Cost comparison – Wind turbine installa4on onshore and offshore
In 2020, Rystad Energy performed a study which concluded that it is more cost effec<ve to
install 14 MW wind turbines compared to 10 MW wind turbines as part of a 1 GW offshore
windfarm – including all infrastructure. The report is available online.
Considering the plans of the Danish consor<um Green Power Denmark, and the lobbyism of
countless stakeholders at the government of Denmark to build more wind turbine test
centers onshore, it is worth looking at the cost impact, and Government money spending.
The defini<on of a prototype wind turbine is a “series 0”. This es<ma<on is to provide a brief
cost assessment of series 0 turbine installa<on onshore versus offshore.
The Rystad Energy report and cost data provide a solid basis to compare rela<ve installa<on
costs for wind turbines offshore. In 2020 DTU has published a report on the Østerild wind
turbine test center with a cost breakdown (2010) and lessons learned. These two data
sources along with complementarity sources to perform an es<mated cost calcula<on are
u<lized for the present calcula<on.
Offshore (Rystad)
1 GW windfarm
(10 MW wind turbines)
1 GW windfarm
(14 MW wind turbines)
Onshore test-site (Østerild)
9 x test-site
(for a 14 MW wind turbine)
Total Cost (bn USD)
Total Cost (mm USD)
Cost per wind turbine (mm USD)
Cost per wind turbine (mm USD)
Looking at the cost breakdown above, it is evident that building a new onshore test-site
would cost more per series 0 wind turbine than if the same series 0 wind turbine would be
installed offshore – if it would be part of an exis<ng or to-build development. Looking at the
total cost of a 1 GW commercial offshore wind farm with 100 x 10 MW turbines, the op<on
to install 99 wind turbines and replace one commercial wind turbine with a series 0 wind
turbine would cost 163.000,00 USD, or 2.25% of the cost of the same series 0 wind turbine
installed onshore. If the series 0 wind turbine would be installed in addi<on to 100 x 10 MW,
so the series 0 would be wind turbine number 101, it would cost 630.000,00 USD less than
building it onshore as part of a test-site.
For correct reasons, the general public and many poli<cians are informed by experts and
specialist advisory bureaus that an offshore wind farm development is more expensive than
an onshore windfarm. The la`er is true for commercial developments only.
However, one needs to compare apples with apples - a commercial wind farm development
is not the same as a wind turbine test-center, neither offshore nor onshore.