148th IPU Assembly
Geneva, 23–27 March 2024
Addressing the social and humanitarian impact
of autonomous weapon systems
and artificial intelligence
Resolution adopted by consensus
by the 148th IPU Assembly
(Geneva, 27 March 2024)
The 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,
that, while the applications of emerging technologies open up opportunities
for the development of humanity, they may also pose significant challenges to peace and international
security and may raise new questions about the role of humans in warfare, that regulation of autonomy in
the context of weapon systems requires a holistic understanding of its effects, and that human
decision-making and control must take account of all ethical, legal, humanitarian and security
that any discussion on autonomous weapon systems (AWS) is subject to
international law, particularly the Charter of the United Nations and international humanitarian law (IHL),
the lack of an agreed definition of autonomous weapon systems, and
proposal of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in which the term “autonomous
weapon systems” encompasses any weapon system with autonomy in its critical functions, which
means that it can select (i.e. search for, detect, identify or track) and attack (i.e. use force against,
neutralize, damage or destroy) targets without human intervention,
that the preservation of human control and judgment stands as a critical factor
in ensuring legal compliance and effectively addressing the ethical concerns that arise from the
deployment of AWS,
Gravely concerned
that AWS that have full autonomy in their critical functions could be able
to select and attack targets without human intervention,
that the lack of control and explicit regulation at the international level around the
use of AWS could allow operators to violate international law, in particular the Charter of the United
Nations and IHL, without accountability, potentially infringing on the fundamental human rights enshrined
in national, regional and international legal frameworks, due to the absence of human judgement and
supervision and the lack of opportunities for timely intervention or mechanisms for deactivation over the
use of force,
Deeply concerned
about the possible negative consequences and impact of AWS on global
security and regional and international stability, including the risk of an emerging arms race, lowering the
threshold for conflict and proliferation, including to non-State actors, as outlined in United Nations
General Assembly resolution 78/241 on lethal autonomous weapon systems,
that advancements in sophisticated military technologies, including artificial
intelligence (AI) and algorithmic data processing, may increase the risk of a new arms race, lowering the
threshold for conflict and proliferation, including to non-State actors, and putting peace and international
security at even greater risk, but
that a ban on research would be unrealistic, not least
when so much of the research in this field is conducted by both military and civilian players and AI still
has a very important role to play in civilian life,