Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2023-24
UUI Alm.del Bilag 104
Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2023-24
UUI Alm.del - Bilag 104
Ma h
Uk ai e
Mo ilisatio
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
This epo t is ot, a d does ot pu po t to e, a detailed o o p ehe si e su e of all
aspe ts of the issues add essed. It should thus e eighed agai st othe ou t of o igi
i fo atio a aila le o the topi .
The epo t at ha d does ot i lude a poli e o
e datio s. The i fo atio does
ot e essa il efle t the opi io of the Da ish I
ig atio Se i e DIS o the Da ish
Refugee Cou il DRC .
Fu the o e, this epo t is ot o lusi e as to the dete i atio o e it of a
pa ti ula lai to efugee status o as lu . Te i olog used should ot e ega ded as
i di ati e of a pa ti ula legal positio .
© 2024 The Danish Immigration Service
The Danish Immigration Service
Farimagsvej 51A
4700 Næstved
Phone: +45 35 36 66 00
March 2024
All ights ese ed to the Da ish I
ig atio Se i e.
The pu li atio a e do loaded fo f ee at e tode a k.dk
The Da ish I
ig atio Se i e s pu li atio s a e uoted ith lea sou e efe e e.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Executive summary
As a ule, all Uk ai ia
e aged et ee
a d
a e lia le fo
o ilisatio .
The A ed Fo es of Uk ai e o ilises diffe e t atego ies of p ofiles, ased o
a kg ou d, p ofessio s, e pe tise a d eeds. As the egula o s iptio of e et ee
a d
ea s is suspe ded du i g a tial la , e i this age atego a e, ge e all , ot o ilised,
u less ha i g o pleted ilita se i e efo e Fe ua
. Othe p ofiles lia le fo ilita
se i e i lude Uk ai ia atio als esidi g a oad, Uk ai ia s ith dual itize ship as ell as
so e atego ies of o e .
So e atego ies of pe so s a e eligi le fo e e ptio f o
o ilisatio , su h as pe so s ith
disa ilities a d a etake s. The p o edu e fo appl i g fo e e ptio is i egula a d the e a e
ases of pe so s ei g o ilised despite ha i g a fo al justifi atio fo e e ptio . Mo eo e , it
is possi le to appl fo defe e t, although the e a e e a ples of iolatio s i the p o edu e.
Pe so s lia le fo ilita se i e e ei e a su
o s lette i pe so that ust e sig ed upo
e eipt, afte hi h the ust app oa h the Te ito ial Re uit e t a d So ial Suppo t Ce t e
TRC ithi a spe ifi pe iod fo ilita egist atio a d u de go a edi al e a i atio . The
p o edu e of o ilisatio is ot digitalised a d ha dled a uall , gi i g ise to i egula it a d
o uptio . The e is a p e ale e of fo eful o ilisatio i all egio s, i ol i g ele e ts of
i ti idatio , iole e a d agg essio
e uit e t offi e s. The du atio of se i e i the
ilita is ot s ste ati all egulated, a d, i ge e al, it is diffi ult to e de o ilised o g a ted
lea e of a se e. Besides ou ded se i e e , the o sulted sou es had o e a ples of
se i e e ei g de o ilised. Mo eo e , the e a e epo ts of i suffi ie t ilita t ai i g a d
o ditio s du i g ua te i g.
U de a tial la , the e is o legal fou datio fo e e ptio f o
o ilisatio o g ou ds of
o s ie tious o je tio , a d alte ati e se i e is the efo e ot a optio . The efo e, efusal to
se e ith efe e e to o s ie tious o je tio is o side ed as d aft e asio a d pu isha le ith
i p iso e t, hi h is e fo ed i p a ti e.
It is a i i al offe e to e ade o ilisatio o to dese t f o se i e. Si e the adoptio of
a e d e ts i Ja ua
that i t odu ed ha she pu ish e t to dese te s a d e ade s, it is
u e tai to hi h e te t the a e ded legislatio has ee e fo ed i p a ti e, a d epo tedl ,
the e has ot ee esta lished legal p a ti e et. Legall , d aft e ade s a d dese te s etu i g
f o a oad a e su je t to p ose utio , although it is ot lea hethe the i p a ti e fa e
p ose utio due to li ited legal p a ti e to date.
Co uptio i the o ilisatio p o edu es is p e ale t a d idesp ead at all le els of the ilita
s ste , ostl i the Milita Medi al Co
issio s MMC due to ague legal egulatio s a d la k
of digitalisatio . Mo eo e , the e is a high p e ale e of pe so s lia le fo ilita se i e ho pa
i es to i u e t o ilisatio .
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Table of contents
Executive summary ...................................................................................................................1
Introduction and methodology ..................................................................................................5
Historical background ...............................................................................................................7
Abbreviations ...........................................................................................................................8
Map of Ukraine ....................................................................................................................... 11
1. Mobilisation to the Armed Forces of Ukraine ....................................................................... 12
Updates to legislation since the beginning of 2023 ......................................................... 13
1.1.1 Overall changes ................................................................................................................ 13
1.1.2 Reservations for local staff of international organisations, NGOs and diplomatic
representations ......................................................................................................................... 13
1.1.3 Changes in regard to medical suitability .......................................................................... 14
1.1.4 Draft proposal for changes to the law on mobilisation ................................................... 15
1.2 Profiles of people liable for mobilisation ................................................................................ 16
1.2.1 Number of persons mobilised to the Ukrainian military ................................................. 16
1.2.2 Men beyond the age category of 18
60 ........................................................................ 17
1.2.3 Mobilisation of Ukrainian nationals residing abroad....................................................... 17
1.2.4 Mobilisation of Ukrainians with dual citizenship ............................................................. 18
1.2.5 Mobilisation of foreign nationalities and stateless persons ............................................ 19
1.2.6 Mobilisation of women .................................................................................................... 19
1.3 Mobilisation procedures ......................................................................................................... 22
1.3.1. Registration procedures.................................................................................................. 24
1.3.2. Military ticket .................................................................................................................. 25
1.3.3 Forceful recruitment methods ......................................................................................... 26
1.4 Exemptions from military service during mobilisation ........................................................... 31
1.4.1 Applying for exemption ................................................................................................... 32
1.4.2 Violation in the exemption procedure............................................................................. 33
1.4.3 Possibility to appeal ......................................................................................................... 34
1.4.4 Women and exemption from mobilisation...................................................................... 34
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
1.5 Deferment............................................................................................................................... 35
1.5.1 Deferment procedures..................................................................................................... 35
1.6 Conditions for mobilised persons ........................................................................................... 37
1.6.1 General conditions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine........................................................ 37
1.6.2 Duration of military service and demobilisation ............................................................. 38
1.6.3 Leave of absence .............................................................................................................. 40
1.6.4 Military service at the frontline and in areas of active hostilities ................................... 41
1.6.5 Training conditions........................................................................................................... 41
1.6.6 Conditions during quartering and equipment ................................................................. 42
2. Conscientious objection and alternative service ................................................................... 43
3. Draft evasion and desertion................................................................................................. 45
3.1 Legislation on punishment for draft evasion and desertion .................................................. 45
3.2 Enforcement of legislation regarding draft evasion and desertion ........................................ 47
3.3 Societal negative attitudes and reprisals against draft evaders and deserters...................... 48
3.4 Legal consequences for draft evaders and deserters returning from abroad........................ 49
3.5 Consequences for Ukrainians with a pro-Russian mind-set ................................................... 50
4. Corruption .......................................................................................................................... 51
4.1. Corruption in the Military Medical Commissions .................................................................. 52
4.1.1. Unclear legal regulation .................................................................................................. 53
4.1.2 Corruption among members of the MMCs...................................................................... 53
4.1.3 Poor technical equipment and lack of digitalisation ....................................................... 54
4.2. Other ways to circumvent mobilisation ................................................................................ 55
4.3. Documents ............................................................................................................................. 56
4.4. Regional differences .............................................................................................................. 56
4.5. Anti-corruption measures...................................................................................................... 57
4.5.1. Punishment for corruption ............................................................................................. 57
4.5.2. Other anti-corruption measures ..................................................................................... 57
5. Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 59
Legal sources................................................................................................................................. 67
Annex 1: Meeting Notes .......................................................................................................... 70
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) ..................................................................... 70
Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU) ....................................................................... 75
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU ......................................... 80
International Organisation working in Ukraine ............................................................................ 87
International Organisation based in Kyiv...................................................................................... 90
Liubov Velychko, Investigative Journalist ..................................................................................... 95
Legal Hundred ............................................................................................................................. 101
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation ............................................................................... 109
An international organisation ..................................................................................................... 119
Pryncyp ....................................................................................................................................... 123
Annex 2: Terms of Reference (ToR) ........................................................................................ 128
Annex 3: NACP report ........................................................................................................... 129
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Introduction and methodology
I Ju e
, the Da ish I
ig atio Se i e DIS pu lished a epo t o e it ules, legislatio
ega di g o ilisatio , do u e tatio a d pu ish e t of d aft e ade s a d dese te s f o
ilita se i e du i g a tial la i Uk ai e.
The epo t at ha d is pa tl a update o
i fo atio f o the p e ious epo t, though this epo t ai l o e s the topi of o ilisatio .
Spe ifi all , this epo t fo uses o updates to the legislatio ega di g o ilisatio i Uk ai e a d
its i ple e tatio du i g a tial la , i ludi g p ofiles of the o ilised, e e ptio , defe e t,
o ilisatio p o edu es, o ditio s du i g se i e, o plai t p o edu es, o s ie tious o je tio
a d alte ati e se i e. Mo eo e , the epo t gi es a update o o uptio i the o ilisatio
p o edu e a d pu ish e t of d aft e ade s a d dese te s.
I te ie ed sou es highlighted atte s elated to ese atio p o edu e fo staff of hu a ita ia
a d i te atio al o ga isatio s, hi h e e ot i luded as topi s i the Te s of Refe e e ToR .
O e sou e also highlighted atte s of fo eful e uit e t i the o upied te ito ies the
Russia Fede atio . As the topi s a e dee ed ele a t, the a e i luded i the epo t.
B o t ast, the sou es did ot ha e i fo atio o so e issues i the ToR; dis ipli a
pu ish e t, p iso o ditio s fo d aft e ade s a d dese te s, a d egio al diffe e es o e i g
o ditio s fo o ilised pe so s.
The epo t is p epa ed i olla o atio ith the Da ish Refugee Cou il DRC . A fa t-fi di g
issio to K i i Uk ai e as a ied out f o
O to e to No e e
ith the ai of
olle ti g detailed a d updated i fo atio o
o ilisatio . The ToR fo the issio as d a
up joi tl
DIS a d DRC i o sultatio ith the Da ish Refugee Appeals Boa d as ell as a
ad iso g oup o COI Refe e eg uppe .
The ToR is i luded i
A e
The pu pose of the epo t is to p o ide updated a kg ou d i fo
as lu ases i De a k.
atio fo the p o essi g of
The EUAA COI Repo t Methodolog has ee applied i the iti g p o ess.
The epo t is ased
o a s thesis of i fo atio o tai ed f o o al sou es o ple e ted
itte sou es.
With ega d to the o al sou es, the delegatio i te ie ed te sou es of hi h t o e e
o sulted o li e. The sou es o p ised th ee i te atio al o ga isatio s, o e Uk ai ia
autho it , the Natio al Age
o Co uptio P e e tio NACP , o e i estigati e jou alist a d
fi e atio al No -Go e
e tal O ga isatio s NGOs all ith a p ese e i Uk ai e. The sou es
i te ie ed e e sele ted the delegatio ased o thei e pe tise, e it a d e pe ie e.
Multiple sou es e e hose to e su e as p e ise a d ala ed data as possi le. The sou es
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilization during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
The group consists of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Amnesty International in Denmark, the Danish Institute for
Human Rights, Dignity, representatives of a Christian organisation (Danish European Mission) and the Danish Bar and
Law Society (representing asylum lawyers).
EUAA Country of Origin Information (COI) Report Methodology,
February 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
e e asked ho the p efe ed to e ited. Fi e sou es e uested a o
it fo the sake of
dis etio a d a e thus ited a o di g to thei e uests. The delegatio e uested a eeti g ith
the Mi ist of Defe e of Uk ai e; ho e e , the e uest as ot et.
All eeti gs ith the sou es e e o du ted i E glish ithout the use of a t a slato , ho e e ,
the eeti gs ith the Natio al Age
o Co uptio P e e tio NACP a d a Uk ai ia No -
Go e
e tal O ga isatio , e e o du ted i E glish pa tl ith the use of a Uk ai ia
t a slato . W itte sou es i Uk ai ia la guage, i ludi g legislatio , e e i so e ases
t a slated i to E glish ia a AI t a slatio soft a e. I othe ases, E glish t a slatio s of the
legislatio e e a aila le o the e site of the Uk ai ia pa lia e t.
The sou es e e iefed a out the pu pose of the epo t a d that thei state e ts ould e
i luded as a a e to the epo t. Mi utes e e itte fo ea h i te ie a d fo a ded to the
sou es fo thei app o al, hi h ga e the sou es the possi ilit to a e d, o
e to o e t
thei state e ts. All sou es app o ed thei state e ts, hi h a e fou d i
A e
. Ca e has
ee take to p ese t the ie s of the sou es as a u atel a d t a spa e tl as possi le. The
i di idual sou es should ot e held a ou ta le fo the o te t of the epo t.
Fo the sake of t a spa e , a u a a d eade -f ie dli ess, the pa ag aphs i the i utes of
the i te ie s i A e ha e o se uti e u e s, hi h a e used i the foot otes he
efe i g to the state e ts of the sou es. Not all details a d ua es of the sou es state e ts
a e add essed i the epo t, ut all state e ts a e kept i the i utes.
As a ule, the epo t o e s legislatio a d p o edu es alid a d appli a le du i g a tial la ,
follo i g the i t odu tio of the full-s ale i asio
Russia o
Fe ua
. Atte tio
should e paid to the ha gea le situatio i Uk ai e as ell as the o ti uous ha ge of
legislatio a d p o edu es ega di g o ilisatio , hi h e tails that data olle ted a ui kl
e o e outdated.
Rega di g a ess to i fo atio , so e topi s of the ToR e e sou es o side ed se siti e,
su h as i fo atio o d aft e asio a d dese tio , the p e ale e of o uptio , o ditio s
du i g ilita se i e a d at the f o tli e a d statisti s ega di g o ilisatio , hi h i additio
e ai lassified i fo atio . These i u sta es ight ha e i flue ed the i fo atio
i luded i this epo t a d the a ilit to olle t suffi ie t, o e t a d updated i fo atio o the
su je ts.
As a ajo pa t of the hapte o o uptio is ased o i fo atio i a epo t NACP i
Uk ai ia la guage, pu lished i Ja ua
, the epo t is t a slated i its full le gth a d
atta hed i A e .
The esea h a d editi g of the epo t e e fi alised o
Fe ua
The epo t is a aila le o the e site of DIS us.dk as ell as o as l.d . go, thus a aila le to all
stakeholde s i the efugee status dete i atio p o ess as ell as to the pu li .
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Historical background
Fo a , the o fli t et ee Uk ai e a d the Russia Fede atio a e to the su fa e of
atte tio ith the Russia i asio o
Fe ua
. Ho e e , the o fli t ega eight ea s
efo e. I No e e
, the fo e Uk ai ia P eside t Vikto Ya uko h eje ted a
asso iatio ag ee e t ith the Eu opea U io EU , seeki g lose ties to Russia a d the
Eu asia E o o i U io i stead. The eje tio aused dis o te t a o g a Uk ai ia s, a d
la ge o ds of people gathe ed i p otest i K i o
No e e
. I Fe ua
lashes et ee se u it fo es a d de o st ato s li a ed ausi g se e al deaths.
De o st ato s su se ue tl took o t ol of go e
e t uildi gs all o e Uk ai e, hile p o-
Russia pa lia e ta ia s a d, ulti atel , P eside t Ya uko h fled the ou t . I the afte ath,
Russia - a ked sepa atists ega to sto go e
e t uildi gs i Easte Uk ai e p o lai i g
the i depe de t Do etsk People s Repu li a d Luha sk People s Repu li . Si ulta eousl ,
u a ked Russia soldie s took o t ol of the Uk ai ia pe i sula C i ea, a d, ithi a sho t
pe iod, the Russia Fede atio a e ed C i ea afte a highl disputed efe e du .
Uk ai ia fo es atte pted i ai to etake the te ito o upied the sepa atists. A ea late ,
i Fe ua
, Uk ai e a d Russia sig ed the Mi sk II ag ee e t, hi h theo eti all as
supposed to lead to a pea e ag ee e t, ut effe ti el as a easefi e ag ee e t that as e e
espe ted eithe pa t . F o
a d o a ds, the situatio i Do etsk a d Luha sk as
o ti uousl iole t ut a stati o fli t.
, Russia ega uildi g up a la ge ilita p ese e lose to the Uk ai ia o de . The
K e li offi iall de ied a
ilita pla s agai st Uk ai e. The Russia P eside t Vladi i Puti
i te sified o f o tatio al heto i , e.g. uestio i g the ight of Uk ai e to e ist a d de a di g a
NATO et eat.
Fe ua
, the Russia Fede atio i itiated a full-s ale i asio , atta ki g Uk ai e f o
the o th, the east a d the south eati g a f o tli e of o e tha ,
k . The Russia leade s
alled it a spe ial ilita ope atio a d the offi ial ai
as to de ilita ise a d de azif Uk ai e.
Ho e e , fie e Uk ai ia esista e, ope atio al o sta les a d i o pete
halted the Russia
i asio , a d i the autu
, the Uk ai ia A ed Fo es etook se e al te ito ies,
i ludi g Kha ki egio a d the it of Khe so . Si e No e e a d De e e
, o
sig ifi a t ha ges ha e happe ed at the f o tli e, despite a Uk ai ia ou te offe si e i the
e of
Global Conflict Tracker, War in Ukraine,
17 October 2023,
Russia s Wa i Uk ai e: Ide tit , Histo , a d
22 April 2022,
International Crisis Group,
Co fli t i Uk ai e s Do as: A Visual E plai e
, 2022,
A historical timeline of post-independence Ukraine,
22 February 2022,
Co fli t i Uk ai e s Do
A Visual Explainer,
Russia demands NATO roll back from East Europe and stay out of Ukraine,
17 December 2021,
Conflict Tracker, War in Ukraine,
Last updated 17 October 2023,
Russia, President of Russia,
Address by the President of the Russian Federation,
24 February 2022,
Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia,
20 December 2023,
Global Conflict Tracker, War in
Last updated 17 October 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Cou t
Da ish I
of O igi I fo
ig atio Se i e
fo As lu
Eu opea U io Age
Hu a Rights Wat h
I te all Displa ed Pe so s
I te atio al Hu a ita ia La
I stitute fo Wa a d Pea e Repo ti g
Les ia , ga , ise ual, a d t a sge de
Mi ist
Medi al Co
of Defe e
fo the Co uptio P e e tio
e tal o ga isatio
issio e fo Hu a Rights
Natio al Age
No -go e
The Offi e of the High Co
P iso e of Wa
State Bo de Gua d Se i e
Te ito ial Re uit e t a d So ial Suppo t Ce t es
Uk ai ia Helsi ki Hu a Rights U io
U ited Natio s High Co
issio e fo Refugees
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Mo ilisatio , Milita se i e, Milita o s iptio :
I the epo t at ha d, the te
o ilisatio
is used to des i e the a tio of e uiti g pe so s to se e i the ilita u de a tial la ;
ilita se i e is used as the ge e al te fo se i g i the a ed fo es, hile ilita
o s iptio is used fo the a tio s as su h fo e uiti g pe so s to the a ed fo es du i g
pea e ti e. Milita o s iptio as su h is suspe ded du i g a tial la .
Milita ti ket:
A ilita ti ket В ько
к ток is a do u e t that o fi s the ide tit of
a e plo ee of the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e, the State Bo de Gua d Se i e SBGS , the Se u it
Se i e a d the Milita I tellige e Se i e of Uk ai e.
se tio . .
Fo eful e uit e t:
This epo t efe s to fo ed o fo eful e uit e t as a oe i e
i ol i g ele e ts of i ti idatio , iole e a d agg essio .
E e ptio a d defe e t:
A ti le i the la O Mo ilisatio T ai i g a d Mo ilisatio
des i es the e lusio easo s fo e uit e t fo o ilisatio . The a ti le o fi s that the
e lusio is ot pe a e t, ut a postpo e e t. Ho e e , the a ti le disti guishes et ee t o
defi itio s of e e ptio s: pe so s ot su je t to o ilisatio o e e ptio see hapte . a d
pe so s te po a il ot su je t to o ilisatio o defe e t see hapte . .
Rese atio :
The Uk ai ia Ca i et of Mi iste s Resolutio No.
akes it possi le to ese e
staff f o e te p ises, i stitutio s a d o ga isatio s. These i lude lo al staff of i te atio al
o ga isatio s, atio al a d i te atio al NGOs a d diplo ati ep ese tatio s i Uk ai e that a e
iti all i po ta t fo the fu tio i g of the e o o a d e su i g the li elihood of the
populatio , a d thus a e te po a il ot lia le fo o ilisatio .
Uk ai e,
те т о О о о Ук
[Mi ist Of Defe e Uk ai e],
до ко ле
ько о о о л ку
п о
к т
ть у о
оє о о т у [The i p o e e t of ilita e o ds of o s ipts o ti ues
even under martial law],
4 May 2023,
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilization during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
pp. 30-31; Ukraine,
по т о о №
о док о
т еде
ько о о о л ку п о
ько о о о
т е е
[resolution No. 1487, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Procedure for organizing
and maintaining military records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists],
30 December 2022, Article 20,
Ук о П е де т Ук
[De ee of the P eside t of Uk ai e No.
,п о
к ток о
до о о, е
т ько о т
ько о кл ду [REGULATIONS o the ilita ID of
privates, sergeants and petty officers],
30 December 2016,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
[Law of Ukraine on
Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation],
1993, Article 23,
Uk ai e, К
т Ук
[Ca i et of Mi iste s of Uk ai e],
о т о , д
.№ , е к
п т
е л
поло е ь ко у к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
одо о
ько о о о ʼ
пе од о л
[So e issues of i ple e ti g the p o isio s of the
Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" regarding the reservation of conscripts for the period of
mobilisation and wartime],
27 January 2023,
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 2-5; An international
humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 25; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 7; An international
organisation: 2
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Te ito ial Re uit e t a d So ial Suppo t Ce t es TRC :
The TRCs a e egio al e t es that a e
espo si le fo o ilisi g a d egiste i g pe so s fo the a ed fo es.
B so e sou es
efe ed to as ilita o
issio s o
ilita e uit e t offi es .
Ve kho a Rada of Uk ai e:
The Ve kho a Rada of Uk ai e Sup e e Cou il is the pa lia e t
of Uk ai e.
Visit Ukraine,
The Cabinet of Ministers has expanded the powers of the TRC for the period of mobilization: how they
will work,
9 February 2024,
The Kyiv Independent,
Military: Ukrainians can choose brigade for mobilization
30 December 2023,
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
Official portal,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Map of Ukraine
Sou e: UN Geospatial OCHA , Uk ai e P ofile Map: Map No.
u l
Re . O to e
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
1. Mobilisation to the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Whe Russia
ilita fo es i itiated the full-s ale i asio of Uk ai e i the ea l o i g of
Fe ua
, the Uk ai ia p eside t, Volod
Zele sk , de la ed oth a tial la
a d a
ge e al o ilisatio i all egio s of Uk ai e.
Ma tial la is a spe ial egi e that a e i t odu ed to pa ts of o the hole te ito of Uk ai e
i the e e t of a ed agg essio ; th eat of atta k; da ge to the i depe de e of the state o its
te ito ial i teg it , i a o da e ith the la O the Legal Regi e of Ma tial La .
I Uk ai e, the egulatio a d i ple e tatio of o ilisatio is go e ed the la O
Mo ilisatio T ai i g a d Mo ilisatio that esta lishes the legal fou datio fo i t odu tio of
o ilisatio a d the po e s a d espo si ilities of diffe e t a to s. The p eside t a de la e a
pa tial o full o ilisatio ; the latte as de la ed i Fe ua
E e itize , e a d o e , i Uk ai e ha e a dut to defe d the ou t , its i depe de e
a d te ito ial i teg it , a o di g to A ti le of the Co stitutio of Uk ai e.
As a ge e al ule,
e e
a et ee
a d
ea s is lia le fo o ilisatio ; a d also so e atego ies of o e .
See o e o
o ilisatio of o e i
se tio . . .
The Uk ai ia la O Milita Dut a d Milita Se i e defi es the ge e al p i iples of ilita
se i e i Uk ai e, as ell as p o idi g the legal egulatio s fo the itize s of Uk ai e i o de to
fulfil the o stitutio al dut to p ote t the ou t , its i depe de e, a d te ito ial i teg it .
The la s O Milita Dut a d Milita Se i e a d O Mo ilisatio T ai i g a d Mo ilisatio
defi e ho a e lia le to pe fo
ilita se i e, ho a e e e pted o defe ed f o
se i e, a d ho a e lia le to e alled i as a ese ist fo ilita dut .
Uk ai e, П е де т Ук
[P eside t of Uk ai e],
е де т к
№ /
о еде
оє о о
т у к
[De ee of the P eside t of Uk ai e No /
On the introduction of martial law in Ukraine],
February 2022,
Uk ai e, П е де т Ук
[P eside t of Uk ai e],
е де т к
№ /
ль у
о л
of the President of Ukraine No 64/2022
About general mobilisation],
24 February 2022,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
п оп
оє о о т у [La of Uk ai e o the Legal
Regime of Martial Law],
11 June 2015,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
п о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
of Ukraine on
[P eside t of Uk ai e],
mobilisation training and mobilisation],
Uk ai e, П е де т Ук
е де т к
№ /
ль у о л
of the President of Ukraine No 64/2022
general mobilisation],
24 February 2022,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, 28 June 1996,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у
[Law of Ukraine on Military Duty and Military Service],
1992, article 1.1,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of Uk ai e o Milita Dut a d Milita
1992, preamble + article 1.1,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of Uk ai e o
Military Duty and Military
1992, preamble + article 1.1,
ко к
п о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
of Ukraine on mobilisation training and mobilisation],
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
1.1 Updates to legislation since the beginning of 2023
1.1.1 Overall changes
I Uk ai e, p eside tial de ees ha e histo i all ee used to egulate the all fo ilita se i e.
Uk ai e has i he ited its ilita s ste f o the So iet U io a d a of the la s a d
egulatio s, that go e the ilita , ha e ot ee updated to ode ti es.
Si e the full-s ale i asio o
Fe ua
, diffe e t la s a d egulatio s ha e ee
updated pe iodi all . The ost k o has ee the legislatio o e i g the t a el a of e
et ee
a d
ea s, hi h has tho oughl ee des i ed DIS i a epo t f o Ju e
This se tio i te ds to des i e the ost e e t a d i po ta t ha ges to the ele a t
legislatio s o
o ilisatio si e the pu li atio of the a o e e tio ed epo t i Ju e
As of the e d of the edito ial pe iod of this epo t, the e has ot ee a
ajo ha ges i the
ai legislatio ega di g o ilisatio si e the egi i g of
The Uk ai ia go e
e t
has, ho e e , i t o atte pts p oposed a e ised ill o
o ilisatio .
se tio . .
. B the
e d of Fe ua
, the se o d p oposal is u de p o ess i Pa lia e t. Mi o ha ges i the
la O Mo ilisatio T ai i g a d Mo ilisatio took pla e i Ju e
a d efo e that, i
De e e
Fu the o e, the e ha e ee so e ha ges a d adjust e ts i the legislatio o spe ifi
su je ts pe tai i g to o ilisatio . The ele a t legislati e ha ges o the spe ifi su je ts ill e
des i ed i ea h se tio i this epo t, ut a fe of the ost sig ifi a t ha ges is highlighted i
the follo i g se tio s.
1.1.2 Reservations for local staff of international organisations, NGOs and
diplomatic representations
I Ja ua
, the Uk ai ia Ca i et of Mi iste s adopted Resolutio o. , hi h sets out the
p o edu e fo te po a e e ptio f o
o ilisatio fo lo al staff of i te atio al o ga isatio s,
atio al a d i te atio al NGOs a d diplo ati ep ese tatio s i Uk ai e.
Query response on military service,
7 December 2018,
p. 2
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine; Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilization during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
NACP: 2; An International Organisation: 2
Kyiv Post,
Second Attempt: Defense Ministry Revises Mobilization Bill,
4 February 2023,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
п о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
of Ukraine on
mobilisation training and mobilisation],
Uk ai e, К
т Ук
[Ca i et of Mi iste s of Uk ai e],
о т о , д
.№ , е к
п т
е л
поло е ь ко у к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
одо о
ько о о о ʼ
пе од о л
[So e issues of i ple e ti g the p
ovisions of the
Law of Ukraine On Mobilization Training and Mobilization regarding the reservation of conscripts for the period of
mobilisation and wartime],
27 January 2023,
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 25;
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 2, 5; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 7; An international
organisation: 2
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The esolutio
akes it possi le to ese e staff e plo ed i e te p ises, i stitutio s a d
o ga isatio s that a e iti all i po ta t fo the fu tio i g of the e o o a d e su i g the
li elihood of the populatio .
I pa ti ula , the esolutio
eated a legislati e f a e o k, a d
o e sou e oted that it p o ided o e la it fo spe ifi all i te atio al o ga isatio s a d
diplo ati ep ese tatio s ega di g thei lo al staff.
I p a ti e, ho e e , the adoptio of the
esolutio as follo ed lo g a d u lea p o edu es fo o tai i g su h ese atio .
The esolutio applies to all U ited Natio s UN o ga isatio s, fo eig diplo ati i stitutio s i
Uk ai e, ep ese tatio s of do o i stitutio s, i ple e te s of i te atio al te h i al assista e
p oje ts, ep ese tatio s of i te atio al o ga isatio s, i te atio al a d Uk ai ia NGOs that
i ple e t hu a ita ia p oje ts ith the fu ds of i te atio al pa t e s.
Fo fu the
i fo atio , see
se tio . . .
1.1.3 Changes in regard to medical suitability
I August a d Septe e
, t o ha ges e e adopted i the legal f a e o k ega di g ho
the ilita
edi al autho ities pe fo
edi al e a i atio s, allo i g people to e o ilised,
despite that the p e iousl ould ha e ee e e pted fo edi al easo s.
, the Mi ist of Defe e MoD of Uk ai e issued a o de
, hi h allo ed the
Milita Medi al Co
issio s MMCs to ake ha ges to the deg ee of suita ilit of people to e
o ilised. The guideli es of the MMCs e e su se ue tl dete i ed the MoD.
This a t
egulates ho the MMCs a e pe fo i g edi al e a i atio s.
A o di g to a Uk ai ia NGO,
the e guideli es a e a ti el e fo ed the MMCs.
Uk ai e, К
т Ук
[Ca i et of Mi iste s of Uk ai e],
о т о , д
.№ , е к
п т
е л
поло е ь ко у к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
одо о
ько о о о ʼ
пе од о л
[So e issues of i ple e ti g the p
ovisions of the
La of Uk ai e
On Mobilizatio
T ai i g a d Mo ilizatio
regarding the reservation of conscripts for the period of
mobilisation and wartime],
27 January 2023,
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 2; An international
organisation: 2
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 2, 3, 6
An International Organisation with headquarter in EU: 10; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 7, 9; An
International Organisation: 3; International Organisation working in Ukraine: 5
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 3; An international organisation: 2
Pryncyp: 2; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 2-5; Kyiv Independent,
Defense ministry amends rules
exempting Ukrainians from mobilization on health grounds,
3 September 2023,
уде ль е п д т
о о о
ло к п о ЛК [The e ill e o e suita le o es
- MoD has changed the order on the MMC],
September 2023,
Uk ai e,
те т о О о о Ук
[Mi ist Of Defe e Uk ai e],
к №
о т е д е
оло е
п о
ько о-л к ьку ек пе т у
[O de No.
O the app o al of the
Amendments to the Regulation on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
18 August 2023,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 2; UMP,
уде ль е п
д т
о о о
ло к п о
ЛК [The e ill e o e suita le o es
- MoD has changed the order on the MMC],
2 September 2023,
Uk ai e,
т о о о Ук
[Mi iste of Defe e of Uk ai e],
к №
оло е
п о
ько о-
л к ьку ек пе т у
[O de No.
Regulatio s o
edi al e a i atio i the
Armed Forces of Ukraine],
14 August 2023,
Pryncyp: 2
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 5
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
A Uk ai ia NGO oted that p e iousl , i di iduals ith disa ilities o so e diseases e e ot
su je t to o ilisatio , thus, i p a ti e, the e e e e pted f o it.
Fo i sta e, if a pe so
sho ed up to the edi al e a i atio ith a issi g fi ge o a othe s alle li , that pe so
ould e e e pted f o
o ilisatio o health easo s. Si e Septe e
, su h i di iduals
ill o e lia le fo o ilisatio . Like ise, if a soldie lost a a o a leg du i g attle o si ila ,
that pe so ould p e iousl ha e ee de o ilised a d e e pted fo fu the se i e. Afte the
legislati e ha ges, su h a pe so is o ligated to etu to ilita se i e afte eha ilitatio .
The legislati e ha ges also appl to e tai t pes of diseases that p e iousl ould ha e led to
e e ptio f o
o ilisatio . The full list
i ludes a o g othe full u ed tu e ulosis,
dia etes, e tai hea t o ditio s, HIV ithout s pto s, i al hepatitis, slo l p og essi g lood
diseases et .
Ho e e , a Uk ai ia NGO a d P
p stated that people ith su h o ditio s do
ot se e i the o at zo es, ut ill pe fo othe tasks su h as t a spo tatio , offi e duties
et .
Despite of the guideli es, the e a e e a ples of i di iduals, ho ha e ee u la full o ilised
to se e i the ilita , e e though the disease as listed i the ta le of e e ptio s.
A o di g to P
p, the e is a st o g desi e fo the ilita leade ship to o ilise o e people,
hi h is the easo fo the latest ha ges ith ega d to the assess e t of suita ilit fo se i g i
the ilita . P ese tl , the e a e th ee atego ies of suita ilit : suita le fo ilita se i e,
suita le fo ilita se i e i u its a a f o the f o t a d
ot suita le fo ilita se i e.
The Se u it Cou il of Uk ai e has al ead app o ed the e o al of the se o d atego
pe tai i g to people ith e tai health issues. Ho e e , the ha ges ha e ot ee i ple e ted
Fo fu the i fo atio o e e ptio s to o ilisatio , see
se tio . .
1.1.4 Draft proposal for changes to the law on mobilisation
De e e
, the Ca i et of Mi iste s se t a d aft p oposal ith ha ges to the la
Mo ilisatio T ai i g a d Mo ilisatio to the Pa lia e t, Ve kho a Rada of Uk ai e.
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 2
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 3
Uk ai e,
те т о О о о Ук
[Mi ist Of Defe e Uk ai e],
к №
о т е д е
оло е
п о
ько о-л к ьку ек пе т у
[O de No.
O the app o al of the
Amendments to the Regulation on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
18 August 2023,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 4; Pryncyp: 2; Kyiv Independent,
Defense ministry amends rules
exempting Ukrainians from mobilization on health grounds,
3 September 2023,
Pryncyp: 2; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 4
Pryncyp: 4
Pryncyp: 3
Kyiv Independent,
Government submits draft law on mobilization to Verkhovna Rada,
25 December 2023,
Ukraine draft law proposes lowering mobilisation age to 25 from 27,
26 December 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Ja ua
, the Uk ai ia go e
e t su itted a a e ded e sio of its ill to tighte
o ilisatio ules.
K i Post highlighted so e of the a e d e ts i a a ti le; ho e e ,
the ill has ot ee pu lished i its full le gth. A o di g to K i Post, the e ill p oposes to
lo e the age of o ilisatio f o
to .
Mo eo e , the go e
e t p oposes i t odu i g
asi ilita t ai i g fo itize s aged to . It ill e a dato fo e a d olu ta fo
o e .
1.2 Profiles of people liable for mobilisation
The A ed Fo es of Uk ai e o ilises diffe e t atego ies of p ofiles a o di g to the la O
Mo ilisatio T ai i g a d Mo ilisatio
a d the la O Milita Dut a d Milita Se i e .
So e people a e o ilised due to thei ilita
a kg ou d, a d so e a e o ilised i
a o da e ith thei p ofessio s a d e pe tise. Fo i sta e, the a
is i ha ge of a list of
pe so s lia le fo ilita se i e ho hold e tai positio s o ha e spe ifi e pe tise, ho a
e su
o ed depe di g o eeds a d staff sho tages i the ilita .
I p a ti e, ilita
a de s assess the ilita p ofessio s that a e eeded a d de ide i hi h ilita a eas
the should se e.
1.2.1 Number of persons mobilised to the Ukrainian military
The ilita autho ities ha e lassified the offi ial u e of Uk ai ia s o ilised to the ilita .
Sou es i te ie ed fo this epo t did ot k o the u e of Uk ai ia s o ilised si e
Fe ua
Ne e theless, sou es epo t that o e tha o e illio ha e ee
o ilised.
B the e d of De e e
p oposed to o ilise
, the P eside t of Uk ai e o ehalf of the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e
o e Uk ai ia s i to the a ed fo es.
It is diffi ult to assess hethe the e a e a
egio al diffe e es i the u e of pe so s
o ilised. Ho e e , a o di g to Legal Hu d ed a d P
p, the TRCs a e i a ette positio to
o ilise i s alle ities a d u al a eas o pa ed to igge ities, as it is easie to hide f o
Verkovna Rhada,
Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Certain Issues of Military
Service, Mobilization, and Military Registration,
Ukraine's govt submits amended mobilisation bill to
31 January 2024
Presently, men in the age category of 18 to 27 are generally not mobilised. See
section 1.2.2
for further information.
Kyiv Post,
Second Attempt: Defense Ministry Revises Mobilization Bill,
4 February 2023,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
п о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
of Ukraine on
mobilisation training and mobilisation],
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of Uk ai e o Milita
Duty and Military Service],
Investigative journalist: 10
Legal Hundred: 29
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 22; Legal hundred: 9
Legal Hundred: 9; Investigative journalist: 2; Reuters,
Ukraine considers proposal by army to mobilise another 500,000
for war,
20 December 2023,
BBC News,
Uk ai e: The soldie s ho a t lea e the f o t
line until the war is over,
September 2023,
Ukraine considers proposal by army to mobilise another 500,000 for war,
20 December 2023,
Ukraine updates: Military proposes extra mobilization,
20 December 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
o ilisatio i igge ities. Mo eo e , i the ou t side i ha ita ts do ot ha e e ough sa i gs
to i e TRC offi e s.
1.2.2 Men beyond the age category of 18
As a ule, o l e et ee
a d
ea s a e lia le fo o ilisatio to ilita se i e du i g
a tial la . Be o d this atego , o o e is o ilised u less o a olu ta
The e a e spe ial egulatio s fo e i o s iptio age et ee
a d
ea s. Du i g a tial
la , egula o s iptio is suspe ded. He e, e of this age atego a e ot o ilised u less
ha i g o pleted ilita se i e efo e Fe ua
thus ei g egiste ed as
ese ists.
Ho e e , so e la e s ha e stated i a e s a ti le o the p oposed ha ges to
lo e the age fo o ilisatio that a adult ale et ee
a d
ea s a e o ilised
du i g a tial la . Fu the o e, e et ee the age of a d a e still est i ted f o
lea i g Uk ai e.
I additio , oth ale a d fe ale stude ts, ho atte d a highe edu atio , a sig up fo
ilita lasses as a additio al a d olu ta pa t of thei edu atio . O e the ilita lasses a e
o pleted, the pe so s ill e egiste ed as ese ists a d a e su je ted to o ilisatio ,
ega dless of the age atego .
1.2.3 Mobilisation of Ukrainian nationals residing abroad
Uk ai ia atio als esidi g a oad a e lia le fo o ilisatio .
The ha e a o ligatio to egiste
ith the Uk ai ia ep ese tatio i thei ou t of eside e a d ha e thei ilita e o d
egiste ed. Ne e theless, Uk ai ia s a oad ge e all ef ai f o egiste i g at Uk ai ia
ep ese tatio s.
A o di g to UHHRU a d a hu a ita ia NGO, i di iduals faili g to eet this
o ligatio of egiste i g at a Uk ai ia ep ese tatio a e, i p a ti e, ot held legall espo si le
si e the e is o e ha is to su
o the , a d, ge e all , the ill ot fa e a p o le s ith
do u e t issua e at the Uk ai ia ep ese tatio .
Ho e e , it is diffi ult to ule out the
possi ilit of sa tio s f o the Uk ai ia autho ities upo etu .
It as the opi io of a
Uk ai ia NGO that o Uk ai ia atio al esidi g outside of Uk ai e has ee su
o ed.
Legal Hundred: 10; Pryncyp: 7
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 18; Visit Ukraine,
Departure of men abroad in 2023: what has changed for
military servicemen,
7 January 2023,
the Guardian,
Uk ai e s ilita pla s to li it f ee o e e t to ake
conscription easier,
6 July 2022,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 18; International Organisation based in Kyiv: 13; Legal Hundred: 15
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 19; Legal Hundred: 14; The Guardian:
Yes, tiredness is ravaging the
Ukrainian soldiers I meet. But they never think of giving up,
15 December 2023,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 19
Visit Ukraine,
Conscription age cut to 25 in Ukraine: What will change and how will it affect mobilisation,
31 May
Legal Hundred: 14; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 21
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 20
Legal Hundred: 11; UHHRU: 17; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 11
Legal Hundred: 11; UHHRU: 18
UHHRU: 18: An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 11
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 11
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Ho e e , the Uk ai ia NGO ould ot e lude that a Uk ai ia atio al ould e o ilised if the
pe so as su je ted to a i i al i estigatio a oad a d su se ue tl depo ted to Uk ai e.
The e ha e ee politi al dis ussio s a out o ilisi g Uk ai ia s esidi g a oad. The P eside t
of Uk ai e has had ilate al dis ussio s ith eigh ou i g ou t ies o this topi .
I te s of Uk ai ia s esidi g a oad ho a e etu i g to Uk ai e, a i te atio al o ga isatio
oted that the p i a a eas of etu o i te ded etu i lude K i o last, K i it , M kolai ,
Che i tsi a d Kha ki .
A o di g to pe iodi su e s, o e s a out o ilisatio ha e ee
des i ed a o gst e as a o sta le to etu .
1.2.4 Mobilisation of Ukrainians with dual citizenship
I Uk ai e, a Uk ai ia atio al ith dual itize ship is o l e og ised as a Uk ai ia itize .
He e, if a Uk ai ia itize is su je t to o ilisatio , it does ot ha e ele a e if the pe so
holds dual itize ship.
The sa e applies if the se o d atio alit is Russia .
The e is o
diffe e e hethe the se o d itize ship is Russia , Hu ga ia , Ro a ia , Slo ak, Is aeli et .
A i di idual ho has ee i posed Russia itize ship i C i ea, Do etsk, Luha sk,
Zapo izhzhia o Khe so afte
the o upatio ad i ist atio , a d has ot fo all
e ou ed the Uk ai ia itize ship, is ot legall o side ed a Russia itize
Uk ai e a d a
e o ilised.
A pe so ith dual Uk ai ia -Russia itize ship a e su je t to i -depth s uti
ilita a d se u it se i es ith the ai of dete ti g possi le s pathies ith o o e tio s to
the Russia Fede atio .
A o di g to a i te atio al o ga isatio , the Uk ai ia autho ities
ha e ee a ti e i i estigati g pe so s ho suppo t the Russia Fede atio , ut su h p a ti e is
ot offi ial.
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 23
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 23; Visit Ukraine,
Mobilization and demobilization in Ukraine: what
changes does the government propose in the new draft law?,
27 December 2023,
International Organisation: 16
International Organisation: 14
US Embassy in Ukraine,
Citizenship Service,
Legal Hundred: 13; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation:
26; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 12; International Organisation based in Kyiv: 19;
Legal Hundred: 13; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 26; UHHRU: 13-14; An International Humanitarian
Organisation with headquarter in EU: 12; International Organisation based in Kyiv: 19
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 27; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU:
12; International Organisation based in Kyiv: 19; Legal Hundred: 13
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 27; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU;
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 12
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Uk ai ia itize s, ho a e o side ed Russia -o ie ted, a e o ilised o e ual te s as othe
Uk ai ia itize s.
Fo t eat e t of pe so s ith Russia itize ship a d Uk ai ia s o side ed
p o-Russia , see
se tio .
1.2.5 Mobilisation of foreign nationalities and stateless persons
Fo eig atio alities esidi g i Uk ai e a e ot su je t to o ilisatio if the do ot hold
Uk ai ia itize ship.
Ho e e , fo eig atio alities a joi the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e o a
olu ta
asis afte sig i g a o t a t. Ma fo eig e s se e i the Uk ai ia
ilita o a
olu ta
I additio , stateless pe so s esidi g i Uk ai e a e ot su je t to o ilisatio , as the do ot
hold Uk ai ia itize ship.
As ith fo eig atio alities, stateless pe so s a joi the ilita
o l o a olu ta
asis afte ha i g sig ed a o t a t.
A o di g to the la O the Legal Status of Fo eig e s a d Stateless Pe so s ,
fo eig e s a d
stateless pe so s, ho ha e joi ed the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e o a olu ta
asis, a e
o side ed legal te po a eside ts i Uk ai e fo the pe iod of o t a ted se i e. Su h
te po a eside e of fo eig e s a d stateless pe so s i Uk ai e is listed i the ilita ti ket of
e listed pe so el.
1.2.6 Mobilisation of women
A o di g to the Co stitutio of Uk ai e, the dut to p ote t the ou t applies to all itize s.
So e atego ies of o e a e o liged to egiste the sel es, hile othe s a egiste
olu ta il .
The legislatio o
ilita se i e
does ot diffe e tiate et ee
e a d o e i its o di g,
as o e , eeti g the e ui e e ts listed elo , ha e the sa e espo si ilit as e ; the ust
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of Uk ai e o Milita
Duty and Military Service],
Article 1, Paragraph 6; Legal Hundred: 12; Ukrainian Non-Governmental
Organisation: 24
Legal Hundred: 12; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organistion: 24; ABC News,
Foreign fighters in Ukraine speak out on
their willingness to serve: 'I had to go',
6 November 2022,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of Uk ai e o Milita
Duty and Military Service],
Article 1, Paragraph 6; Legal Hundred: 16; Ukrainian Non-Governmental
Organisation: 25; UHHRU: 16
Legal Hundred: 16; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 25; UHHRU: 16
Ukraine, Verkhona Rada,
Law of Ukraine On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons,
Document 3773-VI,
28 June 2023,
Ukraine, SMS,
Information for foreigners who participate in the Anti-Terrorist Operation,
Constitution of Ukraine,
official translation, 28 June 1996,
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 21-23; Ukrainian Non-Governmental
Organisation: 16, 17; An International Organisation: 8-10; An International Humanitarian Organisation with headquarter
in EU: 13
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, 28 June 1996,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у
[Law of Ukraine on Military Duty and Military Service],
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
egiste fo ilita se i e, o plete ilita t ai i g a d i fo the TRCs of a ital status,
disa ilit et .
Si ila to e , o e a appl fo e e ptio . The e a e e e ptio ules
pe tai i g spe ifi all to o e .
Fo o e i fo atio o e e ptio ules fo o e , see
se tio . .
O to e
, i a o da e ith the la O Milita Dut a d Milita Se i e , o e
i Uk ai e et ee
a d
ea s, ho hold edi al o pha a euti al p ofessio s, su h as
u ses, pha a ists, do to s, de tists a d id i es, a e a dated to egiste at the TRCs, so the
a e alled up fo o ilisatio if the a e de la ed edi all fit the MMCs.
A o di g to a
hu a ita ia NGO, o e
eeti g the e ui e e ts a e fi ed if faili g to egiste , ho e e ,
the p o isio has ot ee applied et.
The o de No.
of the Mi ist of Defe e of Uk ai e i ludes a e detailed list of spe ialities
that fall u de the o ligatio of ilita egist atio of o e . The list o p ises a ide a ge of
atu al s ie es, health a e staff ith a spe ialised p ofessio s, ps holog , so ial o k,
e gi ee i g, ilita logisti s, the apies, o
e ial skills et .
The sa e o de e tio s a e
olu ta
ilita se i e egist
spe ialties that fall u de the o
e pla atio o the o e lappi g
detailed list of p ofessio s a d spe ialities that a e o e ed
atio . So e of these spe ialities a e also i luded i the list of
ligato spe ialities. At the ti e of editi g this epo t, o
as fou d.
European Business Association - EBA,
Wo e s ilita egist atio . What ill ha ge f o O to e ,
October 2023,
Women who have medical education must register for military service, says Ukraine,
September 2023,
International Organisation: 8
An International Organisation: 8-10; UHHRU: 25; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 16; An International
Humanitarian Organisation with headquarter in EU: 13; Legal Hundred: 17; Ukraine,
Verkhovna Rada,
28 June 1996,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of
Ukraine on Military
Duty and Military Service],
1992, article 1, paragraph 11 and 12,
Visit Ukraine,
Military registration for women: who
has to go to TAC in October?,
10 September 2023,
Kyiv Independent,
Some Women in Ukraine Must Register for
Could Still Go Abroad,
8 September,
European Business Association - EBA,
Wo e s ilita egist atio .
What will change from October 1, 2023?,
5 October 2023,
Women who have medical education must register
for military service, says Ukraine,
8 September 2023,
Hundred: 17
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 13
Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Order No. 313,
On the approval of the List of specialities and / or professions related
to the relevant military accounting specialities, after which women are accepted for military registration of those liable
for military service and the List of specialities and / or professions related to the relevant military accounting specialities,
11 October 2021,
European Business Association - EBA,
Wo e s ilita egist atio . What ill ha ge f o
October 1, 2023?,
5 October 2023,
Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Order No. 313,
On the approval of the List of specialities and / or professions related
to the relevant military accounting specialities, after which women are accepted for military registration of those liable
for military service and the List of specialities and / or professions related to the relevant military accounting specialities,
11 October 2021,
European Business Association - EBA,
Wo e s ilita egist atio . What ill ha ge f o
October 1, 2023?,
5 October 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
I p a ti e, sou es e phasised that p ese tl o e a e ot e ui ed to do a ti e ilita
se i e; the a joi olu ta il .
He e, ilita egist atio does ot lead to auto ati
o ilisatio .
A o di g to a hu a ita ia NGO, o Uk ai ia o e ha e ee fo efull
e uited.
Co t a to this, hile a ti e ilita se i e is olu ta fo o e ,
Legal Hu d ed e tio ed
that the e a e e a ples of o e ho ha e ee
o ilised o a o - olu ta il asis afte
Fe ua
. The sou e, ho e e , did ot p o ide o e i fo atio .
Fu the o e, the poli
a d i ple e tatio of the legislatio ega di g o ilisatio of o e a ha ge a ti e, a d
o se ue tl , o e a oad a e hesita t to etu to Uk ai e.
Wo e , ho ha e ee egiste ed i the ilita , a e alled up fo ilita se i e o assig ed
to pe fo tasks elated to the defe e of the ou t du i g a tial la .
Mo eo e , ilita
eligi ilit of o e ill e dete i ed diplo a a d the a tual pla e of o k.
To e egiste ed fo
ite ia:
se i e, o e , like
ho a e d afted,
eet the follo i g
they must be below the age of 60;
the MMCs must declare the women fit for military service following a medical
examination of their health;
the MMCs ust issue a esolutio f o the Milita I tellige e Se i e stati g fit fo
ilita se i e o u fit fo ilita se i e i pea eti e, li ited fit i a ti e to
determine their suitability.
Repo tedl , o de o ito s ha e e ei ed a i ease i ou selli g e uests f o
o e ,
pa ti ula l o e ith edi al a d pha a euti al p ofessio s, seeki g additio al la ifi atio
o the la a d the e e ptio e ui e e ts du i g the o ths of Septe e a d O to e
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 16; International Organisation based in Kyiv: 13; Legal Hundred: 18; An
international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 13
European Business Association - EBA,
Wo e s
ilita egist atio . What ill ha ge f o O to e ,
October 2023,
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 13
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 22
Legal Hundred: 18
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 13
European Business Association - EBA,
Wo e s
ilita egist atio . What ill ha ge f o O to e ,
October 2023,
Women who have medical education must register for military service, says Ukraine,
8 September 2023,
An International Organisation: 10
An international Organisation: 11
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Wo e
eeti g the ite ia stipulated i o de No.
, a e est i ted f o
ossi g
i te atio al o de s.
A o di g to e s a ti les, t a el est i tio s o l appl to o e ho
a e o ilised to the ilita a d ill ot affe t those o e ho a e o l egiste ed i the
ilita egist o t a to all e aged -
ho a e o e ed the ge e al t a el a .
see s, ho e e , that offi ial i st u tio s to p e e t o e su je ti e to o ilisatio f o e iti g
ha e ot ee o
u i ated to the State Bo de Gua d Se i e SBGS , a d he e, the SBGS does
ot p e e t o e f o e iti g Uk ai e.
A o di g to a SBGS spokespe so , the fa t that so e
o e a e o ilised does ot ea that the ill auto ati all e o e ed a t a el a .
Ne e theless, UHHRU oted that o e ep ese tati es f o the pu li offi es o
ad i ist atio s su h as the judi ia , ha e ee su je ted to t a el a .
Fo o e i fo atio
o the e it ules a d e e ptio , efe e e is ade to the epo t of DIS f o Ju e
1.3 Mobilisation procedures
Uk ai e is fa
a d as Uk ai
o ilisatio
i fo atio
i g i eased p essu e o its o ilisatio effo ts as the Russia agg essio d ags out,
e fights a la ge Russia a
Repo tedl , at the ti e of iti g this epo t, a e
efo to st e gthe the o ilisatio effo ts is o the a see
se tio . .
ega di g the d aft p oposal .
The e uit e t p o edu e is i itiated he i di iduals lia le fo ilita se i e pe so all
e ei e a su
o s lette that ust e sig ed upo e eipt. Without the e eipt a d sig atu e of a
o s lette , o pe so is o liged to egiste fo o ilisatio . The lette is to e ha ded o e
ph si all
a offi e f o the TRC o a poli e offi e a d a ot e ha ded o e to a o e else
tha the i te ded e ipie t, e.g. a elati e.
Follo i g the e eipt a d sig atu e of the lette , the
Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Order No. 313,
On the approval of the List of specialities and / or professions related
to the relevant military accounting specialities, after which women are accepted for military registration of those liable
for military service and the List of specialities and / or professions related to the relevant military accounting specialities,
11 October 2021,
Women who have medical education must register for military service, says Ukraine,
8 September 2023,
Visit Ukraine,
Military registration for women: who has to go to TAC in October?,
10 September 2023,
Kyiv Post,
Some Women in Ukraine Must Register for Army
Could Still Go Abroad,
8 September 2023,
International Organisation: 13; Suspilne.media,
едо то , к
о т
ть т т
о л к, о уть
д т
ко до —
with a medical education, who must register for
military service from October 1, will be able to travel abroad
28 September 2023,
едо то , к
о т
ть т т
о л к, о уть
д т
ко до —
, [Women
with a medical education, who must register for military service from October 1, will be
able to travel abroad
28 September 2023,
European Business Association - EBA,
Wo e s ilita
registration. What will change from October 1, 2023?,
5 October 2023,
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
Ukraine prepares army mobilisation reforms as war drags on
24 November 2023,
Uk ai e s a
is st uggli g to fi d good e uits,
17 December 2023,
Ukraine prepares army mobilisation reforms as war drags on
24 November 2023,
Ukraine considers proposal by army to mobilise another 500,000 for war,
20 December 2023,
Investigative journalist: 9; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 15; UHHRU: 21;
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 28; Legal Hundred: 4;
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
pe so of o e
lette .
is o liged to appea i pe so at the TRC ithi the pe iod spe ified i the
The TRCs a e espo si le fo issui g ilita egist atio do u e ts, su h as o s ipt e tifi ates,
ilita ti kets, te po a e tifi ates et . to pe so s lia le fo ilita se i e. I di iduals
o ed fo o ilisatio
ust pass a ilita
edi al e a i atio a d u de go t ai i g efo e
se i g i the ilita .
The MMCs a e espo si le fo o du ti g a edi al e a i atio of the
pe so lia le fo ilita se i e.
Depe di g o the o lusio of the edi al e a i atio , a d taki g i to a ou t the le el of
ele a t edu atio a d ualifi atio s, the i di idual lia le fo ilita se i e a e de la ed
ilita fit a d e e te ed i to the ilita egiste .
The TRCs dete i e hethe edi al
e a i atio s should e o du ted.
If a pe so is de la ed ilita fit afte the edi al
e a i atio , the pe so e ei es a othe su
o s to a eeti g, hi h spe ifies the ti e a d
pla e he o she ust epo t.
Ho e e , if the TRCs o side that the flight isk is high, the offi e s
a es o t the pe so ho e, allo i g hi o he to olle t his pe so al elo gi gs, afte hi h the
pe so is o ilised i
ediatel . The sa e a e the ase if the pe so has a o eted ilita
spe ialit .
Milita t ai i g is
o p e ious ilita
it is p o edu e to u
i fo atio o t ai
a dato fo o ilised pe so s, ut the le gth a d atu e of t ai i g depe d
e pe ie e.
Befo e ei g se t to se e at the f o tli e of the a ed fo es,
de go t ai i g u less ha i g e e t ilita e pe ie e
Fo fu the
i g, see
se tio . .
The e is a high p e ale e of o ilisatio di e tl f o the st eets a d i othe pu li pla es,
he e the autho ities he k the ilita status of people a d ha d out su
o s to appea at the
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 15; Legal Hundred: 4; Ukrainian Non-
Governmental Organisation: 28; Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
З ко Ук
П о
о о ' ок
ько у
лу у [The
Law of Ukraine about military duty and military service],
No. 2233-XII dated 25.03.92, No. 27, Article 386,
Article 14, Paragraph 6
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
З ко Ук
П о
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [The
Law of Ukraine about
military duty and military service],
No. 2233-XII dated 25.03.92, No. 27, Article 386, 1992,
Article 1, Paragraph 10
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
З ко Ук
П о
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [The
Law of Ukraine about
military duty and military service],
No. 2233-XII dated 25.03.92, No. 27, Article 386, 1992,
Article 14, Paragraph 9
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
З ко Ук
П о
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [The
Law of Ukraine about
military duty and military service],
No. 2233-XII dated 25.03.92, No. 27, Article 386, 1992,
Article 14, Paragraph 10
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilization during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 47
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 30
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 29
Legal Hundred: 31
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 44
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
A Uk ai ia NGO has des i ed ho
et ee the egio s.
he kpoi ts a e f e ue t i
o de egio s a d
A i te atio al o ga isatio o ki g i Uk ai e oted that the autho ities ha e ee
o e a ti e
ith o ilisatio i so e egio s, e.g. the Odesa egio . A pe so
a e ei e a su
o s
lette se e al ti es e ause the lette s a e so eti es auto ati all ha ded out i the st eet.
Whe fi ishi g a he k at the TRCs, a pe so ill e ei e a oti e, i hi h the date of the
o pleted he k at a TRC appea s. He e, if the pe so is stopped a ilita e uit e t offi e
i the st eet, the pe so a p ese t the oti e a d the ilita e uit e t offi e a o lude
that the pe so does ot eed to sho up at the TRC agai .
If a i di idual, ho has e ei ed a d sig ed the su
o s lette , fails to appea at the TRC o the
date stated i the lette , the pe so of o e
ill e issued a ad i ist ati e fi e.
Afte pa i g
the fi e, the pe so of o e is still o liged to egiste at the TRC.
If the pe so fails to appea
afte a ilita
edi al e a i atio has ee o luded a d a o ilisatio o de has ee issued,
the pe so is held i i all lia le fo faili g to epo t.
If a pe so is ot su je t to o ilisatio ,
he o she is issued a e tifi ate that ust e p ese ted at the TRC du i g the do u e t he k.
Should the TRCs de iate f o the legislati e ules, it is possi le to ha d i a o plai t ega di g
possi le diso edie e i the e uit e t p o edu es. A o di g to Legal Hu d ed, the o plai t
p o edu es a e, ge e all , fai a d ostl follo ed i p a ti e.
Fo i fo atio ega di g the
pu ish e t a d t eat e t of ilita e ade s, see
The fo al p o edu e of o ilisatio is u ifo a oss the ou t ; the e a e o egio al
diffe e es i the e uit e t p o edu e.
A o di g to Legal Hu d ed, the e uit e t
p o edu es a e si ila fo o ilised pe so s a d olu tee s.
1.3.1. Registration procedures
The TRCs ha e a ess to egiste ed i fo atio o i di iduals pe so s lia le fo o ilisatio f o
p e ious p o edu es, e.g. egist atio of add ess. I additio , the TRCs a e a le to e ha ge
i fo atio o i di iduals a oss othe autho it egist ies, e.g. i fo atio f o ta offi es,
Legal Hundred: 8; International Organisation working in Ukraine: 9, 10; International Humanitarian Organisation with
headquarter in EU: 9; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 7, 12, 30
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 7, 11
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 9
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 30
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilization during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 56; Legal Hundred: 4
Legal Hundred: 4; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 30
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 30; Legal Hundred: 4
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 30
Legal Hundred: 5
Investigative journalist: 9; Legal Hundred: 4; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 15;
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 35
Legal Hundred: 4
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
a ks et ., hi h e a les TRCs to lo ate pe so s lia le fo o ilisatio . Ho e e , the e is a la k of
a e t alised digital data ase a d the e ha ge of i fo atio is ot uite effe ti e.
I this espe t, se e al a e d e ts to the o ilisatio legislatio ha e ee p oposed to the
pa lia e t. If these a e d e ts a e e fo ed, it ill, a o di g to P
p, e a le lo al odies to
o ilise i di iduals di e tl f o the st eet.
Fu the o e, UHHRU oted that the e is a p oposal
to e a le TRCs to e ei e i fo atio o pe so s lia le fo ilita se i e f o offi ial
o kpla es, hi h ill e a le o ilisatio di e tl f o the o kpla es.
The e is u e tl o ele t o i p o edu e fo e ei i g a d sig i g the su
o s lette as
des i ed a o e. While sou es opi ed that e uit e t p o edu es a e u ifo
a d hea il
the u -digitalised p o edu e li its the oppo tu it fo o ito i g, hi h i tu
leads to o uptio a d di i ishes the effo t to fight o uptio .
The topi of o uptio is
u folded i
. Mo eo e , the fa t that su
o s lette s a e ha ded o e i pe so athe
tha ei g su itted ia a digitalised p o edu e, gi es pe so s lia le fo ilita se i e lee a to
e ade o ilisatio
o i g to othe to s o add esses tha offi iall egiste ed. Re uit e t
offi e s of TRCs ill ot k o
he e people a e esidi g, e ause the o l ha e i fo atio o
the pla e of egist atio . Mo eo e , Uk ai ia autho ities do ot ha e suffi ie t esou es to
sea h fo o ete pe so s ho a e hidi g to a oid o ilisatio .
1.3.2. Military ticket
A ilita ti ket В ько
к ток is a do u e t that o fi s the ide tit of a e plo ee of
the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e, the State Bo de Gua d Se i e SBGS , the Se u it Se i e o the
Milita I tellige e Se i e of Uk ai e.
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 16
Pryncyp: 6
Investigative journalist: 9; Legal Hundred: 4; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 15;
UHHRU: 19; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 28
Legal Hundred: 4; An International Humanitarian Organisation:15; Investigative Journalist: 9
Legal Hundred: 4
Pryncyp: 15; NACP: 10
Investigative journalist: 15; UHHRU: 21
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilization during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023, pp. 30-31,
по т о о №
о док о
т еде
ько о о о л ку п о
ько о о о
т е е
[resolution No. 1487, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Procedure for organizing
and maintaining military records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists],
30 December 2022, Article 20,
Ук о П е де т Ук
[De ee of the P eside t of Uk ai e No.
,п о
к ток о
до о о, е
т ько о т
ько о кл ду [REGULATIONS o the ilita ID of
privates, sergeants and petty officers],
30 December 2016,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The TRCs issue
ti kets.
ti kets, e ept fo the se u it se i es, hi h issue thei o
Milita ti kets a e issued to pe so s ou d fo ilita se i e, ese ists, p i ates, o -
issio ed offi e s a d ju io offi e s.
It is issued fo o s iptio to ilita se i e;
e list e t to highe ilita edu atio al i stitutio s a d ilita lasses of highe edu atio al
i stitutio s; e plo e t o t a t i the a o e- e tio ed a ed fo es; the e d of
alte ati e o - ilita se i e; e o al o e lusio of ilita egist atio due to health
easo s a d de otio f o offi e to lo e a k.
The do u e t o tai s i fo atio a out date a d pla e of i th, edu atio a d spe ialisatio
a d a ital status page ; ilita affiliatio p. - ; egist atio as a ese ist p. - ;
eapo s pe issio s p. - ; all-up a d e d of o ilisatio p. -
a d ilita
egist atio s p. - .
Pi tu es of the ilita ti ket a e fou d i a te h i al des iptio of
the do u e t i Uk ai ia la guage o the e site of the Mi ist of Defe e.
1.3.3 Forceful recruitment methods
Sou es i te ie ed diffe ed i thei ie ega di g to hat e te t fo eful a d oe i e
e uit e t p o edu es a e p e ale t as of No e e
. I this ega d, the i estigati e
jou alist opi ed that the defi itio of fo ed e uit e t is u lea , a d the disti tio et ee
fo ed, oe i e a d olu ta is lu .
Ne e theless, this epo t efe s to fo ed o fo eful
e uit e t as a oe i e ethod i ol i g ele e ts of di e t i ti idatio , iole e a d
agg essio .
Th ee sou es highlighted that o pa ed to p e iousl , fo eful e uit e t is o e p e ale t
No e e
ith e a ples of people ei g illegall detai ed, i posed t a el a s a d fo ed
to appea at the TRCs.
It as epo ted that a
e uite s ha e e o e i easi gl agg essi e
Uk ai e, Ук о П е де т Ук
[De ee of the P eside t of Uk ai e No.
,п о
к ток о
до о о, е
т ько о т
ько о кл ду [REGULATIONS o
the military ID of privates, sergeants and petty officers],
30 December 2016, article 3.1; 3.2; 3.3,
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilization during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023, p. 30-31,
Uk ai e, Ук о П е де т
[De ee of the P eside t of Uk ai e No.
,п о
к ток о
до о о, е
т ько о т
ько о кл ду [REGULATIONS o the ilita ID of p i ates, se gea ts a d pett
30 December 2016,
Uk ai e, Ук о П е де т Ук
[De ee of the P eside t of Uk ai e No.
,п о
к ток о
до о о, е
т ько о т
ько о кл ду [REGULATIONS o
the military ID of privates, sergeants and petty officers],
30 December 2016,
Uk ai e, Ук о П е де т Ук
[De ee of the P eside t of Uk ai e No.
,п о
к ток о
до о о, е
т ько о т
ько о кл ду [REGULATIONS o
the military ID of privates, sergeants and petty officers],
30 December 2016, article 4,
Ukraine, Ministry of Defence,
Military Ticket of Privates, Sergeants and Non-commissioned Officers, Technical
17 August 2017,
[copy link into browser]
Investigative journalist: 11
UHHRU: 22-23; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 17-20; Ukrainian Non-
Governmental Organisation: 12
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
i thei e uit e t ethods a d use of illegal ta ti s.
It is a esult of pe so s lia le fo ilita
se i e ei g less e thusiasti o to joi the ilita o pa ed to
o i ed ith the
a po e ha i g li ited esou es,
a d he e, the TRCs a e st uggli g to fill the pla es
a d thus eso t to othe ea s of e uit e t ethods.
A Uk ai ia NGO opi ed that e a ples of iole t a d agg essi e e uit e t ethods e e o e
p e ale t at the egi i g of
a d de eased i the sp i g of
. The sou e e phasised
that those ethods ha e o stopped, o e e at least less f e ue t, as a esult of the u o e i g
of su h ases o so ial edia a d the i itiatio of i i al ases agai st ilita offi e s usi g
u la ful ethods.
Ho e e , the sa e sou e opi ed that the p o le s ith fo eful a d
a it a
o ilisatio a e idesp ead fo the hole so iet .
A i estigati e jou alist oted
that iole t fo ed e uit e t does ot happe ofte , although the e ha e ee e a ples of
The e is li ited offi ial a ou ti g of fo eful e uit e t ases, a d it is diffi ult to do u e t
ases, fi d it esses a d e if u e s a d epo ts.
A o di g to a e s a ti le Reute s,
the e uit e t p o esses a e happe i g out of ie .
Ho e e , la e s a d a ti ists ha e
stated that the e a e thousa ds of e a ples of a ious deg ees of oe io , a d i No e e
, the e e e
pu li l k o
ou t de isio s elated to u la ful o ilisatio
E a ples of fo eful a d oe i e e uit e
ou ded up o the st eet, su je ted to iole
t a el a s, fo efull
ought to the TRCs a
follo i g, e a ples of fo eful a d oe i e
gi e the list is ot e hausti e :
ethods i ol e situatio s he e i di iduals a e
e a d i ti idatio , held agai st thei ill, i posed
d oe ed to sig the su
o s lette .
I the
e uit e t ethods fou d i diffe e t sou es a e
There are social media videos showing recruitment officers handing out summons letters
on the street, at metro stations or gyms, using force against those who resist.
People S at he s : Uk ai e s Re uite s Use Ha sh
Tactics to Fill Ranks,
15 December 2023,
The Economist,
Ukraine finds stepping up mobilisation is not so easy,
26 February 2023,
Investigative journalist:
13; The Economist,
Uk ai e s a
is st uggli g to fi d good e uits,
17 December 2023,
The Ti e,
Belie es i Ou Vi to Like I Do. I side Volod
Zele sk s St uggle to Keep Uk ai e i the Fight,
30 October 2023,
The Economist,
Uk ai e s a
is st uggli g to fi d good e uits,
17 December 2023,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 39-42
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 13
Investigative journalist: 12
Legal Hundred: 6-7; The Economist,
Ukraine finds stepping up mobilisation is not so easy,
26 February 2023,
Ukrainian army proposal to call up more civilians gets mixed reaction in Kyiv,
20 December 2023,
People S at he s : Uk ai e s Re uite s Use Ha sh Ta ti s to Fill Ra ks,
15 December 2023,
Investigative journalist: 12; Legal Hundred: 6-8; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 39-40; An international
humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 17-19; UHHRU: 22-23; Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions
from military service/mobilization during martial law, documentation, punishment of evaders and deserters from
military service,
June 2023,
p. 39; BBC News,
Ukraine war: The men who don't want to fight,
22 August 2023,
The Guardian,
Bribes and hiding at home: the Ukrainian men trying to avoid conscription,
15 August 2023,
An International Humanitarian Organisation with headquarter in EU: 17; Reuters,
Ukrainian army proposal to call up
more civilians gets mixed reaction in Kyiv,
20 December 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
show officers shoving men into cars and holding men against their will in the TRCs.
Ukrainian NGO highlighted that military recruitment personnel hand out summons on the
street demanding persons to report at TRCs; however, the individuals were not brought to
serve in the armed forces immediately.
The e a e epo ts of e uit e t offi e s o fis ati g i di iduals passpo ts afte pulli g
them off the streets to ensure that they had to sign the summons. Moreover, there are
examples of persons who have been taken from their jobs and brought to the TRCs.
Beatings at the TRCs have been documented.
There is moreover a prevalent fear of going to employment centres to apply for legal jobs
due to the risk of being forcefully mobilised, and consequently, many men prefer illegal
Finally, there are examples of people held in custody for two to three days
before being summoned and brought to the TRC.
A hu a ita ia NGO oted that o e so eo e has ee
ought to the TRC, the e a e li ited
oppo tu ities fo p ote ti g o eself f o fo eful e uit e t. The sa e sou e added that
ph si al iole e is less o
o o pa ed to ps hologi al p essu e, espe iall he pe so s a e
stopped du i g the he ks.
UHHRU oted that TRCs ould hold people i ustod o house
a est i posi g the
ot to lea e the ou t a d i g the to the ilita u its. The e a e also
e a ples of people ei g illegall detai ed.
169 Regional differences in forceful recruitment
I te s of egio al diffe e es i the p e ale e of fo eful e uit e t, the situatio is ot
e ti el lea .
Th ee sou es stated that i the easte , este
a d southe
egio s, e uit e t offi e s
ha e ee
o e a ti e i usi g illegal e uit e t ethods,
hile t o sou es assessed that the
p e ale e of fo eful e uit e t is the sa e a oss egio s.
Mo e spe ifi all , the e a e
epo ts f o Odesa
, L i a d D ip o of fo ed o ilisatio he e e uit e t offi e s ha e
An International Humanitarian Organisation with headquarter in EU: 18; NYT,
People S at he s : Uk ai e s Re
Use Harsh Tactics to Fill Ranks,
15 December 2023,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 31
People S at he s : Uk ai e s Re uite s
Use Harsh Tactics to Fill Ranks,
15 December 2023,
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 17
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 19
UHHRU: 22-23
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 17
UHHRU: 22-23
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 9; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 36
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 9; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU:
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 9; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 36; An international
humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 18
Legal Hundred: 7; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 20
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 9; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU:
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
used agg essi e fo e agai st ales t a elli g i
thei ill to e o ilised i
ediatel .
uses o a s a d
ought the
to TRCs agai st
A o di g to a hu a ita ia NGO a d a Uk ai ia NGO, fo eful e uit e t is a isk fo all p ofiles
a d idesp ead fo the e ti e so iet .
Ho e e , the Uk ai ia NGO a d a i te atio al
o ga isatio o ki g i Uk ai e oted that the e a e fe e su h ases i K i .
Pa t of the
e pla atio fo this is that i ha ita ts i K i a e o e k o ledgea le a out the ules a d
egulatio s, esulti g i highe a ida e
e uit e t offi e s a d a o e polite attitude at
he kpoi ts.
Mo eo e , the e is a te de
that fo eful e uit e t happe s o e f e ue tl
i s alle ities a d i the ou t side, as i ha ita ts a e ge e all less a a e of thei ights.
Be ause of these diffe e es, people a e af aid to o e et ee p o i es, as the fea
o ilisatio .
Ge e all , ilita he ks a e ost f e ue t o the st eet a d i othe pu li
spa es, su h as g s, ight lu s, a d he kpoi ts as ell as at e t ies a d e its et ee the
ities, to s a d illages,
esulti g i people ei g af aid to o e a ou d.
182 Forceful recruitment methods against Ukrainian nationals in the occupied territories by the
Russian Armed Forces
Fo eful e uit e t ethods the Russia A ed Fo es of Uk ai ia itize s ha e ee
do u e ted i the o upied te ito ies i the south a d east of Uk ai e.
I te atio al
Hu a ita ia La IHL p ohi its the o up i g po e , i this ase the Russia Fede atio , to
o ilise eside ts of o upied te ito ies i to its a ed fo es.
A i te atio al o ga isatio
oted that o pelli g Uk ai ia itize s to se e i the Russia A ed Fo es is a additio al IHL
iolatio to the u la ful i positio of Russia passpo ts o stituti g a g a e ea h of the
Ge e a Co e tio .
While su h ases a e do u e ted, the sou e ould ot esta lish hethe
the ases o pose a patte .
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 18
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 20; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation:
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 9; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 35
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 35
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 41; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 37
An international humanitarian Organisation with headquarter in EU: 9
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 10
Ukrainians Forcibly Recruited to Russian Army,
6 June 2023,
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 15;
Russia Forces Ukrainians in Occupied Areas into Military,
20 December 2023,
Report on the Human
Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 August 2023- 30 November 2023,
p. 13
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 14; Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights
Report on
the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 February
31 July 2023,
p. 21
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 16
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 15
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
As of August
, ,
eside ts of the o upied te ito ies e e, a o di g to the K i
I depe de t, epo tedl fo i l o ilised i to the Russia A ed Fo es si e Fe ua
The u e ould ot e o o o ated othe sou es.
It is ell-k o that Uk ai ia s i the o upied te ito ies a e ei g i posed Russia passpo ts.
Othe ise the ill fa e li ited a ess to health a e, so ial se i es, e plo e t et . I p a ti e,
o tai i g Russia itize ship a lead to o ilisatio to the Russia A ed Fo es.
Su h
p o edu es date a k to the illegal a e atio of C i ea i
The e a e e a ples of the use of dete tio
, i te ogatio , th eats a d oe i e ta ti s the
Russia A ed Fo es i Do etsk a d Luha sk egio s to o pel e to joi a d sig o t a ts
ith the ,
as ell as i ide ts of a i g out aids a d detai i g lo al eside ts efo e ei g
se t to spe iall e uipped field a ps ahead of pa ti ipati g i hostilities.
I additio , Uk ai ia
i ilia s ha e ee fo ed i to spe ial deta h e ts ilita u its a d d ugged, a d a o e
atte pti g to es ape epo tedl isked e e utio .
The e a e se e do u e ted ases of e
f o Do etsk a d Luha sk ho e e o s ipted i to the sepa atists ilitias i Fe ua
a d deplo ed at the f o tli e.
The Russia A ed Fo es ha e a so ed the ilitias a d fo ed the sig i g of o t a ts ith its
e e s. Refusi g to sig o t a ts, thei o
a de s th eate ed to deplo the e e s of the
ilitias to the f o tli e assault u its, a d those lea i g thei u its e e o side ed dese te s. I
fi e of the ases, the Russia autho ities sea hed the e s ho es a d o pelled thei fe ale
elati es to u eil thei he ea outs o fa e o se ue es, su h as i i al p ose utio o
de i g s hool e ol e t.
O O to e
, i the a ual fall ilita o s iptio a paig , the Russia autho ities, fo
the fi st ti e, i luded the o upied egio s of Do etsk, Luha sk, Khe so a d Zapo izhzhia ith
the esult that e aged to i the o upied te ito ies e e su je ted to o s iptio fo a
pe iod of
o ths i to the Russia A ed Fo es fighti g thei o
ou t .
Mo eo e , the e
a e ases of Uk ai ia P iso e s of Wa POWs i Uk ai e, ho ha e ee
o ilised i to the
Russia A ed Fo es. The t eat e t of these POWs depe ds o the situatio ; so e ha e ee
p ose uted fo t easo hile othe s e e e ha ged a k to Russia. A o di g to a i te atio al
o ga isatio , the POWs ofte ha e the hoi e to de ide hethe the ish to e e ha ged a k
The Kyiv Independent,
HUR Reports Forcible Mobilization of 60,000 Residents of the Occupied Territories Into Russian
1 August 2023,
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 16
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 16; IWPR,
Ukrainians Forcibly Recruited to Russian Army,
6 June 2023,
Russia Forces Ukrainians in Occupied Areas into Military,
20 December 2023,
Report on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 February
31 July 2023,
p. 21
Ukrainians Forcibly Recruited to Russian Army,
6 June 2023,
Ukrainians Forcibly Recruited to Russian Army,
6 June 2023,
Report on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 August 2023- 30 November 2023,
p. 13
Report on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 August 2023- 30 November 2023,
p. 13
Report on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 August 2023- 30 November 2023,
p. 13
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
to Russia o u de go p ose utio i Uk ai e.
The I te atio al O ga isatio highlighted that the
Go e
e t of Uk ai e has a p og a fo e ol e t of Uk ai ia itize s, ho a e al ead se i g
i the Russia A ed Fo es, that g a ts i
u it fo p ose utio if the tu the sel es i .
1.4 Exemptions from military service during mobilisation
As stipulated the Co stitutio of Uk ai e, e e itize has a dut to defe d the ou t
thus o e ed the all fo o ilisatio .
Ho e e , e tai g oups a e e e pted
pe a e tl o defe ed te po a il as e plai ed i this se tio a d
se tio .
a d is
The la O Milita Dut a d Milita Se i e
egulates the ules fo e e ptio to ilita
se i e du i g pea eti e. This applies to, fo i sta e, i di iduals e og ised ith a disa ilit o
de la ed u fit fo ilita se i e; pe so s ith a hild o ho a e suppo ti g a spouse o pa e t
ith a disa ilit o se ious disease; pe so s ho o pleted ilita se i e i a othe ou t
efo e a ui i g Uk ai ia itize ship ; i di iduals o i ted fo a se ious i i al offe se et .
The la O Mo ilisatio T ai i g a d Mo ilisatio
o stitutes the legal asis fo ilita se i e
du i g a pe iod of o ilisatio . The sa e la esta lishes a d egulates the easo s fo e e ptio
f o e uit e t fo o ilisatio . The e is a disti tio et ee the t o defi itio s of
e e ptio s: pe so s ot su je t to o ilisatio a d pe so s te po a il ot su je t to
o ilisatio o defe e t, see
se tio .
The atego ies of people ho a e ot su je t to
o ilisatio a e:
People reserved by state authorities and bodies, local self-government bodies, as well as
enterprises, institutions and organisations;
People recognised with disabilities or declared temporarily unfit for military service due to
health conditions; see also
section 1.1.3
for recent changes on the exemption rules for
people with medical conditions;
Women and men who have three or more dependent children under the age of 18;
Women and men who independently raise a child (children) under the age of 18;
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 18
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 17
Constitution of Ukraine,
28 June 1996,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of Uk ai e o Milita
Duty and Military Service],
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of Uk ai e o Milita
Duty and Military Service],
1992, article 18,
For more information on the rules for exemption during peacetime -
See: Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine; Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law,
documentation, punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023, p. 18-21,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,,
ко к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
[La of Uk
aine on
Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation],
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
[La of Uk ai e o
Mobilisation Preparation and Mobilisation],
1993, Article 23,
ко к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
[La of Uk ai e o Mo ilisatio
Preparation and Mobilisation],
1993, Article 23,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Women and men (incl. guardians) who raise a child under the age of 18 with a disability or
an adult child with a disability in group I or II;
Women and men (incl. guardians) who raise a child with severe medical conditions;
Women and men (incl. guardians) who have dependent orphans or children under the age
of 18 deprived parental care;
People engaged in constant care for a sick spouse, child or parent;
People with a spouse or parent with disability;
Guardians or people who provide constant care for a person with a disability;
Women and men with a minor child (children), where one of thethe spouses are serving in
the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada (the parliament of Ukraine) or of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea;
Employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, incl. enterprises, institutions and
organisations of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and other bodies and organisations in
the sphere of state security (Security Services, National Guard, Police, Anti-corruption
bodies etc.).
o ilisatio o
1.4.1 Applying for exemption
The la o
o ilisatio sets the f a e o k fo appl i g fo e e ptio f o
e tai g ou ds.
A pe so appl i g fo e e ptio f o
o ilisatio
ust app oa h the TRCs ith the ele a t
do u e ts.
A appli atio
ust e su itted efo e a fi al de isio a out o ilisatio has
It is diffi ult to e e e pted o e a de isio of o ilisatio has ee
i fo atio o de o ilisatio , efe to
se tio . . .
a d
. .
The diffe e t ki ds of e e ptio s e ui e diffe e t ki ds of do u e ts to e su itted. Fo
i sta e, if a pe so applies o the asis of diseases, do u e ts f o a hospital ust e
su itted a d the pe so ill ha e to u de go a e
edi al e a i atio at the MMC et .
Uk ai e, Ve kho a Rada, П о де
у о ль у допо о у о о
лд т
д т т т дт
л д т
[La of Uk ai e, O State So ial Aid to Pe so s Disa led f o Childhood a d Disa led Child e ],
A ti le
u l,
G oup of disa ilit is dete i ed the edi al a d so ial e a i atio od .
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
[La of Uk
aine on
Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation],
1993, Article 23,
UHHRU: 9; Legal Hundred: 19; International Organisation based in Kyiv: 9; Ukrainian Non-Governmental
Organisation: 32
Legal Hundred: 21; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 32
Legal Hundred: 21
Legal Hundred: 22; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 33; Pryncyp: 5
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 32; Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military
service/mobilization during martial law, documentation, punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
Section 2.2. Document requirements during martial law
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Th ee sou es, o the o e ha d, stated that, i ge e al, the ules a d p a ti es of e e ptio see
to e e fo ed a d espe ted the Uk ai ia
ilita autho ities.
O the othe ha d, the sa e
sou es stated that the e a e so e i egula ities a d e a ples of people, ho had ee
o ed o o ilised despite fo all ha i g e e ptio easo s.
1.4.2 Violation in the exemption procedure
The e a e i egula ities a d ases of
e e ptio .
o ilisatio of people ho fo
all had easo s fo
I o e ase, a pe so ith epileps as o ilised a d died du i g ilita t ai i g. This e a ple
aused a pu li s a dal a d as aised efo e the Se u it Cou il a d the p eside t. This ase
as ot a e a ple of a dispute o the legislati e i te p etatio , ut a iolatio of the
o ilisatio p o edu es.
I a othe ase, it as epo ted that a a , ho eeded to follo a
spe ial diet due to o ple a do i al su ge , as u a le to get a edi al e e ptio e tifi ate
due to u eau ati a ie s a d e ded up fleei g the ou t to a oid o ilisatio .
A othe
epo t e tio s a pe so ith e tal disa ilit ho as se t to ilita t ai i g.
Legal Hu d ed opi ed that the ases of i egula ities a d iolatio s ithi the TRCs do ot
o stitute a s ste i p o le ; ho e e , it happe s elati el ofte . The e a e egio al diffe e es
i the e te t of o plia e ith the ules pe fo ed the TRCs. I u al a eas, the e ha e ee
o e e a ples of iolatio s of the o ilisatio p o edu e o pa ed to la ge u a a eas he e
people o e ofte ha e a ess to la e s o a i ol e the edia. At o e poi t, Legal Hu d ed
e ei ed a ajo it of o plai ts ega di g th ee TRCs i the este pa t of Uk ai e. Afte ha i g
otified the Mi ist of Defe e, ho isited the TRCs, the situatio allegedl ha ged.
Ho e e , a o di g to the Ne Yo k Ti es, the issue is p e ale t all o e the ou t . It o u s
ai l a o g the i po e ished so ial g oups, si e a people ith esou es eithe al ead
fled the ou t o paid i es to a oid o ilisatio .
Fu the o e, the e a e ases he e
people ith fe e esou es e e o ilised, despite ha i g legal easo s to e e e pted.
UHHRU: 10; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 26; Legal Hundred: 23
UHHRU: 10; An International Humanitarian Organisation with headquarter in EU: 27-28; Legal Hundred: 23
UHHRU: 10; Pryncyp: 4; Legal Hundred: 23; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 26-
; NYT,
People S at he s : Uk ai e
s Recruiters Use Harsh Tactics to Fill Ranks,
15 December 2023,
Suspilne News,
ькко т
е ко е ту т уть о т
е т о л о
о о еп леп є
registration and enlistment office in the Odesa region will not comment on the circumstances of the death of a mobilized
i g i e s a d faki g ill ess to es ape Uk ai e s d aft,
17 November
man with epilepsy],
5 August 2023,
S i
Suspilne News,
ькко т
е ко е ту т уть о т
е т о л о
о о
еп леп є
military registration and enlistment office in the Odesa region will not comment on the circumstances of
the death of a mobilized man with epilepsy],
5 August 2023,
UHHRU: 10; Pryncyp: 4
S i
i g i e s a d faki g ill ess to es ape Uk ai e s d aft,
17 November 2023,
People S at he s : Uk ai e s Re uite s Use Ha sh Ta ti s to Fill Ra ks,
15 December 2023,
Legal Hundred: 23
People S at he s : Uk ai e s Re uite s Use Ha sh Ta ti s to Fill Ra ks,
15 December 2023,
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 28;
People S at he s : Uk ai e s Re uite s
Use Harsh Tactics to Fill Ranks,
15 December 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The e ha e also ee ases, he e the TRCs ha e put p essu e o i di iduals ith e e ptio
do u e ts to e o ilised a
a .
A o di g to a hu a ita ia NGO, people ha e to e a a e
of thei ights a d a ti el se u e the eeded do u e tatio i o de ot to e su
o ed.
1.4.3 Possibility to appeal
I ge e al, the e is a f ee legal aid s ste i Uk ai e ith a ess to f ee legal ep ese tatio a d
gua a tees. Si e the e a e o spe ial ilita ou ts o ilita justi e s ste , all ases ega di g
e e ptio a e p o essed at the o al i il ou ts, ith legal gua a tees i pla e.
Whe a i di idual al ead has ee
o ilised, it is ofte diffi ult to e e e pted a d elie ed
f o dut at a late stage. The o al p o edu e fo a pe so i se i e, ho e o es eligi le
fo e e ptio , is to ha d o e the lai , i ludi g p oof of lai , to the o
a de . Fo i sta e,
if a se i e a e o es a fathe to a thi d hild, he ust p ese t his p oof of fathe hood a d that
he has th ee hild e . The p o ess usuall takes a ouple of eeks.
Legal Hu d ed also oted
that the e a e e a ples of the ules of e e ptio ot ei g follo ed i p a ti e the
a de s.
Su h ases of iolatio of the p o edu es the o
a de s a e p ese ted
to a highe o
a de o to the ou ts.
Ho e e , a ou t de isio o e e ptio ill usuall
ot e suffi ie t to e de o ilised.
Whe a pe so has a spe ifi positio i the ilita , the
pe so ould p o a l ot e elie ed of se i e, at least ot u til a epla e e t has ee fou d,
despite a ou t de isio o e e ptio . O l the o
a de of a u it a
ake su h a de isio .
1.4.4 Women and exemption from mobilisation
I ge e al, o e a e ot o ilised to the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e. Ho e e , as stated i se tio
. .
o the o ilisatio of o e , so e atego ies of o e a e e ui ed to egiste fo
o ilisatio due to thei p ofessio i the edi al a d pha a euti al sphe e. The e a e e tai
e e ptio ules pe tai i g spe ifi all to o e i these p ofessio s.
The atego ies of e e ptio s a e:
Reserved medical workers who have received a deferment from military service;
Women temporarily considered unfit for military service due to their health. If the new
draft changes to the law on Mobilisation is adopted, this category will be abolished;
Mothers with specific criteria who are taking care of dependents;
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 27
An International Humanitarian Organisation with headquarter in EU: 28
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 9; 23
Legal Hundred: 22; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 33; Pryncyp: 5
Legal Hundred: 22; Pryncyp: 5
Legal Hundred 22
Legal Hundred: 22; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 34
Pryncyp: 5; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 33
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 33: Pryncyp: 5
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation],
1993, Article 23,
International Organisation: 8
The source did not specify on the criteria of this category
[La of Uk
aine on
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Women providing constant care to individuals in need;
Women who are spouses, daughters, or daughters-in-law of disabled persons in the I or II
group, provided that there are no other persons available to support them;
Female students and academic staff of educational institutions;
Women with close relatives who died or went missing in areas of anti-terrorist operations;
Women already part of military or law enforcement units;
Female volunteers who aided the military or law enforcement in anti-terrorist
1.5 Deferment
Defe e t is a postpo e e t of ilita se i e o a te po a
asis. The legal easo s fo
defe e t of ilita se i e du i g o al o ditio s pea eti e a e defi ed a ti le of the
la O Milita Dut a d Milita Se i e . The easo s a e elated to the pe so s fa il , health,
edu atio al o p ofessio al a ti ities.
As e tio ed i
se tio .
o e e ptio s, the la O Mo ilisatio T ai i g a d Mo ilisatio
des i es the e e ptio easo s fo e uit e t fo o ilisatio . As as the ase o e e ptio s,
the la o fi s that the defe e t is ot pe a e t, ut a postpo e e t. Ho e e , as
des i ed i the p e ious hapte o e e ptio , a ti le of the la disti guishes et ee t o
defi itio s of e e ptio s: pe so s ot su je t to o ilisatio e e ptio a d pe so s
te po a il ot su je t to o ilisatio defe e t .
See i gl , the e is ot a lea - ut
disti tio i the la et ee e e ptio a d defe e t.
As e a ples of the possi ilit fo defe e t, sou es o sulted highlighted stude ts atte di g
p e-highe a d highe edu atio as ell as e plo ees of NGOs a d i te atio al o ga isatio s.
1.5.1 Deferment procedures
A o di g to Legal Hu d ed, the ules e e ge e all espe ted i p a ti e; ho e e , the e ha e
ee e a ples of iolatio s,
espe iall i u al te ito ies.
If a pe so fo all a ts to appl fo defe e t, he o she should app oa h the TRCs ith the
ele a t do u e ts stati g the easo fo defe e t.
International Organisation: 8
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о
ько у лу у
[Law of Ukraine on Military
Duty and Military Service],
1992, article 17,
The Kyiv Post,
S eepi g Cha ges P oposed to Uk ai e s D aft La
, 26
December 2023,
Denmark, DIS, Ukraine; Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilization during martial
law, documentation, punishment of evaders and deserters from military service, June 2023, p. 18-19,
ко к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
[Law of Ukraine on Mobilisation Training
and Mobilisation],
1993, Article 23,
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 2-3; An International Humanitarian Organisation with headquarter in
EU: 8; NACP: 2
Legal Hundred: 26
Legal Hundred: 27;
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 32
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Whe the status of defe e t is app o ed, a do u e t stati g the legal ight of defe al of
ilita se i e is issued. If the easo is o k- elated, the do u e t is issued the Mi ist of
E o o i s, hile if the easo is studies, the do u e t is issued the TRCs.
Fo all , it ould
e possi le to o plai to a highe o
a de o the ou ts fo the de ial of defe al; ho e e ,
it ould ost likel ot e suffi ie t o esult i a defe al.
p stated that, i p a ti e, it is
o side ed o e o less i possi le to e eleased f o se i e, e e o health issues o
disa ilities.
As al ead stated i
se tio . . ,
a esolutio as adopted i Ja ua
to la if the
defi itio s fo defe e t fo staff of i te atio al o ga isatio s, NGOs a d diplo ati
ep ese tatio s.
242 Procedure for staff from organisations
Resolutio No. la s do the e a t p o edu e o ho ele a t o ga isatio s appl fo
ese atio of staff, as ell as p o idi g the fo at a d te plate fo appl i g.
I this p o edu e,
ese atio is e ui ale t to the te
defe e t . See
All eligi le o ga isatio s ha e to su it a joi t appli atio fo ese atio of pe so s e plo ed
the o ga isatio ho a e othe ise lia le fo ilita se i e. I te atio al o ga isatio s ha e to
se d a appli atio to the Uk ai ia Mi ist of Fo eig Affai s MFA that fo a ds the
appli atio s to the Mi ist of Defe e MoD a d Mi ist of E o o
MoE . Natio al NGOs a d
othe eligi le o ga isatio s su it thei appli atio s di e tl to the MoD a d MoE.
A o di g to
the p o edu e, the MoD has
o ki g da s to p o ess the appli atio , afte hi h the
appli atio is se t to the MoE, hi h has fi e da s to p o ess the appli atio . Ho e e , it took a
I te atio al O ga isatio o ki g i Uk ai e fi e o ths to ha e thei appli atio p o essed.
If the Ge e al Staff of the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e app o es the appli atio s, the MoE a p o ide
ea h pe so ith a ge e al ese atio of defe e t fo ilita se i e fo a spe ifi pe iod.
The p o edu e e ui es that the i di idual appl i g pe so
ust spe if his ilita o upatio al
spe ialit a d ilita defi it ode. The spe ialit is sho i the ilita egist atio pape s,
Legal Hundred: 25
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 34; Pryncyp: 5
Pryncyp: 5
Uk ai e, К
т Ук
[Ca i et of Mi iste s of Uk ai e],
о т о , д
.№ , е к
п т
е л
поло е ь ко у к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
одо о
ько о о о ʼ
пе од о л
[So e issues of i ple e ti g the p o isio s of
Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" regarding the reservation of conscripts for the period of
mobilisation and wartime],
27 January 2023,
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 25;
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 2, 5; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 7; An international
organisation: 2
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 6
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 10; An international organisation: 3¸An international organisation working
in Ukraine: 8
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 8
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 10
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
hi h usuall is a ilita ti ket. If the spe ialt is a se t, the pe so
ust app oa h the TRC a d
la if his fu tio s efo e esu itti g a appli atio fo ese atio .
247 Challenges
The o te t of Resolutio No. also eates u e ous halle ges fo the NGOs, i pa ti ula ,
si e the ules e a e st i te a d o e o pli ated.
A o di g to a Uk ai ia NGO, the ules
stipulated i Resolutio No. a e ot i ple e ted i p a ti e.
Fi st, as a e ui e e t to o tai a ese atio , the NGOs ha e to o k ith spe ifi p oje ts
fu ded
e tai i te atio al do o s, a d the u e of NGOs that the MFA has app o ed is
e li ited.
Se o d, the esolutio states that the staff eligi le fo ese atio
ust ha e a o t a t fo a
i i u of si o ths. Ho e e , a NGOs issue sho t-te
o t a ts, usuall less tha si
o ths, thus thei staff ould ot e app o ed fo ese atio .
Thi d, the appli atio p o ess has tu ed out to e e ti e- o su i g. E e though al ost a
ea has passed si e the i t odu tio of the esolutio , the ese atio status of a NGOs, as
ell as i te atio al o ga isatio s, is pe di g fo a lo g ti e.
The a
halle ges aused hesitatio a o g ale staff to app oa h the TRCs to o tai the
e essa do u e ts fo the appli atio . So e fea ed that it ould lead to thei o ilisatio si e
the e ha e ee e a ples of i di iduals ho e ei ed su
o s i this situatio .
A o di g to a
su e o du ted a o g NGOs o ki g i Uk ai e, the p o ess fo egiste i g atio al a d
i te atio al NGOs a ies a isk as the o ga isatio s ust su it a list of all thei staff lia le fo
o ilisatio , hi h ould p o pt a i
ediate issua e of o ilisatio oti es.
1.6 Conditions for mobilised persons
1.6.1 General conditions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The oti atio a o gst the populatio to joi the a
is de easi g,
despite polls sho i g the
suppo t fo the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e e ai s high.
Uk ai ia
ilita se i e e epo t
e haustio a d ph si al ti ed ess as a o se ue e of a lo g-lasti g dut du i g the o goi g
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 7; An international organisation: 3- 4
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 7; International humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 10,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 7
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 25
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 10
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 5; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 7; An international
organisation: 3; An International Organisation with headquarter in EU: 10
An international organisation: 3, 4
An International Organisation with headquarter in EU: 10
A Year Into War, Ukraine Faces Challenges Mobilizing Troops,
23 March,
'At what cost?' Ukraine
strains to bolster its army as war fatigue weighs,
28 November 2023,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 38
Visit Ukraine,
Elections in time of war and trust in Zelenskyy: how many Ukrainians support the President of Ukraine
15 October 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
a .
Mo eo e , st ess, a iet , fea a d guilt a e p e ale t a o gst the se i e e ; a seek
ps hologi al aid a d fu the t eat e t at eha ilitatio e t es.
