Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2023-24
MOF Alm.del Bilag 626
Regional Parliamentary Summit-
“Charting the path to inclusive and resilient agrifood systems in
the region”
Draft Annotated Agenda
Participants (circa 100)
MPs, including representatives of relevant parliamentary committees of the parliamentary
committees on agriculture, food safety, environment from all of the countries of the ECA;
Representatives of FAO and other international organizations;
Other experts on trade, agriculture, gender, climate change and rural development from the
parliaments of the region, FS National Convenors. (TBC participation of stakeholders beyond
Date and Location
The forum will be held in Tirana, Albania on 22-23 of October. Hosted by the Parliament of Albania.
Duration- 2 days.
The forum will explore the challenges and opportunities for parliamentarians to contribute to agri-food
systems transformation, share experiences, discuss main challenges in the region and agree on the
follow-up steps for regional cooperation.
This Summit will reflect the participants' vision of key principles and strategies to support sustainable
agrifood systems pathways, as well as measures to overcome the challenges. It will serve as a first-ever
regional effort to explore MP’s contributions and
join forces in implementing the initiatives and
strategies for agrifood systems transformation
Event Structure and Agenda
The Summit, which is expected to last for 2 days, consists of multiple working modalities designed to
foster collaboration towards real progress in the development of sustainable agrifood systems. A range
of engaging formats is envisaged, from high-level plenary sessions featuring prominent speakers, to
interactive technical discussions that spark dynamic exchanges between participants. As with every
meeting organized in FAO Programme Countries, field visits showcasing cutting-edge agribusiness
models and opportunities for B2B initiatives will be organized for the participants.
Suggested modalities of the Summit:
Plenary Session and /or Roundtable:
High-level discussions on the critical role of agrifood
systems in driving sustainable development agenda forward, featuring High Level speakers
from the Parliaments, national and international experts and international organizations.
to allow MPs to share their views on national and regional challenges and
priorities as related to agrifood systems transformation and to exchange experiences on
successful approaches for sustainable agrifood system development, with a view to identifying
replicable solutions and policy options for participating countries and MPs. The roundtable will
also provide an opportunity for a dialogue on the most pressing challenges and obstacles to
boosting regional cooperation, knowledge sharing, capacity-development and cross-cutting
issues for sustainable agriculture.
Panel Discussions:
featuring representatives from the Parliaments across the region, technical
experts, international organizations, discussing trends, opportunities, and challenges in cross
border trade, natural resource management (notably the land and water nexus), climate change
and investment in agrifood systems.
MOF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 626: Invitation fra FAO om et regionalt møde for formændene (og medlemmer) for landbrugsudvalgene i et partnerskab mellem Europa og Centralasien
Interactive Thematic Sessions:
Emphasis on idea generation on focus areas, encouraging
dynamic discussions between participating MPs. Exploring working modalities to generate
inputs from MPs, stakeholders and experts will be a key focus.
Field Visit (TBC)
Tentative Agenda
Day 1, 22
of October: Setting the Stage and Charting the Course
Morning (9:30-12:30)
Registration and Opening Ceremony, welcome remarks by FAO DG (TBC), REU ADG,
Albania, and keynote address by a prominent figure/figures on sustainable agri-food systems
High-Level Plenary Session 1: The Urgency and Opportunity for agri-food systems (AFS)
transformation: the role of Parliaments and legislative initiatives to address the challenges faced
by AFS. Perspectives on Food and Nutrition Security and agrifood systems transformation
towards more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable food systems
Progress on SDG2
“Zero Hunger”
Featuring various speakers: FAO experts, selected MPs and national experts,
discussing the challenges and opportunities facing current food systems transformation.
Interactive Panel Discussion 1. National legislation and policies for agri-food systems
transformation. Speakers share best practices, practical challenges and plans, going forward.
Buffet Lunch (12:30-14:30)
Afternoon (14:30-17:30)
Thematic Roundtables and/or Break-out Sessions: Concurrent sessions focusing on specific
areas and initiatives to support and direct legislative initiatives and developments, related to
specific issues. These sessions will allow for in-depth exploration and brainstorming of
challenges and solutions, based on the national and regional context and experiences;
Suggested topics:
Promoting sustainable and resilient agrifood systems in the face of
climate change
Ensuring inclusion and social protection for vulnerable groups. Promoting access to and
consumption of healthy and sustainable diets.
Leveraging legislative solutions mechanisms to incorporate science, innovation and
digital agriculture in AFS transformation
Evening Reception
Day 2, 23
of October: Deep Dives, Collaboration, and Action (9:00-12:30)
Morning (9:00-12:15)
9.00-10.00 Reporting back to the plenary and discussions with the audience;
10.00-11.00 Interactive Panel Discussion 2:
“Fostering an enabling environment for
responsible investments in agriculture”
Representatives from the Parliaments and experts.
MOF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 626: Invitation fra FAO om et regionalt møde for formændene (og medlemmer) for landbrugsudvalgene i et partnerskab mellem Europa og Centralasien
11.30-12.15 Follow-up actions and Declaration of the Summit
12.15-12.30 Closing ceremony
Buffet Lunch (12:30-14:00)
Field trip for interested participants or departure
Additional Notes: Throughout the Summit, there will be a display of FAO materials, related to current
work on agri-food systems transformation, MPs activities in this regard and experiences from various
countries across the world. Media briefings and press conferences can be held to ensure maximum
outreach and public awareness about the
objectives and outcomes.