Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2024-25
KEF Alm.del
1 (2)
Amaliegde 44
Knowledge exchange on rooftop solar PV
Thank you for your questions to the Swedish Energy Agency.
First, the requirements regarding that local government need to create external
companies to manage their own and local electricity production. However, for
the installation of PV on local government they need to address public
procurement. More information could be found trough the Swedish Association
of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR)
Solenergi - möjligheter för offentliga
lokaler | SKR.
Are local governments in Sweden able to install photovoltaic
installations or other renewable energy installations on their buildings
for the purpose of self-consumption of the produced electricity?
Yes, there are already PV installations on several public building connected
municipalities and county councils in Sweden. See for example
(unfortunately in Swedish):
Producera förnybar el | Klimatkommunerna
Solceller, tio inspirerande exempel | Offentliga fastigheter | SKR
If the answer to questions 1 is yes; are there any special
rules/limitations/requirements or other conditions for local governments
renewable energy installations on their buildings for the purpose of self-
consumption in Sweden that would not apply to comparable private
No, as for other buildings, building and construction permits applies.
However, there are differences in tax rules. Public buildings that are
managed by local government exempted from VAT can invest in a solar cell
plant for their own consumption and also sell the excess electricity. If part of
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KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 496: MFU spm. om, hvilke regler der gælder i vores nabolande Sverige og Tyskland, når kommuner og regioner ønsker at opsætte VE-anlæg
2 (2)
the activity is not VAT, they must register the business for VAT. Sale of
surplus electricity is counted as such a taxable activity and must be included
in the amount. More information about current rules we direct to
the Swedish
Tax Agency.
If the answer to questions 2 is yes; what are these special
rules/limitations/requirements or other conditions for local
Se answer on question 2 regarding VAT.
Are there any general rules/limitations/requirements or other conditions
for renewable energy installations on buildings for the purpose of self-
consumption in Sweden that would also apply to local governments?
Upcoming rules to be implemented through revised Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive (EPBD) will set standards also applied on local
governments. As it aims towards increased deployment of solar technologies
on all new buildings and certain existing non-residential buildings where
technically and economically feasible, and ensuring that new buildings are
solar-ready (fit to host solar installations). There is an ongoing
government assignment
given to the he Swedish National Board of Housing,
Building and Planning looking at how the implementation should be done in
If the answer to question 4 is yes; what are these general
rules/limitations/requirements or other conditions?”
In summary, there is no specific rules applied to renewable energy
installations on buildings connected to local government. Building, tax and
upcoming EU-directive is applied for such buildings as well as for other
types of buildings and actors.
This answer has been formulated by analyst Elin Larsson and coordinated with
the unit manager Fredrik Svartengren.
Detta beslut är elektroniskt signerat i Energimyndighetens
ärendehanteringssystem och saknar därför underskrift
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 496: MFU spm. om, hvilke regler der gælder i vores nabolande Sverige og Tyskland, når kommuner og regioner ønsker at opsætte VE-anlæg
[email protected] <[email protected]>
1. oktober 2024 13:33
Stig Aagaard <[email protected]>
[email protected]; [email protected]; BUERO-
[email protected]
AW: Voluntary industry agreements to promote biodiversity when establishing RE
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Lieber Herr Aagard,
es war schön, Sie gestern bei der Konferenz in der dänischen Botschaft persönlich
Untenstehend schicke ich Ihnen in Rot unsere Antworten auf die Anfrage der dänischen
Energieagentur zum PV-Ausbau auf Dächern. Bezüglich der Anfrage zu Biodiversität in
Verbindung mit dem Ausbau von erneuerbare Energien bitte ich noch um etwas Geduld.
Answers by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action to the Danish Energy
Agency’s inquiry regarding rooftop PV:
1. Are local governments in Germany able to install photovoltaic installations or other renewable
energy installations on their buildings for the purpose of self-consumption of the produced
2. If the answer to questions 1 is yes; are there any special rules/limitations/requirements or
other conditions for local governments
renewable energy installations on their buildings for the purpose of self-consumption in
Germany that would not apply to comparable private installations?
No (federal level), local governments: unclear
3. If the answer to questions 2 is yes; what are these special rules/limitations/requirements or
other conditions for local governments?
4. Are there any general rules/limitations/requirements or other conditions for renewable
energy installations on buildings for the purpose of self-consumption in Germany that would also
apply to local governments?
5. If the answer to question 4 is yes; what are these general
rules/limitations/requirements or other conditions?”
In Germany self-consumption is the electricity that is produced and consumed at the same time
(no “net metering”) by the same natural or legal person and consumed without use of the public
grid. The self-consumption of renewable energy is subject to several privileges under German
law (in transposition of EU law requirements), i.e. regarding certain notification obligations or
energy tax.
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 496: MFU spm. om, hvilke regler der gælder i vores nabolande Sverige og Tyskland, når kommuner og regioner ønsker at opsætte VE-anlæg
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
im Auftrag
Lisa Grau
Referat IIIA3
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Scharnhorststr. 34-37, 10115 Berlin
[email protected]
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