A o di g to Reute s, the TRCs
ha e ee fo ed to all up olde pe so s, aki g the a e age age of a se i e a i Uk ai e
a ou d
ea s,
hile the a e age age at the f o tli e is .
1.6.2 Duration of military service and demobilisation
Cu e tl , the legislatio does ot p es i e a pe iod afte hi h se i e e a e elie ed f o
se i e du i g a tial la .
A o di g to the la O Milita Dut a d Milita Se i e , du i g
a tial la , the te s of se i e a e dete i ed de isio of the P eside t of Uk ai e, hi h is
eithe at the e d of a tial la o at the a ou e e t of a de o ilisatio .
Withi the
edito ial pe iod, fu the i fo atio o a a ou e e t of the P eside t o the pe iod of
se i e ould ot e fou d.
Pu sua t to the De ee of the P eside t of Uk ai e o egulatio s of ilita se i e, the te s of
se i e fo pe so s u de o t a t i the e e t of a tial la a e o luded he de o ilisatio
is a ou ed.
Sou es st essed that the e is o offi ial i fo atio o the le gth of se i e
du i g the full-s ale i asio .
I O to e , No e e a d De e e
, the e e e de o st atio s i K i a d othe egio s
o e , i ludi g othe s hose so s ha e ee se i g fo o e tha . ea s u de the
Russia full-s ale i asio a d i es of o ata ts, de a di g de o ilisatio a d lea e of
Ukraine war: The men who don't want to fight,
22 August,
The Guardian,
Yes, tiredness is ravaging the
Ukrainian soldiers I meet. But they never think of giving up,
15 December 2023,
Ukraine's citizen army
struggles with a hidden enemy: combat stress,
20 December 2023,
The Washington Post,
A gloomy mood hangs over
Uk ai e s soldie s as a ith Russia g i ds o
, 18 December 2023,
Legal Hundred: 30; Ukrainian Non-
Governmental Organisation: 49
Ukraine's citizen army struggles with a hidden enemy: combat stress,
20 December 2023,
The Time,
No od Belie es i Ou Vi to
Like I Do. I side Volod
Zele sk s St uggle to Keep Uk ai e i the
1 November 2023,
'At what cost?' Ukraine strains to bolster its army as war fatigue weighs,
28 November 2023,
Legal Hundred: 28; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 46; An International Humanitarian Organisation with
headquarter in EU: 21
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, 28 June 1996,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у
[Law of Ukraine on Military Duty and Military Service],
1992, article 23, Paragraph 3,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, Decree of the President of Ukraine,
о оло е
п о п о од е
о д
ько о лу
[O the Regulatio s o Milita Se i e i the A ed Fo es of
Ukraine by citizens of Ukraine],
December 10, 2008 No. 1153/2008, Paragraph 9 of Clause 18,
Legal Hundred: 28; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 21; Ukrainian Non-
Governmental Organisation: 46;
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
a se e afte
et ee
a d
o ths of dut .
Mo eo e , the e a e epo ts of se i e e ha i g se ed fo
o ths du i g the i asio .
Se i e
e tio s fou easo s
I o de to e de o ilised, the la O Milita Dut a d Milita
fo dis issal f o
ilita se i e du i g a tial la :
Reaching the maximum age for military service;
Due to the state of health based on the conclusion from the Military Medical Commission
(MMC) on unfitness for military service with exclusion from military registration or
unfitness for military service with a review after 6-12 months;
As a result of a guilty verdict of a court, imposing punishment in the form of deprivation of
liberty, restriction of liberty or deprivation of a military rank;
Due to family circumstances or other valid reasons. See
section 1.4
on exemption.
The sou es diffe ed i thei ie s ega di g the possi ilit fo de o ilisatio . I p a ti e, it is
diffi ult to get de o ilised a d the e is o p o edu e fo dis ha gi g those ho ha e se ed si e
the sta t of the i asio .
p oted that it is i possi le to e de o ilised a d that the
topi of de o ilisatio is e se siti e i Uk ai e.
Diffe i g f o this, a othe Uk ai ia NGO
stated that de o ilisatio a o l take pla e ha di g i a dis issal e uest fulfilli g the
offi ial e ui e e ts fo dis issal.
A hu a ita ia o ga isatio stated that o l ou ded
soldie s te d to e de o ilised, a d that o o e esides those ha e ee de o ilised. Still, the e
a e e a ples of ou ded pe so s ho e e dis ha ged f o the hospital a d ei stated
ediatel at the f o t. The hu a ita ia NGO fu the stated that a u offi ial o de f o the
Milita Co
a ds spe ified that o od a e de o ilised.
If a i di idual i gs a ase to
the ou t ith a e uest to e de o ilised, e ause of health issues o disa ilities, the ou t
de isio is ot e essa il suffi ie t to e de o ilised.
Fo o e i fo atio o e e ptio
ules a d p o edu es, see
se tio . .
е опол
ть о л ду ко оп оєкту п о де о л
of soldiers from Ternopil demand consideration of the bill on demobilization),
27 October 2023 (unofficial
Suspilne. Media,
It s ti e fo othe s. I D ip o, i es of soldie s de a ded spe ifi te s of
mobilization and rotations for soldiers,
12 November 2023,
In the cities of Ukraine, the wives of soldiers
who have been fighting for more than 1.5 years held pickets demanding demobilization,
27 October 2023,
The Kyiv
It s thei tu
o : Uk ai ia s all o go e
e t to de o ilize e hausted soldie s fighti g fo ea l
two years,
15 January 2024,
Investigative Journalist: 16
The Guardian,
Yes, tiredness is ravaging the Ukrainian soldiers I meet. But they never think of giving up,
15 December
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, official translation, 28 June 1996,
ко к
о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of Uk ai e o Milita Dut a d Milita Se i e],
1992, article 26.2,
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 21; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation:
46; Pryncyp: 5; The Guardian,
Yes, tiredness is ravaging the Ukrainian soldiers I meet. But they never think of giving up,
15 December 2023,
Pryncyp: 5
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 46
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 21
Pryncyp: 5
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
I the autu
, a petitio sig ed
pe so s as se t to the P eside t, de a di g
a lea ti eli e fo he se i e e a e dis ha ged.
Repo tedl , i Septe e
, the
Mi ist of Defe e ega o ki g o a o ilisatio st ateg , hi h i luded fi ite pe iods of
o ilisatio a d ette s ste s fo otatio s.
P ese tl , othi g has ee adopted a d
a o di g to e s a ti les, ilita se i e e a d olu tee s a e o liged to se e u til the e d of
the i asio .
1.6.3 Leave of absence
A o di g to the legislati e f a e o k, ilita pe so el a e allo ed a a ual lea e of da s,
as ell as lea e fo fa il easo s fo a du atio of da s
ith o o e tha
da s at a ti e
du i g a tial la .
Othe t pes of lea e du i g a tial la a e te i ated, e ept fo lea e to
fe ale ilita pe so el ho a e allo ed to take lea e i o e tio ith p eg a , hild i th
a d a etaki g of a hild u til the hild ea hes the age of th ee. Mo eo e , lea e a e g a ted i
o e tio ith ill ess o t eat e t afte a i ju .
I p a ti e, it is diffi ult to e g a ted lea e f o
ilita se i e despite fulfilli g the offi ial
e ui e e ts a d lea e of a se e is epo ted to e g a ted a it a il .
E haustio is ot a
easo fo ei g g a ted lea e of a se e. I stead, otatio s i attalio s a e used to
a o
odate e haustio .
Despite this, the e a e edia epo ts o issues ith otatio a d
holida s
a d se i e e ot ei g otated ofte e ough.
Milita se i e e se e fo a
o ths ithout a eak, e e though the a e e hausted. If lea e of a se e is g a ted, the eak
is sho t; usuall th ee da s.
I ases of ill ess i the fa il , it is halle gi g to e elie ed f o
se i e fo a fe da s.
'At what cost?' Ukraine strains to bolster its army as war fatigue weighs,
28 November 2023,
The Economist,
Uk ai e s a
is st uggli g to fi d good e uits,
17 December 2023,
Ukraine war: Male citizens living abroad to be asked to join army,
21 December 2023,
The Guardian,
tiredness is ravaging the Ukrainian soldiers I meet. But they never think of giving up,
15 December 2023,
Visit Ukraine,
Military leave: can a serviceman go abroad?,
5 July 2023,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о ль
ько о лу о
т ле
е [The La Of Uk ai e o so ial a d legal
protection of military personnel and their family members],
Article 10, paragraphs 17- 19; Investigative
Journalist: 17
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
, о о ль
ько о лу о
т ле
е [The La Of Uk ai e o so ial a d legal p ote tio of ilita pe so el a d thei fa il e e s],
Article 10, paragraphs 17- 19; Investigative Journalist: 17
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
, о о ль
ько о лу о
т ле
е [The La Of Uk ai e o so ial a d legal p ote tio of ilita pe so el a d thei fa il e e s],
Article 10, paragraphs 17- 19; Investigative Journalist: 17; Legal Hundred: 30
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 22; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation:
47; Investigative journalist: 18
Legal Hundred: 30; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 48
Ukraine war: Male citizens living abroad to be asked to join army,
21 December 2023,
Ukraine: The
soldie s ho a t lea e the f o t li e u til the a is o e
, 26 September 2023,
Ukraine's citizen army struggles with a hidden enemy: combat stress,
20 December 2023,
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 22; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation:
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 47
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Milita o
a de s
i to o side atio the
a se e g a ted to se
situatio at the f o t li
lea e of a se e is g a
ake de isio s o g a ti g lea e ased o the easo fo appl i g, taki g
u e of pe so s se i g i the espe ti e attalio s.
The lea e of
i e e depe ds o the elatio ship ith the o
a de a d the
a d, a o di g to a hu a ita ia NGO, it is o
o l k o that
ted at the ost of a i e.
1.6.4 Military service at the frontline and in areas of active hostilities
I ge e al, the e is li ited i fo atio o the u e of pe so s o ilised to se e at the f o t.
I his e d-of- ea e s o fe e e, P eside t Zele sk suggested that the e a e u e tl
Uk ai ia t oops at the f o t.
Legal Hu d ed oted that ilita o
a de s de ide he e o ilised people should se e. The
de isio to fill positio s at the f o t depe ds o hi h se i es a e eeded, su h as g ou d
soldie s, a tille ists et . People a e o ilised a o di g to thei e pe tise a d spe ialisatio a d
ot to the f o t pe se.
The e is o appeal optio o the pla e e t of se i e. Refusi g to follo the o de of pla e e t
is o side ed a offe se a d is su je t to t ial.
While o s ie tious o je tio a d alte ati e se i e a e ot a optio du i g a tial la see
, the e is a possi ilit of ei g appoi ted to positio s i the ilita that do ot i ol e
eapo ha dli g.
So e se i e e , ho a e agai st eapo ha dli g, a e positio ed a a
f o o at zo es, taki g up positio s i kit he se i e, t a spo tatio et .
Mo eo e , the e a e otatio s i attalio s se i g at the f o t.
Fo i sta e, if a se i e a has
se ed at the f o tli e, the se i e a ill e se t to a othe pla e of fie e o at afte a
o e ese ed fo se i g at the f o tli e agai at a late stage.
A o di g to the
Gua dia , the e a e epo ts of i di iduals ha i g se ed at the f o tli e fo o e
o ths.
1.6.5 Training conditions
Milita t ai i g is a dato fo o ilised pe so s, ut the le gth a d atu e of the t ai i g
depe d o p e ious ilita e pe ie e, although the t ai i g is ge e all sho te du i g a tial
la o pa ed to t ai i g i pea eti e. Se i e e , ho ha e ot p e iousl o pleted ilita
Legal hundred: 30
Investigative journalist: 18
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 22
Ukraine war: Male citizens living abroad to be asked to join army,
21 December 2023,
Legal Hundred: 29
Legal Hundred: 29
Investigative journalist: 13; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 55; UHHRU: 11
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 55; Investigative journalist: 13
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 48; Legal Hundred: 29-30
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 48
Legal Hundred: 29
The Guardian,
Yes, tiredness is ravaging the Ukrainian soldiers I meet. But they never think of giving up,
15 December
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
se i e, ust o plete a ou se of asi ilita t ai i g lasti g at least o e o th.
The e a e
e a ples of ilita se i e e ho ha e ee se t to the f o tli e ith o l o e o th of
t ai i g.
Legal Hu d ed oted that people a e usuall t ai ed fo t o-th ee
epo ts of o plai ts o e i suffi ie t ilita t ai i g.
o ths.
The e a e
I te ie ed fo a a ti le the Washi gto Post, a Uk ai ia attalio
ho ill-t ai ed t oops a e eake i g the positio of Uk ai e.
a de des i ed
A Uk ai ia NGO oted that sele ted se i e e a e se t a oad to e.g. U ited Ki gdo o the
Nethe la ds fo o e spe ifi t ai i g hi h a last fi e to
o ths.
Repo tedl , o e
Uk ai ia se i e e ha e u de go e t ai i g i
o e tha
pa t e ou t ies i less
tha t o ea s.
1.6.6 Conditions during quartering and equipment
The e is a detailed o de
the Mi iste of Defe e o the app o al of the p o edu e fo
e uippi g the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e ith ta le a e, e uip e t a d i e to fo a ti e.
I o t ast, a hu a ita ia NGO stated that the e a e o i i u sta da ds fo o ditio s du i g
se i e.
Legal Hu d ed efe ed to so e i di iduals o plai i g a d alli g o ditio s ho i le
hile othe pe so s fou d the o ditio s to e as e pe ted.
A i estigati e jou alist a d Legal Hu d ed oted that du i g o ilisatio t ai i g efo e ei g
statio ed, se i e e a e ua te ed i
ases ith asi li i g o ditio s.
Qua te i g
o ditio s depe d o the a ea he e se i e e a e statio ed; i so e lo atio s, people a e
ua te ed i old apa t e t uildi gs, he eas i othe lo atio s ua te i g is i t e hes a d
fo ests. A o di g to Legal Hu d ed, this is also a atte of safet .
Legal Hundred: 31; BBC,
Ukraine war: The men who don't want to fight,
22 August,
Ukraine war: The men who don't want to fight,
22 August,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 45
Legal hundred: 31; The Washington Post,
Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow,
March 2023,
Ukraine war: The men who don't want to fight,
22 August,
The Washington Post,
Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow,
13 March 2023,
Ukraine war: The men who don't want to fight,
22 August,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 45
The Kyiv Independent,
General Staff: Over 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers trained in partner countries,
22 November
Investigative journalist: 19; Ukraine, Ministry of Defence,
No. 718,
те т о О о о Ук
О о о
[O de a out the di i g a d kit he e uip e t dishes, e uip e t a d i e to
of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine for wartime],
30 October 2012,
[copy link into
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 23
Legal Hundred: 32
Investigative journalist: 19; Legal Hundred: 32
Legal Hundred: 32
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
ilita se i e e do ot ha e the e uip e t eeded;
eapo s, a
u itio a d
u ifo s a e i suffi ie t.
At the egi i g of the full-s ale i asio , se i e e e e p o ided
ith u ifo s a d e uip e t,
ut i No e e
sou es stated that su h ite s ust ofte
e a ui ed at thei o e pe se ith the suppo t of do atio s.
Repo tedl , the e a e a
a ou e e ts o so ial edia to olle t o e fo ilita e uip e t.
Legal Hu d ed has ofte e ei ed o plai ts f o se i e e , ho ha e ee ph si all a used
thei o
a de s du i g se i e, although the p o le is ot s ste ati . The a use ostl
happe s to a ds pe so s, ho a e ge e all stig atised i so iet , e.g. people f o the LGBT
u it a d othe atio alities, e.g. Ro as. Ho e e , the sou e is ot of the opi io that
the e is s ste ati dis i i atio agai st i o ities i the ilita . To the sou e s k o ledge,
the e is o dis i i atio i the ilita agai st people, ho a e pe ei ed as p o-Russia e ause
of thei pla e of o igi o dual itize ship, although it e ists et ee i ilia s.
Fo i fo atio
o ge e al t eat e t of p o-Russia Uk ai ia s, see
se tio .
It is possi le to ha d i a o plai t of a use to a highe o
a de o the ilita poli e, ut i
ost ases, a i estigatio is ot i itiated due to a la k of illi g ess f o the o
a de s.
Fu the o e, Legal Hu d ed oted that the i fo atio i the o plai t ould e sha ed ith
the o
a de i uestio
the highe o
a de , aki g hi a a e that so eo e f o his
attalio has i itiated a o plai t ase agai st hi .
Conscientious objection and alternative service
Du i g a tial la , the e is o legal asis fo e e ptio f o
o ilisatio ased o o s ie tious
o je tio . Co s ie tious o je tio is ot e tio ed as a optio u de the p o isio o
e e ptio fo o ilisatio .
The legal ight to opt fo o s ie tious o je tio applies o l i
pea eti e a d o l fo sele ted eligious easo s.
The eligious o
u ities that a e g a ted
the ight to o s ie tious o je tio a e li ited to e e s of a fe eligious o
u ities,
i ludi g the Ad e tists, Baptists, Jeho ah s Wit esses, the Pe te ostal Mo e e t, a d
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 24; Legal Hundred: 32
Legal Hundred: 32
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 24
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 24; Legal Hundred: 32
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 24
Legal Hundred: 33
Legal Hundred: 34
Legal Hundred: 34
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
[Law of Ukraine on
Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation],
Article 23; UHHRU: 2; Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
Constitution of
1996, No. 30, Article 141,
Article 64; International organisation in Kyiv: 3
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
Constitution of Ukraine,
1996, No. 30, Article 141,
Article 35, Section 4; Roskoshnyi,
The Right to Conscientious Objection Under Martial Law in Ukraine,
8 August 2023,
p. 1
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
I te atio al So iet fo K ish a Co s ious ess et . see the full list of eligious o ga isatio s
hose eliefs do ot allo the use of eapo s ia the li k i foot ote .
The e is a spe ial la egulati g alte ati e o - ilita se i e, ut the la o l applies i pea e
ti e.
Pu sua t to the spe ial la o alte ati e se i e, the ight to alte ati e se i e a e
set i sepa ate est i tio s to the ge e al lia ilit fo o ilisatio i the legislati e f a e o k
go e i g o ilisatio du i g a tial la .
Ho e e , o est i tio s has ee set.
I p a ti e,
du i g a tial la , the ight to o s ie tious o je tio a d alte ati e se i e is ot e og ised;
efusi g to se e efe e i g o s ie tious o je tio s is pu ished pu sua t to the i i al ode,
as the pe so ould e o side ed a d aft e ade .
O l a fe ases of o s ie tious o je to s p ese t the sel es i pu li , as the ould isk o e
a tio f o the state, su h as pla e e t i p e-t ial dete tio fo se e al o ths a d up to o e
ea i stead of sta i g i ho e a est.
O l i a fe ases has i fo atio o ou t ases
agai st a ed o s ie tious o je to s appea ed i pu li sou es. At the ti e of iti g this
epo t, app o i atel
a es of pe so s o i ted as o s ie tious o je to s e e ide tified.
The NGO Fo u
listed se e a ed ases of o s ie tious o je to s ho e e all o i ted
u de the C i i al Code A ti le
fo efusi g all-up fo ilita se i e du i g o ilisatio
The sa e a ti le is used fo p ose utio fo d aft e asio – see
The i i u a d a i u pe alt fo iolati g A ti le
is i p iso
fi e ea s.
I p a ti e, i
diffe e t ases of p ose utio , the se te
o je to s i Uk ai ia ou ts a ged f o o e to fi e ea s of i p iso
ha e e ei ed suspe ded se te es.
I so e of the e di ts, the defe
e t fo a te of t o to
es gi e to o s ie tious
e t.
So e o je to s
da t stated that the
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
о т е д е
то у
ко у к
о льте
ько у) лу у",
Approval of Normative Legal Acts on the Application of the Law of
Ukraine "On Alternative (Non-Military) Service"],
10 November, 1999,
OHCHR call for inputs on the topic of
conscientious objection,
21 March 2022,
p. 2; International organisation: 4
International organisation based in Kyiv: 3
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
о т е д е
то у
ко у к
о льте
ько у) лу у",
Approval of Normative Legal Acts on the Application of the Law of
Ukraine "On Alternative (Non-Military) Service"],
10 November, 1999,
Article 1
International organisation based in Kyiv: 3
Roskoshnyi, Illia,
The Right to Conscientious Objection Under Martial Law in Ukraine,
8 August 2023,
International organisation based in Kyiv: 3-4; Ukrainian Non-governmental Organisation: 53; Pryncyp: 8; UHHRU: 2;
Investigative Journalist: 11; NYT,
Belief o Bet a al? Uk ai e s Co s ie tious O je to s Fa e Hostilit
, 18 August 2023,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 54; Investigative Journalist: 11
Roskoshnyi, Illia,
The Right to Conscientious Objection Under Martial Law in Ukraine,
8 August 2023,
Forum 18: UKRAINE: Conscientious objector now jailed, 27 February 2023,
European Bureau for Conscientious
Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe,
12 May 2023,
pp. 87-88; UHHRU: 4
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
The Criminal Code,
Article 336,
Forum 18: UKRAINE: Conscientious objector now jailed,
27 February 2023,
Ukrainian Non-governmental Organisation: 54; Investigative Journalist: 11;
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
The Criminal Code,
Article 336,
Roskoshnyi, Illia,
The Right to Conscientious Objection Under Martial Law in Ukraine,
8 August 2023,
p.2; Forum
18: UKRAINE: Conscientious objector now jailed, 27 February 2023,
Belief o Bet a al? Uk ai e s Co s ie tious
Objectors Face Hostility,
18 August 2023,
Belief or Betrayal? Ukrai
e s Co s ie tious O je to s Fa e Hostilit
, 18 August 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
ased thei o je tio to ilita se i e o thei Ch istia faith, hile i othe e di ts the
defe da t ased the o je tio o efusi g to kill people.
Fo legal gua a tees, please efe to
se tio . . .
With ega d to the s ope of i di iduals ho filed fo lassifi atio as a o s ie tious o je to ,
atte tio should e paid to a lette f o the Mi ist of Defe e dated August
to the
e uit e t offi es, stati g that si e egula ilita se i e i Uk ai e is suspe ded, alte ati e
se i e is ot appli a le.
I a a ual su e
the Uk ai ia Pa ifist Mo e e t, u e s of o s ie tious o je to s
o du ti g alte ati e se i e dist i uted o the diffe e t Uk ai ia o lasts a e listed. A o di g
to the su e , the e has ee a de ease i the u e s:
o s ie tious o je to s o du ted
alte ati e se i e i Uk ai e i
, o pa ed to ,
e e figu es ould ot
e fou d ithi the deadli e of this epo t.
The overall public atmosphere towards conscientious objectors should be seen in the light of
overwhelming public support for the armed forces. According to a survey, a total of 93.1 percent
of the participants responded that they either rather trust or fully trust the armed forces.
further information on societal attitudes towards draft evaders and deserters, refer to
section 3.3.
3. Draft evasion and desertion
3.1 Legislation on punishment for draft evasion and desertion
E asio f o
ilita se i e a e o side ed eithe a ad i ist ati e a d i i al offe e. The
le el of pu ish e t fo e adi g ilita se i e depe ds o at hi h stage a pe so fails to fulfil
his o he duties as des i ed elo .
The failu e of a i di idual lia le fo ilita se i e to epo t to the ele a t TRC ithout a alid
easo , he the pe so has e ei ed a su
o s, is o side ed a ad i ist ati e offe e a d
Forum 18: UKRAINE: Conscientious objector now jailed, 27 February 2023,
European Bureau for Conscientious
Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe,
12 May 2023,
p.87-88; NYT,
Belief or Betrayal?
Uk ai e s Co s ie tious O je to s Fa e Hostilit
, 18 August 2023,
International Support of Conscientious Objectors and Deserters,
Ukraine suspended right to conscientious objection
to military service,
5 September 2022,
[scanned copy of letter and translation into English,
European Bureau for Conscientious Objection,
Annual Report Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe
p. 85 - (the survey lacked updated information from Volyn, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Rivne, Kherson and Cherkasy
Citizens' assessment of the situation in the country. Trust in social institutions, politicians, officials and
public figures. Attitudes towards holding national elections in Ukraine until the end of the war,
11 October 2023,
Visit Ukraine,
Elections in time of war and trust in Zelenskyy: how many Ukrainians support the President of Ukraine
15 October 2023,
International organization: 6; NYT,
Belief o Bet a al? Uk ai e s Co s ie tious O je to s
Face Hostility,
18 August 2023,
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 56
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
e tails a fi e of
o -ta a le
i i u
i o es,
o p isi g ,
The pu ish e t fo e asio of ilita se i e as a i i al offe e is egulated i a ti le
the C i i al Code of Uk ai e.
If the pe so e ades ilita se i e afte ha i g e ei ed a
o ilisatio o de a d u de go e a edi al e a i atio , the a t is pu isha le i p iso e t
fo a te of th ee to fi e ea s.
Dese tio is su je t to i p iso e t fo a te of fi e to
i a ti le
of the C i i al Code of Uk ai e.
ea s du i g
a tial la as egulated
A e d e ts to the C i i al Code of Uk ai e a d the Code of Uk ai e o Ad i ist ati e Offe ses
a e i to effe t o
Ja ua
, i t odu i g ha she pu ish e t fo dese te s a d e ade s.
The la p e ludes ou ts f o eleasi g the defe da t p ose uted fo dese tio f o ustod u til
the se te e has ee se ed.
p oted that the a e d e ts ha e esta lished a s ste of st i t pu ish e t; i o de to
espo d to hat legislato s a d ilita ep ese tati es o side ed to e too le ie t se te es,
the legislato s ha e li ited the judges dis etio to take itigatio i u sta es i to
o side atio i ases of ilita
i es.
Fo i sta e, pe so s o i ted of dese tio u de
a ti le
of the C i i al Code of Uk ai e a ot ha e thei se te e suspe ded o e ei e a
o e le ie t se te e due to i di idual itigati g i u sta es.
Mo eo e , pe so s o i ted
of i i al offe es du i g a tial la a ot e eleased o p o atio .
p fu the oted
that the e is a la k of legal gua a tees i the a e d e ts as itigati g a d i di idual
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. ; Ve kho a Rada, Кодек Ук
п о
т т
п опо у е
[Code of Uk ai e o Ad i ist ati e Offe ses], Do u e t
, Editio dated
Article 210
Investigative journalist: 20; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 30
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
The Criminal Code,
Article 336,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
The Criminal Code,
Article 408,
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from
military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation, punishment of evaders and deserters from military
June 2023,
p. 57; Legal Hundred: 4; Investigative Journalist: 5, 22; Ukrainian Non-Governmental
Organisation: 30; NACP: 19
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
The Criminal Code,
Article 408,
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from
military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation, punishment of evaders and deserters from military
June 2023,
p. 57; Investigative Journalist: 21
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 59; Pryncyp: 9; Legal Hundred: 35
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 59
Pryncyp: 9-10
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 59; Ukrainian Non-Governmental
Organisation: 56; Pryncyp: 9
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 59
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
i u sta es a e ot take i to o side atio . As a o se ue e, the a e d e ts do ot
the sta da ds of fai t ial.
o e detailed i fo
atio o the a e d e ts, please efe to the epo t of DIS f o
Ju e
Dis ha ge f o
i i al lia ilit a d pu ish e t due to the e pi atio of the statute of li itatio s
is set to t o ea s fo a i o offe e, fi e ea s fo a ediu g a e offe e, se e ea s fo a
g a e offe e a d te ea s fo a spe ial g a e offe e.
The statute of li itatio s fo the offe e
of e asio is set to fi e ea s.
3.2 Enforcement of legislation regarding draft evasion and desertion
A o di g to a Uk ai ia NGO, the a e d e ts ha e ee e fo ed i p a ti e a d ha e led to
ha she pu ish e ts, i ludi g the e o al of suspe ded se te es.
p stated that as
i i al ases a e usuall i p o ess fo t o to th ee ea s, a legal p a ti e has ot et ee
esta lished a d he e, it is diffi ult to e aluate the a e d e ts effe t i p a ti e. Befo e the
adoptio of the a e d e ts o
Ja ua
, d aft e ade s a d dese te s e e gi e
suspe ded se te es, ho e e , Legal Hu d ed had hea d of e a ples of suspe ded se te es
also afte the la a e i to effe t.
All ou t de isio s a e pu lished, ut the e is o olle tio of statisti s pu li l a aila le i these
Eu o e s epo ted that e ade s a d dese te s isk ea s i p iso afte the a e d e ts
e e passed i Ja ua
a d d aft e ade s a d dese te s o fa e up to fi e a d
ea s
i p iso , espe ti el .
It is ot possi le to e ei e a p e ise u e of suspe ted d aft e ade s
a d dese te s f o offi ials.
p stated that ou t ases o d aft e asio a d dese tio a e u e tl li ited, ut dese tio
ases a e o e p e ale t tha d aft e asio ases.
Fo i fo
atio o legal gua a tees, efe to
se tio
. . .
Pryncyp: 9
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
p. 58
The Criminal Code, Article 106. Discharge from criminal liability and punishment due to the expiration of
statute of limitations,
revision on 1 January 2024,
NACP: 19; Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, The Criminal Code of Ukraine, Document 2341-III, Revision on January 1, 2024,
Article 106
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 56
Legal Hundred: 35
Legal Hundred: 36
I as af aid of it': the Uk ai ia s dodgi g o s iptio a d fleei g the ou t
, 1 September 2023,
The Kyiv Post,
If You Li e He e, Defe d You Cou t
Draft-Dodgers Spark Anger on Streets of Kyiv,
10 September
France 24,
Do 't elo g the e': the Uk ai ia s dodgi g the f o t,
31 August 2023,
France 24,
Do 't elo g the e': the Uk ai ia s dodgi g the f o t,
31 August 2023,
Pryncyp: 11
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
3.3 Societal negative attitudes and reprisals against draft evaders and
Sou es diffe ed i thei ie ega di g the p e ale e of so ietal egati e attitudes a d ep isals
agai st e ade s a d dese te s.
A Uk ai ia NGO opi ed that ea tio s f o o
u it e e s to a ds e ade s a d dese te s
a e li ited, although the e is ot a ge e al a epta e of e ade s. The o
u it e e s
ould u de sta d the efusal to se e i the a ed fo es,
hile Legal Hu d ed had ot hea d
a out egati e so ietal ep isals a d attitudes f o o
u it e e s. I the egi i g of the
full-s ale i asio , a
e lia le fo ilita se i e e e i p iso ed fo efusi g to joi the
ut e e eleased a d joi ed the a , afte hi h the e e still espe ted i the
u it . The o
u it ould usuall ot ha e i fo atio o people, ho ha e dese ted
ilita se i e.
Diffe i g f o this, th ee othe sou es assessed that d aft e ade s a e et ith egati e
ea tio s f o so iet .
A i estigati e jou alist stated that e ade s a e e all i sulted a d
o side ed o a ds so iet ,
hile a hu a ita ia NGO assessed that egati e attitudes a e
p e ale t a o g oth o di a itize s a d lo al offi ials, a d that jou alists a d logge s te d to
iti ise ilita d aft e ade s f o ti e to ti e i the edia. I este Uk ai e, the e is a highe
deg ee of egati e o
e ts a d attitudes f o lo als to a ds d aft e ade s a d dese te s.
A o di g to P
p, Uk ai ia so iet ge e all o side s e asio f o
o ilisatio to e u fai ,
ut e ade s do ot speak out i pu li a out thei e asio due to fea of egati e so ietal
ea tio s agai st the sel es a d thei fa il e e s.
p opi ed that so eo e, ho
o ed a oad to a oid o ilisatio , ould e et ith egati e ea tio s f o the so iet upo
etu .
It as epo ted i the edia that the pi tu e of the so ietal attitudes to a ds d aft e ade s a d
dese te s is a iguous, although the e a e e a ples of a ge a d ese t e t o so ial edia
to a ds pe so s a oidi g o ilisatio .
I ge e al, the e as e li ited i fo atio a o g the i te ie ed sou es o the possi le
so ietal egati e o se ue es agai st elati es of ilita e ade s a d dese te s.
Ukrainian non-governmental organisation: 58
Legal Hundred: 37
Investigative Journalist: 15; An International Humanitarian Organisation with headquarter in EU: 32; Pryncyp: 13
Investigative Journalist: 15
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 32
Pryncyp: 13
Pryncyp: 13
Uk ai e s D aft Dodge s Fa e Guilt, Sha e a d Rep oa h,
11 April 2022,
Uk ai e s D aft Dodge s Fa e Guilt,
Shame and Reproach - The New York Times (nytimes.com)[copy
link into browser]
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
3.4 Legal consequences for draft evaders and deserters returning
from abroad
Uk ai ia s esidi g a oad a e su je t to o ilisatio if the ha e ee su
o ed to se e see
se tio . .
Sou es diffe ed i thei ie o hethe Uk ai ia s esidi g a oad ould e
pu ished fo d aft e asio upo etu .
A hu a ita ia NGO had ot hea d of d aft e ade s etu i g f o a oad ei g et ith
o se ue es upo etu , as the ha e ot ee p ope l su
o ed fo o ilisatio
sig i g
a oti e e.g. th ough a e ass ,
ho e e , the e ould e isks he the etu to Uk ai e,
eithe du i g o afte a tial la .
Rega di g pu ish e t of dese te s etu i g f o a oad, the
sou e assessed that the ill e p ese ted ith i i al lia ilit upo thei etu .
A o di g to UHHRU, d aft e ade s ill ot e pu ished upo
ha i g e ei ed the su
o s lette .
at a late stage despite
Media epo ts oted that it is ot lea hethe those ho es aped o ilisatio a d hoose to
etu to Uk ai e i the futu e fa e et ospe ti e pu ish e t, although a pa lia e ta
ep ese tati e oi ed that it ould ot e i the atio al i te est.
If the p ose uto a p o e i
ou t that a pe so illegall ossed the i te atio al o de ith the pu pose of e adi g
o ilisatio , the pe pet ato a e pu ished ith i p iso e t fo a te of th ee to fi e
ea s.
p stated that the e had ee ases of people, ho had ee app ehe ded, t i g to e ade
o ilisatio a d o e a oad, a d ho, su se ue tl , fa ed i i al ha ges.
p a d a i estigati e jou alist oted that so eo e, ho has o ed a oad to a oid
o ilisatio , ould p o a l e et ith egati e ea tio s f o so iet upo etu .
The e
a e e a ples of ele ities, ho o ed a oad to a oid o ilisatio a d ha e ee
et ith
egati e ea tio s.
The Natio al Age
fo the Co uptio P e e tio NACP opi ed that although la e fo e e t
odies ought to i estigate ases ega di g pe so s ho ha e falsified a do u e t to t a el
a oad, the e ould ot e suffi ie t apa it to i estigate su h ases due to a a klog of
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 33
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 11
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 33
BBC News,
S i
i g i e s a d faki g ill ess to es ape Uk ai e s d aft,
17 November 2023,
Visit Ukraine,
Fines, jail or the front line: what men who went abroad illegally face,
18 April 2023,
Pryncyp: 12
Investigative Journalist: 15; Pryncyp: 13
Pryncyp: 13
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
thousa ds of ases. Mo eo e , the ases pe tai i g to ossi g the o de illegall
p io itised gi e the high u e of i i al ases elated to a i es.
ould ot e
3.5 Consequences for Ukrainians with a pro-Russian mind-set
O e all, the sou es did ot ha e i fo atio o additio al o se ue es fo ilita e ade s a d
dese te s ith a p o-Russia
i d-set as e uested i the Te s of Refe e e
ToR – a e
Ho e e , th ee sou es ag eed that Uk ai ia s, i ge e al, de o st ati g a lea s path ith
the Russia Fede atio a d its a tio s i Uk ai e as ell as e p essi g p o-Russia heto i fa e
se e e epe ussio s Uk ai ia autho ities.
It is i i alised to suppo t the agg esso state.
The autho ities a e a ti el p ose uti g people fo p o-Russia a ti ities pu sua t to the C i i al
Code of Uk ai e,
a d Uk ai ia atio als ha e ee detai ed u de ha ges of olla o atio
ith the Russia Fede atio .
The C i i al Code p es i es up to fi e ea s of i p iso e t fo posti g p o-Russia o p o-
i asio so ial edia o te t, ut i
ases, the offe de s a e se te ed to suspe ded
i p iso e t a d p ohi itio f o taki g up positio s i pu li offi es.
O the othe ha d,
the e a e ases of Uk ai ia atio als ho a e held fo lo g pe iods i p e-t ial dete tio fo
eposti g p o-i asio so ial edia o te t.
A i te atio al o ga isatio ased i K i oted
that o e all, disp opo tio ate pu ish e ts a e applied to the a ious p o isio s of the C i i al
Code elati g to atio al se u it a d olla o atio ith the Russia Fede atio .
As of De e e
, the e a e o e ,
p eli i a i estigatio s a d app o i atel ,
p ose utio s ega di g olla o atio ith the Russia Fede atio . The pe alties a ge f o fi es
ea s i p iso .
E a ples of a tio s leadi g to p ose utio s i lude the a t of aki g
state e ts o a a ge e ts i pu li i suppo t of the agg esso state, ei g olu ta il
e plo ed o ha i g a positio ith the o upatio autho it , olu ta il e list o p o ide suppo t
to the Russia A ed Fo es o o du t e o o i a ti ities i oope atio ith the Russia
Fede atio .
A Uk ai ia NGO oted that the ea tio s f o the autho ities a d the o
u ities depe d o
the eha iou of the pe so ith a assu ed p o-Russia
i d-set. The pe so
ust a ti el
e hi it p o-Russia s path i o de to e p ose uted. The sou e did ot elie e that the
NACP: 19
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 59; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU:
34; International Organisation based in Kyiv: 21
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 59; International Organisation based in Kyiv: 21; Ukraine,
The Criminal
revision on 1 January 2024,
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 21
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 21; Ukraine,
The Criminal Code,
revision on 1 January 2024,
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 21
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 21
Open Democracy,
The p o le s ith Uk ai e s a ti e olla o atio la
, 16 August 2023,
Landinformation: Ukraina - Kollaboration med ryska ockupationsmyndigheter,
22 December 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
assu ptio of a pe so ei g p o-Russia alo e ould lead to a
hu a ita ia NGO opi ed that a p o-Russia heto i is hea il
i te est of the autho ities.
A i te atio al o ga isatio e phasised that a Uk ai ia
f ie dships i Russia a d do ot fa e p ose utio s fo this.
epe ussio s.
iti ised a d a lead to the
elatio s o
atio als ha e fa il
4. Corruption
Co uptio is idesp ead i
a se to s i Uk ai e,
a d ost sou es ag eed that o uptio is
p e ale t i the o ilisatio p o edu es.
The o uptio is idesp ead at all le els of the
ilita s ste , a d thousa ds of people ha e ee pa i g i es to a oid o ilisatio .
Co e sel , a Uk ai ia NGO oted that the e is o uptio i the o ilisatio p o edu es, ut
that it is ot idesp ead.
The NACP assessed that the it of Odesa sta ds out as ei g o e
o upt a d opi ed that it p o a l elates to the high deg ee of Russia i flue e i the it .
Ho e e , the NACP oted that o uptio is also p e ale t i othe g oups as ell.
No all , o uptio issues i the ilita a e ot ei g dis ussed i i il so iet , as it ould e
pe ei ed egati el .
The easo fo this is that the ilita e jo s a high deg ee of suppo t i
the populatio ; ost people ha e fa il e e s ho ha e joi ed the a
a d the efo e
suppo t the ilita .
The p o le s of o uptio ha e ee o fe ed at highest le el, a d i the autu
P eside t Zele sk se e al ti es add essed the pa ti ula p o le s of the high u e s of
people ho a e a oidi g o ilisatio .
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 61
An International Humanitarian Organisation with headquarter in EU: 34
International Organisation based in Kyiv: 20
Temanotat: Ukraina Sivilattester, identitets- og reisedokumenter,
25.January 2024,
pp. 28; FT,
cracks down on corrupt army recruiters,
11 August 2023,
Le Monde,
Ukraine: Corruption can undermine the trust of
allies and reawaken divisions in the country,
1 February 2023,
Zelenskiy says change needed in Ukraine's
mobilisation system,
1 December 2023,
Ukraine fires military conscription officials for taking bribes,
11 August
UHHRU: 26; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 29; Pryncyp: 14-15; International
Organisation working in Ukraine: 14; Investigative Journalist: 3; NACP 3-17; Legal Hundred: 38
Pryncyp: 14; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 29; Investigative Journalist: 3;
UHHRU: 26; International Organisation working in Ukraine/Kyiv: 14
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 65
NACP: 17
Pryncyp: 16
Pryncyp: 16; Visit Ukraine,
Elections in time of war and trust in Zelenskyy: how many Ukrainians support the President
of Ukraine now?,
15 October 2023,
International Organisation working in Ukraine: 14; NACP: 16; UHHRU: 26; FT,
Ukraine cracks down on corrupt army
11 August 2023,
Zelenskiy says change needed in Ukraine's mobilisation system,
1 December
Ukraine fires military conscription officials for taking bribes,
11 August 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The issues of o uptio ha e esulted i t o ajo a al ses f o the NACP. The fi st epo t
o tai ed a a al sis of illegal a s to i u e t the t a el a that has ee i pla e fo e
et ee
a d
ea s ho a e eligi le fo o ilisatio .
The se o d epo t
o tai ed a
a al sis o o uptio i the MMCs – fo o e detailed i fo atio o o uptio i the MMCs,
se tio .
The p i a p ofiles of people, ho a e i u e ti g o ilisatio th ough o uptio , a e
ealth people ho a affo d to pa high su s of o e .
Fo i sta e, the NACP oted that
afte the pu li atio of thei epo t o
ethods to i u e t the t a el a i O to e
, the
p i es fo o uptio i eased sig ifi a tl .
The pe eptio of the state se to s as o upt is efle ted i a su e o du ted i
Uk ai ia Razu ko Ce t e. A o di g to the su e , as ited La di fo
, pe e t of the
espo de t dist ust ou ts the judi ial s ste as a hole a d pe e t dist ust the Natio al
o Co uptio P e e tio NACP et .
4.1. Corruption in the Military Medical Commissions
The Natio al Se u it Cou il of Uk ai e tasked the NACP to d aft a epo t o o uptio i the
MMCs. The ai easo fo i itiati g the d afti g of the epo t is that, a o di g to the NACP a d
othe sou es, the ost p e ale t a to i u e t o ilisatio is pa i g so eo e to fo ge
do u e ts at the MMCs.
The NACP epo t o tai s a su e o du ted the Uk ai ia NGO,
Legal Hu d ed, hi h states that f o
Fe ua
to August
, Legal Hu d ed e ei ed
o plai ts a out the MMCs. Fu the o e, i August
, P eside t Zele sk
that the Natio al Se u it Cou il of Uk ai e e ei ed statisti s o the MMC that e ide ed
idesp ead o uptio .
A o di g to the NACP epo t, i August
, la e fo e e t age ies o du ted i estigatio s
i a u e of MMCs i Vi tsia, Che kas a d K i egio s, a d the i estigatio s ide tified
Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
е т
к пд
ду к
у о
оє о о т у (Co uptio
schemes and risks related to leaving the country during martial law],
October 2022,
For more detailed information see Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine; Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation
during martial law, documentation, punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023, pp. 40-51,
Ukraine, National Agency on Corruption Prevention of Ukraine,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-
л к ьк ко
л к
(Co uptio isks i the
activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023, url
NACP: 17; Pryncyp: 7
NACP: 17
Temanotat: Ukraina Sivilattester, identitets- og reisedokumenter,
25 January 2024, url, p. 29; Razumkow
Citizens' assessment of the situation in the country. Trust in social institutes, politicians, officials and public
(December, 2023), 28 December 2023,
[Ukrainian language]
NACP: 5; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 30; Ukrainian Non-Governmental
Organisation: 68; Legal Hundred: 38; Investigative Journalist: 3-4
Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Co uptio
risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023, ,
p. 8;
Legal Hundred: 38
Kyiv Post,
Co upt De isio s –
Kyiv to Review Medical Exemptions from Army Duty,
31 August 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
e plo ees hose de isio s i the MMCs ould e uestio ed. Su se ue tl ,
do u e tatio o fi i g u la ful de isio s as seized.
edi al
The NACP epo t ide tifies
o uptio isks ithi diffe e t aspe ts of the o k of the MMCs,
su h as the fo atio , the a ti ities, the appeal p o ess, the use of i te edia ies, a d the la k of
digitalisatio .
The i fo atio i the epo t at ha d o o uptio i the MMCs is ai l ased o i fo atio
sha ed the NACP i the e tio ed epo t f o De e e
as ell as i a eeti g i K i ,
O to e
. The i fo atio p o ided the NACP a e di ided i to the follo i g the es:
U lea legal egulatio , o uptio a o g e e s of the MMCs a d poo te h i al e uip e t,
a d la k of digitalisatio .
4.1.1. Unclear legal regulation
The s ste of the MMCs as ot ead fo the eeds a d halle ges of a ti e. The legislatio ,
that p es i ed the a ti ities, as ague a d outdated, a d the o k of the MMCs has ot
o plied ith a ode -da situatio du i g a tial la .
A o di g to the NACP, the Ca i et of
Mi iste s failed to outli e the legal f a e o k fo the fu tio i g of the MMCs, fo i sta e i the
d aft of O de
hi h egulates ho to o du t the ilita
edi al e a i atio s.
Afte the full-s ale i asio , the u e s of MMCs dou led, a d do to s a d othe staff e e
ought i f o the u i ipalities he eas p e iousl the MMCs e e fo ed ithi the o te t
of state edi al i stitutio s.
Fu the o e, the ha ges i the u e of MMCs i eased the
isk of o uptio ases, as o t ol e ha is s si ulta eousl eake ed.
4.1.2 Corruption among members of the MMCs
The de isio to de la e a i di idual u fit fo ilita se i e a d to e lude that pe so f o the
ilita egiste is ithi the dis etio a po e s of the MMCs. These po e s a d the la k of
lea egulatio of the a ti ities of the MMCs ha e e o e the iggest o uptio fa to i the
MMCs. The e has ee a o sta t i te a tio et ee the TRCs a d the MMCs, hi h has led to
Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Co uptio
risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023,
p. 10
Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Co uptio
risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023, ,
pp. 14-
67; NACP: 5-10
NACP: 6; Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Corruption risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023,
p. 14
Ukraine, MoD,
к №
оло е
п о
ько о-л к ьку ек пе т у
No. 402 Regulations on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
14 August 2023,
Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Co uptio
risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023,
p. 15
NACP: 6; Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Corruption risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023,
pp. 16-20, 23-24
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
st o g offi ial a d pe so al ties. I the o te t of the i eased de a d fo illegal do u e ts
e ui ed to t a el a oad a d a oid o ilisatio , this has o t i uted to the sp ead of o uptio
offe es a d the de elop e t of sustai a le o uptio s he es.
Fu the o e, a i di idual lia le fo ilita se i e a e g a ted a defe e t f o
o ilisatio
fo health easo s depe di g o the du atio of t eat e t. Upo the e pi of the defe e t, the
pe so is e a i ed the MMCs to dete i e the edi al fit ess fo ilita se i e. The e a e
o p o edu es fo aki g a de isio o postpo e e t, he e it is solel the su je ti e edi al
assess e t of the MMCs that fo s a asis fo o ti ued defe e t, hi h o t i utes to the
p e ale e of o uptio at the MMCs.
The e ha e ee ide tified se e al ases of o uptio a o g the heads as ell as a o g
i di idual e e s of the o
issio s, ho ha e a used thei positio s to i ple e t o upt
s he es out of loopholes i the ague a d outdated legislatio . Fu the o e, the MMCs ha e
ee a epti g e tai e te al otes, su h as do to epo ts f o othe edi al i stitutio s,
ithout o du ti g p ope e ifi atio , hi h has i eased the isk of su itti g falsified
do u e ts.
I p a ti e, it has ee diffi ult fo la e fo e e t age ies to ide tif heads of the MMCs as
pe pet ato s. Ne e theless, ou t ases ha e e ealed that the use of i te edia ies, su h as lo -
p ofile e e s o se eta ies, ha e ee p e ale t, although the e also a e e a ples of
p ose utio of e e s of the o
issio .
4.1.3 Poor technical equipment and lack of digitalisation
The MMCs ha e, i ge e al, poo te h i al e uip e t, hi h has i eased the isk of o uptio
ith the o ti ued use of pape o k. Fo i sta e, the e has ee fo ulated a eed fo ,
laptops to the MMCs, hi h has ot ee
et. Ma MMCs la k lo al o e tio to the i te et,
hi h has ade it i possi le to o e t to the atio al, ele t o i health a e s ste a d a
out ele t o i do u e t a age e t. The MMCs a e still o ki g ith pape do u e t
i ulatio , hi h eates fa ou a le o ditio s fo o uptio e ause it akes it easie to falsif
do u e ts he the e is o ele t o i t ail. Fu the o e, the MMCs do ot ha e a ess to the
ele t o i edi al histo of pe so s lia le fo ilita se i e, hi h also akes the p o ess of
Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Co uptio
risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023,
p. 37
Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Co uptio
risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023,
p. 41
NACP: 7; Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
[Corruption risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023,
pp. 38-40
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
falsifi atio s of do u e ts a d o lusio s easie , as the e ifi atio of the authe ti it is thus
sig ifi a tl o pli ated.
