Ligestillingsudvalget 2023-24
LIU Alm.del Bilag 56
organised by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
and the Hellenic Parliament
4-5 November 2024
Athens, Greece
Hellenic Parliament
Senate Hall
LIU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 11/7-2024 fra Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) / Europarådet og Hellenic Parliament om invitation og udkast til program for konferencen “Promoting Safety, Integrity, Equality and Inclusion in Sport som afholdes i Athen den 4-5/11-2024
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recognises the
transformative potential of sports as a powerful vehicle for societal progress and
upholding the core values of our organisation: human rights, democracy and rule
of law. The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Conference on Sport will
bring into focus some of the critical themes and issues that are faced by the world
of sport and sportspersons, the public and our societies such as safety and
integrity in sports, equality and inclusion, dignity and well-being of athletes. The
event will gather parliamentarians, policymakers, athletes, sporting organisations,
and experts from various fields to explore the multifaceted dimensions of these
issues within the realm of sports.
The conference will seek to engage participants in meaningful discussions,
exchange of ideas and good practice with the aim of:
Promoting a culture of respect, accountability and transparency within
the sporting community as a means to fight violence and abuse in sports
and address the impact it has on athletes, coaches and the sports
community at large.
Developing strategies that will promote sport integrity, equality and
inclusion on a European and at a global level.
Fostering collaboration among stakeholders in the sports community and
build networks and alliances with the goal of creating a sporting
environment that upholds the principles of fairness, diversity, and
Promoting Council of Europe standards on these issues.
Promoting innovative solutions and best practices.
Creating a platform for knowledge sharing and networking.
Strengthening international cooperation - foster collaboration between
parliamentarians, policy makers, national delegations, sports
organisations, and relevant stakeholders to amplify the impact of
collective efforts in achieving our shared objectives.
Safe Sports: preventing violence and abuse
“Clean Sport”: tackling doping, match fixing and illegal betting
Inclusion and Equality
LIU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 11/7-2024 fra Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) / Europarådet og Hellenic Parliament om invitation og udkast til program for konferencen “Promoting Safety, Integrity, Equality and Inclusion in Sport som afholdes i Athen den 4-5/11-2024
The conference will employ a combination of presentations, panel discussions,
testimonies, and good practice, allowing for dynamic and comprehensive
exploration of the identified themes and topics.
Expected Outcome
Promotion of Council of Europe standards and PACE resolutions and
Launching of a Parliamentary Alliance for good governance and integrity in
sport to ensure collaboration and sharing of information and experience among
Sharing of best practices and policy recommendations on sports integrity,
inclusion and equality.
Increased awareness and commitment towards advancing these critical issues
within Council of Europe member States, national parliaments, sports
organisations, and other relevant stakeholders.
Target Audience
Members of national delegations to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
of Europe
Representatives from the Council of Europe intergovernmental sector and
convention system;
Representatives from international sports organisations
Representatives of other regional and international organisations
Experts and practitioners in sports governance, integrity, equality, and inclusion.
Advocacy groups and NGOs focused on sports-related issues.
LIU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 11/7-2024 fra Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) / Europarådet og Hellenic Parliament om invitation og udkast til program for konferencen “Promoting Safety, Integrity, Equality and Inclusion in Sport som afholdes i Athen den 4-5/11-2024
Day 1
08.15 – 08.45
09.00 – 09.30
Registration of participants
Opening session
Konstantinos Tassoulas,
Speaker of the Hellenic
Theodoros Rousopoulos,
of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Bjørn Berge,
Deputy Secretary General of the Council of
Kyriákos Pierrakákis,
Minister of Education,
Religious Affairs and Sports, Greece
09.30 – 10.00
Guest Speakers
10.00 – 12.30
10.00 – 10.30
Session I: Safe Sports: preventing violence and abuse
Defining and understanding violence and abuse in
Joanna Maranhão,
Network Coordinator, Sport & Rights
Representative of a sport organisation
10.30 – 11.00
Safeguarding the well-being and dignity of athletes:
possible responses from the sports
Karena Vleck,
Chief Operating Officer and General
Counsel Legal, World Athletics
A FIFA representative
11.00 – 11.15
Coffee break
All speakers and participants are
to be confirmed.
LIU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 11/7-2024 fra Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) / Europarådet og Hellenic Parliament om invitation og udkast til program for konferencen “Promoting Safety, Integrity, Equality and Inclusion in Sport som afholdes i Athen den 4-5/11-2024
11.15 – 11.45
Session I continued
Safeguarding the well-being and dignity of athletes:
possible responses from public authorities
Jeroen Schokkenbroek,
Director, Council of Europe
Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity: Council of Europe
standards and tools to fight violence and abuse in sports
Representative of a country with good practice
11.45 – 12.30
12.30 – 14.00
14 .00 – 17 .15
14 .00 – 14 .45
Exchange with the audience
Session II: “Clean Sport”: tackling doping, match-fixing
and illegal betting
Understanding the problem and its extent: old and new
- Testimony from a
Jens Sejer Andersen,
International Director, Play the
George Mavrotas,
Chair of the Follow-up Committee of
the Council of Europe Macolin Convention
14.45 - 16.00
The responses to the threats: safeguarding the
integrity of sport competitions while protecting human
Representative of a sport organisation
Witold Bańka,
President of the World Anti-Doping
Agency (WADA): The fight against doping
Alexandre Husting,
Chair of the Governing Board of the
Council of Europe Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport
Anders Solheim,
Chief Executive Officer, Anti-Doping
Norway (ADNO)
16.00 – 16.15
16.15 – 17.15
Coffee break
Exchange with the audience
End of first day
LIU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 11/7-2024 fra Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) / Europarådet og Hellenic Parliament om invitation og udkast til program for konferencen “Promoting Safety, Integrity, Equality and Inclusion in Sport som afholdes i Athen den 4-5/11-2024
Day 2
09.00 - 10.00
Session III: Equality and inclusion in sport
Nagin Ravand,
Founder and Director of Globall,
Spyros Capralos,
President of the European Olympic
Committee (tbc)
Marie-Amélie Lefur,
paralympic multi-medalist,
President of the French Paralympic and Sports
Sophie Kwasny,
Head of Division, Sport Values,
Council of Europe Directorate General of Democracy
and Human Dignity: Good practice from the "All In Plus"
– Promoting Greater Gender Equality in Sport (joint EU-
CoE project)
10.00 - 11.00
Exchange with the audience
11.00 - 11.30
Conclusions by Elda Moreno, Conference Rapporteur
11.30 - 12.00
Short ceremony to launch the Parliamentary Alliance
for Good Governance and Integrity in Sport
12.00 – 12.15
Closing remarks by:
Despina Chatzivassiliou-Tsovilis,
Secretary General
of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Representative of Greek Authorities
Mogens Jensen,
PACE General Rapporteur on
Governance and Ethics in Sport
End of conference