Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2023-24
KEF Alm.del Bilag 373
The Danish Government’s response to the European Commission’s call for
evidence on the LULUCF-regulation
11 July 2024
Denmark welcomes the opportunity to comment on the European Commission’s
Public Evaluation on the LULUCF-regulation.
Denmark welcomed an ambitious revision of the LULUCF-regulation as an im-
portant part of the Fit-for-55 package. The Fit-for-55 agreement enables the EU
once fully implemented to reduce EUs net greenhouse gas emissions by 57% by
Looking ahead, land-based carbon removals should reach up to 320 MtCO2eq to
deliver a net reduction of EUs greenhouse gas emissions on 90% compared to
1990 levels in 2040, as recommended by the Commission. It is important that the
EU’s climate efforts are designed to incentivize this in the most cost-effective way.
Therefore, Denmark advocates for reviewing the climate architecture for the agri-
cultural sector and LULUCF to make it more fit for a climate neutral future.
National implementation of the LULUCF-regulation
On 24 June 2024, a green tripartite consisting of national stakeholders and the
Danish government reached an agreement on a holistic and long-term approach to
land management in Denmark. The Green Tripartite Agreement is estimated to re-
duce agriculture’s non-energy greenhouse gas emissions by 1,8-2.6 million tonnes
of CO2e in 2030. The agreement is expected to deliver on Denmark’s commitments
under the ESR and LULUCF-regulation.
Denmark has identified some difficulties in the implementation of the LULUCF-reg-
ulation which primarily involves the strengthened monitoring obligation and well as
the reference periods.
Since 2008, Denmark has been a frontrunner in providing LULUCF data, both un-
der the Kyoto Protocol and in an EU context, where the highest possible level of
methodology (“tier”) has been applied to the available and complementary data pro-
vided for the Danish greenhouse gas inventories.
The mandatory requirement to apply Tier 2 as minimum for all sources/sinks from
2028 and Tier 3 for specific sources/sinks from 2030 regardless of the size of emis-
sions/removals impacts the level of detail necessary in the identification of lands
and thereby require a significant change in the whole setup currently used for the
emission inventory for the LULUCF sector. In addition to this, there is, for Denmark
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KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 373: Danmarks høringssvar på Kommissionens evaluering af EU’s LULUCF-forordning, fra klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
as well as other member states, a significant need for new research to be carried
out in order to establish national values for emission factors and other parameters.
The new requirements for even very small sources in LULUCF are thus a costly
challenge. The more precise scope of new data requirements and the costs of ob-
taining these data are currently being mapped by the Danish Centre for Environ-
ment and Energy (DCE) at Aarhus University and the Danish Ministry of Climate
Energy and Utilities and is expected to be finalised in 2024.
It is important to note that one of the basic principles for national emission invento-
ries in the IPCC Guidelines is that reporting resources should be focused on im-
portant sources/sinks identified using a key category analysis (KCA). As a general
rule, it is consistent with good IPCC practice to apply a Tier 1 methodology for cate-
gories that are not identified as key categories. The proposal for amended regula-
tion breaks with this practice and makes it mandatory to use a higher Tier regard-
less how insignificant the category may be in relation to the total national emis-
sions. This departure from IPCC good practice raises concerns, especially when
detailed estimation methodologies are required for insignificant sources/sinks.
Reference periods
The national consequences of the LULUCF-regulation are highly dependent on the
reference period established in the regulation and may create unintended or coinci-
dentally strict (or favourable) reduction targets on a national level. For instance,
Denmark’s LULUCF-emissions are highly dependent on forestry, and therefore the
high level of seasonality in tree-harvesting. Consequently, a reference period span-
ning over e.g. 3 years, risks to be either very strict or the opposite, depending on
whether or not the reference period is based in a “tree-harvesting-season” or not.
One way to resolve this issue could be, when relevant, to broaden the timespan of
reference periods used in future regulations.
Future of the LULUCF-regulation
Denmark finds that the LULUCF-regulation is not efficiently delivering net carbon
removals for several reasons:
1) Sectors regulated through national targets such as the LULUCF and the Ef-
fort Sharing Regulation have significant differences in the marginal reduc-
tion costs between Member States, which makes the transition more costly
than necessary.
2) Nationally binding sector targets have so far been less efficient in delivering
emission reductions and lack transparent and effective monitoring and
compliance mechanisms compared to EU-wide regulation.
3) The scope of the LULUCF sector is very heterogenous as it sets out to reg-
ulate all land-use. This complicates a focused, long-term approach on e.g.
forest management.
Denmark advocates for reviewing the climate architecture for the agricultural sector
and LULUCF to accommodate some of these challenges and to provide a better
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KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 373: Danmarks høringssvar på Kommissionens evaluering af EU’s LULUCF-forordning, fra klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
baseline for regulation. Denmark proposes a new climate architecture constructed
as follows:
Emissions from agriculture and agricultural land
Denmark proposes an agricultural pillar with a common EU target for agricultural
emissions (including net emissions from agricultural land), achieved to the greatest
extent possible through emissions trading and underpinned by EU-wide climate and
environmental sectoral regulation and an EU common agricultural policy with a
greater focus on climate and environment. Agricultural non-CO
emissions and net
removals in agricultural soils should be considered together to allow for a more co-
herent regulation of the agricultural sector. Such a pillar, in which all farm emissions
are accounted for would encourage farmers to make more cost-efficient mitigation
efforts across the various emissions in the sector.
2. Forestry and other land use
The vast majority of the EU’s GHG removals occur on forest land and could be
handled in a separate pillar. With agricultural soils separated from this pillar, the
scope becomes more homogeneous than the scope of the current LULUCF-regula-
tion. Regulating emissions and removals from forest land in a separate forestry
sector would allow for a more focused approach and ensure an appropriate bal-
ance between short-term and long-term climate benefits.
The strengthened monitoring and reporting requirements from the LULUCF-regula-
tion and development of methodologies under the EU’s certification framework
(CRCF) could increase knowledge on how to best optimize a consistent, long-term
and sustainable contribution from forests. Moreover, the CRCF could turn out to be
a valuable tool by paving the way for efficient results-based payment schemes and
by facilitating private finance on the voluntary market for climate credits.
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