The e is o i sight fo the pe so su
o ed fo o ilisatio a d edi al he k o fo outside s of
hat the MMCs ha e itte i thei edi al assess e ts, thus the o lusio s o eligi ilit
a ot e o ito ed o halle ged. The o lusio s a e fo a ded di e tl f o the MMCs to the
ilita o
a de s.
Fu the o e, the MMCs do ot look at p e ious health e o ds du i g the
e uit e t p o edu es ut a e o du ti g thei o health assess e t, i hi h o uptio is
uite p e ale t. The issued do u e ts a e eal; ho e e , the p e ises a e false.
The e a e u egulated p o edu es fo e ui e e ts of atta hi g edi al do u e ts to the
appli atio fo e e ptio , hi h allo s the MMCs to dis ega d su h do u e ts e a li g iased
o lusio s. Fu the o e, it o pli ates a appeal agai st the de isio s of the MMCs e ause
appli a ts a e u a le to p o e that the p o ided edi al do u e tatio that i di ated the
p ese e of a disease.
Ma of Uk ai e s go e
e t se i es ha e o e a lo g a i the i ple e tatio of
go e a e p o edu es; ho e e , the a ti ities of the MMCs ha e ot ee digitalised, hi h
uddles the o t ol a d ide tifi atio of o uptio ases. No a tio has ee take to i itiate
digitalisatio , a o di g to the NACP, appa e tl e ause the e is a i te est i the top of the
go e
e t i keepi g the p o ess o pape i o de to o ti ue the p ese t o upt p a ti e.
O a o e all le el, the NACP oted that the o uptio i the MMCs is a o i atio of ei g
s ste i e ause of u lea ules, ut ost ases a e a esult of i di idual a ti ities.
4.2. Other ways to circumvent mobilisation
Besides the o uptio i the MMCs, the NACP ide tified fou t pi al a ia ts of o uptio a d
e asio
A person can be exempted from mobilisation if any close family members have been
classified with disabilities or serious health conditions.
The NACP has identified
several corruption cases by fabrication of medical documents through the MMCs.
NACP: 9; Pryncyp: 15; Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
(Co uptio isks i the a ti ities of the Milita
Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023 ,
pp. 64-65
Pryncyp: 15
Investigative Journalist: 4; NACP: 9
Ukraine, NACP,
Ко уп
к у д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Co uptio
risks in the activities of the Military Medical Commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
December 2023,
p. 62
NACP: 10
NACP: 11
NACP: 14; An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 30; Ukrainian Non-Governmental
Organisation: 66; Investigative Journalist: 3; WSJ,
A Year Into War, Ukraine Faces Challenges Mobilizing Troops,
March 2023,
NACP: 14
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The NACP has identified cases of fictitious marriages with women who have either a
disability or three or more children allowing for exemption of the person liable for
There have also been cases of fictitious employment or voluntary work in companies
or organisations that have been categorised as strategically important and thus its
employees are exempted from mobilisation.
Finally, among the most common variants of circumventing mobilisation is fictitious
enlistment as a student to a higher educational institution.
Media epo ts also de o st ated othe t pes of o uptio , su h as u i g a passe ge seat
alo gside a lo g-haul t u k d i e lea i g the ou t o a ui i g do u e ts listi g a pe so as a
olu tee aid o ke allo i g fo e e ptio s f o
o ilisatio .
Fo i fo
atio o
a s to i u
e t the t a el a , efe to the DIS epo t f o
Ju e
4.3. Documents
Both the NACP a d a Uk ai ia NGO stated that ilita do u e ts a e usuall
A o di g to the NACP, it is ot possi le to fo ge ilita ti kets.
ot fo ged.
Ho e e , othe do u e ts ha e ee fo ged i so e ases. Fo i sta e, the te po a
e tifi ate of egist atio , hi h is a pie e of pape .
Othe t pes of do u e ts that ha e ee fo ged i lude edi al do u e ts f o
egist atio as olu tee s fo NGOs t a spo ti g ilita e uip e t.
do to s, o
4.4. Regional differences
Most sou es o sulted i this epo t ag eed that the e e e o egio al diffe e es i the le el of
o uptio to a oid o ilisatio .
Co uptio is pe ti e t i all egio s of Uk ai e.
NACP: 14; The Washington Post,
Ukraine cracks down on draft-dodging as it struggles to find troops,
8 December
NACP: 14; Investigative Journalist: 3; The Washington Post,
Ukraine cracks down on draft-dodging as it struggles to
find troops,
8 December 2023,
NACP: 14; WSJ,
A Year Into War, Ukraine Faces Challenges Mobilizing Troops,
23 March 2023,
Investigative Journalist: 3; WSJ,
A Year Into War, Ukraine Faces Challenges Mobilizing Troops,
23 March 2023,
Washington Post,
Ukraine cracks down on draft-dodging as it struggles to find troops,
8 December 2023,
a k, DIS,
Uk ai e; E it ules, e e ptio s f o
ilita se i e/ o ilisatio du i g a tial la , do u e tatio ,
pu ish e t of e ade s a d dese te s f o
ilita se i e,
Ju e
u l,
pp. -
NACP: 15; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 67
NACP: 15
NACP: 15
Investigative Journalist: 3; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 68; An International Humanitarian
organisation with headquarter in EU: 30
NACP: 17; Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation: 69; An international humanitarian organisation with
headquarter in EU: 31; Legal Hundred: 38; Investigative Journalist: 5
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU: 31
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Ho e e , the NACP oted that the it of Odesa sta ds out as ei g o e o upt tha othe
pla es i Uk ai e, hi h, a o di g to the NACP, is likel elated to the high deg ee of Russia
i flue e i the it .
4.5. Anti-corruption measures
4.5.1. Punishment for corruption
Whe a ti g i a o upt a to a oid o ilisatio , the e a e se e al a s the pe pet ato s a e
p ose uted a d pu ished. As e tio ed i
o d aft e asio a d dese tio , a pe so a
e p ose uted fo e asio of o ilisatio .
Fu the o e, depe di g o the ethods of o uptio , se e al a ti les i the C i i al Code of
Uk ai e egulate the p ose utio of oth the o upt go e
e t offi ial a d the i di idual ho
p oposes the o upt s he e.
Fo i fo atio o the fo ge of do u e ts a d atte pts at i e , efe to the DIS epo t of
Ju e
Fo ge of do u e ts is a i i al offe se, a d oth the pe so ho e uested a d
the pe so ho issued the false o fo ged do u e t a e su je t to i i al lia ilit .
The e a e
also se e al othe a ti les i the C i i al Code, hi h a e used to p ose ute o upt go e
e t
offi ials, he e the pu ish e t a ges f o a fi e a d up to
ea s of i p iso e t depe di g
o the g a it of the offe se.
The e a e o spe ial p ose utio o pu ish e t p o edu es elated to o uptio du i g a tial
la . A o di g to Legal Hu d ed, i es elated to o uptio a e o all pu ished se e el , a d
ild se te es a e ot used i o uptio ases.
Ho e e , the NACP opi ed that la
e fo e e t age ies do ot ha e the apa it to i estigate all ases i ol i g people ho ha e
falsified do u e ts to t a el a oad.
4.5.2. Other anti-corruption measures
The NACP has liaiso ep ese tati es i ea h go e
e t i stitutio . Ho e e , the o k
i depe de tl of ea h othe , thus ot as effe ti e as ished. Ne e theless, it as o side ed a
positi e de elop e t, he the Mi iste of Defe e as dis issed a d the NACP liaiso e a e
Deput Mi iste of Defe e a d i itiated a upg ade of a ele t o i egiste s ste of pe so s
NACP: 17
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
Criminal Code of Ukraine,
2001, articles 335-337,
Investigative Journalist: 6; NACP: 19
Investigative Journalist: 6
Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine; Exit rules, exemptions from military service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation,
punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
June 2023,
pp. 54-55,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
Criminal Code of Ukraine,
2001, article 358,
Ukrainian Non-Governmental
Organisation: 70; Investigative Journalist: 6
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
Criminal Code of Ukraine,
Investigative Journalist: 6 ; For more information on
ways to circumvent the travel ban, see also Denmark, DIS,
Ukraine; Exit rules, exemptions from military
service/mobilisation during martial law, documentation, punishment of evaders and deserters from military service,
2023, ,
pp. 54-55
Legal Hundred: 40
NACP: 19
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
lia le fo o ilisatio , i ludi g o e ti g the egiste
as a lo g-ti e e o
e datio of the NACP.
ith othe state data ases. The egiste
Whe the NACP pu lished its fi st epo t o o uptio elated to the t a el a , it as follo ed
up ith a su issio of e o
e datio s to the Uk ai ia go e
e t i Ja ua
o ho
to i i ise the isks ide tified i the epo t. These e o
e datio s e e d afted togethe ith
the ai stakeholde s, su h as the Mi ist of Defe e, the Uk ai ia State Bo de Gua d Se i e
et .
Ho e e , De e e
, o e tha a ea afte the pu li atio , the e o
e datio s
e e su itted fi e ti es, ut the ha e ee lo ked the go e
e t a d thus ot
i ple e ted.
I August
, P eside t Zele sk atte pted to take a tio agai st the o uptio i the MMCs
epla i g the heads of the ilita e uit e t e t es.
Ho e e , a o di g to the NACP, the
epla e e t did ot esult i a de ease i the o uptio le el ithi the MMCs e ause the
p o le is o e ooted i the o
issio s tha o l the top a age e t.
A o di g to
UHHRU, the epla e e t esulted i a d op of pe so s ei g o ilised, hi h p o a l as
e ause the e
a age e t la ked e pe ie e a d li ks ith the lo al o
u ities.
Hu d ed oted that afte the epla e e t, people ef ai ed f o pa i g i es to the e heads
of the MMCs out of fea of ei g p ose uted.
NACP: 23
NACP: 16; UHHRU: 26; Investigative Journalist: 4: Legal Hundred: 39
NACP: 16
Legal Hundred: 39
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
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од о о о ду
е де
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i te atio al e pe ie e a d t e ds i Uk ai e],
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z p_ u d h j-a aliz_o li e.pdf
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Razu ko ,
Citize s' assess e t of the situatio i the ou t . T ust i so ial i stitutio s,
politi ia s, offi ials a d pu li figu es. Attitudes to a ds holdi g atio al ele tio s i Uk ai e u til
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, O to e
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doslidzhe ia/otsi ka-g o adia a -s tuatsii- -k ai i-do i a-do-sotsial kh-i st tuti -polit ki -
posado tsi -ta-g o adsk kh-diia hi -sta le ia-do-p o ede ia-zagal o atsio al kh- o i - -
uk ai i-do-za e she ia- ii - e ese -
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Ja ua
Reute s,
Uk ai e p epa es a
o ilisatio efo s as a d ags o – Zele ski
, No e e
. eute s. o / o ld/eu ope/uk ai e-p epa es-a
- o ilisatio - efo s- a -
d ags-zele ski -
- - /
a essed o
Ja ua
Russia demands NATO roll back from East Europe and stay out of Ukraine,
17 December
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Ukraine considers proposal by army to mobilise another 500,000 for war,
20 December
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UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Ukrainian army proposal to call up more civilians gets mixed reaction in Kyiv,
December 2023,
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
'At what cost?' Ukraine strains to bolster its army as war fatigue weighs,
28 November
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
Ukraine's citizen army struggles with a hidden enemy: combat stress,
20 December 2023,
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
Zelenskiy says change needed in Ukraine's mobilisation system,
1 December 2023,
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Reute s,
Uk ai e's go t su its a e ded o ilisatio ill to pa lia e t,
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Uk ai e's go t su its a e ded o ilisatio ill to pa lia e t | Reute s
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A e age Age of Uk ai ia Soldie s Is Past a d That Could Be a P o le
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-a d-
State Mig atio Se i e of Uk ai e,
I fo atio fo fo eig e s ho pa ti ipate i the A ti-Te o ist
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Ja ua
Suspilne News,
едо то , к
о т
ть т т
о л к,
о уть
д т
ко до —
with a medical education, who must register
for military service from October 1, will be able to travel abroad
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Suspilne News,
ькко т
е ко е ту т уть о т
е т
о л о
о о еп леп є
military registration and enlistment office in the Odesa region
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5 August
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UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Suspilne News,
Wives of soldiers from Ternopil demand consideration of the bill on demobilization,
27 October 2023 (unofficial translation),
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"It's time for others." In Dnipro, wives of soldiers demanded specific terms of
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O to e
The Ti es,
No od Belie es i Ou Vi to Like I Do. I side Volod
Zele sk s St uggle to Keep
Uk ai e i the Fight,
No e e
https://ti e. o /
/uk ai e- olod
-zele sk -
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President: We need justice and respect for our warriors in the issue
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Uk ai e,
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ько о о о л ку п о к т
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4 May 2023,
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уде ль е п д т
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ло к п о ЛК [The e ill e
suitable ones - MoD has changed the order on the MMC],
2 September 2023,
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Visit Uk ai e,
Ele tio s i ti e of a a d t ust i Zele sk : ho
a Uk ai ia s suppo t the
P eside t of Uk ai e o ?,
O to e
https:// isituk ai e.toda / log/
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Visit Uk ai e,
Will e e o e go to a ? Ho
ill the olu e of o ilizatio i Uk ai e ha ge i
the ea futu e?,
https:// isituk ai e.toda / log/
/ ill-e e o e-go-to- a -
ho - ill-the- olu e-of- o ilizatio -i -uk ai e- ha ge-i -the- ea -futu e
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Ja ua
Visit Ukraine,
Departure of men abroad in 2023: what has changed for military servicemen,
January 2023,
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Visit Ukraine,
Conscription age cut to 25 in Ukraine: What will change and how will it affect
31 May 2023,
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
Visit Ukraine,
Mobilization and demobilization in Ukraine: what changes does the government
propose in the new draft law?
27 December 2023,
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
Visit Uk ai e,
Milita egist atio fo o e : ho has to go to TAC i O to e ?,
Septe e
https:// isituk ai e.toda / log/
/ ilita - egist atio -fo - o e - ho-has-to-go-to-ta -
i -o to e
a essed o
Ja ua
Visit Ukraine,
Military leave: can a serviceman go abroad?,
5 July 2023,
(accessed on 12
January 2024)
Visit Uk ai e,
Fi es, jail o the f o t li e: hat e ho e t a oad illegall fa e,
Ap il
https:// isituk ai e.toda / log/
/fi es-jail-o -the-f o t-li e- hat- e - ho- e t-a oad-
illegall -fa e
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Ja ua
Visit Uk ai e,
The Ca i et of Mi iste s has e pa ded the po e s of the TRC fo the pe iod of
o ilizatio : ho the ill o k,
Fe ua
https:// isituk ai e.toda / log/
a i et-of- i iste s-has-e pa ded-the-po e s-of-the-t -fo -the-pe iod-of- o ilizatio -ho -
the - ill- o k
a essed o
Fe ua
WSJ (Wall Street Journal),
A Year Into War, Ukraine Faces Challenges Mobilizing Troops,
23 March,
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
The Washington Post,
A gloo
ood ha gs o e Uk ai e s soldie s as a ith Russia g i ds o
18 December 2023,
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
The Washington Post,
Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow,
March 2023,
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
The Washington Post,
Ukraine cracks down on draft-dodging as it struggles to find troops,
December 2023,
(accessed on 12 January 2024)
Uk ai e No ,
Digital Cou t
, o date,
u l
NACP Uk ai e, Natio al Age
к пд
ду к
o Co uptio P e e tio of Uk ai e ,
Ко уп
е т
у о
оє о о т у (Co uptio s he es a d isks elated
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
to lea i g the ou t du i g a tial la
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https:// azk.go .ua/ p-
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/ /Ko uptsi - i_she _ta_ z k _pid_ has_ i-zdu_z_Uk ai-
_ _u o ah.pdf
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Ja ua
NACP Uk ai e, Natio al Age
o Co uptio P e e tio of Uk ai e ,
Ко уп
к у
д ль о т
ько о-л к ьк ко
л к
(Co uptio isks i the a ti ities
of the Milita Medi al Co
issio s of the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e],
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o t ole /?sid=
&a=do s&id= a
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official translation, 28 June 1996,
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о о ' ок
ько у лу у [La of
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ко к
п оп
on the Legal Regime of Martial Law],
11 June 2015,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
п о о л
Ukraine on mobilisation training and mobilisation],
о о т
у [La of Uk ai
у п д ото ку т
о л
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у о ль у допо о у о о
лд т
д т т т дт
л д т [La of Uk ai e, O State So ial Aid to Pe so s Disa led f o
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п о д
т т
п опо у е
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[P eside t of Uk ai e],
е де т к
оє о о т у к
[De ee of the P eside t of Uk ai e No
introduction of martial law in Ukraine],
24 February 2022,
On the
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
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[P eside t of Uk ai e],
е де т к
№ /
ль у о л
of the President of Ukraine No 64/2022
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dishes, equipment and inventory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for wartime
те т о
О о о Ук
т О о о
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о т е д е
то у
ко у к
о льте
ько у) лу у",
Approval of
Normative Legal Acts on the Application of the Law of Ukraine "On Alternative (Non-Military)
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т Ук
[Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine],
о т о № , о док
ько о о о
п ко
ько о о о
д оє о о
т у
[Resolution 76, Procedure for booking conscripts according to the list of conscripts during
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27 January 2023, art. 9-10,
Uk ai e,
т о о о Ук
[Mi iste of Defe e of Uk ai e],
к №
п о
ько о-л к ьку ек пе т у
[O de No.
military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
14 August 2023,
оло е
Regulatio s o
Uk ai e,
те т о О о о Ук
[Mi ist Of Defe e Uk ai e],
к №
т е д е
до оло е
п о
ько о-л к ьку ек пе т у
[O de No.
O the app o al of the A e d e ts to the Regulatio o
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18 August 2023,
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т Ук
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о т о , д
.№ , е к п т
е л
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о о л
п д ото ку т о л
одо о
ько о о о ʼ
пе од о л
[So e issues of i ple e ti g the p o isio s of the La of Uk ai e "O
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UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Uk ai e, Ve ko a Rhada,
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п о од е
о д
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[O the
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т е е
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,п о
к ток о
до о о, е
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30 December 2016,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Annex 1: Meeting Notes
National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP)
Meeti g, K i ,
A out the sou e
1. The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) was established in 2014 and is a
central executive body with a special status. It is responsible for the development of anti-
corruption policy and prevention of corruption. The NACP has, among many tasks,
responsibility for analysing the situation regarding corruption in Ukraine and developing
relevant anti-corruption strategies and programs for its implementation. Furthermore, it
monitors compliance with the rules and legislation, coordinates and supports state and
local bodies with identifying and eliminating corruption risks and implementing anti-
corruption measures. NACP is not a law enforcement agency, which is why it does not
conduct its own investigation and prosecution. However, it has a mandate to conduct
inspections of state and local bodies.
2. Overall, there has not been any major changes in the legislation regarding mobilisation
since February 2023. However, there has been some minor adjustments of the existing
legislation. The NACP mentioned that, for example, students attending a second or third
higher education are not eligible for deferment of mobilisation anymore. However,
deferment only applies for parallel educational levels. If a graduate student were accepted
for Ph.D. or similar higher levels, this student would still be able to obtain a deferment.
Co uptio i the o ilisatio p o edu es
I O to e
, the NACP pu lished the epo t Co uptio s he es a d isks elated to
lea i g the ou t du i g a tial la des i i g eight ide tified
illegal ways (schemes)
to circumvent the travel ban in Ukraine by people covered by the mobilisation. In January
2023, the report was followed up with a submission of recommendations to the
government of Ukraine on how to minimise the risks identified in the report. The
recommendations were drafted in agreement with all other major stakeholders, such as
the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service (SBGS), the Ministry of Defence etc. and took
form as several government resolutions on minimising illegal border crossings and
addressing the issues of forging documents etc.
4. By December 2023, the recommendations have been submitted five times in total, but
have been returned every time. The prime minister in the government blocked the
recommendations and they have not been approved nor implemented up to this date;
even though both the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Health were in position to
implement important parts of the recommendations.
O to e
Medi al Co
issio s
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
5. The National Security Council of Ukraine tasked the NACP to draft a report on the
functioning of the Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) that is set to be published by the
end of 2023. The reason for the drafting of the report is that, according to the NACP, the
most prevalent way to circumvent mobilisation is by paying someone to forge documents
in the MMCs. Based on this report, NACP will prepare recommendations on increasing the
level of transparency of the MMC's functioning. The analysis was not finished at the time
of the meeting; however, the NACP was able to disclose the preliminary findings regarding
corruption risks in in the MMCs. In particular, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine will be
recommended to develop a new draft resolution that will regulate the activities of the
MMC, taking into account the recommendations of the NACP.
6. Firstly, the legal base of the functioning of the MMCs has not been clear and the
legislation that has prescribed the activities of the commissions has been vague and
outdated. The MMCs have not complied with the modern day situation and the realities
during martial law. There have not been proper procedures and criteria of the functioning
of the MMCs. As an example, the NACP mentioned that the timeline for the medical
procedure has been vague and not definite.
Previously, the MMCs were formed within the context of state medical institutions.
However, a couple of months after the full-scale Russian invasion, the law was changed
and it was possible to create the MMCs within the context of municipal medical
institutions. The change was implemented by August 2022 and since then the number of
MMCs has more than doubled. The changes resulted in a significant increase of corruption
cases, because the control mechanisms within the MMCs weakened both in terms of the
increase in the number of commissions and because it was easier to control a fewer
numbers of state institutions compared to municipal institutions.
7. Secondly, there have been several cases of corruption among the heads of the
commissions as well as among individual members. In their function, they have
implemented corrupt schemes by using the outdated and vague legislation to find
loopholes. The MMCs have also accepted certain external notes without conducting
proper verification, such as doctor reports from medical institutions, containing medical
information and therefore the risk to forge the submitted documents has been high.
8. The NACP noted that it was difficult to identify the heads of the military medical
commissions directly as perpetrators. However, through court decisions it is possible to
observe that the perpetrators use networks of intermediaries. An intermediary could be a
member of the commission or a secretary. However, there have been cases where the law
enforcement authorities have prosecuted the member of the commissions.
9. Thirdly, the poor technical equipment of the MMCs has also increased the risk of
corruption. According to information provided by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the
need for 1,000 laptops for military medical facilities currently remains unmet. At the same
time, there is still no local connection to the Internet in the premises where full-time
MMCs are currently located, which makes it impossible for them to work with the
electronic health care system and carry out electronic document management. At the
same time, the continued existence of paper document circulation serves as a basis for
the emergence of corruption risks due to the lack of an electronic medical information
system of the MMCs. Methods of fixing access to medical documentation of the MMCs,
thereby creating a favourable environment for corruption abuses during the
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
determination of the military fitness of persons liable for military service / serviceman by
forging documents. In particular, in the absence of a connection to the electronic medical
history of persons liable for military service, the process of falsification of MMCs
conclusions is greatly simplified, and at the same time, the process of verifying their
authenticity is significantly complicated.
Finally, even though Ukraine is one of the leading countries in implementation of digital
governance procedures, the activities of the MMCs have not been digitalised, which has
lessened the possibility to control and identify possible corruption cases. Furthermore, no
action has been taken to initiate a digitalisation process in this particular part of
governance, which, according to the source, is because
is still interested in
keeping the process on paper in order to continue present practice.
The NACP noted though that the corruption is a combination of being systemic because of
unclear rules, but most cases have been caused by individual activities.
Within the study of the corruption risks in the military medical commissions (MMC), the
NACP has so far formulated the following recommendations:
Make complete changes in the legislation regarding the MMCs, bringing it up-to-date and
make it comply with a special situation such as the present martial law;
Secure a transparent selection of heads and members of the MMCs;
Secure transparency when conducting meetings by, for example, making video and audio
recordings of the meetings;
Speed up the digitalisation of the activities of the MMCs;
Bring all previous medical records into account in the decision-making process of a
pe so s eligi ilit to e e e pted. This is ot the p ese t p a ti e a d it does ot gi e the
full medical picture, why the risk of forged documents in the MMCs persists.
The NACP is well aware that their recommendations on illegal border crossings were not
implemented. However, they are more optimistic that these recommendations will be
adopted, because the work is under the direct task of the National Security Council.
a s to i u
e t
o ilisatio
14. The NACP stressed that not all corruption risks to evade mobilisation were related to the
drafting centres and the military medical commissions. The monitoring of the corruption
schemes in Ukraine identified four typical variants of corruption and evasion methods:
Firstly, a person can be exempted from mobilisation if any of his close family
members have been classified as a person with disabilities or serious health
conditions. The decision of relieving the person from mobilisation duty is made by
civil medical commissions. The NACP has identified several corruption cases by
fabrication of documents through these civil medical commissions. Even the head
of the pro-Russian political party in the parliament, Verkhovna Rada, has been
involved in this scheme.
Secondly, the NACP has identified cases of fictitious marriages with women who
either have a disability or three or more children, which qualifies as an exemption
The third variant that was identified is fictitious employment in companies that
have been deemed strategically important and therefore their employees are
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
exempted from mobilisation. These persons are not actual employers of the
companies; they have bribed the companies to be added on the list as employee.
The fourth most common variant is, according to the NACP, fictitious enlistment
as a student to a higher educational institution, which makes it possible to obtain
deferment from mobilisation.
The NACP stressed, though, that the mentioned schemes were not as frequent as the
cases with the military medical commissions.
15. According to the NACP, it is not possible to forge the military tickets, but there have been
cases of other forged documents, e.g. the temporary certificate of registration, which is
just a piece of paper.
16. In August 2023, President Zelenskyy, replaced the heads of the military recruitment
centres because of the corruption in these institutions. However, the replacement did not
result in a decrease in the corruption level within the system of the MMCs. According to
the NACP, it does not help to solve the problem of corruption by just sacking the heads of
the centres. To eliminate corruption it is necessary to change the roots of the problems
and reorganise the system from the bottom.
Regio al diffe e es
17. At this point, the NACP has not identified any particular regional differences in the
corruption cases. However, according to the source, the city Odesa stands out as being
more corrupt, which probably is related to the high degree of Russian influence in this
In addition, the primary profiles of people using corruption to circumvent mobilisation are
wealthy people, who can afford paying high sums of money. The NACP also noted that
after the publication of the analysis in October 2022, the prices of corruption rose
significantly. Corruption is also prevalent in other groups as well.
Pu ish e t fo o uptio
18. Since the full-scale Russian invasion, it has been difficult for border guards to fully verify
all type of documents within the current system. The authorities have limited amount of
time to check the documents and they are usually not resourced to investigate all aspects
of a given document. According to the NACP, it requires a certain expertise to be able to
detect a fraudulent document. However, when the practice of exchanging information
between databases of different government authorities is fully implemented, it will be
more difficult to circumvent mobilisation through corruption.
19. According to article 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, evasion of conscription during
mobilisation for military service in the events of martial law by persons from the reserve is
punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to five years. The statute of limitations is
set in article 106 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which describes that the end of term
will be after 5 years of such crime action. The law enforcement bodies should investigate
cases regarding persons, who have falsified a document to travel abroad. However, there
would be thousands of such cases and the law enforcement agencies would not have
capacity to investigate all cases. Furthermore, it is not a priority of the authorities,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
because additional there are also many cases related to the Russian aggression, such as
war crimes etc., which is deemed more important.
A ti- o uptio
easu es:
20. The work of the NACP does not only include the studies of corruption risks, but also ways
to mitigate the risks.
21. NACP submitted several recommendations to the government in January 2023. Only one
of these recommendations was introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers
the transfer in
digital form of information from the hospitals to the regional military recruitment offices.
The NACP does not consider this procedure as an anti-corruption measure; rather it is a
procedure to make the transfer of information from one point to another faster.
22. The Cabinet of Ministers has the stand that each government body is responsible for
implementing their own anti-corruption measures separately on their own level and it is
supposed to be matter of concern of the government.
However, the NACP opined that it is not possible to fight corruption entity by entity or by
simply investigating individual cases, as putting people to liability in criminal cases is not
an effective tool. Ukraine needs a comprehensive approach of the level of the government
to build integrity connections between different systems.
23. The NACP has liaison representatives in each government institutions, but they work
independently, thus not as effective as they could have been. However, as an example of
progress, the NACP noted that when the president dismissed the minister of defence, the
NACP liaison became deputy minister of defence and is already upgrading an electronic
register system of persons eligible for drafting for mobilisation, which is a significant step
to hinder corrupt practices within this system. The law on this register was adopted in
2018, but the previous ministers did not implement the register. Only when the new
minister of defence was appointed, the officials began actively processing the register and
work on connecting the register with other state databases. According to the latest data,
up to 90 % of personal files has already been registered. The next stage is to verify the
24. The register was a clear recommendation of the NACP, and the intention is to connect the
databases with the major stakeholders, such as the State Border Guard Service, the
National Police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Ministry of Health etc. The Ministry of
Defence is also planning to integrate the database with two other databases
for the
wounded soldiers and with the activities of the Military Medical Committees (MMC),
which should be ready by the end of 2023.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU)
Meeti g, K i , No e
A out the sou e
1. The Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU) is an association of human rights
organisations in Ukraine, which unites 25 human rights non-governmental organisations.
The main activities of UHHRU are protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
by legal means
primary and secondary legal aid on local and national levels and strategic
litigation in international institutions. The UHHRU provides legal assistance to individuals
and perform monitoring of the observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms in
Ukraine and inform about violations. Furthermore, the UHHRU conducts research on
human rights and fundamental freedoms, including monitoring of draft laws and other
legal acts, provides opinions and recommendations to the adoption of normative acts and
monitors compliance with international human rights standards in public discussion of
draft normative acts, incl. preparation of proposals. The UHHRU also provides human
rights education and participates in educational events and campaigns at seminars,
trainings, conferences, schools, etc. Since the conflict with the Russian Federation broke
out in 2014, the UHHRU has been documenting war crimes committed in the conflict. A
documentation centre about war crimes was established and in December 2021, it was
transferred to the national level at the Ministry of Reintegration as National
Documentation Centre. Since the full-scale invasion in February 2022, it has been
advocating for an international criminal tribunal to prosecute Vladimir Putin and other
main responsible actors of war crimes from the Russian Federation.
Co s ie tious o je tio a d alte ati e se i e
2. In peacetimes, it is possible to serve in alternative service in Ukraine; however, neither
conscientious objection nor alternative service are possible in wartimes due to legislative
restrictions. According to the source, the issue will not be resolved within the nearest
future. It might be solved only on parliamentarian level. The source explained that the
issue on conscientious objection is not solved on a legislative level, as there is no legal
base for exemption on conscientious grounds. (see Article 23 of the Law
O Mo ilisation
Training and Mobilisation
3. There is no prohibition on exempting persons liable for military service from mobilisation
based on pacifist beliefs during wartime, but the 10 reasons for exemption from
mobilisation do not include the existence of such beliefs. Therefore, there is no actual
legal basis for exempting such persons from mobilisation with reference to this provision.
4. If a person fails to show for military recruitment, it is a violation of the law and it is
considered as a crime. There are several cases under process at the courts involving
conscientious objectors, who do not wish to be mobilised. The source highlighted two
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о л
Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation],
у п д ото ку т
о л
[La of Uk ai e o
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
public cases regarding conscientious objectors; Yurii Sheliazhenko from the Ukrainian
Pacifist Movement and Ruslan Kotsaba, who both are proclaimed pacifists. In both cases,
criminal cases were initiated. In the case of Ruslan Kotsaba, a criminal case was opened
for publicly calling for draft evasion.
5. The source explained that Ruslan Kostaba, who is now in the United States, was a
«political prisoner» in Ukraine, because he refused to join the military on conscientious
grounds, and he initiated a public appeal to avoid military service. The case was
distributed in the media in January 2015 -2016. During the case, he was placed in pre-trial
detention and accused of having committed a criminal offense.
6. On the case regarding Yurii Sheliazhenko, the source explained that he proclaimed himself
as a prominent fighter for the right to refuse to serve in the military and he faced criminal
investigations that are ongoing.
7. Only a few cases of conscientious objectors present themselves in public and, in general,
pacifists are not particular visible. The UHHRU generally advises people not to be public in
these cases and avoid accusing the system. Furthermore, a person risks more actions from
the state when speaking out in public, e.g. lengthy placement in pre-trial detention during
the investigation for several months and up to one year as punishment instead of using
home arrest. The source referred to the Ruslan Kostaba case. The authorities have legal
grounds to do so.
8. There are legal guarantees in place, e.g. access to a lawyer and to participate in the
judicial proceedings. The source underlined that individuals have rights, but that the
current level of legislation must be taken into account (for example, the existing ten
reasons for exemption from mobilisation).
E e ptio f o
o ilisatio
9. According to Ukrainian law, it is possible to apply for exemption from mobilisation on
certain grounds. The source mentioned age, health, handicap status, being an only son of
old parents or only one parent of a child below 18 years, having three or more children as
exemption reasons.
10. The UHHRU does not monitor the enforcement of the exemption rules in practice but
stated that the exemption rules, in general, are enforced by the Ukrainian authorities.
However, the source mentioned that there are some irregularities and highlighted a case
of a person with epilepsy, who was mobilised and died in service.
According to the
source, it was a scandal in Ukraine and the source assumed that there was an
investigation afterwards.
Media Sapiens,
л е ь-«пол т
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August 2023,
е ь»
ед ед ук
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, 28 May
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UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
11. On exemption on religious grounds, the source explained that the law allows certain
groups to be exempted or they may serve in special groups in the military, where they do
not carry weapons. There is a unit of chaplains, for example.
Russia o ie ted pe so s
12. Ukrainian citizens, who are Russian-oriented, are mobilised on equal terms as other
Dual itize ship
13. The Ukrainian law does not recognise dual citizenship; neither citizenship imposed on a
citizen of Ukraine nor citizenship that has been voluntarily obtained as the other
citizenship is not considered valid in Ukraine. If someone has been imposed Russian
citizenship in Crimea, Donets, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhia or Kherson after 2014 by the
occupation administration and has not formally renounced the Ukrainian citizenship, the
Russian citizenship is not recognised and has no legal value in Ukraine.
14. If a person holds a Ukrainian citizenship, the person can be mobilised to serve in the
military, despite also holding another citizenship. There is as such no difference if the
other citizenship is Russian, Hungarian, Rumanian, Slovak, Israelian etc.
15. The UHHRU is not monitoring if people, who also holds a Russian citizenship, are treated
differently in the military when serving and have no information on this. However, there
are volunteer battalions of other nationalities, e.g. international legions, where there are
Georgian, Chechen, Belarussian and Russian battalions and other battalions created on
national grounds. According to the source, they are treated equally as Ukrainian citizens in
the military. If someone from these battalions deserts from military, there are no specific
rules for processing criminal claims against them. They are covered by Ukrainian
legislation and would be prosecuted according to the rules in the Ukrainian criminal code.
Stateless pe so s esidi g i Uk ai e
16. Stateless persons residing in Ukraine are not subject to mobilisation, as they do not hold a
Ukrainian citizenship.
People esidi g a oad
17. People residing abroad are also subject to mobilisation if they have received a summon to
serve. If they are summoned, they must return to serve in the military. However according
to the source, they will not be punished for draft evasion upon return at a later stage if
they have not returned after having received the summon.
18. People residing abroad have an obligation to register with the consulate where there are
staying, as a kind of protection if they need assistance as a Ukrainian citizen staying
abroad. However, people do not do this in practice, and they are not held responsible for
not complying with the obligation to do so. As far as the source knew, they are not
punished or subjected to administrative procedures for non-compliance with the rules
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
he the etu . Fu the o e, to the sou e s k o ledge, the ill ot ha e a
problems in having new documents issued when they are staying abroad.
Re uit e t p o edu es a d fo ed
o ilisatio
19. There is no digitalised system in Ukraine regarding mobilisation to the military. There is a
proposal to include the summon procedure to the existing DIIA system, where all the
digital documents of Ukrainian nationals are held, e.g. passport, driver license and other
documents, however the legislative basis for this has not been introduced. The only
procedure for mobilising people is the current written procedure.
20. Before the full-scale invasion in 2022, almost 30 % of the population did not stay in their
registered places. The place of registration is not reflected in the passport, and someone
can be registered in one region, e.g. Lviv, Ivano Frankivsk or Odesa, because of having
participated in local elections there, but afterwards this person has lived in another
region, e.g. Kyiv, for a long time. According to the source, the number could now be
higher than 30 %.
21. In general, the military commissions will not know where people are residing, because
they only have information on the place of registration. In this regard, they cannot present
them with a summon. A summon to appear before the military recruitment offices must
be presented in person and signed and it cannot be handed over to a relative, at the
workplace etc. If no summon has been presented, the person does not have a legal
obligation to present themselves for mobilisation and therefore they are not considered
evaders. According to the source, many people are avoiding mobilisation, because the
military commissions cannot locate the persons liable for mobilisation as they do not
know where they are residing. If they are stopped on the street by the police, they can
check the military status and hand them a summon to appear before a recruitment office.
The source was not in possession of statistics on how often it happens.
22. The military commissions can hold people in custody and bring them to the military units.
The source provided an example of two colleagues, who were travelling to a conference
for work, but who had not received their permission to leave the country ahead of the
conference. They were stopped on the way and one of them was arrested and held in
custody for two to three days incommunicado. They received summons to appear before
the local military recruitment office to go through the formal procedure for mobilisation
and was brought there. According to the source, it makes no difference who the person is
or whether or not he is a pacifist, as he has an obligation to serve.
23. In some cases, people have been illegally detained and imposed not to leave the place of
residence or the country and brought straight to the military recruitment offices by force.
According to the source, forced mobilisation happens often. The source mentioned an
example where people at a party had their military status checked by the police and were
presented with a summon to appear at the military recruitment office to follow the
procedure, go through medical checks etc. The source also mentioned another recent
example where a Russian-speaking taxi driver got in an argument with a passenger. His
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
military status was checked with the military commissions who discovered his military
status, and he received a summon and was taken to the recruitment office.
24. There is proposal to implement an initiative where the military recruitment offices can
receive information on people from their official workplace, so they can be mobilised from
the workplace. The source explained about an initiative to introduce the scheme as an
obligation for the administration of the workplace to provide a list of persons who are
eligible for mobilisation answering a request from the military recruitment offices.
now, the source had not received or heard of such a request being sent yet, but it might
Wo e
25. Women with certain professions are subject to mobilisation, however only
representatives from the public officials or administrators have been subject to
restrictions e.g. a travel ban. The source mentioned representatives from the judiciary as
an example. The source had not heard of women with other professions being mobilised.
Co uptio
26. There are substantial problems with corruption in Ukraine in terms of the mobilisation
procedure. The heads of the military medical commissions have been replaced as a result
of this, but according to the source, this has created an even worse situation.
After the
replacement, the number of mobilised persons has dropped, according to statistics. The
source did not know the reasoning behind and had his information from the media. The
source mentioned that the new heads of the commissions have a lack experience and
links in the communities where they work and are not effective like predecessors. The
source was of the opinion that more difficulties had arisen after the replacement of the
heads of the commissions.
European Business Association,
по док еде
ько о о о л ку
, 8 February 2023,
New Voice,
« от
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, 24 November 2023,
п дп
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UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
An international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU
Meeti g i K i , No e
I t odu tio
1. The source is an international humanitarian organisation with headquarter in EU, who has
been working in eastern Ukraine since the beginning of the war in 2014 in the
humanitarian field, but also with the development of local communities and support of
civil society organisations, education of young people and the resilience of the conflict-
affected people. Following the Russian invasion in February 2022, the international
organisation has expanded its team to provide humanitarian, financial and psychosocial
assistance throughout the Ukrainian territory.
Updates to legislatio
ega di g
o ilisatio
2. Among the main changes in the legislation regarding mobilisation since February 2022
the legislative framework on exemption from mobilisation stipulated in Decree No. 76 of
27.01.2023. Pursuant to decree no. 76, women with specific professions, including those
with medical education, must register for military service by approaching the conscription
centre (without any sanctions for not registering as of now). However, women are still
permitted to exit Ukraine.
The d aft la No
O a e d e ts to so e la s of Uk ai e o i p o i g the
procedure for processing and using data in state registers for military registration and
acquiring the status of a war vete
a du i g a tial la su itted to the Pa lia e t
aims to centralise various databases into one centralised electronic system that would
enable information exchange between state bodies, including information on persons
liable for mobilisation. The Ministry of Defence has declared that the centralisation is a
priority. The draft law was adopted by the Parliament in the first reading on 8 November
2023. As of now it is under preparation for the second reading in a committee of the
Parliament. The source explained that the draft law could be adopted during the second
reading depending on the number of suggestions from the Members of the Parliament.
4. The draft law 10062 provides for the transfer of personal data on citizens aged 17 to 60,
which are contained in various state registers (Tax Service, Ministry of Health, Ministry of
Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Election Commission, State Migration
Service and other agencies) to the Ministry of Defence. In particular, the latter will get
access to personal phone numbers and e-mail addresses of conscripts. All relevant
information will be contained in the electronic cabinet of the conscript, which must be
created in accordance with this draft law.
5. According to the source the draft law is supposed to facilitate the exchange of information
between different registers kept by the executive authorities for military purposes,
o ilisatio i pa ti ula . The e isti g DIIA s ste s pu pose is p o isio of ad i ist ati e
services electronically. It is connected to other different registers and can be used to issue
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
notices, e.g. a subpoena to court. The source opined that the DIIA system could be used to
send summons to register at the military territorial centres, however the source was not
sure about the binding characters of these. There is concern from members of the
Advocacy Working Group under the Humanitarian NGO Platform in Ukraine (over 100
NGO members) regarding personal data protection pertaining to the centralised database.
The NGOs of the working group are also concerned that, according to the legislation in
the directors of NGOs and other relevant officials can be held accountable for:
violating the legislation on defence
mobilisation training and mobilisation, in particular, for not submitting to the
district (city) territorial centres of recruitment and social support lists of citizens
who are subject to registration at conscription centres
for hiring conscripts and reservists who are not on the military register
failure to provide notification of conscripts, conscripts and reservists about their
call to the district (city) territorial centre of recruitment and social support
Security Service of Ukraine body, division of the Foreign Intelligence Service, for
obstruction of their timely arrival at assembly points and conscription stations
untimely submission of documents necessary for keeping military records of
conscripts and reservists
failure to submit information about such persons (paragraph 87).
6. The mentioned draft law can bring even more risks. The Office of the Ombudsman has a
department for personal data protection, in which they analyse all draft laws from the
point of view of personal data.
7. There is a discussion in the Parliament regarding the possibility of blocking bank accounts
of persons who received summons for mobilisation and signed it. According to the source,
the adoption of this proposal will make it more difficult for people to avoid mobilisation.
There is a discussion in the Parliament to adopt a provision allowing Ukrainians eligible for
mobilisation to leave Ukraine for a period of time if they pay an amount of money as
guarantee for their return. According to the suggestion, the sum will be added to the
military budget, if the person does not return. In the meantime, the Government adopted
a decree to launch a pilot procedure since 1 September 2023 (EVidriadzhennia), allowing
entrepreneurs (FOPs) and staff of legal entities, complying with certain conditions) to
leave Ukraine for 7 days after paying temporary bail of UAH 200.000,00. The source
referred to an article.
8. There has been a change in the legislation regarding deferment of mobilisation for
students. A person enrolled in a higher education can apply for deferment of mobilisation.
Under the announced reform of the mobilisation procedure, it will be possible only for
Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers,
Resolution, On approval of the Order of organization and maintenance of military
records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists,
30 December 2022,
Ukraine, Ministry of Digital Tranformation,
The government adopted a resolution that will allow entrepreneurs to go
abroad on business trips,
19 August 2022,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
students studying for the first time (first time enrolment). If a person enrols for a second
or third higher education, he will not be eligible for deferment. On the website of the
State Border Guard Service (SBGS), students do not have the entitlement to exit Ukraine
even though they are deferred from mobilisation and study abroad.
P ofiles of people
9. The source explained that there are more checks on the streets and in other public places
(gyms, night clubs, checkpoints, including at the entry/exit from the cities/towns/villages),
visits to the offices. In Western Ukraine conscripts often hear negative comments from
the local populations and there are also examples of landlords refusing men to rent an
10. On the subject of impact of the lack of exemption procedure for the humanitarian NGOs
and their staff the source referred to a survey conducted in July 2023 by the humanitarian
NGO Platform in Ukraine among NGOs working in Ukraine. The survey result identified
four main issues related to exemption procedures for NGOs:
Inconsistent legal interpretation of Decree 76 and resulting lack of recognition of
NGOs as critical entities: as of July 2023, 32 out of 33 NGOs had still not obtained
the status of critical entity which is necessary to apply for the exemption
procedure. According to representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA),
from a legal perspective, Decree No 76 contradicts the Law No 2732-IX which
provides that specifi
hu a ita ia NGOs should e e og ized as iti al .
However, the interpretation of the Decree by the MFA and the Secretariat of the
Ukrainian Government (SoG) is that they are not authorised to recognise the
iti al status of NGOs, ut o l of hu a
itarian projects. The Decree therefore
should be amended to comply with the Law. The source stated that the MFA with
support of the humanitarian NGO Platform developed amendments to the Decree
76 to resolve the issue. The draft is currently being considered by the relevant
Incomplete list of humanitarian donors: despite the numerous public
announcements by governments and their implementing agencies of
humanitarian assistance over the course of the 18 months, including publicly
available information of donors contributing to the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund,
the list of app o ed do o s pu lished MFA o
Fe ua
is li ited
and does not include a number of major actors. Of the 33 NGOs that responded to
the survey, only one NGO stated that all their donors are present in the list and
51% said that some of the donors were in the list. The source stated that the MFA
has now recognised the problem, and the NGO platform has provided a list of
donors to the MFA.
Long and unclear procedures: NGOs and UN agencies have reported that the
processes to submit the requests for exemption have been complex, with
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
frequent requests for additional documentation or information considered
confidential. Particularly, when NGOs submitted a list of staff to the SoG, the SoG
efe ed the files to the MFA that efused to e og ise the NGOs as iti al . Of
the 33 NGOs who submitted requests, 42% received feedback on their request
and among them, 21% were referred to another authority (usually the MFA); 17%
were requested to provide additional documentation; and 17% did not receive a
response to their submission. This can partly be explained by the fact that
different units in the MFA are responsible for managing the procedures, which
cause additional delays. In light of this, NGOs are concerned that their ability to
deliver humanitarian assistance to the people most affected by the crisis will
continue to be hampered or become extremely limited.
Increase of risks: the current process for registering national and international
NGOs at the centres for staffing and social support carries risk since national and
international NGOs are requested to submit lists of all their staff liable for
mobilisation, which could prompt immediate mobilisation notices for them
handed over through the heads of the NGOs.
11. Ukrainians of conscription age residing abroad are eligible for military service; however,
there are no mechanisms in place to summon them abroad. There are no known sanctions
against Ukrainians staying abroad who are eligible for military service, but according to
the source there are risks when they are back to Ukraine during and after the martial law.
This is also because there is no connection between databases and registers. For instance,
the embassy cannot officially refuse the renewal of a passport of a person who is eligible
for military service, but it is responsible for registering persons liable for military service
abroad (and facilitating their return), so it may require such a registration as a condition
for issuing the new passport (Government Decree on mobilization of December 2022).
However, there is no clarity on this although it may be a possibility. The source opined
that it will be easier to follow the conscripts staying abroad with adoption of the new law
on the unified registry. The source also opined that in this case conscripts will avoid even
more registration in the embassies and may choose to live with the expired passports
illegally, if the risks will be too high.
12. Ukrainians with dual citizenship are solely considered as Ukrainian citizens, according to
the Constitution of Ukraine, and hence they are eligible for military service. However,
those who are enforced Russian citizenship in the occupied territories could be subject to
an unofficial strict background-check by the Ukrainian authorities to investigate if they are
pro-Russian or have connections in some other way to the Russians. The Ukrainian
authorities have been active in investigating persons who support the Russian Federation,
but such practice is not official.
13. Some categories of women are eligible for military accounting - women with medical and
pharmaceutical background. They have to register in the military territorial centres and
can be fined if they do not register, but this provision has not been applied. However,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
regarding mobilisation there is an unofficial moratorium as of now (statements of the
Mi ist of Defe e s offi ials . No o e a e fo efull e uited, so, as it is olu ta to
mobilise. However, the policy and implementation of the legislation in force can change
any time, which make women residing abroad reluctant to return to Ukraine.
14. The source is not aware of other profiles of people beyond persons aged 18
60 who are
subject to mobilisation outside of on a voluntary basis.
Re uit e t p o edu es a d fo eful
o ilisatio
15. Generally, it is a uniform procedure that persons eligible for military service are
summoned by receiving a notification letter in person. Following the signature of the
letter, the person is obliged to approach the military recruitment centre on a specific date
mentioned in the summon.
16. There is no centralised registry for military mobilisation. The military territorial centres
have registered information on persons eligible for mobilisation from previous procedures
e.g. registration of address. In addition, the military territorial centres can exchange
i fo atio o i di iduals f o othe autho ities egist ies, e.g. i fo atio f o ta
offices, banks etc., which makes it possible for the military territorial centres to locate
persons liable for mobilisation. The source explained that the other registries are inter-
linked. However, according to the source this exchange of information is not quite
sufficient, which has led to the development of draft law no. 10062.
17. According to the source, people are often stopped to have their documents checked.
There are reports of men being stopped at checkpoints in their cars and taken by force to
a military recruitment centre and they use pressure to make them sign the notification
letter. For instance, there are examples presented in mass media and from official
comments from the law-enforcement authorities of beatings and other measures at
recruitment centres against men refusing to sign to put pressure on them. Once someone
has been brought to the military territorial centres, they have limited options to protect
themselves from forceful mobilisation. According to the source, the cases with physical
violence happen as isolated cases, whereas cases with psychological pressure are more
common, especially when persons are stopped during the checks.
