Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2023-24
KEF Alm.del Bilag 98
Open Door 2.0
A supplementary model built on the principles of the original Open Door model and designed to sit
alongside Denmark’s
public tenders. Open Door 2.0 places emphasis on pace, scale and keeping the
seabed open for a broader range of potential developers.
OX2 Denmark
Tue Lippert
[email protected]
Phone: +45 53880188
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 98: Henvendelse af 30/11-23 fra OX2 om forslag til en åben dør 2.0-udbudsmodel for havvind i Danmark
Resumé (in Danish)
Executive summary
Section 1:
why is there a need for Open Door model 2.0?
Section 2:
Design criteria
what should Open Door model 2.0 help achieve?
Section 3:
An overview of the Open Door model 2.0
Section 4:
Evaluation criteria
how will projects be selected?
Section 5:
Detailed overview of the profit sharing process
Section 6:
Comparing Open Door model 2.0 to other models
what are the key differences?
Section 7:
Conclusion and summary
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 98: Henvendelse af 30/11-23 fra OX2 om forslag til en åben dør 2.0-udbudsmodel for havvind i Danmark
Der er sket store ændringer for havvindssektoren i Danmark inden for det seneste år, heriblandt
suspenderingen af Åben Dør-ordningen. Udviklere af offshore wind (OSW) kunne efter først til mølle-
princippet opføre OSW-projekter på dansk havbund, men ordningen blev suspenderet på grund af
usikkerhed om, hvorvidt den levede op til EU’s konkurrenceregler. Suspenderingen af ordningen har
betydet, at størstedelen af de 33 Åben-dør-projekter (23GW), der allerede var under udvikling, nu er
annulleret, og Danmarks potentielle OSW-kapacitet har lidt et betydeligt tab.
Regeringen har forsøgt at imødekomme dette tab ved at annoncere et nyt statsligt udbud af OSW. I denne
ordning vil staten have en ejerandel på 20% af enhver udbudsvinders projekt, undtagen på Energiø
Bornholm. Selvom det statslige udbud potentielt kan bidrage med 9GW inden 2030, er det stadig en
betydelig udfordring at nå op på de 23GW, som var i udvikling under Åben-dør-ordningen. Nationale
klimamål og nye internationale aftaler fra 2022 og 2023 betyder, at regeringen er under pres for at levere
en betydelig etablering af ny grøn energi.
Det foreslås derfor at identificere en alternativ ordning for tildelingen af OSW-projekter, som giver
udviklere adgang til havbunden samtidig med at sikre overskudsdeling med staten. Den nye model for Åben
Dør vil være et supplement til de statslige udbud og dermed hjælpe regeringen med at nå sine klimamål.
Nøgleprincipperne for Åben Dør 2.0, der skal lempe barriererne for at opføre OSW i Danmark, er:
At tillade åben adgang -
Udviklerne af OSW vil stå for udvælgelse og forundersøgelse af
havarealer inden for rammerne af Danmarks havplan.
At dele overskuddet med staten og sikre diversitet blandt udviklere -
Modellen erstatter
kravet om store forhåndsbetalinger med et krav om overskudsdeling med staten, når
vindmølleparken er gået i drift og genererer overskud. Dette åbner for at mindre, men
kompetente udviklere, kan få adgang til det danske marked, samtidig med at staten er sikret
indtjening fra brugen af havbunden.
At begrænse den administrative byrde -
Modellen vil fritage myndighederne fra en stor del af
den administrative byrde og i stedet lægge den på udviklerne. Dette vil bidrage til at forkorte
processen med at opføre OSW.
At prioritere store projekter -
Udviklere vil blive tilskyndet til at opføre store OSW-projekter for
at udnytte de tilhørende fordele ved projekter i stor skala i form af hastighed og kapacitet.
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 98: Henvendelse af 30/11-23 fra OX2 om forslag til en åben dør 2.0-udbudsmodel for havvind i Danmark
Executive Summary
Over the past year there have been large changes to the offshore wind sector in Denmark, including the
suspending of the Open Door model. The model allowed first come, first served access for developers to
develop certain areas of the Danish seabed for offshore wind (OSW), and at the time of suspension had 33
projects (23GW) in its pipeline, the majority of which have since been cancelled. The suspension was due to
about the model’s robustness in relation to EU competition law,
and has resulted in a considerable
loss of potential OSW capacity in Denmark.
The Government’s response has been to announce new OSW targets that will be delivered through a
tender model. All projects accepted under this model (except Energy Island Bornholm) will be partially
owned by the State, who will take a 20% minority stake in each project. Although these projects will help to
ensure that 9GW of capacity can be delivered before 2030, there remains a considerable challenge in
closing the gap to the 23GW, which the Open Door model had in its pipeline. National climate targets and
new, international agreements signed in 2022 and 2023 mean that the Government is under pressure to
deliver significantly on establishing new green power.
It is therefore proposed to identify a new alternative model that grants developers access to seabed, but
takes a profit sharing mechanism with the State into account. The new Open Door model is established to
function alongside the public tenders, and can help close the gap and enable the Government to
successfully meet its climate goals.
The key principles of the Open Door model 2.0 is to reduce the barriers for developing offshore wind in
Denmark by:
Enabling an open access approach
The model places site selection and pre-assessment
requirements on the developers within the boundaries outlined in Denmark’s Marine Spatial
Giving potential upsides for the State, whilst encouraging developer diversity
The model
removes the need for large upfront payments from the developers in exchange for using the
seabed. Instead, compensation to the State is shifted to after the wind farm has started to
operate and is generating revenue.
Limiting the additional administrative burden
The model aims to limit the requirements on
government entities and other public authorities, which will also help to increase pace of
Prioritising larger wind farms
The model aims to encourage developers to submit larger wind
farms with the included large-scale benefits and thereby implementing speed and scale in the
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 98: Henvendelse af 30/11-23 fra OX2 om forslag til en åben dør 2.0-udbudsmodel for havvind i Danmark
Section 1: background
why is there a need for Open Door model 2.0?
Key developments in the offshore wind sector in Denmark
Throughout 2023 there have been large changes in the Danish offshore wind sector. At the beginning of the
year, the Danish Government announced the suspension of the Open Door scheme, which had been in
operation since 1999. The suspension resulted in 33 offshore wind projects being put on hold, totalling
almost 23GW of green power capacity. The reason for the suspension was due to anxiety about the model's
robustness in relation to EU law and the legality of the ‘first come, first served’ principle that underpinned
the entire scheme. After further investigation, only 9 of the 33 projects have been able to continue into
Despite this, the Danish Government is under pressure to deliver on offshore wind, not only to support
national climate targets, but also to fulfil international agreements. Denmark aims to operate on 100%
green power by 2030, with a large proportion of this
supplied by wind power. The Danish Energy Agency’s
latest ‘Klimastatus og fremskrivning’ memo indicates that by 2035, wind has the potential to account for
almost 65% of power produced. Likewise, on the international stage, the Danish Government outlined in
the memo ‘Danmark Kan Mere II’, that Danish offshore wind will play a large role in Europe’s
decarbonisation pathway. In 2022, Denmark signed the
agreement’, a joint agreement with
Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium, which aims to develop 65GW of offshore wind capacity in the
North Sea by 2030, and a total of 150GW by 2050.
To support these commitments, a majority of the Danish political parties made an agreement in May 2023
to deliver 9GW offshore wind by 2030 through public tenders. This includes 6GW of newly defined seabed
areas, as well the 3GW Energy Island Bornholm. The tenders are set to run between the end of 2024 and
the start of 2025. They will include a unique state ownership model in which the Danish State becomes a
minority owner (taking a 20% stake) of the projects.
Although these announcements of the public tenders should support the capacities needed to deliver on
the 2030 targets with the proposed over-planting and direct connection to PtX, the Danish Government will
need to ensure that green power supply can continue to keep up with demand. The green transition will
put increased pressure on the power network, with the transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs) and the
decarbonisation of heat. Furthermore,
Denmark has signed a new ‘Joint Declaration of Intent’ with
Germany aiming to deliver significant volumes of green hydrogen. All of these initiatives are aligned with
Denmark’s ambition to reach upwards of 4-6GW
of electrolysis capacity by 2030, requiring access to more,
cheap wind power beyond the new capacities outlined in the public tenders.
In support of a new Open Door model
A more agile model that can sit alongside the public tenders will be critical to support the goals outlined
above without burdening the Danish authorities and public entities too much.
Although there are many upsides to the public tender models, there are also certain shortcomings that a
market driven tender model can help to address. Firstly, there remains large undeveloped areas of the
seabed. This is reflected in the 24 Open Door projects that were cancelled, but also indicated in the Danish
Marine Spatial Plan, which includes large areas of un-designated seabed zones. Furthermore, the minimum
requirements laid out in the tender materials only enable a small group of the relevant renewable
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 98: Henvendelse af 30/11-23 fra OX2 om forslag til en åben dør 2.0-udbudsmodel for havvind i Danmark
developers to participate. These groups tend to be the larger, global players who have the capital reserves
necessary to pay the upfront costs associated with leasing the seabed. The state ownership model and
public tender process also place a high administrative burden on the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and the
A new and revised Open Door model complementing the public tenders will help to ensure that the Danish
seabed remains an area for accelerated expansion of green energy that can empower those developers,
who are looking to use innovative approaches.
Removing the requirements for large upfront payments to lease the seabed during planning phases will
help to enable smaller, more agile developers to participate. This will help diversify the development of
seabed, spreading risk from a handful of actors to a broader range of developers. Remuneration for the use
of the seabed could instead be postponed until the wind farm is generating considerable revenues and
consist in parts of the profit. This is an important point to emphasise given the current challenges faced by
the sector from resource constraints, and rising costs of raw materials and capital due to high inflation, the
fallout from COVID-19 and the energy crisis.
A simpler application and evaluation process will also help to reduce the administrative time required by
the DEA. In addition, an emphasis on supporting the green hydrogen agenda rather than requiring a
connection to a highly stained power grid will also help lowering the burden on Energinet and public
entities, and accelerate development timelines.
This memo lays out a detailed overview of the key principles of an Open Door 2.0 model and provides a
demonstration of the possible upsides the Danish State could gain from Open Door 2.0 offshore wind
projects. The insight gained from this memo could serve as useful knowledge for the Government in their
investment into further facilitating the green transition.
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Section 2: Design criteria
what should Open Door model 2.0 help achieve?
The design of the Open Door model 2.0 is based on a number of key criteria to ensure that the model can
successfully address the key points set out in Section 1.
The model’s design will help address the specific shortcomings of the original Open Door model
. The eight
design criteria are outlined in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: Design criteria used to guide the design of the Open Door model 2.0
Detailed overview of the eight design criteria
1. Enable profit sharing
Since the Danish seabed is a public resource, developers should not freely be able to exploit it
without providing a benefit back to the State and the Danish public. Conversely, developers should
be able to earn sufficient profits on the wind farms they construct and operate. Therefore, the
model should be designed in a way where profit can be shared between the developer and the
Danish State. Sharing profits after the wind farm starts operating instead of requesting a large
upfront fee ensures that a wider range of market players can participate, including smaller
developers who can deliver in a faster and more agile way.
2. Promote speed and scale
The new model should be designed in a way that encourages developers to design offshore wind
projects that can be delivered at pace. This can partially be achieved by providing incentives for
developers to meet certain milestones within set timescales, but also by reducing administrative
hurdles and bottlenecks. In addition, the model should also favour and promote the development
of larger wind farms. This can be achieved through design criteria #1, which, through economies of
scale, will mean that larger projects can generate higher profits faster. Embedding size as part of
This includes considerations for the EU’s state aid rules, however Open Door model 2.0 has not yet been evaluated
from a legal perspective.
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the evaluation criteria when choosing between two different projects for an overlapping area will
also help to achieve this. Speed and scale are both important factors to consider given the
accelerated pace of renewables build-out needed to achieve net zero in Denmark and the political
ambition of becoming an exporter of green hydrogen.
3. Reduce the burden on the Danish authorities
The new model should be designed to ensure only limited resource requirements will be needed
from public entities, such as the DEA and Energinet. Designing a model that has a simple evaluation
process will help reduce any additional burdens. Thus, ensuring that time is effectively managed
will be beneficial. Containing the application process within a certain period of time can indeed
help with reducing the burden on the Danish authorities.
4. Embed a fairer approach to sharing macroeconomic risks
Unpredictable or uncontrollable macroeconomic risks should be shared between the developer and
State. This helps to reduce the developer’s risk premium, therefore enabling a lower cost of
borrowing when funding the upfront capital costs required to develop and construct a wind farm.
This is likely to benefit Denmark in the long run as it will help to increase profits and probably
result in the developer being more willing to share a larger percentage of profits.
5. Ensure open access to the seabed
One of the great successes of the original Open Door scheme was the underlying principle that any
developer had equal opportunity to submit an application to develop a portion of the Danish
seabed. Open Door 2.0 continues to promote this notion. The areas of seabed open to
development should be undesignated and follow plans laid out in the new Marine Spatial Plan.
6. Encourage developer diversity
The model should be designed in a way that encourages diversity amongst the developers
constructing and operating wind farms on the Danish seabed. To ensure that Danish offshore wind
is not taken over by a few, dominating operators, the model should be designed in a way that
encourages diversity amongst the developers. By doing so, the model can reduce risk and ensure
healthy business development as well as fostering opportunities for continued innovation within
the sector.
7. Provide exclusivity for chosen developers
Developers, whose applications are selected, should gain exclusivity over the specific area of
seabed that they have applied for a defined period of time. Exclusivity will help to reduce the risk
for the developers as they develop their projects and it should likewise increase the incentives
among other developers to apply in the future. It is important that once exclusivity has been
granted, the model should be designed in a way that prevents inefficiencies from forming and
instead continues to incentivise and reward pace. The aim is to ensure rapid development and
build-out of the selected projects. As known from the public tenders, the authorities can add
penalty schemes for companies that are awarded exclusivity but do not use it.
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 98: Henvendelse af 30/11-23 fra OX2 om forslag til en åben dør 2.0-udbudsmodel for havvind i Danmark
8. Limit requirements on Energinet and the electricity grid
As well as preventing a large administrative burden on public entities for running the process, the
model should also prevent unnecessary large capex requirements being placed on Energinet and
the electricity grid. Large additional volumes of offshore wind will need to be connected to the grid,
and possibly result in the need to increase grid capacities in certain areas. Projects that limit these
requirements should be prioritised
. For example, wind farms could be directly connected to a PtX
plant rather than connected to the power grid. The developer should be responsible for both the
offshore and onshore assets related to the wind farm, including transformers and cables, as this
will also limit the burden on Energinet.
Section 3: An overview of the Open Door model 2.0
The Open Door model 2.0 is an annual, open tender process that has been specifically designed to meet the
design criteria outlined in Section 2.
Under an annual open tender process, it will be possible for a wide range of national, regional and global
offshore wind developers to bid for any area of Denmark’s available seabed. Developers commit to paying
percentage of their annual profits above a certain threshold, starting at an agreed point in time after
commissioning, in exchange for access to the seabed. For the purpose of this memo, the grace period is set
to 10 years from the commissioning date. The proposed model is outlined below in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Outline of the key process steps that make up Open Door Model 2.0
Detailed overview of the Open Door model 2.0 process steps
1. Site selection and pre-assessment
Developers will produce their independent survey of the available areas of the Danish seabed to
identify a site that they are interested in pursuing to develop a wind farm. The developer will then
Within the boundaries of EU legislation Energinet can be excused from obligations to secure enough capacity to
bring the wind farms production to the grid
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perform a preliminary site assessment to determine its potential capacity and size, identify any
technical considerations, and build an initial business case to determine potential revenue
generation over the lifetime of the wind farm. The pre-assessments are performed independently
and without the support of the DEA.
2. Application and submission
The application process for Open Door model 2.0 takes place on an annual basis. The reason for
this is to limit the burden on DEA resources, to support a more predictable estimate of time
requirements, and to generate a higher likelihood for competition in the higher-value locations. To
apply, the project must satisfy several minimum requirements. This is to ensure that all projects
submitted can create value for the state, and to limit efforts spent on evaluating projects that have
not been seriously considered or thought through. A limit to how many applications (or GW) each
company can participate in and submit in an annual process can be considered and potentially
included. A key element and a minimum requirement to the application, is the percentage of profit
the developer is willing to share with the state and the total amount of revenue the wind farm is
expected to generate. The profit-sharing percentage that is submitted in the application is final and
cannot be amended.
3. a)
Evaluation by the DEA
Once the application has been submitted, the DEA will evaluate all the applications that have been
received to ensure that the minimum requirements have been met. Any applications that are
submitted outside of the annual application window or do not meet the minimum requirements
will be rejected. All projects that satisfy the minimum requirements will be accepted unless there
are two applications competing for the same area or overlapping area of the seabed. Where this is
the case, further evaluation will take place to identify the winning project. Further information on
the minimum requirements can be accessed in Section 4.
3. b)
Competitive process for multiple submissions of same seabed area
Where there are two or more applications for the same area of the seabed or overlapping areas of
the seabed, a competitive process will be initiated. A predefined set of evaluation criteria will be
used by the DEA to make a decision on which project should be granted exclusivity in an area. The
primary evaluation criteria should be based on the amount of profit the state is expected to receive
throughout the life cycle of the wind farms. However, it may be prudent for the DEA to consider
other criteria, such as speed and size, etc., which are also important for Denmark’s national climate
targets. Running only an annual process is expected to encourage higher competition and better
quality in the submitted bids over the most sought-after sites. As the process continues, the
number of available sites will decrease, which will further increase competition. Higher competition
will lead to larger amounts of revenue for the state to reinvest into facilitating the green agenda, as
developers are willing to share a higher percentage of their profits to secure the most valuable
sites. Further information on the evaluation criteria can be accessed in Section 4.
4. Successful applications granted exclusivity
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Developers with successful applications will be awarded exclusivity over the seabed area they will
develop for a given period of time. This means that no other developers can subsequently bid for
some or all of this area.
5. Planning and development
Once exclusivity is granted, developers should be quick to start the execution of their agreed plans.
They should be working to their agreed timelines submitted to the DEA, which formed part of their
application process. Developers who are not able to meet their timelines without mitigating
circumstances may lose their exclusivity rights and the seabed will again be available to bid on in
subsequent application rounds. Also, penalties for not meeting development plans or bonus/malus
structures can be included in the terms. Alternative consequences may also be explored. The
reason for a focus on meeting milestones is to ensure that the seabed is developed at a pace that
can support Denmark in meeting its climate targets and to prevent any exploitation of the Open
Door model 2.0.
6. Final Investment Decision (FID)
Construction of the wind farms begins. Developing an OSW represents a huge investment decision,
and it is therefore customary among developers to have a formal internal process leading up to the
Final Investment Decision with the Board of directors.
7. Commissioning
The wind farm reaches commissioning and goes into operation. The grace period of no profit
sharing begins. The developer keeps all revenue, recuperating the investments made during the
planning and construction phases.
