Public Goods, in areas such as green transition or defence?
In light of the negotiations of the upcoming EU’s long-term budget (, how can the EU prioritize
the financing of European Public Goods?
What role should EU financial instruments like the European Investment Bank (EIB), the InvestEU
programme, and the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) play in financing large-scale
European Public Goods?
How can the EU incentivize private sector investment in European Public Goods, particularly in
areas like green technologies and digital infrastructure, without compromising the public interest
or creating market distortions?
The identification and financing of European Public Goods (EPGs) represent one of the key
challenges facing the European Union (EU) as it strives to fulfil its strategic objectives in a
context of budgetary constraints.
EPGs are commonly defined as goods that benefit all EU member states and their citizens, being
non-excludable and non-rivalries, meaning that they are available to all EU citizens and one
person's use does not diminish the availability for others. Examples of EPGs spans from Galileo
- the Europe's Global Navigation Satellite System to infrastructure - to transport and energy
infrastructures or border management.
EPGs have gained increasing prominence in EU policymaking, especially in light of global
challenges such as competitiveness, climate change, migration or defence. Due to the cross-
border nature of many of those challenges, the EU’s collective action can be the most effective
way of providing such goods. However, while the EU’s ability to provide public goods is
significant, it also faces challenges, particularly related to political preferences, financial
resources and uneven access between wealthier and less prosperous regions.
The aim of the session would be to exchange on the nature and practical definition of European
public goods, what is the right decision making process to identify them, what would be the
strengths and potential weaknesses of an approach based on EPG and what are the different
options to finance them.
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Plenary session I: Improvement of EU’s competitiveness through the single
market, innovation policy, better regulation and quality jobs
Some framing questions for participants:
Given that only 4 of the world's top 50 tech companies are European, what specific reforms to
the Single Market and innovation policy would enable more European startups to scale up within
the EU rather than relocating to the US?
How can we ensure that reducing regulatory burdens to boost competitiveness does not
compromise EU's high social and environmental standards? What role should "smart regulation"
The Draghi report estimates annual investment needs of €750-800 billion. How can we best
promote private and public funding to meet these needs while ensuring fiscal sustainability?
What role should common EU investments and funding play?
How can national parliaments and the European Parliament work together to accelerate
decision-making on reforms and investments while ensuring democratic oversight? What
institutional changes might be needed?
With the EU workforce projected to shrink by 2 million workers annually by 2040, how can
education and skills policies be reformed to boost both productivity and labor market
participation? What role should immigration play?
How can the European Semester and the Competitiveness Compass efficiently interact to
deliver on the priorities outlined in the Draghi report?
The European Union has strong foundations to be a highly competitive economy, combining an
open market economy, robust market competition and active policies to fight poverty and
redistribute wealth. This model has enabled the EU to achieve high levels of economic
integration and human development while maintaining lower levels of inequality than the United
States and China. However, as highlighted in Mario Draghi's report on European competitiveness
presented to the European Commission in September 2024, Europe is now facing
unprecedented challenges to maintain and improve its living standards. To address these treats
urgent actions would be needed on many policies and fronts.
As outlined in
his address to the European Parliament,
Mario Draghi identified three main areas
where the EU needs to act to remain competitive in an increasingly challenging global
environment. First,
Europe must profoundly refocus its collective efforts on closing the
innovation gap with the US and China,
especially in advanced technologies. Second,
the EU
needs a joint plan for decarbonisation and competitiveness to lower energy costs while
capturing industrial opportunities.
Europe must increase its security and reduce
dependencies in critical areas such as raw materials and advanced technologies.
As also highlighted in Draghi's address to the European Parliament, Europe's social market
economy model remains a key strength, and improving competitiveness should reinforce, not
weaken, this model. High-quality jobs, particularly in innovative sectors and green technologies,
The EU's GDP gap with the US has gradually widened from slightly more than 15% in 2002 to 30% in 2023, driven mainly
by slower productivity growth. This has translated into slower income growth, with real disposable income growing almost
twice as much in the US as in the EU since 2000. The situation is particularly concerning as Europe is entering the first
period in its modern history where GDP growth will no longer be supported by sustained net growth of the labour force. By
2040, the EU's workforce is projected to shrink by close to 2 million workers each year.
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will be crucial for maintaining Europe's skilled workforce and ensuring that increased
competitiveness translates into shared prosperity.
