Public Rejection, Violence and Misdemeanour during and after the
Farcical Dummy Election held on 7
January, 2024: Part II
Submitted at 10 PM
On 07.01.2024
Prepared by HR Team BNP
In national and international media, the news of the farcical 7
January election
held by the fascists Awami League regime in Bangladesh and the many
discrepancies around it are flooding at the moment. This is our second report of
the day to record the reported cases of violence, misdemeanours, and public
rejection of the dummy election all across Bangladesh.
An Election of Discrepancies:
Cases of openly bribing voters, giving seals in front of agents, agents from non-
Awami candidates shoved out of the centre, ballots sealed at night and snatching
away ballots became very common since last night. Also fake agents and agents
who has absolutely no knowledge about their candidates were also revealed
through media reports. The model of vote rigging and many misdemeanours
around that has changed over the course of time after lunch.
When the turnout rate at 3 PM was announced to be only 27.5%, the
presiding officers and their subordinates were forced to stamp as many
ballots as they can and stuff the ballot boxes. That is why, while official app
(available for downloading in mobiles) of the Election Commission showed
only 28% vote casted till 4 PM, the Chief Election Commissioner announced
an unbelievable statistics of 40%. While many Presiding officers and
Assistant Presiding Officers of the poll centres obeyed their orders to stuff
ballots during the last hours and also sign off the result sheets before the
voting ended, some of them protested and made public statements through
social media and news media about such discrepancies.
Photo of voter turnout rate on Election Commission’s Official App on 4 PM: