Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2023-24, Forsvarsudvalget 2023-24, Europaudvalget 2023-24, Udenrigsudvalget 2023-24
UPN Alm.del Bilag 305, FOU Alm.del Bilag 179, EUU Alm.del Bilag 575, URU Alm.del Bilag 195
Courtesy translation from Ukrainian
of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
to the parliaments and governments of foreign countries, international
organizations, parliamentary assemblies in support of the Global Peace Summit
Strongly condemning the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation
against Ukraine, which is a gross violation of the Charter of the United Nations and
generally recognized principles and norms of international law,
stressing that Ukraine is fighting for its independence, sovereignty and
preservation of the Ukrainian nation and aims to restore its territorial integrity within
the internationally recognized state borders of Ukraine, prevent a new war and ensure
conditions for successful and stable peaceful development,
stressing that in its policy Ukraine is guided by the goals and principles of
the Charter of the United Nations, uses its inalienable right to self-defence in
accordance with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations and does not threaten
any state with force,
emphasizing the inadmissibility of violating the principle of territorial integrity
as one of the fundamental principles of international law,
insisting on the need to withdraw all Russian armed forces from the sovereign
territory of Ukraine,
stressing the need for the Russian Federation to release all Ukrainian prisoners
of war and illegally imprisoned civilians, as well as to return all deported persons,
including children, to Ukraine,
emphasizing the need to hold the Russian Federation accountable for all
violations of international law in or against Ukraine, including armed aggression, as
well as all persons guilty of crimes committed by the aggressor state on the territory of
Ukraine and against its citizens,
once again emphasizing the need to restore a comprehensive, just and
sustainable peace for Ukraine and the inadmissibility of a repetition of Russian armed
aggression in the future,
emphasizing the inherent right of Ukraine to independently determine
the conditions under which the aggressive war of the Russian Federation against
Ukraine should be ended,
stressing that Ukraine will never compromise with the aggressor state at
the expense of territorial concessions, as this not only violates the principle of territorial
integrity of our state and directly threatens the lives and well-being of people who
suffer under temporary occupation, but will also encourage the aggressor state to
further attempts to seize the territories of other states,
recognizing the Peace Formula of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr
Zelenskyy (Ukraine’s Peace Formula) as a comprehensive, realistic and effective peace
plan aimed at restoring a just peace for Ukraine,