Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2023-24
IPU Alm.del Bilag 13
149th IPU Assembly
13–17 October 2024
Item 8
Governing Council
Item 9
10 July 2024
Amendments to the IPU Statutes and Rules
As decided by the governing bodies, a Working Group on amendments to the IPU Statutes and Rules
was established in March 2024 composed of the following Executive Committee members:
Ms. N.B.K Mutti (Zambia, African Group), Mr. A.R. Al Nuaimi (United Arab Emirates, Arab Group),
Ms. A. Sarangi (India, Asia-Pacific Group), Ms. S. Mikayilova (Azerbaijan, Eurasia Group),
Mr. C. Cajado Sampaio (Brazil, GRULAC), Ms. G. Morawska-Stanecka (Poland, Twelve Plus Group),
Ms. C. López Castro (President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians) and Mr. D. Carden
(President of the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians).
The Working Group met three times, in Geneva on 26 March 2024, and online on 30 April 2024 and
27 May 2024. The Working Group elected Ms. Mutti as its Chair and was supported in its work by the
Secretary General and the IPU Secretariat.
The Working Group considered a series of amendments proposed by the geopolitical groups, IPU bodies
and Member Parliaments in 2023 and accepted several of those proposals, which it then submitted to
the Executive Committee for consideration at its session in Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania, on
19 June 2024.
The Executive Committee agreed that the following proposals should be submitted to the membership by
the statutory deadline (Article 30.1 of the Statutes) of three months before the 149th Assembly, for
potential approval :
Inclusion of Standing Committee Presidents in the Assembly Steering Committee as full-fledged
members (previously invited in an advisory capacity) (African Group)
Clarification of “Member Parliament” and “member” throughout the Statutes and Rules
(Twelve Plus Group)
Lowering the age below which parliamentarians are considered “young” from 45 to 40 years old
(Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians)
Encouraging gender rotation for the position of IPU President (Mexico)
Improving participation of persons with disabilities in the work of the IPU (based on a request from
Formalizing participation of the President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians and the
President of the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians in the Governing Council
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In addition, the Working Group and the Executive Committee also considered a series of
amendments proposed by the Secretariat, aimed at clarifying existing provisions and formalizing
established practices, and agreed that the following proposals should be submitted to the
Harmonization of procedures and nomenclature relating to the Forums of Women and
Young Parliamentarians
S2) Clarification of representation and voting procedures in the Governing Council
S3) Clarification of the role of Vice-President in various contexts
S4) Correction of terminology used by the Sub-Committee on Finance
S5) Provisions to establish an oversight body to investigate complaints made under the Code of
Conduct for Governance Officials and anti-harassment policy
S6) Provision for the adoption of motions by the Standing Committees
S7) Introduction of references to the IPU Strategy
S8) Provision relating to gender balance and geopolitical rotation of the positions of President
and Vice-President of the Standing Committees
S9) Provision to ensure that IPU emergency item resolutions are in line with the principles and
values of the IPU, and that in the preparation of resolutions by the Standing Committees a
human rights-based approach and gender mainstreaming shall be duly applied.
S10) Provision to ensure that draft resolutions and other outcome documents are accompanied by
a brief evaluation of their budget and programme implications for the Organization
S11) Provision to formalize the joint meeting of the Chairs of the geopolitical groups and
Presidents of the Standing Committees, and include the Chairs of the other IPU bodies
S12) Modification of the deadline for submission of amendments to Standing Committee
In its discussions, the Executive Committee agreed on two further amendments:
Elimination of the possibility for a former IPU President to run for re-election (currently
permitted after a three-year gap but never implemented in practice)
Formalization of the responsibility of the IPU President to report regularly to the Governing
Council on his/her activities
The proposed amendments accepted by the Working Group and the Executive Committee
are detailed in the annex to this document in the order in which they appear in the Statutes
and Rules.
Amendments still under consideration
In parallel with the amendments submitted by the membership, the Bureau of Women
Parliamentarians submitted a request to amend the Statutes and Rules to “make
gender parity in
participation and leadership the new norm”.
The Bureau of Women Parliamentarians is
currently discussing language proposals to translate this general objective into specific
amendments to the IPU Statutes and Rules. Once the Bureau has formulated its proposals, the
Working Group will discuss them when it resumes its work in the second half of 2024, in view of
possible adoption at the 150th IPU Assembly in April 2025. It should be noted that the Statutes and
Rules already contain numerous provisions to ensure gender parity.
