Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2023-24
UUI Alm.del
15. november 2023
Notat om UNRWAs beskyttelse og bistand i Gaza
1. Indledning
Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg drøftede på møde i udvalget den 12. oktober 2023 den
aktuelle voldelige konflikt mellem Israel og Hamas og den deraf følgende meget ustabile og ufor-
udsigelige sikkerhedssituation i Gaza. Udvalget besluttede på mødet at udsætte udrejsefristen for
statsløse palæstinensere fra Gaza, der er i udsendelsesposition. Denne beslutning vedrører to sager.
I forlængelse af mødet i koordinationsudvalget besluttede udvalget videre at berostille behandlin-
gen af sager vedrørende statsløse palæstinensere fra Gaza. Berostillelsen vedrører to sager. Der
var desuden enighed i udvalget om at følge situationen i Gaza nøje.
Siden det seneste møde i koordinationsudvalget er situationen i Gaza forværret i en sådan grad, at
det efter sekretariatets opfattelse giver anledning til at foretage en nærmere overvejelse af:
Flygtningekonventionens artikel 1 D, herunder om UNRWA er i stand til at yde beskyttelse
og bistand i Gaza og om liv, fysisk integritet, sikkerhed eller frihed er truet, eller andre
seriøse beskyttelsesrelaterede grunde gør sig gældende for de pågældende.
De generelle forhold i Gaza, herunder om forholdene i Gaza eller dele af Gaza nu er af en
sådan karakter, at de opfylder betingelserne i udlændingelovens § 7, stk. 3.
Til brug for drøftelserne i Flygtningenævnets formandskab og koordinationsudvalg har sekretari-
atet udarbejdet nærværende notat vedrørende de foreliggende baggrundsoplysninger om UNR-
WAs mulighed for at aktuelt at yde beskyttelse og bistand i Gaza. Notatet indeholder en kort be-
skrivelse af flygtningekonventions artikel 1 D, en kort opsummering af baggrundsoplysninger fra
UNRWA udgivet i perioden fra 7. oktober til den 14. november 2023 samt udvalgte uddrag herfra.
Nærværende notat vil blive opdateret med oplysninger for perioden 15. november til 28. november
2023. Den generelle situation i Gaza, herunder den generaliserede vold og civile tab, vil blive
behandlet i et særskilt notat herom.
Generelt vedrørende baggrundsoplysningerne på Gaza bemærkes det, at der, henset til den aktuelle
voldelige konflikts nylige opståen, endnu ikke er udarbejdet større rapporter fra anerkendte inter-
nationale kilder. Det bemærkes i den forbindelse, at manglende adgang for internationale journa-
lister til Gaza
samt kommunikation-breakdowns i Gaza
vanskeliggør adgangen til pålidelige,
CNN. News organizations send letter to leaders of Israel and Egypt seeking access to Gaza Strip as war escalates.
Udgivet den 13. november 2023
CNN. Comminications in Gaza are heavily disrups with little internet service. Udgivet den 13. november 2023
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UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
dækkende og opdaterede oplysninger om situationen i Gaza. Det betyder, at store dele af oplys-
ningerne, som fremgår af baggrundsmaterialet, stammer fra de palæstinensiske myndigheder, og
er ikke valideret af internationale anerkendte kilder.
2. Flygtningekonventionens artikel 1 D
Asylsager vedrørende statsløse palæstinensere fra Gaza, der har nydt beskyttelse eller bistand fra
UNRWA, herunder enten har været registeret i UNRWA eller har modtaget hjælp fra UNRWA
vurderes i henhold til flygtningekonventionens artikel 1D.
Flygtningekonventionens artikel 1 D har følgende ordlyd:
”Denne konvention skal ikke finde anvendelse på personer, som for nærværende nyder beskyttelse eller
bistand fra andre organer eller institutioner under De Forenede Nationer end De Forenede Nationers
højkommissær for flygtninge. Såfremt af en eller anden grund denne beskyttelse eller bistand er bort-
faldet, uden at disse personers forhold er blevet endeligt fastlagt i overensstemmelse med de derpå sig-
tende beslutninger, vedtagne af De Forenede Nationers plenarforsamling, skal disse personer uden vi-
dere være berettiget til at nyde de i denne konvention omhandlede fordele.”