18. There are reports from Odesa, Lviv and Dnipro of forced mobilisation where recruitment
officers have used aggressive force against males travelling in buses or cars and brought
them to military recruitment centres against their will to be mobilised immediately. The
source mentioned an example of a staff member who had been checked many times while
entering Kyiv from the oblast having to show passport or DIAA application even though
the staff member was not eligible for mobilisation.
19. Men fear going to employment centres and apply for legal jobs, as they fear being
mobilised. There is a requirement to be registered at the territorial centre if you apply to
the employment centre. Before hiring a person of conscription age, employers have to
check if this person is registered at the territorial centre and, if not, it may create
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
problems, as employers then become obliged to take up functions of accounting
conscripts. Many men, first of all IDPs (as they changed place of residence and have to
register at the new place within 7 days), prefer illegal employment. Forced mobilisation
has been more prevalent in smaller cities compared to bigger cities. Moreover, NGO
workers have been exposed to forced mobilisation in the southern and eastern Ukraine,
and hence they have been reluctant to travel to these locations. Particularly, technical
staff, drivers and engineers fear the risk. It has been a tendency for the past 5-6 months.
20. According to the source, forced mobilisation is taking place all over Ukraine and is a risk
for all profiles.
Co ditio s du i g
o ilisatio
21. The term of period in the military vary according to the different units and depends on
shortage of staff. Hence, there is no minimum or maximum term of service. It is generally
difficult to be demobilised, and according to the source, no one has been demobilised.
Only wounded soldiers tend to be demobilised, however, there are examples of people
who are discharged from the hospital and immediately mobilised to the front. According
to the source, there has been an unofficial order from the Military Commands that
nobody can be demobilised.
22. Leave of absence is arbitrarily granted. It is commonly known that servicemen must bribe
commanders in order to take leave of absence from the military. Military servicemen
serve for many months without a break even though they are exhausted. Military staff are
rarely granted leaves and they are very short (usually 3 days).
23. There are no minimum standards for conditions during service.
24. In the beginning of the invasion, military servicemen were provided with uniforms and
equipment but nowadays such items often must be acquired on own expenses with
support of the donations. The source emphasised that there are a lot of announcements
on social media to collect money for military equipment. Many soldiers do not have the
proper equipment.
E e ptio
25. In March 2022, the government introduced a decree that enabled humanitarian
organisations to seek exemption for their employees. According to the source, within the
humanitarian NGO Platform in Ukraine consisting of more than 100 NGOs, only two NGOs
managed to secure conscription exemption for their employees. Hence, NGOs
experienced that the exemption procedures did not function. In January 2023, the Cabinet
of Ministers adopted decree No. 76 on the procedure for temporary exemption. However,
the provision contradicts the law, stipulating that NGOs should have the status critically
important for ensuring the vital needs of the livelihood of people, but the decree does not
provide such an
oppo tu it , stipulati g NGOs staff a get e e ptio if the i ple e t
specific vitally important projects funded by international partners (project-based
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
approach). Moreover, the possibility to receive exemption is based on funding from
certain donors preventing some NGOs. According to the source, the list approved by the
MFA is very limited.
26. Beyond NGOs, it was the impression of the source that the exemption procedures work in
general, however, there are a number of violations on exemptions in practice. The source
explained that people are still summoned to appear at the military territorial centres to
provide documents on their status, thereby having to protect their rights. There are
examples of violations happening still. It also remains a problem for the NGOs, which
make up a large sector in Ukraine. In addition, enterprises and state servants also face
challenges in receiving exemption status and exempting their staff. The exemption
procedure is generally complicated.
27. Regarding other legal exemption reasons, such as being a father to three or more
children- or having a child with disability, it was the impression of the source that the
procedure works. However, there have been some violations where people have been
summoned with pressure put on them even though they had the exemption document.
28. When presenting the required documents, exemption status is generally granted. There
may be situations where persons with less resources and knowledge are conscripted
despite having the legal exemption reasons. Persons liable for military service have to be
aware of the right to exemption and actively secure the needed documentation in order
not to be summoned.
Co uptio
29. According to the source, corruption is prevalent across all levels of the system and the
source mentioned that there are public scandals every day with corruption at all levels.
30. The most common way to circumvent mobilisation using corruption is by forging medical
documents or by registering a relative as a person with a disability and becoming his or
her guardian. This usually happens through the military recruitment centres or local
medical institutions.
31. According to the source these types of corruption is pertinent to all regions.
D aft e asio a d dese tio
32. Relevant articles of military men, bloggers and other public people, criticising military
draft evaders, appear from time to time in the mass media. In these articles there is a
comparison of the life of the men serving in the Ukrainian army and the people living in
cities such as Kyiv, Lviv etc., going to restaurants, night clubs, denouncing such lifestyle. In
the Western Ukraine there are more negative comments from locals, refusal to rent an
apartment etc. According to the source the negative attitude is prevalent both among
ordinary citizens and local officials.
33. Draft evaders returning from abroad are not met with consequences upon return, as they
have not been properly summoned for mobilisation by signing a notice. The source had
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
not heard of Ukrainian citizens residing abroad being presented with a summon for
mobilisation, e.g. through an embassy. Deserters returning from abroad will be presented
with criminal liability upon return.
P o-Russia s
34. Any pro-Russian rhetoric is heavily criticised, including publicly, and is quite dangerous for
any person, not just for military staff or evaders. It can bring interest from the law
enforcement authorities. According to the source, even the use of the Russian language is
not welcomed and criticised and leads to discrimination somehow, especially in the
Western Ukraine. The majority of IDPs are from the south and east and from the Russian-
speaking regions.
International Organisation working in Ukraine
Meeti g, K i , No e
ega di g lo al staff i i te atio al o ga isatio s et .
1. The full-scale invasion and the following introduction of martial law in February 2022
resulted, among many other things, in an uncertainty for the continued functioning of
o ga isatio s a d atio al a d i te atio al NGO s. The u e tai t as ot
only related to the local, Ukrainian staff, especially male staff, in risk of being mobilised to
the army, but also related to practical matters such as rental agreements, electricity etc.
2. The introduction of Resolution No. 76 from the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers dated 27
January 2023 set a framework and provided more clarity for especially international
organisations and diplomatic representations in Ukraine regarding the situation of their
local employed staff in terms of exemption from mobilisation. It made it possible to
ese e staff …from
enterprises, institutions and organisations that were critically
important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the
populatio …
(Resolution No. 76
see appendix) during martial law.
3. The resolution was important because it was stated that 100 % of local staff of the
international organisations, which are critically important, could be exempted from
mobilisation, if they met the conditions for the exemptions. Before the resolution, there
were no clear provisions regarding the percentage of the local staff that could be
exempted. The resolution set clear instructions for those organisations that are critically
i po ta t fo the fu tio i g of the ou t s e o o a d the li elihood of the
population. It applies to all the UN organisations, foreign diplomatic institutions in
Ukraine, representations of donor institutions, implementers of international technical
assistance projects, representations of international organisations, international and
Ukrainian non-governmental organisations that implement humanitarian projects with the
funds of international partners. As a consequence of the Resolution, the Ukrainian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) requested all international organizations to submit the
application for reservation of persons liable for military service in accordance with the
revised procedures and appropriate templates.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
4. The source noted that the discussion on exemption already began in July 2022 with the
MFA, but at that time no response was received from the MFA. Since MFA had an
intermediary role, the process took considerable time because the organisation of the
source did not have direct contact with the Ministry of Defence or the Ministry of
Economy etc. The final agreement was based on existing bilateral agreements, which
secured the immunity for international staff. The international organisation working in
Ukraine has since its start of work in Ukraine worked under an agreement with the
government of Ukraine that gives its locally employed Ukrainian staff a certain degree of
protection that correlated the amount of immunity. The important part in the agreement
is that any actions taken by the government or authorities of Ukraine should not
jeopardise the functioning and continuation of the international organisation working in
5. More than 35 % of the staff in the organisation of the source consisted of local Ukrainian
males, and the international organisation working in Ukraine began the application
process of having them exempted from mobilisation. However, the Ukrainian authorities
did not reply for a long time, even though the international organisation working in
Ukraine followed up on the application regularly. The prolonged waiting caused a lot of
concern of being mobilised among the local male staff. The source was not the only
international organisation who faced this uncertainty and was of the belief that the
pressure of many international organisations working in Ukraine eventually led to the
adoption of Resolution No. 76 in January 2023.
6. The Resolution laid down the exact procedure and provided the format and template to
apply. From the adoption of the Resolution, followed by a collective application for
exemption, it took five months for the approval of all male staff, except for those who did
not have a proper military occupational specialty.
7. The procedure requires that the military occupational specialty of the person applying for
exemption shall be clearly specified in the military registration papers, usually a valid
military card. The absence of a military card continues to have the implication that the
organisation cannot apply for exemption for the person concerned. That person must
approach the military registration office, in which the person is registered, and clarify their
functions. After having obtained the necessary documentation, the person can re-submit
the application for exemption, if he was previously rejected due to a lack of fulfilment of
the document requirements.
8. The application is submitted to UMFA, which subsequently forwards the application to the
Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Economy. The Ministry of Defence ought to have
10 days and the Ministry of Economy five days to process the application and the total
application process should take 10 days; however, the first round of application took five
months to complete.
Mo ilisatio
9. In some regions, such as, for instance, the Odesa region, the authorities have been more
active than other regions regarding mobilisation. Public stories described the prevalence
of authorities handing out summons in the streets or in public transportation in some
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
regions. In Kyiv, however, there were fewer cases on mobilisation in the streets.
Nevertheless, before receiving exemptions, the local male staff of the international
organisations in Kyiv were worried to be subjected to forced mobilisation.
10. The unclear situation resulted in the local male staff of the international organisations
being hesitant to physically come to the offices, because they feared being summoned on
the streets. However, the organisation of the source drafted a letter to their local staff to
carry with them, stating that the person was in the process of applying for exemption.
Even though it was not an official letter acknowledged by the Ukrainian authorities, its
presence provided some kind of security for the male staff, and the authorities seemed to
respect the letter.
11. The source does not have information on recruitment procedures and forced mobilisation
outside of the example with local male staff working in organisations.
Co uptio
12. The source highlighted that it had not identified any experiences with corruption in the
application procedures of the exemption of their local male staff from mobilisation. The
application procedures have been clear and transparent from the beginning, even though
the first application was pending for five months. The situation affected all international
organisations in Ukraine equally. The official explanation from the Ukrainian authorities
was the high amount of applications being the cause for delay. The process was the first of
its kind and the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not have sufficient capacity to administer
this application process because they needed to crosscheck every person.
13. On the subject of corruption, the source relies entirely on publicly available, open-source
information, such as from the media, social media etc. and is not working with
undisclosed information.
14. Corruption exists in Ukraine, also within the mobilisation process. The source referred to
information from the news in the end of October 2023, where the President stated that
there have been a number of cases of corruption related to avoiding mobilisation where
people have had their registration annulled due to health reasons or simply taken out of
the register and then left the country.
15. According to the source, the procedure at the border has been tightened and more checks
are conducted. However, it depends on who is trying the leave the country. The source
exemplified that it is easier for students to cross the border. At this moment, the State
Border Guard Service (SBGS) is not willing to cooperate with the organisation of the
source on border procedures.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
International Organisation based in Kyiv
Meeti g i K i , No e
1. The International Organisation in Ukraine monitors the human rights situation related to
the armed conflict. The source is not focusing on mobilisation, draft evasion or desertion
in Ukraine during martial law as an area of priority in their human rights monitoring.
Co s ie tious O je tio
2. The Constitution of Ukraine recognises the right to conscientious objection in Article 35,
Paragraph 4. The provisions in the constitution is non-derogable. During the period of
martial law, certain derogations are permitted from the constitution. However, in the
p eside t s de ee o
a tial la , the e is a list of o stitutio al a ti les that a e
derogated or restricted during the period of martial law, but Article 35 on religious
freedom and conscientious objection does not appear on the list. Therefore, there is no
limitation envisaged in the decree on martial law.
3. There is a special law on alternative non-military service, but the law only applies in
peacetime. In Article 1 of the law, there is a sentence stating that the right to alternative
non-military service may be restricted during the period of martial law with an indication
of a period of restriction. However, there is no specific legislation about this restriction. In
this regard, the law permits restrictions, but the restrictions are not provided by the
legislation. The Law on Mobilisation is silent about conscientious objection. Hence, there
is no right to be exempted from mobilisation referring to conscientious objection.
4. There are bylaws on alternative service
which are from the 1999 concerning the
application of the implementation of the law on alternative non-military service. An annex
to the resolution of the government lists 10 religious groups that are eligible to apply for
exemption referring to conscientious objections, including Jehovah's Witnesses,
Adventists, Evangelists, International Society for Krishna Consciousness etc. However, the
source does not monitor how the law is applied in practice during martial law and can only
provide information on conscientious objection from a legal perspective. However, from a
legal perspective, since there is no specific legislation stating how the right of
conscientious objection is restricted or should be restricted during martial law, the right to
conscientious objection should still be applied after the introduction of martial law, as
there is no specific legal act stating that the right to conscientious objection is restricted
during martial law.
5. The International Organisation does not monitor if there are any societal negative
attitudes towards people, who refuse to be mobilised. However, the source referred to an
article by the Economist
from 1 November 2023 covering an interview with General
Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers,
On the approval of normative legal acts regarding the application of the Law of
10 November 1999,
The Economist,
Uk ai e s o
a de
-in-chief on the breakthrough he needs to beat Russia,
1 November 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Valery Zaluzhny, who states that loopholes to evade military service should be closed.
However, the article does not refer to conscientious objectors but the article may give an
indication of the overall atmosphere in regards to circumventing mobilisation. According
to the source, the loopholes mentioned in the article refers to exemptions for students,
men with ill or disable family members etc. as the right to conscientious objection cannot
form basis as an exemption ground.
6. According to the source, there has been a strong and widespread national support for the
military in Ukraine in the society referring to an opinion poll, which indicated that more
than 90 % of the population supports the military. The military is an institution that enjoys
an unusual high level of support. The source referred to following poll
and article
7. Based on anecdotal evidence, newly mobilised servicemen are attending an introduction
course, in which they are asked to flag their conscientious objections towards bearing
arms etc. In that case, military servicemen are obliged to provide proof that they belong
to one of the churches listed in the annex on the right to alternative service, as mentioned
above, and then presumably the person may be exempted.
E e ptio s f o
o ilisatio
8. The International Organisation does not monitor, if the military authorities generally
respect the rules of exemption from military.
9. With reference to the Constitution of Ukraine (article 65), every person is obliged to
defend independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, which might require for men to
serve in the military, if they have no exemption ground. As examples of exemption
reasons, the source mentioned having ill or disabled family members, having health
problems, having family members who died in service, having three or more minor
children, teachers at universities and schools etc. The source referred to the Law on
mobilization training and mobilization
as the legislative basis. The appeal procedure is a
general procedure of appealing the decisions of state bodies, however, the source did not
have information on how the appeal procedure is if someone is rejected in an application
for exemption.
10. There is also a reservation procedure, where employees from state institutions,
international organisations and other companies can apply to the Ministry of Economy
and General Staff to reserve employees, whose work is essential for the state and the
organisations. In such situation, the Ministry of Economy, if approved by the General Staff,
Visit Ukraine,
Elections in time of war and trust in Zelenskyy: how many Ukrainians support the President of Ukraine
15 October 2023,
Citizens' assessment of the situation in the country. Trust in social institutions, politicians, officials and
public figures. Attitudes towards holding national elections in Ukraine until the end of the war,
11 October 2023,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о л
у п д ото ку т о л
[La of Uk ai e o
Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation],
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
can provide the applicants with a general reservation with reference to exemption from
military service for a specific time period.
Mo ilisatio p o edu es a d fo eful
o ilisatio
11. The International Organisation only monitors forceful mobilisation in the occupied
territories by the Russian Federation and not Ukraine since International Humanitarian
Law (IHL) prohibits the occupying power (in this case
the Russian Federation) to mobilise
residents of occupied territories. It is a constitutional obligation of citizens to defend
independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine and the authority to mobilise male
citizens is established by law. Therefore, the source does not monitor the mobilisation
Alte ati e Se i e
12. During peacetime, the duty period of alternative service is 50 % longer than the general
military service. Persons granted alternative service are taking up positions in state
institutions or companies involved in communal services, healthcare, farming or
construction, or they can be engaged with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society. The source did
not have information on how the rules on alternative service was implemented, as the
source has not been monitoring the use of alternative service in the military.
P ofiles of
o ilised people
13. The law on mobilisation governs which profiles that are mobilised to serve in the military.
Generally, women are only mobilised on voluntarily basis and persons under 18 years old
are not being mobilised, however, it is assumed that persons below the age of 24 are not
mobilised as well, In general, the source does not monitor the situation of profiles being
Co s iptio i the o upied te ito ies
the Russia Fede atio
14. The International Organisation monitors the situation of mobilisation of Ukrainian citizens
to the Russian army in the occupied territories. International Humanitarian Law prohibits
the occupying power (in this case
the Russian Federation) to mobilise residents of
occupied territories into its armed forces.
15. The International Organisation was not sure to what extent persons are rounded up on
the streets and forcefully brought to the Russian Armed Forces. Some cases of forceful
mobilisation have been documented concerning persons with very specific characteristics.
The source has not established a pattern in these cases at this stage.
16. Generally, Ukrainians in the occupied territories are pressured to take Russian passports,
otherwise they have limited access to healthcare, social services, employment etc. In
practice, obtaining Russian citizenship may then lead to conscription to the Russian Armed
Forces. These procedures were established in Crimea and most likely extended to the
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
remaining occupied territories. The imposition of Russian passport and the act of
restricting Ukrainian citizens from accessing medical services, education or opening a bank
account are in itself a violation of IHL. Compelling a protected person to serve in the
armed forces of the occupying power constitutes a grave breach of the Geneva
17. The government of Ukraine has a program for enrolment of Ukrainian citizens who are
already serving in the Russian Armed Forces that grants immunity for prosecution, if they
turn themselves in.
18. There are some cases of Ukrainian POWs in Ukraine, who were mobilised into the Russian
Armed Forces. The treatment of these POWs depends on the situation; some are
prosecuted for treason and some are exchanged back to Russia. According to the source,
the POWs often have the choice to decide whether they wish to be exchanged or undergo
prosecution in Ukraine.
19. Ukrainians with dual citizenship are recognised as Ukrainian citizens according to
Ukrainian law. Hence, from a legal perspective, Ukrainians with imposed Russian
citizenship have the same obligations as all other Ukrainian citizens, including to
contribute to the national defense, as described above.
T eat e t of Uk ai ia s ith p o-Russia
i d-set
20. According to the monitoring of the International Organisation, there are Ukrainian
nationals who are detained and under charges for collaboration with the Russian
federation. However, many Ukrainian nationals have family relations or friendships in
Russia and do not face prosecutions.
21. Pursuant to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, it is criminalised to support the aggressor state.
For instance, posting pro-Russian or pro-Putin content publicly on e.g. social media
accounts glorifying the Russian invasion is subject to prosecution. Overall,
disproportionate punishments are applied to the various provisions of the Criminal Code
relating to national security and collaboration with the Russian Federation. Generally, the
actual punishment is lower than the maximum possible punishment prescribed by the
Criminal Code. The Criminal Code prescribes up to five years of imprisonment for posting
pro-Russian or pro-invasion social media content, but in many cases, the offenders are
sentenced with suspended imprisonment and/or prohibition to take up positions in public
offices. On the other hand, there are examples where minor offences are sentenced with
imprisonment. There are cases of Ukrainian nationals being held for lengthy periods in
pre-trial detention for reposting pro-invasion social media content.
22. Persons charged with national security offences are usually held in separate wards in the
detention facilities for their protection. The source has not observed any serious
conditions of ill-treatment or torture in these facilities but could not rule out the
possibility. The main concern of the source is the use of lengthy pre-trial detention and
the access to a fair trial.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
23. Generally, there is a free legal aid system in Ukraine with access to free legal
representation and guarantees. The cases are processed in the normal criminal procedure
according to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. There are no special military courts
or military justice systems. All the cases are considered by general courts with the legal
guarantees and rights available to the defendants as in any other criminal case not related
to the war or national security. Moreover, participation of a legal counsel is mandatory in
all cases concerning especially grave crimes (i.e. those that provide imprisonment for
more than 10 years as a punishment), as well as in cases where the defendant does not
speak Ukrainian or for
in absentia
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Liubov Velychko, Investigative Journalist
Meeti g i K i , No e
. Liu o Vel hko is a f eela e , ho has o ked o e tha
ea s as a i estigati e
jou alist, ostl o e i g topi s of high-le el o uptio . U de the full-s ale i asio ,
Liu o Vel hko epo ts a out the situatio of the a a d the o uptio elated to it.
She o ks ith the iggest Uk ai ia
edias, a d p odu es te ts a d ideos. Liu o
Vel hko has ee a e e of the Natio al U io of Jou alists i Uk ai e si e
a d a e e of the Ce t e fo the Stud of Co uptio a d O ga ized i e OCCRP
si e
Co uptio
. A o di g to the sou e, o e tha ,
people e e al ead o ilised i to the
Uk ai ia a
du i g the full-s ale i asio . A o di g to statisti s f o politi al
s ie tists, % of Uk ai ia s ha e p o-Russia
i d-sets. These people a e ost i ol ed
i a ti-state a ti ities: sta ti g ith o uptio i state odies, su h as the Mi ist of
Defe e of Uk ai e, the Se u it Se i e of Uk ai e, the Fo eig I tellige e Se i e, et .
, deputies of the p o-Russia pa ties "Oppositio Blo " a d "Oppositio Platfo -
fo Life" e ei ed
a dates i the pa lia e t hi h is . % of the total u e of
. A o di g to the sou e, thousa ds of people t to pa o e to a oid o ilisatio . The
o uptio s he es ost f e ue tl used to e e e pted f o
o ilisatio i ludes
i i g do to s to falsif do u e ts a out health o ditio s o i i g go e
e t
offi ials to falsif do u e ts a out elati es health o ditio . A othe a to a oid
o ilisatio is to a ui e fo ged do u e ts to e it Uk ai e. Fo i sta e, it is o
o to
i e NGOs t a spo ti g ilita e uip e t i e ha ge to e egiste ed as olu tee s to
e a le to e it Uk ai e. A othe less o
o s he e i ludes pa i g o de o t ol
offi e s of the State Bo de Gua d Se i e SBGS to oss the o de . Fi all , it is o
that politi ia s a d state offi ials fo ge i itatio lette s e ui ed fo usi ess t ips a oad
i o de to a oid o ilisatio .
. Most o uptio ases pe tai to the Milita Medi al Co
issio s MMCs , hi h is
u de the o t ol of Milita Re uit e t Offi es oje ko at . Si e the MMCs issue the
health o ditio do u e ts, the a e su je t to o uptio . That is the easo h
P eside t Zele ski epla ed the heads of MMCs to eli i ate the fo ge of do u e ts to
a oid o ilisatio . The sou e e plai ed that the MMCs do ot look at p e ious health
e o ds du i g the e uit e t p o edu e. I stead, the ake thei o health
assess e ts, du i g hi h o uptio is uite p e ale t. Whe
aki g use of o uptio
i su h situatio , the do u e ts issued a e eal, ut the a e issued o false p e ises.
The a ou t of o e to e paid i su h ases a ies.
Uk ai e, The Ce t al Ele tio Co
issio ,
Ele tio s to the Pa lia e t of Uk ai e,
u l
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
. The e a e o egio al diffe e es ega di g o uptio s he es.
. Both the pe so , ho issues the fo ged o false do u e ts, a d the pe so , ho p oposes
o e i e ha ge fo fo ged o falsified do u e ts, a e su je t to i i al a d/o
ad i ist ati e lia ilit . The pu ish e ts a e stipulated i a ti le
of the C i i al Code
of Uk ai e.
A ti le
of the Code of Uk ai e o Ad i ist ati e Offe ses
p o ides fo lia ilit fo
iolatio of est i tio s o e ei i g gifts, iolatio of e ui e e ts fo p e e tio a d
settle e t of o fli ts of i te est, a d failu e to take easu es to o at o uptio .
Most of the sa tio s of these a ti les p o ide fo lia ilit i the fo of a fi e f o
ta -f ee i i u i o es of itize s, as ell as the appli atio to the iolato of a
ad i ist ati e pe alt i the fo of o fis atio of o e e ei ed as a esult of a
ad i ist ati e offe se a d/o the ight to hold e tai positio s o e gage i e tai
a ti ities fo a pe iod of ea .
I the C i i al Code of Uk ai e
, i il se a ts ill e pu ished fo o uptio u de the
follo i g a ti les:
A ti le
. B i e of a e plo ee of a e te p ise, i stitutio o o ga isatio
A ti le
. A use of po e o offi ial positio
A ti le
- . A use of autho it
pe so s p o idi g pu li se i es
A ti le
. A epta e of a offe , p o ise o e eipt of a u la ful e efit a offi ial
A ti le
. Offe , p o ise o p o isio of a u la ful e efit to a offi ial
Depe di g o the t pe of a use, it is pu isha le a fi e of
ta -f ee i i u
i o es of itize s o i p iso e t fo up to
ea s ith o fis atio of p ope t .
If ou a e a go e
e t offi ial i ol ed i o upt s he es, the pe al f a e o k
p es i es a p iso se te e a d suspe sio f o taki g up a go e
e t positio fo
ea s. A i ilia p oposi g o e to ha e so eo e fo ge a do u e t to i u e t
o ilisatio is held i i al lia le a d e ei e a p iso se te e. A o di g to A ti le
of the C i i al Code of Uk ai e, illegal t a spo tatio of pe so s a oss the state o de of
Uk ai e is pu isha le i p iso e t fo a te of th ee to i e ea s ith dep i atio
of the ight to hold e tai positio s o e gage i e tai a ti ities fo a te of up to
th ee ea s ith o fis atio of p ope t .
A ti le
. E asio of o s iptio fo ilita se i e, ilita se i e
o s iptio of
offi e s - is pu isha le
est i tio of f eedo fo a te of up to th ee ea s.
do u
De e
ai e,
C i i al Code, A ti le
, Fo ge of do u e ts, sta ps, seals o lette heads, a d sale o use of fo ged
e ts, sta ps a d seals,
Ju e
u l
ai e,
Code of Ad i ist ati e Offe ses, A ti le
, Violatio of the ules fo the use of easu i g e uip e t,
u l
ai e,
C i i al Code,
Ju e
u l
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
A ti le
. E asio of o s iptio fo ilita se i e du i g o ilisatio , fo a spe ial
pe iod, fo ilita se i e follo i g the o s iptio of ese ists i a spe ial pe iod is
pu isha le i p iso e t fo a te of th ee to fi e ea s.
A ti le
. E asio of a o s ipt, ese ist f o
ilita egist atio afte a a i g
issued the ele a t head of the te ito ial e uit e t a d so ial suppo t e t e, heads
of ele a t odies of the Se u it Se i e of Uk ai e, ele a t u its of the Fo eig
I tellige e Se i e of Uk ai e, - shall e pu ished a fi e f o th ee hu d ed to fi e
hu d ed ta -f ee i i u i o es of itize s o
o e ti e la ou fo a te of up to
o e ea .
. A pe so lia le fo ilita se i e, ho is dete ted as i ol ed i o upt s he es to
a oid o ilisatio , a ot e o ilised i
ediatel , as the p o edu e is ased o the
ou t de isio . Du i g the p o ess, the a used is pla ed i p e-t ial dete tio aiti g fo
the ase to e p ese ted efo e the ou t. The a used is ot su je t to o ilisatio
du i g p e-t ial dete tio . I
ost ases, suspe ded se te es a d p o atio s a e gi e ,
ut the a used is still lia le fo o ilisatio afte the ou t de isio . Alte ati el , the
o i ted pe so
a e su je t to go e
e t o se atio fo a pe iod of - ea s. If a
pe so is u de o se atio , he a still e o ilised. The sou e is ot a a e of a
ases he e a pe so lia le fo ilita se i e has ee gi e a p iso se te e fo ei g
i ol ed i o uptio to a oid o ilisatio .
. Pe so s, ho a e o i ted a d se te ed fo o uptio , ha e the ight to appeal the
ou t de isio . A o di g to the i te lo uto , the o i ted pe so has a ess to a fai a d
t a spa e t t ial.
Mo ilisatio p o edu es
. It is the o al p o edu e fo e uit e t that pe so s ei g su
o ed e ei e a
otifi atio lette , that ust e sig ed upo e eipt. The lette ust e ha ded o e
ph si all
a ilita offi ial a d a ot e ha ded o e to a o e else tha the
i te ded e ipie t, e.g. th ough a elati e. The e is o ele t o i p o edu e fo e ei i g
a d sig i g the lette . That p o edu e is u ifo a oss the ou t .
. The Uk ai ia
o ilises diffe e t p ofiles, a o di g to hi h atego ies of
se i es, p ofessio s o e pe tise the e is eeded. Fo i sta e, the ilita is i ha ge of
a list of ps hologists, a d if the e a e pe iods of sho tage, ps hologists a e
o ed. The sou e as ot a a e of the p o edu e fo lo -le el pe so el.
Mo eo e , a tille
e a e o l e uited a o gst those ho hold a ele a t edu atio al
deg ee. The sou e u de li ed that people die i the a
e e da a d that the eed fo
a po e pe sists. Also, people a e useful i othe positio s, o the a e pla ed
i the ese e aiti g fo fu the o ilisatio .
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
. A o di g to the sou e, the defi itio of fo ed e uit e t is u lea e ause,
a o di g to the Co stitutio of Uk ai e, it is a o ligatio to a ept o ilisatio he
ei g lia le fo ilita se i e. Co s ie tious o je tio is ot a optio , a d a oidi g
o ilisatio is i i al. I that se se, all o ilisatio is fo ed. The sou e e tio ed
that the e a e e a ples of fo ed o ilisatio a d that ou a ot e e e pted f o
o ilisatio , efe e i g that pe so s lia le fo ilita se i e a ot ish ot to se e
i the ilita . I su h ases, people a e o ilised.
. The e a e e a ples of people ei g su je ted to iole e i elatio to fo ed
o ilisatio , ho e e , it does ot happe ofte .
. A o di g to the sou e, ai l oti ated pe so s e e o ilised i the egi i g of the
i asio . The sou e opi ed that if a se i e a is ot oti ated he ei g o ilised,
s/he ill e o e oti ated th ough e to i g a d t ai i g the ilita o
a de . If
so eo e is elu ta t to ha dle eapo s, the e is a optio to e appoi ted to a diffe e t
positio i the ilita that does ot i lude eapo ha dli g. So e ilita se i e e
ho a e agai st the use of eapo s a e pla ed o the thi d li e.
. O l a s all a ou t of pe so s a e o ilised to se e at the f o tli e.
. So e pe so s ho a e lia le fo ilita se i e a e ade o ilisatio
o i g to
othe to s o add esses tha he e the a e egiste ed. The sou e opi ed that the
ilita does ot spe d thei esou es o sea hi g fo o ete people ho a e hidi g to
a oid o ilisatio . Ho e e , people ill e judged the so iet fo t i g to e ade
o ilisatio . The sou e e e plified that people e all i sulted a d o side ed
o a ds.
. A o di g to the sou e, the le gth of se i e i the a
a ies depe di g o the
pe so s ilita a k. A p i ate soldie a se e fo a a i u of th ee ea s. A ju io
offi e a se e fo th ee to fi e ea s a d a offi e fo fi e to
ea s. A o di g to the
sou e, the e ha e e e tl ee de o st atio s i K i a d othe egio s of Uk ai e
othe s hose so s ha e ee se i g fo . ea u de the i asio . The sou e ade a
efe e e to th ee e s a ti les.
Co ditio s
. Milita lea e du i g
p ote tio of ilita
diffe e t t pes of lea
● The ai lea e is o
da s at a ti e.
a tial la is egulated the La of Uk ai e A out so ial a d Legal
pe so el a d thei fa il e e s
. I the la , the e a e
e fo pe so el a d o ilised ilita :
o e tha
da s pe ea . It is p o ided i pa ts - o o e tha
Suspil e. edia,
Wi es of soldie s f o Te opil de a d o side atio of the ill o de o ilizatio ,
O to e
u offi ial t a slatio ,
u l;
Suspil e. Media,
"It's ti e fo othe s." I D ip o, i es of soldie s de a ded spe ifi te s of
o ilizatio a d otatio s fo soldie s,
No e e
u l;
Esp eso.TV,
I the ities of Uk ai e, the i es of soldie s
ho ha e ee fighti g fo o e tha . ea s held pi kets de a di g de o ilizatio
, O to e
u l
Uk ai e, Ve kho a Rada,
La o so ial a d legal p ote tio of
ilita pe so el a d thei fa il e e s,
De e e
u l;
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Lea e fo fa il easo s a d fo othe i po ta t easo s - o o e tha
da s.
Lea e fo fe ale se i e e i o e tio ith p eg a
a d hild i th.
Child a e lea e u til the hild ea hes the e age of th ee. If ho e a e is eeded, o
o e tha u til she ea hes the age of si . If oth pa e ts a e ilita pe so el, su h
lea e is g a ted to o e of the at thei dis etio .
● Lea e fo t eat e t i o e tio ith a ill ess o fo t eat e t afte a i ju
o tusio , t au a o utilatio a o di g to the opi io of the ilita
edi al
issio ith p ese atio of fi a ial suppo t. The du atio of su h lea e is f o o e
to fou o ths e ludi g eeke ds . T eat e t a oad a ot e eed
o se uti e
o ths.
. The le gth of the lea e a a i ti e a d f e ue . I p a ti e, it is ge e all diffi ult
to e g a ted lea e f o the ilita , as it a depe d o the elatio ship ith the
a de a d the situatio at the f o tli e.
. Du i g the o ilisatio t ai i g efo e ei g statio ed, se i e e a e ua te ed i
ases ith asi li i g o ditio s, su h as a ess to sho e a d food.
The e is a detailed o de of the Mi iste of Defe e of Uk ai e
o the app o al of the
P o edu e fo e uippi g the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e ith ta le a e, e uip e t a d
i e to fo a ti e.
A o di g to this p o edu e, i additio to u its a d ilita u its of a ti e t oops, the
follo i g a e p o ided: u its a d ilita u its that a e ithd a fo est o e-
fo atio ; fo atio s a d ilita u its that a e e l fo ed a d se t to a ti e t oops;
pa ts ope ati g i the field.
e ade s a d dese te s
Pu ish e t of
. E asio a d dese tio is pu isha le la as it a o pose a i i al a d/o
ad i ist ati e offe se. A ase o d aft e asio ill go to ou ts a d the pe pet ato is
fi ed
ias o ith a suspe ded p iso se te e f o o e to th ee ea s a d
a e o e su je t to o se atio .
. Dese tio is a i e stipulated A ti le
of the C i i al Code of Uk ai e. It o u s i
the a it a lea i g of the ilita u it o se i e of the pla e of desti atio to dese t
ilita se i e, as ell as failu e to appea ith the sa e se i e i ase of assig e t,
t a sfe , f o a usi ess t ip, a atio o f o a edi al i stitutio . Fo o
itti g
dese tio du i g a tial la , espo si ilit is p o ided i the fo of dep i atio of li e t
fo a pe iod of fi e to t el e ea s.
. A ti le
of the C i i al Code of Uk ai e stipulates that e asio of o s iptio fo
ilita se i e du i g o ilisatio , fo a spe ial pe iod, fo ilita se i e follo i g the
Uk ai e,
т О о о [Mi ist of Defe e], П о т е д е
По дку ко плекту
толо о-ку о
по удо , о л д
е т е З о
С л Ук
the app o al of the O de of
sto ki g ith ta le a e, e uip e t a d i e to of the A ed Fo es of Uk ai e fo a ti e],
O to e
u l
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
o s iptio of ese ists i a spe ial pe iod is pu isha le dep i atio of li e t fo a
pe iod of th ee to fi e ea s.
. Ge e all , p o-Russia pe so s i Uk ai e a e o side ed as e e ies so iet . Ho e e ,
the high u e of elde l Uk ai ia pe so s ho a e Russia - i ded as the li ed i
Uk ai e u de the So iet-e a a e o e tole ated i Uk ai e. The Se u it se i e of
Uk ai e hold a list of pe so s ho ha e olla o ated ith the Russia s.
. Those ho es aped f o
o ilisatio a d ilita dese te s a e fa ed ith egati e
judge e t f o so iet .
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Legal Hundred
Meeti g, K i , No e
A out the sou e
. The Legal Hu d ed is a NGO that p o ides legal assista e to e e s of the Uk ai ia
a ed fo es a d thei fa ilies. The la e s of the o ga isatio assist o e tha ,
ilita pe so el, ete a s, a d thei fa il e e s e e
o th. The NGO oope ates
ith the UN, the Ge e al Staff of the a ed fo es, the Mi ist of Vete a s Affai s, the
Mi ist of Defe e, a d othe o ga isatio s. Legal Hu d ed as fou ded i
as a
g oup of olu tee la e s o Fa e ook ho p o ided assista e to ou ded pa ti ipa ts
of the Russia -Uk ai ia a i
ilita hospitals. I Ja ua
, Legal Hu d ed as
egiste ed as NGO.
Cha ges to legislatio o e asio of a d dese tio f o
si e Ja ua /Fe ua
. Si e Ja ua /Fe ua
de o ilised f o
, the e ha e ee
se i e.
se i e du i g
o ilisatio
ha ges i legislatio o ho to e
ha ges to legislatio o d aft e asio
. The sou e had o i fo atio o a
a d dese tio si e Ja ua /Fe ua
Re uit e t p o edu es a d fo ed
o ilisatio
. The p o ess of o ilisatio is hea il egulated a d the ilita e uit e t e t es a e
o ligated to follo the legislati e ules. A u ifo
e uit e t p o edu e pe tai s to all
the ilita e uit e t e t es. The sa e e uit e t p o edu e applies fo o ilised
pe so s a d olu tee s. If a pe so has ee su
o ed to appea at the ilita
e uit e t e t e, he has to appea ithi the ti e li it spe ified i the su
o s. A
ust e p ese ted i pe so a d sig ed. If a pe so fails to sho at the ilita
e uit e t e t e afte ha i g ee su
o ed, he a e issued a fi e. A o di g to the
sou e, it happe s i p a ti e. Afte ha i g paid the fi e, the pe so still has to o e to
the ilita e uit e t e t e. The sou e ela o ated that a pe so is p ose uted if he
does ot appea ithi the ti e li it set i the su
o . If it as a su
o to la if
data o u de go a edi al e a i atio , a fi e i the a ou t of to
o -ta a le
i i u i o es of itize s is i posed o the pe so Code of Uk ai e o Ad i ist ati e
Offe ses . If it as a o ilisatio o de , d aft e asio is pu isha le i p iso e t fo a
te of to ea s C i i al Code of Uk ai e .
. If the ilita e uit e t e t es do ot follo the p o edu es of o ilisatio , the
i di idual a ha d i a o plai t. A o di g to the sou e, the p o edu es a e ostl
follo ed i p a ti e. The sou e e plai ed that the e a e diffe e t p o edu es o ho to
o i di iduals fo o ilisatio , ut the sou e had o o e i fo atio o these
p o edu es.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
. Fo ed o ilisatio is o e p e ale t p ese tl , ea s i to the full-s ale i asio tha
p e iousl . A o di g to the sou e, the e a e e a ples of people ei g fo ed i to
o ilisatio usi g iole e, ut these ases has ot ee p o ed. Legal Hu d ed ha e
e ei ed alls f o elati es of o ilised pe so s, ho lai that thei elati e ha e ee
fo efull o ilised, ut the e is a la k of do u e tatio a d a ess to it esses i these
ases. The sou e e tio ed that the e a e ases i the edia as ell, ut that the ases
a e ot al a s he ked.
. Rega di g egio al diffe e es i fo ed o ilisatio , the sou e had hea d of o e
e a ples f o the este pa t of Uk ai e; ho e e , the i fo atio has ot ee
e ified. The sou e e tio ed that the e a e also e a ples of fo ed o ilisatio i the
easte pa t of Uk ai e, a d the sou e as of the opi io , that the p e ale e of fo eful
o ilisatio is the sa e a oss the egio s.
. The sou e k e of people ho ha e ee ou ded up o the st eets to ha e thei
ilita status he ked afte hi h the ha e ee p ese ted ith a su
o to appea at
the ilita e uit e t e t es ith all thei do u e ts fo o ilisatio .
Statisti s o
o ilised pe so s
. The e a e o offi ial statisti s o the u e of pe so s o ilised to se e i the
Uk ai ia a
as it is o side ed a state se et. A o di g to the sou e, the Uk ai ia
p eside t a d othe politi ia s had a ou ed that so e he e et ee – .
had ee
o ilised to the a
, ut the e a t offi ial u e has ot ee dis losed.
. Rega di g egio al diffe e es i
o ilisatio , the sou e e plai ed that it is diffi ult to
get a a tual o e ie of f o
he e people a e o ilised. Legal Hu d ed e ei es alls
o thei legal hotli e f o all the egio s a d, a o di g to the alls, the see o e people
o ilised f o so e egio s tha othe s. The e is also a diffe e e i the u e of
pe so s o ilised i igge a d s alle ities. I the s alle ities, the e a e ot as a
people as i the igge ities a d the ilita e uit e t e t es k o
ho to o ilise as
opposed to the igge ities he e it is o e diffi ult fo the ilita e uit e t e t es
to fi d the i di iduals ho should e o ilised. The sou e did ot elie e that the e is a
diffe e e i the u e of o ilised people he looki g at the diffe e t egio s.
Pe so s esidi g a oad
. Me a d e tai o e ith a spe ifi p ofessio li i g a oad a e o ligated to app oa h
the Uk ai ia e ass i thei ou t of eside e a d egiste thei ilita e o ds so
the a e alled fo ilita se i e, if eeded. Ho e e , a o di g to the sou e, ost
people fail to sho at the e ass fo egiste i g a d it is diffi ult to lo ate the . The
e assies p o ide the i fo atio to the ilita e uit e t e t es, ut the sou e as
ot a a e of the details of the p o edu e afte this.
Fo eig
atio alities esidi g i Uk ai e
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
. Fo eig atio alities esidi g i Uk ai e a e ot su je t to o ilisatio , as the do ot
hold a Uk ai ia itize ship. Fo eig atio alities a joi the ilita , ut o l o a
olu ta
asis afte ha i g sig ed a o t a t. The sou e e tio ed that the e a e a lot
of fo eig e s se i g i the Uk ai ia a
o a olu ta
asis, a d that the a e
espe ted e ause the fight agai st the Russia Fede atio .
Dual itize ship
. A pe so ith dual itize ship is o l e og ised as a Uk ai ia itize a d is the efo e
su je t to o ilisatio despite of also holdi g a othe itize ship. This pe tai s to all dual
itize s. The sou e dou ted that the ilita e uit e t e t es he k e e od fo
dual itize ship.
e o d the age atego
. A o di g to the la o o s ipts, e et ee the age of - a e su je t to egula
o s iptio i pea e ti es. Du i g a tial la , the ules of o s iptio a e ot i effe t.
I stead, e , ho ha e ea hed the age of , a e o ilised. Me ou ge tha
ot o ilised, u less the ha e p e iousl ee o s ipted a d the efo e ha e ilita
t ai i g o e pe ie e; a d also i ases he e the pe so as t a sfe ed to the list of
o s ipts fo e tai easo s health, et . . Ho e e , the a still sig up fo o ilisatio
o a olu ta
asis. The a e ot allo ed to lea e Uk ai e despite of ei g outside the
age fo o ilisatio a d ot ha i g sig ed up o a olu ta
. Me e o d the age of a e ot o ilised. Ho e e , the e a e e a ples of people ho
o ti ue to se e o ho joi the a
o a olu ta
asis afte ha i g tu ed .
Stateless pe so
esidi g i Uk ai e
. Stateless pe so s esidi g i Uk ai e a e ot su je t to o ilisatio , as the do ot hold a
Uk ai ia itize ship. As ith fo eig atio alities, stateless pe so s a joi the ilita ,
ut o l o a olu ta
asis afte ha i g sig ed a o t a t.
Wo e
Wo e ho ha e a ui ed a edi al o pha a euti al spe ialit a e e essa il i luded
i to the ilita e o ds a d a the efo e e o ilised, as e e od i the e o ds a e
su je t to o ilisatio . Wo e of othe spe ialities, fo e a ple, the sou e e tio ed
he ists, e gi ee s, o pute e gi ee s, iologists, food te h ologists, a e i luded i to
the ilita e o ds o l at thei o
ill. Fe ale do to s a d pha a ists a e e tio ed
i the La of Uk ai e "O Milita Dut a d Milita Se i e". The list of othe spe ialties
is i the O de of the Mi ist of Defe se of Uk ai e dated . .
. A o di g to the sou e, o ilisatio of o e is o
o l ot e fo ed i p a ti e, ut
the e a e e a ples of o e ei g o ilised o a o - olu ta
asis afte Fe ua
, he e o ilisatio as i itiated.
E e ptio f o
o ilisatio
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
. A o di g to Uk ai ia la , it is possi le to appl fo e e ptio f o
o ilisatio o
e tai g ou ds. The sou e e tio ed health easo s, ha i g si k elati es a d ha i g
th ee o o e hild e as e e ptio g ou ds.
. A e atego of e e ptio s g ou ds has ee i t odu ed i Ma /Ju e
pe tai i g
to i di iduals, ho ha e had a fa il e e die i o at, e.g. a fathe o a othe .
This atego also has i flue e o ho a e de o ilised f o the a
as ell a d
e e pted f o
o ilisatio . The sou e stated that the p o edu e o this ostl o ks i
p a ti e a d that the ha e ot hea d of a p o le s.
. A appli atio fo e e ptio
ust e ha ded i du i g the o ilisatio p o edu e a d
efo e the fi al de isio to o ilise so eo e has ee
ade. The p o ess of o ilisatio
a e lo g.
. Afte a de isio of o ilisatio is ade, it is diffi ult to e e e pted. I su h a situatio ,
the ase ust e p ese ted i ou t. Ho e e , a o di g to the sou e, it is also possi le
to e e e pted outside of ou t afte ha i g ee
o ilised e.g. if a soldie e a e a
fathe fo the thi d ti e. I su h a situatio , the lai fo e e ptio
ust e ha ded i
to the o
a de of the soldie , i l. p oof of the lai . The p o essi g ti e is usuall a
ouple of eeks. The e a e e a ples of the ules o e e ptio ot ei g follo ed i
p a ti e the o
a de s. Legal Hu d ed ha e e ei ed alls f o i di iduals ho
lai that thei ights ha e ee iolated i the e e ptio p o edu e. I su h a ase, it is
possi le to ha d i a o plai t to the highe o
a de i ha ge o i ou t. The sou e
stated that the e a e se e al p o le s fa ed i the ilita du i g the e e ptio
p o edu e e.g. e ui e e ts of do u e ts that a e ot e essa , i o e tl
i te p etatio of the o s of legislatio et . The e a e also situatio s he the
do u e ts su itted to the ilita a e lost a d this dela s the e e ptio p o ess, si e
e e thi g has to e sta ted f o the egi i g.
. A o di g to the sou e, ules of e e ptio is ostl espe ted, ho e e , the e e e
e a ples of the heads of the ilita e uit e t e t es ho oke the la to o ilise
people. It is ot a s ste ati p o le , ut it happe s ofte . Fo e a ple, the a efuse
to g a t a defe e t f o
o ilisatio ithout app op iate g ou ds. I additio , at the
egi i g of the full-s ale i asio , o ilisatio took pla e ithout o du ti g a edi al
e a i atio of the o s ipts, ut o the situatio has i p o ed. The sou e e plai ed
that the e a e egio al diffe e es i ho the ules a e follo ed the ilita
e uit e t e t es i p a ti e. I u al te ito ies the e a e o e e a ples o the ules
ot ei g follo ed as people ha e less i st u e ts to p ote t thei ights o pa ed to
people li i g i the igge ities a ess to la e s, edia i ol e e t et . . The sou e
e tio ed that Legal Hu d ed had e ei ed ost lai s of ights ot espe ted i th ee
spe ifi ilita e uit e t e t es i the este pa t of Uk ai e. Legal Hu d ed otified
the Mi iste of Defe e, ho isited the e t es to i spe t the situatio , hi h led to a
ha ge.
e t of
se i e
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
. The e ha e ee o ajo ha ges i legislatio si e Ja ua /Fe ua
defe e t of ilita se i e. A o di g to the sou e, the e has ee i t odu ed a ouple
of d aft la p oposals, ut o e e e oted i pa lia e t o sig ed the p eside t.
. Whe e ei i g the status of defe ed f o
ilita se i e, a do u e t that states the
legal ight of defe e t is issued. If the defe e t is ased o o k, the do u e t is
issued the Mi ist of E o o i s. If the defe e t is ased o studies, the do u e t is
issued the Milita o
issio s.
. A o di g to the sou e, the ules o defe e t a e ge e all
ho e e , the e a e e a ples of the opposite.
espe ted i p a ti e;
. The e a e egio al diffe e es i ho the ules a e follo ed the ilita e uit e t
e t es i p a ti e i the sa e a as the ules of e e ptio s. I u al te ito ies, the e
a e o e e a ples o the ules ot ei g follo ed.
