Udenrigsudvalget 2023-24
URU Alm.del Bilag 164
“I don’t chase scoops, I look for tiny scraps,
and am obsessed with verification. What
makes me get up in the morning? I know
my work can’t change the world but it can
contribute to making it a bit less of a dark
place. My mantras: Even your most
precise weapon is only as precise as your
intelligence. If there is money for the war
there must be money for the consequences
of the war,” Donatella Rovera.
Background information about Donatella Rovera:
Donatella has been investigating war crimes and other human rights’ abuses in conflicts and crisis around
the world, notably across the Middle East and Africa, for Amnesty International for over 20 years. Recent
field missions include Israel/Gaza, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria, South Sudan, Central African Republic,
Somalia, Ivory Coast, and Sudan. Previously, she worked in Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, Algeria and other
parts of the Middle East & North Africa. Rovera studied at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS,
London University), specialising in Middle Eastern politics and economics. Subsequent training includes
international human rights and humanitarian law, refugee law, and international criminal investigations.
She also speaks English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, and Hebrew.