Analysis of the Draghi report
underline that, despite the annual investment of €800 billion that
will be needed, 53% of the proposed measures do not require additional public investment. Many
proposals involve regulatory changes, coordination between stakeholders and redesigning
programmes already underway. However, the implementation of these reforms will require
significant changes to EU governance, increasing the depth of coordination while reducing the
regulatory burden on companies.
The report emphasises that unless action is taken, Europe will have to compromise either its
welfare, its environment or its freedom - outcomes that would fundamentally undermine the
EU's reason for being.
Main Areas for Action Identified in the Draghi Report
The first priority identified in the report is closing the innovation gap with the US and China.
EU companies spent around €270 billion less on R&D than their US counterparts in 2021, largely
due to a static industrial structure. As highlighted in Mario Draghi's address to the European
Parliament, there is no EU company with a market capitalisation over €100 billion that has been
set up from scratch in the last fifty years, while all six US companies with valuations above €1
trillion have been created during this period. This lack of dynamism is particularly evident in
digital technology, where only four of the world's top 50 tech companies are European.
The second key area for action is implementing a joint plan for decarbonisation and
While EU companies face electricity prices that are 2-3 times higher than
those in the US and natural gas prices that are 4-5 times higher, decarbonisation presents an
opportunity for Europe to lower energy costs and take the lead in clean technologies. The EU is
already a world leader in clean technologies like wind turbines and electrolysers, with more than
one-fifth of clean and sustainable technologies worldwide developed in Europe. However,
Chinese competition is becoming acute, driven by subsidies, rapid innovation, and the ability to
produce at continent-wide scale.
The third priority area involves increasing security and reducing dependencies.
According to
the Draghi report, around 40% of Europe's imports are sourced from a small number of suppliers
and difficult to substitute, with around half of these imports originating from countries with
which the EU is not strategically aligned. The EU defence industry also suffers from
fragmentation - European collaborative procurement accounted for less than a fifth of spending
on defence equipment procurement in 2022. As emphasised in both the report and Draghi's
parliamentary address, these dependencies are becoming vulnerabilities in an increasingly
unstable geopolitical environment.
EU innovation model should ensure: (i) that workers are supported through social insurance policies, as well as
active upskilling and reskilling programmes (ii) the creation of high-quality jobs (in terms of pay, flexibility, and worker
security); and (iii) that social and geographic cohesion remains an integral component of the model. The example of
Sweden – which has a tech sector that is more than twice as productive as the EU average – shows that a strong social
model and a thriving technological environment are not only compatible, but even self-reinforcing when combined with
programmes targeted at creating high-quality jobs for well-skilled workers living in affordable cities. Combining the
creation of high-quality jobs with high levels of social protection and redistribution is a fundamental value of the EU
model, which should be preserved to successfully transform the EU into a more technologically advanced society”
See in particular the
by the Elcano Royal Institute
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To address these challenges, the report proposes a comprehensive reform agenda combining
different policy tools and approaches.
analysis from the Elcano Royal Institute
shows that
16% of the measures can be viewed as "Quick Wins," being both highly viable politically and
classified as most urgent. This includes measures across key sectors such as digitalisation,
energy, and competition policy. However, implementation will require significant investment -
estimated at €750 to 800 billion in additional annual investment - as well as substantial reforms
to EU governance and decision-making processes.
Implementation Challenges and Governance Reform
The Draghi report emphasises that successful implementation of the proposed reforms faces
three main barriers that must be addressed.
First, Europe currently lacks focus - while common
objectives are articulated, they are not backed by clear priorities or joined-up policy actions. For
instance, while claiming to favour innovation, the EU continues to add regulatory burdens onto
European companies, with more than half of SMEs flagging regulatory obstacles and
administrative burden as their greatest challenge.
Second, Europe is not efficiently using its common resources.
While the EU has large collective
spending power, it is diluted across multiple national and EU instruments. For example, the
public sector in the EU spends about as much on R&I as the US as a share of GDP, but just one-
tenth of this spending takes place at the EU level, despite the large spillovers from public R&I
investment to the private sector. Similarly, European collaborative procurement in defense
accounted for only 18% of expenditure on defense equipment procurement in 2022.
A fundamental governance reform is therefore needed.