8. Profit sharing begins
10 years from the commissioning date (the grace period), the developer will begin to share the
agreed percentage of profit with the State on an annual basis. The sharing of profit only applies
once the developer has exceeded a certain profit threshold each year. This threshold is predefined
by the Danish Government and can be dependent on interest rates and risk metrics. The profit-
sharing continues until the wind farm is decommissioned. Further information regarding the profit-
sharing process is outlined in Section 5.
Section 4: Evaluation criteria
how will projects be selected?
As dictated by the design criteria in Section 1, the evaluation process must not create a considerable
burden on the DEA. All projects should be accepted as long as they meet certain minimum requirements.
These minimum requirements should be defined by the DEA. Where more than one application is made for
the same seabed area, the projects will be evaluated against a set of evaluation criteria.
1. Minimum requirements
To be defined by the DEA but follow below evaluation criteria and factors. It is proposed that the
DEA include a requirement that will prevent no or very low-profit sharing from taking place.
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2. Evaluation criteria where competition exists
The primary factor for consideration is the amount of revenue the state will receive through the
profit sharing of the proposed projects. Other criteria could also be taken into account to ensure
that the
projects align with Denmark’s national climate goals. Alternatively, these other factors
could also be used to inform the minimum requirements. An overview of these is provided below:
Figure 3: overview of proposed evaluation criteria and considerations
Primary evaluation criteria:
Profit sharing -
The project that will result in the highest amount of revenue for the state
should be favoured. Both the total expected profit and the profit-sharing percentage should be
Other optional considerations for DEA to take into account when defining the minimum
requirements (phase 3A) or evaluation criteria (phase 3B):
Delivery timeline
- Projects that can be deployed at a pace and with a commissioning date
before 2030 should be favoured to help meet national climate targets.
Size (capacity) -
Larger projects with higher capacity should be favoured to obtain economies of
scale and unlock efficiencies.
Carbon footprint -
Projects that can be delivered with a lower carbon footprint over the entire
project lifetime (e.g., materials, construction methods, efficient operations etc.) should be
Natural environment and biodiversity -
Efforts should be made to limit the environmental
impact by favouring projects with the least negative and biggest positive impact on the natural
environment and biodiversity.
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Societal considerations -
Projects should contribute positively to society, by considering factors
such as social provisions and anti-corruption. Projects that support the use of local components
and local job creation may also be favoured.
Development of Denmark’s PtX market
- Projects that can demonstrate that they support PtX
build-out in Denmark and can ease the load on Energinet to minimise costs for grid
reinforcement should be prioritised.
- Projects that support effective security considerations should be prioritised, e.g.,
surveillance and protection of the critical infrastructure integrity, infrastructure redundancy,
monitoring, cybersecurity, etc.
Section 5: Detailed overview of the profit-sharing process
The most important evaluation criteria in the case of competition is the amount of profit that will be shared
with the state. The DEA may also wish to embed a minimum profit-sharing percentage as part of the
minimum requirements for submission. The key principles of this element of the model are outlined below
and in Figures 4 and 5:
The developer is responsible for all costs (devex, capex, opex, abex) associated with the wind farm
throughout its entire lifecycle.
The developers receive a set ‘grace period’ from the point of commissioning. The grace period is a
period of time where the developer may receive 100% of the revenues generated by the wind farm. It is
recommended that the grace period should be set to 10 years, however, this can be changed.
After the 10-year grace period, the developer shares the profits generated within each subsequent year
of operation with the state. Each year, the profits above a certain threshold will be shared. Profit
generated up to this point is referred to as the ‘non-sharing profit amount’, which the developers can
keep 100% of. This profit will conceptually remunerate lending capital in the project. Profit generated
above this threshold will be shared with the state at a percentage rate chosen by the developer (e.g.,
50%). The threshold of non-sharing profit is to be defined by the Danish Government. See Figure 4 for
further details.
At the point of submission, the developer commits to the percentage of profit they are willing to share
e.g., 50%.
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Figure 4: Overview of the annual profit of the developer and the State before and after the grace period.
This diagram is only for illustrative purposes and it is unlikely that total revenues will remain the same year
on year.
The sharing of profits will have an impact on the cumulative cash flows for the developer over the lifetime
of the wind farm. Figure 5 shows the results of a financial modelling exercise based on a 4GW wind farm.
Figure 5: Illustrative accumulated cash flow for developer and the State, based on 4 GW wind farm with a
10 year grace period and a profit sharing percentage of 50%. Cumulative cash flows are shown in DKK bn.
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Under this example, the State could achieve revenues of more than 14.6bn DKK, and the developer can
gain a total profit of 5.7bn DKK across the full lifetime of the wind farm. The figure demonstrates the large
initial capital expense (capex) the developer pays for the construction of the wind farm, which they then
recover throughout the wind farm's useful life. Figure 5 also clearly demonstrates how the State only
begins to receive revenue once the grace period has ended.
The model shows that with no profit sharing, the developer can expect to break even after 21.5 years (i.e.,
15.5 years after commissioning). However, with profit-sharing the breakeven point is pushed back by two
years as they will be sharing a portion of their annual profits with the State. There is not expected to be a
large change in the breakeven point compared to models that require a large upfront cost for the use of the
seabed. This is because the initial investment costs will be much higher, and therefore take much longer to
Any developer would, due to the profit-sharing mechanism, have an incentive to reduce profits in the
licensed company if these can be shifted towards other related entities. Elements from the transfer pricing
control and regulation on arms-length business interaction that applies in the power and gas distribution
business can be used here. Similar measures are necessary to ensure fair profit sharing in models with state
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Section 6: Comparing Open Door model 2.0 to other models
what are the key differences?
Below is a table summarising an evaluation of three separate models against the design criteria presented
in Section 2. The three models that are evaluated include the public tender model, the old Open Door
model, and the proposed Open Door model 2.0.
Figure 6: comparison between public tender model, old Open Door model, Open Door model 2.0 to the
design criteria
The table demonstrates that the Open Door model 2.0 satisfies the design criteria, improving on the
previous Open Door model. It also clearly shows that Open Door model 2.0 delivers a separate service that
sits well alongside the public tender model.
One of the unique features of the public tender is the state ownership model, which dictates that the State
must partially own (20%) of all the offshore wind projects selected as part of the tender. It could also be
possible to embed this principle into the Open Door model 2.0 in the place of profit sharing. Certain
considerations would need to be taken into account, such as the impacts on the level of additional
administrative burdens that would be placed on the DEA and the level of risk that the Government is willing
to take in terms of minimum requirements.
Section 7: Conclusion
There are clear advantages for implementing a new Open Door model 2.0:
Support Denmark’s PtX and green energy ambitions
A fast and simple model for offshore wind development in Denmark will accelerate the growth of
green energy in both the short and long term.
Become a key energy transition player for Europe
The model will help secure Denmark’s position as a leading player in Europe’s green transition and
lay the foundations for a PtX industry in Denmark.
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 98: Henvendelse af 30/11-23 fra OX2 om forslag til en åben dør 2.0-udbudsmodel for havvind i Danmark
Reinvestment into Denmark’s green economy
The state receives revenue from the rights to the seabed, which may be reinvested in other
initiatives that contribute to the green transition.
Green job creation
The model will increase investments in the green transition and create new green jobs in Denmark.
Reduced burden on the authorities
By offering an alternative model for public offshore wind tenders the administrative burden on DEA
and Energinet will be reduced.
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 98: Henvendelse af 30/11-23 fra OX2 om forslag til en åben dør 2.0-udbudsmodel for havvind i Danmark
– This memo’s financial data and results are based on a financial model
developed by KPMG on the basis of input from
OX2. Data from the financial model should be considered to be illustrative example data and cannot be used for commercial
valuations, trading recommendations or the like.