148th IPU Assembly
Geneva, 23–27 March 2024
Partnerships for climate action: Promoting access to
affordable green energy, and ensuring innovation,
responsibility and equity
Resolution adopted by consensus* by the 148th IPU Assembly
(Geneva, 27 March 2024)
The 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,
the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement to strengthen the global response to climate change, as well as the
outcomes of the United Nations Climate Change Conferences (COPs), which underline the urgent need
for immediate, deep, rapid and sustained reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions across all
applicable sectors based on available means of implementation, including through increased use of
low-emission and renewable energy, just energy transition partnerships, and other multilevel and
cooperative actions in the light of national circumstances,
Recalling also
the IPU resolution
Climate change – Let us not cross the line,
adopted at the
139th IPU Assembly in October 2018, the
Parliamentary action plan on climate change
endorsed by the
IPU Governing Council at its 198th session in March 2016, and the COP28 Parliamentary Meeting
outcome document of December 2023,
the importance of strengthening partnerships between all countries, parliaments,
public and private institutions (governmental, non-governmental and inter-parliamentary), and civil
society (especially vulnerable groups) to combat climate change, and that without such cooperation to
facilitate climate action, the impacts of climate change will be inevitable at all levels,
COP28 UAE Consensus,
which has the potential to become a benchmark for
partnerships for climate action by laying out a response to the global stocktake, putting forward a plan to
close implementation gaps by 2030, calling on Parties to transition away from fossil fuels in a just, orderly
and equitable manner to reach net zero, recognizing the crucial need to scale up adaptation finance, and
introducing targets to triple renewable energy capacity globally and double the global rate of energy
efficiency improvements by 2030,
Recalling also
the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC to achieve stabilization of greenhouse
gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic
interference with the climate system,
that the Paris Agreement has established mechanisms and procedures
allowing countries to define their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change;
expressing appreciation
that all Parties to the
Paris Agreement have communicated NDCs that demonstrate progress towards achieving the Paris
Agreement temperature goal; and
that more ambitious mitigation targets in NDCs are needed to
reduce emissions rapidly,