As Draghi outlined in his parliamentary
address, Europe's decision-making rules have not substantially evolved as the EU has enlarged
and as the global environment has become more hostile and complex. The result is a legislative
process with an average time of 19 months to agree new laws. The report recommends
establishing a new "Competitiveness Coordination Framework" to foster EU-wide coordination
in priority areas, replacing other overlapping coordination instruments. This would be divided
into Competitiveness Action Plans for each strategic priority, with well-defined objectives,
governance, and financing.
The report also emphasises that financing these reforms will require significant changes.
meet the objectives laid out in the report, a minimum annual additional investment of €750 to
800 billion is needed. While historically around 80% of investment has been undertaken by the
private sector, delivering private investment of around 4% of GDP through market financing
alone would require substantial support from public funding. However, as highlighted in the
Elcano analysis, if the strategy outlined in the report is implemented and productivity rises, it
will be much easier for the public sector to finance its share.
Key Policy Recommendations
Based on the comprehensive analysis in the Draghi report, several concrete priority actions
emerge as essential for improving EU competitiveness.
In the innovation domain, the report
recommends doubling the EU's Framework Programme for R&I to €200 billion per 7 years, with
a larger allocation towards financing disruptive innovation.
To facilitate scaling up of successful
ventures, it proposes creating a new EU-wide legal statute - the "Innovative European Company"
- which would provide companies with a single digital identity valid throughout the EU and
access to harmonised legislation.
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For decarbonisation and competitiveness, the report advocates a differentiated approach
according to sectors and technologies.
This includes leveraging Europe's strength in clean
technologies while taking a pragmatic approach to sectors where foreign producers have gained
a significant lead. The report recommends decouple the remuneration of renewable energy and
nuclear from fossil-fuel generation and accelerating permitting for clean energy projects, while
ensuring effective protection for strategic industries.
To reduce dependencies, the report calls for developing a genuine EU "foreign economic
policy", coordinating preferential trade agreements and direct investment with resource-rich
For defence, it recommends increasing substantially the aggregation of demand
between groups of Member States and raising the share of joint defense procurement. As
highlighted in Draghi's parliamentary address, these measures are not about protectionism but
about ensuring Europe's strategic autonomy while maintaining its commitment to open markets.
The successful implementation of these recommendations requires strengthening EU
governance by establishing a new Competitiveness Coordination Framework. This would ensure
better alignment of policies and resources behind common goals, while reducing regulatory
burdens that currently hinder European companies' competitiveness. The framework should be
supported by sufficient financing, combining private investment with public support, potentially
including some joint funding through common debt instruments for key strategic projects.
On 29 January 2025, the Commission proposed a
Competitiveness Compass
in order to
establish a coherent EU framework to make progress on these various policy actions.
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Plenary session II: The first national plans under the revised Economic
Governance Framework - lessons learned
Some framing questions for participants:
How to ensure appropriate involvement of national parliaments and independent fiscal
institutions in the preparation and monitoring of national fiscal-structural plans?
What lessons can be drawn from the technical dialogue between Member States and the
Commission in this first implementation cycle? What measures could be taken to increase the
transparency of this exercise?
How to ensure effective implementation and monitoring of the agreed fiscal paths at both
national and EU level?
What are the main challenges identified in translating the agreed net expenditure paths into
annual budgetary decisions?
What improvements could be considered for the next round of plans to strengthen democratic
accountability of the process?
To what extent has the new framework delivered on its promise of greater country-specificity
and ownership in fiscal planning?
How can national parliaments encourage their governments to discuss progress reports with
them to ensure effective monitoring and maintain democratic accountability?
reform of the EU economic governance framework,
which entered into force in April 2024,
marks a significant shift in the European Union's approach to fiscal surveillance.
This reform
introduces a new framework centred on country-specific medium-term fiscal-structural plans
and a single operational indicator for the budgetary surveillance framework - the net
expenditure path.
The first implementation cycle of this revised framework was launched in June 2024 with the
Commission's transmission of
fiscal guidance to Member States,
followed by the
submission of
national plans in September-October 2024.
By end-November 2024, the Commission had
assessed 21 Member State plans, marking a crucial first test of the new framework's
This plenary session aims to discuss early experience with implementing the reformed
framework, drawing lessons from the preparation and assessment of the first national plans,
and discussing the challenges and opportunities identified in this initial phase.
