Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2023-24
UUI Alm.del
Den 28. november 2023
Opdatering af notat de generelle forhold Gaza (15.-28. november 2023)
1. Indledning
Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg drøftede på møde i udvalget den 12. oktober 2023 den
aktuelle voldelige konflikt mellem Israel og Hamas og den deraf følgende meget ustabile og ufor-
udsigelige sikkerhedssituation i Gaza. Udvalget besluttede på mødet at udsætte udrejsefristen for
statsløse palæstinensere fra Gaza, der er i udsendelsesposition. Denne beslutning vedrører to sager.
I forlængelse af mødet i koordinationsudvalget besluttede udvalget videre at berostille behandlin-
gen af sager vedrørende statsløse palæstinensere fra Gaza. Berostillelsen vedrører to sager. Der
var desuden enighed i udvalget om at følge situationen i Gaza nøje.
Siden det seneste møde i koordinationsudvalget er situationen i Gaza forværret i en sådan grad, at
det giver anledning til at foretage en nærmere overvejelse af:
De generelle forhold i Gaza, herunder om forholdene i Gaza eller dele af Gaza nu er af en
sådan karakter, at de opfylder betingelserne i udlændingelovens § 7, stk. 3.
Flygtningekonventionens artikel 1 D, herunder blandt andet UNRWAs beskyttelse og bi-
stand i Gaza.
Til brug for drøftelserne i Flygtningenævnets formandskab og koordinationsudvalg har sekretari-
atet udarbejdet nærværende notat vedrørende de generelle forhold i Gaza. Der henvises for så vidt
angår spørgsmålet om UNRWAs beskyttelse og bistand i Gaza og flygtningekonventionens artikel
1 D til særskilt notat herom.
Ved lov nr. 153 af 18. februar 2015 blev udlændingelovens § 7, stk. 3, om midlertidig beskyttel-
sesstatus indsat i udlændingeloven. Ifølge bestemmelsen gives der efter ansøgning opholdstilla-
delse med henblik på midlertidigt ophold i tilfælde, hvor risikoen for dødsstraf eller for at blive
underkastet tortur eller umenneskelig eller nedværdigende behandling eller straf har baggrund i en
særlig alvorlig situation i hjemlandet præget af vilkårlig voldsudøvelse og overgreb på civile. Som
eksempel på en situation, der vil være omfattet af bestemmelsen, nævnes i lovforslagets bemærk-
ninger til bestemmelsen situationen som forelå i Sufi og Elmi-dommen.
Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol (EMD) udtalte i dommen Sufi og Elmi mod UK
(8319/07 og 11449/07) af 28. juni 2011, præmis 250, at den generelle vold i Mogadishu på davæ-
rende tidspunkt havde nået et niveau, hvor enhver, der vendte tilbage til byen, som udgangspunkt
ville være i reel risiko for at blive udsat for overgreb i strid med Den Europæiske Menneskerettig-
hedskonventions artikel 3 alene som følge af den blotte tilstedeværelse, medmindre vedkommende
havde tilstrækkeligt gode relationer på højeste niveau til magtfulde aktører i byen, der gjorde det
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UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
muligt for den pågældende at opnå beskyttelse. EMD opstillede i dommen følgende kriterier for
vurderingen af, hvorvidt enhver person kunne anses for at være i risiko for overgreb i strid med
Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions artikel 3 alene ved den blotte tilstedeværelse på
baggrund af den generelle sikkerhedsmæssige situation i området, jf. præmis 241:
hvorvidt konfliktens parter enten benytter metoder eller taktikker, som øger risikoen for
civile overgreb eller direkte tager sigte på civile,
hvorvidt disse metoder er udbredte blandt parterne i konflikten,
hvorvidt kampene finder sted i geografisk afgrænsede områder eller er udbredte og
antallet af civile, som er blevet slået ihjel, såret eller fordrevet som følge af kampene.
Det bemærkes, at såfremt koordinationsudvalget måtte finde, at de generelle forhold i Gaza er af
en sådan karakter, at der er grundlag for at meddele opholdstilladelse efter udlændingelovens § 7,
stk. 3, til ansøgere fra området, vil de pågældende, såfremt de har nydt beskyttelse eller bistand fra
UNRWA, skulle meddeles opholdstilladelse efter udlændingelovens § 7, stk. 1, jf. flygtningekon-
ventionens artikel 1 D, med henvisning til, at de pågældende på grund af de generelle forhold i
området ikke vil kunne henvises til at modtage beskyttelse og bistand fra UNRWA.
Til brug for drøftelserne i Flygtningenævnets formandskab og koordinationsudvalg har sekretari-
atet udarbejdet ugentlige opsummeringer af baggrundsoplysningerne udgivet i perioden fra den 7.
oktober til og med den 28. november 2023. I forlængelse heraf er der indsat udvalgte uddrag af
baggrundsoplysningerne. Notatet skal læses i sammenhæng med det af Udlændingestyrelsen ud-
arbejdede notat ”Sikkerhed og den humanitære situation i Gaza” udgivet den 17. november 2023.
Generelt vedrørende baggrundsoplysningerne på Gaza bemærkes, at der, henset til den aktuelle
voldelige konflikts nylige opståen, endnu ikke er udarbejdet større rapporter fra anerkendte inter-
nationale kilder. Det bemærkes i den forbindelse, at manglende adgang for internationale journa-
lister til Gaza
samt kommunikation-breakdowns i Gaza
vanskeliggør adgangen til pålidelige,
dækkende og opdaterede oplysninger om situationen i Gaza. Det betyder, at store dele af oplys-
ningerne, som fremgår af baggrundsmaterialet, stammer fra tilstedeværende FN-organer, herunder
UNRWA og WHO, samt fra tilstedeværende NGO’er, herunder MSF, og de palæstinensiske myn-
digheder, hvis oplysninger ikke er valideret af internationale anerkendte kilder.
Endelig bemærkes det, at udvælgelsen af materialet er fokuseret på den generelle sikkerhedssitu-
ation i form af angreb mod civile og civile mål samt antallet af internt fordrevne.
2. Baggrundsoplysninger om de generelle forhold
Hamas indledte tidligt om morgenen den 7. oktober 2023 et terrorangreb på Israel. Den 8. oktober
2023 erklærede Israels premierminister Benjamin Netanyahu formelt, at Israel er i krig
CNN. News organizations send letter to leaders of Israel and Egypt seeking access to Gaza Strip as war escalates.
Udgivet den 13. november 2023
CNN. Communications in Gaza are heavily disrupted with little internet service. Udgivet den 13. november 2023
og CNN. Gaza is in the brink of a communication blackout, Palestinian telecommunication minister warns. Udgivet
den 13. november 2023
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Briefing Notes. Udgivet den 9. oktober 2023
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Gaza har siden den 7. oktober 2023 været under massive luftangreb og den 27. oktober 2023 ind-
ledte det israelske militær en landsoffensiv
, hvilket har ført til væbnede kampe mellem det isra-
elske militær og Hamas på landjorden i Gaza.
Det er ikke muligt for indbyggerne i Gaza at forlade området. Der er dog få gange lukket op for
udrejse gennem Rafah-grænseovergangen til Egypten for udenlandske statsborgere og personer
med dobbelt statsborgerskab, ligesom ganske få alvorligt syge personer er eskorteret ud af Gaza.
Den 13. oktober 2023 opfordrede de israelske myndigheder indbyggere i det nordlige Gaza og
Gaza by til at drage mod syd for beskyttelse, hvilket har ført til at flere hundredetusinde indbyggere
har forladt det nordlige Gaza
. Den voldelige konflikt har ifølge baggrundsoplysningerne ikke væ-
ret geografisk afgrænset hertil, men Gaza by og det nordlige Gaza har været hårdest ramt for så
vidt angår angreb og tabstal
Ifølge de palæstinensiske myndigheder har den voldelige konflikt pr. 28. november 2023 resulteret
i over 14,800 døde, hvoraf omkring 2/3 af det samlede antal døde angiveligt er kvinder og børn,
over 36,000 sårede og 1.8 millioner internt fordrevne. Blandt det samlede antal døde er blandt
andet omkring 6,000 børn
, 48 journalister
, mindst 207 sundhedspersonale
og 108 UNRWA-
Adskillige hospitaler, ambulancer, beboelsesejendomme safezones/evakueringsruter, flygtninge-
lejre, skoler, moskeer og kirker har siden den 7. oktober været ramt af angreb. De palæstinensiske
myndigheder har pr. 23. november 2023 blandt andet oplyst, at 137 sundhedsfaciliteter er blevet
ramt, at over 60 % af Gazas beboelsesejendomme er ødelagt eller beskadiget og at 311 uddannel-
sesfaciliteter er beskadiget
Gaza har siden den 9. oktober været under bloklade af de israelske myndigheder, hvilket endvidere
har bidraget til, at den humanitære situation er yderst kritisk
Den 22. november 2023 indgik Hamas og Israel en aftale om en humanitær pause af fire dages
varighed fra den 24. november til og med den 27. november 2023. Den 27. november 2023 indgik
parterne en aftale om at forlænge den humanitære pause med yderligere to døgn til og med den 29.
november 2023
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel – Flash update 21. Udgivet den 27. oktober 2023
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Briefing Notes. Udgivet den 16. oktober 2023
ACLED. Fact Sheet - Israel and Palestine Conflict. Udgivet den 9. og senest opdateret den 31. oktober 2023 og
Protection Cluster, Shelter Cluster, UNHCR. Shelter in Crisis: Joint Advocacy Statement - 24th November 2023.
Udgivet den 24. November 2023
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel Flash update 52. Udgivet den 27. November 2023
Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF). Israel is eradicating journalism in Gaza, with ten reporters killed in three days, 48
since start of war. Udgivet den 22. November 2023
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel – Reported impact, Day 48. Udgivet den 23. november 2023
UNWRA. Situation Report 40 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)
Udgivet den 27. november 2023
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel – Reported impact, Day 39. Udgivet den 14. november 2023
CNN. Deal reached to extend Israel-Hamas truce by two days, Qatar says. Udgivet den 27. november 2023
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Den humanitære pause har gjort det muligt for humanitær nødhjælp at komme ind i Gaza.
2.1 Uge 1 (7 – 14. oktober 2023)
Ifølge baggrundsoplysningerne har Gaza ved udgangen af konfliktens 1. uge været under tilta-
gende bombardementer siden Hamas’ angreb den 7. oktober, hvilket ifølge oplysningerne ved ud-
gangen af konfliktens 1. uge resulterede i 2670 døde og 8744 sårede i Gaza. Det fremgår videre af
baggrundsoplysningerne, at angrebene ramte adskillige civile, herunder blandt andet journalister,
sundhedspersonale, evakueringsruter og sundhedsfaciliteter. Bombardementerne og den af de is-
raelske myndigheder udstedte evakueringsordre resulterede i, at 600.000 blev internt fordrevet fra
det nordlige Gaza til det centrale og sydlige Gaza.
