Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2023-24
UUI Alm.del
28. november 2023
Opdatering af notat om UNRWAs beskyttelse og bistand i Gaza (15.-28. november 2023)
1. Indledning
Flygtningenævnets sekretariat har til brug for drøftelserne i Flygtningenævnets formandskab og
koordinationsudvalg på møder den 29. og 30. november 2023 udarbejdet et notat af 15. november
2023 vedrørende de foreliggende baggrundsoplysninger om UNRWAs mulighed for at yde be-
skyttelse og bistand i Gaza. Notatet indeholder en kort gennemgang af baggrunden for udarbej-
delse af notatet, en beskrivelse af flygtningekonventions artikel 1 D, en kort opsummering af bag-
grundsoplysninger fra UNRWA udgivet i perioden fra 7. oktober til den 14. november 2023 samt
udvalgte uddrag herfra. Der henvises for så vidt angår disse oplysninger til notatet af 15. november
2023, som er udsendt sammen med dagsordenen til brug for mødet i koordinationsudvalget.
Nærværende opdatering indeholder oplysninger om om UNRWAs mulighed for at yde beskyttelse
og bistand i Gaza i perioden 15. november til 28. november 2023.
Den generelle situation i Gaza, herunder den generaliserede vold og civile tab, er behandlet i et
særskilt notat herom.
Som også anført i UNRWA-notatet af 15. november 2023 bemærkes det generelt vedrørende bag-
grundsoplysninger om Gaza, at der, henset til den aktuelle voldelige konflikts nylige opståen,
endnu ikke er udarbejdet større rapporter fra anerkendte internationale kilder. Det bemærkes i den
forbindelse, at manglende adgang for internationale journalister til Gaza
samt kommunikation-
breakdowns i Gaza
vanskeliggør adgangen til pålidelige, dækkende og opdaterede oplysninger
om situationen i Gaza. Det betyder, at store dele af oplysningerne, som fremgår af baggrundsma-
terialet, stammer fra tilstedeværende FN-organer, herunder UNRWA og WHO, samt fra tilstede-
værende NGO’er, herunder MSF, og de palæstinensiske myndigheder, hvis oplysninger ikke er
valideret af internationale anerkendte kilder.
2. Baggrundsoplysninger om UNRWAs mulighed for aktuelt at yde beskyttelse og bi-
stand i Gaza
CNN. News organizations send letter to leaders of Israel and Egypt seeking access to Gaza Strip as war escalates.
Udgivet den 13. november 2023
CNN. Comminications in Gaza are heavily disrups with little internet service. Udgivet den 13. november 2023
CNN. Gaza is in the brink of a communication blackout, Palestinian telecommunication minister warns. Udgivet den
13. november 2023 samt UNRWA. Situation Report #31 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, includ-
ing East Jerusalem Udgivet den 15. november 2023, s. 2 i den samlede PDF
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UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
UNRWAs mandat omfatter humanitær beskyttelse og bistand, herunder blandt andet primær ud-
dannelse, primær sundhedsbehandling, understøttelse samt sociale ydelser, beskyttelse og nød-
hjælp til statsløse palæstinensere i blandt andet Gaza.
UNRWAs mandatområde omfatter udover
Gaza også Vestbredden, Libanon, Syrien og Jordan.
UNRWA har perioden fra den 15. november til og med den 27. november 2023 udgivet ti
ation reports” dækkende perioden fra den 14. november til og med den 26. november 2023. Se-
kretariatet har nedenfor udarbejdet en kort opsummering af baggrundsoplysningerne, og der er i
forlængelse heraf indsat uddrag fra de udgivne ”situation reports”.