In addition, several new ideas for potential amendments emerged from the Executive Committee’s
discussions in June 2024, notably for the Vice-President of the IPU (according to the new
definition) to be elected by the whole membership rather than the Executive Committee and to
serve the same three-year term as the IPU President, instead of the current one-year term. The
Executive Committee also discussed the possibility of adopting more than one emergency item on
the occasion of IPU Assemblies. The Working Group will consider these proposals later in 2024.
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Amendments not approved by the Working Group
Following the failure of the membership to agree on a subject for an
emergency item
at the
147th and 148th Assemblies, several proposals were submitted by Member Parliaments for
amendments relating to the emergency item procedure. Three Member Parliaments proposed
changing the majority required for adoption of an emergency item subject from two-thirds to a
simple majority. The Working Group did not approve these proposals, on the basis that the current
provision was aimed at ensuring a strong consensus on the subject matter of the emergency item
in advance of the resolution drafting process, making it more likely that the final resolution would be
adopted. One of the geopolitical groups proposed introducing a deadline for emergency item
proposals 30 days in advance of the Assembly. The Working Group did not approve this proposal,
on the basis that it would undermine the topical and urgent nature of the subjects chosen for
emergency item resolutions.
As an alternative, the Working Group and the Executive Committee approved a change in the
emergency item process – not requiring an amendment to the Statutes and Rules (cf. Assembly
Rule 15.3, which allows for an “ad hoc procedure” for the emergency item) – consisting of adjusting
the Assembly timetable so that the vote on the emergency item subject (and by extension the
subsequent debate and adoption of the resolution) would take place one day later to allow time for
more extensive in-person consultation among the geopolitical groups. This proposal will be
implemented for the 149th Assembly accordingly.
A proposal was received from several parliaments to introduce
Portuguese as a working
of the IPU. The Working Group did not approve this proposal as it would incur significant
costs that could not be accommodated in the IPU’s budget. Instead, the Working Group
encouraged the parliaments in question to continue and expand their existing arrangements to
provide Portuguese interpretation at IPU Assemblies and other events, and also encouraged the
Secretariat to continue exploring advances in artificial intelligence technology as a possible avenue
for the provision of language services in a wider range of languages in future.
The Working Group did not approve a proposal to create a
Standing Committee on Health,
on the basis of cost and lack of time in the Assembly programme. Instead, the Working Group
supported a compromise proposal, not requiring an amendment to the Statutes and Rules, to
upgrade the IPU’s existing Advisory Group on Health to a “Committee on Health”, with a status
akin to the Committee on Middle East Questions or the Committee on the Human Rights of
The Working Group did not approve a proposal to
increase the membership of the Executive
from 15 to 17 to allow for a minimum of two representatives of each geopolitical group
(two of which, the Arab Group and Eurasia Group, currently only have one member), in the
interests of gender parity. The Working Group did not approve the proposal on the grounds that the
current composition of the Executive Committee had been carefully negotiated and an increase in
the number of seats held by any geopolitical group would require a corresponding increase in the
number of seats held by all other geopolitical groups, resulting in a potential negative effect on the
Committee’s current efficient functioning.
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Statutes and Rules by Members
Amendments to the Statutes (for approval by the Assembly)
Throughout the Statutes, where applicable, change “Member” to “Member Parliament” (Articles 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 18, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28 and 30)
Article 10 (composition of the Assembly)
Amend sub-paragraph 1 as follows:
The Assembly shall be composed of parliamentarians designated as delegates by the
of the IPU. Member
shall include men and women
parliamentarians in their delegation and shall strive to ensure their equal representation.
Parliaments shall also strive to include in their delegations young parliamentarians, as well
as parliamentarians representing vulnerable and under-represented groups, such as
minorities and persons with disabilities.
Amend the footnote to sub-paragraph 3 as follows:
In these Statutes, whenever the words "young parliamentarians" are used, they should be
construed as referring to parliamentarians who are below the age of 45
Article 11 (Vice-Presidents of the Assembly)
Amend sub-paragraph 1 as follows:
The Assembly shall be opened by the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union or, in
his/her absence, by the Vice-President of the Executive Committee
Inter-Parliamentary Union
designated in conformity with Rule 5.2 of the Rules of the Executive Committee.
Amend sub-paragraph 3 as follows:
The number of Vice-Presidents shall be equal to that of the Members of the IPU represented
at the Assembly.
Every Member Parliament of the IPU attending an Assembly is entitled to
designate a Vice-President of the Assembly. In the event that the President of the Assembly
is unavailable to chair a sitting, a replacement shall be invited to chair from among the
designated Vice-Presidents, and efforts shall be made to ensure geopolitical and gender
balance among those serving in this capacity during a given Assembly.
Article 18
Delete sub-paragraph 3:
In case of the death or resignation of a representative, or a representative's inability to
attend, the IPU Member concerned shall appoint a substitute.
Article 19 (Governing Council –IPU President)
(M4 & E1) Amend sub-paragraph 2:
The retiring President shall not be eligible for re-election for three years and shall be
replaced by a person belonging to another Parliament. An endeavour will be made to ensure a
regular rotation between the different geopolitical groups,
as well as between men and women
Amend sub-paragraph 4 as follows:
In case of the resignation, loss of parliamentary mandate or death of the President, the
functions of the President shall be exercised by the Vice-President of the Executive Committee
appointed by the latter
of the Inter-Parliamentary Union designated in conformity with
Rule 5.2 of the Rules of the Executive Committee,
until such time as the Governing Council
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elects a new President. The same provision shall apply in the case of the suspension of the rights
or affiliation of the Member of the IPU to which the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Amend sub-paragraph 5 as follows:
The President shall also be assisted in his/her work between the statutory sessions by a
group of six vice-presidents
Vice-Presidents of the Executive Committee
representing each of
the geopolitical groups and appointed from among the members of the Executive Committee for a
renewable term of one year
(cf. Rule 5.2bis of the Rules of the Executive Committee).
Add a new sub-paragraph 5bis:
5bis. The President shall report at each ordinary session of the Governing Council on
his/her activities since the previous session, in conjunction with the report on the activities
of the Executive Committee (cf. Article 26.2g).
Article 21 (functions of the Governing Council)
Add a new sub-paragraph (g)bis:
(g)bis. Adopt the IPU Strategy and oversee its implementation;
Article 24 (Bureau of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians)
Amend Article 24 as follows:
The Forum of Young Parliamentarians of the IPU shall meet on the occasion of both
annual sessions of the Assembly and shall report on its work to the Governing Council. The Forum
shall establish its own Rules, which shall be approved by the Governing Council.
The Forum is
assisted by a Bureau, which shall meet during both annual sessions of the Assembly.
Article 25
Change all instances of “Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians” to “Bureau of Young
Article 28.2 (functions of the IPU Secretariat)
Add a new sub-paragraph (f)bis as follows:
(f)bis. Ensure the implementation of the IPU Strategy, as adopted by the
Governing Council;
Articles 27-30
Reorder the sub-sections of the Statutes as follows:
VI. IPU Secretariat (formerly VII)
VII. Oversight and Ethics Committee
(new – see below)
VIII. Geopolitical Groups (formerly VI)
IX. Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (formerly VIII)
X. Amendments to the Statutes (formerly IX)
New sub-section VII
Add a new sub-section (“Oversight and Ethics Committee”), with one Article as follows:
An Oversight and Ethics Committee shall be established with a view to ensuring compliance
with the
Code of Conduct for IPU Governance Officials
and the
Policy to prevent and
address harassment, including sexual harassment, at IPU Assemblies and other IPU events
(cf. Rules of the Oversight and Ethics Committee [link]).
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Amendments to the Rules of the Assembly (for approval by the Assembly)
Throughout the Rules, where applicable, change “Member” to “Member Parliament” (Rules 1, 3, 4,
5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 29, 36, 39 and 40, and Special Rules for virtual sessions 1, 2 and 6)
Rule 7
Amend sub-paragraph 1 as follows:
The Assembly shall be opened by the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union or, in
his/her absence, by the Vice-President of the Executive Committee
Inter-Parliamentary Union
designated in conformity with Rule 5.2 of the Rules of the Executive Committee.
Amend sub-paragraph 3 as follows:
The number of Vice-Presidents shall be equal to that of the Members of the IPU
represented at the Assembly.
Every Member Parliament of the IPU attending an Assembly is
entitled to designate a Vice-President of the Assembly. In the event that the President of the
Assembly is unavailable to chair a sitting, a replacement shall be invited to chair from
among the designated Vice-Presidents, and efforts shall be made to ensure geopolitical and
gender balance among those serving in this capacity during a given Assembly.
Rule 9
(M1 & S9) Amend sub-paragraph 1 as follows:
The Steering Committee of the Assembly shall be composed of the President of the
Assembly, the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and the Vice-President of the Executive
Inter-Parliamentary Union
designated in conformity with Rule 5.2 of the Rules of the
Executive Committee.
and the
Presidents of
Standing Committees may take part in its work in
an advisory capacity.
The President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians and the
President of the Bureau of Young Parliamentarians, or their representatives shall be invited
to take part in the work of the Steering Committee in an ex officio capacity.
Add a new sub-paragraph 2bis as follows:
2bis. With a view to ensuring a smooth and cohesive functioning of the IPU and the
effective implementation of its decisions, at each Assembly the IPU President and Secretary
General shall hold a joint meeting with the Chairs of the geopolitical groups and the
Presidents of the Standing Committees. The Presidents of the subsidiary bodies of the
Governing Council, the President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians and the
President of the Bureau of Young Parliamentarians may also be invited to take part in this
Rule 9
Amend sub-paragraph 1 as follows:
The Steering Committee of the Assembly shall be composed of the President of the
Assembly, the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Vice-President of the Executive
Inter-Parliamentary Union
designated in conformity with Rule 5.2 of the Rules of the
Executive Committee. The Presidents of Standing Committees may take part in its work in an
advisory capacity
Rule 11
Modify sub-paragraph 1 as follows:
Any Member of the IPU may request the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly
agenda. Such a request must be accompanied by a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft
resolution, which clearly define the scope of the subject covered by the request,
and indicate how
it is in line with the principles and values of the IPU and its Strategy.
The IPU Secretariat shall
communicate the request and any such documents immediately to all Members.
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Rule 13
Modify Rule 13 as follows:
13. As a rule, the Assembly will appoint two rapporteurs for each subject item proposed by a
Standing Committee. These rapporteurs will prepare a succinct, action-oriented draft resolution
and an accompanying explanatory memorandum. Members of the IPU may contribute to the
drafting process by submitting their brief written inputs in one of the official languages of the IPU
(cf. Assembly, Rule 37.1). The arrangements for the submission of such written inputs shall be
indicated in the convocation of the Assembly (cf. Standing Committees, Rule 13.1).
the process, a human rights-based approach and gender mainstreaming shall be duly
Rule 17
Amend sub-paragraph 1 as follows:
Any delegate may submit amendments relating to the draft resolutions prepared by the
rapporteurs on the subject item included in the agenda approved by the Assembly. They shall be
deposited with the IPU Secretariat no later than 15
days before the opening of the Assembly.
However, the Forum of Women Parliamentarians shall be permitted to submit amendments
incorporating a gender perspective at any time prior to the closure of the first sitting of the
respective Standing Committee (cf. Standing Committees, Rule 13.2).
Rule 22
Amend the footnote related to Rule 22, as follows:
In these Statutes, whenever the words "young parliamentarians" are used, they should be
construed as referring to parliamentarians who are below the age of 45
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Amendments to the Rules of the Governing Council (for approval by the Governing
Throughout the Rules, where applicable, change “Member” to “Member Parliament” (Rules 1, 9,
10, 36, 43 and 45, and Special Rules for virtual sessions 2, 3, 9 and 10)
Rule 2
Delete the entire Rule:
A member of the Governing Council who is unable to attend may be replaced by another
representative of the IPU Member in question duly authorized for that purpose (cf. Statutes,
Art 18.3 and Governing Council, Rule 1.1).
Rule 3
Amend sub-paragraph 2 as follows:
The Presidents of the Standing Committees may participate in Council meetings in an
advisory capacity when questions concerning the work of their Committees are being discussed
(cf. Standing Committees, Rule 17.2).
The President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians
and the President of the Bureau of Young Parliamentarians may also participate in Council
meetings in an advisory capacity when questions concerning the work of their respective
Forums are being discussed.
Rule 9
Amend sub-paragraph 1 as follows:
If the President is absent, he/she shall be replaced by the Vice-President of the Executive
Inter-Parliamentary Union,
designated in conformity with Rule 5.2 of the Rules of the
Executive Committee.
Amend sub-paragraph 2 as follows:
In case of resignation, loss of parliamentary mandate or death, the President's functions
shall be exercised by the Vice-President of the Executive Committee
Inter-Parliamentary Union
until such time as the Governing Council elects a new President. The same provision shall apply
when the rights or affiliation of the Member of the IPU to which the President of the
Inter-Parliamentary Union belongs are suspended (cf. Statutes, Art. 19.4).
Rule 28
Add a new sub-paragraph 2bis:
2bis. For expediency, on procedural and organizational questions and upon the proposal
of the President, a vote on a one-country-one-vote basis may be conducted by show of
Rule 44
Amend Rule 44 as follows:
The Secretary General shall submit to each ordinary session of the Governing Council a
written report on the state and work of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,
including progress made
with the objectives of its Strategy.
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Amendments to the Rules of the Executive Committee (for approval by the
Executive Committee)
Throughout the Rules, where applicable, change “Member” to “Member Parliament” (Rules 2
and 5)
Rule 1 & 2
Change all instances of “Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians” to “Bureau of Young
Rule 5
Amend sub-paragraph 2 as follows:
A Vice-President of the Executive Committee
Inter-Parliamentary Union
shall be
appointed by the Executive Committee each year at its last session to replace the President of the
Inter-Parliamentary Union in case of the latter's absence, or to exercise the latter's functions until
such time as a new President is elected by the Governing Council in case of resignation, loss of
parliamentary mandate, death or of the suspension of the rights or affiliation of the Member of the
IPU to which the President belongs.
Add a new sub-paragraph 2bis as follows:
2bis. The Executive Committee shall appoint six Vice-Presidents of the Executive
Committee, nominated by each of the geopolitical groups respectively, who shall assist the
President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in his/her work between statutory sessions.
Rule 13
Amend sub-paragraph 2 as follows:
The Executive Committee shall adopt and amend the Terms of Reference
of the
Sub-Committee on Finance.
Terms of Reference of the Sub-Committee on Finance
Change the title as follows:
Terms of Reference
of the Sub-Committee on Finance
Rule 3 of the Sub-Committee on Finance
Amend sub-paragraph 2 as follows:
The Sub-Committee shall elect a Chairperson
from among its members.
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Amendments to the Rules of the Standing Committees (for approval by the
Governing Council)
Throughout the Rules, where applicable, change “Member” to “Member Parliament” (Rules 2, 4, 6,
7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 39, 42 and 43, and Special Rules for virtual sessions 1 and 5)
Rule 6
Add a new sub-paragraph 5bis:
5bis. At sessions when they are not adopting resolutions, the Standing Committees may
adopt short motions expressing an opinion or calling for action on issues of relevance to
their mandates. Motions thus adopted shall be submitted to the Assembly for information.
Rule 7
Amend sub-paragraph 1 as follows:
Each Standing Committee shall elect a Bureau composed of three representatives of each
of the existing geopolitical groups, which shall designate to each Bureau not more than two
candidates of the same sex. The President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians and the
President of the Board of the Forum
of Young Parliamentarians,
or their representatives,
shall be ex officio members of each Bureau. Every effort shall be made to include young
parliamentarians and encourage candidatures from new Member
of the IPU as well
as Member
that do not hold other offices in the IPU.
Amend sub-paragraph 5 as follows:
The Standing Committees shall elect a President and a Vice-President from among the
members of their Bureau. The posts of President and Vice-President shall normally be filled at a
single election. The geopolitical groups shall coordinate among themselves so as to ensure, to the
extent possible,
gender parity and
an equitable distribution
between the geopolitical groups
the posts of President and Vice-President of
Standing Committees.
Rule 13
Amend sub-paragraph 2 as follows:
The IPU Secretariat shall send the draft resolution and the explanatory memorandum to
the Member
in advance of the session. Member
may propose
amendments to the draft resolution no later than 15
days before the opening of the Assembly.
However, the Forum of Women Parliamentarians shall be permitted to submit amendments which
incorporate a gender perspective into the draft resolutions at any time prior to the closure of the
first sitting of the respective Standing Committee. The Committee will finalize the draft resolution
and submit it to the Assembly for adoption (cf. Assembly Rule 17.4).
Rule 16
Add a new subparagraph 3bis as follows:
3bis. When a draft resolution is tabled for consideration by the Standing Committees, it
shall be accompanied by a brief evaluation of its programme and budget implications,
prepared by the Secretariat.
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Amendments to the Rules of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians (for approval
by the Forum of Women Parliamentarians and the Governing Council)
Throughout the Rules, where applicable, change “Member” to “Member Parliament” (Rules 6, 11,
21, 23, 32, 36 and 39)
Amendments to the Rules and Working Modalities of the Forum of Young
Parliamentarians of the IPU (for approval by the Forum of Young Parliamentarians)
Change the title as follows:
Rules and Working Modalities of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians of the IPU
Throughout the Rules, where applicable, change “Member” to “Member Parliament”
(Rules 4 and 7)
Throughout the Rules, change all occurrences of “Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians”
to “Bureau of Young Parliamentarians” and all occurrences of “Board” to “Bureau”
Rule 4
Amend sub-paragraph 1 to read as follows:
The Member
of the IPU shall be represented at the meetings of the Forum of
Young Parliamentarians by their delegates who are below the age of 45