Socialudvalget 2023-24
SOU Alm.del Bilag 161
Against Child Trafficking
<[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 15:18
Subject: Child Trafficking for Adoption and the continued cover up
To: <[email protected]>
Dear Minister Pernille Rosenkranz Theil,
We are a not for profit foundation registered in the Netherlands and have since 2007 exposed one
scandal after the other with relation to Denmark.
Exemplary Highlights are the following trafficking scandals:
2007: A Baby Business ( DR)
The above scandal is covered up till date and the victims have received zero support until date
2012 - 2016
The Trafficking of children from Ethiopia. We guided DR in their field investigation and also
worked on the cases of Amy and Masho whose adoptions were then revoked by the court
in Ethiopia. Until date any wrong has been denied by Danish authorities.
2019: We worked together with TV2 on the scandal surrounding Sheyar Chayya which had been
accused of trafficking already back then in 2014.
In fact we found 900 files of adoptees. Sadly neither the adoption community nor danish authorities
supported our work, and it is again unclear whether those files are accessible for adult adoptees.
2024: We had traced back the Indian family of David Kildendal and also did parts of the field work
for DR's latest series on adoption.
In 2020 we attended a meeting with your predecessor and handed over the attached exchange of
letters with the European Commission. The letters are apparently now lost. The whole exchange
from the time back and the letters we handed over in person in hardcopy.
During the accession process of Romania to the European Union it had become clear that the Hague
Adoption Convention had created a market in children and the EU stopped it by insisting on correct
implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The reliance of Danish authorities on the Hague Adoption Convention, the funding of International
Social Service and now possibly CHIP is at the heart of the issue.
The Hague Adoption Convention was developed with the involvement of ISS.
SOU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 161: Henvendelse af 27/3-24 fra Arun Dohle, Against Child Trafficking om "Child Trafficking for Adoption and the continued cover up"
ISS is one of the main architects of the adoption system and was itself involved in criminal
adoptions as an agency or in India as a so-called scrutiny agency, advising the courts in each
individual adoption case. We wrote a blog about this issue which you can find attached.
We have reasons to believe that the administration does not properly brief you and has not properly
briefed your predecessors on matters related to adoption. Over the last decade we made several
freedom of information requests.
Described in short it shows the connivance of Danish authorities in child trafficking and the cover
up of it for decades.
You can access the documents here under this link:
We request you to adhere to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and to stop
funding organisations and consultants related to International Social Service. The conflict of interest
is indicative of huge corruption and ISS has time and again ill advised the danish authorities. CHIP
is nothing else than a spin-off from ISS.
We request you to stop intercountry adoption permanently with immediate effect, apologise to the
victims, set up a redress scheme under which victims will be compensated and can request
assistance with their searches for their families and their true stories.
Further the Danish prosecutor should on request of victims open criminal investigations into
individual cases.
Arun Dohle