Flygtningekonventionens artikel 1 D er en udelukkelsesbestemmelse, og såfremt en statsløs palæ-
stinenser er omfattet af bestemmelsens 1. pkt., er den pågældende udelukket fra beskyttelse efter
flygtningekonventionen. Udelukkelse fra beskyttelse efter artikel 1 D ophører, hvis vedkommende
opfylder betingelserne i artikel 1 D, 2. pkt.
For at udelukkelsen ophører efter artikel 1 D, 2. pkt., skal beskyttelsen eller bistanden fra UNRWA
være bortfaldet. Dette er tilfældet, såfremt mindst et af nedenstående forhold gør sig gældende, jf.
herved UNHCR’s Guidelines on International Protection no. 13, Applicability of Article 1D of the
1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees to Palestinian Refugees
, pkt. 22 (i) – (iv):
1) UNRWAs mandat ophører
2) UNRWA er ude af stand til yde beskyttelse eller bistand i det pågældende operationsom-
3) Den pågældendes liv, fysiske integritet, sikkerhed eller frihed er truet, eller andre seriøse
beskyttelsesrelaterede grunde gør sig gældende for den statsløse palæstinenser
4) Praktiske, juridiske og/eller sikkerhedsbarrierer afskærer den statsløse palæstinenser fra at
(gen)indrejse i UNRWAs mandatområde og på ny modtage UNRWAs beskyttelse eller
Retsvirkningen af, at en af ovenstående ophørsgrunde gør sig gældende, er ifølge Flygtningenæv-
nets praksis, at den pågældende automatisk anses for omfattet af flygtningekonventionen og vil
CNN. Gaza is in the brink of a communication blackout, Palestinian telecommunication minister warns. Udgivet den
13. november 2023
Præmisserne 51-53 i EU-domstolens Bolbol-dom.
Optaget som baggrundsmateriale på Flygtningenævnets hjemmeside under Gaza med bilagsnummer 453
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
skulle meddeles opholdstilladelse efter udlændingelovens § 7, stk. 1. (med mindre der er grundlag
for at udelukke vedkommende).
Det bemærkes, at det på baggrund af den aktuelle situation i Gaza er relevant at overveje ophørs-
grundene 2 og 3, men at dette notat, som anført ovenfor, er afgrænset til at redegøre for baggrunds-
oplysninger vedrørende UNRWAs mulighed for aktuelt at yde beskyttelse og bistand i Gaza.
3. Baggrundsoplysninger om UNRWAs mulighed for aktuelt at yde beskyttelse og bi-
stand i Gaza
UNRWAs mandat omfatter humanitær beskyttelse og bistand, herunder blandt andet primær ud-
dannelse, primær sundhedsbehandling, understøttelse samt sociale ydelser, beskyttelse og nød-
hjælp til statsløse palæstinensere i blandt andet Gaza.
UNRWAs mandatområde omfatter udover
Gaza også Vestbredden, Libanon, Syrien og Jordan.
UNRWA har perioden fra den 7. oktober til og med den 15. november 2023 udgivet 30
”situation reports” dækkende perioden fra den 7. oktober til og med den 13. november 2023. Se-
kretariatet har nedenfor udarbejdet en kort opsummering af baggrundsoplysningerne, og der er i
forlængelse heraf indsat ugentlige uddrag fra de udgivne ”situation reports”.
Det fremgår af baggrundsoplysningerne, at UNRWA ikke yder beskyttelse eller bistand i Gaza by
og det nordlige Gaza.
Videre fremgår det, at UNRWA fortsat yder beskyttelse og bistand i begrænset omfang i det cen-
trale og sydlige Gaza
, men at den ydede beskyttelse og bistand siden 7. oktober 2023 har været
ekstremt udfordret som følge af sikkerhedssituationen samt manglen på humanitært udstyr.
Ifølge de seneste oplysninger fra UNRWA er næsten 1,6 millioner mennesker intern fordrevne i
Gaza, hvoraf 795,500 opholder sig i 154 UNRWA-faciliteter.
634,500 IDPs
opholder sig i 97
UNRWA-faciliteter i det centrale og sydlige Gaza.