The discussion is particularly timely as it can inform the implementation of the framework in the
coming years, including for those Member States that have yet to submit their plans.
Key features of the new framework
The reformed framework represents a fundamental change in the EU's approach to fiscal
surveillance, moving from a complex set of rules to a more tailored system based on country-
specific analysis. At its core is the requirement for Member States to submit medium-term
fiscal-structural plans covering a four-to-seven year horizon. These plans must detail fiscal
strategies, structural reforms, and investments, with particular focus on EU priorities such as
green and digital transitions, social resilience, and defence capabilities.
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A central innovation is the introduction of a single operational indicator - the net expenditure
path - which replaces the previous multiple fiscal targets.
This path, which excludes interest
expenditure, discretionary revenue measures, and EU-funded spending among other items,
serves as the primary metric for monitoring fiscal policy implementation. The path is established
to ensure that government debt is put on a plausibly downward trajectory or stays at prudent
levels, while maintaining budget deficits below 3% of GDP.
The framework introduces several safeguards to ensure fiscal sustainability. These include a
debt sustainability safeguard requiring minimum annual debt reduction for countries with debt
above 60% of GDP, a deficit resilience safeguard targeting structural deficits, and a no-
backloading requirement to prevent delay in fiscal adjustments. Member States can request a
three-year extension of their adjustment period if they propose substantial reforms and
investments that support growth and fiscal sustainability.
First implementation cycle - State of play
As of January 2025, the Commission has assessed the medium-term fiscal-structural plans of
22 Member States, while five countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany and Lithuania)
have yet to submit their plans, mainly due to national elections and government formation
The Commission's assessment has been largely positive, with 21 out of 22 plans
deemed to set out credible fiscal paths to ensure fiscal sustainability. Only in the case of the
Netherlands did the Commission find that the proposed net expenditure growth would lead to
a breach of Treaty reference values in the medium term. On 21 January 2025, the Council
adopted the recommendations endorsing the medium-term fiscal-structural plans and setting
the related net expenditure path for 21 Member States. The endorsement for Hungary is still
pending given the later submission and Commission assessment of the plan.
Five Member States (Finland, France, Italy, Romania and Spain) have requested a longer
adjustment period of seven years instead of four,
based on their commitment to implement
substantial reforms and investments. The Commission has assessed these requests positively,
finding that the proposed reforms and investments credibly contribute to sustainable growth
and resilience, effectively address country-specific recommendations, and maintain required
levels of public investment. The Council has also endorsed the extension of the adjustment
period for these five Member States.
The fiscal adjustment requirements emerging from the assessed plans are substantial for
several high-debt countries
. However, these requirements are generally less demanding than
would have been the case under the previous framework. The assessment has also shown that
numerical safeguards are not significantly constraining fiscal paths in this first implementation,
except for Finland where the debt sustainability safeguard is binding.
Main challenges and lessons learned
The first implementation cycle of the new framework has provided important insights into its
practical operation.
Technical dialogue between Member States and the Commission has played a significant role
in establishing agreement on net expenditure figures, highlighting the importance of this aspect
of the process.
See analysis by
Bruegel, “The
implications of the European Union’s new fiscal rules”
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This exercise however poses a number of challenges to the transparency of the framework,
notably when it comes to parliamentary involvement. Notably, some
revisions of the net
expenditure paths already presented in publicly available medium-term fiscal-structural plans
have taken place behind closed doors,
with official communication between national authorities
and the European Commission being released only after the publication of the Commission’s
assessment or, in the French case, after the endorsement in Council
For the first-cycle of plans, the regulation provided an exemption from the obligation to consult
national parliaments in the preparation of the plans, thus limiting their engagement in the
preliminary phases. Regarding national procedures, thirteen out of twenty-two Member States
have presented their plans to their national parliaments. Seven Member States have received
formal opinions from their independent fiscal institutions on the submitted plans, suggesting
potential for broader involvement of these bodies in future cycles.
The implementation experience has also identified areas requiring further consideration.
These include ensuring coherence between the medium-term fiscal-structural plans and the
excessive deficit procedure, and clarifying how proposed reforms and investments are
integrated into debt sustainability assessments.
Additionally, while the framework includes provisions to support public investment,
consideration needs to be given to how Member States can maintain or increase such
investment while meeting their fiscal adjustment requirements.
These aspects will be
important to monitor as the framework continues to be implemented.
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