Co ditio s du i g
se i e
. The la o
o ilisatio does ot egulate fo ho lo g people ust se e i the ilita
du i g a tial la . A o di g to the sou e, the e e e a
u ou s o this, ased o
i fo atio f o the o ilisatio i
, he e people se ed fo up to a ea a d
a half, ut the e is o offi ial i fo atio o the le gth of se i e. I
, the
p eside t of Uk ai e de ided the le gth of ilita se i e. The sou e had o i fo atio
o people ei g de o ilised at p ese t da .
. The o
a de s assess hi h ilita p ofessio s the eed a d de ide he e people
should se e. The e is a a ge of diffe e t fu tio s i the ilita , hi h eeds to e
staffed. Whe de idi g ho should take up a positio at the f o t, the o
a de s assess
hi h se i es a e eeded, e.g. g ou ds soldie s, a tille ists et . The sou e e plai ed that
people a e o ilised a o di g to thei e pe tise a d spe ialisatio , e.g. to the ai fo es
o to the g ou d fo es, a d ot to the f o t pe se. The e a e otatio s i attalio s
se i g at the f o t a d the sa e p ofessio s u e tl se i g at the f o t li e a also e
pla ed i a ese e aiti g to se e at the f o t late . The e is o appeal optio o the
pla e e t of se i e. If so eo e efuses to follo o de s o pla e e t, it is o side ed a
i e that is pu isha le la .
. Co s ipts ha e the ight to take lea e f o se i e i e tai situatio s. A o di g to the
sou e, the e a e th ee t pes of lea es. a ual lea e, lea e fo fa il easo s, e.g. if
so eo e gets a ied o a e hild is o , if the eed edi al t eat e t. It is ot
possi le to go o lea e f o se i e e ause of e haustio . E e od is e hausted,
e ause the ha e ee spe di g a lot of ti e at the f o t li e. The otatio s i attalio s
a e used to a o
odate this e haustio . The ilita o
a de de ides if a
se i e a a e allo ed to take lea e, ased o o e of the th ee a o e- e tio ed
g ou ds. The take i to a ou t the u e of people se i g i thei attalio he
aki g the de isio if so eo e a take lea e. The e is o appeal optio if a appli atio
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
to go o lea e is eje ted the o
a de s. A o di g to the sou e, the s ste
ho e e , the e a e so e aiti g ti e afte appl i g.
o ks;
. Milita t ai i g is a dato fo pe so s o ilised, ut the le gth a d atu e of t ai i g
depe ds o p e ious ilita e pe ie e as a people ha e al ead ee th ough
ilita t ai i g du i g o s iptio . Du i g a tial la , the t ai i g is ge e all sho te
o pa ed to t ai i g i pea e ti es . Ho e e , a o di g to the legislatio , pe so s
ho ha e ot p e iousl o pleted ilita se i e ust o plete a ou se of asi
ilita t ai i g lasti g at least o e o th. Legal Hu d ed has e ei ed a
o plai ts
f o people stati g that the ha e ot e ei ed e ough ilita t ai i g; ho e e , it is the
i p essio of Legal Hu d ed that the t ai i g p o edu e is ostl o plia t ith the la .
. The sou e had hea d of pe so s o ilised o plai i g a out the o ditio s du i g
se i e, des i i g the o ditio s as ho i le, hile othe s stati g that the o ditio s a e
as to e e pe ted i the a
. Du i g se i e, the e is a ess to food; edi i e et . a d
the pe so s o ilised a e ua te ed du i g se i e. Qua te i g o ditio s i te s of
housi g depe ds o the a ea, i hi h the a e statio ed. I so e a eas the li e i old
apa t e t uildi gs, hile i othe a eas the a e li i g i t e hes, the fo est et . e.g. i
the Bakh ut a ea. It is also a atte of safet . The e a e ot e ough eapo s,
u itio a d u ifo s p o ided i the ilita , a d the efo e se i e e
ust u
thei o u ifo s, as the a e o l p o ided ith o e u ifo fo su
e a d o e fo
i te . The sou e e tio ed that olu tee s olle t o e to assist the se i e e i
u i g the p ope ga e ts. Volu tee s also p o ide food to the soldie s se i g i the
ilita .
. Legal Hu d ed ofte e ei es o plai ts f o se i e e , ho ha e ee ph si all
a used thei o
a de s du i g se i e. The sou e stated that it is ot a s ste ati
p o le , ut it happe s. A o di g to the sou e, it happe s ostl to people, ho a e
ge e all stig atised i the so iet , e.g. people f o the LGBT o
u it a d othe
atio alities, e.g. Ro as. The e a e also e a ples of people elo gi g to these i o ities,
ho a e t eated ell i the ilita a d the sou e is ot of the opi io that the e is
s ste ati dis i i atio agai st i o ities i the ilita . To the sou e s k o ledge,
the e is o dis i i atio i the ilita agai st people, ho a e pe ei ed as p o-Russia
e ause of thei pla e of o igi o dual itize ship. It e ists et ee i ilia s, ut ot i
the ilita .
. It is possi le to ha d i a o plai t of a use to a highe o
a de , ut i
ost ases, a
i estigatio is ot i itiated as highe o
a de s do ot ish to do so. It is also possi le
to ha d i a o plai t to the ilita poli e. Legal Hu d ed has p oposed to the hief
a de s that people, ho ha e ee i ti s of e.g. se ual ha ass e t i the ilita ,
should e a le to all the Ge e al Staff of the a ed fo es, as the o plai t p o edu e at
the highe o
a de s does ot al a s o k, hi h is a p o le . Fu the o e, the
sou e spe ified that the i fo atio i the o plai t ill e sha ed ith the o
a de
i uestio
the highe o
a de , so he ill e i fo ed that so eo e has i itiated a
o plai t ase agai st hi .
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
D aft e asio a d dese tio
. Legal Hu d ed ad o ated agai st la a e d e t o.
f o Ja ua
ega di g the legal lia ilit of ilita offe es o
itted du i g a tial la i t odu i g
ha she pu ish e ts fo se i e e du i g a tial la . Legal Hu d ed e pe ted that
i i al ases agai st se i e e ould i ease e ause of the la . Befo e the la
a e d e t as passed, pu ish e ts fo d aft e asio a d dese tio he e suspe ded.
As i i al ases a e usuall i p o ess fo - ea s, the e has ot ee e ough ti e to
e aluate o the la a e d e t s effe t i p a ti e, ut the sou e has hea d of e a ples
of pu ish e ts ei g suspe ded also afte the la a e i to effe t. A o di g to the
sou e, the ha de pu ish e ts ill ot i flue e people s de isio to e ade o dese t
ilita as the la o this as also e st i t efo e the la a e d e t.
. All ou t de isio s a e pu lished i Uk ai ia , ut to the k o ledge of the sou e , the e is
o olle tio ith statisti s i these ases.
. The sou e had ot hea d of egati e so ietal attitudes o ep isals f o the o
u it
agai st d aft e ade s o dese te s. I the egi i g of the a , a
e e i p iso ed
e ause the did ot a t to joi the ilita , ut the e e e e tuall eleased a d e t
to fight i the a afte hi h the e e still espe ted i the o
u it . The sou e also
e tio ed that the o
u it ould usuall ot ha e i fo atio o people, ho ha e
dese ted f o
ilita se i e, as the pe so hi self a d his ilita olleagues o l k o
Co uptio
. Legal Hu d ed has ot fo used o olle ti g statisti o the le el of o uptio i the
ilita , ut the ha e e ei ed so e o plai ts o o uptio o thei legal hotli e. The
o plai ts e e ostl ega di g the MMCs a d thei de isio s du i g the o ilisatio
p o edu e. A o di g to the sou e, su h o plai ts a e o
o a d the e a e o
egio al diffe e es, as it happe s e e
he e. The e a e also e a ples of o plai ts o
o uptio i the ilita e uit e t e t es.
. A o di g to the sou e, the p o le of o uptio i the ilita
edi al o
issio s
e e dis ussed at the highest politi al le el a d i estigated
ele a t a to s. The heads
of the MMCs a d the heads of the ilita e uit e t e t es ha e ee ha ged to
p e e t fu the o uptio . This ha ge has led to people ei g af aid to pa a i e to the
e heads of the ilita
edi al o
issio s, as the fea i estigatio . All pa ties
i ol ed i a o uptio ase ill e p ose uted.
. The e is o spe ial p ose utio p o edu e o o uptio du i g a tial la . C i es elated
to o uptio a e pu ished e ha d, a d ild se te es a e ot used i o uptio ases.
Co s ie tious o je tio a d alte ati e se i e
. A o di g to the sou e, the e a e diffe e t opi io s a out o s ie tious o je tio i the
Uk ai ia so iet . So e elie e that i su h a diffi ult ti e fo the ou t , e e o e is
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
o liged to defe d it. Ho e e , the e is a othe atego
opi io a d ho do ot o de
o je to s.
of people ho ha e a diffe e t
. The sou e opi ed that the e a e o so ietal egati e attitudes o ep isals agai st
elati es of o s ie tious o je to s.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation
Meeti g, Uk ai e, No e
A out the sou e
1. The Ukrainian local NGO that has worked in Ukraine with among others distributing
humanitarian aid from international partners to refugees, asylum seekers and internally
displaced persons (IDPs). It has offices in Ukraine and its neighbouring countries and work
with monitoring, conduction of surveys and providing legal assistance.
2. According to the source, the main changes in the legal framework on mobilisation since
August 2023 relate to increasing the degree of involvement of people with disabilities and
certain diseases in mobilisation. Until 18 August 2023, when the order "On Approval of
Amendments to the Regulation on Military Medical Examination in the Armed Forces of
" was introduced, people with disabilities were generally not considered to be
subject to mobilisation and were therefore exempt from it. However, the guidelines of
the Military Medical Commissions (MMC), which define the criteria for disability in health
assessments, were amended in September 2023.
3. The source exemplified that before April or May, a person missing a smaller limb, e.g. a
finger or similar, would have been categorised as a person with disability and therefore
exempted from mobilisation. After the specification of the rules, such a person would be
considered eligible for mobilisation.
Similarly, people, who lost an arm or a leg during battle, was exempted from further
service and demobilised before the rules on determining the criteria of disability was
specified. However, after the specification of the rules a person is obliged to return to
military service after rehabilitation, despite of having lost a part of a vital limb, e.g. an arm
or a leg during battle.
4. The changes also apply to certain illnesses that previously would have led to exemption
from mobilisation, such as diabetes, certain heart conditions etc. A full list of changes is
described in the Order "On Approval of Amendments to the Regulation on Military
Medical Expertise in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
" of 18.08.2023. According to the
source, people with certain illnesses are now considered eligible for mobilisation,
however, the person will not go to the frontline, but perform other military tasks such as
transportation, office work etc.
5. According to the source, the MMCs are actively enforcing the new regulations.
Uk ai e,
те т о О о о [Mi ist of Defe e],
к №
, о т е д е
оло е
п о
ько о-л к ьку ек пе т у
[O de No.
, O the app o al of the Regulatio o
military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
14. August 2023,
Uk ai e,
те т о О о о [Mi ist of Defe e],
к №
, о т е д е
оло е
п о
ько о-л к ьку ек пе т у
[O de No.
, O the app o al of the Regulatio o
military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine],
14. August 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
6. In January 2023, another amendment to the legislation was introduced, which reduces the
ability of public officials to cross the border, e.g., representatives of the authorities and
representatives of regional, city and village councils. In general, if a person works as a
mayor, deputy mayor, or similar, it is almost impossible to cross the border and leave the
country. According to the source, after the amendments to the legislation, it is only
possible to obtain a business trip abroad from the state institution where the person
7. Furthermore, the rules on reservation of employees from international organisations,
allowing employees to be exempted from mobilisation while employed by the
organisation, became stricter. The source is working as an implementation partner that
falls under the exemption criteria in Resolution No. 76 of the Cabinet of Ministers. The
resolution lists the types of organisations and NGOs that can be granted the permission of
exempting male staff from mobilisation. However, according to the source, the resolution
is not enforced in practice, and the resolution induces challenges. Even though a year has
almost passed since the resolution was introduced, the exemption status of the
organisation is still pending. This makes the work of the organisation challenging and
problematic, because a large part of the work consists of monitoring, advising and
consulting, which requires a movement across regions. Almost on weekly basis, the
military holds back employees at checkpoints between regions to inspect specific
documents. This procedure causes problems for the employees. There are examples of
people being brought to the military offices as well. According to the source, the same
problems are uniform across NGOs
a d a e ot e lusi e fo the sou e s o ga isatio .
8. According to the source, even UNHCR has been exposed to the same level of challenges;
they had their employees reserved for exemption in autumn 2023, although the
resolution is from February 2023.
9. Following the adoption of the resolution, the ministries and public officials did not have a
structure in place and did not have the capacity to process all the applications of
reservations from the international organisations and NGOs, even though high-level
government officials expressed a political goodwill to resolve the issue.
However, from autumn of 2023, the handling the applications seems to proceeded more
smoothly, and the ministries seem to have increased the knowledge and capacity, at least
for the international organisations, such as UNHCR.
10. Nevertheless, there are some fundamental challenges pertaining to the NGOs, specifically,
due to wording of the resolution. For instance, in the resolution it is stated that the staff
eligible for exemption must have a contract for a minimum of six months. However, most
NGOs sign contracts expiring at the end of the year, which make up less than six months, if
someone is employed after mid-year. Consequently, organisations cannot send an
application for exemption to the ministries, as it would not be approved, because the staff
would have contracts with less than six months duration.
11. This clearly affects the work of NGOs, especially those operating in border regions where
checkpoints are more frequent. The military often does not allow staff to check military
documents. If any discrepancies are found or if the documents provided are questioned,
the documents will be subjected to a comprehensive scrutiny. In this case, the employee
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
may have to come to the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centre (TRC). After
February 24, 2022, every male person aged 18-60 had to update their military registration
data, but the majority did not do it, and this is one of the reasons for referring people to
the TRCs. The source explained that it is a big loss for organisations when employees with
certain knowledge or working in a crucial position, such as project managers, are
mobilised at the checkpoints. It is about the fact that the personnel of the organization (as
well as all men) are checked during the performance of their official duties.
12. Last winter, the primary risk pertaining to the operationalisation of NGOs consisted of
electrical blackouts that could delay the work of the NGOs. This year, the NGOs are
working with a constant threat of mobilisation of its male employees. For instance, the
source mentioned an example of a driver of the NGO who was apprehended during his
lunch break at a restaurant and mobilised to serve in the military. In the evening, while
the driver was waiting to be escorted in a bus from the local recruitment office to the
military barracks, he managed to contact the lawyer of the organisation who advised that
the mobilisation procedure was illegal and thereby could secure his release. However, the
remaining people in the bus were not released because they did not have any legal aid at
hand. According to the source, this example is a symptom of something happening on a
broader level.
13. The problems of forceful and arbitrary mobilisation are not exclusive for the NGOs, but is
widespread for the whole society.
Do u e t e ui e e ts
14. According to the source, news are circulating in the medias reporting that changes in the
document requirements for border crossing will take place. However, the source did not
notice any major changes in the requirements. NGOs that are providing counselling to
people on border crossing are often limited in their capability to offer proper advice on
the document requirements, as the authorities have one set of rules based on publicly
available resolutions and another set of internal guidelines or regulations that are not
disclosed for the public. Consequently, people who aim to cross the border are sometimes
denied crossing because they are not in possession of the documents required by the
authorities. These people along with the NGOs consulting them are inadequately
informed about the document requirements.
o ilisatio
15. There have been public discussions on the digitalisation of the mobilisation procedure.
The public debate centres on the argument that persons liable for military service may be
hindered from avoiding mobilisation with a digital system in place, as is the case presently.
However, it has not been approved nor implemented at the time of this meeting.
However, according to the source, the discussions induce concern amongst the young
population in Ukraine, who tend to hide at home being afraid to go out at night and leave
the region, as they fear being stopped at checkpoints between the regions.
Mo ilisatio of o e
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
16. Pursuant to Article 37 in the la On Military Duty and Military Service
, all women with
a medical or pharmaceutical education, e.g. pharmacists, doctors, health personal etc.,
are obliged to register at the military recruitment offices. However, in practice, women
are not required to do active military service; they can join only on a voluntary basis.
17. The process of registration is handled by the workplace, who must provide information on
female staff to the military recruitment centres. If the workplace fails to register a woman,
there are in practice no repercussions for the person itself. However, the workplace risks
being charged for committing an administrative offence for not registering the person.
et ee the age of
18. According to Article 15 of
the La
On Military Duty and Military Service
, all men
between the age of 18 and 60 are liable for mobilisation. Beyond that age category, no
one is liable for mobilisation and it can only take place on a voluntary basis.
19. The source pointed to the special regulations for men between the age of 18 and 27. Due
to the martial law and the mobilisation announced on 24 February 2022, regular military
service (conscription) is suspended for males aged between 18 and 27.
This means that men aged between 18 and 27 are not mobilised, unless he had already
completed military service (conscription) before 24 February 2022. In such a case he
would have been transferred to the register of reservists and, thus be eligible for
20. Students attending a higher education is offered the possibility to sign up for so-called
military classes as an additional and voluntary part of their education. If a person
completes the military training as part of the education, that person will be transferred to
the register of reservists as junior officer and, thus be eligible for mobilisation.
Female students also have the right to study at military departments and receive the same
military rank as male students. Mobilisation is mandatory for people who have been
trained at a military department, regardless of their gender, as they are liable for military
21. Nevertheless, neither of the above-mentioned categories are allowed to leave the country
during martial law.
22. The source did not have any knowledge about the number of people that has been
People esidi g outside of Uk ai e
23. The source did not have any information about the situation of mobilisation of Ukrainian
nationals permanently residing outside Ukraine. According to the source, there has been a
political discussion about this subject. Allegedly, the topic has been brought up in bilateral
discussions between the president of Ukraine and the neighbouring countries. However,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о
Duty and Military Service],
1992, latest amendment 12 January 2023,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
о о
Duty and Military Service],
1992, latest amendment 12 January 2023,
ько у лу
ько у лу
[Law of Ukraine on Military
[Law of Ukraine on Military
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
the source believed that no Ukrainian national residing outside Ukraine has been
summoned. However, the source would not exclude that if a Ukrainian national was part
of a criminal investigation, he could risk deportation to Ukraine following mobilisation.
Fo eig
atio als a d stateless pe so s li i g i Uk ai e
24. Foreign nationals living in Ukraine are not subject to mobilisation. The only way they can
join the Ukrainian military is on a voluntary basis.
25. According to the source, stateless people cannot be summoned to mobilisation, since they
do not have any legal documents. The source mentioned an example of a person who
neither had passport nor identification documents, but who was still summoned to appear
at a recruitment office. However, since the person did not have any documents, it was not
possible for him to be mobilised.
Dual itize ship
26. The source stated that Ukrainians with dual citizenship are liable for mobilisation. Ukraine
does not recognise dual citizenships, thus such persons are only considered Ukrainians by
the authorities.
The sa e applies he a pe so s se o d atio alit is Russia , su h a pe so ould still
be mobilised to the military. However, the source assumed that if a person has dual
Ukrainian-Russian citizenship, he would be scrutinised more thoroughly by the military
and security services with aim of detecting possible sympathies with the Russian
Re uit e t p o edu es
Re eipt of su
o s
28. According to the source, when a person is summoned for mobilisation, the recruitment
officers must deliver the summon to him personally, and the person must sign for its
receipt. The summon states that a person must appear at the military recruitment offices,
where documents will be examined and military information may be updated, e.g. if he
has certain skills relevant to mobilisation. The examination will include a crosscheck of
previously completed military service and whether the person has achieved a military
specialty. If a medical examination has not been completed prior approaching the
recruitment office or if it was completed a long time ago, the person must undergo a
medical examination at the Military Medical Commission.
29. After the initial stage at the recruitment office, the persons are most often allowed to
return home with a notice stating when he must appear at a military barrack at a later
date, depending on when he is needed for mobilisation. However, if the officers deem
that the risk of fleeing is high, the officers may accompany the person to his house
allowing the person to pack his personal belongings and to mobilise him right away. In
other cases, if the person has a military specialty that is coveted, he might be enlisted
right away as well. However, the person is allowed to go home and pack his personal
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
30. A person can receive a summon for mobilisation several times, because they are
sometimes automatically handed out on the streets. However, when a person has finished
the check at the military recruitment office, he will receive a note in which it is stated
when he completed the check, so if the military recruitment officers stop him later, they
can see that the person does not need to show up again.
After receiving a call-up notice, a person is obliged to report to a TRC on the day specified
in the notice. If the person appears on the specified day, he/she is examined as already
mentioned. Based on the results of the examination, the person is either subject to
mobilisation or not. If a person is subject to mobilisation, he or she receives another
summons to a meeting, which specifies the date on which he or she must report. If a
person fails to report to the military registration and enlistment office, he or she is held
administratively liable under Article 210 of the Code of Administrative Offences
, and if
the call-up notice is received after a military medical examination, the person is held
criminally liable for failure to report. If a person is not subject to mobilisation, he or she is
issued a certificate that must be presented during future document checks.
31. The source elaborated that when people are handed out summons on the street, it means
that they must approach the recruitment office. However, it does not mean that they will
be rounded up on the street and brought to the conflict zone immediately. According to
the source, the military recruitment offices aim to register as many as possible in the
P o edu e fo e e ptio a d defe
e t
32. If a person formally wants to apply for exemption or deferment, he should, in most cases,
approach the military recruitment office with the relevant documents stating the reasons
for exemption or deferment. However, the source explained that there are different
procedures depending on the reasons for exemption or deferment. The reasons for
deferment or exemption from mobilisation are contained in Article 23 of the Law of
Ukraine On Mobilisation and Mobilisation Preparation
. To establish each of the
reasons, a person must have a different set of documents. For example, if a person has an
illness that does not allow him or her to be mobilised, he or she must obtain documents
from a hospital and undergo a military medical examination to confirm the illness. If one
of the family members of a person liable for military service has an illness, the procedure
is different: the person must collect documents confirming the illness of the family
member that prevents him/her from performing his/her duties and submit an application
together with these documents. The procedures may have its own peculiarities for each
reason for deferring mobilisation. If, in accordance with Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine
T ai i g a d Mo ilisatio
, a person is entitled to a deferral or is not
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
Кодек к
п о д
Administrative Offenses,
7 December 1984,
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
п о о л
mobilisation training and mobilisation],
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
ко к
п о о л
mobilisation training and mobilisation],
опо у е
о л
о л
[Code of Uk ai e o
of Ukraine on
of Ukraine on
у п д ото ку т
у п д ото ку т
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
subject to mobilisation and has all the documents, there is no particular difference in the
33. If the situation regarding exemption changes for a person during military service, the
source noted that it may be hard to be relieved from service. For instance, if a person has
a specific position in the military, he would probably not be able to leave, even if there
was a court decision allowing him to be exempted, unless that person could be replaced.
In such a case, it would be up to the commander to decide, if he can leave.
34. Formally, it is possible to complain to a higher commander or to the court for being
denied demobilisation, but most likely it will not result in another outcome.
Regio al diffe e es
35. The source was not aware of regional differences pertaining to implementation of
mobilisation procedures. However, according to the source, it seemed that in the city of
Kyiv the methods of mobilisation were not as strict as in other regions. The source opined
that people in Kyiv was aware of the rules and regulations resulting in higher abidance
with rules in force and a more polite attitude at the checkpoints.
36. In other provinces, and especially in the western Ukraine, the representatives from the
military recruitment offices used harsher methods towards the population.
37. Because of these regional differences, people are afraid to move between provinces as
they fear mobilisation.
Fo ed
o ilisatio
38. The source noted that in the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, mobilisation was
mainly voluntary as there was a higher level of support and willingness to join the military.
Similarly, many persons were relieved from service as the number of mobilised persons
exceeded the military quota at the time. However, after approximately one year and
when the war had dragged out, the circumstances changed in terms of the amount of
volunteers and level of willingness to serve, and subsequently the military had a more
urgent need of more servicemen.
Last winter, there were media news about the military using violent methods to force
people to be mobilised, such as apprehending people on the streets. In some cases, it was
a result of an aggressive response from the public towards the recruitment officers,
which, according to the source, provoked the authorities to respond with more violent
methods. In other cases, the military representatives were simply using violent methods
to make people comply.
The main method was forced delivery of a person to a military registration and enlistment
office to check documents and determine their eligibility for military service. Information
about such methods was mostly spread in private social media channels (including
telegrams) and through acquaintances. Such methods were rarely covered by the media.
40. However, these examples where more prevalent in the beginning of the year. The use of
violent methods has been less frequent since the spring of 2023. The last case, the source
heard about, was more than four months ago.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
41. Forced mobilisation most often took place in the countryside in smaller cities and villages,
where people were less aware of their rights. According to the source, forced mobilisation
did not take place in the bigger cities at the same level as in the smaller cities, because the
inhabitants are generally better educated on their rights and are in a better position to
claim their rights.
42. The source opined that the violent practices within the mobilisation procedure has
stopped because those cases were flagged in the media and on social networks. The
military knows that the methods were illegal, and people started to complain formally.
The e e e also so e ases he e the p ose uto s offi e i itiated a i i al ase agai st
the military perpetrators.
43. The recruitment practice is monitored by the Ministry of Defence and eventually, if they
are called upon, the National Police of Ukraine. Furthermore, the State Bureau of
Investigations are conducting the investigations against government officials, such as the
military officers.
Co ditio s du i g
T ai i g
44. The source noted that no person is sent directly to the frontline without training, unless
they have a recent military experience.
45. According to the source, people are usually trained and prepared for two-three months
before they are mobilised to serve in the combat zone, in some cases longer. Selected
servicemen are sent abroad to e.g. Great Britain, the Netherlands for more specific
training which can last five to 10 months.
Du atio of se i e
46. According to the source, there are no regulations in the legislative framework on how long
someone is mobilised to serve in the Ukrainian army. Demobilisation without exemptions
grounds has not been taking place. The only way a person can be demobilised is by
fulfilling the official requirements for exemption, such as lack of eligibility due to health
reasons or if a person has reached the age of 60 years, which is the maximum age for
mandatory military service during martial law.
47. In general, it is difficult to be relieved from service. As an example, the source mentioned
that i ases he e a e e of a pe so s fa il e o e si k o si ila du i g se i e, it
is very hard to leave the service even for a few days.
48. There are rotations in battalions, e.g. if you have been serving in Bakhmut for a period of
time, you get a small break from the front. After the break, the person will be sent to
another place of fierce combat.
49. There is a public discussion about introducing the possibility of demobilisation in the
legislative framework, because the servicemen are getting more and more exhausted.
However, according to the source, no action is taken in terms of introducing a draft law
se i e
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
50. It is possible to take a leave of absence, when it is possible, but it is just for a shorter
period. After some days or a week, the person has to return to the military units.
Vul e a le p ofiles i the
51. According to the source, there could be some vulnerable groups mobilised to serve in the
52. The source had not heard of cases with LGTB-people experiencing problems serving in the
military at all.
Co s ie tious o je tio
53. The source stated that is it only possible to be a conscientious objector in peacetime.
54. If a person proclaims that he is a pacifist or that he is opposing the war, and therefore
does not want to serve in the army, he will be prosecuted pursuant to the criminal code,
as he would be considered a draft evader.
55. The source did not have knowledge about what would happen, when persons request to
serve in the military without using weapons. According to the source, it is likely that those
persons could be sent to duty other places away from the combat zones, such as kitchen
service, transportation etc., however, the source could not provide more specific
information on this.
D aft e asio a d dese tio
56. The source did not have any specific knowledge about the level of punishment of military
evaders and deserters. However, it was noticed that Law 8271 on Amendments to the
Criminal Code of Ukraine on offenses and other legislative acts regarding the specifics of
military service under martial law or combat conditions that came into effect on 27
January 2023 was enforced in practice and had had an effect. The punishment given by
the courts has become harsher and the possibility of a suspended sentence has been
57. According to the source, there may not be any societal negative attitudes from the local
community towards evaders and deserters. Many community members would understand
if a person did not want to fight or gave up fighting by deserting. There is not a general
acceptance of evaders, but the source was of the opinion that many people would be able
to understand if a person chose not to serve.
58. The same applies for deserters, which, according to the source, would not face any
societal repercussions. This is mainly because such a person would have a high degree of
respect for joining the fight in the first place, and many community members
acknowledge that there are horrific conditions in the combat zones.
i d-set
59. If a person actively demonstrates a clear sympathy with the Russian Federation and its
actions in Ukraine, the repercussions would be very strong. According to the criminal
code, it is possible to prosecute a person for glorifying the so-called aggressor state, e.g.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
the Russian Federation. The authorities are actively prosecuting people for pro-Russian
60. There are no collective punishment, e.g. against family members or relatives of a pro-
Russian person, neither by the authorities, nor by the communities.
61. However, according to the source, the reactions from the authorities and the
communities depends on the behaviour of the person. He or she must actively exhibit a
pro-Russian sympathy in order to be prosecuted. The source did not believe that simply
the assumption of a person being pro-Russian, such as dual Russian citizenship, previous
Russian residence, or language, would lead to any repercussions.
62. Moreover, the source assumed that if a person who was perceived to have a Russian
mind-set took part in the fighting at the Ukrainian side, that person would be respected
for his actions.
Co ditio s du i g
o ilisatio
63. Only persons liable for military service are mobilised to the front. Persons liable for
military service are persons in the reserve to man the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other
military formations for a special period, as well as to perform work to ensure the defence
of the state. The source emphasised that only persons liable for military service are
mobilised, but it is possible to participate in the armed forces voluntarily in volunteer
64. It is possible to apply for service outside the combat zone. The source did not elaborate on
what the criteria is or how the procedures are.
Co uptio
65. There is corruption in the mobilisation procedures, but it is not widespread. According to
the source it is impossible to describe the level of corruption in terms of percentage.
66. The most common way to avoid mobilisation is to establish permanent care for relatives,
as well as corrupt bribery schemes.
67. According to the source, military documents are not forged
68. The source opined that forgery or illegal issuance of background documents most often
happens within the medical institutions.
69. According to the source, there are not any regional differences in the prevalence of
70. The source stated that forgery of documents is a criminal offense in Ukraine and that
cases are processed within the judiciary system.
71. The source noted that there are frequent inspections of TRCs as a prevalent anti-
corruption measure.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
An international organisation
O li e Meeti g, No e
A out the sou e
1. The international organisation has insight on legislation but is not conducting human
rights monitoring inside Ukraine.
Legislatio a d p a ti e ega di g e e ptio s:
2. Overall, there have not been any major changes to the legislation regarding mobilisation
since January 2023. However, Resolution no. 76 on the exemptions of persons from
mobilisation, which enables NGO staff to obtain an exemption based on the importance of
the o ga isatio s ole a d thei fu tio i g du i g a tial la , has ha ged. Ma
international organisations in Ukraine such as United Nations (UN) organisations and
others have sought exemption for its staff engaged in the humanitarian response. Beyond
that, the international organisation has not seen any change in the exemption rules.
3. The international organisation is not acquainted with the general procedure for applying
for exemption from mobilisation, other than the procedure for local staff employed by
international organisations. The staff lists are submitted collectively for the entire
organisation and sent to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defence. The source
mentioned that there had been some challenges during the application procedure, but
could not provide more information on the details of these. However, the source was of
the impression that there were some delays in terms of receiving clear guidance on how
to submit the list of exemptions. Moreover, there was some hesitance from the staff to
approach the military conscription offices to receive an updated military service code,
which is needed in order to submit an application for exemption.
4. In addition, a military deficit code is required which indicates the type of profile, and some
male staff feared that it would lead to mobilisation. The military deficit code indicates
whether a person has a specialisation needed by the army. However, the source did not
have information on how the codes are used in military papers. There are examples of
international staff, who received summons to approach the military conscription offices
and to undergo medical examination, which is part of the mobilisation process, but the
source was able to obtain an exemption for the staff afterwards. However, before
obtaining the exemption the staff members expressed concerns of being mobilised due to
the long waiting time for the exemptions to be obtained. There were significant efforts
and challenges from NGOs to obtain exemptions as well. The nature of the challenges of
NGOs may have differed from the international organisations, because some local staff of
international organisations are covered by the privilege and immunities of the United
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
5. The international organisation is not familiar with the requirements for documentation
after being exempted, but referred to the RCO as most competent to inform about the
documentation requirements. However, the source informed that male staff were obliged
to update their personal information with the military conscription offices, and many
were reluctant to approach the conscription office because that could bring them to the
attention of authorities, risking mobilisation.
6. The exemption procedure for local staff of international organisations in Ukraine is
7. The international organisation could not provide more information on if anyone was
rejected in their application for exemption and did not have information on the possibility
to lodge an appeal of a rejection for exemption from mobilisation.
There are exemption rules pertaining specifically to women, who are required to register
in the military register.
For example in the Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation Law
there are specific categories of exemption rules pertaining to women in the medical and
pharmaceutical professions. The categories of women exempted from mandatory military
registration includes:
Medical workers who have received a deferment from military service (reserved
Women temporarily considered unfit for military service by the Military Medical
Commission due to their health, for a period of up to six months.
Mothers with specific criteria who are taking care of dependents.
Women providing permanent care to individuals in need, as per Ukrainian law.
Women who are spouses, daughters, or daughters-in-law of disabled persons in the I
or II group, provided that there are no other able-bodied individuals available to
support them.
Students and academic staff of educational institutions.
Women with close relatives who died or went missing in areas of anti-terrorist
operations, under specific conditions.
Women already part of military or law enforcement units.
Volunteers who aided the military or law enforcement in anti-terrorist operations.
o ilisatio
Wo e a d
9. The mandatory military registration of women came into force on 1 October 2023 for
women working in the medical or pharmaceutical professions (i.e. doctors, nurses and
From 1 October 2023, women below the age of 60 years, who hold medical or
pharmaceutical professions, e.g. nurses and pharmacists, can be called up for mobilisation
if they are medically fit, which is decided by the Military Medical Commission (MMC). This
category of women must register with the military territorial recruitment centres as per
For information on Women and Mobilisation, see section 9 - 13
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
ha ges to A ti le pa ag aphs a d of Uk ai e s Milita Dut a d
Military Service
Law. Hence, this provision indicates that women must also register for mandatory service.
10. Women outside of the abovementioned category can also register on a voluntary basis in
the military registries.To be voluntarily registered for military service, women, like men
who are drafted, must meet the following specific criteria:
They must be under 60 years old, the maximum age for being in the military reserve.
The MMC must declare them fit for military service based upon an assessment of their
The MMC must issue a resolution from the Military Intelligence Service stating "fit for
military service" or "unfit for military service in peacetime, limited fit in wartime" to
determine their suitability.
Women who are eligible for mobilisation based on the health and age criteria and who
have completed vocational (professional-technical), specialised secondary, or higher
education and who have obtained a medical or pharmaceutical specialty are subject to
military registration as conscripts. As of today, active service for them remains voluntary.
11. The international organisation does not have more information on the enforcement of
mobilisation of women. However, based on information from border monitors the source
received an increase in counselling requests from women seeking additional clarification
on this law during the months of September and October 2023 and in particular from
women from the medical and pharmaceutical professions seeking clarification on the
requirements and the exemption options regulated in the Military Duty and Military
Service Law.
12. The international organisation could not provide more information on the consequences
for women who are liable for military service but fail to approach the military recruitment
offices as required.
13. There is a lack of clarity on whether or not women liable for mobilisation can exit Ukraine,
as it appears that official instructions to prevent women subjective to mobilisation from
exiting have not yet been communicated to the State Border Guard Service (SBGS).
According to a statement from the SBGS, there are no legal grounds to restrict the travel
of women abroad, and thus the border guards currently have no procedure to verify
whether or not a woman has been mobilised.
The international organisation shared
an article
referring to the SBGS indicating that SBGS
has not received official instructions to prevent women from crossing an international
Co ditio s of etu ed o s ie tious o je to s,
e ade s a d dese te s
14. The international organisation highlighted that from periodic surveys among refugees and
IDPs it appears that mandatory mobilisation is not the primary obstacle to return. The key
concerns of obstacles to return pertains to safety and security issues in the occupied
territories for returnees who were former residents prior the full-scale invasion and the
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
access to services, shelter and livelihoods. However, concerns about mobilisation have
been described in the survey as an additional obstacle for men to return.
15. The international organisation did not have information on societal issues for persons
returning after having circumvented the mobilisation. However, the source mentioned
that there is rising social tension in certain communities, including communities in the
occupied territories and in areas hosting large numbers of IDPs. For the latter, the tension
is related to the continuous hosting of IDPs while social services are scarce, but also
tension over access to humanitarian assistance.
P ofile of pe so s ho left Uk ai e a d etu ed
16. The international organisation is not systematically tracking the profile of persons leaving
and returning, and thus there is no register of returnees. In addition, the source is
currently not facilitating or promoting returns. The primary areas of return or intended
return include Kyiv oblast, Kyiv city, Mykolaiv, Chernivtsi and Kharkiv. Those who intend to
return to Ukraine tend to be those who are most vulnerable, including older persons and
persons who are facing challenges accessing employment and social services in their
countries of residence. However, there is no official register to provide precise
information on this. The source mentioned that there will be some information on the
profiles of people who have expressed an intention to return to Ukraine in an upcoming
survey conducted amongst people, who have left Ukraine. The survey is expected to be
published early 2024.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
O li e
eeti g, No e
A out the sou e
. P
p is a o -go e
e tal hu a ights o ga isatio fou ded i
, ho p o ides
i fo atio al suppo t to se i e e . The goal of P
p is to espe t the dig it of
ilita pe so el i all i te a tio s et ee the state a d soldie s, a d the o k of the
o ga isatio is e t ed o p epa atio of i fo atio otes fo the ilita , s ste
solutio a al ti s a d esea h, a d ad o a
o k fo ha ges i o ga s of po e . The
o ga isatio 's tea o sists of e pe ie ed hu a ights defe de s, la e s, a d a al sts
ith k o ledge of the a ie s of ilita pe so el i thei se i e, t eat e t, a d
eha ilitatio .
E e ptio f o
o ilisatio
. I Septe e
, the go e
e t adopted ha ges i the legislati e o ati e a t No.
f o the Mi ist of Defe e o
edi al e pe tise, hi h egulates ho the
edi al o
issio s MMCs pe fo the ilita
edi al e a i atio s. The e
ha e ee sig ifi a t ha ges to the ta le of diseases that allo s a pe so to e e e pted
o ilisatio ased o health issues. This has esulted i
o e people ei g
o ilised as a u e of diseases ha e ee e o ed f o the ta le, e.g. HIV a d
hepatitis. People, ho a e diag osed ith e.g. HIV a d hepatitis a o e o ilised;
ho e e , the ill e o ilised to se e i positio s a a f o the f o t. The edi al
e a i atio s a e pe fo ed at the MMCs u de the ilita te ito ial e t es. A o di g
to the sou e, the e a e a p o le s a d isks ith this legislatio . P
p has ee
e gaged i ad o a
o k o this a d has et ith the Mi ist of Health a d the
a de of the Medi al Fo es, hi h is a spe ialist o ps i the Uk ai ia a ed
fo es espo si le fo p o idi g edi al se i es to ilita pe so el a d thei fa ilies,
to ad o ate fo the ha ges i the o ati e a t to e olled a k. P
p has also et
ith the Pu li Health Ce t e of the Mi ist of Health of Uk ai e PHC to dis uss if the
ha ges i the o ati e a t a e da ge ous to people ith e.g. HIV. PHC is a sa ita a d
p e e ti e health a e i stitutio hose ai tasks a e to o k i the field of pu li
health a d eet the eeds of the populatio th ough epide iologi al su eilla e,
fulfil e t of po e s to p ote t the populatio f o i fe tious a d o -i fe tious diseases,
la o ato a ti ities, iologi al safet , a d iologi al p ote tio . The o lusio f o the
e t e is that the ha ges pose a i eased isk of the health o ditio of the patie ts
e ause of a la k of a ess to ele a t edi al se i es i the attlefield, e.g. esto ati e
the ap fo HIV patie ts. The sou e as e pe ti g o e ha ges i the a t to o e.
. A o di g to the sou e, the e a e ha ges to o e i the o ati e a ts o
e.g. i the suita ilit a t, that go e s the assess e t o the suita ilit fo se i
ilita . I the a t, the e a e th ee atego ies of suita ilit : suita le fo ilita
suita le fo ilita se i e i u its a a f o the f o t a d
ot suita le fo
se i e. The e has ee a de isio i the Se u it Cou il to e o e the se o d
ilisatio ,
g i the
se i e,
atego ,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
afte hi h o ilised people ith health issues a e o ilised to all u its i the
ilita . The ha ges ha e ot ee i ple e ted et, ut the e a e o goi g dis ussio s
o this. P
p has ee taki g pa t i the dis ussio s a d is ad o ati g agai st the
i ple e tatio of the ha ges. The sou e stated that the ilita
a ts to o ilise
o e people o tha p e iousl . A o di g to the sou e, the e o al of the se o d
ill ha e the o se ue e that o e ul e a le people ith health issues a d
li ited suita ilit ill e o ilised to the a
. People ith se ious diseases a e o ilised to the ilita e e though the disease is listed
i the ta le of e e ptio s o if the elo g to the se o d atego of people ith li ited
suita ilit . The sou e e tio ed a e a ple f o the su
e of
of a a , ho
as diag osed ith epileps , ut ho as u la full o ilised a
a . He died i
t ai i g fo se i e of a epileps atta k, hi h aused a huge s a dal i Uk ai e.
Afte a ds, the ase as aised i the Se u it Cou il a d efo e the p eside t, ho
sta ted to fi d a solutio .
A o di g to the sou e, the ase is ot a o se ue e of a
legal o fli t, ut a iolatio of the legal o ilisatio p o edu e.
. If a pe so
i gs a ase to the ou t ith a e uest to e de o ilised, e ause of health
issues o disa ilities, the ou t de isio is ot e essa il suffi ie t to e de o ilised.
The e a e spe ifi ules ega di g de o ilisatio f o the ilita , a d o l the ilita
a de espo si le fo the u its, he e the pe so se e, a de ide to de o ilise
ilita pe so el. I p a ti e, it is i possi le to e de o ilised. This has esulted i
people ith disa ilities ei g o ilised ith e luded possi ilit fo de o ilisatio . A
e e of pa lia e t p oposed to ake the legislati e asis to de o ilise this g oup of
people ith disa ilities f o the a , ut the p oposal as i fo all a ed the
ilita o
a de s a d the offi e of the p eside t as the e e elu ta t to de o ilise
a o e. A o di g to the sou e, it is a e se siti e topi .
Re uit e t p o edu e
. The Co
ittee of Natio al Defe e ha e p oposed a e d e ts to the o ilisatio la
i pa lia e t. The d aft la a e d e t o tai s a p oposal to gi e autho isatio to lo al
odies to o ilise people to the ilita . A o di g to the sou e, it ill gi e the poli e
a d othe lo al odies autho it to o ilise i di iduals di e tl f o the st eet. Ho e e ,
the p o edu e has ot ee lea l des i ed i the d aft la p oposal as to ho it ill e
egulated i p a ti e. P
p is p epa i g o
e ts to the d aft la p oposal a d is e
o e ed of the la passi g, as it ill i ease the isk of o uptio a d gi e too u h
espo si ilit to lo al odies, a o di g to thei a al sis. The sou e as o e ed that
the a e d e ts ill lead to isu de sta di gs a d u la ful oppo tu ities to o ilise
a d u de li ed the se siti it of the su je t of o ilisatio .
. The o ilisatio is p i a il a ied out i u al a eas as opposed to i the igge ities,
hi h is e ause of so ial i e ualit . The sou e is of the opi io that this takes pla e
Ukrainska Pravda,
о л о
еп леп є по е у
о л дує п оку
, 7 August
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
e ause the people li i g i the u al a eas do ot ha e e ough o e to pa a i e to
the ilita
edi al o
issio s MMCs to i u e t o ilisatio opposed to people
li i g i the igge ities, e.g. i K i people a ha e suffi ie t sa i gs, a a , o othe
possessio s, that the a sell. The e a t ost fo a i e du i g a edi al he k is
p o a l a ia le a d d a i , ut the sou e stated that the e a e u ou s of a ost of
dolla s.
Co s ie tious o je tio a d alte ati e se i e
. A o di g to the La of Uk ai e o Alte ati e o - ilita Se i e, the ight to
o s ie tious o je tio a d alte ati e se i e is ot e og ised du i g a tial la .
sou e e tio ed a e a ple of a a , ho o ed a oad to e ade ilita se i e a d
stated o so ial edia that he did ot a t to go to the a
, e ause he as a pa ifist.
This aused a
egati e ea tio s f o the so iet .
D aft e asio a d dese tio
. The la a e d e t o.
f o Ja ua
, ega di g the legal lia ilit of
ilita offe es o
itted du i g a tial la , i t odu ed ha she pu ish e ts fo
se i e e du i g a tial la . This is due to the la k of legal gua a ties fo the i di idual
as itigatio i u sta es a e ot to e take i to o side atio i ou t ases. The
sou e stated that this legislati e li itatio is agai st the sta da ds of a fai t ial. P
has pu lished a epo t o
ilita justi e i Uk ai e, i l. statisti s o the u e of
i i al ases.
Afte the i t odu tio of la a e d e t o.
, so e atego ies of
i es t igge a p iso se te e, e.g. failu e to o pl ith a o de o the
attlefield. The sou e efe ed to t o judge e ts f o the Sup e e Cou t of Uk ai e.
. C i i al espo si ilit i ases o d aft e asio a d dese tio a e a atte of life a d
death to othe soldie s i the attlefield he so eo e is o
itti g a ilita
i ei
se i e. Ho e e , i ou t ases, the judges a ot take itigatio i u sta es of the
i e i to o side atio a d the ases a e ot assessed o a i di idual asis, hi h is
the ai p o le
ith the la a e d e t o.
. The sou e oted that the s ste is
e u de de eloped a d the e is a la k of e pe tise a d u de sta di g of the sta da ds
of ilita justi e eeded, e.g. i ala i g the use of dis ipli a pu ish e ts a d
atio al se u it to a ds hu a ights a d the ights of the se i e e .
A o di g to
the sou e, the legislato s a d ep ese tati es f o the ilita does ot fi d that the
judges u de sta d the situatio i the ilita a d that thei de isio s as too le ie t a d
Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada,
З ко Ук
П о Альте
ько у Слу у)
[Law of Ukraine on Alternative
(non-military) Service], 1992, article 1,
О л д
од о о о ду
е де
[Military Justice and protection of rights in the Military; Overview of international experience and trends in Ukraine],
August 2023,
Ukraine, The Supreme Court,
Case No. 726/78/23,
11 July 2023,
; Ukraine, The Supreme Court,
Case No.
10 July 2023,
О л д
од о о о ду
е де
[Military Justice and protection of rights in the Military; Overview of international experience and trends in Ukraine],
August 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
the efo e the ha e li ited the judges dis etio to take itigatio i u sta es i to
o side atio i ases of ilita
i es. The sou e ela o ated that i su h ases, the
halle ge fo judges is to st ike a ala e et ee
aki g just de isio s a d safegua di g
atio al se u it . Gi e that ases i ol i g se i e e also e tail the appli atio of
ilita statutes a d e ui e k o ledge of the pe ulia ities of ilita se i e, legislato s
ha e de ided that the ost effe ti e app oa h to ha dli g i i al offe ses i the a
to esta lish a s ste of st i t pu ish e t, athe tha i easi g the le el of e pe tise a d
tea hi g judges ho to deal ith su h halle gi g ases.
. The e a e ot a
ases o d aft e asio a d dese tio i the ou ts at p ese t, ut
dese tio ases a e o e p e ale t tha d aft e asio ases, a o di g to the sou e.
. A o di g to the sou e, the e e e t o a s to a oid o ilisatio :
o i g a oad
pa i g the ilita
edi al o
issio s MMCs a d the ilita te ito ial
e t es to e listed as e e pted fo o ilisatio . To o e a oad the i di idual ust
eithe pa a i e to the MMCs a d the ilita te ito ial e t es to e e e pted fo
o ilisatio a d the efo e allo ed to oss the o de o fi d a o e eati e a to
oss the o de . The sou e e tio ed that the Zaka pattia egio has a u e of
featu es that a e asso iated ith the t e d of i easi g the u e of these atte pts.
This is due to the fa t that the egio is a a o de egio , has a sig ifi a t u e of
eth i i o ities, a d has a e isti g s uggli g i f ast u tu e that a pote tiall e
used to p o ide se i es fo the illegal t a sfe of pe so s of o ilisatio age a oad.
ealth people, ho a e su je t to o ilisatio , ha e o ed a oad to e ade
o ilisatio . The sou e as of the opi io that it is easie to fi d eati e a s to a oid
o ilisatio he ou ha e o e . The e a e e a ples of people ho ha e ee aught
t i g to e ade o ilisatio a d o ed a oad, a d ho as su se ue tl fa ed ith
i i al ha ges.
. I so iet , e adi g o ilisatio is o side ed u fai . If so eo e has i u e ted
o ilisatio , people do ot talk a out it i pu li , as the as ell as thei fa il e e s
isk egati e so ietal ea tio s. The e a e e a ples of ele ities, ho ha e o ed a oad
to a oid o ilisatio a d ha e ee
et ith egati e ea tio s. The sou e as of the
opi io that so eo e, ho has o ed a oad to a oid o ilisatio , ill e et ith
egati e ea tio s f o so iet upo etu .
