Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2023-24
MOF Alm.del Bilag 626
Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Our Ref.: REU/2024/180
Your Ref.:
Budapest, 26 August 2024
First Regional Meeting of Chairs of the Committees on Food and
on Agriculture of National Parliaments of the Europe and Central Asia region,
22-23 October 2024
Tirana, Albania
Reply requested by 15
of September 2024
The Parliament of the Republic of Albania is generously hosting the first Regional Meeting of the Chairs and Members
of the Committees covering food and agriculture issues of National Parliaments of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
Region, which will be held in Tirana, Albania, 22–23 October 2024.
The Summit will bring together Members of Parliament from across the region, Chairs of Agrarian Committees,
representatives of the European Parliament, experts and other stakeholders.
This Summit will provide a unique platform to facilitate high-level engagement and exchanges, allowing
parliamentarians to share experiences, discuss the main challenges faced by the region, and agree on follow-up steps for
regional cooperation to achieve a holistic approach to agri-food systems transformation in the European and Central
Asia Region, and promote creating an enabling environment for a cross-sectoral approach.
The Summit will consist of multiple working modalities designed to foster collaboration towards real progress in the
development of sustainable agrifood systems, from high-level plenary sessions featuring prominent speakers, to
interactive moderated discussions designed to spark dynamic and fruitful exchanges between participants.
The development of a Follow-up Action Plan will maintain momentum, deepen parliamentary engagement in agrifood
systems transformation, and prepare European parliamentarians for their contributions at the next Global Parliamentary
Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition.
To: H.E. Søren Gade
Speaker of the Folketing of the Kingdom of Denmark
Cc: H.E. Lars Løkke Rasmussen
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Copenhagen, Denmark
H.E. Anders Carsten Damsgaard
Permanent Representative of
the Kingdom of Denmark to FAO
Royal Danish Embassy
Rome, Italy
Kalman Imre utca 20, 1054 Budapest, Hungary
Telephone: +36 1 461 2000 Fax: +36 1 351 7029
[email protected]
This letter is signed electronically using the Adobe Acrobat signature function. Please treat as original.
MOF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 626: Invitation fra FAO om et regionalt møde for formændene (og medlemmer) for landbrugsudvalgene i et partnerskab mellem Europa og Centralasien
The meeting will be conducted in English, Albanian, and Russian.
The draft Regional Parliamentary Summit’s Concept Note and Provisional Annotated Agenda are attached herewith.
The Information Note, which provides more details on summit logistics will be shared with the nominated delegates in
due course. Please be informed that all background documents for the session will be shared additionally.
The Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia would appreciate your
nominations of your country’s
delegation. You are kindly requested to send the names and position titles of the representatives of your Parliament,
who will attend the Summit, via email to
[email protected]
15 September 2024.
nominated participants designated to attend are also requested to register online through a link that will be provided on
the website (
The deadline for online registration is 15 September 2024. Participants who need an entry visa to Albania are
required to complete the online registration by 15 September 2024.
Your Parliament presence at this meeting would contribute to further strengthening our excellent relations and enrich
Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.
Viorel Gutu
Assistant Director-General
Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia