Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2023-24
UUI Alm.del Bilag 12
Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark <[email protected]>
17. oktober 2023 13:57
Birgitte Vind <[email protected]>; Pia Kjærsgaards sekretærer <[email protected]>;
Mohammad Rona <[email protected]>; Kasper Sand Kjær <[email protected]>; Charlotte H. Larsen
<[email protected]>; Weston Behrend von Bourke <[email protected]>; Charlotte Schwaner
<[email protected]>
Massearrestation i Longkou City, kongresmedlem opfordrer til løsladelse
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Dear Reader,
In May, a mass arrest in Longkou City, Shandong Province, resulted in 23
Falun Gong practitioners and their family members being detained in one
day, with seven still facing prosecution.
Mass arrests like this one, carried out
across China, demonstrate the ongoing devotion of significant resources by
Chinese security agencies to the campaign against Falun Gong.
In other news:
U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee of California called on the State
Department to raise the case of a detained Falun Gong practitioner, the
mother of her constituent.
A retired kindergarten teacher was sentenced in China to four years in
prison for seeking to reinstate her pension after it was suspended due to
her Falun Gong activism.
In August 2023, the Minghui website received 66 reports of Falun Gong
practitioners unjustly sentenced in China to prison terms of up to 8 years.
In celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Falun Gong practitioners from
across China and around the globe sent greeting cards to Falun Gong
founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 12: Henvendelse af 17/10-23 fra Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark vedr. Massearrestation i Longkou City, kongresmedlem opfordrer til løsladelse
In an interview, Ms. Jun Yi recounts the trauma of visiting her father,
detained for practicing Falun Gong, when she was only 15 years old.
Lastly, thank you to everyone who participated in the survey we sent out last
week. The responses have been helpful and encouraging. If you have not yet
taken the survey and would like to participate, click
Levi Browde,
Executive Director
Falun Dafa Information Center
Mass Arrest in Longkou: Falun Gong Practitioners
and Family Members Detained
What's new?
In a coordinated campaign, on May 9, 2023, security forces across Longkou City,
Shandong Province detained 23 people, including 21 Falun Gong practitioners
and two family members who do not practice the meditation discipline.
Seven of the individuals are still facing prosecution. Confiscated Falun Gong
books and materials with information about the persecution are being used as
evidence of their so-called “criminal” activities. Four of the individuals remain in
detention, while two are under house arrest and one has been released on bail.
Why does it matter?
Beyond detaining individual practitioners, authorities frequently execute
coordinated raids or crackdowns on large groups of Falun Gong practitioners.
These are typically targeted at those who gather to study Falun Gong texts
together or operate “materials sites” to distribute information that counters the
CCP’s false propaganda about Falun Gong and exposes rights abuses. Other
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 12: Henvendelse af 17/10-23 fra Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark vedr. Massearrestation i Longkou City, kongresmedlem opfordrer til løsladelse
mass arrests reported in September took place in cities in
Jilin, Heilongjiang,
These coordinated efforts often involve months of monitoring and utilizing video
surveillance or forced confessions from detained Falun Gong practitioners to
identify targets, and span multiple locations in a single city or province. In this
case, over 100 police officers from eight different police stations in Longkou
participated in the arrests. Such exhaustive operations demonstrate the ongoing
devotion of significant resources by Chinese security agencies to the campaign
against Falun Gong.
What else do you need to know?
The families of the four still detained individuals went to the Longkou City
Domestic Security Office after they received formal arrest notices on June 14,
seeking to have the arrests revoked on the grounds that no actual crimes had
been committed. They also requested the names, titles, and identification numbers
of the arresting officers, but recieved no reply.
Subsequently, they filed complaints with the Longkou City Procuratorate and the
Longkou City Police Department, alleging that the authorities had violated legal
procedures during the arrests.
In retaliation, authorities intimidated the families who had filed the complaints.
Meanwhile, the prosecutor, Ms. Wang Fei, ignored the complaints and proceeded
with the prosecutions, indicting the four detained practitioners on July 26. Their
families were not informed of the indictments until nearly a month later, on August
U.S. Congresswoman Requests State Department
to Help Rescue Detained Falun Gong Practitioner
Congresswoman Barbara Lee, a Democrat from California, wrote to U.S.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on behalf of her constituent, Ms. Liu Zhitong.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 12: Henvendelse af 17/10-23 fra Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark vedr. Massearrestation i Longkou City, kongresmedlem opfordrer til løsladelse
Ms. Liu's mother, Kong Qingping, has been detained in China since October 2022
for possessing Falun Gong books and materials used to counteract the
persecution. In the letter, Rep. Lee wrote, “I urge you to ask Ambassador Nicholas
Burns to raise this case directly with his PRC counterparts and call for Ms. Kong’s
immediate unconditional release.”
The Ganjingzi District Court in Dalian tried Ms. Kong via a virtual hearing on
September 22, 2023, but did not announce a verdict. She is now held at the Yaojia
Detention Center and is awaiting a second hearing.
“It is well documented that Falun Gong practitioners have been arbitrarily detained
and subjected to other human rights abuses,” wrote the congresswoman. “These
actions by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have garnered widespread
condemnation from the global community. This case, among others, underscores
the importance of raising awareness and unequivocally opposing such
transgressions against human rights.”
Falun Gong Practitioner Sentenced to 4.5 Years
for Seeking to Reinstate Suspended Pension
Ms. Sun Qingju, a 60-year-old retired kindergarten teacher from Helong City, Jilin
Province, received a four-and-a-half-year sentence for seeking to reinstate her
pension, which was suspended after a previous four-year sentence. The Helong
City Social Security Bureau also ordered Ms. Sun to repay the 150,000 yuan
(about $20,500 USD) that was paid to her during the sentence. Ms. Sun was
arrested and released several times between April and August 2022 for her lawful
efforts to seek justice before she was ultimately taken into custody on August 31.
She is reportedly held in the city of Changchun, but her exact whereabouts are
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 12: Henvendelse af 17/10-23 fra Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark vedr. Massearrestation i Longkou City, kongresmedlem opfordrer til løsladelse
Reported in August 2023: 66 Falun Gong
Practitioners Sentenced
In August 2023, the Minghui website received 66 reports of Falun Gong
practitioners sentenced for their faith or peaceful activism to combat the CCP’s
persecution. The prison terms ranged from six months to eight years. Among them
was Mr. Li Wenming, a 59-year-old man from Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, who
has served 19 years in prison since 1999 for his faith and activism related to Falun
Gong and was given another five years.
Practitioners from 50 Countries Sent Moon
Festival Greetings to Falun Gong Founder, Mr. Li
One greeting card reads, "Revered and compassionate Teacher: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Respectfully, Young practitioners in Chengdu City September 2023"
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 12: Henvendelse af 17/10-23 fra Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark vedr. Massearrestation i Longkou City, kongresmedlem opfordrer til løsladelse
The Mid-Autumn Festival, or Moon Festival, is a time for reunions and celebration.
In the spirit of the holiday, Falun Gong practitioners across the globe sent greeting
cards to Falun Gong’s founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi. The greetings, sent to Minghui.org,
came from
across China
as well as over 50 countries around the world, spanning
from Ecuador to Afghanistan, Palau to Slovenia, and many places in between.
Some individuals who do not practice Falun Gong, such as relatives of
practitioners or rights activists in China, also sent greetings.
23 years ago this month, in October 2000, the Wall Street Journal published an
article “Paper
part of a Pulitzer Prize winning series by Ian Johnson. The
piece narrates the struggle of a woman navigating China’s bureaucracy to acquire
the death certificate of her mother, Ms. Chen Zixiu. Ms. Chen’s torture to death by
local police was documented in Johnson’s first article in the series. While
authorities claimed she died of natural causes, her daughter suspected foul play.
Ms. Chen was arrested while appealing in Beijing for the right to practice Falun
Gong, and witnesses detained with Ms. Chen reported she was tortured.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 12: Henvendelse af 17/10-23 fra Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark vedr. Massearrestation i Longkou City, kongresmedlem opfordrer til løsladelse
(3 min)
Jun Yi was 15 when her father was imprisoned shortly after the persecution
against Falun Gong started. It was difficult for Jun to see her father when she
visited him in detention for the first time. The traditional Chinese man who kept a
neat and clean appearance was battered and disheveled, wearing a prison
uniform with his head shaved. With pain in his eyes, he recounted beatings and
torture from prison guards and inmates.
What's the Real Story
of Falun Gong?
From ancient roots extending back
thousands of years, to a house-hold name
in China during the qigong boom in the 1990s,
to the largest grassroots civil disobedience
movement in the world, this is
the complete story of Falun Gong...
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 12: Henvendelse af 17/10-23 fra Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark vedr. Massearrestation i Longkou City, kongresmedlem opfordrer til løsladelse
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Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark.
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