2.1.2 Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger vedrørende perioden 7 – 14. oktober 2023
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 9. Udgivet den 15. Oktober 2023, side 70 f.f. i den
samlede PDF
Hostilities and casualties
Since the start of hostilities, 2,670 Palestinians have been killed and 9,600 have been injured. The fatality toll in Gaza
during the eight days of hostilities has already surpassed the total number of fatalities during the 2014 escalation,
which lasted for over seven weeks (2,251 Palestinian fatalities). […]
According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, as of 15 October at 8:00, 47 entire families have been killed, amounting
to about 500 people.
Human rights organizations have expressed concern over incidents where civilians and civilian objects appear to
have been directly targeted by Israeli airstrikes.
Amnesty International. Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza. Udgivet
den 20. oktober 2023.
evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza
As Israeli forces continue to intensify their cataclysmic assault on the occupied Gaza Strip, Amnesty International has
documented unlawful Israeli attacks, including indiscriminate attacks, which caused mass civilian casualties and must
be investigated as war crimes.
The organization spoke to survivors and eyewitnesses, analysed satellite imagery, and verified photos and videos to
investigate air bombardments carried out by Israeli forces between 7 and 12 October, which caused horrific destruc-
tion, and in some cases wiped out entire families.[…]
ACLED. Fact Sheet - Israel and Palestine Conflict. Udgivet den 9. og senest opdateret den 31. oktober 2023
Update: 13. Oktober 2023
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Unprecedented Israeli Airstrike Campaign Targets Gaza
Since repelling the Hamas ground offensive, Israel has intensified its airstrikes on Gaza, which have killed nearly
1,800 people as of Friday afternoon.
Densely populated residential areas in northern Gaza have been de-
with little indication that the Israeli military has tempered its response in the face of Hamas threats to
execute hostages if airstrikes continue to hit civilian targets without warning.
While satellite images suggest that
entire neighborhoods have been leveled by the airstrikes, the IDF insists that it is only striking military tar-
ACLED has so far recorded 23 distinct localities in all five Gazan governorates, as well as 10 neighborhoods
and a refugee camp inside Gaza City, that have been bombarded by Israel during the period of 7-12 October (see
map below). The retaliatory campaign is believed to be the most intense Israeli bombardment in the seven decades of
conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Israel has also now put Gaza under a complete siege, with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announcing that the
coastal enclave would receive “no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel.” The majority of Gaza’s electricity comes
from Israeli power lines,
and its only power station ran out of fuel Wednesday, meaning that Gaza will soon be
without electricity.
More than 420,000 Palestinians have been internally displaced.
Egypt closed its border crossing with Gaza on
Tuesday after Israeli forces bombed the area several times, and has said that it will not allow a mass exodus of Gazans
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
across its border.
In the wake of a 16-year blockade that had severely restricted the movement of goods and people,
Gazan civilians are facing a humanitarian crisis.
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Briefing Notes. Udgivet den 16. oktober 2023
numbers of people flee their homes in the Gaza Strip
On 13.10.23 more than 70 people died in an explosion on an evacuation route which Israel had declared to be
Human Rights Watch. Questions and Answers on Israel’s Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza and Lebanon. Udgivet
den 12. oktober 2023
“Human Rights Watch has determined based on verified video and witness accounts that
Israeli forces used white phosphorus in military operations in Lebanon and Gaza on October 10 and 11,2023, respec-
tively. The videos show multiple airbursts of artillery-fired white phosphorus over the Gaza City port and two rural
locations along the Israel-Lebanon border.
White phosphorus, which can be used as a smokescreen or a weapon, has the potential to cause civilian harm due to
the severe burns it causes and its lingering long-term effects on survivors. Its use in densely populated areas of Gaza
violates the requirement under that parties to the conflict take all feasible precautions to avoid civilian injury and loss
of life.
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 9. Udgivet den 15. oktober 2023
Hostilities and casualties
“According to the Gaza Ministry of Public Works, as of 13 October, 7,000 housing units have been destroyed and
4,887 housing units have been damaged and rendered uninhabitable.
Twenty-four health facilities have been damaged, including six hospitals. Three of the latter in northern Gaza (Beit
Hanoun, Hamad Rehabilitation, and Ad Dura) had to be evacuated.
As of 13 October, 144 educational facilities had been hit by airstrikes, including 20 UNRWA schools, of which two
were used as emergency shelters for IDPs, and 165 Palestinian Authority (PA) schools, one of which was destroyed.
Eleven mosques were targeted and destroyed, and seven churches and mosques were damaged. Water and sanitation
facilities have also been severely damaged. As of 12 October, at least six water wells, three water pumping stations,
one water reservoir, and one desalination plant serving over 1,100,000 people were damaged.
Humanitarian operations
The WHO Surveillance System for Attacks on Health Care has recorded 48 health attacks since the beginning of
hostilities, which included the killings of 12 health workers and the injury of 20 others while on duty. At least 12
UNRWA staff were also killed.
Internt fordrevne
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 9. Udgivet den 15. oktober 2023
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
As of 14 October in the afternoon hours, an estimated 600,000 people are displaced to the southern half of Gaza, with
about 300,000 people situated in UNRWA designated emergency shelters (DES), and the rest in public facilities and
with host families. Since then, this figure has increased significantly. The number of IDPs in Gaza city and northern
Gaza cannot be determined due insecurity and constant movement of people.