Det fremgår af de seneste situation reports, at den humanitære pause trådte i kraft den 24. novem-
ber kl. 7
. UNRWA har herefter modtaget humanitær hjælp samt brændstof til at understøtte mad-
uddeling og drive generatorer på hospitaler, vand- og sanitetsfaciliteter, i shelters og ved andre
kritiske services
. UNRWA har modtaget essentielle lægemidler fra de humanitære konvojer gen-
nem Egypten, men der er stadig mangel på både specialiserede og essentielle lægemidler
Videre fremgår det, at UNRWA siden den 21. november 2023 har uddelt mel til familier i Rafah
og at UNRWA den 23., 24., 25. og 26. november har uddelt mel udenfor shelters i det sydlige
. Den 24. november 2023 leverede UNRWA kritisk humanitær hjælp i form af primært vand,
mel og andre fødevarer, til to UNRWA-shelters i det nordlige Gaza, hvilket var den første hjælp
leveret til et shelter i det nordlige Gaza i over en måned
. Fra den 25. november 2023 har de
israelske myndigheder ikke tilladt brændstof nord for Wadi Gaza
. Den 26. november 2023 nåede
nødhjælpskonvojer med mad og mel områder nord for Wadi Gaza, og der blev udleveret mad i
UNRWA-shelters i Jabilia i det nordlige Gaza svarende til det minimale fødevarebehov for 23.616
personer på én dag samt drikkevand og anden nødhjælp
. UNRWA fortsætter med at drive vand-
boringer, ligesom der fortsat leveres drikkevand til shelters i Rafah og Khan Younis med lastbi-
. Den 25. november 2023 oplyste UNRWA, at produktionen fra UNRWAs vandboringer er
utilstrækkelig til at dække det stigende behov som følge af antallet af internt fordrevne. Udleve-
ringen af drikkevand stoppede i Rafah som følge af mangel på brændstof, men fortsatte i Khan
Pr. 27. november 2023
UNRWA. Situation Report #38 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 25. november 2023, s. 44 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Reports ##38 og 39 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jeru-
salem Udgivet den 25 og 26. november 2023, hhv. s. 44 og 50 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #39 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 26. november 2023, s. 52 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #36 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 22 . november 2023, s. 35 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report ##39 og 40 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 26. og 27. november 2023, hhv. s. 52 og 57 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #38 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 25. november 2023, s. 44 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #39 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 26. november 2023, s. 50 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #40 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 27. november 2023, s. 55 og 58 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report ##39 og 40 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jeru-
salem Udgivet den 26. og 27. november 2023, hhv. s. 53 og 58 i den samlede PDF
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Younis og det centrale område. Uddelingen af vand til husholdningsbrug til UNRWAs shelters
fortsætter på minimumniveau
Der har ikke været oplysninger om dræbte personer siden den humanitære pause trådte i kraft.
Ifølge de palæstinensiske myndigheder var status den 23. november 2023 kl. 18, at over 14.800
personer var dræbt i Gaza siden den 7. oktober 2023, og at 73% heraf var kvinder og børn
. 108
UNRWA-ansatte er blevet dræbt i konflikten, hvilket er det højeste antal dræbte FN-hjælpearbej-
dere i en konflikt. Mindst 40 % heraf er dræbt syd for Wadi Gaza
. Den 25. november 2023
verificerede UNRWA, at der havde været 99 hændelser på 77 UNRWA-installationer. 27 af in-
stallationerne var direkte ramt og 50 havde fået indirekte skader
. Den 23. november 2023 oplyste
UNRWA, at over 50% af de ramte installationer ligger syd for Wadi Gaza
. Mindst 218 internt
fordrevne, som var indkvarteret på UNRWA-skoler, er blevet dræbt og 894 såret
Den 23. og 24. november 2023 søgte yderligere mindst 24.000 internt fordrevne tilflugt i
UNRWA-shelters i det centrale og sydlige Gaza, og antallet af internt fordrevne fortsatte ifølge
UNRWA med at stige. Den 26. november 2023 søgte mindst 13.000 yderligere internt fordrevne
tilflugt i UNRWA-shelters i det sydlige og centrale Gaza
. Ifølge de seneste oplysninger fra
UNRWA er mere end 1,8 millioner mennesker intern fordrevet i Gaza siden den 7. oktober 2023
svarende til over 80 % af befolkningen. Heraf opholder næsten 1,1 million mennesker sig i 156
UNRWA-faciliteter i alle fem områder i Gaza
. Næsten 927.000 internt fordrevne personer op-
holder sig i 99 UNRWA-faciliteter i det centrale og sydlige Gaza. Den 12. oktober 2023 før de
israelske myndigheders evakueringsordre opholdt næsten 160.000 internt fordrevne sig i 57
UNRWA-skoler i det nordlige Gaza. UNRWA har ikke mulighed for at nå disse shelters med hjælp
eller beskyttelse til internt fordrevne og har ikke oplysninger om deres behov eller tilstand
. UNR-
WAs shelters er overfyldte og huser i gennemsnit 4�½ gange flere internt fordrevne end der er
kapacitet til, hvilket har ført til spredning af sygdomme, ligesom det begrænser UNRWAs mulig-
