Socialudvalget 2023-24
SOU Alm.del Bilag 175
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Against Child Trafficking
<[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 at 14:52
Subject: DIA and Ankestyrelsen,
To: <[email protected]>
Dear Minister Rosenkrantz-Theil,
We have received the attached documents from an aktindsigt. As we are not sure in what details
AST briefs you, we share it with you.
We request again:
- a full permanent stop of intercountry adoption.
- Denmark has to adhere to the subsidiarity principle of the United Nations Convention on the rights
of the child. ( Factsheet attached) .
- Further we request immediately - even before any investigation is concluded - to set up a system
of redress for the victims.
Herewith we also inform you about the current status of the records of Sheyar Chayya. Yesterday
we got to know that apparently the now very much aged orphanage director Father Francis is held
captive by goons inside the premises of Sheyar Chayya. It also seems that the property has already
been sold. CARA and the state department SARA , had after and on our request initiated the
process of securing the files. The respective order was given, but not executed. Since 2019 and the
TV2 documentary, Danish authorities are aware that the files exist. They are now at high risk to be
just discarded and that will make a search for adoptees from this orphanage next to impossible for
hundreds of danish adoptees. This is unfolding, right in front of us and your legal and moral
Urgently some action has to be taken and we are of course willing to explain to you what could be
done to save those records.
Arun Dohle