2.2 Uge 2 (15 – 22. oktober 2023)
Ifølge baggrundsoplysningerne fastholdt det israelske militær deres opfordring til folk i det norlige
Gaza og Gaza by om at søge syd for Wadi Gaza. I perioden blev der fortsat udført tiltagende
bombardementer i hele Gaza med adskillige døde, sårede og internt fordrevne til følge. Ved ud-
gangen af konfliktens 2. uge var det samlede dødstal ifølge baggrundsoplysningerne på 5087,
hvoraf over halvdelen er kvinder og børn. Omkring 67 procent af de samlede dødsfald blev rap-
porteret i Gaza by og det nordlige Gaza. Antallet af sårede var 15,273 og det samlede antal internt
fordrevne var på over 1.4 millioner mennesker.
2.2.1 Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger for perioden
OCHA. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 17. Udgivet den 23. oktober 2023
Hostilities and casualties
Since 7 October, 5,087 Palestinians have been killed, including at least 2,055 children and 1,119 women, and about
15,273 have been injured, according to the MoH in Gaza. Some 67 per cent of the total Palestinian fatalities were
reported in Gaza city and North Gaza governorates. […]
ACLED. Fact Sheet - Israel and Palestine Conflict. Udgivet den 9. og senest opdateret den 31. oktober 2023.
The Humanitarian Crisis Worsens in the Gaza Strip
Israel has continued to intensify airstrikes on Gaza (see map below), with the estimated Palestinian death toll inside
the coastal enclave climbing to over 3,450
— among them more than 1,000 children, according to Save the Chil-
The number of Palestinian fatalities has already surpassed that of the 51-day Israel-Gaza conflict in 2014.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
During the second week of the conflict, Israel repeated orders for the forced evacuation of northern Gaza — including
22 hospitals — despite World Health Organization (WHO) warnings about its impact on thousands of patients.23
Over 600,000 Palestinians are believed to have already fled northern Gaza amid heavy airstrikes and the looming
threat of a ground invasion.
Israeli airstrikes have also hit central and southern Gaza. Dozens of airstrikes targeted the southern governorates of
Rafah and Khan Yunis and the central governorate of Dayr al-Balah during the second week of the conflict, resulting
in hundreds of fatalities. On 17 October alone, these strikes killed more than 100 Palestinians in Khan Yunis — most
of whom evacuated from northern Gaza — while at least 49 people died in airstrikes at the Rafah border crossing.
Strikes have hit other shelters and refugee areas, including a United Nations-run school in al-Maghazi refugee camp
in central Gaza on 17 October. Israel has claimed that its airstrikes in central and southern Gaza are aimed at Hamas
forces hiding in the area.[…]”
Amid a UN warning that no area in the Gaza Strip is safe for Palestinians to hide from airstrikes,
thousands of
Palestinians have remained in northern Gaza, taking shelter in schools and hospitals.
In the deadliest incident in
Gaza since the start of the current conflict, a blast at al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City killed over 470 Palestinians and
injured hundreds more.
Israel has blamed the strike on misfired PIJ rockets, while Hamas has claimed that the
hospital was hit by Israeli airstrikes.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
International Crisis Group. A Ceasefire in Gaza. Udgivet den 18. Oktober 2023
In the evening of 17 October, a blast at a hospital in Gaza City killed 471 people, according to local authorities, the
vast majority civilians. The health ministry in Gaza blamed an Israeli airstrike; Israel, later backed by the U.S.,
pointed to errant Palestinian militant rocket fire. Overnight, northern Gaza endured heavy Israeli bombardment, as
it has done now for ten days, with areas in the south to which many people had fled also coming under fire.
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 16. Udgivet den 22. oktober 2023
Hostilities and casualties
Intense Israeli airstrikes and shelling across the Gaza Strip continued in the past 24 hours (as of 17:00 on 22 October).
Nearly two-thirds of the fatalities during this period, 170 Palestinians, were recorded in the Middle Area, particularly
in Al Bureij and Nuseirat camps and Deir Al Balah town, according to reports by medical and other sources. Airstrikes
hitting three residential buildings in Khan Younis and Rafah reportedly resulted in the killing of 38 people. These
localities are south of Wadi Gaza, the area into which Israeli authorities have ordered residents of northern Gaza to
move. […].”
As of 19 October, the World Health Organization (WHO) had documented 62 attacks on health care affecting 29
health care facilities (including 19 hospitals damaged) and 23 ambulances. Seven hospitals, all in Gaza city and
northern Gaza, were forced to shut down due to the damage they sustained, lack of power and supplies and/or evac-
uation orders.
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 17. Udgivet den 23. oktober 2023
and casualties
Massive Israeli bombardments from the air and land intensified overnight across the Gaza Strip. The Israeli military
indicated that they have attacked 320 targets, a three-fold increase compared to previous days. Among the deadliest
attacks recorded in the past 24 hours were several airstrikes on residential buildings in Jabalia Refugee Camp, north-
ern Gaza (at least 63 fatalities); Rafah city (at least 43 fatalities); in Deir Al-Balah (14 fatalities) and in Khan Younis
(11 fatalities).
As of 21 October, 206 educational facilities have been affected, including at least 29 UNRWA schools. Eight of these
schools were used as emergency shelters for IDPs, with one of them being directly hit, resulting in at least eight IDPs
killed, and 40 others injured.
The Gaza Ministry of Public Works reported the destruction of 15,749 housing units and the rendering of 10,935 other
units uninhabitable, as of 21 October. Another 142,500 housing units sustained minor to moderate damage. The total
number of housing units reported as destroyed or damaged accounts for at least 43 per cent of all housing units in
the Gaza Strip. Entire neighborhoods have been destroyed, particularly in Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia, and Ash
Shuja’iyeh, the area between Gaza and Ash Shati’ Refugee Camp, and Abbassan Kabeera. As of 19 October, new
ellite imagery
produced by UNOSAT shows the large scope of destruction.
Internt fordrevne
OCHA. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 17. Udgivet den 23. oktober 2023
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
The cumulative number of IDPs since the start of hostilities in Gaza is estimated at over 1.4 million.[…]
2.3 Uge 3 (23 – 30. oktober 2023)
Ifølge baggrundsoplysningerne var der i konfliktens 3. uge en hidtil uset eskalering af bombarde-
menterne, særligt op til, at det israelske militær den 27. oktober indledte en landsoffensiv i det
nordlige Gaza. Ved udgangen af konfliktens 3. uge var der ifølge oplysninger fra de palæstinensi-
ske myndigheder 8309 døde, hvoraf 70% er kvinder og børn, og 2/3 dele af de døde var blevet
slået ihjel i deres hjem. 21,048 var på dette tidspunkt såret. Antallet af intern fordrevne var fortsat
på over 1.4 millioner.
2.3.1 Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger i perioden
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 24. Udgivet den 30. oktober 2023
Hostilities and casualties
Since 7 October, 8,309 Palestinians have been killed, including at least 3,457 children* and at least 2,062 women,
and about 21,048 have been injured, according to the MoH in Gaza. Among these fatalities, 995 have not been iden-
tified yet, including at least 248 children.
According to the MoH in Gaza, over two thirds of the fatalities have been reportedly killed in their homes. Relatedly,
a total of 192 Palestinian families have lost ten or more of their members, 136 Palestinian families have lost 6 to 9
members, and 444 families have lost two to five of their members, the Ministry says.
Since 7 October, 19 IDPs sheltering in UNRWA premises have been killed and 310 have been injured. In total, 44
UNRWA installations have been damaged since 7 October.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has documented three new attacks on health care since noon on 29 October,
with damage to two hospitals and destruction of an ambulance. One of the attacks on 30 October was against the
PRCS Al Quds Hospital, in Tel Al Hawa neighbourhood of Gaza city, where damages due to nearby bombardment
resulted in severe debris and dust entering the hospital with inhalation and suffocation among patients, staff, and
Additionally, on 30 October, Israeli forces continued for the second consecutive day to target the vicinity of hospitals
causing damage to An Nasser hospital, the Turkish Friendship Hospital (the only cancer hospital), and an UNRWA
health centre. Additionally, the PRCS warehouses next to Al Quds Hospital were hit and damaged.
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 17. Udgivet den 23. oktober 2023
Hostilities and casualties
As of 23 October, the World Health Organization (WHO) has documented 72 attacks on health care in the Gaza Strip
that have resulted in 16 fatalities and 30 injuries of health care workers on duty. The attacks have affected 34 health
care facilities (including 19 hospitals damaged) and 24 ambulances. Twelve hospitals and 46 primary care clinics
are no longer functioning, while all hospitals are implementing emergency contingency plans that affect functioning
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
and access to health care. The extent of damage sustained by educational facilities and other civilian infrastructure
is a growing concern
ACLED. Fact Sheet - Israel and Palestine Conflict. Udgivet den 9. og senest opdateret den 31. oktober 2023.
”Update: 31. October 2023
Unprecedented Israeli Aerial Bombardment of Gaza Leads into Ground Operation
Israeli airstrikes have continued unabated across the coastal enclave since 7 October, with the Gaza Health Ministry
indicating that the death toll has surpassed 8,000 people, the majority of whom are children and women. The scale of
Israel’s aerial campaign during the first phase of operations has been unprecedented, with the IDF firing more than
8,000 munitions into the Gaza Strip within three weeks. ACLED records over 600 airstrike events in 54 locations
during this period. Despite Gaza’s small size of just 360 square kilometers, this represents the highest number of
airstrike events recorded within a single month for any country or territory in the Middle East since 2020. (see graph
While Israel has conducted hundreds of airstrikes across all governorates in the Gaza Strip, Gaza City in the north
has seen the most intense bombardment (see map below). Israel has issued warnings that shelters are not safe in
northern Gaza, urging civilians to evacuate to the south,
but 600,000 people are believed to remain in the north.
missiles struck a Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza City, killing at least 16 Palestinians, on 19 October. Israel has been
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
also increasingly pressuring hospitals in northern Gaza – including al-Quds hospital sheltering hundreds of patients
and over 14,000 displaced people – to evacuate, conducting airstrikes in the vicinity of the health facilities.
the evacuation orders, Israeli forces have also continued to target areas in the south.
Following a night of heavy bombardment as well as a communications and internet outage, Israeli ground forces
entered the Gaza Strip on 27 October, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu officially announcing the start of the
“second stage” of the war a day later. While the IDF has remained vague about the location and number of Israeli
troops already deployed, its forces are believed to be pushing forward slowly and cautiously in three entry zones (see
map below). Tanks and armored vehicles have entered the semi-rural area to the north of Gaza City, while IDF forces
have clashed with Hamas militants adjacent to the Erez crossing at entrances of the group’s underground network.
