Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2023-24
MOF Alm.del
Folketingets Miljø- og Fødevareudvalg
1240 København K 2024 - 8616
Den 27. november 2024
Miljøministerens besvarelse af spørgsmål nr. 1116 (MOF alm. del) stillet den 3. september 2024 efter
ønske fra Søren Egge Rasmussen (EL).
Spørgsmål nr. 1116
ministeren oversende de to konkrete kompromisforslag til udvalget fra forhandlingerne i Rådet
om Kommissionens Forslag til ændring af Vandrammedirektivet, som ministeren nævner i svar på
KOM (2022) 0540, spørgsmål 4. Ministeren bedes også oplyse, om de to kompromisforslag blev
vedtaget i Rådet?”
De to konkrete kompromisforslag, der er omtalt i svaret på KOM (2022) 0540, spørgsmål 4, findes i
det forhandlingsmandat Rådet vedtog på COREPER-niveau den 19. juni 2024. Hele
forhandlingsmandatet er offentliggjort på Rådets hjemmeside, som kan tilgås via følgende link:
De to konkrete kompromisforslag findes i artikel 1 (4), (4a) og 4(b).
I vandrammedirektivets artikel 4 indsættes nedenstående undtagelse om midlertidig forringelse, som
Danmark ikke støtter:
(4a) in Article 4, a paragraph 7a is inserted:
“7a. Member States will not be in breach of this Directive if any negative short-term
impacts on
one or more quality elements of a water body or water bodies caused by a new project or a
modification to an existing project in that or those water bodies is no longer detectable after one
year, or maximum three years for the biological quality elements, beyond initiation of the
execution of the project, and all the following conditions are met:
a) the negative impacts are not the result of direct discharges, emissions or losses of a pollutant;
b) all practicable measures are taken to mitigate the negative impacts on the water body or water
c) the potential impacts are assessed ex ante and on this basis it is concluded that there will be no
negative impact for the concerned water body beyond one year, or beyond maximum three
years for the biological quality elements.
d) a summary of the main activities carried out in line with the provisions of this paragraph and
the measures taken to mitigate negative impacts is included in the river basin management
plans required under Article 13 of this Directive.’;
Frederiksholms Kanal 26
1220 København K
Tlf. 38 14 21 42
[email protected]
MOF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 1116: Spm. om kompromisforslag fra forhandlingerne i Rådet om Kommissionens Forslag til ændring af Vandrammedirektivet
I vandrammedirektivets artikel 4 indsættes nedenstående undtagelse om flytning af vand og sediment
fra ét vandområde til et andet, som Danmark støtter:
(4b) in Article 4, a paragraph 7b is inserted:
“7b. Member States will not be in breach of this Directive when deterioration occurs in the status of a
surface water body as a result of relocating water or sediment by human activity within or between
surface water bodies, or from a groundwater body to a surface water body, without causing a net
increase in pollution, and all the following conditions are met:
a) all practicable measures, including the treatment of the water or sediment if relevant and
feasible, are taken to mitigate adverse impacts on the status of the water body or water bodies;
b) the composition of the relocated water or sediments is established, and the relocation does not
significantly increase the overall risk to human health and the environment compared to the
existing risk prior to the relocation;
c) the receiving water body is confirmed to already be in less than good status with respect to a
large proportion of the pollutants relocated;
d) the details, including the reasons, for the relocation are set out and explained in the river basin
management plan required under Article 13 of this Directive;
e) there are no significantly better environmental options for reasons of technical feasibility or
disproportionate cost;
f) the relocation is subject
to prior regulation or authorisation.”;
Der foreligger endnu ikke en dansk sprogversion af mandatteksten.
Magnus Heunicke
Rikke Slot Benyahia