Co uptio
p has et ith the Natio al Age
o Co uptio P e e tio NACP to p ese t
e o
e datio s o o uptio p e e tio i the o ilisatio p o edu e. A o di g to
the sou e, o e tha thousa ds of people paid o e to a oid ei g o ilised, hi h
has eated a i eases isk fo the o ilisatio of ul e a le pe so s, e.g. people ith
health issues, as the autho ities ust fill a uota. Vul e a le people a e i ge e al ai
i ti s of o uptio .
. The le el of o uptio is e high i Uk ai e, a d the autho ities a e ot apa le to
adopt easu es to o at o uptio . A o di g to the sou e, it ill e ui e a
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
e t alisatio a d a digitalisatio of the o ilisatio p o ess to o at a d p e e t
o uptio .
All a age e t of o ilisatio is p o essed o pape hi h li its the
a ess to o ito i g the p o ess. The sou e e plai ed that ithout a e t al a d
ele t o i s ste , it is ot possi le to de ease o uptio i the p o edu es. A o di g to
the sou e, the assess e ts, a d de isio s f o the MMCs should e sto ed i a
e t alised ele t o i s ste that allo s o ito i g a d a al sis to e ha e t a spa e .
Not e e the pe so , ho is su
o ed fo o ilisatio a d the efo e goi g th ough the
edi al he k at the MMC, a ha e a i sight i , hat the MMCs ha e itte i thei
edi al assess e t, hi h akes it diffi ult to halle ge the o lusio s o eligi ilit . The
o lusio s a e fo a ded di e tl f o the MMCs to the ilita o
a de s.
. Co uptio issues is ot dis ussed i the i il so iet , as it ill e pe ei ed egati e. The
sou e e plai ed that people lose thei e es e ause the a e af aid of egati e
ea tio s. The ilita has, i ge e al, e jo ed i eased suppo t f o the populatio
si e
. Ma ha e fa il e e s, ho ha e joi ed the a , a d the efo e suppo t
the ilita . People also suppo t the ilita , e ause it allo s the to li e thei i ilia
life a d a oid ei g o ilised.
. The sou e e tio ed a a th opologi al esea h p oje t f o
Septe e
hi h has o luded that, despite o ilisatio ei g o ligato fo Uk ai ia itize s, all
people ho ha e joi ed the a
a e of the elief that the ha e hose it olu ta il a d
do ot ie
o ilisatio as o ligato , ut as a atte of o uptio .
People i the
ilita pe ei e the sel es as ho est, ho ha e ot paid to a oid o ilisatio e e
though this as a optio .
О л д
од о о о ду
е де
[Military Justice and protection of rights in the Military; Overview of international experience and trends in Ukraine],
August 2023,
д о
о о е е
т о
е о лд е
л у ете
л ьк
Wound to Return: An Ethnographic Study of the Path of Veterans and Their Loved Ones],
22 September 2023,
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Annex 2: Terms of Reference (ToR)
Mobilisation to the Ukraine military
Updates to legislation since February 2023
Prevalence of legal uncertainties
Exemptions to mobilisation
Deferment of mobilisation
Mobilisation of women
Implementation of exemptions and deferment
Profiles of people
Number of people mobilised
Ukrainians staying abroad
Foreign nationalities
Dual Ukrainian
Russian citizens
Ukrainians with certain professions
Recruitment procedures
personally and/or electronically or other measures
Prevalence of forced and arbitrary recruitment
Duration of service
Disciplinary punishments
Complaint mechanisms
Regional differences
Conscientious objection & alternative service
Legislation on conscientious objection & alternative service
Implementation of legislation regarding conscientious objection and alternative
Societal attitudes towards objectors
Regional differences
Draft evasion & desertion
Updates to the legislation since February 2023
Statute of limitations, applicable time of punishment
Prevalence and changes in trends of the number of draft evaders and deserters
Punishment for draft evasion and desertion
Incl. brief overview of prison conditions
Societal attitudes and reprisals for evading mobilisation and desertion
Societal attitudes and reprisals against relatives
Consequences for returned draft evaders and deserters
Regional differences
Prevalence of corruption to circumvent mobilisation
Ways to circumvent mobilisation
Prevalence of forged and illegally obtained documents
Punishment for people using corruption to circumvent mobilisation
Anti-corruption measures
Regional differences
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Annex 3: NACP report
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
in the activities of
Military Medical Commissions of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
- Military Medical Commission
- military medical examination
- non-governmental organisation
- State Bureau of Investigation
- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
- Criminal Code of Ukraine
- Ministry of Health of Ukraine
- medical and social expertise
- Medical and Social Expert Commission
- Regional Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support
Schedule of diseases
- a schedule of diseases, conditions and physical disabilities that determine the
degree of fitness for military service
- Security Service of Ukraine
- Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support
- Central Military Medical Commission
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 1.
Emergence of corruption factors due to excessive flexibility of legal regulation of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
Corruption risk 2.
Abuses in the formation of the staff of the Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and
the appointment of the head of Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC) due to unclear legal
Corruption risk 3.
Abuses in the formation of the staff and appointment of the heads of non-staff permanent
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) due to Unclear legal regulation
Corruption risk 4.
Duplication of powers of military authorities, local self-government and state
authorities due to the unregulated procedure for establishing Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of
Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs)
Corruption risk 5.
Non-transparent procedure for determining a municipal or state-owned healthcare
facility, which may establish Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centres for
Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs)
Corruption risk 6.
Abuse of authority by the head (chief) of the healthcare facility (institution) and the
head of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) in the formation of the staff of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
Corruption risk 7.
Manipulations in determining and paying civilian doctors
Corruption risk 8.
Using the uncertainty of the timing of the military medical examination (MME) to set
up corruption schemes
Corruption risk 9.
Demanding unlawful benefit for taking into account all existing diseases and
conditions during medical examinations
Corruption risk 10.
Refusal to provide a referral for medical examination to persons who were mobilised
to the Armed Forces of Ukraine without undergoing the military medical examination (MME) in order to
obtain an unlawful benefit
Corruption risk 11.
Involvement of Military Medical Commission (MMC) officials in corruption schemes
for smuggling men of military age across the state border of Ukraine...................................................
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 12.
Corrupt arrangement when making a decision to grant a person a deferment from
conscription for health reasons
Corruption risk 13.
Manipulations in determining military specialities for which a person previously recognised
as partially fit for military service may be suitable
Corruption risk 14.
Abuses in establishing the causal link between injuries (wounds, contusions, mutilations)
related to the defence of the Motherland
Corruption risk 15.
Corruption conspiracy by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) officials due to unclear
pre-trial procedure for appealing against Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) decisions
Corruption risk 16.
Comprehensive corruption service
turnkey disability
Corruption risk 17.
Involvement of intermediaries in corrupt arrangements with Military Medical Commission
(MMC) officials
Corruption risk 18.
Misappropriation of state budget funds through Military Medical Commissions (MMCs),
Medical and Social Expert Commissions (MSECs)
Corruption risk 19.
Use of the unregulated procedure for attaching medical documents to Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) to extort unlawful benefits
Corruption risk 20.
Use of paperwork for corrupt practices in Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
MINIMISING CORRUPTION RISKS.....................................................................................75
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
In the context of the open unprovoked armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine,
the issues of effective organisation of Activities of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and medical
examinations of conscripts, military personnel, persons liable for military service, reserve officers called
up for military service by officers, reservists, and citizens enrolled for military service under contract have
become acute.
Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 576/2023 of 12 September 2023
enacted the decision of
the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine of 30 August 2023 "On Military Medical Examination
in the Armed Forces of Ukraine". In accordance with this Decree, the National Agency on Corruption
Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the National Agency) was tasked with
analysing corruption risks in
Activities of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs).
It was expected that with the growing importance of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) in the
process of manning the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and achieving mobilisation tasks, the level
of corruption risks in the process of their adoption of resolutions on determining the degree of fitness for
military service and establishing the causal link between diseases, injuries (wounds, contusions,
mutilations) of servicemen, persons liable for military service and reservists has significantly increased.
With the outbreak of full-scale war, the Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) faced a huge
workload, outdated legal regulation of the Military Medical Commission (MMC) activities and the system's
inability to meet the social challenges posed by the needs of persons liable for military service and military
personnel to undergo objective, unbureaucratic military medical examinations (MMEs).
In this regard, there is a need to revise the conceptual approach to building the system of Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs), in particular, the legal basis for the activities of the MMCs, their interaction
with Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs), the procedure for conducting
medical examinations, and the introduction of a human-centred system that includes a comprehensive
approach to supporting persons liable for military service from the moment of call-up to rehabilitation
and social support.
According to the information provided by the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, as of 25.10.2023, a
working group of officials from the
Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC)
and five regional Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs) verified 78% of decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) received
for verification, 13% of which were cancelled.
It should be noted that in the period from July to September 2023, 2 full-time Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs), 5 regional Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centre for
Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS), and 1 city Military Medical Commission (MMC) of Territorial
Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) were inspected.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The document that defines the basis for the organisation of military medical examination in the
Armed Forces of Ukraine is
the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine No. 402 of 14.08.2008,
approved the Regulation on Military Medical Examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter
referred to as the Order No. 402).
It regulates the procedure for conducting medical examinations of servicemen,
persons liable for military service, reservists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Land Forces, Air Forces, Navy, Air
Assault Forces, Special Operations Forces), as well as servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border
Guard Service of Ukraine and the State Special Transport Service.
Given the urgency of conducting a strategic analysis of corruption risks in this area, the National
Agency's experts analysed Order No. 402 for corruption-prone factors, identified the most common
corruption risks in the activities of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and developed
recommendations for their elimination/minimisation.
In preparing the study, the National Agency also analysed and took into account information from
Legal Hundred NGO, the Principle Human Rights Centre, the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission
(IACC), the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, doctors and military
The implementation of the results of this study will ensure that corruption practices and the
activities of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) are incompatible, reduce the burden on law
enforcement and judicial systems, and help protect the rights of persons liable for military service and
military personnel.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Statistics of Legal
Hundred NGO hotline
for the period from 24.02.2022 to 01.08.2023
Consultations provided on the hotline
Written consultations provided
via social networks and messengers
Dismissal from service
Military Medical Commission
Cash collateral, payments
Transfer to another unit
Medical issues
Postponement of mobilisation
Combatant eligibility
41 408
Number of
50 840
6 834
4 432
3 041
2 882
2 853
2 629
1 742
1 461
1 082
The most frequently asked questions (over 1 thousand requests)
1 071
Medical and Social Expert
Commission (MSEC)
Payment of one-time financial
1 062
assistance and benefits for the
family of the deceased
According to the statistics of hotline Legal Hundred NGO for the period from 24.02.2022
01.08.2023, about 30 thousand of the most pressing issues were processed.
The second most
relevant question is
about the work of
the Military Medical
(MMCs), which
accounts for 15% of
the total number of
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
More information on the content of the
questions related to the activities of the
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
according to the hotline of Legal Hundred NGO
Complaints about superficial inspection at Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) during
Most of these appeals relate to the accelerated format of the work of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs), which is applied after the service of the call-up. Persons liable for military service are often unable
to quickly provide confirmation of diagnoses and chronic diseases that Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) must take into account when determining their fitness for service, which leads to the deployment
of persons with health conditions that prevent them from performing combat missions.
Commanders do not give referrals to Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), even
though there is a deterioration in the state of health on duty or an injury
Commanders often ignore reports for military personnel to undergo a medical examination.
This delay often leads to irreversible deterioration of health.
Complaints about the situation: "The MMC doctor was instructed to write "fit", how
can I appeal?"
There are frequent complaints about doctors who report during examinations that they have been
instructed not to declare servicemen and women liable for military service unfit. Such complaints are
difficult to confirm or deny, but such information is provided in different regions. This situation leads to
the need to appeal against the decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs).
Complaints against individual Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) due to
"unprofessionalism" of the commission
There are reports of unethical and unprofessional behaviour of doctors during the examination. The
examination is quick and the complaints are levelled down and not taken into account.
Medical issues
Complaints from servicemen about poor quality and short-term treatment after injuries and
exacerbations of illnesses.
Impossibility for a serviceman to change hospitals for further treatment and rehabilitation.
Doctors in hospitals refuse to refer to Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Law enforcement agencies: combating crime in
the activities of Military Medical Commissions
In August 2023,
law enforcement agencies, in particular the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI),
conducted searches in a number of military commissions in Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Kyiv regions. The
investigations are part of a criminal investigation into the illicit enrichment of military personnel holding
senior positions in regional and district Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs). A
total of 388 people has been identified as having doubts about the legality of their military qualification
commission decisions on their unfitness for military service. Medical documentation that could confirm
the facts of unlawful decisions on unfitness for military service, personal files, etc. were seized.
State Bureau of Investigation (SBI)
officers conducted 15 searches in Odesa and Mykolaiv
regions, as well as in Kherson and Beryslav district Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support
(TCRSSs). The institutions are being checked for possible corrupt practices of the staff during the general
mobilisation, illegal "exemption" from mobilisation of reserve officers and other persons liable for military
service. Previous inspections have already revealed numerous instances of abuse by military commissars
and unjustified deregistration of reserve officers on the basis of fictitious certificates from the military
registration and enlistment offices. Based on the results of the inspections, three officials of Territorial
Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) were notified of suspicion
https://dbr.gov.ua/news/dbr-provodit-slidchi-dii-u-vijskkomatah-ta-vlk-dlya-viyavlennya-faktiv-korupcii.-porusheni- kriminalni-
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
According to the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), a total of 260 criminal proceedings related to
the work of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) and Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) are being investigated in 2023.
As part of these criminal proceedings, the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) also documented the
facts of receiving illegal benefits worth
almost UAH 4 million by officials2.
The above facts demonstrate the widespread abuse of power by officers of Territorial Centres for
Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) and officials of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), in
particular, for the purpose of obtaining unlawful benefits.
https://dbr.gov.ua/news/dbr-rozslidue-260-kriminalnih-provadzhen-za-faktami-porushen-u-vijskkomatah-ta-vijskovo- likarskih-
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
individual dishonesty of the chairperson and members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs);
imperfect legal regulation of the activities of military medical examination (MME) bodies and conduct of
military medical examination (MME);
using different approaches to conducting internal investigations and calculating payments;
Excessive discretionary powers of the members and the head of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) when
conducting medical examinations;
Excessive discretionary powers of the head of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support
(TCRSSs), head of the healthcare facility (institution) in forming the personal composition of Military
Medical Commission (MMC);
Inadequate material and technical support for the activities of Military Medical Commission (MMC);
low level of remuneration of civilian and military doctors performing military medical
examination (MME)
unclear procedure for pre-trial appeal of the decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs);
Slowdown in the digitalisation of Military Medical Commission (MMC) operations;
Formation of networks of corruption ties based on existing formal institutional and functional
interactions between doctors, Military Medical Commissions (MMCs),
Medical and Social Expert
Commissions (MSECs)
and other bodies;
insufficient awareness of persons liable for military service and military personnel about their rights
and opportunities to receive services without corruption.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Increased demand for fake decisions on unfitness for military service, and in some cases, with
subsequent disability determination based on them, in exchange for providing undue benefits to the
officials of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and
Medical and Social Expert Commissions (MSECs);
involvement of "corrupt intermediaries" who provide services to facilitate obtaining a decision on
unfitness for military service by using their official and personal connections;
criminal cases against Military Medical Commission (MMC) officials are mostly concluded by the court
approving preliminary agreements with the investigation on pleading guilty to criminal offences, the
punishment for which is limited to fines
. The analysis of court practice shows that there is no additional
punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to practice medicine, and only a small part of the
verdicts in this category provides for temporary deprivation of the right to hold positions related to the
exercise of organisational and administrative functions.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 1.
Emergence of corruption factors due to excessive flexibility of legal
regulation of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
The system of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) that existed before the outbreak of full-scale
war was not ready for the needs of wartime, in particular, due to imperfect legal regulation of Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs) and conduct of military medical examination (MME). It is the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) resolution that should have outlined the legal framework for the activities of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), which would have met the requirements set out in the
Fundamentals of the Legislation of Ukraine on Healthcare, which stipulate that the procedure for
organising and conducting military medical examination is established by the Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine (CMU) (part 4 of Article 70).
In addition, the Report of the Venice Commission No. 512/2009 "On the Rule of Law", adopted at
the 86th plenary session on 25-26 March 2011, explains the concept of "legal certainty". In particular, it
is noted that the state must make the text of the law easily accessible; it is also obliged to comply with
the laws it has enacted and apply them in a predictable manner and with logical consistency.
Foreseeability means that the law should be announced in advance (before it is applied), if possible,
and should be predictable as to its consequences: it should be formulated with sufficient clarity to enable
a person to direct his or her behaviour (para. 44)
The expediency of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) adoption of a standard procedure for
organising and conducting military medical examination (MME) is also due to the need to ensure the
stability of legal relations and predictability of legal regulation of the PIC's activities.
Currently, according to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) Resolution No. 708 of 07.09.1993
"On the Procedure for Organising and Conducting Military Medical Examination"
5 ,
the Ministry of Defence
of Ukraine is tasked, in particular, with developing the Regulation on Military Medical Examination and
Medical Examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
However, this Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) does not contain a standard procedure
for organising and conducting a military medical examination (MME), on the basis of which the
Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Security Service of
Ukraine and, if necessary, other bodies or military formations of the security and defence sector,
as defined by part 2 of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On National Security of Ukraine", should
adopt the relevant Regulations on military medical examination.
At the same time, the current Order No. 402 is drafted in violation of the rules of legal
technique and contains corruption-prone factors. In particular, the failure to comply with the
principle of legal certainty leads to corruption risks in the formation and operation of Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs).
At the same time, strict adherence to the procedure for adopting and amending Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine (CMU)
will eliminate the corruption factor caused by excessive flexibility of
such a legal regulation instrument as an order of a central executive body, and will prevent chaotic
and inconsistent changes. In addition, the new procedure of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
(CMU) for passing Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) should be based on a human-centred
approach and developed with the involvement of interested central authorities, expert, veteran
and other non-governmental organisation (NGOs).
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 2.
Abuses in the formation of the staff of the Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) and the appointment of the head of Central
Military Medical Commission (CMMC) due to unclear legal
In accordance with clause 2.1 of Chapter 2, Section I of Order No. 402, military medical examination
commissions (MMCs) are established to conduct military medical examinations, both full-time and part-
time (permanent and temporary). Taking into account the latest amendments to the Regulation on
Military Medical Examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved by the order of the Ministry of
Defence of Ukraine of 18.08.2023
No. 490, it is worth noting that the number of full-time Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) has now decreased
and includes them:
1. Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC);
2. The regional medical examination commissions (MMCs).
According to information received from the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the staff of regional
medical examination commissions (MMCs) are military personnel and employees of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine, while the staff of the Central Military Medical Commissions (CMMCs) are military personnel and
civil servants.
The staff of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) is staffed by doctors with clinical training in one
of the medical specialties (therapy, surgery, neurology, psychiatry, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology,
healthcare organisation, etc.), with experience in military units and healthcare institutions (part 2, clause
2.2, chapter 2, section I of Order No. 402).
Subparagraphs 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 of Chapter 2 of Section I of Order No. 402 stipulate that the
appointment of officers to the positions of regular Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) is subject to the
approval of the head of the Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC). The head of the regional
Military Medical Commission (MMC) is directly subordinate to the head of the Central Military Medical
Commission (CMMC).
At the same time, Order No. 402 still does not regulate the procedure for appointing
members, the chairman, deputy chairman and secretary of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs), in particular, the number of members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) required
for the functioning of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs); the maximum number of members
of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs); requirements for the length of service of members, the
chairman, deputy chairman and secretary of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs); restrictions
on appointments to positions in Military Medical Commissions (MMCs); regulation of conflicts of
interest, etc.
The lack of clear regulation of the activities of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) leads
to their non-transparent establishment and operation in conditions of possible conflict of interest.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
It is also worth noting that the Regulation on Military Service of Citizens of Ukraine in the Armed
Forces of Ukraine, approved by Presidential Decree No. 1153/2008 of 10 December 2008, also does not
provide for any qualification requirements for military personnel who are members of the regular Military
Medical Commission (MMC).
Thus, the unclear legal regulation of the formation of the composition of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) contributes to the emergence of corruption risks associated with the non-
transparent appointment of persons to the positions in Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and
the dishonest performance of their tasks.
In addition, in accordance with subparagraph 2.3.2 of paragraph 2.3 of Section I of Order
No. 402, the head of the Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC) is directly subordinate to
the Commander of the Medical Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
However, Order No. 402 does not establish qualification requirements for the head of the
Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC), the term of office and the procedure for
appointment. Given that all regular Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) are directly
subordinated to the Head of the Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC), the absence of a
term of office for the Head of the Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC) facilitates the
formation of stable personal and official relations and leads to corruption risks in decision-making,
including in the context of a conflict of interest.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 3.
Abuses in the formation of the staff and appointment of the heads of
non-staff permanent Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) due to
Unclear legal regulation
According to subparagraphs 2.5.1 of paragraph 2.5, Chapter 2, Section I, Order No. 402, the following are
considered to be non-staff permanent Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) (medical advisory commissions):
hospital Military Medical Commissions (MMCs); garrison Military Medical Commissions (MMCs); Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs); Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of the Air Assault Forces; Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs); Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of the intelligence agency of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine; Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of other healthcare institutions of municipal or state ownership.
Sub-clause 2.5.2 of clause 2.5 of Chapter 2 of Section I of Order No. 402 stipulates that non-staff (permanent
and temporary) Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) (medical advisory commissions) are appointed as a
chairman, deputy chairman (one of the commission members may be appointed), commission members (in garrison
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), hospital Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) at least three doctors, in
other Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and medical advisory commissions
a therapist, surgeon,
uropathologist, ophthalmologist, dentist, otorhinolaryngologist, psychiatrist) and a secretary from among
specialists with medical education. Doctors of other specialties may be appointed to the composition of Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs) (medical advisory commissions).
The composition of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) (medical advisory commissions) of Territorial
Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) includes medical workers of a healthcare institution of
communal or state ownership, determined by the decision of the executive body of the village, settlement, city
council (heads of the regional, Kyiv city military administrations, as well as district military administrations and
military administrations of settlements), in agreement with the head of the relevant regular Military Medical
Commission (MMC) of the region (subparagraph 2.5.3 of paragraph 2.5 of the same chapter and section of Order
No. 402).
Subparagraph 2.5.5 of paragraph 2.5 of Chapter 2 of Section I of Order No. 402 stipulates that chief (leading)
medical specialists, heads of departments and other medical specialists of healthcare institutions in the system of
the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, heads of medical services of military units where the serviceman under
examination serves, and military specialists are involved in the work of non-staff Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) as members of the commission.
It is worth noting that Order No. 402 does not provide for qualification requirements for members,
deputy chairman, chairman and secretary of the non-staff permanent Military Medical Commission (MMC);
the maximum number of members of the non-staff Military Medical Commission (MMC); restrictions on
appointments to the non-staff Military Medical Commission (MMC); settlement of conflicts of interest, etc.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
In addition, Order No. 402 does not regulate the question of which doctors - civilian and/or military -
are to form the composition of non-staff permanent Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) (except for
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support
(TCRSSs)), and does not provide for the ratio of such doctors in the composition of the relevant Military
Medical Commission (MMC).
Subparagraphs 2.5.6 and 2.5.7 of paragraph 2.5 of Chapter 2 of Section I of Order No. 402 stipulate that the
list of healthcare facilities (institutions), military units where non-staff permanent Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) (medical advisory commissions) are organised, together with the list of chairmen and deputy chairmen of
these Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) (medical advisory commissions) for the next calendar year, is approved
annually by 25 December by the Head of the Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC) upon submission of the
heads of the regular Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of the regions. During the special period, if there is a
need to create additional non-staff permanent Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) (medical advisory
commissions), the said list together with the list of chairmen and deputy chairmen of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) (medical advisory commissions) shall be immediately submitted to the Head of the Central Military Medical
Commission (CMMC) for approval by the heads of the regular SLCs of the regions.
On the basis of the approved list, the head (manager) of the healthcare facility (institution) shall appoint non-
staff permanent Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), their personnel and determine the procedure for their
work by his/her order.
The chairman of the non-staff permanent Military Medical Commission (MMC) is a doctor who has
undergone technical improvement (training) in military medical examination or has at least three years of
experience in Military Medical Commissions.
However, Order No. 402 does not provide for a general procedure for appointing the chairman and
deputy chairman of the non-staff permanent Military Medical Commission (MMC).
At the same time, part 3, subpara. 2.8.1, para.8, chapter 2, section I, Order No. 402 establishes that the head
of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of a district (city) Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support
(TCRSSs) is appointed by the order of the head of the district Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support
(TCRSS) after agreement with the chief physician of the district (city) hospital, the head of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of the regional Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS), the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Kyiv city Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS), and
the Sevastopol city Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS).
According to part 4 of subparagraph 2.8.1 of paragraph 2.8 of chapter 2 of section I of Order No. 402, the
head of the Military Medical Commission (MMC) of the regional Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social
Support (TCRSS) (of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kyiv city Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social
Support (TCRSS) , Sevastopol city Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) ) is appointed as the
head of the medical department of this Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) by order of
the head of the Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) after approval by the head of the
regional Military Medical Commission (MMC).
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The use of such evaluative concepts as "the most experienced in Military Medical
Examination" in Order No. 402 will contribute to the non-transparent selection of the head of the
relevant Military Medical Commission (MMC).
At the same time, Order No. 402 does not provide for a separate procedure for the
appointment of the head of a hospital Military Medical Commission (MMC), garrison Military
Medical Commission (MMC), Military Medical Commission (MMC), Military Medical Commission
(MMC) of the Air Assault Forces, Military Medical Commission (MMC) of the intelligence agency
of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Military Medical Commission (MMC) of the Special
Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Military Medical Commission (MMC) of
other healthcare institutions of municipal or state ownership.
Thus, the absence of a unified approach to the formation of the composition of non-staff
permanent Military Medical Commission (MMC) and their chairpersons may serve as another
negative factor that will not only lead to the use of excessively subjective approaches in the
appointment of members and chairpersons of non-staff permanent Military Medical Commission
(MMC), but may also become the basis for the development of corruption practices.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 4.
Duplication of powers of military authorities, local self-government
and state authorities due to the unregulated procedure for
establishing Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial
Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs)
The previous version of Order No. 402 of 16.04.2021 stipulated that the military commissariat's Military
Medical Commission (MMC) is established in the district (city) military commissariat in accordance with the
procedure established by law in agreement with the interested authorities (subparagraph 2.10.1 of paragraph 2.10
of Chapter 2 of Section I of Order No. 402).
Based on the information received from the regional Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support
(TCRSSs) and from open sources, the Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment
and Social Support (TCRSSs) were established both by the order of the mayor or the decision of the executive
committee of the city council, by the orders of the region/district state administration7 , district/region military
administration, and by the order of the head of Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) . Given
the latest amendments to Order No. 402 in August 2023, Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial
Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) is currently established in the district (city) Territorial Centres
for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs).
To manage and control the activities of these commissions, the Crimean Republican, regional, Kyiv and
Sevastopol city Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) of the Autonomous Republic of
Crimea, regions, respectively, and the Kyiv and Sevastopol city Military Medical Commission (MMC) are established
(sub-clause 2.8.1 of clause 2.8 of chapter 2 of section I of Order No. 402).
Order No. 402 only establishes the procedure for the appointment of the chairman and members of Military
Medical Commission (MMC) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) by the head of the
respective Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) (see, inter alia, clause 2.8 of Order No. 402)
and states, in particular, that the personal composition of Military Medical Commission (MMC) of the district (city),
regional Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) is determined by orders of the respective
heads of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs). At the same time, Order No. 402 does not
regulate the procedure for establishing Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment
and Social Support (TCRSSs)'s and, accordingly, does not specify the entity authorised to make such a decision.
This creates uncertainty about the entity authorised to make such a decision, which in turn
contributes to the duplication of powers of military authorities, local self-government and state authorities.
https://old.loda.gov.ua/upload/doc/2022/01/37_1643175231.pdf and https://kolrda.gov.ua/sites/kolrda.gov.ua/files/inline- files/23.pdf
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 5.
Non-transparent procedure for determining a municipal or state-
owned healthcare facility, which may establish Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and
Social Support (TCRSSs)
Taking into account the provisions of subparagraph 2.5.3 of paragraph 2.5 of Chapter 2 of Section I
of Order No. 402, the decision of the executive body of the village, town or city council (heads of the
regional, Kyiv city military administrations, as well as district military administrations and military
administrations of settlements), in agreement with the head of the relevant regular Military Medical
Commission (MMC) of the region, determines the list of healthcare institutions of communal or state
However, in part 3 of Article 70 of the Fundamentals of Legislation of Ukraine on Healthcare
and in the Order No. 402 does not provide for criteria and/or conditions (e.g., material and
technical support, availability of doctors who may be members of the relevant Military Medical
Commission (MMC), etc.) that are necessary to determine the medical institutions where non-
staff permanent Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) may be established.
In addition, subparagraph 2.5.10 of paragraph 2.5 of Chapter 2 of Section I of Order No. 402
establishes that the provision of non-staff Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) with medical equipment
and property, medical devices, instruments, medicines, household equipment, furniture, real property
and stationery, allocation of premises and provision of utilities to them is the responsibility of healthcare
facilities (institutions) and military units where these commissions are established.
The absence of criteria for determining a municipal or state-owned healthcare facility creates
legal uncertainty that can lead to excessive discretion in determining such a facility and makes it
impossible to select a facility in a transparent manner, in particular, taking into account the
conditions of its technical equipment to ensure the operation of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) and the creation of all necessary conditions for the medical examination of persons liable
for military service and military personnel.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 6.
Abuse of authority by the head (chief) of the healthcare facility
(institution) and the head of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and
Social Support (TCRSSs) in the formation of the staff of Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs)
Taking into account the provisions of sub-clauses 2.5.6 and 2.5.7 of clause 2.5 of chapter 2 of section
I of Order No. 402, based on the approved list of healthcare facilities (institutions), military units where
non-staff permanent Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) (medical advisory commissions) are
organised, the head (manager) of the healthcare facility (institution) shall appoint non-staff permanent
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), their staff and determine the procedure for their work by his/her
At the same time, the personal composition of Military Medical Commission (MMC) of the district
(city), regional Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) is determined by orders of
the respective heads of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) (part 5 of
subparagraph 2.8.1 of paragraph 2.8 of chapter 2 of section I of Order No. 402).
In addition, there are still questions about what criteria and requirements should be used by the
head of Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) to determine qualified members of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS)
and whether granting the head of Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) such
exclusive powers will allow for a transparent and high-quality selection of doctors.
Probably, the list of such doctors who can be involved as members of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) should be provided in
accordance with the decisions of the executive body of the village, town or city council (heads of the
regional, Kyiv city military administrations, as well as district military administrations and military
administrations of settlements).
However, Order No. 402 does not provide for any anti-corruption safeguards that would
facilitate the transparent formation of the composition of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
of Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS).
Thus, the appointment of the personnel of the non-staff permanent Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) is within the discretionary powers of the head of the healthcare facility
(institution) and the head of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs).
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Therefore, it is undeniable that discretion is part of managerial authority, and its unrestricted
exercise creates corruption risks.
However, in the case of appointment of members of non-staff Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs), there are established filters that should guide the head of the healthcare institution and
the head of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) in making such a
decision, in particular, the establishment of qualification requirements for members of a
permanent non-staff Military Medical Commission (MMC), remuneration, and restrictions on
appointment to positions in the regular Military Medical Commission (MMC).
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 7.
Manipulations in determining and paying civilian doctors
According to Order No. 402, Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centres for
Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs)s include medical workers of municipal or state-owned
healthcare institutions, determined by the decision of the executive body of the village, town or city
council (heads of the regional, Kyiv city military administrations, as well as district military administrations
and military administrations of settlements), in agreement with the head of the relevant regular Military
Medical Commission (MMC) of the region.
According to part 6 of Art. 43 of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service",
members of
commissions for assignment to enlistment offices, enlistment and
Military Medical
Commissions at the relevant district (city) territorial centres for recruitment and social support,
doctors and paramedical staff, technicians and service personnel, who are sent to work at recruiting
stations and assembly points during the registration of conscripts for military service and conscription of
citizens for military service or for training for medical examination and re-examination of citizens, as well
as for sending conscripts to assembly points, shall
retain their position and average salary at their
main place of work for the entire period of performance of these duties.
Thus, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service", members of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) retain their position and average salary at their main place of work.
Before the latest changes were introduced in May and August 2023, the doctors of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) only worked on the
basis of Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS), and no separate funding was
However, the Procedure for Implementation of the Programme of State Guarantees of Medical Care
for the Population in 2023, approved by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) No. 1464 of 27 December
2022, has now been supplemented by Chapter 361.
"Medical examination of persons organised by territorial centres of complex and social support"
according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 18.04.2023 No. 343 (valid until the
date of termination or cancellation of martial law in Ukraine, but not later than 31.12.2023).
These amendments provide, in particular, that the tariff for medical services for medical
examination of persons defined by the specifications is defined as the rate for a medical service, which
will be UAH 883 per medical examination (clause 144-2).
The planned average monthly number of medical examinations may not exceed 150 per month (part
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
3 of clause 144-3).
Thus, it was only in May 2023 that the Medical Guarantees Programme introduced a package that
allows persons liable for military service to undergo medical examinations in civilian healthcare facilities.
The National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) pays for the institutions that provide such services,
and there are currently 484 institutions designated by the regional and Kyiv city military administrations
and assigned to recruitment centres, for which funding of
UAH 226.2 million is provided
Also, as of 13.09.2023,
UAH 52 million 419 thousand
was paid to institutions for services provided
under the package "Medical examination of persons organised by territorial centres of recruitment and
social support "
Pursuant to Article 77(1)(g) of the
of Legislation
Ukraine on Healthcare,
and pharmaceutical workers have, inter alia, the right to remuneration in state and municipal
healthcare institutions in the amount not lower than that determined by the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine, including the minimum wage guarantees.
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 28 of 13.01.2023 "Some
issues of remuneration of employees of state and municipal healthcare institutions "
Since the programme of state guarantees of medical care for the population includes a package that
allows people to undergo medical examinations organised by territorial recruitment and social support
centres, the remuneration of doctors who conduct such medical examinations depends on the number of
medical examinations conducted and is funded by the NHSU.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Thus, there are currently two procedures for remuneration of doctors who are involved in the
work of the relevant Military Medical Commission (MMC) as members and/or chairpersons:
1) the doctor retains his/her position and average salary at the main place of work;
2) The NHSU pays the doctors involved based on the number of medical examinations
The existence of a legal conflict regarding the procedure for remuneration of civilian doctors
contributes to the disruption of the systemic nature of legal regulation and thus reduces its
effectiveness, and thus creates conditions for abuse in the process of remuneration of doctors.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 8.
Using the uncertainty of the timing of military medical examination
(MME) to set up corruption schemes
The current legislation does not provide for a time limit for the medical examination by the
Military Medical Commission (MMC) to determine the degree of fitness for military service.
The absence of a time limit for the conduct of military medical examination (MME) may give
rise to excessive discretionary powers of military medical examination (MME) officials. In addition,
such legal uncertainty creates conditions for abuse of rights by both the chairman/members of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and persons liable for military service.
Prior to the examination of persons liable for military service/citizens being considered as
candidates for a contract for service in the military reserve, they undergo a general blood test, urine test,
and serological blood test for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), surface antigen to
hepatitis B virus (HbsAg), total antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV), micro-precipitation reaction with
cardiolipin antigen or total antibodies to pale treponema (RW); blood group and Rh status are determined,
chest X-ray and ECG are performed.
People over 40 years of age must have their intraocular pressure measured and blood sugar tested.
Other tests are performed according to indications. Referrals for the above laboratory and instrumental
examinations may be made by doctors from municipal or state-owned healthcare facilities involved in the
medical examination of persons liable for military service (clause 3.4 of Chapter 3 and clause 5.1 of
Chapter 5 of Section II of Order No. 402).
In accordance with established practice, referrals for laboratory tests are made by Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) at the initial stage of medical examination of persons liable for military
service/citizens who are considered candidates for a contract for service in the military reserve.
However, Order No. 402 also does not specify the timeframe for such tests and does not
regulate the process of referring persons for laboratory and instrumental tests.
In order to eliminate legal uncertainty, it should be stipulated that it is the Military Medical
Commission (MMC) that issues referrals to persons liable for military service/citizens who are considered
candidates for a contract for service in the military reserve for mandatory laboratory and instrumental
tests, and, if medically indicated, for other laboratory and instrumental tests. for other laboratory and
instrumental examinations, and for other medical reasons.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
In addition, Order No. 402 does not define a specific list of healthcare facilities where such
studies may be conducted.
Indeed, on the one hand, this lack of regulation allows persons liable for military service/citizens
who are considered candidates for a contract for service in the military reserve to undergo laboratory and
instrumental examinations in both private and public healthcare facilities. At the same time, they receive
a legal tool for artificially delaying the process of undergoing laboratory and instrumental examinations,
along with the possibility of reaching corrupt agreements with doctors who conduct these examinations
in exchange for unlawful benefit or in conditions of a conflict of interest.
In view of this, the provisions of Order No. 402 need to be clarified in order to clearly define
the subject of the referral for instrumental and laboratory tests, limit the range of healthcare
facilities where a person can undergo such tests, and establish specific time limits for their
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 9.
Demanding unlawful benefit for taking into account all existing
diseases and conditions during medical examinations
In accordance with clause 1.1 of Chapter 1, Section II of Order No. 402, a medical examination
includes the study and assessment of the state of health and physical development of citizens at the time
of the examination in order to determine the degree of fitness for military service, training in military
medical specialities, and other issues stipulated by this Regulation, with a written conclusion (resolution).
For the purposes of this Regulation, fitness for military service means a state of health and physical
development of citizens that allows them to perform service duties in a particular military speciality in the
Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations established in accordance with the law
(hereinafter referred to as other military formations) in peacetime and wartime.
Paragraph 1.2 of Chapter 2 of Section II of Order No. 402 provides that the decisions of Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs) are made on the basis of the Schedule of Diseases, explanations on the
application of the articles of the Schedule of Diseases and other additional health requirements. Each
person liable for military service is examined by a surgeon, physician, neurologist, psychiatrist,
ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist, dermatologist, and, if medically necessary, by doctors of
other specialities (part 2, clause 3.2, chapter 3, section II of Order No. 402).
In accordance with paragraphs 8-12 of clause 3.8 of chapter 3 of section II of this Order No. 402,
upon completion of the medical examination during mobilisation, the Military Medical Commission
(MMC) issues one of the following decisions in respect of a person liable for military service:
"Fit for military service";
"Temporarily unfit for military service (indicate the date of the second examination)";
"Unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration";
"Restrictedly fit for military service".
It should be noted that, according to the Schedule of Diseases, fitness for military service is
established not by a combination of diseases or conditions, but by the degree of impairment of
body functions that may cause the relevant diseases, conditions or physical disabilities
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Thus, the assessment is based on the state of individual bodies and systems of agencies
and does not take into account their interconnectedness.
However, the failure to take into account the totality of diseases casts doubt on the objectivity
of the decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) on fitness and limited fitness and is the
result of an overly formalised approach to medical examinations and assessment of the degree
of fitness for military service.
This approach to medical examinations by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) contradicts the
international experience of NATO, the UK and the US, described by the Human Rights Centre "Principle"
NGO in an analytical study on the system of determining fitness for service
. In particular, according to
the principles of fitness assessment reflected in the NATO manual on the assessment of fitness for military
missions for military personnel, a soldier with more than one medical condition may be declared unfit to
participate in a NATO mission due to the possible adverse effect of the concomitant pathology.
It is worth noting that with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and the
increase in the pace of mobilisation, an acute problem of inefficiency in the conduct of medical
examinations by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) arose due to the deliberate disregard for the
procedure and failure to take into account the individual health characteristics of persons. As a result, the
number of complaints about the formal nature of medical examinations and the failure to take into
account the medical indications of persons undergoing the Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) has
In particular, situations have become increasingly publicised when persons who, for health reasons
and medical indications, should be declared unfit for military service in accordance with the Schedule of
Diseases, cannot obtain confirmation of their unfitness for military service, as the issuance of the relevant
decision is seen by the officials of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) as a way of obtaining unlawful
benefit, regardless of the existence of objective grounds for declaring a person unfit.
Thus, the obligation to conduct
military medical examination (MME)
is vested solely in Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs), but vesting Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) with such discretion
requires that the following "fuses" against illegal activities be enshrined in the legal act: effective review
of Military Medical Commission (MMC) decisions to protect the rights of servicemen; effective
implementation of an electronic medical information system in Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
activities to ensure that all medical documents for each serviceman are quickly obtained, medical
confidentiality is respected and the possibility of falsification of such documents is reduced;
implementation of an electronic document management system electronic document management
system between Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), military units and civilian institutions healthcare
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
NATO's Red, Yellow and Green approach
to assessing an individual's fitness for duty is a conceptual
framework for reflecting the degree of risk that an individual may not be able to successfully complete a
mission for medical reasons.
The successful completion of a mission for a serviceman is determined by the following five criteria:
1) completion of deployment (i.e. no need for early repatriation);
2) the ability to perform all of their duties without restriction during the deployment period so as
not to jeopardise the success of the mission;
3) no aggravation of their condition that threatens the safety of others;
5) no significant additional requirements for medical care/assessment compared to garrison
6) no significant deterioration of the medical condition as a result of the mission.
A person's readiness to participate in a mission is assessed as:
high risk of failure based on one or more of the five criteria above - unfit for mission.
low risk of failure for one or more of the five criteria above - fit for mission.
Moderate risk of failure based on one or more of the five criteria above. To determine this
level of risk, the physician estimates the likelihood of deployment based on the nature of the condition,
his or her own experience with the condition, and the expected deployment environment.
For example, a person's diagnosis of two diagnoses, each of which is classified as "yellow",
may be grounds for declaring a person unfit to participate in a NATO military mission, although
these diagnoses cannot prevent participation in a NATO military mission.
C40B2AB0FEBE9841A61sList=92d5819c-e6ec-4241-aa4e-57bf918681b1sRootFolder=%2Fpublications%2FSTO%20Technical%20 Reports%2FSTO%2DTR%2DHFM%2D174
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Law enforcers exposed the head of a municipal medical institution on receiving an undue
benefit of USD 3,000 for a certificate of unfitness for military service
According to the investigation, the serviceman, who had certain illnesses, applied to the
head of the Military Medical Commission, the head of the branch of the municipal non-profit
enterprise "Consultative Diagnostic Centre", for a Military Medical Commission with subsequent
exclusion from military treatment.
The latter stated that, allegedly, regardless of any existing illnesses, a certificate of unfitness
for military service with exclusion from the register would be issued only if he was given
The Odesa Specialised Defence Prosecutor's Office of the Southern Region of Ukraine
initiated criminal proceedings on the grounds of a criminal offence under Part 4 of Article 425 of
the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding the possible negligence of military service by officials of
the Berezivskyi Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) of Odesa region.
In the course of the pre-trial investigation, investigators are checking the legality of the citizen's
conscription for military service, taking into account his health condition
In addition, the Mykolaiv Specialised Defence Prosecutor's Office of the Southern Region
initiated criminal proceedings on the grounds of a criminal offence under Part 4 of Article 425 of
the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding possible negligence of military service by medical officers
of a military unit in Mykolaiv region.
During the pre-trial investigation, investigators check the timeliness of providing qualified
emergency medical care to a serviceman after an
epileptic attack.
https://kyiv.npu.gov.ua/news/3-000-dolariv-ssha-za-dovidku-pro-neprydatnist-do-viiskovoi-sluzhby-politseiski-kyieva- zatrymaly-
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The serviceman filed a lawsuit with the administrative court against the military unit's Military
Medical Commission (MMC), in which he asked, in particular, to declare
unlawful and cancel
the decision of the garrison Military Medical Commission (MMC) of the military unit, which
issued by a certificate of the garrison Military Medical Commission (MMC) of the military unit
dated 10.11.2022, according to which the plaintiff was found to be partially fit for military service,
and to oblige the military serviceman to undergo a second medical examination.
The plaintiff argued that the complaints about his
epilepsy had been ignored by Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs), and that he had
not been examined by doctors of other
specialities during the medical examination, although the need for an appropriate examination
was evident from his previous medical examinations.
The Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal, in its ruling of 10.05.2023, noted that the decision
of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) did not show that the defendant had carried out a full
and comprehensive analysis and taken into account all medical indicators regarding the plaintiff's
health. The judicial panel concluded that the decision of the garrison Military Medical Commission
(MMC) of the military unit was unlawful and ordered the defendant to re-examine the serviceman
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 10.
Refusal to provide a referral for medical examination to
persons who were mobilised into the Armed Forces of Ukraine
without undergoing a military medical examination (MME) in
order to obtain an unlawful benefit
Paragraph 6.1 of Chapter 6 of Section II of Order No. 402 provides that servicemen are referred for
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs):
direct superiors from the commander of a separate unit, his equals and above, and regular
military officers,
by the heads of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs),
Heads (managers) of healthcare facilities at the place of treatment, military authorities and units
of the Military Law Enforcement Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
by the prosecutor's office,
by the court in the manner and for the purpose specified in this Regulation.
Direct superiors from the commander of a separate unit, his equals and above have the right to send
subordinate servicemen for a medical examination by the Military Medical Commission (MMC) in order
to determine the degree of fitness for military service on the recommendation of a doctor, if a serviceman
is found to have diseases or trauma (wounds, contusions, injuries) during the examination or treatment
that may limit his fitness or cause his inability to perform military service.
According to an anonymous interview and reports received by the Legal Hundred NGO
hotline, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, a significant number of people were mobilised
without undergoing a medical examination in the face of urgent need.
However, Order No. 402 currently does not provide for a procedure for mandatory referral
of servicemen who were mobilised without undergoing a medical examination.
Given that the decision to send a serviceman on military service for a medical examination is mainly
within the authority of military unit commanders, there is a need to legally regulate the procedure for
sending servicemen for military medical examination (MME) in order to prevent irreversible deterioration
of their health and to prevent abuse by commanders due to their unlimited due to their unlimited powers.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
In addition, it would be advisable to enshrine in law the right of a serviceman to undergo
military medical examination (MME) and, accordingly, the obligation of commanders to provide a
referral to a serviceman for military medical examination (MME) or a justified written refusal.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 11.
Involvement of Military Medical Commission (MMC) officials in
corruption schemes for smuggling men of military age across the
state border of Ukraine
In accordance with certain provisions of Part 6 of Article 37 of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty
and Military Service", citizens of Ukraine who are, in particular, declared unfit for military service by
Military Medical Commissions and are excluded from military registration at the relevant district (city)
territorial recruitment and social support centres are subject to exclusion from military registration.
In accordance with paragraph 26 of the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine,
approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.01.1995 No. 57, in case of
introduction of a state of emergency or martial law on the territory of Ukraine, the right to cross the state
border, except for the persons specified in paragraphs. 21 and 22 of these Rules, also have other persons
liable for military service who are not subject to call-up for military service during mobilisation
. This
provision does not apply to persons specified in subpara. 2, 3 of part 3 of Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine
o ilisatio preparatio a d o ilisatio ", as well as paragraph ¹⁴ of these Rules.
At the same time, the decision to declare a person unfit for military service and to exclude him or
her from the military register is within the discretionary powers of the Military Medical Commission
(MMC). It is these discretionary powers, multiplied by the lack of clear legal regulation of the activities of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), that become the biggest corruption factor in the activities of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs).
The constant interaction of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support
(TCRSSs)s with Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) leads to the emergence of strong official
and personal ties between Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS) officials
and members/chairman of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), which, in the context of
increased demand for obtaining illegal documents required to travel abroad and avoid
mobilisation, contributes to the spread of corruption offences and the development of sustainable
corruption schemes.
In this regard, law enforcement agencies systematically expose corruption schemes organised by
third parties, in which the participation of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) is limited to the
preparation of deliberately illegal decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) on unfitness for
military service with exclusion from the military register.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Under the procedural supervision of prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office, a pre-
trial investigation is being conducted in criminal proceedings on the facts of organising evasion
from military service during mobilisation. As part of the investigation,
nearly 100 authorised
searches were conducted, and
relevant documents were found and seized.
According to the investigation, officials of the district Territorial Centres for Recruitment and
Social Support (TCRSSs) in the regions,
acting jointly with members of Military Medical
Commission (MMC),
with the mediation of third parties, set up a scheme to issue certificates
declaring men unfit for military service for health reasons. Subsequently, those liable for military
service were removed from the military register. They used the certificates of unfitness for military
service to travel abroad. The average cost of such a service was
USD 6,000
SBI officers detained the deputy head of a department of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
for illegally processing documents on removing a serviceman from military registration for
unimpeded travel abroad.
The official took
USD 9,000
for his "services". For this money, the
official prepared a conclusion of Military Medical Commission (MMC) on his unfitness for military
The official is suspected of smuggling people across the state border on the basis of
certificates of unfitness for military service.
Under the procedural supervision of the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office, the head of a
department of one of the district Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs)
was served a notice of suspicion of organising illegal trafficking of persons across the state border
of Ukraine. Thus, in exchange for a monetary reward, he promised to issue Military Medical
Commission (MMC) certificates for men liable for military service, according to which they were
declared unfit for military service for health reasons with their subsequent exclusion from military
registration. The cost of issuing the necessary documents was
USD 6,000
dbr.gov.ua/news/dbr-zatrimalo-posadovcya-minoboroni-ukraini-yakij-za-habari-perepravlyav-vijskovozobovyazanih-za- kordon
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Under the procedural supervision of the Kharkiv Specialised Defence Prosecutor's Office of
the Eastern Region, the head of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs)
of Kharkiv and the head of Military Medical Commission (MMC) of Territorial Centres for
Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) were served with a notice of suspicion. The suspects
are charged with forgery in office, and the head of the military enlistment office is also charged
with organising the illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine (Part 1 of Article
366, Parts 2, 3 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
According to the investigation, the official was in charge of organising the illegal cross-border
trafficking of potential evaders. By prior conspiracy with the head of the military registration and
enlistment office, he signed and issued forged documents to persons liable for military service
with a note on their unfitness for military service without their actually passing the military
registration and enlistment office. The monetary reward for such services was
USD 5,000-7,000
According to the National Agency, since March 2022, two persons have systematically
crossed the state border as drivers of vehicles. At the same time, between March 2022 and July
2023, 93 men travelled abroad as passengers with these individuals, 73 of whom had not returned
as of 10.07.2023.