hed for at yde bistand
. Ifølge UNRWAs oplysninger den 22. november 2023 kan UNRWAs
UNRWA. Situation Report ##37 og 38 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jeru-
salem Udgivet den 23. og 25. november 2023, hhv. s. 41 og 48 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #40 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 27. november 2023, s. 56 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #37 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 23. november 2023, s. 39 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #39 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 26. november 2023, s. 51 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #37 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 23. november 2023, s. 40 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #39 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 26. november 2023, s. 51 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report ##38 og 40 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jeru-
salem Udgivet den 25. og 27. november 2023, hhv. s. 46 og 56 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #40 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 27. november 2023, s. 56 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #39 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 26. november 2023, s. 51 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report ##36 og 38 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jeru-
salem Udgivet den 22. og den 25. november 2023, hhv. s. 34 og 46 i den samlede PDF
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
shelters i de centrale og sydlige områder ikke huse nyankomne internt fordrevne og har ikke faci-
liteterne til at yde sikre og værdige leveforhold, ligesom de indkvarterede ikke har mad nok
Som det fremgår af sekretariatets notat af 15. november 2023, har Gaza under den aktuelle konflikt
været underlagt total og sidenhen delvis blokade, hvilket har forværret den humanitære situation.
Inden den aktuelle konflikt kom der gennemsnitligt pr. arbejdsdag 500 lastbiler med humanitært
udstyr ind i Gaza, mens OCHA den 14. november 2023 oplyste, at der siden den 21. oktober er
kommet i alt 1129 lastbiler med humanitært udstyr ind i Gaza
UNRWA advarede den 15. november 2023 om, at de offentlige WASH-faciliteter ville begynde
at lukke ned den 17. november 2023, hvis der ikke blev leveret brændstof. Dette ville indebære, at
den primære kilde til levering af drikkevand til befolkningen syd for Wadi Gaza, som også leverer
vand til 44 UNRWA-shelters, der huser over 290.000 internt fordrevne, ville blive lukket ned. Det
ville endvidere indebære, at UNRWAs affaldsbortskaffelse og spildevandshåndteringen ville blive
lukket ned fra den 17. november 2023 med alvorlig risiko for blandt andet inficering af vand og
sygdomsudbrud til følge
. Den 19. november 2023 oplyste UNRWA, at udleveringen af drikke-
vand er indstillet i Rafah på grund af brændstofmangel, men fortsætter i Khan Younis og det cen-
trale Gaza, og at et antal offentlige vandboringer syd for Wadi Gaza var ophørt med at fungere
Efter indførelse af den humanitære pause har UNRWA senest den 25. november 2023 oplyst, at
uddelingen af drikkevand i Rafah fortsat er indstillet på grund af mangel på brændstof
UNRWA oplyste den 17. november 2023, at man den 15. november 2023 havde modtaget 23.000
liter brændstof, som ifølge de israelske myndigheder kun måtte bruges til transport af de små
mængder nødhjælp indført fra Egypten, og således ikke var tilladt anvendt til den generelle huma-
nitære bistand, herunder sundheds- og vandfaciliteter eller UNRWAs arbejde. UNRWA oplyste,
at der var behov for meget mere brændstof, således behøvede UNRWA 160.000 liter brændstof
hver dag for at kunne dække de basale humanitære opgaver
UNRWA har den 19. november 2023 oplyst, at de israelske myndigheder den 18. november 2023
tillod indførsel af 120.000 liter brændstof til brug over to dage, hvilket ifølge UNRWA kun dækker
halvdelen af det kritiske behov. Uden den nødvendige mængde brændstof vil befolkningen kun få
dækket 2/3 af det daglige behov for rent drikkevand, ligesom store dele af Gaza vil fortsætte med
at være oversvømmet med spildevand og affald, hvilket indebærer en yderligere forhøjet sygdoms-
risiko. Det fremgår videre, at det på grund af mangel på brændstof er mere udfordrende at få op-
daterede tal og informationer, at brændstofreserverne i de ni (ud af 22) UNRWA sundhedscentre,
UNRWA. Situation Report #36 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 22. november 2023, s. 34 i den samlede PDF
OCHA. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel – Reported impact, Day 39. Udgivet den 14. november 2023
UNRWA. Situation Report #31 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 15. november 2023, s. 6 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #33 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 19. november 2023, s. 18 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #38 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 25. november 2023, s. 48 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #32 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 17. november 2023, s. 9 i den samlede PDF
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
der stadig er operationelle i det centrale og sydlige Gaza, yderligere må rationeres og suppleres
med usikker
solenergi, og at indvindingen af vand fra boringer måtte reduceres yderligere
Efter den humanitære pause trådte i kraft den 24. november 2023 kl. 7, er sikkerhedssituationen
væsentligt forbedret, hvilket har muliggjort humanitær bistand i en større udstrækning end før
pausen. Forud for pausen var det, henset til sikkerhedssituationen og manglen på humanitære mid-
ler, ikke muligt for UNRWA at imødekomme det aktuelle behov for beskyttelse og bistand. I Gaza
by og det nordlige Gaza yder UNRWA ikke beskyttelse og bistand, og i det centrale og sydlige
Gaza var der – og er stadig i et vist omfang under den humanitære pause – kritisk mangel på
livsvigtige fornødenheder, herunder blandt andet indkvartering, brændstof, vand, mad og sund-
Pausen er den 27. november 2023 besluttet forlænget med yderligere to dage, det vil sige til og
med den 29. november 2023
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 15. november 2023
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report #31 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jeru-
salem. Udgivet den 15. november 2023, s. 2 og 6.
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
Obtaining updated figures and information is becoming increasingly challenging, especially in the Middle
area, due to serious communication breakdowns. In some areas, the telecommunications companies have
stopped operating.
It is expected that communications will start to fail as of Thursday 16 November,
when telecommunications companies run out of fuel to operate their data centres and major connection
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
Water and Sanitation services (WASH)
UNRWA was able to continue the provision of water and sanitation services on 14 November. However, if
no fuel is received, these services will start shutting down on Friday 17.
In particular,
public WASH facilities will start shutting down,
• 60 water wells in the south of Wadi Gaza. This will cut domestic water off at 44 UNRWA IDP
shelters in the south of Wadi Gaza, which are currently hosting over 290,000 IDPs. It will also cut
domestic water supply to most housing units in the South of Wadi Gaza.
• Two main desalination plants in Rafah and Middle areas which are the major source of potable
water for the population South of Wadi Gaza, providing water to 44 UNRWA managed IDP shelters
hosting over 290,000 IDPs.
Solid waste collection from the camps and from emergency shelters and transfer to landfills also continues
in the Middle, Khan Younis and Rafah areas.
UNRWA. Situation Report #32 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 17. november 2023, s. 11 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report #34 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Udgivet den 19. november 2023, s. 20-21 og 23 i den samlede PDF
Deal reached to extend Israel-Hamas truce by two days, Qatar says. Artikel af 27. November 2023
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
As of 17 November, UNRWA sanitation work will start shutting down, causing environmental hazards
with around 400 tons of solid waste per day accumulated in all camps and UNRWA managed and over-
crowded IDP shelters.
Combined with stopping public sewage pumping stations, and the shutdown of mu-
nicipality sanitation operations, this will impose serious threats to public health, with a high risk of water
contamination and disease outbreak.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 17. november 2023
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report #32 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jeru-
salem. Udgivet den 17. november 2023, s. 9 og 11.
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
On 15 November,
UNRWA received just over 23,000 litres of fuel – the equivalent of half a tanker.
raeli Authorities have restricted the use of this fuel only to transport the small quantities of aid entering
from Egypt.
The use of this fuel was not allowed for the overall humanitarian response, including for
medical and water facilities or the work of UNRWA.
Read the full
Much more fuel is needed.
UNRWA needs 160,000 litres of fuel every day for basic humanitarian opera-
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
Only through further rationing of fuel reserves and through solar energy has UNRWA been able to operate
the health centres. Soon UNRWA operations will entirely depend on solar energy which is designed to ca-
ter for minimal operations. Functionality of the solar energy is not guaranteed as any malfunction and/or
battery failure will bring all operations to a halt.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 19. november 2023
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report #33 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jeru-
salem. Udgivet den 19. november 2023, s. 18.
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
Water and Sanitation services (WASH)
UNRWA was able to continue the provision of reduced water and sanitation services. The production of
water wells decreased to 7,000 cubic metres (from an average of 10,000 cubic metres).
