Udenrigsudvalget 2023-24
URU Alm.del Bilag 175
FCCS Consult
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1019-032-2024 Open Letter to the US ambassador in Denmark.
Intelligent migration control prevent future conflicts.
To: The United States Ambassador
Mr. Alan Leventhal
Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 24
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
[email protected]
Cc: The Israeli Ambassador in Copenhagen
Mr. David Akov
Lundevangsvej 4
DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cc: Minister for Foreign Affairs
Lars Løkke Rasmussen
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Asiatisk Plads 2
DK -1448 Copenhagen, Denmark
[email protected]
Open letter May 5
Intelligent migration control > to prevent future conflicts.
After an evening of light festivities May the 4
, and the following May the 5
Denmark”. My thoughts run freely. What if we could be back in control and prevent tomorrows
Mr. Ambassador Alan Leventhal, I address you by this open letter, also forwarded to your diplomatic
Colleague Mr. David Akov. As a follow up given that I didn’t succeed to meet the American embassy,
representative at the Wreath laying at Hindsgaul, Middelfart, May 4
Following the UN resolution 181, 1947.
legal basis for the establishment of Israel,
the Middle East
contributes to the history of war, feeding one violent community after another.
Despite the extreme, incomprehensible expansion of ISLAM in an increasingly bellicose version, the war
against Israel continues under the Iran parole
and the Jews to be eliminated”.
We have seen
"Land for Peace" program failed.
Jordan, reject immigration from Gaza
Egypt isolate itself from Gaza, so even D. Trump must be envious
No one appreciate the most hard-core followers of ISLAM, probably as they often bring instability,
violence and frequently also terror with them. The bridgehead on the coast to Gaza is developing, and if
I understand correctly, +70 truck a day will bring aid into Gaza.
Must / and will they return empty. Oh no!
So: Migration, but NOT to the West and Western culture, where their daily task will be to participate
protest marches, occupation of institutions, etc.
If we / the western societies, really want to give shelter, safety and a good life for Gaza's civilians, they
should be helped out of Iranian influence area "Gaza" for sure but migrated to cultures not that different
from the one they have been brought up in and a product of.
They should migrate to cultures where they find security and dignified life according to their scale are
well consolidated. And after failed "Arab Spring" there is a myriad of countries such as Maldives,
Mauritania, Somalia, Morocco, Algeria, and not necessarily Rwanda, where Gaza Civilians will recognize
the culture and even get a life and comfort, they have had in Gaza, on UNRWA funding.
Immigration via the American Israeli protected bridgehead could surely be a natural consequence.
And the World can offer Gazans a place where they could unveil a good and safe life among equals men
and women, & and I am sure that Israelian appreciate a demilitarize not Iranian-controlled neighbor.
v/ Bjarne Engelbrecht Larsen
Kampmannsvej 2, Sanddal, 7000 Fredericia
Mobile +45 4062 6213 • E-mail:
[email protected]
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URU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 175: Henvendelse af 6. maj 2024 fra Bjarne Engelbrecht Larsen om åbent brev til USAs ambassadør i Danmark om forslag til løsning af konflikt i Mellemøsten
FCCS Consult
Origin date
Issue date
Document Id
1019-032-2024 Open Letter to the US ambassador in Denmark.
Intelligent migration control prevent future conflicts.
About a 2 state solution: It have been tried +22 times without the Pan-Arabs seizing the chance, why we
probably shouldn't bring it to table again and again.
US have a permanent seat at the UN Security Council, as Denmark candidate for seat in the coming
If you / and / or your government find my and other
ideas worth a thought
I kindly ask you to
bring it to table
We ask for peace, a worthy life, and
having more not assimilating culture
is not an
issue for serious governing.
Yours Sincerely
Bjarne Engelbrecht Larsen
Kampmannsvej 2, Sanddal
7000 Fredericia
+45 4062 6213
Apendum #1 US port plans in Gaza have 'hidden objectives'
v/ Bjarne Engelbrecht Larsen
Kampmannsvej 2, Sanddal, 7000 Fredericia
Mobile +45 4062 6213 • E-mail:
[email protected]
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URU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 175: Henvendelse af 6. maj 2024 fra Bjarne Engelbrecht Larsen om åbent brev til USAs ambassadør i Danmark om forslag til løsning af konflikt i Mellemøsten
FCCS Consult
Origin date
Issue date
Document Id
1019-032-2024 Open Letter to the US ambassador in Denmark.
Intelligent migration control prevent future conflicts.
'A floating port off the shores of Gaza is a humanitarian facade hiding voluntary
migration to Europe,' and 'undermines enclave's sovereignty,'
Jordanian expert
tells Anadolu Laith Al Joundi: 10.03.2024
AMMAN, Jordan
Since the outbreak of the war on Gaza on Oct. 7,
2023, US President Joe Biden and his administration
have continued to demonstrate unwavering support
for Israel, leading some critics to view Washington as
a key player in the conflict.
However, a recent statement by Biden on Friday
introduced a surprising development as he announced
plans to direct the US military on an "emergency
mission to establish a port in the Gaza Strip" to get
humanitarian aid to the Palestinian enclave.
But observers see another aspect to the floating port,
linked to encouraging voluntary Palestinian migration
to Europe and eliminating the role of the Rafah border
crossing with Egypt, essentially placing Israel in
control of all Gaza crossings and ending any
Palestinian sovereignty over them.
'Hidden objectives'
Hisham Khreisat,
a Jordanian military and strategic
affairs expert, told Anadolu that "the floating port off
the shores of Gaza is a humanitarian facade hiding
voluntary migration to Europe."
"This military tactical port will receive Israeli approval
because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been
seeking this idea since the beginning of the war,
aiming for the voluntary displacement of Gazans and
their flee to Europe," he added.
He considered the idea of establishing the port "not
new," pointing out that it is "an old subject raised 10
years ago."
"But Avigdor Lieberman (leader of the far-right 'Israel
Our Home' party) failed the idea when he was the
defense minister at the time, and Minister of
Transportation Israel Katz then," he added.
The expert continued: "Katz re-proposed the idea
again, reaching an agreement from Cyprus and
Greece." He explained that "a port in Cyprus, paid for
by the US, will be allocated so that it reaches the site
of the American port in Gaza's Khan Younis beach."
Khreisat emphasized that "the crucial thing is that all
ships sending humanitarian aid will not go directly to
the American port in Gaza but will go to the Ashdod
port to be checked, then sent under Israeli navy
control and drones to the Palestinian territory."
"The US military will remain at sea and will supervise
the port because Gaza is considered a hostile
environment," he said.
"The ships from the Cyprus port to Ashdod will be
under the control of the Israeli Navy and satellites,"
Khreisat elaborated.
Immediate and future concerns
The Jordanian expert said he believes that "Biden is
very concerned about the consequences of the Israeli
army's invasion of Rafah and the failure to end the
humanitarian disaster in Gaza, which will reflect on
the election results in the US."
"Therefore, he (Biden) will rush to build the port," he
continued, noting that "there will be no deployment of
US forces in Gaza, but there will be international
agencies tasked with overseeing the delivery of aid."
He added: "The aid will be shipped from Larnaca
Airport in (Southern) Cyprus, which is the main relief
Khreisat confirmed that "Israel will agree to the port
for two reasons: facilitating the prisoner exchange
deal and the ground attack on Rafah without
provoking Washington."
He concluded that "the Rafah crossing will
undoubtedly be out of service because Israel does not
trust it and considers it the main entry point for
Hamas weapons."
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu claims that a Rafah
City assault is key to victory and that Palestinian
resistance groups acquire arms through smuggling
through Egypt.
Rafah crossing is crucial for humanitarian aid access,
as Israel's restrictions threaten famine in northern
regions of the enclave.
Israel's planned aggression on Rafah, a last refuge for
the 1.4 million displaced people, has raised regional
and international concerns.
Israel has waged a retaliatory offensive on Gaza since
a cross-border attack by Hamas on Oct. 7. The
offensive has killed nearly 31,000 Palestinians and
injured over 72,500 others amid mass destruction and
shortages of necessities.
Tel Aviv has also imposed a crippling blockade on the
Palestinian enclave, leaving its population, particularly
residents of northern Gaza, on the verge of
starvation. About 85% of Gazans have been displaced
by the Israeli onslaught amid acute shortages of food,
clean water, and medicine, while 60% of the enclave's
infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed,
according to the UN.
Israel is accused of genocide at the International
Court of Justice, which in an interim ruling in January
ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take
measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance
is provided to civilians in Gaza.
v/ Bjarne Engelbrecht Larsen
Kampmannsvej 2, Sanddal, 7000 Fredericia
Mobile +45 4062 6213 • E-mail:
[email protected]
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