Gaza har under aktuelle konflikt været underlagt total og sidenhen delvis blokade, hvilket har for-
værret den humanitære situation. Inden den aktuelle konflikt kom der gennemsnitligt pr. arbejds-
dag 500 lastbiler med humanitært udstyr ind i Gaza, mens der er siden den 21. oktober er kommet
i alt 1129 lastbiler med humanitært udstyr ind i Gaza
Det er, henset til sikkerhedssituationen og manglen på humanitære midler, ikke muligt for
UNRWA at imødekomme det aktuelle behov for beskyttelse og bistand. I Gaza by og det nordlige
Gaza yder UNRWA ikke beskyttelse og bistand, og i det centrale og sydlige Gaza er der kritisk
mangel på livsvigtige fornødenheder, herunder blandt andet indkvartering, brændstof, vand, mad
Pr. 15. november 2023
Området mellem Nord Gaza og Gaza samt Khan Yunis og Rafah-området.
UNWRA. Situation Report 20 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)
Udgivet den 14. november 2023, s. 127 i den samlede PDF
Internally displaced persons
OCHA. Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel – Reported impact, Day 39. Udgivet den 14. november 2023
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
og sundhedsudstyr.
Eksempelvis fremgår det blandt andet, at UNRWA–faciliteter er ekstremt
overfyldte og ikke kan huse nyankomne internt fordrevne, og at mange internt fordrevne må bo på
, at de aktuelle midler dækker 39 % af det samlede behov for mad samt, at alene 1% af det
sanitære behov kan opfyldes. For så vidt angår sikkerhedssituationen er 11078 personer døde,
hvoraf 102 af dem er UNRWA ansatte, hvilket er det højeste antal dræbte FN-medarbejdere i en
konflikt og 64 UNRWA installationer er blevet beskadiget, hvoraf 70% af dem er beliggende i det
centrale og sydlige Gaza
Endelig fremgår det af baggrundsoplysningerne, at det på grund af mangel på brændstof bliver
mere udfordrende at få opdaterede tal og informationer, samt at brændstofreserverne i de ni (ud af
22) UNRWA sundhedscentre, der stadig er operationelle i det centrale og sydlige Gaza ifølge
UNRWRAs Situation Report af 14. november 2023, vil være udtømt den 14. november 2023.
Sundhedscentrene vil herefter være afhængige af ustabil solenergi.
Manglen på brændstof vil
endvidere pr. 15. november medføre, at de offentlige sanitære faciliteter vil begynde at lukke ned,
hvilket vil medføre at flere hundredetusinde IDPs i UNRWA-lejre vil blive afskåret fra vand
UNWRA. UNRWA Situation Report 6 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusa-
lem). Udgivet den 15. oktober 2023, side 15 og 16.
“Area General Updates
14 UNRWA staff members have been killed.
These are confirmed reports, but the number is likely higher.
23 confirmed reports
UNRWA installations
across the Gaza Strip have been impacted as a result of
airstrikes but the total number is likely to be higher.
Over one million people – almost half the total population of Gaza - have been displaced. Some
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are
in the Middle Area, Khan Yunis and Rafah, of those, nearly
are in UNRWA facilities - much exceeding our capacity to assist in any meaningful way, including with space
in our shelters, food, water or psychological support. Despite the Israeli Forces’ evacuation order, an
known number of IDPs remain in UNRWA schools in Gaza city and the North. UNRWA is no longer able
to assist or protect them.
Over 160,000 IDPs were sheltering in 57 UNRWA premises, including—but not
only—Designated Emergency Shelters in these areas at the time of the Israeli evacuation order.
UNRWA in Gaza found some water in local shops, but rations are still down to one litre of water per per-
son per day for the UNRWA teams in the Rafah logistics base (to cover drinking and all other needs).
People across Gaza have severely limited access to clean drinking water. As a last resort, people are con-
suming brackish water from agricultural wells, triggering serious concerns over the spread of waterborne
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 15. oktober 2023
UNWRA. Situation Report 20 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)
Udgivet den 14. november 2023, s. 132 i den samlede PDF
UNRWA. Situation Report 13 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)
Udgivet den 23. Oktober 2023, s. 39 i den samlede PDF, og Situation Report 20 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and
the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) Udgivet den 14. november 2023, s. 129 i den samlede PDF
UNWRA. Situation Report 20 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)
Udgivet den 14. november 2023, s. 132 i den samlede PDF
UNWRA. Situation Report 20 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)
Udgivet den 14. november 2023, s. 128 ff. i den samlede PDF
Ibid s. 130 i den samlede PDF
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
For the fifth consecutive day, Gaza has had no electricity, pushing vital services, including health, water
and sanitation to the brink of collapse, and worsening food insecurity.
As of 15 October, eight
UNRWA health centres
were operational across Gaza providing primary health-
care services, with estimated supplies of less than one month.”
UNWRA. Situation Report 12 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) Udgivet
den 22. oktober 2023, s. 35-37 i den samlede PDF
The Gaza Strip
• Another six UNRWA staff have been confirmed killed, bringing the total to
35 staff killed since 7 October.
Across the Gaza Strip, nearly 600,000 internally displaced people are sheltering in 150 UNRWA facilities1.
Nearly 420,000 IDPs are sheltering in 93 UNRWA shelters in Middle, Khan Younis and Rafah areas.
This represents an increase of 14,000 (3.5 per cent) IDPs in the past 24 hours.
• A total of 40 UNRWA installations have been damaged since 7 October, including
two in the last 24 hours.”
Det fremgår af fodnote 1 at:
“Nearly 160,000 IDPs were sheltering in 57 UNRWA schools in the North and Gaza
areas as of 12 October 2023, before the evacuation order. UNRWA is no longer able to provide services to the IDPs
in those areas due to the ongoing hostilities and does not have accurate information on their needs and conditions.
Overall situation
The Gaza strip
On average, the shelters are hosting about 2.57 times their designed capacity.
The most crowded shelter,
at its most severe level of overcrowding, was hosting
11 times more people than its designed capacity.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 22. oktober 2023
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza strip
Among those killed are
35 UNRWA colleagues, while another 18 have been injured
since 7 October.
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
In total, 40 UNRWA installations have been damaged since 7 October.”
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Out of the 22 UNRWA health centres, eight are operational, offering primary healthcare services to refugees.
These centres recorded a
total of 4,062 visits on 22 October,
for refugees and non-refugees. This is around
one-third of average daily patient visits before 7 October.
Telemedicine services remain unavailable due to communication network issues across the Gaza Strip.
Healthcare services were maintained within the shelters, with the
support of 89 mobile medical units
and medical teams, which attended a total of 9,068 cases at shelters.
According to initial health assessments that the UNRWA mobile medical teams conducted with the IDPs in
UNRWA shelter, there are
over 18,000 persons with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), nearly 3,200
pregnant women and around 320 post-natal cases requiring medical attention.
The UNRWA stocks of medicines are critically decreasing with different medicines available for between five
to fifteen days.
Sanitation services/WASH
Water trucking operations to the shelters in Rafah and Khan Younis areas continue, but the availability is
not enough to meet the needs of the displaced in UNRWA shelters.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 30. oktober 2023
UNWRA. Situation Report 18 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) Udgivet
den 30. oktober 2023, s. 60-62 i den samlede PDF
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
In the last 24 hours,
three UNRWA staff have been killed
in ongoing strikes, while in their houses with their
families, bringing the total to
67 UNRWA colleagues killed
since 7 October.
The situation in shelters remains critical, with
very limited assistance available and no additional space to
accommodate the increasing number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs).
than 670,000 people
are sheltering in nearly 150 UNRWA installations
across the Gaza Strip, facing deteriorating humanitarian
conditions and health and protection risks.
Overall situation
The Gaza strip
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
Since 7 October,
67 UNRWA colleagues have been killed and at least 22 injured.
In total,
44 UNRWA installations have been damaged
since 7 October.
On 30 October,
a total of 26 trucks of humanitarian supplies entered Gaza
through the Rafah crossing with
Egypt. UNRWA teams received those shipments on the Gaza side and help with the storage and distribution
Humanitarian needs remain dire and the assistance currently available is not enough to cover the most basic
requirements of the affected population.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
in cooperation with other UN agencies. The convoys included some medical supplies, food, and water, but
none of these are UNRWA’s. To date, 143 trucks entered Gaza since 21 October in total, following two weeks
of tight siege (OCHA).
UNRWA Shelters
Overcrowding in shelters continues to cause severe health and protection impact for IDPs and is leaving a
heavy toll on their mental health. The average number of IDPs per shelter is close to four times their intended
Nine UNRWA health centres are still operational
in the Middle and South areas, recording
4,282 patient
on 30 October, including refugees and non-refugees.
