Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2023-24
KEF Alm.del Bilag 207
Brussels, 14 February 2024
Heat pumps need action
Heat pumps are a key technology for reaching the EU climate objectives and decarbonising
buildings. Whether electric, hybrid or thermally driven heat pumps, they are designed to fit the
variety of building types across Europe. In the current legislature, the EU has recognized their
role and attempted to create favourable regulatory conditions for their market uptake. These
include strategic REPowerEU objectives, which were set in 2022 and aim at doubling the
deployment rate of hydronic heat pumps resulting in 10 million and 30 million additional
hydronic heat pumps by 2027 and 2030, respectively. This means 2 million additional heat
pumps installed every year.
However, the reality is different: despite a market growth in the previous two years, consumer
demand for heat pumps is now closer to 1 million a year. Therefore, Europe is not on track to
achieve REPowerEU 2030 targets.
What is more, today the European Commission recommends a 2040 Climate Target of 90%
greenhouse gas emissions reduction. This is only feasible if these REPowerEU targets
become a reality and each and every household in Europe is able to contribute to the energy
transition and install technologies such as heat pumps. This translates into the need to work
on making the Green Deal also a good deal for all consumers, delivering finally on the social
dimension of the transition.
The heating industry is contributing to reaching the EU targets by investing massively in
manufacturing capacity and research and development to produce more heat pumps in
Europe that are adapted to its diversity of buildings and environment; and by training more
professionals to install them in European homes. In brief: there are no supply bottlenecks to
make the EU targets reality.
The main reason for the stagnation in heat pump sales are the many remaining barriers for
their deployment, such as: the upfront investments required for a heat pump installation,
which is even more difficult to meet by consumers in a severe macro-economic situation; the
“stop-and-go” practice for incentives across Europe, causing confusion for consumers; the
relatively high price of electricity in some countries when compared to the price of other
energy vectors, which makes customers’ payback of the investment longer; the shortage of
skilled installers; the weakness of the electricity grid in some regions of Europe. And lately, the
polarization of the political debate around the energy transition, which politicizes
technologies, erodes confidence and slows down the market. Finally, low consumer
awareness is still an issue, leading to a low replacement rate of old and inefficient heaters
with modern ones. Some of these barriers are country-specific, some apply Europe-wide,
some are structural, some have emerged in the past months.
We have been highlighting these as barriers to the mass heat pumps deployment for a long
time. Going forward, we think that a plan which does not address them will not be effective.
This is why we would like to suggest 10 actions, some of which can be taken at European level
and others which we encourage the EU Commission to raise with EU member states in the
framework of the National Energy and Climate Plans:
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 207: Henvendelse af 26/2-24 fra Varmepumpeindustrien (VPI) om forslag til og anbefalinger om varmepumper i Europa
Stable, long-term incentives schemes,
avoiding “stop-and-go” programmes: incentives
that work best are those which are predictable, reliable and simple to implement for
consumers. They should particularly target lower income households which are more
exposed to energy poverty and inefficient buildings.
2. Bring the
operating costs
down to make the technology more attractive for consumers:
electricity prices are expected to further increase due to the required additional
investments on the electricity grid, therefore the following short- and medium-term
measures should be taken to sustain
heat pumps’ demand:
a. Utilities should offer
dynamic prices
heat pump tariffs
to their customers as
soon as possible. Such tariffs would reflect the flexibility heat pumps can provide
to the energy system, and remunerate the customers for supplying that flexibility
by reducing their electricity bills;
As the prerequisite to make use of heat pumps’ flexibility,
the roll out of smart
dedicated metering devices
should be accelerated and carried out
swiftly across Europe;
c. The framework for energy taxation at EU level
should be revised to facilitate the
roll-out of heat pumps and Member States should be asked to reduce the taxes
paid by private households for electricity towards the permitted minimum value.
Carbon pricing
and the
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
need to apply also to
imported heat pumps and components. As a result of carbon pricing and the Carbon
Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) heat pump manufacturers producing in the EU are
facing the threat of higher production costs. To ensure the
industry’s competitiveness,
effect of these carbon levies on raw materials has to be mitigated by putting a price on
the emissions embedded in finished goods coming into the EU if a similar carbon price
was not yet paid in the country of origin.
Upgrade schemes
for old, inefficient appliances, where there are no existing support
schemes: we need to make the heating market grow again by accelerating the replacement
rate of old appliances which are not up to the latest efficiency standards. Today’s average
age of installed heaters is between 17 and 25 years, and they are replaced at a slow annual
One-stop shops
providing information points at local level for consumers: that is
necessary to help them navigate available financing and incentives options, including
innovative private financing models.
Installer training:
in order to increase skilled workforce availability, small-sized installers
need to go on re-training courses, for which they need to be financially supported.
Additionally, financial support is needed to increase manufacturers’ training capacity to
deliver this.
Attract more people to the installer profession:
in the short term,
“city twinning energy
can be set up in non-EU partner countries which would include training
courses for installers; for attracting more people in the medium and long term,
Installers Programmes
can target young people, setting up EU wide and national
information campaign and proposing updates to public education curricula.
Defined by the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE restructuring the Union framework for the taxation of energy products and
electricity (Energy Taxation Directive)
KEF, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 207: Henvendelse af 26/2-24 fra Varmepumpeindustrien (VPI) om forslag til og anbefalinger om varmepumper i Europa
Joint energy system planning
platform, with mandatory integration of the end-use sector:
to ensure cost-effective and technically feasible planning of the integration of heat pumps
in the energy system.
Mandatory inspections
of old heating systems: this would establish regular contact
between professionals and consumers and increase the safety of installations and
consumer awareness.
Label of installed heaters:
industry intelligence tells us that a consumer will be more likely
to plan the replacement of his/her system if he/she knew how inefficient or old it was. An
efficiency label of installed appliances can indicate consumers and incentivize planning
As industry leaders committed to the European Green Deal, we stand ready to work alongside
the EU institutions and Member States to overcome the barriers highlighted above and make
heat pumps the go-to technology for decarbonising Europe's buildings. We firmly believe that,
by implementing these 10 actions, we can unlock the full potential of heat pumps,
make the
EU targets a reality
and pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Bertrand Schmitt,
EHI Chairman
Paolo Merloni,
Executive Chairman, Ariston Group
Tjarko Bouman,
CEO, BDR Thermea Group
Jan Brockmann,
CEO, Bosch Termotechnik GmbH
Thomas Heim,
President, Residential & Light Commercial HVAC EMEA, Carrier
Patrick Crombez,
General Manager, Daikin
Pierre Louis François,
CEO, Groupe Atlantic
Alberto Montanini,
Director Regulation, Immergas Spa
Federico de’ Stefani,
Norbert Schiedeck,
CEO, Vaillant Group
Antonio Recinella,
CEO, Ferroli
Ilari Aho,
VP Sustainability, Uponor
Francois Audo,
Vice President and Managing Director, RLC Europe and Riello, Carrier
Association of the European Heating Industry (EHI)
EU Transparency Register: 95685068542-71
Avenue des Arts 40 | B-1040 Brussels – Belgium | + 32 2 880 30 70
[email protected] – www.ehi.eu