Pia Kauma
President of the OSCE PA
Parliament of Finland
Our ref.:
[Vår referanse]
Your ref.:
Letter of 11 March 2024
OSCE PA. Reappointment of the Secretary General.
Dear President Kauma, dear Pia,
Dear Members of the OSCE PA Bureau and OSCE PA Standing Committee,
I have read your letter of 11 March, and the letter sent on the same date by Secretary General
Montella. I share your position and the conviction that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly would
be best served by electing Roberto Montella for a new mandate as SG.
Mr. Montella has proven a reliable Secretary General, attentive to the inputs, priorities and
requests from Parliaments, and has managed the International Secretariat in a difficult and
challenging period. His term in office also coincided with a boost in the number of activities the
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly undertakes, and a noteworthy growth in visibility.
I am glad that Secretary General Montella has placed specific focus on a number of priorities my
delegation had identified during the years, including the security impact of climate change,
especially in the Arctic region, and specific attention to human rights.
I will support the re-election of Roberto Montella as Secretary General of the OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly and I am grateful for his willingness to continue his work.
Yours sincerely
Siv Mossleth, Head of the Norwegian delegation to the OSCE PA
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