Health-care services were maintained in the 92 UNRWA shelters in the Middle and Southern areas, with the
support of mobile medical units and medical teams, serving 9,100 persons on 30 October.
Fuel stocks for health facilities will be completely exhausted in five days, putting at risk the provision of
essential health services.
Psychosocial Support
In cooperation with Humanity and Inclusion, 2,600 persons with disabilities, injured persons, children and
elderly were provided with hygiene kits, assistive devices, eyeglasses, first aid kits and baby kits.
UNRWA has counsellors and social workers in the shelters, who provide psychological first aid and other
specialized protection services. Since the beginning of the crisis, UNRWA social workers provided 15,500
people with psychosocial support and social work services.
Water and Sanitation Services (WASH)
UNRWA distributed 990 hygiene kits to pregnant women and women who have given birth in UNRWA shel-
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 1. november 2023
UNWRA. Situation Report 20 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) Udgivet
den 1. november 2023, s. 69-73 i den samlede PDF
Overall situation
The Gaza Strip
The health system is collapsing due to a lack of fuel, medicines and supplies, damage to health facilities
and hospitals and to roads and infrastructure, which makes transporting the injured to the hospitals almost
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 7. november 2023
UNWRA. Situation Report 24 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) Udgivet
den 7. november 2023, s. 89-93 i den samlede PDF
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
In the last 24 hours, one additional UNRWA colleague was killed, and another seriously injured.
colleagues have been killed and at least 26 injured since the start of hostilities.
This is the highest number
of United Nations aid workers killed in a conflict in the history of the United Nations.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
One UNRWA school in the north of Gaza was directly hit by strikes, which resulted in one person killed
and nine injured among the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) sheltering in the school.
Almost 1.5 million people have been displaced across the Gaza Strip since 7 October.
Nearly 725,000 are
sheltering in 149 UNRWA installations across all five governorates of Gaza, including in the north.
Over 565,000 IDPs are sheltering in 92 facilities in the Middle, Khan Younis and Rafah areas. Nearly
160,000 IDPs were sheltering in 57 UNRWA schools
in the northern and Gaza areas as of 12 October 2023,
before the evacuation order was issued by the Israeli Authorities. UNRWA is not able to access these shelters
to assist or protect the IDPs and does not have information on their needs and conditions.
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza strip
To date, 540 IDPs sheltering in UNRWA facilities have been injured and 66 killed since 7 October.
At least 50 UNRWA installations have been impacted since the beginning of the war
On 6 November, a total of 93 trucks carrying humanitarian supplies, including medical supplies, food
anddrinking water, entered the Gaza Strip through Rafah, bringing the total number of trucks to 569 since
21 October when the first convoy was allowed to enter. Four of the trucks which entered on 6 November
were UNRWA trucks.[…]. This is far below the quantities needed to meet the needs of over two million people
trapped in Gaza.
UNRWA response
The Gaza strip
UNRWA Shelters
While the number of displaced people continues to increase, UNRWA shelters in the Middle and South
areas are severely overcrowded and are unable to accommodate new arrivals. One school in Maghazi camp,
in the Middle area, is now hosting more than 22,800 IDPs, while another school nearby currently has over
19,200 IDPs. 16,700 IDPs are now sheltering at the logistics base in Rafah.
These installations are not
designed to host such a huge number of people and do not have adequate facilities to provide safe and
dignified living conditions.
Persons with specific needs, such as persons with disabilities, pregnant women, older people, cancer and
other chronic disease, are particularly affected by the harsh living conditions in the shelters which are not
equipped to provide specialized services needed by these vulnerable groups.
Nine (out of 22) UNRWA health centres are still operational in the Middle and South areas, recording
patient visits on 6 November,
including Palestine Refugees and non-refugees.
On 6 November 2023,
UNRWA continued to provide health care to IDPs at shelters through 92 mobile
medical points and 264 staff who attended a total of 10,083 cases.
Since 7 October,
UNRWA staff have provided nearly 98,000 patient visits at the UNRWA health centres
and have attended to over 200,000 cases through mobile medical points.
UNRWA received five trucks of medicines through Rafah crossing. However only eight out of 35 critically
needed medicines were received. Additional medical supplies and medicines are urgently needed to continue
providing health services in health centres, at the medical points in shelters and in contracted hospitals.
Fuel is running severely low, making the delivery of primary health care at UNRWA health centres very
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
Water and Sanitation Services (WASH)
Since 7 October, UNRWA has distributed more than half a million bottles of water. However,
given the high
number of people in the shelters, the water provided is not enough to meet personal water consumption
needs as per WHO standards.
Food Security
Eleven bakeries have been hit and destroyed since 7 October. Only one of the WFP-contracted bakeries,
along with eight others in the southern and Middle areas, are able to provide bread to shelters while working
intermittently, depending on the availability of flour and fuel. People queue for long hours outside bakeries,
where they are exposed as bombardments and strikes continue.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 12. november 2023
UNWRA. Situation Report 28 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem Udgivet
den 12. november 2023, s. 114-118 i den samlede PDF
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
UNRWA Shelters
The number of displaced people continues to increase.
UNRWA shelters in the Middle and South areas
are severely overcrowded and are unable to accommodate new arrivals.
Following the opening of three additional UNRWA installations in Rafah to host IDPs, the average
number of IDPs per shelter went down to over 5,000.
The installations are accommodating far more people than their intended capacity.
They are not de-
signed to host such a large number of people and do not have adequate facilities to provide safe and digni-
fied living conditions. The
over-crowdedness is leading to significant spread of diseases, including acute
respiratory illness and diarrhea, raises environmental and health issues and limits the Agency’s ability
to ensure effective and timely services.
The number of toilets differs from one shelter to another. In general, there are 30 to 50 toilets in a school
(including those for persons with disabilities).
People inside shelters continue to suffer from
lack of food, basic survival items, low hygiene levels and
increased mental health issues.
The number of wounded continues to increase while patients in public hospitals are experiencing im-
mense pain as medicines and anaesthetics are running short.
In addition, tens of thousands of displaced
people have sought shelter in hospital parking lots and yards.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 13. november 2023
UNWRA. Situation Report 29 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem Udgivet
den 13. november 2023, s. 119-126 i den samlede PDF
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza Strip
On 12 November,
a total of 48 trucks carrying humanitarian supplies,
including medical supplies, food
and drinking water, entered the Gaza Strip through Rafah,
bringing the total number of trucks to 963
since 21 October when the first convoy was allowed to enter. Of those, 22 of the trucks which entered on
12 November were UNRWA trucks.
UNRWA teams received all trucks in the convoys inside Gaza and
helped with storage and distribution, in cooperation with other UN agencies.
This is far below the quantities needed to meet the needs of over 2 million people trapped in Gaza.
the war, around 500 trucks, including humanitarian assistance but predominantly commercial supplies,
entered Gaza every day.
Uddrag af baggrundsoplysninger udgivet den 14. november 2023
UNWRA. Situation Report 30 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) Udgivet
den 14. november 2023, s. 127-132 i den samlede PDF
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
“Key points
The Gaza Strip
In the last 24 hours, one UNRWA colleague was injured while travelling in an UNRWA vehicle that sus-
tained collateral damage due to nearby strikes.
In total, 102 UNRWA colleagues have been killed since the
beginning of the hostilities. This is the highest number of United Nations aid workers killed in a conflict in
the history of the United Nations.
Almost 1.6 million people have been displaced across the Gaza Strip since 7 October.
Nearly 795,500 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are now sheltering in 154 UNRWA installations
across all five governorates of the Gaza Strip, including in the north.
About 634,500 IDPs are sheltering in 97 facilities in the Middle, Khan Younis and Rafah areas.
160,000 IDPs were sheltering in 57 UNRWA schools in the northern and Gaza areas as of 12 October 2023,
before the evacuation order was issued by the Israeli Authorities. UNRWA is not able to access these shelters
to assist or protect IDPs and does not have information on their needs and conditions.
Obtaining updated figures and information is becoming increasingly challenging, especially in the Middle
area, due to serious communication breakdowns. In some areas, the telecommunications companies have
stopped operating.
It is expected that communications will start to fail as of Thursday 16 November, when
telecommunications companies run out of fuel to operate their data centres and major connection sites
With current supplies, UNRWA is only meeting 39 per cent of the food needs and one per cent of WASH
needs in the shelters.
Overall situation
The Gaza Strip
According to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, as of 10 November
over 11,078 people have been killed
in the Gaza Strip since 7 October; two thirds of them are reportedly children and women.
Due to the
collapse in MoH services and communications in the north, casualty data has not been updated for the last
three days.
Humanitarian access & protection of civilians
The Gaza Strip
One UNRWA colleague was injured while she was travelling in an UNRWA vehicle that sustained collateral
damage due to strikes nearby, in Nuseirat camp, Middle Area. 102 colleagues have been killed since the
beginning of the war.
Nearly one third of the UNRWA colleagues who were killed were below the Wadi Gaza line,
in the southern
and middle areas of the Gaza Strip.
At least 563 IDPs sheltering in UNRWA premises have been injured and 71 killed since 7 October. The
number of killed and injured IDPs is likely to be higher as UNRWA is still trying to verify casualties of
incidents impacting its installations in the North and Gaza areas.
At least 64 UNRWA installations have been impacted since the beginning of the war.
UNRWA response
The Gaza Strip
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
UNRWA Shelters
The number of displaced people continues to increase.
UNRWA shelters in the Middle and Southern areas
are severely overcrowded and are unable to accommodate new arrivals.
The installations accommodate far more people than their intended capacity.
They are not designed to host
such a large number of people and do not have adequate facilities to provide safe and dignified living con-
ditions. The
over-crowding is leading to significant spread of diseases, including acute respiratory illness
and diarrhea, raises environmental and health issues and limits the Agency’s ability to provide services.
People inside shelters do not have enough
food and basic survival items. Hygiene levels are poor as mental
health issues increase.
Due the continued communication breakdowns in some areas in the South and especially in the Middle areas,
at the time of reporting data is only available for services provided on 12 November.
On 12 November, nine (out of 22) UNRWA health centres were still operational in the middle and southern
areas, recording
7,210 patient visits,
including Palestine Refugees and non-refugees.
Most of these health centres are unable to use online registration systems for patients due to network break-
down. Patient information is therefore mostly registered on paper, making data collection and reporting
more challenging.
UNRWA continued to provide health care to IDPs at shelters through 124 medical teams deployedto the
shelters. 281 health workers attended a total of 10,244 cases on 12 November.
As of 14 November, the fuel reserves of the health centres will be depleted.
UNRWA operations will entirely
depend on solar energy which is designed only to cater for minimal operations. Functionality of the solar
energy is not guaranteed as any malfunction and/or battery failure will cause the complete stop of all oper-
Water and Sanitation Services (WASH)
[…] However, given the high number of people in the shelters,
the water provided is not enough to meet
personal water consumption needs
as per WHO standards.
As of 15 November, public WASH facilities will start shutting down,
this includes:
60 water wells in the south of Wadi Gaza. This will cut domestic water off at 44 UNRWA IDP
shelters in the south of Wadi Gaza, which are currently hosting over 290,000 IDPs. It will also cut
domestic water supply to most housing units in the South of Wadi Gaza.
Two main desalination plants in Rafah and Middle areas will start shutting down as well. This
means cutting off the major source of potable water, which supports the population South of Wadi
Gaza, and provides water to 44 UNRWA managed IDP shelters hosting over 290,000 IDPs.
As of 14 November, UNRWA sanitation work will start shutting down, causing environmental hazards
with around 400 tons of solid waste per day accumulated in all camps and UNRWA managed and over-
crowded IDP shelters.
Combined with stopping public sewage pumping stations (see below), and the shut-
down of municipality sanitation operations, this will impose serious threats to public health, with a high risk
of water contamination and disease outbreak.
Food security
Since the war started, UNRWA has been drawing down on its already existing stocks of flour and dried food.
These stocks are nearly depleted. […]
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 133: Spm. om ministeren kan oversende de to omtalte notater vedrørende forholdene i Gaza, som blev forelagt for Flygtningenævnets koordinationsudvalg til møde den 30. november 2023? Der henvises til referatet fra mødet på fln.dk, jf. pkt. 2 på side 4.
UNRWA has updated its appeal for the emergency response in the occupied Palestinian territory. The Agency
requires US$ 481 million for the period October – 31 December 2023. So far, confirmed funding – compris-
ing received funds and confirmed pledges – stand at US$ 128.1 million, representing about 27 per cent of
total requirements.