By 30 October there were reports that Israeli tanks had reached Gaza’s main north-south road in an effort to cut
Gaza City off from the south. On 31 October, clashes were reported in the al-Tawam area, northwest of Gaza City.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Insecurity Insight. Attacks on Health Care in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Udgivet i oktober 2023
Insecurity Insight has identified 171 incidents of violence against or obstruction of access to health care in Israel and
the occupied Palestinian territories between 07-31 October 2023. […]
“In the oPt where 163 incidents were recorded, 30 incidents reported health facilities being extensively damaged,
some facilities were damaged more than once, 47 health workers were killed in 26 incidents and 26 injured in 12
incidents by explosive weapons used by Israeli forces in Gaza.
Internt fordrevne
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - Flash Update 24. Udgivet den 30. oktober 2023
The cumulative number of IDPs since the start of hostilities in Gaza is estimated at over 1.4 million. This figure
includes nearly 672,00 people staying in 150 UNRWA facilities, 121,750 sheltering in hospitals, churches, and other
public buildings, and nearly 83,000 in 72 non-UNRWA schools. In addition, the Ministry of Social Development esti-
mates that some 700,000 IDPs are residing with host families.
2.4 Uge 4 (31. oktober – 7. november 2023)
Ifølge baggrundsoplysningerne fortsatte det israelske militær sin landoffensiv i det nordlige Gaza
i konfliktens 4. uge. Endvidere fortsatte sammenstød mellem det israelske militær og bevæbnede
palæstinensiske grupper samt intense bombardementer i hele Gaza. Ved udgangen af konfliktens
4. uge var der ifølge oplysninger fra de palæstinensiske myndigheder 10,328 døde, hvoraf 67% er
kvinder og børn. 25,956 var på dette tidspunkt såret. Antallet af intern fordrevne var på over 1.5
2.4.1 Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger i perioden
RSF – Reporters Sans Frontières. Israel-Palestine war. 41 journalists, more than one a day, killed in first month of
Israel-Palestine war. Udgivet den 7. november 2023
total of 41 journalists have so far been killed in the Israel-Palestine war which began on 7 October. 36 among
them are Palestinian reporters killed by Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip.
Nowhere is safe for journalists in the Gaza Strip. Whether they are out in the open, operating in press tents set up
near hospitals, or working in their homes or makeshift shelters with their loved ones, the reporters in the Gaza Strip
who continue to cover one of this century’s deadliest wars are in constant, imminent danger of death.
Just one month after the shocking attack by Hamas and Israel’s armed response, the toll is terrifying – no fewer than
36 journalists killed by Israeli strikes in Gaza in 31 days of war.
Disregard for obligation to protect journalists
The Israeli authorities have repeatedly said that their armed forces are “not targeting journalists” but they have not
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
hidden their lack of interest in protecting them either. According to the information so far gathered by RSF, ten of
the 36 journalists killed in the Gaza Strip were killed while clearly covering the news.
More than 50 media premises have been completely or partially destroyed by Israeli strikes. The latest was
Agence France-Presse bureau on 3 November.
Five days earlier, on 28 October, at the start of a
media black-
during a ground operation,
the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) notified AFP and the Reuters news agency
that they could not “guarantee the safety of their journalists in Gaza.”
2.5 Uge 5 (8 – 15. november 2023)
I konfliktens 5. uge flygtede hundredetusinder palæstinensere ifølge baggrundsoplysninger på op-
fordring og pres fra det israelske militær fra det nordlige til det sydlige Gaza gennem en ”korridor”
åbnet af det israelske militær. Bombadementer fra det israelske militær fortsatte endvidere i hele
Gaza, og det samme gjorde sammenstød mellem det israelske militær og bevæbnede palæstinen-
siske grupper. Ved udgangen af konfliktens 5. uge var der ifølge oplysninger fra de palæstinensiske
myndigheder 11,078 døde
, hvoraf 68% er kvinder og børn. 27,490 var på dette tidspunkt såret.
Antallet af intern fordrevne var på over 1.6 millioner.
2.5.1 Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger i perioden
UNWRA. Situation Report 29 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Udgivet
den 13. november 2023, s. 119-126 i den samlede PDF
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
In the last 24 hours, one UNRWA staff member was killed with her family in the north of the Gaza Strip due
to strikes. In total, 102 UNRWA colleagues have been killed and at least 27 injured since the beginning of
the hostilities. This is the highest number of United Nations aid workers killed in a conflict in the history of
the United Nations.
One UNRWA school in the north and one UNRWA building designated as a residence for UN interna-
tional staff in Rafah area were directly hit by strikes.
UN international staff present in Rafah had left the
building 90 minutes before the strike. No casualties were reported among the staff although the guesthouse
was severely damaged. This strike is yet another indication that nowhere is safe in Gaza. The coordinates
of the UN international staff guesthouse were shared twice, including on 10 November. UNRWA shares
coordinates of all its facilities across the Gaza Strip with parties to the conflict.
In an UNRWA school in the Middle area, three internally displaced people were injured due to a nearby
UNRWA received extremely concerning reports that Israeli Security Forces (ISF) entered one UNRWA
school and two UNRWA health centres in the Gaza Strip with tanks and used the installations for military
operations. UNRWA is further verifying these reports.
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza Strip
One UNRWA colleague was killed with her family in the North area due to strikes. 102 staff members have
been killed since the beginning of the war.
Nearly one third of the UNRWA colleagues who were killed were below the Wadi Gaza line,
in the south-
ern and middle areas of the Gaza Strip.
Dødstallene er ikke opdateret af de palæstinensiske myndigheder efter den 10. november 2023 som følge af ”the
collapse of services and communications at hospitals in the north”
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
One UNRWA school in the north was directly impacted by a strike that hit the middle of the schoolyard.
No injuries were reported but the strike caused damage to the school building and created a large hole in
the middle of the schoolyard. According to the latest available reports, over 8,300 internally displaced peo-
ple (IDPs) were sheltering in the school as of 12 October.
An UNRWA building used as a residence by international UN staff in Rafah was directly hit by artillery
The upper floor of the building, the internal compound and the perimeter wall were severely damaged.
No injuries were reported as the international UN staff had left the location shortly before the strikes.
Due to strikes close to one UNRWA school in Deir Al-Balah, in the Middle areas, three IDPs were injured
by shrapnel that fell inside the school. 4,000 IDPs are sheltering in the school.
UNRWA received extremely concerning reports that Israeli Security Forces (ISF) entered one school
and two health centres in Gaza city with tanks and used the installations for military operations.
The re-
ports received by UNRWA state that ISF conducted interrogations and arrests of IDPs in the installations.
In one health centre, five people were reportedly killed.
According to the reports, IDPs were subsequently
forced to leave the UNRWA installations and move south towards Wadi Gaza. Witnesses reported that
Israeli Forces then struck the two health centres with artillery fire. UNRWA is further verifying these
reports. If confirmed, the military use of UNRWA facilities raises serious concerns, as such use puts ci-
vilians at serious risk of harm.
Directing attacks against civilian objects is a serious violation of interna-
tional law. Health centres, in particular, are also afforded special protection against attack.
At least 561 IDPs sheltering in UNRWA premises have been injured and 66 killed since 7 October.
number of killed and injured IDPs is likely to be higher as UNRWA is still trying to verify casualties of in-
cidents impacting her installations in the North and in Gaza areas.
At least 63 UNRWA installations have been impacted since the beginning of the war.
Most of these are
south of Wadi Gaza, in the middle and southern areas.
UNWRA. Situation Report 30 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)
Udgivet den 14. november 2023, s. 127-132 i den samlede PDF
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza Strip
One UNRWA colleague was injured while she was travelling in an UNRWA vehicle that sustained collateral
damage due to strikes nearby, in Nuseirat camp, Middle Area. 102 colleagues have been killed since the
beginning of the war.
Nearly one third of the UNRWA colleagues who were killed were below the Wadi Gaza line,
in the southern
and middle areas of the Gaza Strip.
UNRWA received another extremely concerning report that Israeli Forces entered an UNRWA school in
Gaza City and used the installation for military operations, including using it as a sniper position. UNRWA
is further verifying this report. If confirmed, the military use of UNRWA facilities raises serious concerns,
as such use puts civilians at serious risk of harm, in addition to being a severe breach of UN privileges and
Due to strikes close to one UNRWA school in Nuseirat camp, in the Middle area, two IDPs were injured by
shrapnel that fell inside the school. Over 6,400 IDPs are sheltering in the school.
At least 563 IDPs sheltering in UNRWA premises have been injured and 71 killed since 7 October. The
number of killed and injured IDPs is likely to be higher as UNRWA is still trying to verify casualties of
incidents impacting its installations in the North and Gaza areas.
At least 64 UNRWA installations have been impacted since the beginning of the war.
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel Flash update 39. Udgivet den 14. November 2023
Hostilities and casualties (Gaza Strip)
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Overnight (13-14 November), clashes continued between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in and around
Gaza city as well as in several areas in the North Gaza governorate and in Khan Younis (in the south). Intense strikes
by Israeli forces also continue in the south, and ground incursions appear to continue in the area south-east of Khan
Yunis. Israeli ground troops have maintained the effective severance of the north from the south, except for the “cor-
ridor” to the south
(Gaza Strip)
On 14 November, for the twelfth consecutive day, the Israeli military – which has called and exerted pressure on
residents of the north to leave southwards – opened a “corridor” along the main traffic artery, Salah Ad Deen
Road, between 9:00 and 16:00. OCHA’s monitoring team estimates that about 17,000-18,000 moved on 14 Novem-
ber, significantly less than in the previous days.
Numerous reports indicate that Israeli forces have been carrying out arrests among IDPs fleeing through the corri-
dor, alongside allegations of beating, stripping and other forms of violence. […]
Over 1.5 million people in Gaza are estimated to be internally displaced, including about 787,000 IDPs who are
staying in at least 154 UNRWA shelters.[…]”
2.6 Uge 6 (16. – 22. november 2023)
De intense bombadementer og sammenstød mellem det israelske militær og bevæbnede palæsti-
nensiske gruppe i hele Gaza fortsatte ifølge baggrundsoplysningerne i konfliktens 6. uge. Endvi-
dere fastholdt det israelske militær deres opfordring til folk i det nordlige Gaza om at evakuere til
det sydlige Gaza. Ved udgangen af konfliktens 6. uge var der ifølge oplysninger fra de palæstinen-
siske myndigheder over 14,500 døde, hvoraf 69 % er kvinder og børn. Over 35,000 var på dette
tidspunkt såret. Antallet af intern fordrevne var på over 1.7 millioner, svarende til over 70 % af
Gazas befolkning.
2.6.1 Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger i perioden
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel Flash update 47. Udgivet den 22. November 2023
“Key Points
UNRWA confirmed that 15 IDPs were killed in the 21 November incident, where a school in Al Bureij Camp serving
as a shelter was directly hit (reported in Flash Update #46). Of them, nine were children and four were women; and
another 20 people were injured. The school was hosting about 1,000 IDPs who were subsequently evacuated. Since
7 October, at least 191 people sheltering in UNRWA schools have been killed and 798 reported injured.
“Hostilities and casualties (Gaza Strip)
According to the Gaza Media Office, as of 14:00 on 22 November, more than 14,500 people have been killed in Gaza,
including about 6,000 children and 4,000 women. This office, which is under the local authorities in Gaza, has as-
sumed MoH’s role after the latter stopped updating fatality tolls.
Internt fordrevne
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel Flash update 45. Udgivet den 20. November 2023
“Key points
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
On 20 November, an estimated 25,000 additional people fled the north through the Salah Ad Deen “corridor.” Due
to the lack of space in existing shelters in the south, thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) are sleeping out
in the open, against the walls of shelters, seeking food and water, as well as protection. Their situation has signifi-
cantly worsened in the past 24 hours, as they became exposed to the heavy rains.
“Displacement (Gaza Strip)
Over 1.7 million people in Gaza are estimated to be internally displaced, including almost 900,000 IDPs who are
staying in at least 154 UNRWA shelters. UNRWA shelters are accommodating far more people than their intended
capacity and are unable to accommodate new arrivals.
2.7 Uge 7 (23. – 28. november 2023)
I den 6. uge trådte en humanitær pause i kraft i Gaza. Ifølge baggrundsoplysningerne har begge
parter overholdt våbenhvilen i dens firedages varighed med undtagelse af det israelske militærs
beskydning af et ukendt antal palæstinensere, der forsøgte at tage tilbage til deres hjem i det nord-
lige Gaza. Dette resulterede i flere dødsfald. Den 27. november 2023 indgik parterne en aftale om
at forlænge den humanitære pause med yderligere to døgn. Ved udgangen af konfliktens 6. uge
var der ifølge oplysninger fra de palæstinensiske myndigheder over 14,800 døde. Over 36,000 var
på dette tidspunkt såret. Antallet af intern fordrevne var på over 1.8 millioner, svarende til næsten
80 % af Gazas befolkning.
2.7.1 Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger i perioden
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel Flash update 48. Udgivet den 23. November 2023
“Hostilities and casualties (Gaza Strip)
Bombardment and ground clashes have intensified over the past 24 hours. Israeli troops have maintained the effective
severance of the north from the south along Wadi Gaza, except for the “corridor” to the south.
On 23 November, at about 2:50, a residential building was struck in eastern Khan Yunis, southern Gaza, reportedly
killing at least 14 people and injuring 13 others. On 22 November, at about 23:30, a residential building in Al
Junainah area in Rafah, southern Gaza, was also hit, reportedly killing 14 people.
According to the Government Media Office (GMO), as of 18:00 on 23 November, more than 14,800 people have been
killed in Gaza, including about 6,000 children and 4,000 women. This office, which is under the local authorities in
Gaza, has assumed MoH’s role following the collapse of services and communications at hospitals in the north.
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel Flash update 51. Udgivet den 26. November 2023
“Key Points
The humanitarian pause, agreed upon by Israel and Hamas, which took effect on 24 November, has been largely
maintained for the third consecutive day. This pause has enabled the UN to enhance the delivery of assistance into
and across Gaza.
“Hostilities and casualties (Gaza Strip)
Since the humanitarian pause entered into force at 7:00 on 24 November, airstrikes, shelling, and ground clashes
have reportedly ceased.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
In one incident involving Israeli tank fire east of the Al -Maghazi refugee camp, in the Middle Area, one Palestinian
man was reportedly killed and another injured; the circumstances remain unclear.
According to the Government Media Office, as of 18:00 on 23 November, more than 14,800 people have been killed
in Gaza, including about 6,000 children and 4,000 women. This office, which is under the de facto authorities in Gaza,
has been reporting casualties since the Ministry of Health in Gaza stopped doing so on 11 November, following the
collapse of services and communications at hospitals in the north.”
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel Flash update 52. Udgivet den 27. November 2023
“Displacement (Gaza Strip)
Some IDPs in the south have been trying to go back to their homes in the north, despite the Israeli forces’ announce-
ment that such movement is forbidden. On 24, 25 and 26 November, there were reports of shooting by Israeli forces
towards such IDPs, resulting in several casualties.
Internt fordrevne
OCHAoPt. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel Flash update 52. Udgivet den 27. November 2023
“Displacement (Gaza Strip)
Over 1.8 million people in Gaza, or nearly 80 per cent of the population, are estimated to be internally displaced. Of
them, nearly 1.1 million IDPs are sheltering in 156 UNRWA facilities across Gaza. On 26 November, at least 13,000
additional IDPs sought refuge in UNRWA shelters in the south, presumably seeking food and services.
About 191,000 IDPs are estimated to be in 124 public schools and hospitals, as well as in other venues such as
wedding halls, offices, and community centres. The rest are sheltered by host families.
Concerns have been raised about vulnerable groups of people who are struggling with difficult shelter conditions.
This includes people with disabilities; women who are pregnant, have recently given birth, or are breastfeeding;
people who are recovering from injuries or surgeries; and those with compromised immune systems.