According to the information contained in the Arkan system, the men who crossed the border
with these drivers were not subject to mobilisation on the basis of para. 3, part 1, Article 23 of the
Law of Ukraine "On mobilisation training and mobilisation" (being recognised as persons with
disabilities or, according to the conclusion of the Military Medical Commission (MMC), temporarily
unfit for military service for a period of up to six months (with subsequent medical examination)).
And the fact that the head of one of the regional Territorial Centres for Recruitment and
Social Support (TCRSSs) and his family members repeatedly crossed the state border with these
individuals may indicate their joint participation in organising the illegal crossing of the state border
by men who are liable for military service.
https://gp.gov.ua/ua/posts/na-xarkivshhini-kerivnika-viiskkomatu-ta-golovu-vlk-pidozryuyut-u-sluzbovomu-pidroblenni-ta- perepravlenni-
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In addition, out of 47 persons registered in one of the district Territorial Centres for
Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) in this region and found temporarily unfit for military
service by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), only 10 persons were found temporarily unfit
for military service by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) upon preliminary medical
examination (before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation).
Of the 47 persons,
crossed the state border of Ukraine in the direction of "exit" within a
short period of time after receiving Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)'s conclusion and did
not return to the territory of Ukraine.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 12.
Corrupt arrangement when making a decision to grant a person
a deferment from conscription for health reasons
In accordance with clause 3.10 of Chapter 3, Section II of Order No. 402, in wartime and during
mobilisation, for a special period, a person liable for military service is granted a deferment from
conscription for health reasons for a period of 2 to 6 months, depending on the disease (injury, wound,
contusion, mutilation) and the expected duration of treatment.
Upon expiry of the deferment, persons liable for military service are examined to determine their
fitness for military service.
Order No. 402 does not provide for a procedure for making a decision on the postponement
of conscription for health reasons, nor does it provide for the form of such a decision. In addition,
there is no requirement to determine the severity of the disease, which will determine the duration
of the health-related postponement or non-postponement.
Therefore, granting a person a deferment from conscription for health reasons and its duration
depends solely on the subjective assessment of the members/head of Military Medical Commissions
Given the fact that the period of deferment may vary, a separate schedule of illnesses should be
developed, similar to the one used to determine the degree of fitness for military service, which will
determine the severity of the disease (trauma, injury, contusion, mutilation) and the required period of
deferment for health reasons.
In addition, when deciding on the postponement of conscription for health reasons due to an injury,
it is advisable to apply the Classification of Injuries by Severity, approved by the Order of the Ministry of
Health of Ukraine of 04.07.2007
At the same time, this section should include a list of grounds for extending such a delay.
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If, by the decision of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), a person is found to be in need of an
extension of the deferral for health reasons, a corresponding decision of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) must be issued.
An important element of ensuring an effective assessment of the state of a person liable for military
service is to enter all medical documents into the Electronic Healthcare System (EHS) and provide the
Military Medical Commission (MMC) with uninterrupted access to this system.
Thus, after the implementation of the relevant changes and the provision of computer
equipment with access to the electronic healthcare system (EHS) for both doctors who are
members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and all doctors of municipal and state
healthcare institutions, a significant narrowing of the excessive discretionary powers of Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs) in deciding whether to grant a deferment from conscription for
health reasons can be achieved.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 13.
Manipulations in determining military specialities for which a
person previously recognised as partially fit for military service
may be suitable
In accordance with clause 20.3 of Chapter 20 of Section II of Order No. 402, a decision on limited
fitness for military service may be issued during the medical examination of servicemen and other persons
by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), among other things.
Simultaneously with the decision of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), on an individual basis
and taking into account the military speciality, position held, age, work actually performed, and the fitness
of the person who has undergone a medical examination, the decision in an arbitrary form indicates which
types of service and work are contraindicated for this person. Persons recognised as partially fit for
military service are unfit for service in the airborne assault troops, naval forces, marines, special structures
(except for support units).
Servicemen who are recognised as partially fit for military service are fit for service in support units,
Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs), institutions, organisations and
educational establishments. Together with the decision on limited fitness for military service, Military
Medical Commission (MMC) adopts a decision on fitness for military service in a military speciality.
However, Order No. 402 does not regulate the procedure for determining the military
specialities for which a person may be found fit in case of being declared restrictedly fit for military
The absence of a defined algorithm for assessing the suitability of a serviceman or person
liable for military service for a military speciality may serve as a basis for abuses by Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs) in the selection of military specialities, and also creates legal
uncertainty, which makes it difficult to understand the grounds for appealing against such a
resolution of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) in court, given that the courts are only
competent to assess the procedural aspects of the adoption of resolutions of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs).
An additional corruption factor is that Order No. 402 also does not specify which specific medical
parameters are considered key to recognising a person as partially fit for military service, especially when
there are multiple diseases or conditions.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 14.
Abuses in establishing the causal link between injuries (wounds,
contusions, mutilations) related to the defence of the Motherland
In accordance with paragraph 27 of part 3 of Article 87 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Statute of the
Internal Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", in addition to the requirements set out in Articles 82-84
of this Statute, the head of the brigade medical service is obliged to draw up a certificate of the
circumstances of the injury (wound, contusion, mutilation) in accordance with the established procedure.
Also, parts 3, 4 of Article 260 of this Law stipulate that a certificate on the circumstances of injury
(wounding, contusion, mutilation) is drawn up by the chief of the medical service of a military unit, as a
rule, after conducting an appropriate investigation of the circumstances of the injury (wounding,
contusion, mutilation). In case the situation does not allow to provide a certificate on the circumstances
of the injury (wound, contusion, mutilation) before the serviceman who received the injury (wound,
contusion, mutilation) is sent for treatment outside the location of the military unit, such a certificate is
sent to a health care institution or territorial recruitment and social support centre in accordance with the
procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
At the same time, if the injury (wound, contusion, mutilation) of a serviceman is caused by the
actions of the enemy, the relevant investigation of the circumstances of the injury (wound, contusion,
mutilation) is not conducted.
A certificate on the circumstances of the injury (wound, contusion, mutilation) is drawn up within
five days and sent to a healthcare facility or territorial recruitment and social support centre within the
same period in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (part 5
of Article 260 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Statute of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of
Currently, the Law of Ukraine "On the Statute of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine" provides that a certificate of the circumstances of an injury (wound, contusion, mutilation)
is issued by the head of the medical service of a military unit and, depending on the circumstances
of the injury, such a certificate may be issued either with or without an investigation.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
However, according to part 9, clause 18 of the Instruction on Investigation and Recording of Accidents
with Servicemen, Occupational Diseases and Accidents in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved by the
order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of 27.10.2021 No. 332, on the basis of the order of the
commander of the military unit, a certificate of the circumstances of the injury (wound, contusion,
mutilation) is drawn up in duplicate in the form given in Annex 5 to the Regulation on Military Medical
Examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved by the order of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine
of 14.08.2008 No. 402, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 17.11.2008 under No.
At the same time, the certificate on the circumstances of the injury (wound, contusion,
mutilation) provided in the above appendix must contain, in particular, the corner stamp of the
military unit (institution) and the signature of the commander (chief) of the military unit. At the same
time, such a certificate does not in any way indicate the need for its signature by the head of the
medical service of the military unit.
The Instruction on the Investigation and Recording of Accidents with Servicemen,
Occupational Diseases and Accidents in the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not specify the
timeframe for the commander (chief) of a military unit to draw up and submit an order on the basis
of which a certificate of the circumstances of the injury (wound, contusion, mutilation) is drawn up.
In addition, representatives of the leadership of military units and medical institutions in a
sociological study by the Human Rights Centre 'Principle' noted: "...at meetings with our leading surgeons
and therapists, they say that the certificate of injury is not in the original and is not valid. And we cannot
accept it, because we understand that the certificate was issued in a really illegal way, because the basis is
the order. Firstly, they write "combat order", and sometimes just as an order to perform a combat task. I
don't know where they get this from, because we just have a combat order, not an order to issue an order,
and a combat order... And they write the wrong reason, and even worse, when the certificate is signed by
the chief medical officer. This is also the case, and our Form 5 certificate must be signed by the unit
Probably, in practice, the preparation of a certificate of the circumstances of an injury (wound,
contusion, mutilation) should be as follows: on the basis of an order of the commander of a military
unit (as provided for in the Instruction), the head of the medical service of the military unit prepares
a certificate of the circumstances of the injury (as specified in the Statute of Internal Service of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine) and then such a certificate is approved by the commander of the military
unit (taking into account Annex 5 to Order No. 402).
https://pryncyp.com/publications/sociological-research-the-path-of-the-wounded-needs-problems-and-vision-of-the- future (p.20)
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
However, such a procedure is not enshrined in the above-analysed legal acts.
Thus, due to imperfect legal regulation, there may be two procedures for drawing up a certificate
of injury (signed by the head of the medical service of a military unit or the commander of a military unit).
Since the certificate is one of the primary documents required to establish the causal link between
diseases (wounds, contusions, injuries, mutilations) related to the defence of the Motherland, the
different procedure for its preparation and provision creates obstacles for servicemen to exercise their
rights to rehabilitation, leave and receive appropriate payments.
At the same time, this lack of regulation not only complicates the work of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs), but can also become a formal basis for members/chairmen of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) to abuse their powers in establishing the causal link between diseases (wounds,
contusions, injuries, mutilations) related to the defence of the Motherland, in particular by creating
artificial obstacles for servicemen.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Statistics on appeals against decisions of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) according to the information of Territorial
Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) and the Kyiv City
Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS)
Cancelled by court, regional Military Medical
Commission (MMC) and
Central Military Medical
Commission (CMMC)
as of September
Kyiv city
We note that the Dnipropetrovs'k, Zhytomyr, Donetsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Khmelnytsky, Vinnytsia
and Chernivtsi Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) did not provide
information on appealing against the decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs).
These statistics clearly demonstrate both the ineffectiveness of appealing against the
decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and the low level of awareness of persons
liable for military service and servicemen and women about ways to protect their rights.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 15.
Corruption conspiracy by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
officials due to unclear pre-trial procedure for appealing against
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) decisions
Paragraph 3.3 of Chapter 3, Section 1 of Order No. 402 provides that complaints against actions
(inaction) or decisions of non-staff Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) are submitted to regular
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) in accordance with the administrative and territorial areas of
responsibility set out in Annex 2 to Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine No. 608 of 16.11.2016 "On
Approval of Administrative and Territorial Areas of Responsibility of Healthcare Institutions of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine for the Organisation of Medical Care".
Pursuant to clause 3.4 of Chapter 3, Section 1 of Order No. 402, if the regular Military Medical
Commission (MMC) finds an application or complaint for review (cancellation) of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs)'s decision to be justified, Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of the regular
Military Medical Commission (MMC) shall review the contested Military Medical Commission (MMC)
decision or decide to refer the person for a second (control) medical examination.
Appeals to regular Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) are filed within the timeframe specified
by the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals" (clause 3.2 of Chapter 3, Section 1 of Order No. 402).
According to Art. 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals", a complaint against the decision that
was appealed may be filed with a higher-level body or official within one year from the date of its
adoption, but not later than one month from the date of familiarisation of the citizen with the decision.
Complaints submitted after the deadline are not considered.
Taking into account the fact that Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) inform persons about the
acceptance of the Military Medical Commission (MMC) certificate/reference/minutes of the meeting
almost immediately, it can be concluded that an appeal in the pre-trial procedure can be made within a
It is worth noting that the procedure for appealing against the decisions of Military Medical
Commission (MMC) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) differs from the
procedure provided for other non-staff permanent Military Medical Commissions (MMCs). Appeals
against actions (inaction) or decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of district (city) Territorial
Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs) are submitted by subordination to Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of the Kyiv City Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS),
Sevastopol City Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS), regional Territorial Centres
for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs), Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
(TCRSSs) of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and decisions (resolutions) of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) of regional (Kyiv city) Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs)
can be appealed to regular Military Medical Commissions (MMCs). However, Order No. 402 does not
specify whether appeals against resolutions adopted by the
However, Order No. 402 does not specify whether appeals against resolutions adopted by the
adopted by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of the regional (Kyiv city, Sevastopol city) Territorial
Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs), Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social
Support (TCRSSs) of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, to the regional Military Medical Commission
(MMC) is a prerequisite for further appeal to the Central Administrative Court.
Such uncertainty may be the basis for expanding the discretionary powers of the
Central Military
Medical Commission (CMMC)
to consider or, conversely, to refuse to consider a person's complaint on
formal grounds, namely, failure to use the available remedy of appealing against decisions made by the
Military Medical Commission (MMC)
of the regional (Kyiv city, Sevastopol city) Territorial Centres for
Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs), Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSSs)
of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, to the
Military Medical Commission (MMC)
of the region.
Thus, only the resolutions of the regional
Military Medical Commission (MMC) and Central Military
Medical Commission (CMMC)
may be appealed in court (clauses 2.4.10 and 2.3.5 of Chapter 2 of Section I
of Order No. 402).
At the same time, Order No. 402 does not contain a list of grounds for appeal (e.g., failure to take
into account a serious illness by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) during the medical examination of
a person liable for military service or a serviceman; an error in determining the degree of impairment of
the body's function as a result of an illness in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases; violation of the
procedure for conducting a medical examination by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)) and a clear
step-by-step procedure for its implementation, which may lead to an increase in the number of unjustified
appeals by individuals and their representatives against Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)'s decisions.
Also, Order No. 402 does not specify how regular Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) make
decisions based on the results of reviewing the appealed Military Medical Commission (MMC) resolutions
(by a majority of votes of Military Medical Commission (MMC) members / by a Military Medical
Commission (MMC) member alone) and whether they require approval. Moreover, it is not specified what
kind of document should be issued based on the results of the review of the complaint.
In accordance with clause 2.4.6 of Chapter 2, Section I of Order No. 402, a repeat or control medical
examination may be conducted by the decision of the staff medical examination commission.
It should be noted that, based on the results of the review of the decisions of the non-staff Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs), the regular Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) do not conduct medical
examinations directly by members of the regular Military Medical Commission (MMC), they only make a
decision to refer a person for a second medical examination.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
At the same time, Order No. 402 does not contain a procedure for such a referral, which is why the
regular Military Medical Commission (MMC) has discretionary powers to choose Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) that will carry out such a medical examination.
It is likely that the person should be referred for a second medical examination to a different Military
Medical Commission (MMC) than the one that conducted the initial medical examination. For example, if
a person appeals against a certificate/record of a meeting of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) that
was adopted by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial Centres for Recruitment and Social
Support (TCRSSs), the regular Military Medical Commission (MMC) (Central Military Medical Commission
(MMC) or regional Military Medical Commission (MMC)) may refer the person for a second medical
examination to the hospital Military Medical Commission (MMC) during the consideration of the appeal.
At the same time, Order No. 402 does not provide for restrictions that would make it impossible for
a regular Military Medical Commission (MMC) to refer a person to the same Military Medical Commission
(MMC) that conducted the initial medical examination, thereby violating the principle of objective
decision-making. Also, the Order No. 402 does not regulate the timeframe for such a re-examination.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 16.
Comprehensive corruption service -
tur key disa ility
In accordance with subparagraph b) of paragraph 2 of part 4 of Art. 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On
Military Duty and Military Service", servicemen who perform military service by conscription during
mobilisation, for a special period, military service by conscription of persons from among re- servicemen
during a special period are discharged from military service during the period of martial law, in particular,
for health reasons - on the basis of a conclusion (resolution) of the Military Medical Commission on the
unfitness for military service with exclusion from the military register or on the unfitness for military
service with re-examination in 6-12 months.
However, there are servicemen who, in the absence of medical indications, wish to complete their
military service on the basis of a decision of Military Medical Commission (MMC) on their unfitness for
military service by reaching corrupt agreements to obtain it through intermediaries.
In addition, in order to receive the relevant financial payments from the state, such servicemen wish
to obtain a certificate of disability from the Medical Expert Committee on the basis of a forged decision
Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC)
on their inability to perform military service.
Thus, in accordance with clause 19-3 of the Regulation on the Procedure, Conditions and Criteria for
Establishing Disability, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) of
03.12.2009, No. 1317
, the causal link between disability and injuries or other health damage sustained
by persons who became disabled as a result of injuries or other health damage is established on the basis
of a decision of the interdepartmental commission on establishing the fact of injuries or other health
damage sustained by persons from explosives, ammunition and military weapons.
Para. 13 of the said Regulation stipulates that the degree of disability of servicemen and persons
liable for military service (training) is set as a percentage for the purpose of paying insurance amounts
under the state compulsory personal insurance on the day of consideration by the commission of
documents, which must also include a copy of a medical certificate in the form approved by the Ministry
of Defence and issued by a military medical institution or a territorial recruitment and social support
centre in case a military medical commission declares a serviceman or person liable for military service
(training) unfit for further service (training) due to injury (contusion, trauma or injury), disease. injury,
trauma or mutilation), or illness.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
In this regard, interns, doctors, representatives of NGOs, law enforcement officers, etc. who have
appropriate connections among members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and Medical and
Social Expert Commission (MSEC) become intermediaries in the process of obtaining illegal benefits by
committing corrupt acts.
Participants in such a scheme may be:
Intermediaries (interns, doctors, representatives of NGOs, lawyers, etc.);
members, the head of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) - issue Military Medical
Commission (MMC) resolutions, documents and referrals to the Medical and Social Expert
Commission (MSEC) (in some cases, falsification of primary documents is used);
members, and most often the head of the Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC), make
the decision on granting a disability to a person.
Criminal proceedings initiated by law enforcement agencies in connection with such actions indicate
that this corrupt service is widely used by both military personnel and members of commissions.
According to the investigation, in March 2023, a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
turned to the founder of a NGO (intermediary) to obtain information about the possibility of
excluding himself from military registration and receiving a referral to the Medical and Social
Expert Commission (MSEC) for registration of a disability group.
During a personal meeting in Khmelnytskyi, the founder of the NGO, acting intentionally, for
selfish motives and for personal enrichment, informed the serviceman that he had connections
and the ability to influence the head and members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and
the Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC) and would assist in the preparation of medical
documents on the serviceman's health, issuing a certificate from Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) on his unfitness for military service with exclusion from military registration and receiving
a referral to the Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC) to grant the serviceman a group
II disability for life.
The conditions of such service were that he received an undue benefit in the amount of
of which
USD 8,500
was for influencing the head and members of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs)
and the
USD 8,000 was
for influencing officials of the
Khmelnytskyi Regional Centre of the Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC).
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Otherwise, the decision on the military man's unfitness for military service and further
procedures will not be made, to which the military man was forced to agree.
After the intermediary received the illegal benefit, he was exposed by police officers and
notified of suspicion of committing a criminal offence under Part 3 of Article 369-2 of the Criminal
Code of Ukraine.
By the decision of the Khmelnytskyi City District Court of Khmelnytskyi region dated
a preventive measure in the form of detention for a period until 11.08.2023 inclusive
with the possibility of bail was imposed on the suspect in committing a crime under Part 3 of Art.
369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 17.
Involvement of intermediaries in corrupt arrangements with
Military Medical Commission (MMC) officials
Currently, "services" of mediation in reaching illegal corrupt agreements with the
chairman/members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) are in high demand, given the desire of a
significant number of Ukrainian citizens liable for military service to avoid mobilisation in one way or
Such agreements are hampered, among other things, by the lack of established deadlines for
undergoing a medical examination by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), the slowdown in the
digitalisation of Military Medical Commission (MMC) activities and the introduction of electronic
document flow between military units, Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and healthcare facilities
due to insufficient financial and logistical support.
Therefore, having the appropriate connections, intermediaries who are not formally related to the
military service often enter into direct relations between Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and
persons liable for military service.
This corrupt influence contributes to the evasion of mobilisation by persons liable for military service
by illegally obtaining decisions of Military Medical Commission (MMC) on their unfitness for military
service with subsequent exclusion from military registration or deferment for health reasons.
Such mediation may involve various actors, including:
employees of law enforcement and other government agencies;
citizens without the status of officials or employees;
employees of charitable and public organisations, etc.
Having the appropriate contacts with relatives, friends or personal contacts with doctors, officials
of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), etc., intermediaries find persons liable for military service who
are interested in obtaining a Military Medical Commission (MMC) conclusion on their unfitness for military
service or a medical deferment and offer their services.
Intermediaries use a variety of forms of bribery of officials: one-on-one cash transfers to doctors
with corresponding telephone conversations, messenger messages and meetings, transferring funds to
certain bank accounts, interacting with close relatives of doctors, purchasing certain goods and
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
services for officials, if necessary, applying measures against money laundering through individual
entrepreneurs and private enterprises, etc.
There have also been cases of individuals posting advertisements on the Internet (advertising sites,
but most often social networks) about "providing services with guaranteed results".
At the same time, it should be noted that the analysis of court practice shows that it is
intermediaries in corrupt arrangements who are brought to justice, while members of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) mostly avoid liability due to the difficulty of proving their involvement in the crime.
According to the investigation, a district police officer in Chernivtsi region, acting
intentionally, for mercenary motives and for personal enrichment, committed a series of illegal
actions aimed at obtaining an unlawful benefit of USD 4,000 and EUR 1,000 from two individuals
for influencing the decision of Military Medical Commission (MMC) to temporarily disqualify these
citizens for military service for health reasons and granting a temporary deferral from mobilisation.
In turn, the law enforcement officer engaged his acquaintance, who works as the acting
head of the social department of the Amalgamated Territorial Community (ATC), with a request
to assist persons in obtaining a temporary deferral from mobilisation, both by providing advice
and instructions on how to act and by unduly influencing the members of the commission to obtain
a conclusion on temporary unfitness for military service for health reasons after the persons
concerned had passed the medical examination.
Thus, the police officer involved his acquaintance, the aforementioned Amalgamated
Territorial Community (ATC) official, through his official relations with the members of Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs), in his activities aimed at obtaining an undue benefit for influencing
the decision-making of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) members
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
In Cherkasy region, law enforcement officers uncovered schemes to evade conscription by
issuing certificates of unfitness
. According to the investigation, a 65-year-old doctor who is a
member of the Military Medical Commission of one of the territorial centres for social support in
the region set up an illegal "business" in Zhashkiv.
Together with other officials of Military Medical Commission (MMC), he "helped" citizens of
conscription age to obtain conclusions about their unfitness for military service based on a
fictitious diagnosis.
The intermediary was a 47-year-old unemployed resident of Smila, who, having
acquaintances with doctors, arranged for them to issue fake medical certificates of fitness for
military service for health reasons. The cost of such services ranged
from USD 3,000 to USD
The investigation established that in December 2022, the head of a charitable organisation,
pursuing the goal of illicit enrichment, offered the head of the sales department of a retail chain to
assist in influencing the decision of the head of Military Medical Commission (MMC) to issue a
conclusion on the recognition of a person unfit for military service for health reasons, which would
serve as an exemption from military service and the issuance of a relevant military registration
document. The head of the charitable organisation estimated the cost of the relevant service at
USD 15,000.
Subsequently, the prosecutor of the Kryvyi Rih Specialised Military and Defence
Prosecutor's Office of the Southern Region and the accused head of the charity entered into a
plea agreement, which was approved by the verdict
of the Nikopol City District Court of
Dnipropetrovs'k Region on 16 February 2023.
Under the terms of the agreement, the suspect unconditionally pleaded guilty to the crime
under Part 2 of Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and the parties agreed to a fine of
UAH 34,000.
https://www.npu.gov.ua/news/vydavaly-dovidky-pro-neprydatnist-na-cherkashchyni-pravookhorontsi-vykryly-skhemy- ukhylennia-vid-
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
During the medical examination of a person by the hospital's Military Medical Commission
(MMC), a surgeon, who was a member of Military Medical Commission (MMC), offered his
"services" to influence the head of Military Medical Commission (MMC) in order to make a
decision on his unfitness for military service and to exclude him from the military register in
exchange for receiving an unlawful benefit of
USD 4,000.
Subsequently, the said person, acting under the control of law enforcement agencies,
handed over an undue benefit of
USD 4,000 to the
surgeon, after which the latter was
immediately detained by law enforcement officers.
The surgeon's actions were classified under Part 2 of Article 369-2 of the Criminal Code of
Ukraine. Based on the results of the pre-trial investigation, the prosecutor concluded a plea
agreement with the member of Military Medical Commission (MMC).
According to this agreement, the accused unconditionally pleaded guilty to committing a
criminal offence and agreed to be sentenced under Part 2 of Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code of
Ukraine in the form of a fine of 2000 tax-free minimum incomes (UAH
and an additional
punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to hold positions related to the performance of
administrative, economic and organisational and administrative functions in healthcare institutions
for a period of 1 year
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 18.
Misappropriation of state budget funds through Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs), Medical and Social Expert Commissions
Article 16-2(1)(b) of the Law of Ukraine "On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and Members
of Their Families" provides, inter alia, that a one-time financial assistance is granted and paid in the
amount of 400 times the subsistence minimum established by law for able-bodied persons as of 1 January
of a calendar year, - in the case of a group I disability, 300 times the subsistence minimum established by
law for able-bodied persons as of 1 January of the calendar year - in the case of a group II disability, 250
times the subsistence minimum established by law for able-bodied persons as of 1 January of the calendar
year - in the case of a group III disability.
Also, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) of 28.02.2022 No. 168 "Issues of
Certain Payments to Military Servicemen, Ranks and Commanders, Police Officers and Their Families
During Martial Law" stipulates that the families of the deceased persons referred to in paragraphs 1-1-2
of this resolution are paid a one-time financial assistance in the amount of UAH
which is
distributed equally among all recipients, provided for in Article 16-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Social and
Legal Protection of Servicemen and Members of Their Families", except for citizens of the Russian
Federation or the Republic of Belarus and persons permanently residing in the territories of these
countries, persons convicted of high treason, collaboration, aiding and abetting the aggressor state.
The one-time financial assistance provided for in this paragraph shall also be paid to the families of
the persons referred to in paragraphs 1-1-2 of this Resolution who died as a result of an injury (contusion,
trauma, mutilation) received during the period of martial law while defending the Motherland,
participating in hostilities or ensuring the implementation of measures for national security and defence,
repulsion and deterrence of armed aggression, being directly in the areas of their conduct
(implementation), in particular on the territory of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the Russian
Federation, in the territory between the positions of the defence forces and the positions of the troops of
the aggressor state, during the period of implementation of these measures, not later than one year after
the i jury o tusio , trau a, utilatio partч. a d , lause
Given the problematic nature and complexity of obtaining the status of a person with a disability, it
is not uncommon for the organiser of a corruption scheme to mislead former servicemen into accepting
these amounts by offering them aid with furnishing the necessary documents and passing the procedures
of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and the Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC).
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
In particular, due to the lack of knowledge and awareness of former servicemen about the
procedure for receiving a one-time financial assistance from the state in case of obtaining the status of a
person with a disability as a result of military service or military service, the fraudsters used the documents
received from them, powers of attorney for the management of accounts and representation of interests,
and seized state budget funds. One of the prerequisites for the effective implementation of this criminal
scheme is collusion with officials of Military Medical Commission (MMC) and Medical and Social Expert
Commission (MSEC), as evidenced by the investigation materials.
In this regard, it is worth noting the efforts of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine to raise awareness
of servicemen and women of their rights and obligations, including the receipt of financial benefits and
the procedure for undergoing medical and psychiatric examinations after injury, by creating the "Care"
(Turbota) website
which describes in detail the algorithms for the wounded and answers questions
arising during treatment, medical examinations, receipt of benefits, etc.
According to the investigation, a group of people who were aware of the procedure for
obtaining the status of a person with a disability as a result of war, had information that persons
with disabilities as a result of war were paid a one-time financial assistance, entered into a criminal
conspiracy and organised a scheme to misappropriate budget funds during the registration of
According to the distribution of functions within the group
The organiser of the scheme searched for combatants to apply for an invalidity group,
obtained all the necessary documents from them to confirm their stay in the combat zone,
and issued a power of attorney to authorise them to receive and process documents from
authorities, institutions and organisations, as well as to open bank accounts and receive
an accomplice in Kyiv, receiving the documents of combatants, falsified the necessary
materials from medical institutions, examination results, and extracts from medical
records. After forming the necessary package of documents, he sent them to the Ministry
of Defence of Ukraine's Military Qualification Commission to obtain an extract from the
minutes of the meeting of Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC), which confirms
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
the illness of combatants related to the defence of the Motherland. Subsequently, on the
basis of these documents, the combatant was sent for examination by the Medical and
Social Expert Commission (MSEC) to determine the disability group;
the registrar of the Ternopil Regional Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC),
knowing for certain the procedure for assigning disability groups directly to combatants
and the intricacies of the necessary documents, provided them with "support".
During 2018-2019, the scheme organiser distributed information to residents of Ternopil
region who are combatants that he could help them with their disability group and pension benefits
paid to people with war-related disabilities.
At the same time, the organiser of the scheme, with the aim of seizing state budget funds
through combatants, did not provide information that, in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine (CMU), a person who has been granted the status of a person with a disability as a
result of war is entitled to a one-time cash payment.
The investigation established that during the implementation of the scheme, the state
suffered damage totalling
over UAH 6 million.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Scheme of misappropriation of funds from servicemen unaware of their
rights through the connections of interested persons with Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) and the Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC)
UAH 6.8 million was
misappropriated under this
scheme and an attempt was
made to steal UAH 6 million
Sends collected
documents of combatants
Organiser of the scheme:
looking for combatants
and executes powers of
attorney for representation of
interests, account management
Accomplice in Kyiv: falsifies
documents from medical
institutions, examination
results, extracts from
medical records
of funds
Bank accounts to which one-off
financial assistance is received
(250 PM, as of 2020
this is UAH 525,500)
Formally, they
are account
Sends documents
Participants in hostilities,
who do not know about financial assistance
from the state
disability group
Medical Expert
Registrar of the Ternopil
Region Medical and Social
Expert Commission
Defence Ministry's Central
Medical and Hygiene
Centre: confirms that
diseases are related to
defence of the Motherland
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 19.
Use of the unregulated procedure for attaching medical documents
to Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) to extort unlawful
In accordance with part 3 of clause 3.4 of chapter 3 of section II of Order No. 402, doctors who are
included in Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) from municipal or state-owned healthcare facilities,
during the medical examination, get acquainted with medical records in the electronic healthcare system
(EHS) and other medical documents provided by the person liable for military service that characterise his
or her state of health, and enter the relevant medical records in the electronic healthcare system (EHS)
based on the information received.
However, the unregulated procedure for attaching medical documents of persons liable for
military service to the Military Medical Commission (MMC) allows the Military Medical Commission
(MMC) to disregard such documents, which leads to biased conclusions about the person's
fitness/unfit/restricted fitness for military service.
This also makes it difficult to appeal against the decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
in court, as applicants are unable to prove that they actually provided medical documentation that
indicated the presence of the disease.
In this case, all material, technical, educational and practical conditions should be provided for
doctors to enter all medical records into the electronic healthcare system (EHS).
And in case a certain document was not entered into the electronic healthcare system (EHS) by the
doctor who conducted the examination for one reason or another (absence or temporary malfunction of
computer equipment, lack of access to the electronic healthcare system (EHS) for technical reasons), the
obligation to enter such a document into the electronic healthcare system (EHS) should be assigned to
the family doctor by amending the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 504 of 19.03.2018 "On
Approval of the Procedure for the Provision of Primary Health Care".
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Military Medical Commission (MMC) did not take into account the plaintiff's health condition
in full. According to the results of the X-ray examination, the plaintiff received the following
conclusion (diagnosis): "X-ray signs of a small axial hernia of the oesophageal opening of the
diaphragm of type 1; functional disorders in the form of moderate hypokinesia of the oesophagus".
The conclusions contained in the X-ray examination indicate significant disorders of the
plaintiff's digestion and are the basis for declaring the plaintiff unfit or partially fit for military service
in wartime in accordance with paragraph b) of Article 52 of the Classification of Diseases.
When considering the claim to appeal against the decision to declare a person fit, the court
noted that the case file did not confirm that the plaintiff had submitted any medical document to
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) for consideration during the medical examination
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Corruption risk 20.
Use of paperwork for corrupt practices in Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs)
As provided for in paragraph 22.1 of Chapter 22 of Section II of Order No. 402, data on those who
have undergone a medical examination (surname, name and patronymic, year of birth, military rank,
military unit, month and year of call-up for military service, etc.), diagnosis and the decision of the Military
Medical Commission (MMC) on the degree of fitness for military service and the causal relationship are
recorded in the Book of Minutes of the Military Medical Commission (MMC) meetings.
In addition, the diagnosis and decisions of the medical commission are recorded, among other things:
a) for military personnel - in the medical book, if necessary - in the certificate of the Military Medical
c) for persons liable for military service and reservists - in the examination and medical
examination card, and the content of the commission's resolution, in addition, in the military ID card
and registration card.
If a person liable for military service or a reservist is diagnosed with an HIV-related illness, the
diagnosis and the article of the Schedule of Diseases are not recorded in the military card and registration
card. Reserve officers who have been declared unfit for military service by Military Medical Commission
(MMC) and excluded from military registration, as well as persons liable for military service and reservists
who are on training and declared unfit for further training, receive a Certificate of Illness.
At the same time, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Procedure for the exchange of
medical and other documents of servicemen between state and municipal healthcare institutions, state
institutions of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, where servicemen were (are) treated, military
units and territorial centres of complex and social support during the special period by Resolution No. 901
of 23.08.2023.
Prior to the adoption of this Procedure, all documents related to the passage of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs), as well as the issuance of leaves for the continuation of treatment or dismissal of
servicemen, were submitted in paper form, which significantly complicated these processes, creating
additional burdens and inconveniences for servicemen.
It should be noted that paper-based document flow is the basis for corruption risks due to
the lack of an electronic medical information system of Military Medical Commission (MMC), ways
to record access to Military Medical Commission (MMC) medical records, thus creating
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
favourable environment for corrupt practices in determining the state of fitness for military service
by means of falsification of documents. In particular, in the absence of a link to the electronic
medical history of a person liable for military service, the process of falsifying the decisions of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) is greatly simplified, while at the same time complicating
the process of verifying their authenticity.
According to the Ministry of Health, the deployment of the medical information system of Military
Medical Commission (MMC), training of military doctors, capacity building and computerisation of
institutions are underway. More than 1,700 laptops have already been transferred to military medical
, funding has been allocated and the development of local networks of healthcare institutions
of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine is underway. However, the need for 1,000 laptops remains unmet.
At the same time, the premises where the staffed RECs are currently located still lack a local Internet
connection, which makes it impossible for them to work with the electronic healthcare system (EHS) and
conduct electronic document management.
As of September 2023, military doctors were being trained to work with the electronic healthcare
system, as most military hospitals had not previously worked with the IT system, were unable to see
medical records, and were in the process of implementing a medical information system and
computerising hospitals.
For example, the introduction of an electronic medical information system of Military Medical
Commission (MMC) and electronic document management in Military Medical Commission (MMC)
processes, among other things, will minimise corruption risks by recording any changes in documents and
monitoring the activities of each user.
At the same time, given the need to digitise huge amounts of documents and the need to attract
significant material, technical and human resources for this purpose, paper-based document flow
continues to exist, and thus the corruption component associated with it.
Law enforcement officers found that officials of the District Territorial Centre for Recruitment
and Social Support (RTCRSS), acting jointly with members of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs), with the mediation of third parties, in return for a monetary reward of
up to USD 10,000,
set up a scheme to issue certificates declaring a person unfit for military service for health reasons
and removing them from military registration
https://od.npu.gov.ua/news/pravookhorontsi-prypynyly-masshtabnu-skhemu-vydachi-dovidok-vlk-pro-neprydatnist-do- viiskovoi-sluzhby-
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According to the investigation, the so-called 'evaders' were registered with Territorial Centre
for Recruitment and Social Support (RTCRSS) within 1-2 days, underwent a military medical
examination and, based on its results, were declared unfit for military service and excluded from
military registration for health reasons.
During the documentation, law enforcement officers found that the "clients" did not even
arrive in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi during Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), but later used the
documents to travel abroad.
According to the investigation, to cover up their criminal activity, the RTCC and JV officials
destroyed some of the official documents, including personal files, medical records and medical
records of persons unfit for military service for health reasons, despite the fact that according to
the order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, such documents must be kept for at least 5 years,
and it is prohibited to reduce this period.
SBI officers completed an investigation into the head of the district Territorial Centre for
Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS), the acting head of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) and a soldier-driver of the same centre, who, for an undue benefit, arranged a package
of documents on deferment of mobilisation for a citizen liable for military service without any
illnesses that would prevent him from performing military service for health reasons.
According to the investigation, for USD 3,000, the serviceman was provided with falsified
medical documents and a conclusion of the Military Medical Commission. The package of
"services" included the issuance of a temporary certificate of a person liable for military service
with a note on temporary ineligibility for military service in wartime. This gave the evader the right
to freely cross the state border of Ukraine
The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), in a joint operation with the Security Service of
Ukraine (SSU), exposed and served a notice of suspicion to the deputy head of Central Military
Medical Commission (CMMC), who organised a business of issuing certificates for persons liable
for military service for money.
In one case, the deputy head of Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC) was
approached by an acquaintance who heads a charitable foundation with a request to assist in
https://dbr.gov.ua/news/pered-sudom-postane-kerivnictvo-vijskkomatu-na-lvivshhini-yake-za-habari-spriyalo- nezakonnomu-
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resolving the issue of travelling abroad for the employee of the said charitable foundation to search
for and bring humanitarian aid, as he was unaware of the procedure for volunteers to leave
The deputy head of Central Military Medical Commission (CMMC) said that such an exit
should be formalised by issuing a certificate of unfitness for military service, which is untrue, and
promised to arrange for such a certificate to be issued for a "reward" of
USD 5,000.
During the searches of the suspect's place of work and residence, law enforcement officers
found large amounts of cash in various currencies in the amount of
over UAH 5 million, the
of which is currently being established
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
1. Possibility of unscrupulous and unprofessional persons entering Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) due to the lack of a clear procedure for forming Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
and appointing its members.
2. Violation of the rights of persons liable for military service and military personnel guaranteed by the
3. Reaching a critical level of distrust in doctors who are members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs).
4. Artificially creating obstacles to the passage of military medical examination (MME) for persons
liable for military service and military personnel.
5. Deformation of official relations between members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs).
6. Reduction of the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to poor medical
examinations of persons liable for military service and military personnel.
7. Delay in the process of recruiting for the Armed Forces due to the lack of a defined timeframe
for medical examination;
8. Increased crime rates as a result of such criminal offences.
1. Acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an unlawful benefit by officials (Article 368 of the
Criminal Code of Ukraine).
2. Fraud (190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
3. Abuse of influence (Article 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
4. Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps
(Article 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
5. Abuse of power or position (Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
6. Illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine (Article 332 of the Criminal
Code of Ukraine).
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Statistical information
on the activities of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) of Regional Territorial Centres for
Recruitment and Social Support (RTCRSSs)
for the period from 2021 to September 2023
The National Agency conducted a statistical analysis of the information received from regional TECs
and JVs on the activities of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), which covered data from 23 regions:
Volyn, Dnipropetrovs'k, Zhytomyr, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Kherson, Cherkasy, Chernihiv,
Donetsk, Sumy, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Lviv, Khmelnytskyi, Kirovohrad, Vinnytsia, Odesa,
Rivne, Kharkiv, Poltava and Kyiv city.
The average percentage of persons declared unfit by Military Medical
Commission (MMC) with exclusion from the military register and restrictedly
fit for military service for the period from 2021 to September 2023
Percentage of persons declared unfit by Military Medical Commission (MMC) with exclusion from the military register
Percentage of persons declared partially fit by Military Medical Commission (MMC) with exclusion from the military register
Given the information in the graph, it is worth noting that the average percentage of unfit
persons more than doubled as of September 2023 compared to 2021 (by 4 percentage points).
The average percentage of restricted eligible persons also increased (by 7 percentage points).
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Regions - leaders in terms of the percentage of people declared unfit for military
Percentage of persons declared unfit
Kyiv Poltava region 2022
as of September 2023
It should be noted that the analysis revealed a significant difference in the percentage of
persons unfit for military service in Kyiv and Poltava region compared to the average in Ukraine.
In particular, in 2022, this figure was 9 points higher than the average in Kyiv, and 8 pp
higher in Poltava region.
As of September 2023, this indicator exceeded the average value by 11 points in Kyiv and
by 13 points in Poltava region.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Top 5 regions with an excess of the average (20%) of persons found
partially fit by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
for military service in 2022, in %
In 2022, the average exceeded the average in Dnipropetrovsk region by 6 percentage
points, Zhytomyr region by 11 percentage points, Cherkasy region by 4 percentage points, Sumy
region by 29 percentage points, and Poltava region by 11 percentage points.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Top 5 regions with an excess of the average (27%) of persons found
partially fit by Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
for military service as of September 2013, in %.
As of September 2023, the average exceeded the average in Dnipro region by 24
percentage points, in Zhytomyr region by 16 percentage points, in Cherkasy region by 5
percentage points, in Sumy region by 7 percentage points, and in Poltava region by 3 percentage
In this regard, it is worth paying attention to a significant increase in the number of persons
declared partially fit for military service in certain regions, which may indicate the existence of
corruption risks in making this type of decision.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The five most commonly used articles of the Schedule of Diseases on the
basis of which persons liable for military service are declared unfit for
military service
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The analysis of the statistical information clearly shows an annual change in one article of
the Schedule of Diseases
from the identified Top 5. In particular, in 2022, spinal diseases (Article
64a) replaced myopia or hyperopia (Article 30a), and in 2023, HIV-related diseases (Article 5a)
replaced spinal diseases.
It is also worth noting that in 2022 and 2023, the list of the five most used articles of the
Schedule of Diseases includes thyroid diseases (Article 13a), stage III hypertension (Article 39a)
and stage II-B-III heart failure in coronary heart disease (Article 40a), the diagnosis and
confirmation of which is complex and requires a significant amount of laboratory and instrumental
research. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that these diseases do not have a
pronounced external manifestation, which makes it possible to use such diagnoses for corrupt
This information can be useful for working groups set up by the Ministry of Defence of
Ukraine to review the decisions of Military Medical Commission (MMC) and law enforcement
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:
to cancel the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 07.09.1993 No. 708 "On the
Procedure for Organising and Conducting Military Medical Examination";
to consider and approve a standard procedure for organising and conducting military medical
The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine:
to develop, together with stakeholders, and initiate consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine of a standard procedure for organising and conducting military medical examinations;
to cancel the Regulation on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
approved by the order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of 14.08.2008
to adopt the Regulation on Military Medical Examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the
basis of the standard procedure;
To the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine to amend Order No. 402 and provide:
the procedure for forming the composition of regular and non-staff Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs), including the procedure for appointing the chairpersons of non-staff Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) and heads of regular Military Medical Commissions (MMCs);
the procedure for establishing Military Medical Commission (MMC) of Territorial Centres for
Recruitment and Social Support (RTCRSSs);
a unified approach to determining the members of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) and qualification requirements for them;
terms of military medical examination;
the procedure for referring persons for instrumental and laboratory tests;
the procedure for making a decision on granting a person a deferment from conscription for
health reasons and determining the categories of conditions in which such a deferment is
the procedure for referring a person for a repeat (control) medical examination
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
based on the results of complaints considered by regular Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) against resolutions of lower-level Military Medical Commissions (MMCs);
the obligation to take into account the totality of diseases when making decisions on the
fitness/unfit/restricted fitness of persons for military service;
the procedure for medical examination of persons who were mobilised into the Armed
Forces of Ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation
without undergoing a military medical examination;
the procedure for determining the military specialities to which a person who has been
previously recognised as partially fit for military service may be assigned;
to establish a unified procedure for drawing up a certificate of the circumstances of an
injury (wound, contusion, mutilation) and to initiate amendments to the Law of Ukraine
"On the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" to unify the provisions of Order
No. 402, the said Law and the Instruction on Investigation and Recording of Accidents
with Servicemen, Occupational Diseases and Accidents in the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine No. 332 of 27 October 2021;
the procedure and grounds for pre-trial appeal against the decisions of Military Medical
Commission (MMC).
The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and, if
necessary, other interested central government agencies:
Develop a unified procedure for remuneration of civilian doctors engaged as members of
Military Medical Commissions (MMCs);
revise the Schedule of Diseases to bring it in line with the International Classification of
Diseases 10
to introduce criteria and conditions for determining a healthcare facility of municipal or
state ownership, which can create Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) of Territorial
Centres for Recruitment and Social Support (RTCRSSs) and Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) of other healthcare facilities of municipal or state ownership;
to hold training events for civilian doctors - members and chairmen of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs) - on the procedure for conducting military medical examinations.
List of Official ICD-10 updates (who.int)
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Ministry of Digital
Transformation of Ukraine:
introduce electronic queues at all drug stores;
Ensure access to the electronic healthcare system (EHS) for Military Medical Commission
(MMC) members of all levels;
to introduce special mechanisms to control unauthorised or unpredictable interference with
accounts, in particular, to introduce a "workplace module of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) member" that defines the powers of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) member,
his/her rights of access to information, full recording of actions on reviewing information and
making decisions
introduce electronic document management in Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) processes.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
For the second year in a row, Ukraine has been resisting the aggressor in the face of a full-scale
invasion, and, accordingly, the general mobilisation of men under the legal regime of martial law
At the same time, the mobilisation process is impossible without medical examinations by Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs), as the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine depends on it. At
the same time, due to active hostilities, a large number of servicemen need treatment, including abroad,
which is also confirmed by the decisions of the Military Medical Commission (MMC) issued as a result of
the relevant medical examinations.
However, due to the imperfect legal regulation of the activities of Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs), the lack of an effective mechanism for appealing against Military Medical Commission (MMC)
decisions and the slowdown in the digitalisation of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs), persons liable
for military service and servicemen have to face numerous instances of corruption due to the abuse of
discretionary powers by Military Medical Commission (MMC) officials.
In addition, the results of the study of the problem revealed shortcomings in the procedure for
conducting military medical examination (MME) due to the imperfection of the current legislation, since
Order No. 402 does not take into account the existing social challenges and needs of the military.
A common problem is the conduct of formal medical examinations, as a result of which persons
liable for military service who actually have health problems are often unable to obtain a conclusion on
their unfitness for military service due to the demand for illegal benefits. At the same time, persons who
do not have any medical indications for this directly or indirectly enter into corrupt relations with
members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) in order to evade military service.
In particular, the Human Rights Centre "Principle" NGO in its study on the system of determining
fitness for military service points out that although the first section of Order No. 402 states that the
Schedule of Diseases is developed in accordance with the requirements of the International Statistical
Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10), in fact, the items of the
Schedule of Diseases cannot be identified and compared unambiguously and fully
In addition, a necessary component of ensuring an objective assessment of the health status of
persons liable for military service and an individual approach is to take into account the totality and
interconnection of diseases when determining fitness for military service in order to prevent irreversible
deterioration of the health status of persons during service and combat missions.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren
Another corruption risk factor that contributes to the development of corruption risks in Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs) is the slow process of integrating the electronic healthcare system (EHMS),
the Unified Register of Conscripts, Persons Liable for Military Service and Reservists with the military
medical examination system due to the poor material and technical support of Military Medical
Commissions (MMCs).
In accordance with Order No. 402, persons liable for military service have the possibility of both pre-
trial and judicial appeal against the decisions of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs). At the same time,
only the decisions of regular Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) can be appealed in court, which means
that in order to appeal the decision of a non-staff permanent Military Medical Commission (MMC), a
person liable for military service should still file a complaint with a regular Military Medical Commission
(MMC) as part of the pre-trial appeal procedure.
At the same time, within the framework of the administrative process, the court is not entitled to
assess the professional actions of specific doctors - members of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs)
when they apply the appropriate methods of examination of the plaintiff, examine medical
documentation, determine diagnoses and their compliance with a specific article of the Schedule of
Diseases, as this requires special knowledge in the medical field.
Therefore, the absence of an effective, clear, transparent procedure for pre-trial appeal of decisions
of non-staff Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) may cause both an excessive burden on the courts due
to an increase in the number of cases concerning the unlawfulness of decisions of non-staff Military
Medical Commissions (MMCs) and inefficiency of such judicial review in general.
Priority should be given to changing approaches to VLT and reforming Military Medical Commissions
(MMCs) and Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC), aimed at building a holistic human-centred
system and developing the state veteran policy. Given the importance of minimising the identified
corruption risks and the urgent social need to improve the activities of Central Military Medical
Commission (CMMC), it should be noted that mechanisms and ways to improve the activities of Central
Military Medical Commission (CMMC) should be a joint achievement of the relevant public authorities,
expert and veteran NGOs.
Currently, the implementation of the recommendations proposed by the National Agency will
increase the transparency of the formation of Military Medical Commissions (MMCs) and the
appointment of its members, regulate the procedure for passing military medical examination (MME),
improve the efficiency of medical examinations, protect the rights of persons liable for military service
and military personnel, and generally have a positive impact on the quality of manning the Armed Forces
of Ukraine.
UUI, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 104: Orientering om rapport vedrørende mobilisering i Ukraine, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeren