Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
Stella Kyriakides
B-1049 Bruxelles
Opinion on the Commission’s proposal for a regulation on plants ob-
tained by certain new genomic techniques and their food and feed
dialogue) (Com (2023)0411)
21 November 2023 xxxxx
Dear Stella Kyriakides
The new plant breeding techniques (NGTs) have the potential to enhance
productivity and reduce the use of pesticides in agriculture, as well as to
make crops more resilient to climate change. The new breeding technology
could prove crucial for the EU's opportunities to realize the green transition in
agriculture. Among other things, according to the European Green Deal, we
must reduce the use of pesticides by 50 % and restore nature to cover at
least 20% of the EU's land areas by 2030. We therefore need measures that
support innovative companies in the EU, which can deliver the necessary
sustainable solutions to the agricultural and food industries.
The Danish Parliament would therefore like to express its support for the
Commission's new proposal for a regulation on plants obtained by new ge-
nomic techniques and their food, and feed. The proposal contains a number
of significant improvements compared to the current GMO legislation in the
EU. This particularly applies to the proposal that certain NGT plants should
be able to be reported on an equal footing with traditionally bred plants, when
the new added traits could also have arisen naturally or through traditional
breeding. The Commission's proposal is both necessary and a step in the
right direction, which must not be missed.
However, in Parliament’s opinion, there is room for and a need to further pro-
mote this development. In particular, Parliament urges the Commission to
take a similar step in relation to the use of this technique on microorganisms,
so that European companies can also exploit the great potential in this area.
Parliament is aware that an assessment from EFSA in this area is awaited,
which is why it is relevant to revise the regulation on NGT microorganisms
immediately after this is presented, but it is crucial that the Commission's pro-
posal on plants is adopted without delay.
The European Affairs
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