The distribution of potable water stopped in Rafah due to lack of fuel for the water tankers but continued in
Khan Younis and Middle areas thanks to the desalination plant which remained operational. Distribution
of domestic water to the shelters continued at a minimum level.
A number of public water wells in the south of Wadi Gaza stopped working. However, UNRWA is unable to
confirm precise figures due to the communication breakdowns.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 19. november 2023
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report #34 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jeru-
salem. Udgivet den 19. november 2023, s. 20-21 og 23.
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
On 18 November, Israeli Authorities authorized the entry of 120,000 litres of fuel that will be used over two
days and will only cover half of the daily critical needs. UNRWA has been informed that 120,000 litres of
fuel will be delivered every two days.
Without the amount of fuel needed to implement all the necessary humanitarian operations,
o UNRWA is forced to handle a reduced number of aid trucks carrying humanitarian aid crossing
daily into Rafah;
o people will only have two thirds of their daily needs of clean drinking water;
o large parts of Gaza will continue to be flooded with sewage, further increasing risks of disease;
o 70 per cent of solid waste will not be removed, posing a major health hazard.
According to the logistics cluster, on 18 November, 30 aid trucks entered Gaza, followed by another 69
trucks the following day. As of 19 November, a total of 1,268 aid trucks had entered Gaza through the Ra-
fah crossing. Of these, 200 were UNRWA trucks, carrying food, water, medical supplies and other essential
non-food items.
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
On 18 and 19 November, nine (out of 22) UNRWA health centres were still operational in the middle and
southern areas, recording 19,162 patient visits, including Palestine Refugees and non-refugees.
Most of these health centres are unable to use online registration systems for patients due to network
breakdown. Patient information is therefore mostly registered on paper, making data collection and report-
ing more challenging.
Only through further rationing of fuel reserves and through solar energy has UNRWA been able to operate
the health centres.
Water and Sanitation services (WASH)
UNRWA continues to operate water wells for the provision of potable and domestic water supply. Potable
water trucking operations to the shelters in Rafah and Khan Younis areas also continue. Due to the re-
duced availability of fuel, the production of water wells decreased from an average of 10,000 cubic metres
to 7,000.
The distribution of potable water stopped in Rafah due to a lack of fuel for the water tankers but continued
in Khan Younis and Middle areas thanks to the desalination plant which remained operational. Distribu-
tion of domestic water to the shelters continued at a minimum level.
A number of public water wells in the south of Wadi Gaza stopped working. However, UNRWA is unable to
confirm precise figures due to the communication breakdowns.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 22. november 2023
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report #36 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jeru-
salem. Udgivet den 22. november 2023, s. 34 og 35.
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
UNRWA Shelters
The number of displaced people continues to increase.
UNRWA shelters in the Middle and South areas
are severely overcrowded and are unable to accommodate new arrivals.
The installations accommodate far more people than their intended capacity.
They are not designed to
host such a large number of people and do not have adequate facilities to provide safe and dignified living
conditions. The
over-crowding is leading to significant spread of disease, including acute respiratory ill-
ness and diarrhea, raises environmental and health issues, and limits the Agency’s ability to provide ser-
People in shelters do not have enough
food and basic survival items. Hygiene levels are poor and mental
health issues are prevalent.
On average, there is one shower unit for every
4,500 people in UNRWA shelters.
The number of toilets differs from one shelter to another. In general, there are 30 to 50 toilets per school
(including those for persons with disabilities).
On average, around 220 people sheltering in UNRWA
schools share a single toilet.
Due to the poor sanitary conditions,
data indicates significant increases in some communicable diseases
and conditions such as diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, skin infections and hygienerelated condi-
tions like lice.
In the past weeks, diarrhea increased by 45 times, and bloody diarrhea by 14 times in com-
parison to the same periods in 2022.
Food Security
UNRWA distribution of flour to families started on 21 November in Rafah area. Around 1,000 families
composed of at least 11 family members received flour, with a total of 100 metric tons distributed. The
Agency has prioritized large families first.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 23. november 2023
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report #37 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jeru-
salem. Udgivet den 23. november 2023, s. 39, 40 og 41.
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
108 UNRWA colleagues have been killed since the beginning of the hostilities. This is the highest number
of United Nations aid workers killed in a conflict in the history of the United Nations. At least 40 per cent
of them have been killed south of Wadi Gaza.
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza Strip
As of 22 November, UNRWA was able to verify that 89 incidents have occurred at 69 UNRWA installations
since the beginning of the hostilities. Over 50 per cent of the impacted installations are south of Wadi
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
Water and Sanitation services (WASH)
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
UNRWA continues to operate water wells to provide potable and domestic water supply. Potable water trucking op-
erations to the shelters in Rafah and Khan Younis areas also continue. Due to the reduced availability of fuel, daily
water production of water wells decreased from an average of 10,000 cubic metres to 7,000.
The distribution of potable water stopped in Rafah due to a lack of fuel for the water tankers but continued in Khan
Younis and Middle Areas thanks to the desalination plant which remained operational. Distribution of domestic wa-
ter to the shelters continued at a minimal level.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 25. november 2023
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report #38 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jeru-
salem. Udgivet den 25. november 2023, s. 44-45, 46, 46-47 og 48.
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
A humanitarian pause entered into force on 24 November at 7.00 am.
On the first day of the humanitarian pause, UNRWA received 137 trucks of humanitarian aid at its recep-
tion point in Gaza.
Between 23 and 24 November, UNRWA received 197,000 litres. Fuel is being distributed by UNRWA to
support food distribution, and the operation of generators at hospitals, water and sanitation facilities, shel-
ters, and other critical services.
On the same day, a UN convoy delivered critical humanitarian aid (composed mainly of water, flour and
other food items) to two UNRWA shelters in the north. This is the first aid delivery to a shelter in the north
in over one month.
Over 1.7 million people (or nearly 80 per cent of the population) have been displaced across the Gaza
Strip since 7 October.
As of 24 November, more than 1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) are now sheltering in 156
UNRWA installations across all five governorates of the Gaza Strip, including in the north.
Nearly 920,000 IDPs are sheltering in 99 facilities in the Middle, Khan Younis and Rafah areas.
Nearly 160,000 IDPs were sheltering in 57 UNRWA schools in the north and Gaza areas as of 12 October
2023, before evacuation orders were issued by Israeli Authorities. UNRWA is not able to access these shel-
ters to assist or protect IDPs and does not have information on their needs and conditions.
During the reporting period, UNRWA verified at least seven additional incidents impacting displaced peo-
ple hosted in UNRWA installations and/or UNRWA installations only.
In total, 77 UNRWA installations have been damaged since the beginning of the hostilities as a result of
99 separate incidents.
108 UNRWA colleagues have been killed since the beginning of the war. This is the highest number of
United Nations aid workers killed in a conflict in the history of the United Nations.
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza Strip
As of 24 November,
108 UNRWA colleagues have been killed since the beginning of the war.
During the reporting period, UNRWA received initial reports through the media that one school in Jabalia
camp, in the north, was hit by a strike resulting in reports of 27 people killed and 93 injuries among the
IDPs sheltering in the school.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
UNRWA also received reports that two schools in Gaza City were directly hit by strikes. However, it has
not been possible for UNRWA to verify whether there were any casualties.
One health centre in the Middle Areas was directly struck resulting in severe damage to the building.
Three schools located in Rafah (south of the Gaza Strip) were impacted due to strikes on adjacent build-
ings, and two of them sustained collateral damage. Three displaced women were injured and transferred to
the hospital for treatment. The three schools host a total of 30,800 IDPs.
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
UNRWA Shelters
The number of displaced people continues to increase.
On 23 and 24 November, at least 24,000 addi-
tional IDPs sought refuge in UNRWA shelters in middle and southern areas.
In total, more than 1 million displaced people are now sheltering in 156 UNRWA installations.
The average number of IDPs per shelter has surpassed 9,000, indicating a significant level of overcrowd-
ing considering that the standard shelter capacity is up to 2,000 people.
On average UNRWA shelters host
four and a half times more IDPs than their intended capacity.
The overcrowding is leading to significant
spread of disease, including acute respiratory illness and diarrhea, raises environmental and health issues,
and limits the Agency’s ability to provide services.
One of the UNRWA schools in Maghazi, (middle areas), has reported an overcrowding rate reaching al-
most 20 times its capacity, with 37,900 IDPs accommodated in a facility intended for 2,000 people.
On average, there is one shower unit for every
4,500 people in UNRWA shelters.
The number of toilets differs from one shelter to another. In general, there are 30 to 50 toilets per school
(including those for persons with disabilities).
On average, around 220 people sheltering in UNRWA
schools share a single toilet.
Food Security
UNRWA distribution of flour outside of shelters continued on 23 and 24 November in southern gover-
The Agency has prioritized large families first and has reached more than 15,234 families so
On 24 November, UNRWA managed to distribute flour to two IDP shelters in the north.
Water and Sanitation services (WASH)
UNRWA continues to operate water wells to provide potable and domestic water supply.
Potable water
trucking operations to the shelters in Rafah and Khan Younis areas also continue.
Water production from UNRWA water wells has been affected by several factors. In the period before the
current emergency, the production of water was about 7,000 cubic metres per day. As soon as the crisis
began and the number of displaced persons increased significantly, the wells were operated at double ca-
pacity to meet the growing needs of the camp refugees and the displaced people.
due to the reduced availability of fuel, daily water production of water wells decreased from an
average of 10,000 cubic metres to 7,000 which is not enough to meet the needs of the growing population
of IDPs.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
The distribution of potable water stopped in Rafah due to a lack of fuel for the water tankers but continued
in Khan Younis and Middle Areas as the desalination plant remained operational. Distribution of domestic
water to the shelters continued at a minimal level.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 26. november 2023
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report #39 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jeru-
salem. Udgivet den 26. november 2023, s. 50-53.
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
A humanitarian pause entered into force in the morning of 24 November and has held on 25 November.
On 25 November, UNRWA received 187 trucks of humanitarian aid at its reception point in Gaza.
For the second consecutive day, 129,000 litres of fuel entered Gaza from Egypt. UNRWA distributed fuel to
support food distribution, the operations of generators at hospitals, water and sanitation facilities, shelters
and other critical services south of Wadi Gaza.
As of 25 November, Israeli Authorities have not allowed fuel to reach the areas north of Wadi Gaza.
Over 1.7 million people (or nearly 80 per cent of the population) have been displaced across the Gaza
Strip since 7 October.
As of 24 November, more than 1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) were sheltering in 156
UNRWA installations across all five governorates of the Gaza Strip, including in the north.
Nearly 927,000 IDPs were sheltering in 99 facilities in the Middle, Khan Younis and Rafah areas.
Nearly 160,000 IDPs were sheltering in 57 UNRWA schools in the north and Gaza areas as of 12 October
2023, before evacuation orders were issued by Israeli Authorities. UNRWA is not able to access these shel-
ters to assist or protect IDPs and does not have information on their needs and conditions.
Overall situation
The Gaza strip
No new fatality figures have been issued in the past 48 hours. According to the Government Media Office
(GMO), as of 18:00 on 23 November,
over 14,800 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip since 7 Octo-
73 per cent of them are reportedly children and women.
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza strip
As of 25 November,
108 UNRWA colleagues have been killed since the beginning of the war.
As of 25 November, UNRWA was able to verify that 99 incidents have occurred at 77 UNRWA installa-
tions since the beginning of the war.
Among the installations impacted, 27 have sustained direct hits and 50 have sustained collateral dam-
Since the beginning of the conflict,
at least 218 internally displaced people sheltering in UNRWA schools
have reportedly been killed
and at least
894 have been injured.
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
UNRWA Shelters
The number of displaced people continues to increase.
On 25 November, at least 7,000 additional IDPs
sought refuge in UNRWA shelters in middle and southern areas.
In total, more than 1 million displaced people are now sheltering in 156 UNRWA installations.
Since the beginning of the war,
UNRWA staff in Gaza have treated over half a million patients.
On 25 November, nine (out of 22) UNRWA health centres were still operational in the Middle and Southern
areas, recording
10,802 patient visits,
including Palestine Refugees and non-refugees.
Midwives are providing care for post-natal and high-risk pregnant women at the nine operational health
centres. There are an estimated 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza, with more than 180 giving birth every
A total of 304 post-natal and high-risk pregnancy cases were attended to at health centres on 25 No-
vember. In addition, post-natal care continued to be provided in the shelters and as of 25 November,
1,068 cases have been attended to since the beginning of October.
On 25 November,
1,205 children were vaccinated
at seven health centres according to the national vac-
cination programme, bringing the total number to 11,622 since 4 November.
On the same day, emergency dental services (bleeding, swellings, trauma and extraction) were provided to
336 cases
at seven health centres.
UNRWA continued to provide health care to IDPs at shelters through 125 medical teams on 25 Novem-
ber. 282 health workers attended to a total of 10,531 patients. Each team is composed of one to two doc-
tors and a nurse.
Mental health and psychosocial support initiatives resumed in the Middle and Khan Younis areas (south)
with a team of two psychiatrists and 16 counsellors and supervisors to assist special cases referred from
health centres and shelters. On 25 November,
the team responded to 776 cases through individual consul-
tations, awareness sessions and support to gender-based violence cases.
UNRWA received essential medicines through the humanitarian convoys coming via Egypt; however, there
is still a shortage of both specialised and essential medicines, including for non-communicable diseases.
Since 14 October, an UNRWA doctor has been working to provide medical services (which include outpa-
tient services, non-communicable disease services and maternal services) at Jabalia health centres in the
North area.
Food Security
UNRWA distribution of flour outside of shelters continued on 25 November in the southern governorates.
The Agency is currently reconciling the data for the distribution that took place on 25 November.
Flour will continue to be prioritized for distribution in the North and in Gaza City as part of the humani-
tarian convoys reaching the North of Wadi Gaza during the ongoing humanitarian pause.
Water and Sanitation services (WASH)
UNRWA continues to operate water wells to provide potable and domestic water supply.
Potable water
trucking operations to the shelters in Rafah and Khan Younis areas also continue.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 27. november 2023
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report #40 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jeru-
salem. Udgivet den 27. november 2023, s. .
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
A humanitarian pause entered into force in the morning of 24 November and was maintained for the third con-
secutive day on 26 November.
On 26 November, aid convoys reached areas north of Wadi Gaza. UN agencies and the Palestine Red Crescent
Society (PRCS) distributed 1,062 metric tonnes of ready-to-eat food to four UNRWA shelters in Jabalia camp,
185 metric tonnes of tents and blankets and 890 metric tonnes of bottled water to various sites.
Over the past three days, small amounts of cooking gas have entered Gaza for the first time since the start of
the conflict. However, the amounts fall well short of the needs.
Around 1.8 million people (or over 80 per cent of the population) have been displaced across the Gaza Strip
since 7 October.
As of 24 November, almost 1.1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) were sheltering in 156 UNRWA in-
stallations across all five governorates of the Gaza Strip, including in the north.
Overall situation
The Gaza strip
According to the Government Media Office (GMO), as of 18:00 on 23 November,
over 14,800 people have
been killed in the Gaza Strip since 7 October;
73 per cent of them are reportedly children and women (about
6,000 children and 4,000 women).
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza strip
As of 26 November,
108 UNRWA colleagues have been killed since the beginning of the war.
As of 26 November, UNRWA was able to verify that 99 incidents have occurred at 77 UNRWA installations
since 7 October.
Since the beginning of the conflict,
at least 218 internally displaced people sheltering in UNRWA schools
have reportedly been killed
and at least
894 have been injured.
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
UNRWA Shelters
The number of displaced people continues to increase.
On 26 November, at least 13,000 additional IDPs
sought refuge in UNRWA shelters in Middle and South areas.
In total, almost 1.1 million displaced people are now sheltering in 156 UNRWA installations.
Food Security
UNRWA distribution of flour outside of shelters continued on 26 November in the southern governorates. A
total of 20,720 families has been reached so far.
Flour continued to be prioritized for distribution in the North and in Gaza City as part of the humanitarian
convoys reaching the North of Wadi Gaza during the ongoing humanitarian pause.
The ready-to-eat food distributed at UNRWA shelters in Jabalia, in the north, on 26 November, included about
7.6 metric tons of high-energy biscuits provided by the World Food Programme (WFP). This covers the mini-
mal daily food intake for 23,616 people for one day.
Water and Sanitation services (WASH)
UNRWA continues to operate eight water wells to provide potable and domestic water supply. Potable water
trucking operations to the shelters in Rafah and Khan Younis areas also continue.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Solid waste collection from the camps, and emergency shelters and transfer to landfills continues in the Mid-
dle, Khan Younis and Rafah areas. About 50 loadings were transferred to temporary dumping sites on 26 No-
vember. UNRWA colleagues in Gaza have highlighted there is an urgent need for sanitation trucks and vehi-
UNRWA teams continued to handle maintenance works at tens of shelters.